Brutyan M. A., Ye H. ., Pavlenko O. V. Numerical Study of the Mechanized Wing Profile Flowing-Around Specifics at Takeoff and Landing Modes in a Humid Air. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 7-13. Thermodynamic state of the atmosphere is being defined by the spatial distributions of such parameters as temperature, pressure, density, humidity, air turbulence etc. As a rule, the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics computing conditions are being set in accordance with the standard atmosphere, in which data for the dry air is presented. In reality, atmospheric air consists typically of dry air and water vapor mixture. The humid air parameters frequently differ from the standard values, which should be accounted for when the aerodynamic force acting on an aircraft computing, since this fact may under certain conditions affect drastically the final result and, as a consequence, the flight safety.
It is quite clear that in real conditions weather conditions affect the aircraft flow-around. Flight safety has enhanced, and the number of aviation accidents associated with the adverse weather conditions has reduced due to the aviation technology development, as well as airfield, aircraft and meteorological equipment improvement. Nevertheless, not all meteorological issues of the aircraft flight safety ensuring have been completely resolved. As of today, a real possibility of studying the environmental properties effect on the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics become real with the CFD methods development.
The article presents the results of parametric numerical studies of the water vapor percentage composition in the air impact on the aerodynamic characteristics and a wing mechanized profile flow-around specifics in both cruising and takeoff and landing configurations.
Computations were performed in dry and wet air, which represents the mixture of dry air with water vapor. With the volume content of water vapor increase, the air mixture density, its viscosity, and the Reynolds number of air mixture decrease.
Computations demonstrated the lift force increase, the drag reduction and aerodynamic quality enhancing at the humidity increase. It was found that the basic humidity impact on the takeoff-and-landing characteristics was associated with the development of flow-separation phenomenon on the flap.
The article demonstrates that the larger the separation zone, the stronger the relative effect of the air humidity on the aerodynamic characteristics of the mechanized wing profile. The presence of the water vapor in the air affects the separation zone so that when humidity in the air increases, the separation point position of the boundary layer on the flap shifts to its trailing edge. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that with the air humidity increase, the tangential stress on the flap surface increases as well. Consequently, the separation zone size decreases and, as a result, the lift force increases.
It should be noted herewith that the percentage composition of water vapor in the air affects most significantly on the drag. The air humidity increase affects the separation zone and reduces its size. The larger the size of the separated backflow area, the stronger the relative effect of the humidity. | |
Berezko M. E., Sagaidak M. V., Shevyakov V. I. Aerodynamic Criteria for Limitations Substantiation while External Surface Refurbishing of the Transport Category Aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 14-22. Defects of the transport aircraft external surface, requiring structure repairing, may appear in the course of its operation. These are dents, steps, gaps, paint-and-lacquer coating damage, corrosion, etc. Defects may affect both the strength and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. The need and urgency of the aircraft repairs depend on the degree of this effect.
The presented article considers the defects, at which elimination the cases of the repairs aftermath effect on air signals system sensors readings such as static pressure, total pressure and angles of attack are possible. Such cases should be prevented.
The authors present aerodynamic criteria for restrictions substantiation when the external surface repairs performing of the transport category aircraft. The article considers two tasks as examples. They are the fuselage repair in the area where the air signal system sensors are located employing a pad, and a plate and static pressure sensor repair. The limitations substantiation criterion during repairs in the first task is the value of the mounting place and pad size effect on the sensors readings. While in the second task this is the value of the slab and pressure intake defects such as chips, caverns, scratches and corrosion, impact on the sensors readings. Development of recommendations on restrictions for the pad mounting places and sizes selection was demonstrated for the first task, and on limitations on the number and size of defects in the slab and static pressure sensor, under which one can do without their elimination for the second task.
Numerical simulation of the flow-around was performed with ANSYS FLUENT software. The system of Navier–Stokes equations averaged over Reynolds and closed by the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model was solved. The problems were being solved in a two-dimensional formulation. Computational mesh was unstructured hybrid (Poly-HexCore). Firstly, a surface mesh of triangles was created, and then a volumetric computational mesh with a prismatic layer was generated on it. The approaches outlined in the work allow substantiating the development of limitations on the location and size of the pads when repairing damage to the external surface of transport category aircraft, as well as permissible number and size of damage to plates and static pressure intakes. | |
Lysenkov A. V., Orekhovskii V. V., Kazhan E. V., Bugaev M. A. A Technique for Aerodynamic Characteristics Computing and Profile Optimization for Air Propellers by Numerical Methods Based on Solving Reynolds Equations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 23-33. The basic goal of the presented work consists in developing the profiles optimization technique to improve the aerodynamic performance compared to the TsAGI profiles of the P-series, specially designed for the air propellers. The technique consists of geometric construction, computational grid generation, computational method and processing of the results. The article demonstrates that this technique allows computing the shapes characteristics up to the modes with significant nonlinear behavior of characteristics. With the new technique application, the database of aerodynamic foils will be created for various modes, which may be employed further the air propellers blades designing.
The article presents the technique for foils performance computing employing automated process of the structured computational grid developing. A review of articles on the foils shapes optimization has been performed. The article describes elaboration of optimization cycles and variable parameters, which are being used for the Bezier curves generation to obtain the propeller profiles.
A distinctive feature of the propeller profiles is their belonging to some sort of a family allowing unambiguously specifying the required concavity, which will correspond to the relative thickness in a particular blade section. The dependence of the relative blade thickness on the radius is being determined by to the blade material.
The foils optimization was performed with the following variable parameters: the profile geometric parameters (their number varies from 11 to 19) and the angle of attack α. A genetic algorithm with subsequent solution refinement by the gradient method is selected as a main optimization algorithm. The optimization problem consists in obtaining the profile geometry with minimal aerodynamic drag Cxa at a given mode (Re, M, α), and the lifting force Cya value, which is the lower bound. The aerodynamic quality with a negative sign was selected as an objective function.
The authors obtained geometries of the singular-length foils with a thickness of c = 5.9% at various optimizations, namely a single-mode, dual-mode and multi-mode. Multi-mode optimization was performed in three main modes characteristic for air propellers: takeoff, climbing and cruise mode. The multi-mode optimization proved to be the best. It allowed gaining the highest aerodynamic quality augmentation compared to the P-107-5.9 TsAGI foils. With the same values of the lift coefficient Cya, the increase in ΔK was +46.5% for takeoff (M = 0.739) and +14/2% for climbing (M = 0.427). | |
Mitin A. L. On Drag Minimization of Lifting Non-Circular Aircraft Forebody at Supersonic Flight Speeds. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 34-40. The forebody drag can contribute significantly to the overall aircraft drag at supersonic speeds, thus its minimization is of high practical importance. In the current situation, this subject was developed especially profoundly for the axisymmetric forebodies, which are most widely employed in the aerodynamic design. For them, the drag minimization problem was successfully solved in various formulations for the wide range of Mach numbers.
For the 3D forebodies with noncircular cross-section, which find increasingly widespread application on the current and advanced supersonic aircraft, the problem under consideration becomes more complicated due to higher complexity of the relationship between the surface shape and the pressure distribution. Nevertheless, the optimal shapes of noncircular bodies have been successfully determined within the local interaction laws framework. Further development of the subject associated with transition to the more complex physical models, such as Euler or Navier–Stokes equations, was achieved due to the application of automatic optimization algorithms, combined with computational fluid dynamics.
The presented article studies the issue to what extent the results of the drag minimization of lifting noncircular forebody by the direct method are consistent with the results of its drag minimization, which is realized with the supersonic equivalence rule. In order to do this, the pressure drag of an optimal noncircular lifting forebodies family is compared to their equivalent bodies of revolution. Then the axisymmetric body shape with minimum wave drag is determined by optimization. After this, the wave drag is compared with the equivalent bodies of revolution of the original forebodies.
The study was performed at the Mach number value of M = 1.5 and zero angle-of-attack and angle-of-sideslip within the conditions of inviscid supersonic flow of the ideal gas. The drag of noncircular forebodies and their equivalent bodies of revolution was estimated by the numerical solution of Euler equations using the Godunov-type finite volume method. The search for the optimum axisymmetric shape with the minimum wave drag was performed by the line search method.
As a result, it was found that lifting non-circular forebodies of a given aspect ratio being optimal in terms of drag have a unitary shape of the equivalent body of revolution, which does not depend on lifting properties and is close to the one of a body of revolution of minimal wave drag. Based on the obtained results, the conclusion was made that the noncircular lifting noncircular forebody shape, which is close to the optimal one in terms of the drag value, can be designed based on the supersonic equivalence rule, despite the inherent errors of the former when estimating the drag of lifting bodies. | |
Novogorodtsev E. V., Savel’ev A. A., Dugin D. I., Krutov A. A., Matyash E. S., Pigusov E. A. Numerical Studies on the Flow-Through Channel Shape Selection for the Engine Nacelle of a Long-Haul Aircraft Aerodynamic Model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 41-51. A turbofan running in the layout with the aircraft airframe affects significantly its aerodynamics. However, full-fledged modeling of a jet stream from the engine nozzles while conducting experimental studies of the aircraft model flow-around in the wind tunnels does not seem possible. As a rule, the engine on the model is represented while experiments conducting in the form of the so-called flow-through engine nacelle. The purpose of the presented study consists in selecting the flow-through engine nacelle shape for the aerodynamic model of a long-haul aircraft, for which aerodynamic characteristics of the said model would be the most close to the long-haul aircraft aerodynamic characteristics under the flight conditions with running bypass turbofan.
Selection is being performed by comparing numerical modeling results of the long-haul aircraft flow-around at the cruising flight mode with the engine modeling by the “active disk” method with results of the aircraft, equipped with various options of flow-through engine nacelles, flow-around modeling. Numerical modeling was being accomplished based on the RANS-SST approach. The lift coefficient Cyа, the drag coefficient Cxа, the total aerodynamic quality K and the coefficient of the air flow rate through the control cross-section of the engine nacelle f, were being computed by the numerical modeling results.
The results of the aircraft flow-around numerical modeling together with the running engine revealed the flow acceleration occurrence at the lower wing surface up to M ≈ 1.4 in the area of the flow narrowing between the lower wing surface, pylon side surfaces and the streamline surface of the high-pressure jet, flowing from the secondary flow nozzle. The said areas are being characterized by the static pressure fall and the presence of the terminal shock waves, which leads to the lift coefficients Cya degradation and growth of the drag coefficients Cxa. The presented research studied four different options of the flow-through engine nacelles. The numerical studies results allowed revealing that the lack of jet ejection out of the fan nozzle modeling leads to augmentation of the Cxа and Cyа coefficients values for all options of the studied nacelles. As the result of the research, two options of the flow-through engine nacelles, ensuring aerodynamic characteristics of a long-haul aircraft under cruise flight conditions closest to the ones of an aircraft with running turbofan, were developed. The discrepancy between the values of the Cxа and Cyа coefficients obtained for a long-haul aircraft equipped with these flow-through nacelles compared to the computational fluid dynamics results with the jet ejection modeling is about 5%, and the values of aerodynamic quality K differ by less than 1%. | |
Maksimov D. S., Modorskii V. Y., Kalyulin S. L., Sazhenkov N. A. Computational-and-Experimental Assessment of Blades’ Stiffness Effect on the Stress-Strain State and Vibrations of the Aircraft Engine Air Propeller while Icing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 52-60. The small-sized aircraft with propeller-driven propulsion systems operation in atmospheric layers saturated with supercooled water droplets is being always accompanied by the icing processes. This may lead to both propulsion system operational characteristics degradation and, ultimately, to its damaging due to the uneven ice breaking on the fan blades, leading to the imbalance and sharp increase in vibration loads on the rotor. In as much as conventional anti-icing systems applied in full-size engines cannot always be integrated into a small aircraft due to their weight and size characteristics, passive methods of ice control are coming to the fore.
The authors are testing the hypothesis about the possible vibrations reduction at the ice dumping by different pairs of blades application in the propeller design. However, each pair of opposite blades herewith has the same rigidity. This effect should be achieved owing to the stress-strain state equalization in the ice crust of each pair of blades.
The article describes a method for computational-and-experimental assessment of the of a small aircraft engine fan blades stiffness impact on its vibration state while icing. Two options of propellers, B1 and B2, for a small-size aircraft engine with the paired blades of different stiffness were manufactured by the additive technology method. An experimental assessment of the fan blades stiffness characteristics was performed, and the time dependences of the vibration velocity while icing were obtained for the fans with blades of different stiffness.
The article demonstrates that the critical mode occurrence for the B2 propeller is characteristic at the operating frequency of 5000 rpm due to the extra ice mass growth while icing. The said effect was not observed for the B1 propeller. The authors demonstrate the critical mode origination in the range of B2 fan rotation operating frequencies may lead to the vibration speed increase up to 16 mm/s with its further 2.6 times reduction after the ice breakage. Characteristics of the fan model being employed for the computational study on the stress-strain state of the ice crust on the fan blade surface were identified based on the obtained experimental data.
The authors developed a mathematical model of the contact interaction between the fan blades surface and the ice crust within the range of the fan operating modes of 5000-10,000 rpm, and obtained the dependences of the ice crust deformations on the surface of the fan under the action of the centrifugal and gas-dynamic forces.
A nonlinear relationship between propeller blade rigidity C, N/m changing and stresses changing, occurring in the ice edge on its surface Δσ, %, was revealed by the computational method. It was demonstrated as well that the propeller blade rigidity increasing from 800 to 1620 N/m led to the ice crust strass-strain state equalization.
The article demonstrates that with the blade stiffness increase by 36% relative to the basic value the average values of the stress in the ice crust reduce by 22%. If the blade rigidity is being increased by 174%, the average stresses in the ice crust will reduce only by 52%, which indicates the nonlinear nature of the dependence. It is shown that with an increase in blade stiffness by 36% relative to the base value, the average stress in the ice crust decreases by 22%. If the rigidity of the blade is increased by 174%, the average stress in the ice crust will decrease by only 52%. | |
Nasibulin M. S., Rudakov V. B. Optimization of the Space Technology Reliability Control Veracity under Conditions of Single and Small-Scale Production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 61-71.
The article considers a vibration damper for aircraft structures based on the application of a rotational friction pair. The structure of the damper ensures transformation of the translational movements of the damper rod, attached to the structural components, into rotational friction pairs, ensuring dissipation of the vibrations energy. Conversion of the small linear displacements of the rod, corresponding to the vibrations amplitudes of the structure into the increased angular displacements of the rotary friction pair was performed together with the frictional coating characteristics selection. The article presents the relationships defining the damper structural parameters and its mathematical model being developed. It is demonstrated that rational design parameters selection allows employing a friction coating with reduced friction coefficients to increase its wear resistance. | |
Kolesnikov V. I., Sypalo K. I., Medvedsky A. L., Zichenkov M. C., Koryakin A. N., Polityko K. N. Mechanical Friction Vibration Damper for Aircraft Structures Based on Rotational Friction Pairs. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 72-82.
The article considers a vibration damper for aircraft structures based on the application of a rotational friction pair. The structure of the damper ensures transformation of the translational movements of the damper rod, attached to the structural components, into rotational friction pairs, ensuring dissipation of the vibrations energy. Conversion of the small linear displacements of the rod, corresponding to the vibrations amplitudes of the structure into the increased angular displacements of the rotary friction pair was performed together with the frictional coating characteristics selection. The article presents the relationships defining the damper structural parameters and its mathematical model being developed. It is demonstrated that rational design parameters selection allows employing a friction coating with reduced friction coefficients to increase its wear resistance. | |
Dukhnovskiy D. A. Verification of the Methodology for Determining the Relative Mass of Electric Aircraft Batteries. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 83-95.
The article describes computational-and-experimental verification of the previously developed technique for the batteries relative mass determining of the aircraft with electric power plant. The batteries relative mass is a function of the aircraft's flight range, altitude and airspeed, propulsion efficiency, battery energy density and the airframe lift-to-drag ratio. For the study accommodation and demonstrativeness of the results, verification was performed to establish conformity of the aircraft flight range values with other known parameters. Test flights of the experimental aircraft were conducted for verification. | |
Ahmed Soliman M. ., Kurlaev N. V., Shaidurov S. V. Improving the Technology of Electromagnetic Compression of Branch Tube with Blinds of the Air Exchange System of Aircraft by Numerical Simulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 96-105. Electromagnetic tube compression is a high-speed process of generating electromagnetic pulses. This process can be used to connect a metal tube with another tube or rod, and the traditional forming method can be partially replaced. The purpose of this research is the development and application of a branch tube electromagnetic forming technology, and the main problems are control of the branch tube forming process, precise forming and accurate measurement of large diameter tube. In this paper, we used an analytical method based on the mutual force between the coil and the tube. This compression process is applied to conductive materials considered as tube corresponding to the inductance of the coil connected to the RLC circuit and the inductance of the tube. In this work, the theoretical relationship between electromagnetic force and process parameters was determined, and the influence of discharge voltage and technological parameters of blinds was analyzed. In order to select the ideal gap between the die and the workpiece in the pulsed magnetic field pressure crimping operation for the production of a tube with blinds, several calculations were performed with different gaps of 1~3 mm. It was found that the ideal gap should be ≤ 1 mm, that is, the first reason for the uneven distribution of the electromagnetic force in the circumferential direction is the gap between the die and the aluminum tube. It can be noted that the larger the gap, the worse the blinds are folded into the shape of the die, since more voltage is required, and the smaller the gap, the better the blinds are folded into the shape of the die. This depends on the number of elements of the shell body that needs to be built on the tubular workpiece, the fewer blinds were built on the tubular workpiece, the more evenly the deformation was distributed on the blinds and the tube. It can also be noted that the shape of the spiral coil, the number of its turns and the distance between the turns are the main reason that affects the distribution of the electromagnetic force and the uniformity of the deformation along the aluminum tube. | |
Pisarev P. V., Akhunzianova K. A. Developing Sound-Absorbing Structure with Various-Height and Composite Resonators for Aircraft Engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 106-116.
The development of civil aviation and air transportation market, which is an indicator of the economic growth of cities and regions, is rapidly upgrowing strength in the XXI century. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has highlighted air transport ecology as the second most pressing issue, after flight safety. ICAO is constantly tightening International Standards for aircraft noise on the terrain, normalizing its level at the takeoff and landing modes, which compels aircraft manufacturers to develop new technologies for the aircraft noise reduction. Resonant sound-absorbing structures (SAS) are commonly employed to reduce the noise terrain by tuning them to a specific frequency range of the SAS operation. These sound-absorbing structures are commonly installed on the inner surface of the aircraft engine air intake to reduce the noise propagation to the front hemisphere, as well as on the walls of the engine outer loop to reduce noise propagation to the rear hemisphere. | |
Mitryaikin V. I., Sachenkov O. A., Zaitseva T. A., Krotova E. V., Zakirov R. K., Iksanov R. C. Technical Condition Assessment Technique of the Main Rotor Sleeve by the X-Ray Computer Tomography. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 117-127.
Polymer composite materials (PCM) are widely applied while creating samples of the modern aircraft engineering. Spiral X-ray computer tomography (SXCT) is one of the state-of-the-art methods of the composite materials non-destructive testing. With the SXCT, a physical quantity reconstructed in the sectional plane is the the X-ray attenuation coefficient, which depends on the material density and elements of the material composition. | |
Abgarian V. K., Abgaryan M. V., Mogulkin A. ., Semenov A. A. Thermal Image Measurements of the Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster Accelerating Electrode Temperature. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 128-138.
The electrojet engines running is being accompanied by the structural component heating up to the temperatures of about 300–400°C. Temperature measurements in the electrojet engines are necessary at both design stage and while the engine certification. Measured temperatures are being employed while the computational thermal models verification as well. | |
Erikov K. M., Bytzenko O. A. Surface Modification of GTE Parts Samples Made from CoCrMo by Additive Technologies while Irradiation by Pulsed Electron Beams Irradiation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 139-146. The article considers the modes of the machining by pulsed electron beams effect on the surface roughness and micro-hardness of the samples from the CoCrMo system alloy obtained by the additive technologies. The authors formulated the basic disadvantages of conventional production and post-production methods, which lies in the fact that billets from cobalt-chromium allows are being obtained for the most part by casting by the investment casting due to the poor machinability, formability and weldability. This casting method is quite laborious, and there is a risk of obtaining metallurgical defects as well. Besides, the the new technological process development and the production preparation require significant material and time costs. The authors proposed a post-processing technique with the high-current pulsed electron beams. RITM-SP integrated installation with low-energy high-current beams source and GEZA-MMP industrial installation with high-energy high-current electron beams source were employed for irradiation. The difference in surface modification by to the type of applied equipment was revealed. Namely, irradiation with a pulsed electron beam modifies a surface up to 8 microns thick with the RITM-SP installation, and over 44 microns when irradiated with the GEZA-MMP installation. Both surface and subsurface layers condition of the samples was studied by optical microscopy with a metallographic microscope. The article demonstrates that the pulsed electron beam effects significantly the labor intensity of parts machining and is a highly effective tool for surface modifying of the samples made by selective laser fusion from the CoCrMo alloy. The authors studied the interdependence of the electron beam processing modes and the positive dynamics of the important surface criteria changes (microhardness and roughness) of samples from the CoCrMo system alloy produced by additive technologies. The studies revealed that application of the pulsed electron beam processing reduces the surface roughness. While irradiating with GEZA-MMPabout 70% and with the RITM-SP about 40%, the authors managed to increase the micro-hardness by 20-25% as well. This fact is associated with the molybdenum content increase in the surface layer. The results of the conducted research substantiate the vector of further refinement of the technological process of electron beam processing of products and efforts on determining the operational properties of cobalt-chromium alloys, including fatigue trials and heat-resistant tests. | |
Pelevin V. S., Aleksentsev A. A., Filinov E. P. Correlation-and-Regression Model for Micro Gas Turbine Engine Mass Computing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 147-157.
