Low-order robust regulator synthesis based on solving of linear-matrix relationships

Computer Science and Control


Pilishkin V. N.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

e-mail: pilishkin@hotmail.com


A regulator synthesis problem for multidimensional dynamic object is studied taking into account limitations on variables and uncontrollable disturbances. A decomposition of the system into low-order subsystems is accomplished. Internal relationships between these subsystems are replaced by limited disturbances, which are not connected with each other. For each of these subsystems their own robust regulator is synthesized. Synthesis itself is based on geometrical relations, which provide the phase limitations. These relations are transformed into a parametric linear equation regarding to the synthesized regulator matrix.


low-order robust regulator, phase constraints, parametric linear-matrix equation, decomposition to low-order subsystems

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