With the unmanned aircraft systems development and high-performance complexes on their basis, the area of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) application is expanding, requiring increased efficiency and performance characteristics. The UAV scope of application broadness instigates the development of power plants for them, including micro gas turbine engines as well. The demand for gas turbine engines is being driven by their distinctive features compared to the other propulsion systems. One of these advantages consists in the reduced vibration levels compared to piston engines, and the other in the lower engine and fuel weight compared to an electric propulsion system. While the UAV designing, the key objective is their economic performance enhancing. Depending on the type and purpose, the key parameter may be range, flight time or speed, and payload mass. Mass reduction of each of its subsystems, while retaining the original efficiency may allow increasing mass of the fuel or energy carrier, improving the aircraft flying quality due to a more complex design, or increasing the payload mass share while retaining the UAV maximum takeoff weight, which is an up-to-date problem. Correlation-regression models based on statistical data on gas turbine engines are employed at the conceptual design stages, but they are of low accuracy due to the of manufacturers data incompleteness and of design solutions variety. Most micro gas turbine engines have the same design schemes, which allows application of mass regression models for a certain thrust range. | |
Shaydullin R. A., Sabirzyanov A. N. The Effect of Combustion Products Interaction with Decomposition Products of the Rubber-Like Heat-Protective Material in the SRE Combustion Chamber Volume on the Flow Rate and Nozzle Coefficients. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 158-168.
The article considers the results of the studies on the effect of interaction of the ammonium perchlorate/84/16 polybutadiene rubber resin solid fuel combustion products with decomposition products of the rubber-like heat protecting material on the flow-rate ration and nozzle coefficient as a part of the hypothetical solid fuel rocket engine with the charge burning along the butt surface. The study was being conducted by the gas-dynamic modeling of chemically reacting combustion products medium of solid fuel in the axisymmetric approximation. The amount of the blown-in decomposition products was being determined based on solving the system of the heat balance equations between the heat from combustion products and the heat absorbed by the thermal protection material. | |
Efremov A. V., Prodanik V. A. Studying Pilot’s Control Actions in the Multichannel Control Task. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 169-177.
When accomplishing a number of piloting tasks, the pilot simultaneously puts into effect control through several channels. Thus, for example, when the pitch angle in the longitudinal channel is being changed by the control stick deflecting in the longitudinal channel, the pilot changes as well the position of the throttle lever to sustain the airspeed. The same is with the lateral channel, when rolling creation the pilot deflects the pedals to eliminate the emerging gliding angle. | |
Afonina E. V. Liquid Self-Oscillations Stabilization in the Oxidizer Tank by Hydrodynamic Parameters Changing of the Liquid Oscillations in the Fuel Tank. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 178-187. Movement analysis of a rocket with liquid rocket engine on the active flight segment in the interpretation that the liquid rocket is a solid body is extremely simplified, since the presence of vast masses of liquid fuel with free surfaces in the fuel tanks of the upper stage entails occurrence of the extra forces affecting the rocket dynamic properties. This effect is based on the two main factors, namely the rocket angular motion affects the liquid perturbation in the tanks, and the liquid movement in the tanks causes extra inertial forces and moments acting on the rocket. Thus, accounting for the impact of the liquid fuel components in the upper stage tanks on the rocket movement allows increasing the actuating elements effectiveness. Application of the phase stabilization coefficient criterion revealed that the head unit phase stabilization by the automatic stabilization machine could not be ensured along the entire active the flight segment when launching a small mass payload. This is especially true for fluctuations in the oxidizer tank liquid filling. Mathematical modeling of the head unit perturbed motion at the active flight segment demonstrates as well that when the upper stage carries a small mass payload at the commence of the active segment self-oscillations of liquid with amplitudes commensurable with the wave-destroying amplitude emerge in the oxidation tank. The presented article proposes a method for reducing the amplitude of liquid vibrations in the oxidizer tank by changing geometric moment of inertia of the liquid free surface of the fuel tank, so that the center of mass position of the orbital block appears higher than the free surface of the liquid in the oxidizer tank. This can be attained, for example, by the geometric size changing of the fuel tank, since the value in question, i.e. the geometric moment of inertia, depends on the geometry of the object in the first approximation. This method allows expanding the scope of the phase stabilization application of liquid vibrations in the tanks of the upper stage. Application of the results of the conducted study will improve the accuracy of the head unit positioning by reducing the effect of the head unit transverse vibrations with a frequency close to the natural vibrations frequency of the liquid in the tanks of the upper stage. The proposed method allows liquid fluctuations stabilizing in the upper stage tanks without resorting to the initial fuel volume changing in them. | |
Metel’ A. S., Volosova M. A., Migranov M. S., Gusev A. S., Repin D. S., Kharunov R. R. The Study of Nanostructured Innovative Coatings Tribotechnical Characteristics for Heat-Resistant Alloys Cutting Work. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 188-200.
Domestic machine-building production development as a whole and aircraft engine building in particular require under modern conditions designing and implementation of innovative brands of both machined and tools materials. It should be done with a view to the tactical-and-technical parameters enhancing of the manufactured products of the first category. Moreover, operational properties of the second one under conditions of variability of cutting modes, such as face turning, turning complex-profile surfaces with the variable cross section of the cut layer etc. as well as high-speed machining with the necessity for high quality indicators ensuring requirement of the machined surface should be enhanced. Application in aerospace and aviation production of workable materials with unique operational characteristics require ensuring high reliability and workability of the separate sections of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) parts and load-bearing structures of the aircraft. This is due to their operating in the wide range of temperature mode changes, at the intensive power impact on the structural elements of the assemblages and consequently leading to the significant variable stress-strain condition. Such critical parts as blades, disks, deflectors, fastening elements, noses and labyrinths of GTE and aircraft are being machined on modern high-speed metalworking equipment fitted out with expensive automatic or adaptive control systems. At the same time, it is well-known that the basis of the said critical parts effective in terms of subsequent operational characteristics, such as service life (durability), wear resistance, maintainability as well as safety, increased quality indicators of the machined surface of the finished product, etc., are being laid down at the machining operations. The weakest link in the technological chain associated with blade metal cutting herewith is the metal cutting tool, which significantly constrains both the productivity of the process and reduces quality indicators of the machined surface. It should be noted as well that the acute shortage of tungsten, being the basis of cutting tools, is the main reason for intensification of the work on the development of methods for extending the operation duration and reducing its consumption. On the assumption of the abovementioned, the article presents the results of tribotechnical studies of composite multilayer nanostructured wear-resistant coatings on hard-alloyed tool material during turning heat-resistant chromium-nickel alloys employed in the parts manufacturing of modern gas turbine engines and airframe elements. By the results of tribotechnical tests of innovative wear-resistant coatings on the tool material (“ nACo3 ”; “ nACo3+TiB2 ”; “ nACRo ”; “ nACRo+TiB2 ”; “( CrAlSi)N + DLC ”) as on high-temperature tribometers (coefficient of friction in reciprocating motion; adhesion component of friction coefficient (τ nn / prn ); shear strength of adhesion bonds (τ nn ); normal contact stresses ( prn ), and at full-scale experiments at turning of CHN50MVKTUR and CHN58MBUD-ID heat-resistant chromium-nickel alloys of the coatings under study in a wide range of change of elements of a mode of cutting allowed to establish that the greatest wear resistance (length of a cutting path, period of durability of the tool) ensures the (nACo3+TiB2) multilayer nanostructured coating. The comparative analysis showed the improvement of wear resistance by 100% in comparison with uncoated cutting or by 35% when working with the “(CrAlSi)N + DLC” coating for the “CHN50MVKTUR - VK10 OM” pair, respectively by 90% when cutting without coating and by 30% with the “(CrAlSi)N + DLC” coating for the “CHN58MBUD-ID - VK10 OM” pair. | |
Pozhoga O. Z., Shalin A. V., Rumyantsev K. ., Tevs M. D. The Structure and Phase Composition of the VTI-4 Alloy with Various Hydrogen Content After Quenching within the 600–800°C Temperature Range. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 201-211.
The alloys based on the Ti2AlNb intermetallic compound are potential heat-resistant materials for aerospace industry due to their light- weight, good low-temperature plasticity, enhanced strength and creep-resistance at high temperature, as well high-temperature oxidation strength. For these alloys application for modern gas turbine engines parts manufacturing, more attention should be paid to the deep trustworthy prediction of microstructure–properties interrelationship and mastering the state-of-the-art technologies of production. It is well known that hydrogen alloying is an efficient way to control structure and phase composition in titanium alloys; allowing obtaining modified microstructures with advanced properties and performing complicated forming operations. The authors of the presented work have previously analyzed forming the phase composition and structure in hydrogenated orthorhombic titanium alloy at 800–1200°C. However, the studies of phase and structural transformations in the hydrogen-containing alloy at the temperatures lower than 800°C should be conducted for the low-temperature thermal-hydrogen treatment performing. The purpose of the presented work consists in studying the structure and phase composition of the VTI-4 orthorhombic alloy with various hydrogen content after quenching at the temperature range of 600–800°C. The studies were conducted on the deformed workpiece of the VTI-4 titanium alloy based on the Ti2AlNb intermetallic compound. Samples saturation with hydrogen was accomplished up to the 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4% concentrations (wt.% here and hereinafter). The quantity of the hydrogen being introduced was being determined by the samples mass changing. After the samples quenching, the alloy microstructure was studied with the optical microscopy, and its phase content was defined by the X-ray diffraction phase analysis. The article demonstrates that the fine-dispersed microstructure with the particles of no more than 1 µm in size in the initial and hydrogenated alloy is represented by the two phases β and O. After quenching within the temperature range of 600–800°C, there is a possibility of obtaining a structure with various phase compositions in the alloy depending on the hydrogen content. Thus, the initial alloy and the alloy hydrogenated to 0.2% H have the β + Ο two-phase composition. The growth of structural constituents up to 2–4 µm can be observed herewith at higher quenching temperature while at lower temperatures their size does not exceed 1 µm. With hydrogen content above 0.2% and subsequent quenching at 800°C the allow has a three-phase β + О + α2 structure at 800°C. This three-phase alloy structure is non-uniform. Separate thin plates of 2–3 μm in size are distinguishable in the β-grains volume, and fine-dispersed intermetalliс mixture outlines the boundaries. During the X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples containing 0.3% and 0.4% H and quenched at 600-700°C peaks of α2-phase are not registered, which indicates their two-phase β + Ο structure. he registered growth of the β-phase lattice parameter from the initial value of 0.328 nm to 0.331 nm in the samples with 0.4% of hydrogen is stipulated by the hydrogen content increase. Any correlations between temperature and the value of the β-phase lattice parameter have not been detected. The obtained results allowed supplementing the “of VTI-4 alloy phase composition –hydrogen concentration – quenching temperature” diagram. The refined diagram will be employed in the future studies of metastable phases decomposition during isothermal holding of the hydrogenated VTI-4 alloy and the structural-phase composition forming during degassing. The obtained results will serve either as a guideline for determining the optimal thermomechanical and heat treatment modes to increase the technological plasticity of the orthorhombic alloy in manufacturing semi-finished products and parts for aviation purposes. | |
Chen B. ., Timushev S. F. Studying Aero-Acoustic Characteristics of a Short Takeoff Light Aircraft Distributed Propulsion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 7-15. The article presents a computational study of aeroacoustics differences between a single propeller and multiple propellers (three smaller-size propellers in this study). Three propellers are of the same total thrust and power demands as the single propeller is under the similar operation mode. All simulations are completed in ANSYS FLUENT with acoustic method FW-H. The sound computing procedure with the FW-H acoustics model consists mainly of the two steps. At the first step, a true to time solution to the flow (aerodynamic simulation) is being generated, on which basis time charts of the relevant variables, such as pressure, velocity, and density, are obtained on the selected initial surfaces. At the second step, the sound pressure signals are being computed using the source data collected during the first step at the user-specified points. Aerodynamic simulation of a single propeller was performed at the same rotation speed of 1453 RPM, and all three smaller propellers were operated at 2520 RPM. Loading on the propeller blade changes from high to low by the blade pitch angle variation. It is obvious that the larger the pitch angle of the propeller blades, the higher is the loading on the propeller. To compute the far field noise of the propellers, 13 receivers are being located on a semicircle vertically and another 13 horizontally. explained, The aeroacoustics simulation results reveal that the higher loading on the propeller produces the higher noise level, as follows from the theory of Gutin. Compared to a single propeller, the aeroacoustic characteristics of several propellers are no longer axisymmetric, and this is more obvious for the second harmonic (2 · BPF). Whatever large or small the propeller loading, the noise level of several propellers is always greater than this of the single one. In the presented study, the distance between adjoining propellers of multiple propeller configuration has been increased to reduce aerodynamic interaction. In the real design, the distance may be smaller, which may cause higher load fluctuations on the propeller blades and increase the noise level. Thus, to design a distributed electric or hybrid propulsion (DEP/DHEP) unit, the designer should minimalize propellers' aerodynamic interaction by, for example, enlarging the distance between the neighboring propellers, or employing duct fan to reduce the noise level of the whole propulsion system. | |
Berezko M. E., Sagaidak M. V., Shevyakov V. I. Aerodynamic Aspects of the Transport Category Aircraft Airframe Structure Repairing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 16-22. In the course of the transport aircraft operation, defects of the aircraft outer surface, affecting its characteristics, may appear. Dents, steps, gaps, etc. may be assigned to such defects. The degree of these defects impact defines the need for the aircraft repair. The article provides examples of justifying restrictions during repair in terms of its effect on harmful resistance. There may be cases of damage to the outer surface when it is necessary to perform a more complex aerodynamic analysis of the repair impact on the aircraft characteristics. One of such cases is considered in detail in the work, namely justification of the possibility of the aircraft wing slat sections repairing in cases of the presence/absence of an anti-icing system on them. In case of the wing slat frontal part damaging, for example, by a collision with a bird, the repair may be accomplished by the overlay installing on the slat section outer surface. The overlay may reduce the thermal anti-acing system operation effectiveness in the repair zone, which may be accompanied by the possibility of the barrier ice forming on the slat/wing upper section, which drastically affects the aircraft dynamics. On the assumption that the barrier ice is being formed, parametric assessment of its impact on the aircraft resistance and its load bearing properties was performed. Numerical modeling of the flow-around was performed with the ANSYS FLUENT software. A system of Navier–Stokes equations averaged by Reynolds and closed by the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model was being solved. Examples of possible restrictions on the size and placement of the overlay, in dependence on the degree their impact on the aircraft aerodynamics are presented. | |
Kurilov V. B. Studies of the Wing Trailing Edge Adaptive High-Lift Devices of a Mainline Aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 23-34. One of the tasks of utmost importance being solved in the aircraft design process is development of the effective systems for increasing the wing lift during take-off and landing. The high lift allows increasing the take-off weight and payload of the aircraft, as well as expanding the range of home airfields by reducing the required runway length.
Over the past half century, the complexity and weight of passenger aircraft wing high-lift devices have steadily decreased while retaining aerodynamic efficiency. This concerns mainly the wing trailing edge devices. The simpler wing trailing edge devices are lighter, allow achieving a maximum takeoff L/D, which can be converted into the payload increase, and introduce lower share to the airframe noise level. An additional advantage consists in the fairings size reduction, which reduces the wing weight and exposed area.
As of today, the leading world aircraft builders take pains to siplify the shifting mechanism for the single-slotted flap and transfer from moving-out with deflection to the simple turn. To retain the high-lift configuration effectiveness herewith, not only the flap may be deflected but the trailing edge basic element as well (relating to the aircraft, down-deflect the flight spoiler). This allows both deflecting the flap at large angles (compared to the classical move-out) and gaining the lift augmentation at the main element of the trailing edge at the linear section of the CL(α) dependence as well.
The presented computational-experimental work studies the adaptive high-lift devices of the wing trailing edge both in the general case (for the high-lift wing airfoil section) and on the thematic model of the swept high-lift wing.
The results of the studies revealed that application of the simple slotted flap combined with the down-deflected flight spoiler allowed significant improvement of the carrying properties on the linear section of the CL(α) dependence compared to the Fowler flaps conventionally applied on the mainline aircraft. Application of such combination allows flaps deflection at high angles and gaining CL max augmenting relative to the Fowler flap despite less slope of the CL(α) curve. The author determined rational combinations of the flight spoiler and flap deflection angles for the wing lift enhancing. | |
Ushakov I. O., Serebryanskii S. A. Developing a Technique for Low-Mounted Turbofann Engines Protection from Foreign Objects Ingress. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 35-43. Modern mainline aircraft commonly have turbofan engines, which are placed on pylons under the wing. One of the major disadvantages of this engine’s placement consists in the possibility of foreign objects ingress. A common reason for the foreign objects ingestion while an aircraft taxiing along the airfield surface is a vortex flow that forms in front of the engine air intake. The vortex flow intensity is being affected by the variety of factors such as the height of engine location above the surface, the air intake diameter, the mass flow rate of the power plant, as well as the crosswind and headwind speed.
The article presents an operational method for vortex flow intensity reducing while the aircraft taxiing. The essence of the said method consists in determining the taxiing speed, at which the vortex intensity is not enough to cause the foreign objects to be tossed. The article employs parameter of the horizontal component of the air-gas flow speed Vh as the basic criterion. The experimental works define that at Vh = 1.5 m/s the vortex forming becomes intensive and may toss up foreign subjects.
The first step of the presented method is determining the crosswind velocity, at which the vortex flow intensity is at its maximum for the considered engine position and mass flow rate. The article presents the results reflecting changes in the vortex flow intensity depending on the crosswind speed. Maximum vortex formation intensity for the considered gas turbine engine operating mode is being observed at the crosswind speed of 5 m/s.
The second step involves velocity determining of the incoming flow, at which the vortex flow forming is of insufficiently intensive. The authors performed computation of the vortex flow intensity within the range of the incoming flow velocities. The velocities vector field changing in the near-ground surface prior to the air intake under various air intake flow-around conditions reveals that with the vortex shifts towards the headwind and crosswind air-gas flows as the oncoming flow velocity increases.
It has been determined as well that rotational motion of the vortex gas-air flow may be transformed into the translational one as the aircraft taxiing speed increasing, which leads obviously to the vortex flow intensity reduction. For the considered engine operating conditions, with a crosswind speed of 5 m/s, the taxiing speed of the aircraft at which the probability of foreign object ingress with a vortex was reduced was of 6 m/s (Vh ≤ 1,5 m/s). The results presented in the article were obtained with the ANSYS software package. Application of mathematical modeling methods allowed determining the dependence of the vortex flow intensity on the joint impact of crosswind and headwind air-gas flows. | |
Sedel'nikov A. V., Taneeva A. S. Conceptual Model of a Technological Purpose Small Spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 44-55.
Modern specialized purposes space technology development requires new approaches and eff ective application of accumulated experience. As for now, there is still not a single implemented project in view of a technological purposes small spacecraft. This is primarily associated with the objective difficulties of employing small spacecraft in realization of gravity-sensitive processes in the near-Earth space. | |
Khaliulin V. I., Petrov P. A., Malysheva A. A. Synthesis of Folded Structures with an Asymmetric Configuration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 56-66.
The article presents a technique for the new class of folded structures synthesis. Characteristic attribute of these structures is facets inclination to one side at the final stage of transformation. Their facets are being piled at the final stage on either flat or cylindrical surface. The authors defined their relief shaping regularities. In general, they are based on basic canonic shapes transformation by giving asymmetric shape to their elementary modules. | |
Yatsenko M. Y., Vorontsov V. A. Statement of the Schematic Solutions Selection Problem of the Multirotor Aircraft for Venus Exploration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 67-74.
The object of the research is a multi-rotor aircraft as a technical means for Venus exploring. | |
Zheleznov L. P. The Nonlinear Deformation and Stability Study of the Non-circular Composite Cylindrical Shell at the External Pressure. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 75-84.
Polymer composite materials (PCM) gained wide application in modern aircraft structures. The said materials employing reduces the weight of the structure while retaining its strength and stiffness characteristics. Despite the large number of published works on such structures strength, the unsolved issues on strength and stability at their nonlinear deformation still exist. The latter is of especial necessity for the aircraft fuselage structures, for which buckling loss of the composite skin is inadmissible. The problem of the non-circular shells from the PCM stability is being solved in this article with regard to the momentness and nonlinearity of their subcritical stress-strain state. The finite elements of the composite cylindrical shells of natural curvature developed the by author earlier based on the Timoshenko hypothesis are being employed. Their rigid displacement are being accounted for in the approximation , which significantly improves convergence of the nonlinear problem solution. The nonlinear buckling problem was solved geometrically by the finite element and Newton-Kantorovich methods. Solution of a system of nonlinear algebraic equations with respect to nodal displacements of the shell is being found with the method of successive approximations and the step-by-step method of loading in the following way. A small value of the load parameter is set. The linear problem solution is being assumed herewith as a zero approximation. An iterative process, ensuring convergence of the solution with a given accuracy not exceeding 5% is being performed. Further, the loading increases, and the iterative process, in which the solution from the previous load step is assumed as the initial approximation is being performed again. Solution of the system of linear algebraic equations is being found by the Krauth method using the LTDL decomposition of the matrix into a diagonal D and two triangular matrices L at each iteration. The critical load is found either as a ultimate on the divergence of the iterative process, or as a bifurcation one by the energy stability criterion, according to which the equilibrium state is stable if the second variation of potential energy is greater than zero and unstable if it is less than zero. Critical loads are being determined in the process of solving a nonlinear problem. The stability of an oval, cantilevered cylindrical shell made of the PCM under external pressure is being studied. A shell with a length of L = 2000 mm, a thickness of h = 3.456 mm, and a radius of R0 = 2000 mm, made of 18-layer Torayca T700 PCM is being regarded. Five different layups were considered, including shells made of D16AT aluminum alloy for comparison. Assessment of the effect of monolayers stacking over the shell thickness, deformation nonlinearity and out-of-roundness parameter on the critical loadings causing the shell stability losses and weight efficiency of composite shells was performed. It was revealed that: | |
Zinenkov Y. V., Lukovnikov A. V. Computational Specifics of Electric Power Plant Performance Characteristics of an Airplane-Type Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Mathematical Modeling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 85-94.
The electric power plant mathematical modeling in an aircraft system is a new trend. It integrates several self-sufficient disciplines such as aerodynamics; flight dynamics, aircraft design; theory and design of aircraft power plants and electrical engineering. If the first group of disciplines herewith accumjulated along-term experience of joint work in the issues of the power plants in the aircraft system mathematical modeling, the electrical engineering makes only the firsts steps of integration into this process. Thus, the existing software-and-methodological complexes for the technical layout forming of power plants of various types in the aircraft system require functionality expanding with account for the electrical elements operation. | |
Klinskii B. M. Improving Methods for Experimental Stability Margin Determining of Operation and Contraction of the Axial Compressor First Stage as a Part of the Gas Generator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 95-107.
With experimental method of studying compressor characteristics, the stable operation margin of high-pressure axial compressor is being determined on special nodal compressor test-benches, or while compressor tests directly as a part of aviation gas-turbine engine, including the case of its being a part of the experimental gas generator. | |
Leshchenko I. A., Vovk M. Y., Gorshkov A. ., Danichev A. V. Auxiliary Power Unit Parametric Finishing with the ThermoGTE Software Complex for Thermo-Gas-Dynamic Computations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 108-115. The auxiliary power unit (APU) of an aircraft is intended for starting the main engine, as well as providing energy to aircraft systems and units over a wide range of operating altitudes. The APU consists of two gas-air circuits. The first circuit provides power to the supporting compressor and electric generator, and the second circuit for supplies compressed air to start the main engine. The first circuit consists of an inlet device, a main centrifugal compressor, combustion chamber, compressor turbine, free turbine and an outlet pipe. The second circuit consists of an inlet device, supporting centrifugal compressor and an output volute [1-3]. The APU main operating mode is ensured by a constant rotation speed of the free turbine rotor (nst = 98%) and constant power take-off from the free turbine rotor (Ne_set = 20 kW) to the electric generator. While the APU prototypes testing, problems such as excessive rotation speed of the turbo-compressor rotor and increased gas temperature T*g at the turbine inlet relative to the design values, which did not meet the requirements of the technical specifications for the the APU design, were noted. To speed up the process of the APU parametric finishing and achieve requirements of the technical specifications, the purpose of the work to optimize the thermo-gas-dynamic parameters of the APU being developed and make proposals for the APU design changes was set. To achieve the set goal, the ThermoGTE modern software package for thermo-gas-dynamic computations was selected. This software package choice was made due to the presence of an intuitive program interface, the presence of a built-in designer of thermo-gas-dynamic circuits, developed functionality for setting up tasks in the thermo-gas-dynamic computation of throttle characteristics and manual identification of a mathematical model from the experiment, in contrast to other software products [4, 5]. Modern software tools application, such as ThermoGTE, for the engine thermo-gas-dynamic computations performing may reduce significantly the time for the engine development and parametric finishing, which in its turn helps reducing the financial expenditures for development, which is of utter importance for the global engine building. As the result of the ThermoGTE modern thermo-gas-dynamic computation software package application, the designed APU was capable of ensuring the technical specifications fulfillment. The problem of the APU parametric finishing being solved demonstrated the possibility of predicting both engine operating and parametric characteristics in the presence of the precisely formed mathematical model, which ensures eventually the possibility of its optimization and modernization. The article presents the example of the APU mathematical model effective identification by several correction factors for the assemblies’ characteristics. The applied approach to the mathematical model identification can be successfully adapted to solve more complex scientific and technical problems at both the design stage of gas turbine engines and their during mass production, which brings us closer to the product thermodynamic passport creating. The thermodynamic passport development will allow not only conducting virtual experiments, integrating the mathematical model into aviation simulators and automatic control systems on board the aircraft as well. | |
Baklanov A. V. Temperature Field Change at the Multi-Nozzle Combustion Chamber Outlet at Various Engine Operating Modes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 116-123.
Introduction of a new combustion process in the combustion chamber requires conducting a number of research works aimed at the basic chamber parameters determining. One of the combustion chamber key parameters is the temperature field at the outlet from the flame tube. This parameter ensuring affects a lifespan of the nozzle guide vanes and the engine at large. Turbine blades are being subjected to the high temperature of the gas. These temperatures distribution by blade height (radial temperature distribution) is being set from the thermal stability condition and stresses occurring along the working blade pen. | |
Semenova A. S., Kuz’min M. V., Kirsanov A. R. Numerical Modeling of Inter-Rotor Bearing Rotation with Real Operating Conditions Simulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 124-132.
The article being presented considers the method for the estimated determining of the actual skew angles of the inter-rotor bearing rings and contact crumple stresses while numerical modeling of the AL-31F engine system with both satellite and birotating rotation of rotors. Computational model for determining the skew value of the bearing rings is as close as possible to the real structure specifics and its operating conditions. It is noted that the dynamic setting of the problem , realized in the numerical approach, allows obtaining more accurate stresses results and, hence, the inter-rotor bearing endurance. | |
Veisi S. . On Light Transmitting to the Satellite Solar Panels for Its Battery Recharging. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 133-143. This study addresses the innovative concept of utilizing light transmission to ‘reanimate’ the onboard power supply system of a passive satellite in a highly elliptical orbit of Mars. By employing a light transmission system aboard an active satellite, comprising a battery, a parabolic reflector, and an LED lamp, this research explores the feasibility of a passive satellite's solar panels remote recharging. The research delves into various configurations, analyzing the performance of LED lamps with input currents of 20 mA and 100 mA, and examines both symmetric and asymmetric reflector designs. Assuming the satellites have achieved the requisite proximity, with precise orientation and the reflector deployed, the focus is on evaluating the potential for a partial recharge of the passive satellite's battery — up to 10% of its full capacity. This evaluation considers both static conditions and scenarios involving passive satellite rotation, alongside a thorough analysis of the active satellite's battery discharge rates. The findings reveal a notable efficiency in the light transmission system equipped with a low-input current LED (20 mA) and an asymmetric reflector configuration. In scenarios devoid of satellite rotation, it is possible to attain a 10% battery recharge within 40 minutes, with the active satellite's battery experiencing a 33% discharge. Further analysis into the rotation of the passive satellite enabled a detailed examination of variations in solar panel illumination and incident ray angles, facilitating an accurate assessment of charging efficiency. Two strategic approaches for recharging are proposed. The first strategy initiates charging at the commencement of the passive satellite's rotation cycle, achieving a 10% recharge in 73 minutes. This method necessitates maintaining specific orientation and proximity for 264 minutes and results in a 61% discharge of the active satellite's battery. The second strategy, initiating charging at a precise moment within the rotation cycle, successfully achieves a 10% recharge in 77 minutes, with the active satellite's battery discharging by 64% and requiring the maintenance of orientation for either 389 or 187 minutes, contingent upon the timing of initiation. This research not only highlights the technical viability of remote satellite recharging via light transmission but also lays the groundwork for future advancements in satellite power management and sustainability in space operations. | |
Konstantinov M. S., Shevchenko V. V. Project-and-Ballistic Analysis of a Spacecraft Insertion into the Heliocentric Orbit with Thirty Degrees Inclination to the Solar Equator Plane. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 144-154.
The presented article deals with consideration of one of the possible trajectories for the Sun exploration from low heliocentric orbits with a given inclination of 30 degrees to the plane of the solar equator. The purpose of this analysis consists in the efficiency increasing of the space transportation systems while the interplanetary transfer realization by a series of passive gravity assist maneuvers near Earth and Venus. | |
Yu W. ., Starinova O. L. Resonant Orbits Characteristics of Solar Sails Near the L2 Point in the Earth–Moon System. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 155-163.
As part of future lunar exploration and development projects, relay satellites for communication between the Earth and the Moon, especially the far side and polar regions of the Moon, where permanent bases are planned to be built, are attracting significant interest. This work is devoted to studying the characteristics of resonant orbits of solar sails near the L2 point in the Earth-Moon system, which are considered as potential trajectories for Earth-Moon relay satellites. A method is formulated in this article to ascertain resonant orbits near the L2 point, employing the multiple shooting method to solve a two-point boundary value problem with the goal of closing the spacecraft's trajectory to form a periodic orbit. Those resonant orbits formed based on Lyapunov orbits as initial approximations in two-point boundary value problems are called Lyapunov conformal orbits, and orbits formed based on halo orbits are called halo conformal orbits. An exploration is also executed on how resonant orbits vary concerning solar sail control variables, encompassing the initial position of the Sun, the magnitude of the nominal acceleration from light pressure and the installation angles of the solar sails. In result, such conclusions were obtained: 1. the influence of the initial position of the Sun divides the resonant orbits into different groups with different configurations; 2. the influence of the magnitude of the nominal acceleration determines the displacement of resonant orbits relative to natural periodic orbits, and Lyapunov conformal orbits have different changing trends of displacement compared with halo conformal orbits; 3. the influence of the installation angles of the solar sails mainly determines the displacement of the resonant orbits relative to natural periodic orbits in the out-of-plane direction, and for all orbits the maximum displacements obtain extreme values at ±35,26°. | |
Evdokimov D. V., Aleksentsev A. A., Akhtam'yanov R. M. Developing Complex Evaluation Technique for the Product Shape Deviations and Its Endurance in Dependence of Technological Residual Stresses. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 164-173.
The article deals with the development of a comprehensive technique for reducing deviations in the product shape and its service life depending on residual stresses. A distinctive feature of the technique is the ability to monitor the impact of each technological operation separately for the given quality parameters. As the result, the presented work explores the traverse of the front support of a medium-range aircraft. Namely, the dependencies were obtained that correlate the geometric deviations of the controlled dimensions of the product, as well as its service life with the values of residual stresses formed in the surface layer of the traverse at the stages of mechanical processing and hardening. For this purpose, a comprehensive technique, based on mathematical and finite element models, was developed. | |
Shatov M. S., Bokhoeva L. A., Titov V. A., Rogov V. E., Batuev T. A. 3D Printing of Shaping Tooling for Vacuum Molding of the Aircraft Glazing Products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 174-182.
The aviation equipment production requires a large amount of form-building equipment, the glazing products among them as well. Aircraft glazing requires materials that can be operated at temperatures from – 62C° to + 85C°. Aviation glazing products are made from various materials, thus, windshields and vents consist of four layers of silicate glass glued together with three layers of polymer film. This structure is able to withstand bird collisions at speeds above 570 km/h without depressurization. The side windows of the cabin are made of two glasses and an adhesive layer, while the lighting equipment protection on the wings, fuselage and tail is being ensured by the organic glass. Organic glass sheet blanks complex fashioning requires manufacturing of costly metal rigging from aluminum alloys, which are being subjected to long-term mechanical treatment on modern machine-tools. The CNC machines application requires significant capital expenditures, besides, fine milling of curved surfaces needs significant machine operating time to achieve a given roughness, which affects the final cost of the consumer product. Additive technologies are widely employed in modern mechanical engineering for the forming equipment manufacturing. The 3D printing difference from conventional methods of product processing consists in the fact that the part is created by the layer-by-layer building of its body with accurate reproduction of the shape, irrespective of its surfaces complexity. This technology is becoming nowadays a powerful means for the time reduction of technological preparation of production, manufacturing and quality improving of newly created products, including forming mandrels. It has been revealed that the FDM 3D printing technology application in the form-building equipment manufacturing can reduce the cost of equipment by eight times and the time for its production by 2.5-3 times. | |
Migranov M. S., Gusev A. S., Garifullin K. A., Oplesnin S. S., Repin D. S., Tyurina Y. A. Parts Machining Efficiency Upgrading of the Gas Turbine Engines Load-Bearing Part. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 183-192.
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental research on the technology developing and high-entropy cathodes-targets obtaining by the spark plasma sintering with subsequent magnetron application of innovative nanostructured multilayer wear-resistant coatings on cutting tools, followed by tribotechnical tests. The experimental part of the work included high-temperature tribotechnical tests performing on the two different types of tribometer. The first one was “Nanovea” TRB multifunctional tribometer to assess the adhesion of the coating with the substrate of the tool material and the impact of coating technology on the tribotechnical characteristics. The second one was a specially developed high-temperature adhesion unit (adhesiomer) for carrying out studies of wear resistance of carbide inserts with high-entropy coatings while longitudinal turning of the EI-654 and EI-698 chromium-nickel alloys. High-entropy coatings were obtained on the modernized “HNV-6,6 I1” unit with magnetic-arc filtration system. The results of the experiments, conducted with the above said installations, revealed an extreme character of the friction coefficient dependence on the friction path length with minimum for the “EI 654–VK10 OM” pair at the temperature of 700°C and for the “EI 698 VD–VK10 OM” pair at the temperature of 750°C. This is ensured by the aluminum-based high-entropy coating, particularly with percentage composition of Al - 20%; Ti - 20%; Zr - 15% and V - 15%; Cr - 15%; Nb15. | |
Brykin V. A., Ripetskii A. V., Korobov K. S. Studying Porosity, Structure Morphology and Mechanical Characteristics of the Products Obtained by Selective Laser Melting of the AlSi10Mg Alloy Powder. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 2, pp. 193-205.
The current level of manufacturing technologies development, the additive manufacturing from metal powders by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) in particularl, allows obtaining high production functional products with unique properties. However, the expanding range of materials and SLM equipment leads to prolonged cycles of technological work in search for optimal process parameters and increases the production cost. Additive manufacturing plays an important role in the aviation and space-rocket industry. Time reduction on experimental cycles of R & D helps accelerating implementation of additive technologies and reduce product cost. It stipulates the necessity of the technological procedures and experiments funnel automation. | |
Makeev P. V., Ignatkin Y. M., Shomov A. I., Ivchin V. A. Studying the Possibility of the Tail Rotor Entering the “Vortex Ring” Mode under the Main Rotor Effect. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 7-18. In horizontal flight modes, the free vortex wake behind the main rotor (MR) blades transforms into a system of right and left longitudinal secondary vortex bundles located along the edges of the rotor disk. The said vortex structures largely determine the velocity field around the rotor. Their inductive effect is most the significant at low horizontal flight speeds, about 7–12 m/s, when they have maximum intensity. While a helicopter hovering in crosswind conditions and during horizontal flight with a sideslip, cases of a tail rotor (TR) hitting one of the vortex bundles of the MR are possible. The TR herewith passes through a significant external induced impact, which may lead to its aerodynamic characteristics deterioration. Rapid development of computer technology and computational models allowed conducting fairly large-scale parametric (not limited to individual cases) studies of problems related to studying aerodynamics of the helicopters MR and TR combination with regard to the aerodynamic interference without limiting to separate cases. The possibility of the TR entering the “vortex ring” state modes during the low-speed flight with sliding was studied on the example of the Mi-8/17 helicomper MR and TR combination employing a nonlinear free wake model developed at the MAI “Helicopter Design” department. The aerodynamic characteristics of the TR of a helicopter in an isolated setting and under the impact of the MR vortex wake (in MR + TR combination) at different flight speeds in the range of V = 0–20 m/s and sliding angles in the range β = –180–180 was considered. A special area of flight modes has been discovered, which are a combination of flight speeds of V = 6.25–7.5 m/s and sliding angles of β = 20–40. The extra induced impact from the right secondary vortex core in this area leads to the TR entering the “vortex ring” state modes. The said TR “vortex ring” state modes are being accompanied by the thrust and TR torque pulsations, as well as increase in the required TR blade pitch angles. As computations revealed, it might lead in separate cases to the increase of the required power for the TR rotation up to 30% compared to the isolated TR without the MR impact. The data obtained in the course of the study allow speaking about the existence of the flight speeds (wind speeds), at which the conditions of the TR flow-around under the impact of the MR vortex wake turn out to be unfavorable at any sliding angles (the angles of the helicopter rotation relative to the external flow). Increasing of the required TR blade pitch angles and required power under such conditions may be one of the prerequisites to the single-rotor helicopter uncontrolled rotations emergence. | |
Gueraiche D. ., Kombaev T. S., Rymanova A. N. Aerodynamic Computation and Structural-Power Scheme Development of the Wing for Mars Exploration Aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 19-31. The object of study is a UAV for the flight under conditions of the Martian atmosphere. The subject of the study is its layout, aerodynamics and structural design. This work seems to be up-to-date, since small foldable UAVs represent a promising tool for studying the planets of the solar system. The purpose of the work consists in evaluating the UAV performance under conditions simulating the Martian atmosphere. The article presents the results of a computational study on aerodynamics of Mars exploration aircraft and its wing structural design. The results of gas flow dynamics simulations under conditions similar to the Mars atmosphere are applied to computing the stress-strain state of the wing hypothetical structure, safety margins determining and further optimization. A fixed wing aircraft would be one of the most optimal carriers of scientific equipment for Mars exploration. A separate spacecraft equipped with a touchdown module with the UAV inside may serve as a possible means of delivering the UAV into the Martian atmosphere. The wing consoles should be of a foldable design to fit inside a payload compartment, which poses a limitation on the maximum possible wing area. The design embodiment of the UAV main lifting surface is represented by a low-aspect-ratio cantilever wing. The authors consider a concept of the UAV, which can be equipped with either rocket or electric propulsion system. As the result of the work, the aerodynamic characteristics of the selected layout were computed with the flow-around visualization, the stress-strain state of the developed carbon fiber wing structural scheme was analyzed, and two iterations were carried out to optimize it according to a minimum mass criterion. At the first iteration, the structural layout was replaced with a monoblock one, and a cross pattern of ribs was employed instead of the classical scheme with ribs installed in parallel to the flow. While the second iteration, the least loaded areas of the structure were identified and lightening cutouts were elaborated accordingly in these areas. The cross-rib scheme application allowed completely eliminate the reinforced ribs, including the wing-folding plane. As well, hard points were formed at the intersection points between the ribs for attaching external modules and a braking parachute. | |
Phyo A. ., Semenov V. N., Fedulov B. N. Optimization of transformable aircraft structures. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 32–40. Aerial vehicles are the most efficient in terms of the structure weight. These products require a great amount work with optimization methods. A relatively novel optimization method, namely topological optimization, which gained wide acceptance while light structures design, may be marked out. Works demonstrating optimization results of various aircraft structural elements are being published quite often. Nevertheless, aerial vehicles are multi-mode devices, and special loading conditions correspond to each mode. This led to the transformable structures development. The advent of materials with the shape memory accelerated the search for the effective aircraft layouts in this direction. The general problem of these transformable structures optimization consists in the fact that the load-bearing element is under conditions corresponding to various modes of the aircraft operation. These are not herewith simply various loading cases, associated with loadings changes, but these are other fixations as well as possible structure deformation. A phase transformation occurred, and material “recollected” the other shape at the corresponding flight mode. Besides several structure loading cases, the method proposed in the article allows accounting for such changes as deformation, changing of linkages and boundary conditions. The authors considered the example of the transformable rib. An optimal distribution of the material for the load-bearing scheme selection with account for three diff erent flight modes was obtained. | |
Parshutin S. G. Simulation Model of Flight Preparation a Complex with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 41–48. Complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles have proven themselves positively as a means for achieving goals under various operating conditions. At this stage, they are among the most prospective types of aviation engineering in the aviation medium. Russia lags behind in the unmanned aerial systems development, since after the collapse of the Soviet Union all works in this area were practically stopped, while foreign manufacturers have made significant progress in creating complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles and mastering methods of their application. Nevertheless, active works are being conducted in the Russian Federation over the past 20 years on improving the existing and developing new systems with unmanned aerial vehicles. Despite the high pace of the unmanned aircraft engineering development, there is a certain number of tasks, determining the need to the maintenance efficiency improving. The main attention at the initial stages of the developed complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles is being paid to their flight performance improving, while adequate consideration to the processes of operation and maintenance is not being given. One of the most crucial and pressing tasks affecting the performance of work on a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles at a stated time is a rational nomenclature and quantitative composition of maintenance equipment formation. The existing contradictions in theory and practice indicate the need to model the process of preparing the complex for flight and determine the rational set of maintenance equipment. s of today, there are no approaches, techniques and methods that would allow forming a set of ground-based maintenance means, as well as a set of special purpose ground based means, rational by their operational and cost characteristics. The complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles being developed, related to the class of the long-range complexes, are comparable in their size and mass characteristics to modern multi-purpose aircraft. Thus, methods of operation and the set of ground maintenance facilities will be closer to the maintenance regulations and manuals for the technical operation of a manned aircraft. Application of the ground maintenance equipment sets for special applications of the existing complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles to the complexes being developed is not possible, due to the existing important differences, both in maintenance methods and in the maintenance equipment classification. With a view to solve the prognostic problem on determining the quality of maintenance, it is necessary to determine a rational nomenclature of ground support equipment for special applications for a complex with long-range unmanned aerial vehicles. A simulation model for preparing a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles has been developed in the AnyLogic program. The model allows analyzing the technological processes interaction in terms of time and resources involved, as well as assess the load of all ground support equipment for special applications when performing work. This allows determining the rational set of maintenance equipment to minimize (maximize) training indicators, as well as studying the organization of preparation for the complex with unmanned aerial vehicles application within a specified timeframe. | |
Artamonov B. L., Lukhanin V. O. Electrical Drive of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle External Characteristics Determining by the Rotating “Impeller” Method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 49-56.
Unmanned aerial vehicles of various schemes with electric propellers have found wide application, both in the civil and military spheres. The ready-made electric motors with fixed-pitch propellers mounted on them, controlled by speed, are employed as a rule in the structure of such devices. The issue of the optimal combination of the electric motor parameters and the propeller blades geometry is not being considered as usual while the aircraft structure development, since the excess power of the electric drive ensures the required flight characteristics. Energy consumption per unit of the effective work minimization is necessary the electrically driven aircraft flight performance enhancing. This is being achieved by the optimal combination of the propeller and the electric motor operating modes in a given flight mode, which appears possible when selecting the parameters of the propeller with regard to the electric motor characteristics. The authors revealed that these electric motor characteristics should be obtained experimentally, since they are being determined by the motor design parameters and resistance of the controller employed in the motor control system. The article proposes employing the rotating “impeller” method to obtain the speed-torque characteristics of the electric motor, which aerodynamic characteristics should be obtained in advance either experimentally or computationally. An analytical expression for the “impeller” torque coefficient computing depending on the relative sizes of the loading discs, mounting rods and their number was derived. A method for determining coefficients included into the mathematical model of the electric motor external characteristics, based on the results of the tests with an “impeller” mounted on its shaft in three steady-state operating modes without measuring torque, is described. The proposed mathematical model based on the physical principles of the electric motor operation is verified by the results of the bench tests at various speeds, which are stipulated by the external load intensity. The authors propose measuring only the engine rotations, obtained at the specified input voltage to evaluate consumed energy and the torque value at the motor shaft under conditions of electric motor real operation. The same measuring method is advisable for application while full-scale electrically driven aircraft to generate a signal on the propulsion unit operation to the control system. It is advisable to use the same measurement method on full-scale electric-powered aircraft to generate a signal to the control system about the current operating mode of the propeller group.
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Kulesh V. P., Kuruliuk K. A., Nonkin G. E., Senyuev I. V. Motion and Aircraft Wing Console Deformation Parameters Measuring in Flight by the Videogrammetry Method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 57-66. The wing shape and other aircraft structural elements sustain noticeable changes under the impact of distributed aerodynamic and mass-inertial forces, which affect the aircraft flight performances. Most experimental studies of motion and deformation of the aircraft in the airflow are being conducted in the wind tunnels on the elastic and dynamically similar models. The model structural-load-bearing scheme differs inevitably from the wing full-scale scheme, which implicates the difference of aerodynamic characteristics of the model and full-scale wing. Thus, measurements of the aircraft wing deformations occurring directly during the real flight are necessary. Lately, contactless optical methods, particularly digital videogrammetry methods (VGM), showed themselves to good advantage for distributed deformations measuring of models in the flow of the wind tunnels. The VGM high informativity is stipulated by the fact that information on hundreds and thousands points of the object can be extracted simultaneously from the single image. For the past decades, in TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute) optical methods of videogrammetry has been actively applied and improved in wind tunnels and at experimental test benches. The main purpose of the presented work consisted in improving the videogrammetry method and developing specialized monogrammetry system (with a single camera) to ensure contactless measurements of motion parameters and aircraft wing console deformation in flight.
The objectives of the work were:
- videogrammetry method adaptation, including software and hardware parts, to the object and test conditions;
- development of the measuring monogrammetric VGM-system for installing and functioning on board the full-scale aircraft on the ground and in flight;
- developing the express-calibration technique of the VGM-system in ground conditions in the hangar;
- measuring motion parameters and aircraft wing console deformations in both ground tests and in flight.
The article presents a brief description of the videogrammetry method, specifics of calibration and results processing. Numerical parameters of bending deformation and torsion of the wing console, aileron and spoilers were obtained. It was found that the deflection of the wing console in cruising regimes was 850–900 mm. | |
Malyh D. A., Peshkov R. A., Kuplevatskii D. V., Varkentin V. V. Strength Characteristics Analysis of Various Implementation Options of the Vertical Takeoff and Landing Demonstrator Basic Load-Bearing Elements. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 67-74.
The necessity to confirm or rebut the obtained information or the selected approach effectiveness for studying certain technologies emerges while theoretical of computational studies conducting of new prospective space-rocket structures. For such problems solving, special demonstrators are being developed in modern practice. One of the best-known test benches is the Lunar Landing Research Facility (LLRF) dynamic flight test bench, which structure is being accomplished according to the gantry bridge scheme with three A-frames. The FROG test bench of a reusable vertical takeoff, in which the testing object is being attached to the truss structure by the cables, is of a similar design. The main disadvantages of these test benches are the structure size and possible hardships while extra systems arranging. The article proposes a vertical takeoff and landing demonstrator intended for the control system algorithms try-out. Its basic structural elements are fixed cylindrical mast with the gallery for maintenance, and a moving boom, with the platform with the tested object at one end, while at the other end a counter weight to compensate the weight of structural elements not being elements of the tested object is located. The rotating mechanisms provided in the design allow performing both vertical and horizontal motion of the object with minimal resistance. The emergency braking system and a pipeline system for feeding fuel components as well as water as a coolant are additionally provided. The authors performed strength computation of the three versions of truss design for the two cases such as equilibrium state and emergency situation. The following assumptions were accepted for the computation: the slanted struts are reliably welded to the longitudinal elements, i.e. they are able to take up the required shear forces, and they are of a significantly lower mass compared to the longitudinal elements. The supporting element of the mast structure is a pipe. Computation of several options of steel pipes for realizing in the demonstrator structure was performed. Application of the developed vertical takeoff and landing demonstrator structure allowed obtaining new results on the navigation systems try-out while smooth vertical takeoff execution, movement and smooth landing to the target point of the tested object, equipped with the propulsion system demonstrator. Application of the developed design of the vertical takeoff and landing system demonstrator allowed obtaining new results on the navigation systems development in the smooth vertical takeoff, movement and smoothing vertical landing of the investigated object equipped with the propulsion system demonstrator to a given point.
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Nguyen V. N. The Study of Structural-Power Schemes of Aerodynamic Models. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 67-73.
Tests of geometrically congruent models in wind tunnels are conducted as a rule for experimental studies of aerodynamic characteristics while and airplane design. However, computational and experimental studies reveal that these models cannot be made absolutely rigid. At high ram pressures, even steel models are subjected to elastic deformations, which, due to the elastic twist of the lifting surfaces, may significantly distort the test results. The main elasticity impact on the manifests itself herewith for a modern mainline aircraft wing model aerodynamic characteristics through the streamwise twist, and the impact of other bucklings can usually be neglected. The studies of the “rigid” aerodynamic models elastic deformations dependence on their geometric and structural parameters demonstrate that minimization of the streamwise twist angles requires considering modifications of the model structural-power scheme in two aspects: 1) changing relative position of the line of pressure centers and stiffness axis; 2) reducing torsional stiffness. The author created a technique for studying dependence of rigid aerodynamic models deformation on their geometric and structural parameters to elaborate requirements for stiffness characteristics of the model, and determine rational modifications of the load-carrying structure, allowing minimizing the streamwise twist angle for various layouts and flow-around modes. Computations of aerodynamic loads and elastic deformations were performed with NASTRAN software by the beam theory approximation. The stiffness characteristics of the wing sections were iteratively computed by the WingDesign program developed on the basis of the hydrodynamic analogy method. The computational studies results denote that the developed computation technique allows minimizing the angles of the streamwise twist angles of the mainline aircraft model wing under the test conditions in a wind tunnel and significantly reducing the error in determining its aerodynamic characteristics by rational modifications of the structural-power scheme of the model. It seems worthwhile to confirm experimentally in the further activities on this subject technological feasibility of the model structure modifications being considered.
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Mitrofanov O. V., Toropylina E. Y. The Wing Caisson Orthotropic Panels Thicknesses Determining at the Supercritical State with Regard to Membrane and Bending Stresses. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 82-92. The skin buckling is allowed for the upper load-bearing panels of the small and medium weight-lift ability aircraft caisson at the load exceeding operational level. The authors noted that while designing thin panels, meeting requirements of the static strength at supercritical state, only membrane stresses are being accounted for. The presented article proposes techniques for the panel minimum thickness determining at the geometrically nonlinear behavior permissibility with regard to extra membrane and bending stresses occurrence at the supercritical state. Thus, the proposed techniques are more general than the known ones for the thin panels design by the supercritical state. The panels under consideration refer to the medium type panels according to the existing classification. The article considers hinge-supported orthotropic panels as an example, and proposes applied design techniques at loading by compressive, tangential and combined strains. It formulates provisions of general technique (algorithm) for the minimum thickness determining of composite panels with regard to the static strength ensuring at super critical behavior for various options of boundary conditions. The problem of optimal designing is reduced in the proposed techniques to minimization of the function of the single variable, which is the panel thickness, and parametric studies by the panel points x and y coordinates. The proposed techniques are based on analytical solutions of geometrically nonlinear problems obtained by the Bubnov-Galerkin method. Analytical expressions for membrane and bending stresses were obtained in this work as well. Membrane stresses are obtained from the Erie stress function definition, and bending stresses are being computed by the known relations while the deflection function differentiating. It is noted that the araticle considers the initial stage of the supercritical behavior, bifurcation (rearrangement of waves generation) is not allowed, and the panel deflection can be described by a single term of the series with an accuracy consistent with engineering calculations in the early stages of design. The article considered an option of combined loading by longitudinal compressive forces and tangential flows. The authors noted that, in general case, this technique may be represented as well for more complex loading options when considering several loading components and acting stresses. | |
Belousov I. S., Zheleznov L. P., Burnysheva T. V. Compression Test Simulation of Layered Composites with Delamination. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 93-104. The widespread application of layered composite materials in the aviation industry is stipulated by a number of their advantages compared with conventional structural materials, such as less weight, strength, rigidity and thermal characteristics [1]. However, there is a number of significant disadvantages, complicating their utilization. One of these disadvantages is their susceptibility to various fracture mechanism caused by their properties non-uniformity and layered structure. One of the alike defects is bonds disruption between the composite layers, which lead to the critical load decrease, stability loss of the corresponding structural elements, which is especially dangerous for small aviation both while operation (hail impact) and while an aircraft assembling [2-4]. Technology violation of the composite aviation structural elements may lead to the interlayer defects as well [5-6]. There is a great number of works dealing with the studies of interlayer defects presence impact on the structure [7-10]. The majority of works consider as a rule only the issues of the structures strength. The presented article deals with the stability analysis of the plates from the multilayer composite with defect in the form of delamination of various shapes. The relation between the stability loss and beginning of the defect growth, i.e. the delamination process commence, was established for this kind of samples [11-15]. The similar behavior of composite plates with embedded delamination under the compression load is described in detail in [16, 17], where the analysis was conducted using the finite element method, as well as various analytical and semi-analytical methods. The article [18] presents a comparison of the results obtained for the samples with one type of defect employing an analytical approach with the experimental data. A comparison of finite element computations with the results of composite samples tesitng was performed in this work. Samples of the following type were fabricated: a rectangular composite plate made of Torayca T800 prepreg, with the defect in the form of the embedded delamination. Preliminary delaminations were of both a rectangle and circle shapes; the circle-shape delaminations had different radii and depths of location. The defect was simulated by adding a teflon film of the appropriate shape between the layers. This method of the defect simulation a has proven to be effective in the manufacture of samples such as a double cantilever beam and a plate with a width-through delamination [19, 20]. Development of the finite element model of samples plates with embedded delamination was performed by the two-dimensional elements, accounting for the lay-up order of the plates placing in the composite bundle. A nonlinear static problem with account for buckling and further postbuckling behavior was being solved. The data consistent with the results presented in the open sources was obtained by the results of the finite element analysis computations. Further, the samples were tested for compression in accordance with the Standard [21]. The data on the nature of the samples post-buckling behavior obtained from tests are inconsistent with those previously obtained with the finite element model. To clarify the reasons for such difference between the results of the finite element analysis and experimental data, more detailed finite element modeling was performed, which accounted for the part of the equipment through which the load is transmitted from the testing machine to the sample. While solving the nonlinear static problem, the sample stability loss in the equipment area was assumed as the first form of buckling. This finite element model allowed obtaining the results consistent with the data obtained with the tests. | |
Zinenkov Y. V., Fedotov M. M., Raznoschikov V. V., Lukovnikov A. V. Specifics of Aircraft Screw Propulsion Unit Thrust Computing by the Airscrew Aerodynamic Characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 105-113.
The entire range of the propeller power unit altitude-velocity characteristics of the aircraft, on which the propeller is installed, may be obtained employing airscrew aerodynamic characteristics in the form of dependencies of power factors and thrust on the blade pitch angle and advance ratio. However, a research engineer, preoccupied with efficiency assessment of various power plants by the aircraft criteria, may not always have at his disposal experimentally obtained characteristics of the propeller applied as a part of the power unit under study. He does not as well always have the opportunity to conduct intensive research on obtaining the airscrew characteristics with numerical methods, which require extra means and qualification. Thus, he should preferably have in this subject area a technique for mathematical modeling of a wide set of aircraft propellers employing propeller experimental characteristics at his disposal. | |
Tkachenko A. Y., Pelevin V. S., Aleksentsev A. A., Filinov E. P. Conceptual Designing of Generator Starter Based on the ASTRA-9 Virtual Medium. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 114-122. The article deals with starting power determining of the starter with regard to the requirements placed on the starting time. The existing version of the ASTRA software was modernized for simulation modeling performing in accordance with modern tendencies [1, 2] for the said task realization. The work process real-time modeling imposes high requirements on the parameters computing speed and solution searching of the system of equations of the subassemblies joint operation. Thus, computational efficiency improvement of all algorithms was performed. Sampling frequency increase of the process being modeled and numerical solution error of the system of differential equations decrease were achieved as the result [3]. The generator starter required characteristics determining is an important task in the engine design optimization. Computations on the starter generator required power were performed within the framework of the project on a 22 kgf small-sized gas turbine engine development. A series of the working fluid parameters computations at the engine starting for the starting power values of N = 50–300 W was conducted for the power determining. The limited starting time, namely no more than 40 seconds for various TH values, is one of the requirements to the engine being developed. Computation was performed and rotor speed n time dependencies were obtained for the given starter power. The results of the work on these tools development and their implementation based on the ASTRA conceptual design software found application in the course of scientific research on the of advanced gas turbine power plants development. Particularly, the starting power of the starter was selected with regard to the starting time and operating process parameters requirements at different outdoor temperatures, while a small-sized gas turbine engine with a thrust of 22 kgf designing. | |
Osipov S. K., Bryzgunov P. A., Rogalev N. D., Sokolov V. P., Milyukov I. A. Hydro-Gas-Dynamic Processes Modeling in the GTE Cooled Blades Channels with Account for a Priori Estimation of the Computational Grid Cell Size. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 123-133.
At present, the vast majority of gas turbine engines are being accomplished with cooled turbine blades, which is stipulated by the high temperatures of the working fluid at the turbine inlet (over 1500-1700 K). The internal cooling channels geometry of the cooled blades is complex as a rule, due to the necessity to ensure various heat removal degree at the different parts of the blade, as well as the necessity of maximum heat exchange intensification at minimum hydraulic resistance of the circuit to minimize the coolant consumption and energy losses for its pumping. | |
Aref'ev K. Y., Krikunova A. I., Grishin I. M., Minko A. V., Il'chenko M. A., Zaikin S. V. The Study on the Forced Acoustic Vibrations Impact on the Methane Oxidation Process in the Constant Cross-Section Channel of the Power Plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 134-145.
The flow acoustical impact is one of the prospective methods for methane oxidation intensification. | |
Grigor’ev E. M., Falaleev S. V. The GTE Turbine Thermal State Assessment Employing Neural Networks. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 146-154. When designing an aircraft engine, as well as its workability analyzing while its operation in transient conditions, thermal computations performing of its structure is necessary. Computational method employing full-scale thermo-mechanical model is laborious and time-consuming. The authors propose a structure thermal state predicting technique at the engine work process parameters variation by creating a simplified thermal model and neural networks application, and transfer learning on the example of a micro gas turbine engine turbine (micro-GTE). The said technique requires a large number of finite element computations of the thermal state of the turbine parts in MATLAB employing various combinations of boundary conditions, as well as limited set of experimental data.
In the course of the studies, various solutions for the model clarification, such as more denser Biot numbers distribution, parameters changing of the last hidden layer for transfer learning and experimental data set limiting, were tried out. The results of testing isolated from each other methods for the neuron network operation modification revealed that restriction of the experimental data set size, achieved by the data set division by the types of maneuvers, was most effective. The results of testing isolated from each other methods for the neuron network operation refining revealed that restriction of the experimental data set size, achieved by the data set division by the types of maneuvers, was most effective. After the process optimization, the result of learning is more closer to the experimental data.
This inference indicates the possibility of improving the results by obtaining the experimental data with lower noise and greater diversity of maneuvers. The extra data such as heat transfer coefficients and temperature near the surfaces non-contacting with the main gas flow, as well as general conditions of the gas turbine unit operation may be handy for the results accuracy improving. All that may help more accurate finite element modeling of non-stationary thermal process in the gas turbine structure. There is a possibility as well of considering more complex structures of the thermal machines assemblages for obtaining more accurate digital simulation results of non-stationary thermal processes. | |
Mamaev B. I., Starodumov A. V., Ermolaev G. V. The Study of Turbomachine Cascade Performances at Off-Design Flow Entry Angles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 155-164. The effect of positive incidence angles on the flow and losses in both sub- and trans-sonic turbine cascades was studied based on multiple test results. Physical causes and general regularities of losses by the inlet angle and outlet velocity were determined by the velocity distribution on the profile and losses values analysis. Geometric and mode parameters, which should be accounted for while losses computing from the incidence angle, were marked out.
Both cascade passage contraction and exit velocity increase leads to reduction of the airfoil relative velocities and outlet diffusion degree, which reduces losses. Losses from incidence are reducing and may become zero ones in cascades with contractile passages at the moderate incidences with the velocity increase up to its limit value of
The positive incidence changes mainly the flow-around in the inlet part of the cascade passage. All flow-around changes herewith end up as a rule at the back edge prior to the interprofile channel throat, and in the first half of the trough contour. An incidence increase raises the velocity peak on the suction side near the leading edge sometimes up to supersonic values and increases intensity of following flow decelerations with a formation of separation flow. These flow changes on the airfoil suction side effect prevail the effect of flow improvements at the pressure side, and it, probably, is the main cause or the losses occurrence due to the incidence and these losses increasing due to the incidence increase. On the suction side in close to active cascades and the ones with low value of | |
Kalenskii S. M., Ezrokhi Y. A. Application of Controlled Air By-Pass from the Turbofan Engine Compressor for Supersonic Passenger Plane. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 165-173. The authors consider the possibility of the bypass turbojet engine with controlled air by-pass from the compressor to the secondary duct for the supersonic passenger plane.
The turbojet engine should meet noise requirements at the takeoff mode. This is associated with the restriction of the jet efflux velocity from the jet nozzle, and the engine should be of rather high by-pass ratio.
Both high efficiency and bypass ratio reduction are required at the supersonic cruising mode.
The authors propose a variable cycle engine with controlled air bypass from the compressor to the secondary duct to make these controversial requirements consistent.
The most rational way is air bleeding behind the first stage of the high-pressure compressor. It saves energy consumption on the air bleed compression and improves its mixing arrangement.
Mathematical model of the said variable cycle engine is based on the mathematical model of the turbojet engine with flows mixing and common nozzle. The initial model is supplemented with the bleed air parameters computing block and a block for computing its mixing with the second circuit flow.
According to the widespread approach, the options of variable cycle engine were considered based on one and the same implemented gas generator of the fourth generation engine.
Computational esteems were conducted in two stages.
At the first stage, the initial bypass ratio effect on parameters of the conventional engine scheme and variable cycle engine with bypass were estimated.
Maximal takeoff mode was selected as a computational mode. The engine thrust values at the other modes of the flight cycle were being set proportional to the maximal takeoff mode thrust.
The compressor air bleed at the subsonic modes was 10% and 20% , and there was no bypass at the supersonic modes.
At the second stage of computations, parameters comparison of the variable cycle engine and turbojet engine of the conventional scheme for their application as a part of similar flying vehicles has been executed (at the same air consumption).
The following results were obtained at the rated takeoff mode (with reduced noise level): the nozzle jet efflux velocity of the variable cycle engine will be equal to the turbojet engine jet efflux velocity at the ~5.5% greater thrust; 2.5% less specific fuel consumption and 7.5% greater high-pressure compressor stability margin. The variable cycle engine thrust will be the same as the one of the conventional turbojet engine at the prior to the turbine temperature increase by 20-25 K. Its specific fuel consumption herewith will reduce by ~0.5%. | |
Bondarenko D. A., Ravikovich Y. A. Hybrid Power Plants Application Impact on Light Helicopters Operational and Performance Characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 174-182. The majority of the state-of-the-art helicopters are equipped with traditional the engines conventional for aviation, namely piston and turbo shaft ones. The helicopter engineering development in terms of increasing its economic efficiency, such as aviation operations and transportation at traditional routes, employing rotary-wing aircraft in new areas as well as reducing the environmental impact of helicopter is associated with the possibility of a hybrid power unit (HPU) application onboard a helicopter. The aviation progress, the expansion of flights geography and the air transportation availability increasing are necessary to be combined with Russia's international obligations in the field of ecology. Particularly, this is the Paris Climate Agreement dated December 12, 2015, signed by the following the results of the 21st Conference of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris.
To justify the HPU applicability and comparison, the light helicopters of classical design were considered. The aerodynamic scheme selection of a light helicopter for its subsequent hybridization conditioned by fact that it is the simplest design in terms of gearboxes replacing with new electric drives. The comparison was being drawn with three light helicopters equipped with full-electric propulsion. It is demonstrated that such helicopters are of extremely low flight duration, not exceeding 20 minutes, as well as of a low payload that they are capable of taking on board. Thus, it can be concluded that developments in the field of the HPU potentially expand the scope of helicopters application, ensure their market attractiveness, improved technical characteristics, increase overhaul life time and final economically justified cost of ownership.
The authors propose dismantling of the piston engine, main and tail gearboxes, and their replacement with the hybrid electric drive equipment set for comparative analysis with the HPU equipped light helicopter.
The transmission between the main and tail gearboxes is being replaced by the electrical wiring. Helicopter control and electrical systems should be modified. Numerical computations results predicted that the helicopter flight range may 1.3 times increased due to the HPU optimal mode operation. The helicopter service ceiling is increasing herewith by 1000 m as well due the HPU power less dependence on the air density with the flight altitude increasing. The simulation results revealed that compared with the fully electrical helicopter the helicopter option with the HPU demonstrates better flight performance and operational capabilities, enhancing the application scope of such helicopters. It is worth mentioning as well that with two energy sources onboard (thermal engine and battery) the need for extra safety equipment is eliminated, as long as the power plant redundancy is being realized by the presence of two power sources onboard. The ability to perform a “battery” flight reduces the noise and thermal visibility of the helicopter that can potentially ensure its demand for special-purpose tasks. | |
Gurakov N. I., Popov A. D., Kolomzarov O. V., Morales M. H., Zubrilin I. A. Determination of the Flame Transfer Function in a Model Burner Device. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 183-191. The article presents the results of the flame transfer function determining by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach as dependence of the ratio of the volumetric heat release pulsations downstream to the flow velocity pulsation at the inlet of the burner device on the flow frequency pulsation at the outlet.
Computational study was performed on a Cambridge Burner model burner device with pre-mixed combustion. A block-structured grid model was developed for combustion processes simulation. Local elements refinement in the supposed flame front area in the model was performed to satisfy the scale criteria for the resolved turbulence.
The LES approach for turbulent flow calculation was used in conjunction with the Flamelet Generated Manifold combustion model. Ethane was used as fuel, and the GRI 3.0 chemical reaction kinetic mechanism was used for oxidation modeling. The time step value for each computation was 1e–05 s.
The LES approach validation was performed using the non-reaction case, and earlier published values of the axial velocity (Vx) and velocity pulsations (Vrms) were used as validation data. A good agreement between computed and experimental data was obtained as the result of validation.
Numerical modeling of combustion processes was conducted at the air-fuel ratio of α = 1.8, and inlet velocity pulsation amplitude of A = 0.1Vb. The pulsation frequency for different cases adopted the following values: f = 0; 160; 250; 300; 350; 400; 600 Hz. The study of the flow without the inlet velocity pulsation effect (f = 0) revealed that the utilized mathematical model represents correctly the both position and shape (length and thickness) of the flame front. The obtained dependence of the heat release pulsations on the frequency demonstrates that with the frequency of the flow velocity pulsation increase at the given amplitude of the velocity pulsation the ratio of the volumetric heat generation decreases (excluding 350 Hz frequency at which local extreme value of the heat release pulsations amplitude appears), which is in agreement with the experimental data on the flame transfer function determining for the burner device of similar configurations. The authors plan to study the temperature effect at the computational domain inlet on the volumetric heat release pulsation frequency as a further development of their research. | |
Ivashkov S. S., Moiseeva I. S., Barantsev S. M. Effectiveness Evaluation of the Limit Modes Limiter in the Aircraft Control System by the Analytical and Simulation Model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 192-203. The article deals with creation and application of the combined analytical and simulation models of aircraft motion dynamics for the effectiveness assessing of the angle of attack limiters and normal overload.
Actuality of such models creating and applying , which lies in the fact that the existing models do not allow comprehensive accounting for the atmospheric disturbances, operation of the limiter of limit modes and cabin indication, as well as the operator activity of the pilot and his model of functioning, was determined in the introduction to article.
The main part of the article presents the structure of the model and describes in detail its constituent blocks such as a flight dynamics model, a model of a limiter of limit modes, blocks for simulating the spiral steep banking execution, withdrawal from a dive and landing. A model of the maneuverable aircraft flight dynamics with a limit mode limiting system provides computing of the kinematic parameters of the aircraft controlled movement with the possibility of setting initial conditions. The limit mode limiter model provides an simulation of the active limit mode limiter operation.
For the semi-natural modeling conducting, the model is integrated into the structure of the pilot training simulator by the network exchange unit. Windscreen indicators models in various operating modes were developed for the flight information displaying to the pilots.
To carry out semi-natural modeling, the model is integrated as part of the flight stand using a network exchange unit. Models of windscreen displays in various operating modes have been developed to display flight information to pilots. A Pocket model is used to simulate a turbulent atmosphere. Karman’s model is employed to the turbulent atmosphere modeling.
To ensure simulation modeling, models of the pilot control actions, based on the fuzzy logic apparatus, were developed in each task executing block.
The article presents the results of a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of active limiter of the angle attack and normal overload, comprising a mechanical stop and a limiter with adaptive force correction at the pitch control stick. The probability of piloting mission execution without exceeding permissible values of the angle of attack and normal overload was selected as the limit modes limiter operating effectiveness criterion.
The conclusion contains the inference that the analytical and simulation model application has allowed enhancing the number of piloting tasks realization, which, in its turn, has increased the statistical reliability of the evaluating the limit modes limiters effectiveness.
Thus, a conclusion can be made that the developed analytical and simulation model of aircraft flight dynamics is applicable for effectiveness assessing of the of limit modes limiters. | |
Chou X. ., Ishkov S. A., Filippov G. A. Optimal Control of the Spacecraft Relative Motion on Near-Circular Orbits with Limitations on the Thrust Direction. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 204-214. The article presents the study of optimal control programs for spatial relative motion in a near-circular orbit with limitation on the of the thrust vector orientation.
New variables describing the relative motion in the orbital plane in terms of secular and periodic motion and in lateral plane in the form of the amplitude and phase of of the maneuvering spacecraft oscillations relative to the passive one were obtained based on the equations of motion in the orbital cylindrical reference frame.
Limitations on possible orientation of the thrust vector that can be oriented in the plane of local horizon, which is important for the spacecraft with tight fixation of the propulsion system onboard, were introduced. Thus, in the case under consideration the spacecraft should be rotated only in one plane, which is certainly will simplify the motion control system of equations as well as the spacecraft orientation system of equations.
The time optimal control modes were obtained employing the Pontryagin maximum principle, while optimization problem was reduced to the two-point boundary value problem for the system of differential equations, which is solved for several qualitatively different boundary conditions, namely domination of correction of longitudinal secular motion as well as domination of the lateral motion correction requirement.
The article demonstrates that limitations introduction on the thrust vector orientation allowed obtaining more stepless aircraft control program (program of rotation). However, as the computations revealed, amplitude of the necessary angles became larger than with the option of control without thrust orientation limitations.
Comparison of the considered control with limitation with the optimal one without limitation was performed for the introduced boundary conditions, which revealed that the greatest degree of non-optimality (relative motion duration increment) was accounted for cases of the domination of the periodic motion correction requirement, irrespective of whether this motion was lateral or longitudinal. Simulation of the optimal control, obtained with a linear model of relative motion, was performed with the original non-linearized model of motion with the osculating elements. The article demonstrates that in the case of relatively small initial distances between the spaceships, linearization practically did not affect on the accuracy of bringing the spacecraft to a set position. With the initial distance between the spacecraft increasing to 30 degrees and above this value, the inference can be drawn that the obtained control does not lead the maneuvering spacecraft to a given relative position. | |
Khaimovich A. I., Balyakin A. V., Oleinik M. A., Stepanenko I. S., Meshkov A. A. Computation of Warping Compensation from Residual Stresses Impact in Additive Production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2024, vol. 31, no 1, pp. 215-225. In recent years, additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has been widely recognized and has become one of the fastest growing technologies in the field of manufacturing. Additive manufacturing has become an innovative manufacturing technology used in the aerospace, energy, biomedical and automotive fields due to its advantageous ability to quickly produce complex-profile blanks. The aerospace industry is actively using additive technologies due to several factors:
1. Increasing the functionality and reducing the weight of the final products. Due to the optimal placement of the material and a reduction in the number of parts, it is possible to significantly reduce the mass of propulsion systems, which leads to an improvement in the operational characteristics of aircraft.
2. Reduction of production costs. Due to the use of additive technologies, it is possible to simplify the manufacture of complex components, such as elements of gas turbine engines and liquid propellants, which reduces the cost of expensive tooling and manual labor. Also, significant benefits can be obtained at the R&D stage due to the reduction in the production time of prototypes and the downtime of the design department.
To obtain large-sized blanks of complex geometric shape from heat-resistant nickel alloys, an additive technological process of direct supply of energy and material is used, known as direct metal deposition (DMD). The use of direct laser cultivation in the production of products made of metal-powder compositions, including aluminum, titanium, heat-resistant alloys and stainless steels, is becoming increasingly common. This technology is particularly in demand in the aircraft engine industry, where heat-resistant steels and alloys are used to manufacture key components of gas turbine engines. In addition, direct laser cultivation has found application in the production of functional parts. However, there is a need to develop a technique for designing workpieces that would take into account the warping caused by residual stresses arising during direct metal deposition. The use of warping compensation from residual stresses will not only eliminate subjective factors affecting the quality of manufactured products, but also reduce labor costs and the cost of developing a technological process for obtaining blanks. Currently, the use of nickel materials in the field of additive technologies is limited by the peculiarities of ultrafast crystallization processes, which causes the accumulation of significant internal stresses, which leads to the formation of micro- and macro-defects. In general, the residual stresses acting on the part during welding are the result of the action of residual deformations: thermal, mechanical, shrinkage, creep, phase transition. These residual deformations are the result of the action of the heat source. Excellent material properties, such as fatigue strength and tensile strength, directly depend on the microstructure of the parts. Therefore, the presence of residual stresses is not desirable, since they can cause plastic deformation of the connected parts. Various studies describe the modeling of thermomechanical processes with intense deformations in technological systems. The influence of the connection direction on the magnitude of residual stresses has also been investigated. In the process of laser synthesis of thin blanks, significant deformations occur due to the effect of residual stresses from thermal loads, which leads to the marriage of products. Therefore, the development of methods for compensation of residual stresses is an urgent task. | |
Novogorodtsev E. V., Kazhan V. G., Koltok N. G., Chanov M. N. Computational studies on the air intake of the power plant mounted in the mainline aircraft wing root. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 7–18. The article deals with the computational study of flow-around and characteristics of the air intake of a power plant mounted in the mainline aircraft wing root. Mathematical model of the air intake in the mainline aircraft layout was designed. A modified option of the air intake was designed as the result of the performed studies, in which, unlike the basic option, the following arrangements were realized. They are placing the lining-spreader in the area of the junction of the wing and the fuselage; reprofiling of the air intake duct edges and outlines; accomplishing the “tooth”-shaped ledge in the lower air intake edge.
Air intake flow-around numerical simulation was performed based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with SST-turbulence model solution (RANS-SST approach) employing unstructured computational grids built in the flow areas outside and inside the air intake. Air intake duct throttling was performed using the active disk method.
As the result of the performed studies the air intake throttle characteristics were obtained, namely dependencies of the total pressure recovery coefficient v and the circumferential flow distortion parameter Δ¯δ0 on the specific reduced air flow through the engine q(λeng). The article adduces the M number fields in both vertical longitudinal and horizontal longitudinal sections of the air intake duct, as well as fields of the v coefficient in the cross-section of the duct corresponding to the engine compressor inlet.
Analysis of the results of the computational study of the wing-mounted air intake flow and performance showed that in the cruising flight mode the modified air intake option considerably outperforms the baseline air intake one. Thus, the modified wing-mounted air intake variant ensures higher ν coefficient value, and lower Δ¯δ0 parameter values compared to the baseline wing-mounted air intake option. It was established that in the cruising flight mode, the modified air intake option performance was similar to the performance of air intakes in the classical layout of the main aircraft with engine nacelles located under the wing. It was revealed that application of the “tooth-shaped” ledge on the air intake lower edge allowed improve significantly the air intake performance in the takeoff and landing flight modes in terms of the total pressure distortion at the engine inlet cross section due to the of the separated flow restructuring in the air intake. Unlike the baseline air intake option, the air intake option with a “tooth-shaped” ledge allowed ensuring the gas-dynamic stability of the power plant in the takeoff and landing flight modes. | |
Modorskii V. Y., Kalyulin S. L., Sazhenkov N. A. Experimental test rig for assessing icing and ice destruction effect on the model fan vibrations of a small-sized aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 19-26. The article describes a special experimental test rig, representing a small-sized wind tunnel, which allows studying the processes of unmanned aerial vehicles fans icing of, as well as evaluating the effect of ice destruction on their vibrational state.
The experimental test rig allows the following:
– video recording of icing and ice destruction processes on a rotating fan at shooting speeds up to 960 frames per second (and more with the flashbulb employing);
– change the stiffness and weight of model fan blades by installing fans of various configurations on the rotor shaft;
– temperature control in the flow path within the range from – 30 up to 25°С with an accuracy of 0.5°С;
– relative humidity control in the flow path within the range from 20 to 100% with an accuracy of 2-5%;
– fan rotor speed control within the range up to 15,000 rpm;
– static pressure measuring in the flow path within the range of 30,000–110,000 Pa;
– the flow velocity measuring within the range of 0–100 m/s;
– vibration accelerations measuring on supports or body parts of the installation within the frequency range up to 12 kHz in various directions.
The authors proposed an experimental method for assessing the fans vibrational state in the process of icing. The data obtained with the proposed experimental technique demonstrate that the destruction of ice during the fan operation can lead to an increase in vibration velocities measured on the engine support by a factor of 5, from 0.6 mm/s to 3 mm/s. The standard level of vibration accelerations recorded herewith on the fan housing in the absence of ice on the blades is 0.01 mm/s. The effect of the change in the local characteristics of the fan blades surface impact on the ice adhesion was found, which, as a result, can be used to reduce the fan speed at which ice breakage is observed.
One of the further trends of possible experimental research is the study of the mechanical properties of the surfaces of fan blades effect on the properties of ice adhesion. | |
Aisin A. K., Achekin A. A., Preis A. A. Specifics of the aircraft power plant inlet device shape effect on the induced vortexes intensity. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 27–33.
The aircraft power plant operation on the ground is associated with the intense vortices forming between the inlet device and the airfield surface. This factor affects negatively the power plant operability. It reduces gas-dynamic stability margin of the engine and creates favorable conditions for the foreign objects suction into the air intake.
However, the degree of geometric shape effect of the inlet device has not been sufficiently studied, although initially it namely is that determines the vortex intensity potential for a particular power plant. | |
Kazhan E. V., Korotkov Y. V., Lysenkov A. V., Orekhovskii V. V., Arkhipov A. V. Aerodynamic performance of intake pack on upper surface of subsonic aircraft tail section. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 34-45. The presented study deals with the air intake pack in the M-60 family fuselage configuration and its aerodynamic characteristics in particular. The study is up-to-date since the said air intake device layout appeared rather successful in the studies of other authors and needs more thorough analysis of its specifics. The purpose of this work consists in evaluating the intake performance in various operating modes and the effects of the reciprocal effect of the air intake packs when applying a partition between them.
The article presents numerical and experimental studies results generalization of prospective subsonic passenger aircraft layout studying with packet mode mounting of the dual-engine power plant on the airframe upper surface in the aircraft tail part with oval fuselage. The main positive feature of this configuration is an opportunity of shielding noise, caused while the power plant running, on the terrain by the airframe elements, and propulsion system protection from foreign objects from the runway during takeoff and landing. Several options of the air intake device layout were considered, and air intake device type effect on the gas-dynamic parameters of the flow in the cross-section of the engine inlet under its various operation modes were assessed.
The air intake characteristics in the layout on the fuselage upper surface are on the level of typical values for conventional layouts with the engines placed in engine nacelles on pylons under the wing at basic flight modes at rated engine operation modes with the numbers of 0.1 ≤ M ≤ 0.4. With the M number growth the values of the total pressure recovery coefficient decreases, and at M = 0.8 reduction of the values obtained while tests reaches Δν ≈ 2 ÷ 4% compared to the aircraft classical underwing layout.
The results of the work allowed revealing the effects of packet mode air intakes mutual interaction while nominal operation violation of one of the engines with air consumption reduction through the air intake. With air consumption reduction through the one air intake (auxiliary) from q(λ)aux = 0.72 to q(λ)aux ~ 0.2, the average total pressure recovery coefficient in the second air intake (main) operating with the rated consumption of q(λ)main = 0.72 = const reduces to the value of Δv ≈ 1.3–2% at M = 0.8.
It was clarified that introduction of a plate-partition and/or the channel inlet beveling allowed attenuating the air intakes negative mutual interaction.
The air intake performance may be improved by employing the “low wing monoplane” layout. This layout is more favorable for ensuring necessary working conditions for the air intake, which is associated with a more intensive boundary layer run-over down the fuselage from the air intake inlet location. | |
Gueraiche D. ., Kulakov I. F., Tolkachev M. A. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle of a Box-Wing System for Mars Atmosphere Exploration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 46–57. The article deals with the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) intended for the flight in the atmosphere of Mars, and studies its layout, aerodynamic characteristics and structure. This work is up-to-date since the box-wing layout is rather prospective for the small-size collapsing UAVs. The purpose of the article consists in characteristics assessment of the UAV operating under low Reynolds numbers conditions.
The authors performed generalization of the results of interdisciplinary studies of the box-wing system developed for the flight in the atmosphere of Mars.
An important advantage of this arrangement is compactness of its lifting surface and the possibility of its placement in the touchdown module of a launch vehicle. The article considers several flow-around modes and assesses the stress-strain state of a hypothetic structure of the wing.
A fixed-wing UAV is one of the potential options for the aerial exploration of Mars. Unlike previous rovers, such UAV is capable of exploring large areas and collecting information that is more detailed on the planet surface without limits by the local Mars landscape. A possible means of delivering the UAV into the Martian atmosphere may be a rocket-launched capsule; to be placed in the capsule, the wing cantilever should have a foldable design, which, in turn, imposes a limitation on the maximum possible wing area. The UAV lifting surfaces design is represented by a high aspect ratio box-diamond-shaped wing, to provide the vehicle with the required lifting force under conditions of the low-density Martian atmosphere. It has no aerodynamic twist angle. Eight and six cylindrical engine nacelles with an ogive front are mounted on the front and rear wings, respectively.
The wingtips are accomplished a large engine nacelles as well. All in all, the said UAV can be equipped with a distributed power plant of sixteen engines. An S-shaped fuselage of variable diameter is being employed to space the consoles into different planes in height and reduce the negative effect of rear wing shading. The nose part of the fuselage is thickened to accommodate the research equipment.
The results of the presented work consist in revealing aerodynamic characteristics of the selected layout analyzing the stress-strain state of the developed structural set of the wing. | |
Konopleva V. M., Skvortsov E. B. A method for aircraft critical characteristics determining based on risk-analysis and project data verification. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 58–67. The article reflects the method for critical characteristics determining of the aircraft allowing accounting for the uncertainty presence of a variety of parameters during design procedure while performing analysis and quantitative assessment of technical risk.
The purpose of this method application consists efficiency enhancing in the field of aircraft development. The said method is necessary for the current state of development monitoring, and helps while decision making among variety of different implementation options. In view of the initial design stage specifics methods employed for the aircraft characteristics computing are approximate. Computation of one and the same characteristic by different methods with various assumptions is quite possible, which causes a certain range of possible values. The presented method allows reducing the searched for characteristic uncertainty up to the numerical indicator.
The proposed indicator is the probability of fulfilling one or another item from technical requirements (TR) for the aircraft, and its computing requires the following action sequence:
– an uncertainty model forming, particularly, for a probabilistic model, selecting parameters distribution law and setting intervals of possible values;
– simulation modeling, allowing obtaining a range of possible values for the requirement being analyzed;
– analysis of the simulation modeling results, where the probability of a given TR item fulfilling and basic statistical characteristics are being computed, conclusions are drawn on the stability of the expected value;
– sensitivity analysis, which allows expanding the analyzed requirement understanding, transferring to decomposition by parameters and the critical uncertainty tracking of one or another parameter.
The method was considered on the example of the regional aircraft development. Beta distribution, specified by two parameters of shape and a range of possible values, is employed to form the input data uncertainty model. Simulation modeling was performed with the MATLAB & Simulink package. The integral indicator is the probability of fulfilling the TR in terms of flight range.
The article demonstrates that when flying at a fixed cruising speed, with 5th generation engines, the metric value is 84%. The histogram of the distribution belongs to the type of positively skewed distribution with a shift of the mean value from the center of the range, closer to the left border of the probabilistic values, which characterizes it as unstable. Sensitivity analysis confirmed this assumption, detecting that the interval of probability values for the aircraft empty weight is such that the risk of not meeting the requirement for flight range in some cases could reach 100%. Based on the performed computations, an inference of necessity for extra studies in the field of aircraft strength and structural design was drawn. | |
Fedyaev V. L., Khaliulin V. I., Sidorov I. N., Kataev Y. A. Capillary impregnation of a semipreg stack in composite aircraft parts production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 68-78. The reinforcing filler impregnation by the binder is one of the basic stages while aviation and rocket engineering composite structures production by the vacuum molding method. The porous space in the reinforcing filler, such as woven, consists of super-capillary (large) pores, formed by the fibers, and micro-capillary pores, formed by the micro fibers inside the fibers. The impregnation time is being determined by the speed of the inter-fiber capillary filling by the filler. Its study is being performed with the mathematical modeling methods. Accounting for the fact herewith that the woven filler consists of fibers, which in their turn, are formed by the continuous mono-fibers, the filler capillary movement occurs both along the fibers in capillary tubes and transversally in the capillary slits. As long as the shape of the real capillary walls is rather complex, it is being idealized, and the tubes are being replaced by the equivalent ones in the form of a circular cylinder with slits. Besides, it is assumed that physical and chemical properties of the internal surface of these tubes are identical to those of filament surfaces.
As the result of the Laplace’s equation integrating, employing expressions for estimating the pressure in the quiescent filler in the entry of the tube and transversal motion of the filler in the capillary slits, the authors obtained expressions allowing estimating the resin flow rate in the tubes and the time of their filling. The article demonstrates that the filling rate of the capillary tubes decreases over time. It can be increased by reducing the resin flow from the tubes through the slits, increasing the equivalent radius of the tubes within certain limits, for example, by reducing the loads acting on the surface of the semipreg stack, as well as by viscosity reducing of the polymer resin, and performing impregnation at higher temperatures.
The resin flow in the capillary slits in the transverse direction is in many ways similar to the resin flow in capillary tubes. However, in this case, the resin flows both in the capillary tubes and in the gaps between the sections of the micro-filberes surfaces. Provided that this flow is similar to the liquid filtration in the fractured-porous media, an equation for determining the time-dependent dynamics of the resin flow in the gap, the surface tension coefficient, the contact angle, the average distance between the slit walls, their roughness, and the resin viscosity was obtained.
Recommendations on the semipreg stack capillary impregnation intensification and its time reduction are presented based on the mathematical modeling results. | |
Vasilev F. A., Podkolzin V. G., Shcheglov G. A. Numerical simulation of the unmanned aerial vehicle capture dynamics by elastic arrestor gear device. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 79–87. The article regards the problem of an airplane-type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) short landing ensuring by the horizontal elastic rope-type recovery system, and presents substantiation of the of the studied subject relevance and examples of the existing landing devices. The purpose of this article consists in estimating dynamics of the landing device functioning. The authors suggest employing a new approach to the dynamic loads reduction, consisting in airflow directing toward the UAV being captured. The article considers a four-bar landing mechanism consisting of a horizontal boom, a vertical mast, a lever and an elastic rope located parallel to the boom. The UAV is equipped with a beam with a hook, by which it catches onto the rope. Numerical simulation results of the landing system functioning dynamics are presented. Parameters of the transition mode occurring while the UAVs capturing were determined with the MSC ADAMS software package. Computing of the internal stresses in this elastic element was performed to estimate the threshold, at which the rupture in the elastic element was possible. The joints reaction forces in the mechanism are determined. The authors found the range of the rope stiffness and the beam length, for which no dangerous overturn of the UAV in the vertical plane occurs after the capture. Analysis of the system dynamics in the case of the beam fixing by the elastic cylindrical hinge was performed. The inference was made on the expediency of the hook rigid attachment to the UAV. Numerical modeling revealed the fact that the presence of the oncoming flow may significantly, more that thrice, reduce the peak loads in the system elements, occurring while the UAV capturing. The UAV flow-around by the oncoming flow, directed at the angle of attack, contributes to the loads reduction during capturing by 3–20% depending on the oncoming flow speed. The effect from the oncoming flow creating device application consists in the fact that due to the significant reduction of loads in the system, a possibility for either landing device lightening or performing the heavier UAV landing arises. | |
Alifanov O. M., Ermakov V. Y., Tufan A. ., Biryukova M. V., Vasikov D. V. Innovative approach to radiation protection ensuring of inhabited space bases. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 88–97. Habitable space bases are a theoretical autonomous habitat that can be orbital, orbiting a planet, or located directly on its surface. The main purpose of the habitable space bases construction is a more detailed study of the Solar System planets and space objects.
When considering the issue on promising habitable space bases creation, special attention is being paid to protection from charged particles, which impact is one of the main problems concerning the health of astronauts and operability of the onboard electronic equipment, such as computers, sensors, etc. To solve this problem, protection methods, which are divided into the two main groups: active and passive, can be employed. The results of computational and experimental studies of the active protection of habitable space modules from charged particles, as well as passive, including experimental studies of samples of vibration dampers, were analyzed. It was found that the thickness of the material for housing manufacturing significantly affects the radiation dose, which gives an initial assessment of the habitable space modules design. The article presents a mathematical model of active protection, the results of numerical integration of the dependence of the longitudinal deflection and the velocity of the longitudinal deflection of the electron, as well as the computational dependence of the magnetic contribution to the Lorentz force on the kinetic energy of charged particles. The authors proposed a multilayer design of habitable space modules, between of which layers promising and innovative nanomaterials are such as magnetic fluid and polyethylene spheres coated with magnetite are placed. The active protection principle herewith with a magnetic fluid application consists in the fact that charged particles are being absorbed by the magnetic fluid under the impact of the electromagnetic field, and the necessary energy is created by these particles rotation in an electromagnetic field, which speed is being regulated by the control system. The authors analyzed the results of irradiation from gamma radiation, which indicate effectiveness of the proposed habitable space modules design in creating highly effective radiation screens intended for biological and technical objects protection. | |
Levchenkov M. D., Dubovikov E. A., Mirgorodskii Y. S., Fomin D. Y., Shanygin A. N. Weight efficiency of the design of a passenger aircraft barrel with a nonregular lattice structural layout. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 98–108.
The article deals with studying the weight effectiveness dependence on the bay loading level when applying lattice structural-force diagram (SFD) in the structure of the passenger aircraft bay. The purpose of the work consisted in determining at what loading levels this SFD would provide the greatest benefit compared to the conventional metal structure and a composite structure of the “black metal” type while accounting for some technological and regulatory restrictions.
A series of optimization computations were conducted, and dependencies of weights of the optimal bays in various implementation (metal, “black metal” composite and latticework) on the loading level were obtained for this task completion. Weight optimization was performed with the genetic optimization algorithm with the project variables in the form of geometrical and topological parameters of the bays structural elements. Values of limitations were determined by the software for the finite element model (FEM) building of the bay and data interpreting of the Nastran solver developed by the authors. The values of the bay elements stress-strain state and general and local stability margin were optimization constraints. The beam bending and torsional stiffness was an extra limitation for composite bays, corresponding to stiffness obtained as the result of optimization of the metal version of the bay, since this parameter was included into the regulatory restrictions while the aircraft composite bays developing, though it does not determine the bay carrying capacity. Optimization was performed under the condition of the bay loading by combination of bending moment, shearing force and pressure typical for the aircraft flight. Weights obtained while optimization were determined at the loading levels corresponding to 100%, 50% and 25% of the bending moment and shearing force.
Additionally, the dependences of the masses of the lattice barrels were obtained with a decrease in the stiffness requirements by 25% and 50% of the actual stiffness of the metal barrel. Dependencies of the latticework by weight with the stiffness requirements reduction by 25 and 50% from the actual stiffness of the metal bay were additionally obtained.
The obtained dependencies indicate a significant weight benefit (from 15 to 25%) from the latticework scheme. The weight benefit increases while less loaded bays optimization due to the fact that structural parameters, but not strength limitations become active while metal bay optimization. The article demonstrates that the weight benefit may be additionally increased, if regulatory restrictions on the bays stiffness would be revised, which requires conducting extra studies on aero-elasticity and structure loading dynamics, where such bays may be implemented.
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Bogatyrev M. M. Studying an aircraft airframe deformation with bragg lattice based fiber-optic sensors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 109–119. Development of the regional airline aircraft is being planned with the view for the uninterruptible communication ensuring between regions and remote settlements frequently inaccessible for the ground transport. This aircraft is intended to be equipped with the flight safety monitoring system, including the built-in technical diagnostics and remote data transmission to control loading on its basic structural elements. While traditional methods of structural deformation measuring include strain gauges and Winston bridges, application of optical sensors with Bragg lattice becomes promising alternative especially for the composite materials widespread in both modern and future aircraft. This article presents the results of research conducted on an experimental setup replicating deformations measured by the Fiber Bragg lattice-based sensors, which allows performing comparative analysis of their accuracy with traditional strain gauges. Complex studies of metrological characteristics of the measurement system based on the fiber Bragg lattices were performed with the specialized testing rig to assess the feasibility of electric strain gauges replacement by the fiber Bragg lattices. The article recounts in detail the results of these tests.
Metrological characteristics of the FOS&SSG-01 (Belgium) and TechnicaFBG (USA) optical sensors together with two strain gauges were studied within the framework of this study. The key parameters including sensitivity, the sensitivity non-linearity and creep under normal conditions were estimated. The obtained results reveal that the deformation measurement error based on the fiber Bragg lattice exceeds both deformation reproduction error by the testing rig (0.12%) and measurement error obtained with the strain gauges (0.12%). The error observed in the strain gauge channels (0.12%) is explained by the deformation reproduction error as well.
Besides, the studies of the fiber Bragg lattices revealed that the relative error within the range of 350 – 1000 microstrain was of 0.25% for the FOS&SSG-01 sensors (Belgium), and 0.35% for the TechnicaFBG sensors (USA). It is remarkable that higher deformation measurement errors were recorded at the start of the deformation setting range of (0 – 350) microstrain, probably associated with the specifics of the sensor fixing on the beam of pure bending.
The results of the presented study provide a confident basis for the justified application of the fiber optical sensors in the cases when the split-hair accuracy is not obligatory. Permanent advancement of the Bragg lattice based fiber sensors installing promises further enhancing of their application for monitoring the aircraft basic structural elements loading, proposing practical and effective solutions in the aircraft building industry. | |
Le V. T. Numerical modeling of aircraft composite panels ice impact damages. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 120–129. Composite laminates are becoming increasingly popular in load-bearing structures, particularly in aviation. However, application of composites may have drawbacks, especially in the case of impacts, such as collisions with birds or hail, which can result in various types of damage. Hail collisions occur both on the ground and in the air, leading to various forms of damage that may remain invisible from the outside. The impact of hail collisions on composite structures has been insufficiently studied.
The presented article encompasses the following key aspects:
– Modeling ice behavior under high deformation rates and fracture using the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method.
– Developing a numerical model to analyze internal damage caused by ice impact on composite structures. The developed ice material model includes a relationship between stress and strain, as well as criteria, determining failure at high deformation rates. Various models are being mentioned, and special attention is being given to the elastic-plastic fracture model for the hail impact modeling. This study conducts additionally a comparative analysis between SPH method and the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method in modeling ice impacts. The SPH method is mesh-independent, enabling the accurate capture of material interfaces and mitigating the issues associated with mesh distortion caused by crack growth and material failure. The author suggest thereby the SPH method utilization as a grid-independent modeling alternative for ice deformation and fracture within LS-DYNA.
The specialized material model, “*MAT_PLASTICITY_COMPRESSION_ TENSION_EOS”, was utilized for ice simulation. This model incorporates strain rate sensitivity, specifically addressing band strain rate sensitivity through stress compression scaling coefficient data input into the “*EOS_TABULATED_COMPACTION” equation of state. The results of the SPH simulations were compared with the analytical and experimental data and showed good agreement. This comparison was being performed at different impact velocities, confirming the SPH method effectiveness for simulating ice deformation and fracture in LS-DYNA.
The study focuses on modeling the impact on composite multilayered structures, a subject of interest to numerous researchers and engineers. Finite Element Analysis is the most common approach for addressing such problems, including the analysis of the multilayered plates dynamic response to impacts, accounting for large deformations. The finite element method is being employed to simulate the structural properties of composites and assess structural damage. The assessment of laminated composite failure typically relies on examining stresses within each layer. Various theories based on the plate normal and shear strengths have been developed for the laminated composites failure analyzing. Hashin proposed the three-dimensional failure criteria for composites, considering failure modes such as fiber failure under tension and compression, as well as matrix failure under tension and compression.
The 8-node elements with one integration point and parasitic modes control were employed for the impact modeling. The “*MAT_COMPOSITE_FAILURE_SOLID _MODEL” material model was selected for these composites. Contact between the laminate layers was established using the LS-DYNA contact algorithm “*CONTACT_ AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_TIE-BREAK”, and the inter-laminar strength values were applied between all layers.
A laboratory ballistic setup was established at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences to assess defect formation during low-velocity interactions between the ice impact and composite material. Comparative analysis demonstrates clear correspondence between experimental and modeling results, as well as reliable confirmation of modeling the ice impact on composite materials with the LS-DYNA software. Thus, with accurate material data, it becomes feasible to model ice impact and determine the composite structures damages under various loading conditions. | |
Badrukhin Y. I., Terekhova E. S. Rational design of thin-walled load-bearing laminated composite panels under combined loading. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 130–139. The article recounts basic provisions of rational parameters selection algorithm (RPSA) for minimum weight composite panels loaded by longitudinal, transversal and shear streams at both strength and stability limitations.
Several methods for the panels from composite materials optimization are described are described for the start, and activities oriented on the panel weight minimization and rational layers orientation in the stack are considered.
Further, analytical expressions for strain intensity and buckling factor determininп are presented. The pack strength criterion consists in the current strain intensity limiting by the set maximum level of the strain intensity. The energy principle was applied to obtain analytical expressions of the buckling factor. These analytical expressions account for the discrete location of the stringers at the panel and compatibly of bending strain and torsion strain of stringers and panel.
The RPSA steps description is presented thereafter. The first PRSA steps include selection of the rational layup thickness, as well as the number and height of stringers, ensuring minimum weight of the panel at meeting both strength and buckling conditions. At the last step of the algorithm the current thickness is being divided by the monolayer thickness, and the obtained result is being rounded up to the even number of layers. Thus, the buckling factor is increased. This effect is employed to reduce the strain intensity by changing position of the monolayers with different fiber angles (±45, 0, 90) in the current layup. Strain intensity is the target function at this step. Thus, this offers a possibility to the panel stiffness increasing by the strain intensity minimization with constant mass and buckling factor ensuring.
Analytical solutions verification was performed by the critical buckling loads comparing with the results of finite element analysis. Satisfactory results were obtained. The RPSA results are in good agreement with certain solutions from Russian and foreign sources as well.
Rational parameters of the unstiffened and stringer panel from the ACM102 prepreg were obtained as the example of the RPSA operation for the stiffened and stringer panels with regard to the deformation intensity minimizing and without it. The article demonstrates deformation intensity may be reduced more than twice on the weight and stability retention by correcting positions of layers with various reinforcing angles (±45°, 0, 90°). The first buckling modes and eigenvalues obtained by the finite element method are presented as an example. | |
Zinenkov Y. V., Fedotov M. M., Raznoschikov V. V., Lukovnikov A. V. An approach to the aircraft propeller mathematical modeling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 140–149. There is an intensive development of unmanned and regional aviation in our country. This causes the need for additional study of airplane air propellers employed as the main propulsors of aircraft propulsion systems. When efficiency evaluating of such propulsion systems as part of an aircraft, it is necessary to have current values of thrust during the entire flight. As a rule, these values can be obtained by methods of mathematical modeling using computers. Presently, there is no mathematical model that ensures thrust computing of a propeller-driven propulsion system in a single software package for aircraft efficiency assessment. To eliminate this contradiction, the authors created a mathematical model of a four-bladed aircraft propeller and integrated it into the general algorithm of the “Calculation of thrust-economic and specific-mass characteristics of the propulsion system and aircraft motion parameters” program.
The developed mathematical model considers the air propeller as a device for converting the power on the shaft of the marshaling aircraft engine into the thrust of the aircraft propulsion system required for its movement. This model is based on experimental characteristics obtained from the results of the AV-68 propeller tests in a wind tunnel. Its purpose consists in computing current values of the propeller aerodynamic parameters at each time instant, necessary to compute the aircraft propulsion system thrust during the entire flight. Power and thrust factors, blade installation angle, speed coefficient and efficiency are being used the propeller aerodynamic parameters.
The ranges of flight conditions for which the thrust of the propeller propulsion system is being computed in the mathematical model are as follows: from 0 to 12 km in terms of flight altitude, and from 0 to 0.4 in terms of Mach number. The current thrust values of the propulsion system are automatically computed in the above-appointed
ranges with a single input of initial data and transferred to the mathematical model of the aircraft flight dynamics. To substantiate the necessary input data to the mathematical model, the main parameters and characteristics of serial air propellers used as a part of aircraft propulsion systems were analyzed. As the result, such parameters are flight altitude, flight speed, power at the engine output shaft, propeller diameter, engine shaft speed and transmission
ratio of the propeller gearbox.
Analysis of the qualitative flow of the current characteristics of the propeller computed in the course of this work demonstrates that it does not contradict the theoretical description. This proves that the developed mathematical model of the four-bladed airplane propeller produces an adequate result, which accuracy will be evaluated in the future by verification.
As the result, development of the above-said propeller mathematical model ensured enhancing of efficiency and fidelity of computational-theoretical studies on forming preliminary technical layout of power plants by the criteria of the airplane-type aerial vehicle.
Practical value of the presented work, which consists in the fact that its outcome may be employed in both scientific institutions and design bureaus dealing with prospective unmanned aerial vehicles and power plants for them, employed in ordering organizations and industry while substantiating the requirements for new models of aviation equipment, should be noted as well. | |
Leontiev M. K., Nikolaev I. V. Spline joint stiffness impact on the gas turbine engine rotor dynamics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 150–158. Spline coupling is the most common torque transmission way in the aviation engines building industry. These joints are being computed as pliable or rigid and very often is not being subjected to analysis. It may lead to the effect on the rotor system dynamic characteristics, namely on critical speeds, vibrations amplitudes and loading values on the supports. The authors of the article demonstrate the dependence between the above said parameters and the spline joint stiffness. In the first section, the spline stiffness was computed using finite-element model (FEM). Further, the authors show the difference between critical speeds for three options of the spline joint, such as rigid, pliable and obtained with finite-element analysis. For this purpose, the authors employ a model of aviation GTE created with the DYNAMICS R4 software pack. This software product is based on modal analysis and allows modeling complex structural dynamic system from beam elements and conjunctions. The results of the analysis reveal that the option of splines with computed stiffness has shapes similar to the critical speeds with the rigid option. Despite this, the difference between critical speeds values may be more than 5%.
The second section presents several graphs, demonstrating the impact of method, accounting for the spline joint stiffness, on the loads in supports values. It can be seen while comparing spline joints options with computed stiffness and rigid ones that loading curves look quite similar. The greatest difference is being observed in the third support between 12000 and 14000 rpm. At the same time, it should be noted the greatest differences can be observed for the pliable spline coupling and computed stiffness. These changes may be associated with loads redistribution in the system. | |
Kulalaev V. V., Zyul’kova M. V., Svodin P. A. Layout of the prospective segmental plain bearing made from ceramic material of porous structure for high-speed gas turbine engine rotors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 159–166. The main issue of promising aircraft designing is the issue of improving its performance characteristics, which, in turn, requires aircraft engine designing engineers to ensure higher values of power plant cycle thermo-gas- dynamic parameters. This becomes possible due to application of front-end technologies of material science, a more advanced level of compressor blades and turbines profiling, as well as operating rotational speeds increasing of the power plants rotors. Operating rotational speeds values increasing of the power plant shaft leads to the operational conditions complication, increase in temperature and power loads on the subassemblies and AGTD elements, in this respect new design and technological solutions when product designing are required.
Particularly, on achieving higher rotor speeds, serious loading increase on the engine rotor system and its elements, especially on bearing supports, which turn out to be in more complex operating conditions, which leads to severe life cycle reduction and failure inception [1]. Both cognizance and experience in the fields of materials science and technology of structural materials production, stored as of today, allow application of various state- of-the-art materials with enhanced strength characteristics, such as composite ceramic materials (CCM), in the AGTE units designs. Gradual implementation of these materials in stressed subassemblies of engines [2-5], such as combustion chambers and blade machines due to the enhanced (compared to the alternative materials) values of strength parameters, i.e. heat resistance, heat stability, hardness and melting temperature.
As of today, leading-in-industry foreign countries are already conducting research on the subject of plain bearings for low-speed rotors from porous ceramic material. Both experimental and theoretical experience described in [6-16] proved the advantage of porous ceramics application as a structural material for plain bearings.
Besides, one of the tasks while sliding bearing designing for a prospective gas turbine engine consists in the bearing optimal design scheme selecting. Presently, the main choice for actual power plants is bearings with rolling bodies, i.e. ball or roller ones. This category of bearings is convenient in operation due to their easy mounting, lack of need for a large amount of lubricant and relatively low cost. However, at high speeds of rotation of the rotor, these bearings lose their efficiency due to their service life reduction under these conditions. Besides, they produce a high noise level and wield increased values of rotating resistance. A promising option hereupon is considering the possibility of employing plain bearing in the rotor system design of a promising aircraft power plant, which main advantage is the possibility of operation at high shaft speeds.
The article presents a classification of existing schemes and types of plain bearings, on which basis the appearance of a promising plain bearing with segmented inserts from porous ceramic material for AGTD rotors supporting high operating speeds is formulated, and adduces certain suggestions for efficiency improving of its operation. | |
Matveev V. N., Baturin O. V., Popov G. M., Gorachkin E. S., Kudryashov I. A. Gas generator twin-shaft compressor working process axisymmetric model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 167–177. Axisymmetric models of the turbomachines working process are being employed while performing design variation computations, turbomachines refinement, as well as their characteristics computation and analysis. These models are not as accurate as three-dimensional numerical models, but they possess low response time.
In the known axisymmetric compressor models, the fields of flow parameters at their inlet are usually assumed as uniform, and the curvature of the flow tube lines in the meridional plane is being neglected. Besides, when the axisymmetric models forming, only limited number laws of the flow at the impellers inlet are being employed, and the pressure along the blades height is being assumed constant.
While detailed development of the working process axisymmetric model of the gas generator two-shaft compressor, the authors of the article took a decision to abnegate the above said limitations to increase accuracy and enhance the design engineer possibilities.
When developing a method for an axisymmetric model forming of the two- shaft axial compressor working process, the following methods were appllied:
– the equation of radial equilibrium with regard for the flow lines curvature and the flow velocity in the meridional section;
– universal methods for the flow swirl setting at the impellers inlet along the radius and the pressure distribution along the height of the stage.
Solution of these equations was being performed in conjunction with the other basic equations of the theory of turbomachines by numerical method. During the calculation, a small step was set along the radius from the average diameter towards the sleeve and the periphery.
As the result, the distribution of the height of the flow part in each section at the inlet and outlet of the compressor cascade, as well as in each inter-shaft section, were being determined:
– thermodynamic, gas-dynamic and kinematic flow parameters;
– relative criteria parameters of elementary blade rows of rotor and stator, as well as elementary stages.
When the developed model approbation in the process of the design gas dynamic computation of the gas generator two-stage compressor for a prospective gas turbine engine, all restrictions on the relative criteria parameters values over the entire height of the blade were met. This was succeeded due the flow swirl variation at the rotor wheel inlet, stages pressure distribution along the flow part height, as well as by changing the degree of reactivity, both head and flow coefficients at the average radius. Computational results obtained with the proposed axisymmetric model of the compressor working process allowed finding solutions, reducing the number of the compressor stages of the engine being developed from seven to six with the acceptable efficiency. | |
Mikhailov A. E., Mikhailova A. B., Muraeva M. A., Eremenko V. V., Goryukhin M. O., Krasnoperov D. G. Study and optimization of hybrid propulsion system architecture for regional aircraft based on turbo-shaft engine with heat regeneration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 178–194. As of today, ecological restrictions of regulatory bodies stimulate the development of more ecologically friendly propulsion units with the lower CO2 emission and generated noise levels in the near- and medium term prospect. Within this framework, electrified propulsion systems motorization and application of engines with heat recuperation are the critical technologies allowing fuel efficiency and cost effectiveness enhancing.
The article presents the results of various propulsion system architectures study for the DHC-8-100/200 regional airliner, namely a turbo-shaft engine, a turbo-shaft engine with heat recuperation and hybrid propulsion systems based on the turbo-shaft engine and the one based on the turbo-shaft engine with heat recuperation. The studies and optimization of the propulsion system architecture are being performed based on the characteristics analysis by the typical flight cycle at various target functions. Selection of cycle optimal parameters of the propulsion units with different degrees of heat regeneration (θrec) and hybridization (βhyb) at various flight ranges was performed to improve fuel efficiency. In case of the flights of up to 500 km range the optimal architecture form the propulsion unit total weight viewpoint is the hybrid propulsion unit of parallel structure based on the turbo-shaft engine with heat recuperation. The fuel weight herewith, required for the flight, is being reduced by 25% compared to the initial model.
At the same time, at the maximum flight range chosen (1500 km), the recuperated turbo-shaft engine architecture achieves a gain in total propulsion system weight compared with hybrid propulsion system based on recuperated turboshaft with relatively the same fuel weight. With this, application of the hybrid propulsion system based on recuperated turbo-shaft engine at ranges greater than 1000 km does not bring any significant positive effect compared to other architectures. Thus, recommendations on the choice of the propulsion system architecture and turbo-shaft engine cycle parameters depending on the range of the regional aircraft were formed as the result of exploratory research. | |
Burtsev I. V. Thrust control valve effect assessment on the liquid propellant rocket engine operation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 195–201. The subject of the study is a liquid propellant rocket engine (LRE) with the generator gas afterburning. The purpose of the study consists in determining the flow regulator characteristics effect on the LRE stability.
The article presents the description of the flow regulator operation, consisting of a throttle and stabilizing parts.
The author defined the main specifics while the flow regulator functioning, and noted that with the change in the pressure drop on the regulator a delay in the movement of the stabilizer spool is possible due to the friction forces between the movable elements of the stabilizing part of the regulator.
The external view of the loading curve in the presence of a delay in the movement of the flow regulator stabilizer spool is described, and the main parameters characterizing the loading curve specifics are highlighted
Computations of the LRE parameters changes in the cases of various flow regulator loading curves were conducted. Evaluation of the flow rate through the regulator change transient impact on the generator gas temperature and turbo-pump unit shaft rotation speed of the LRE being considered fluctuations was performed.
The author proposed the description of the self-oscillations origination mechanism in the LRE paths at the abrupt change of the pressure drop on the flow regulator in the case of the various types of loading curve of the flow regulator.
The article demonstrates the loading curves specifics effect on the of self-oscillations parameters.
Assumptions were made on the self-oscillations frequency effect depending on the engine operating mode, since the residence time of the components in the gas generator changes.
A sequence of changes in the parameters of the components in the paths of the liquid propellant supply units at an abrupt change in the pressure drop on the regulator has been compiled. | |
Usovik I. V., Morozov A. A. Monitoring system development for non-catalogued space debris. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 202–209. The number of functioning spacecraft in orbits exceeds 7000, the number of manned flights is growing, and manned missions to the Moon are being planned as well. Space debris (SD) poses an increasing threat to the functioning spacecraft every year, greatest risks relate herewith to non-catalogued SD. The existing monitoring facilities are not enough for understanding the situation and verifying the SD models. To ensure the space flights safety, as well as comprehensive awareness of the near-Earth outer space (NES), it is necessary to. An integrated monitoring system development, which would ensure enough volume of information in both space and time to form actual SD models and understand the SD environment in the NES, is necessary to ensure the space flights safety, as well as comprehensive apprehension of the state of the near-Earth outer space (NES).
A review of literature has revealed that to date separate monitoring facilities for non-catalogued SD are being developed, though the task of the system development is not being solved herewith. Monitoring by the ground facilities allows estimating the SD flight altitude, inclination and size. Monitoring by remote-type space facilities allows assessing sizes and orbital parameters for the particle from the 5 cm size. Monitoring by contact-type space facilities allows estimating the stream of the SD particles and their size. As it can be seen from specifics of various types of the SD monitoring, application of all possible types will allow obtaining the most complete amount of data on the situation the in near-Earth space to verify the SD model.
The article presents the results of the small-sized SD forecasting, which demonstrate that the increase in number of non-catalogued SD exceeds growth of catalogued SD, and its change in local distribution in space herewith is less susceptible to changes due to inertia of the processes.
The model example shows that the solution of non-catalogued SD active removal problem is not feasible in near future. The estimated intensity of the NES cleaning from the SD is negligible. It does not ensure the NES protection from monotonous growth of objects, even from consequences of collisions.
The article presents proposals on developing comprehensive monitoring system for non-catalogued SD, consisting of ground-based monitoring facilities, remote and contact monitoring spacecraft, which provide together the maximum amount of information possible today.
Appropriate techniques development is necessary for determining ground-based facilities optimal placement, spacecraft orbits and their target equipment characteristics. | |
Khairnasov K. Z., Sokol’skii A. M., Isaev V. V. Load-bearing capacity of a robotic structure from composite material under dynamic loading. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 210–219. The authors has developed a technique for the stress-strain state computing of a robotic structure made of a composite material under dynamic impact. The load-bearing capacity of multilayer composite materials is affected by the arrangement of the warp threads of the composite material. The load-bearing capacity of the composite material can be altered by the layers orientation changing. Thus, it is important to study the effect of the arrangement of a composite material threads on its load-bearing capacity. The authors conducted the said study for a robotic system made of composite material under dynamic loading. An eight-layer composite material with various layer orientations was under consideration. Carbon fiber formed its base. A multilayer composite material destruction criteria were considered. A test bench intended for flight characteristics simulation under laboratory conditions was considered as a robotic complex. This work bench simulation was performed. The work bench was approximated by finite elements. The results convergence of the finite element of the work bench model was being checked by the finite element mesh condensing and comparing the obtained results. Robotic systems are equipped with elements setting the channels in motion, such as bearings, gears, gearboxes and motors. In this work, they are replaced in the finite element model by a system of rod elements of the same stiffness. The test bench design represented a three-layer structure consisting of external load-bearing layers of eight-layer composite material and a layer of filler between the load-bearing layers of lightweight material in the form of foam plastic, which serves for the shear absorbing. The test bench design was computed and analyzed for dynamic loading, and its stress-strain state was obtained for various layers arrangements of composite material. | |
Shvetsov A. N., Skuratov D. L. Diamond burnishing process parameters impact on the surface layer quality of the parts while aviation technology products manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 220–231. The effect of burnishing force, radius of diamond point sphere, initial roughness, tool advance and machining speed on the samples surface roughness, micro-hardness of surface layer, as well as circular and axial residual stresses was studied based on single-factor and full-factor experiments while performing diamond burnishing of the samples from the 15Cr12Ni2MoVWNNb-S (EP517-S) heat resistant wrought steel and 30CrMnSiNi2A high-resistance steel. Empirical power dependences were obtained linking the above said parameters of the diamond burnishing process with those defining the surface layer quality, namely with the surface roughness, maximum micro-hardness and strain hardening, maximum value of the circular residual compressive stresses and their maximum depth of occurrence, as well as maximum value of the axial compressive stresses.
The studies revealed that the main effect on the surface roughness at the burnishing force from 50 to 200 N was exerted by the tool sphere radius and tool advance, while at the force from 200 to 350 N these were the burnishing force and the tip sphere radius. In the case of the samples burnishing with natural diamond, the determining effect at the burnishing force from 50 to 350 N is the burnishing force and initial surface roughness. When machining the 30XGSN2A steel by the ASB-1 synthetic diamond, the same parameters as for the EP517-S steel burnishing have the greatest impact on the surface roughness. Radius of the diamond burnisher (ASB-1) and machining speed have the greatest impact on the micro-hardness value of the surface layer of the samples from both EP517-S and 30XGSN2A steel. At the same time, the burnishing force and diamond tip sphere radius have decisive impact while machining the samples from the EP517-S steel, and burnishing force and tool advance are the main factors while the samples from the 30XGSN2A steel machining. The tool sphere radius and advance have the greatest effect on the circular residual stresses forming by the tool with the ASB-1 diamond while the samples from the EP517-S steel burnishing, while both the tool sphere radius and burnishing force prevail while the 30XGSN2A steel burnishing. The most notable parameters affecting axial residual stresses while processing samples from the EP517-S steel are the sphere radius and the burnisher tracking force, and at the samples from the 30XGSN2A steel machining these are the tip sphere radius and the burnisher advance.
Samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel processing by the ASB-1synthetic diamond had the same dependences temper as for the samples made of EP517-SH steel.
At the same time, during the processing of samples made of EP517-S steel the definite influence on strain hardening depth had burnishing force and radius of diamond point, but for samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel – burnishing force and tool feed.
Generation of hoop locked-up stresses during the burnishing of samples made of EP517-S steel by tool with diamond ASB-1 was affected by the radius of diamond point and feed, on the other hand during the burnishing of samples made of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel there was another combination of significant factors: burnishing force and radius of diamond point. | |
Poruchikova Y. V., Yakupova N. S., Basov A. A., Plotnikov A. D., Mal'tsev I. E. Corrosion resistance assessment of a typical hydraulic circuit fragment for the thermal mode ensuring system synthesized by selective laser fusion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 4, pp. 232–239. Application of additive production methods can significantly facilitate the manufacture of heat transfer devices that include developed structures of complex shape. At the moment, unlike the problems of shaping and mechanical strength as well as porosity reduction of resulting products obtained by the additive technology, not enough attention is being paid to the issue of chemical and/or electrochemical interaction between the resulting product and coolant of heat management system.
The article presents the results of accelerated tests for corrosion resistance of hydraulic circuits fragments, produced by selective laser sintering (SLS technology), and location of weld between such fragments and pipelines, produced from rolled AMg6 alloy. The pipeline fragment is produced from the most suitable for spacecraft thermal control systems elements domestic RS333aluminum powder (AlMgSi10 alloy). The corrosion resistance was checked for the coolants mostly widespread in Russian Space program such as TRIOL, based on water, and PMS-1,5r, based on polymethylsiloxane fluid, and also for perspective coolant for modules with high thermal loads – high purity ammonia.
The tests were conducted by the method of complete samples immersion the in the coolant and their subsequent long-term (30–37 days) exposure at the room temperature. The intermediary extraction and examination of the samples were performed during exposition process in the “TRIOL” and PMS-1,5p coolants. Further, the samples visual examining with microscope was being performed.
No traces of corrosion were detected on the samples tested in the “TRIOL” and PMS-1.5r coolants. After exposure to ammonia, black spots were traced on the surface of the samples, which color and shape were atypical for corrosion products of aluminum alloys.
The authors issued recommendations on the aluminum SLS-products application in contact with the said coolants.
The article presents detailed methodological description of the experimental studies being conducted, and adduces photos of places of discovery of the imitator-samples appearance changes. | |
Abashev V. M. Experimental complex of supersonic wind tunnels for aerophysical tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 7-16. The article describes the “Experimental complex of supersonic wind tunnels for aero-physical tests”, which is operated in the MAI. It is intended for educational process, as well as research and development works. Both external and internal aerodynamic blowdowns are being performed with it. The complex includes two supersonic wind tunnels with interconnected systems: pneumatic system, exhaust vacuum system, as well asmeasuring and control systems. Aero-physical tests are being conducted for the models of a 30-300 mm diameter and a 0.35-1.5 m length. The duration of the experiment is 0.2-3.0 s. The airflow velocity is supersonic, ensuring the tests for modern operation conditions of atmospheric aircraft. The air consumption is up to 5.0-150.0 kg/s at the temperature up to 720-750 K.
The wind tunnels are of the same structural scheme and differ only in sizes. The principle of “sequential experiment” is being realized. Two series of aero-physical tests are being performed after preliminary numerical thermo- gas-dynamic study. At first, the required number of low-cost approximate tests on a small-size autonomous wind tunnel is conducted. The adjustment of equipment, rigging, various systems and measurements necessary for the main tube functioning is performed. Preliminary test results of the small-size model are being obtained. Further, a small number of full-size model tests are conducted in the main wind tunnel.
The tests specificity consists in their high economy and low cost due to the short time of the experiment and availability of the autonomous pressure systems.
The article describes the sensor, measuring static pressures of the supersonic flow in the inner duct of the experimental model. Small orifices serve as sensing elements, operating as stress concentrators. The stresses are being measured with polarizing-optical method of photoelasticity. Polarizing-optical installations intended for visualization and fixation of the principal stress difference bands pattern in the experimental model are presented. The stresses determining accuracy is 1-3%.
Static pressures are being determined by measured principal stress difference near the orifices. | |
Kargaev M. V., Savina D. B. Stresses computation method in the skin of non-rotating main rotor blades tail sections under the impact of the wind at the helicopter parking lot. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 17-25. The task of ensuring an acceptable level of stress in all structural elements of the main rotor blade both in flight and in the parking lot of the helicopter is one of the paramount ones while its design. It is well-known that the stresses arising in the main rotor blade spar from the forces of the blade’s own weight and wind loading may reach significant values, and lead to the residual deformations appearance.
The blade tail sections are less strong than the spar elements. With the achieved spar strength level, ensuring an equal level of strength of the tail sections under the action of wind in the parking lot, especially for a blade with a large chord and width of the tail sections is necessary. Creating a light and durable tail sections design is a constituent part of the task on the main rotor blades designing.
In this regard, the strength computing method developing for the tail sections and, in the first place, its skin as the most loaded and significant by weight presents interest.
The problem on determining the stress-strain state of main rotor blade tail sections skins is being solved in the open press mainly for the cases of the in-flight loading.
The presented article proposes a method for stresses computing in the tail sections skin of non-rotating main rotor blades under the impact of wind in the helicopter parking lot, based on the numerical solution of the plane problem of elasticity theory, as well as computing stresses in the blade spar under the static impact of the wind. The obtained system of differential equations describing the skin stress-strain state by the grid method is reduced to a system of linear algebraic equations with respect to the sought displacements. The SVD-algorithm for the pseudo-solution construction was employed for this system numerical solution.
The article presents the results of computations performed for the main rotor blades skins of the Mi-38 type helicopter. The wind speed limit is determined by the condition of the tail sections skins strength of the blade being considered at the given blowing direction. Comparative calculations of longitudinal stresses in the tail section skin under the action of the blade’s own weight forces demonstrated close convergence with experimental data.
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Moscatin'ev I. V., Sysoev V. K., Firsyuk S. O., Yudin A. D. Proposal on the aerodynamic braking device elaboration based on foam materials for small spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 26-34. For more than 60 years of space activity, more than 6 thousand launches have resulted in the appearance of about 56,000 objects in orbit, out of which about 26,000 can be tracked from Earth. According to the Main Information and Analytical Center of the automated warning System about dangerous situations, about 3,000 objects listed in the catalog are active satellites, and the remaining objects represent space debris. In recent decades, the problem of near-Earth space pollution by technogenic objects is being worsen in connection with the space activities expansion, i.e., the tendency to the spacecraft miniaturization and launching of numerous small spacecraft groupings instead of a single large spacecraft. As of now, methods for space debris cleaning-off are being actively developed, as well as measures preventing in prospect the possibility of contamination itself.
As of passive techniques for nano-satellites withdrawal from low near-Earth orbits, the most realizable are the method of aerodynamic braking by the inflatable devices and braking devices from foam polymer materials of a foamed plastic type. The inflatable braking device possesses the following disadvantages:
– a high probability of both internal (during disclosing) and external damage (micrometeriorites, space debris particles, solar UV radiation), which will lead to rapid loss of gas composition and the shell shape deformation;
– the loss of shape will be occurring while interaction with atmosphere and, as a consequence, braking probability reduction.
Polymer material coating by foam for a braking device creating has the following disadvantages:
– the foam coating formation is of a high polymerization rate, thus, the coating spherical shape obtaining in vacuum is rather difficult to control;
– there is no proof that the foam coating will retain its structure in a vacuum;
– technical device for the foam creating is more complex than the inflatable mechanism.
Our proposal supposes foam feeding into an elastic thin-film tank of a rubber ball type. The walls of this ball will perform two functions: expand under the impact of the foam to the large sizes and, on the other hand, will limit the foam material escape into space. To realize the said method, , the activities on numerical modeling and model experiments on disclosing and filling the braking shell with the foam materials under conditions close to the operation on low near-Earth orbits are required besides developing a special polymer foam for operation under vacuum conditions. | |
Ustinov A. N. Setting-up artificial gas-dust plasma formation for clearing near-Earth space from space debris. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 35-43. The intensive exploitation of the near-Earth space is accompanied by the accumulation of high-speed space debris (SD) in this area, which disposal is becoming an important problem for our civilization. The methods developed by us for the of orbital space debris disposal propose employing large-sized artificial plasma formations (APF), with which help of the process of the spacecraft aerodynamic deceleration is intensified for subsequent thermal disposal. With this end in view, a large-diameter APF is being formed around space debris, which creation is being accomplished with the gas-dust environment generator. The impact of the outer space radiation forms ionization processes in the generator gas and dust environment, which, in its turn, ensures formation of a carrier system consisting of solid space debris objects and the gas and dust plasma surrounding them. Due to the fact that the gas-dust plasma medium consists of charged particles, differing greatly from each other in mass, they have proportionally large differences in the speed of movement and the associated intensity of condensation on the surfaces of solid objects of space debris. The said fact leads to dominating condensation of the light – electronic plasma component on the space debris surfaces, creating a negative charge on them, which, in its turn, leads to the positive charge forming in the APF volume. This selective charge distribution stipulates the electrostatic (Coulomb) interactions forming that attract the ingredients of the IPO structure (CM and plasma atmosphere) to each other. The sources of extra ionization are being employed at the expense of radionuclide additives application in the generator plasma, spontaneously radiating ionizing radiation, to intensify electrostatic interaction in the APF. Besides, the degree of the APF medium ionization is being increased due to utilizing easily ionizing alkaline and alkaline earth substances, possessing low ionization potentials, in its composition. Thus, the external dispersing impacts of the aerodynamic forces of the Earth atmosphere traces are being surpassed by the Coulomb electrostatic attractions inside the APF. The process of intense deceleration of such a large formation leads to a multiple decrease in the period of its ballistic existence, terminating when it reaches the dense layers of the Earth atmosphere, where its thermal disposal happens. | |
Shved Y. V. Profile selection specifics of a soft wing on a sling suspension. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 44-52. When a soft wing profile selecting, it should be borne in mind that the data adduced in the atlases of airfoils appears to be insufficient. This is associated with the fact that these documents reflect the data of blowing rigid models, which preserve their shape even when the area with the reverse, directed downward lifting force, is being formed at the nose of the profile. The profile of the soft wing is losing stability under these conditions. Thus, the additional parameters such as the form of the graph of the total pressure coefficient along the upper and lower surfaces distribution at its nose, the angle of attack of this value transition to the negative region and the length along the profile chord captured by this transition affect the soft wing profile selection. This length indicates how expansive the profile extra turn is when it goes beyond the critical angle, and hence the degree of danger. Besides the above said parameters, the range of the accessible angles of attack for the soft wing depends upon location and size of its air intakes and slots (if any), and obtained as the result coefficient of pressure on the surface and in the wing cavity as the profile housing stability criterion to the local crushing. This criterion should be less than one everywhere for the stable profile shape. When the soft wing yeilding of the negative angles of attack, for example due to entering the down-flow, its air intakes lose their ability to keep up the excessive pressure. The upper leading edge herewith crushes, and airfoil deforms in such a way that its centerline in the nose attains reduced or reversed curvature, and, consequently, its aerodynamic force, acting on the wing leading edge sharply changes direction turning the front segment of the carrying plane. The extra effect while the profile deformation introduces the center of pressure shift, which forces the wing forward and additionally, reduces its angle of attack (this movement is being compensated to a certain extent by the deformed profile resistance). | |
Zimnikov D. V. Maintenance system of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles simulation model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 53-58. Relevance of the research related to the unmanned aerial vehicles is being confirmed by an increased number of their application and planned financial expenditure for the development of modern and prospective complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. Control methods are being permanently improved, and activities on the performance enhancing of the complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles are in full strength. However, due attention is not paid to the issues of the complexes technical availability, though many patterns of unmanned aerial vehicles are as good as manned aircraft concerning their mass and volume characteristics.
The existing contradictions in theory and practice indicate the need for modeling and analysis of various types of maintenance performed on complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. One of the ways to this problem solving consists in developing a simulation model of the maintenance system for complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. Simulation modeling is by far one of the most effective tools for studying complex systems. Simulation modeling application in many areas of activity has a number of undeniable advantages. Modeling helps to find optimal solutions to problems and ensures a clear understanding of complex systems.
When forming a maintenance system, it is necessary to account for a large number of factors that may affect the timing and quality of work. At the same time, the adjustment of the maintenance program during operation is being practiced as well. Simulation model was developed with the AnyLogic System with a view to increase the efficiency of employing complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. The said model allows substantiating technological process, rational periodicity of maintenance, adopting rational decision on the maintenance specialists selection, assessing their workload, as well as determining the requirements to the rational set of necessary maintenance equipment.
The developed model accounts for the effect of an extended number of the input indicators and possible states of the technical operation of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. The proposed model may be further employed for solving the problems of rational distribution of available resources, increasing the coefficient of technical readiness and forming a rational maintenance system for complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles. | |
Lanshin A. I., Khoreva E. A., Ezrokhi Y. A. Total pressure non-uniformity impact at the engine inlet on its basic parameters at various laws of regulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 85-91.
Non-uniform airflow enters due to various reasons the engine inlet under flight conditions while flowing around the engine nacelle of the power plant with the bypass gas turbine engine. The said non-uniformity presence affects negatively its key parameters such as engine thrust, specific fuel consumption and gas-dynamic stability margin of compression elements (fans and compressor stages), and, as a consequence, the engine stability at large. Two parameters, which estimate the total pressure field non-uniformity at the engine inlet, were considered. The first one is the generally accepted parameter W (stationary component, which estimates the difference between the minimum pressure at the inlet plane and its average value). The second one is the criterion parameter ER, which estimates not only maximum and minimum pressure values, but relative sizes of zones with different total pressure value as well. A bypass two-shaft turbojet engine with the design parameters level corresponding to the fourth generation was selected as the object of study. The calculated esteem of the inlet flow non-uniformity effect on the engine thrust- cost performance was performed with 1D mathematical model employing the well-known method of parallel compressors at the three characteristic flight modes, such as takeoff, climbing and cruise supersonic mode with various engine control laws. Rotation frequency sustenance of both engine rotors n1 and n2, as well as sustaining gas temperature Tt* at the turbine outlet were considered as such laws.
The study of the total pressure non-uniformity at the engine inlet effect on its basic parameters at various control laws revealed that the less effect on the thrust-cost characteristics the non-uniform airflow exerts at the gas temperature sustaining behind the low pressure turbine. The maximal effect of the non-uniform total pressure on the thrust and specific fuel consumption was revealed while realizing the program of high-pressure shaft rotation frequency n2 control. The share of the extra losses in the compressing elements due to the thrust reduction increases with the flight speed increasing and climbing and may reach up to 20%. | |
Shevchenko I. V., Rogalev A. N., Rogalev N. D., Komarov I. I., Bryzgunov P. A. Experimental study of heat transfer in slotted channels of gas turbine engines cooled blades with modified pin heat transfer intensifiers. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 92-100. At present, temperatures at the inlet to the turbines of gas turbine engines reach 1500-1900°C, which exceeds the melting point of the materials from which the turbine blades are made. Despite the fact that for the most heat- stressed blades of gas turbine engines, the main cooling is achieved through the film cooling systems, convective part is present there as well, which removes a significant amount of heat. With this regard the issues of developing a convective part of cooled turbine blades, as well as the heat transfer intensification inside the blades are up-to-date. Intensifiers in the form of several rows of pins are traditionally widely used in the cooling channels of the blades located in the middle part and the rear of the airfoil. Generally, a staggered arrangement of pins relative to the direction of the cooling air flow is employed. However, a change in the direction of the airflow along the height of the feather may lead to the pins flow-around at different angles, including a flow corresponding to their in-line arrangement, which may significantly reduce heat transfer.
For the purpose of further heat transfer intensification in the blade cooling channels, this authors propose application of the pins installed in holes, as well as pins installed in transverse grooves. These modified pin intensifiers allow substantial heat removal intensifying at trifling hydraulic resistance increase, as well as reducing the shadow stagnant zone behind the pins, where heat transfer decreases, due to extra vortex formation in the cavity zone.
The article presents the results of a study of several design solutions for heat transfer intensification: pin intensifiers, pin-hole intensifiers and pin intensifiers located in the transverse grooves. The method of calorimetry in a liquid metal thermostat, consisting in the thickness measuring of zinc crusts formed while thermohydraulic cooling of the studied channels models and the heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers determining by them, was employed to study heat transfer characteristics in the channels.
A basic channel with pins without recesses was selected as a channel for comparison with the results described in the literature. The experimental data obtained while the basic channel studying revealed a high degree of agreement with the Metzger data, the average deviation was less than 10%. The experimental studies results of modified cooling channels with pins revealed that cooling channels with pins in the transversal grooves display maximum throughout among the channels being considered due to the minimum flow passage area increase. The average by length Nusselt numbers for the given channel herewith are 36% more compared to the basic channel with pins, and 22% more compared to the channel with pins placed in round dimples. | |
Semenova A. S., Kuz’min M. V., Kirsanov A. R. The study of rotation frequency of the GTE ceramic segmental bearing internal ring impact on its strength. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 101-108. Metal rolling bearing are employed traditionally in rotor supports. These bearings disadvantages are high friction coefficient, limited rotation frequency and their susceptibility to the severe wear.
Implementation of new technologies and materials enabled application of ceramic bearings. These bearings advantage over the metal ones consists in:
– low adhesion of mating parts, low friction coefficient;
– non-magnetic properties, high operating temperature;
– chemical resistance in aggressive environments, high strength.
Traditionally, the performance check of such bearings are the tests, which require heavy economic and time spending that may be reduced by numerical simulation with modern software packages.
Numerical computation of ceramics strength characteristics of represents a problem, since it is associated with the need to build an adequate micro-cracks propagation model in inhomogeneous structures.
This article presents a model of Johnson-Holmquist (J-H) ceramics deformation and fracture, which allows estimating a micro-fracture, as well as the time and place of cracks initiation.
The fracture mathematical modeling in the J-H model is based on introduction of the fracture parameter (D), defining the degree of material continuity loss, as well as equations describing the D parameter changes in the loaded material. The fracture parameter growth is associated with deformations accumulation.
Simulation of several options of the internal ring corresponding to the real structures (conventional ring and a ring with a slit) by the finite element method was performed for the technique for the bearing strength estimation try-out. The model was being loaded by the centrifugal force in time, applied linearly, from zero to full destruction. The ceramic ring material was Carboprom-K. The properties of the analog, namely silicon carbide, were employed for the damages analysis. | |
Balyakin V. B., Lavrin A. V., Dolgikh D. E. Parameters optimization and application scope of eccentric hubs as means for permissible friction torque enhancing of liquid rocket engines articulated steering units. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 109-116. The authors considered a notional sum of the friction moment and a moment from the asymmetry in the articulated steering unit under condition of the upper limit of the said aggregate moment. For the first time in the practice of studying steering units torque characteristics of liquid rocket engines (LRE), an aggregate torque parameter was introduced, characterizing the above mentioned conditional sum. The obtained parameter components may be herewith independent variables. The previously declared method of this conditional value adjusting by eccentric hubs may be supplemented by an additional parameter optimizing, i.e. the hubs eccentricity and compensating moment directly associated with it. The currently available analytical dependencies define concretely only the boundary of commencing application of hubs as adjusting elements. The numerical boundary value herewith is unambiguously defined as a half of the compensating torque, created by the eccentric hub, value. In the furtherance of the subject, the value itself of the compensating torque was considered in detail. The dependence of the said adjustable value in the form of the simplest function, which argument is the entire permissible range of the torque, on the thrust asymmetry of the steering unit was established based on the graphical solution. Joint determination of regulation commencing and the adjustable value allows elaborating a universal technique for the aggregate torque correction applicable for the articulated steering units under any limitations for the torques composing the sum. This technique may be applied herewith both at the design stage and in the process of the existing structures modification while operational conditions changing. The newly obtained analytical dependencies allow determining the margin of the friction torque increase without increasing its upper set limit.
Implementation of the new technique for torque characteristics adjustment allows reducing the process of serial structures fine-tuning to the required friction torque values by simple increasing of the admissible value. The said possibility contributes to the number of costly repeated tests number reduction. | |
Pyatykh I. N., Katashov A. V., Sinitsin A. P., Rumyantsev . V. Thermostating modes determining at gas-powered propulsion unit orbital functioning. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 117-124. The world leading aerospace industry organizations show interest in developing and upgrading the ultra-low- power engines, characterized by the power less than 100 W, for the small spacecraft (SC) including the CubeSat format spacecraft. This interest can be explained by the possibility of obtaining new knowledge and deriving of commercial profit while the small-size SC, equipped with propulsion units with high values of the total burn, for orbital maneuvers performing. The projects of commercial companies, aspiring covering the low-orbit space around the Earth by the information transmission systems, which represent orbital groups of the small SCs, constituting formation and jointly performing the flight task, so-called satellite constellations, may be adduced as an example of the considered interest.
Application of the small spacecraft of the CubeSat format may lead in the future to the change of the basic approach to the Solar system exploration due to the high ratio of the obtained scientific knowledge to the financial costs. Thus, the growing interest of the world market in the movement control systems for the small SC is being observed, which is proved out by the presence of scientific works and publications. Nonetheless, according to the «World’s Largest Database of Nanosatellites» European database information, more than 1300 nano-satellites were manufactured by the middle of 2020 (including the SC of the CubeSat format), and only 5% if the small SC from this number had a propulsion unit as their part.
Propulsion units for nanosatellites of the CubeSat format can be formed both on an electric rocket engine (ERE) and on a gas-powered engine (GPEU), which has a minimum volume and mass, which, in its turn, complicates the extra thermostating system placing on it.
The article describes the technique and stages of the GPEU thermal design, and adduces its thermal mathematical model, consisted of detailed thermal models of all the constituent elements of the installation, placed on the spacecraft frame, around, around which the screens with photocells of the solar battery are placed.
The article presents the results of developing and employing the thermal model of a nanosatellite with gas propulsion system of orbital operation. The said model was used for the temperature field computing, internal and external conductive and radiative heat fluxes determining. It allows as well determine gradients and rates of temperature change in stationary and dynamic operation modes with subsequent recommendations on improve the nanosatellite thermal design and reliability.
The results of thermal computations on determining temperature ranges and thermal fluxes among the GPEU elements for the considered options of its placing on the SC frame at the extreme combination of thermal loads and thermal conditions of the GPEU application set for the thermal computations are presented. The authors gave recommendations on the thermostating system improvement. | |
Valiullin V. V., Nadiradze A. B. The potential of spacecraft’s high-voltage solar battery in plasma of electric propulsion thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 125-135. A mathematical model and results of calculation for leakage currents and floating potential of a high voltage solar battery (SB) of a spacecraft (SC) in plasma generated by electric propulsion thruster (EPT) is presented. The floating potential of the solar battery is determined as a potential of SB minus bus with respect to plasma potential generated by EPT. Floating potential value is determined according to Kirchhoff ‘s law by using electron and ion currents coming through open electrodes of solar elements and SB frame. Electron currents are calculated according to relationships known in probe theory for positively and negatively charged electrodes depending on their potential, surface area and electron temperature. The ion current is determined according to jet parameters at electrode surface without considering electric field effect to the trajectories of accelerated ions.
With the help of the presented model we calculated the floating potential and leakage currents for an abstract SB with working voltage of 150 V and with current of 16 A. SB panel has pipe frame with size of 2.5 × 3.2 m. It contains 40 strings with 60 solar arrays (SA) with size of 40 × 80 mm, working voltage of 2.5 V and current of 0.4 А. The area of SA open electrodes is set equal to 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 cm2. The array is rotated round its own axis and subjected to the impact of SPT-100 jet. Ion currents are calculated for the worst case without considering ion incident angle to open electrodes and SB frame. As a result of calculations we reveal that SB floating potential is defined mainly by leakage current trough SB frame and its value runs up to 100 mА in the point closest to EPT jet axis. SB potential ranges from −140 up to −40 V depending on the angle of SA rotation. Maximal value of leakage current is 1400 mcА and it takes place at positively charged electrode in the area where plasma concentration is maximal. SB power loss due to leakage currents through plasma is not higher than 1%.
Leakage currents heat impact to electrodes is estimated for heat removal by radiation. We reveal that leakage current through positively charged electrodes can heat electrodes up to high temperature, cause secondary arc discharges, which can destroy electrodes and failed some SB strings. Microarcs can appear at negatively charged electrodes and they can transform into powerful arc discharge, which also can destroy SA.
The obtained results show that EPT plasma impact onto high voltage SB of the SC can be great and it should be consider under designing and testing of power plant of the SC based on high voltage SB. | |
Babanina O. V., Gasanbekov K. N., Prokhorenko I. S. Correcting propulsion unit for freon running nano-satellites. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 136-146. The article presents the results of the correcting propulsion unit development of two nominal sizes for nano- satellites of CubeSat 3U and 12U format based on a low-thrust Freon-running thruster. Working medium selection analysis for the engine type being developed is presented. Freon R-236fa, R-227ea and RC-318 are being considered as a working medium. This Freon special feature consist in the possibility of its storage in the saturated state under the pressure less than 1 MPa (10 atm). The average specific impulse and thrust of the engine being developed are of no less than 392 m/s (40 s) and 0,015 N respectively at the temperature of the Freon being considered of T =293 K.
In the course of these propulsion units development, the following elements were newly developed, namely tanks, small-sized low-pressure control valve, small-size feeding device, receiver and a low-thrust engine, representing gas-dynamic nozzle. Application of Freon as a working medium allowed abnegating the high-pressure fittings. The pressure in the saturated state Freon, considered in the article, is no more than 1 MPa within the temperature range from 273 to 313 K.
The overall dimension of the developed propulsion unit are of no more than 1U. Its weight is about 1.4 kg for the CubeSat 3U format nano-satellite with the propulsion unit peak energy consumption of no more than 17 W. Based on the estimation, the total thrust impulse of the unit will be about 138 N × s. Characteristic velocity margin will be of 24 m/s with the tank volume of 0.25 liters for the satellite of the 5.6 kg total mass.
The overall dimension of the developed propulsion unit are of no more than 4U. Its weight is about 5.0 kg for the CubeSat 12U format nano-satellite with the propulsion unit peak energy consumption of no more than 10 W. Based on the estimation, the total thrust impulse of the unit will be about 1250 N × s. Characteristic velocity margin will be of 24 m/s with the tank volume of 2.2 liters for the satellite of the 20 kg total mass.
The result of the presented consists in the development of the propulsion units of two different standard sizes based on Freon propellant, which allow performing such maneuvers as satellite position on its orbit correction, and correction of the parameters of the orbit itself, as well as the satellite de-orbiting. | |
Sabirzyanov A. N., Akhmetzyanov A. S., Konovalov R. D. Numerical modeling of the flow coefficient gas-dynamic component of annular nozzles with straight critical section. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 147-154. Annular nozzles are competitive with traditional central nozzles in a number of characteristics. This is stipulated by the presence of a central body, which determines the required flow structure during supersonic expansion. In the narrowing section of the nozzle, the central body contributes to the friction losses increase, and its geometric characteristics will determine the uneven flow parameters distribution and total pressure losses up to the critical section. The authors conducted numerical studies of the central body shape and of inlet section geometric parameters impact on the gas-dynamic component of the flow coefficient of an annular nozzle with a direct critical section.
The outflow processes simulation was performed with the ANSYS Fluent software within the framework of the axisymmetric approximation in the adiabatic formulation of the quasi-stationary problem, assuming that the structural supports that secure the central body do not significantly change the flow coefficient. The approach based on solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations closed by the k–w SST turbulence model widely used in engineering calculations with a typical set of model constants was employed. A homogeneous gas was considered as a working fluid.
The simulation results revealed that the flow coefficient gas-dynamic component of the annular nozzles with a straight critical section can be comparable to the value of traditional central nozzles, and exceed it for certain geometric parameters of the central body, which is stipulated by more uniform distribution of parameters in the critical section. A linear dependence of the washed area increase of the central body with its ellipsoidity increase, and a nonlinear nature of the change in the total values of the friction stresses with an extremum for the spherical shape of the central body are shown. The most optimal shape of the central body is a spherical one.
The flow coefficient of annular nozzles with a straight critical section depends significantly on the conjoint distribution of the central body geometric parameters and the outer contour of the narrowing section. With the optimal shape of the central body, and the ratio of central body diameter to the outer contour diameter in the minimum nozzle cross-section of the order of 0.7, the flow coefficient gas dynamic component acquires maximum value, exceeding this value of the conventional central nozzle by 0.3%.
In contrast to the flow coefficient of conventional central nozzles, the flow coefficient of the annular nozzles increases with pressure increasing in the combustion chamber. | |
Tremkina O. V., Adenane H. ., Shikhalev V. ., Uglanov D. A. Computational study of a hybrid cryogenic power plant for the UAV with heat supply from the internal combustion engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 155-162. The presented article describes a computational study of a modernized hybrid cryogenic power plant. Liquid nitrogen was selected as the working fluid of the cryogenic installation. The schematic diagram of a hybrid cryogenic power plant consists of an internal combustion engine (ICE) and a cryogenic plant (CP); the heat source is liquid antifreeze, which collects the heat from the internal combustion engine and delivers it to the liquid nitrogen.
The installation principle of operation consists in the following. The cryogenic working fluid (liquid nitrogen) from the tank enters the heater through the cryogenic pump, where nitrogen obtains thermal energy from antifreeze. The antifreeze, in its turn, is the coolant for the ICE. From the heat exchanger gaseous nitrogen enters the piston expander, where the polytropic process emanates. The resulting work is transferred to the screw actuator.
The cryogenic power plant operates according to the open Rankine cycle. The open circuit of the power plant, which employs the low-potential heat of liquefied nitrogen, is quite simple and economical. Both nitrogen and air, liquefied natural gas, etc. can be employed as a working fluid.
The Rankine cycle was constructed in T-S coordinates (temperature-entropy coordinates) of nitrogen with the Coolpack application software package [15]. Thermodynamic parameters of the basic points were computed employing an algorithm for conducting a computational study of the hybrid cryogenic power plant parameters [14, 18].
The working body is being heated in the heat exchanger-evaporator to the temperature of the upper heat source [19]. Technical specification indicates that the flight altitude of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is 2000 m, and the temperature of the hot coolant is 363 K [14]. Computational study of the UAV aerodynamic characteristics revealed that required power would be 15 kW at the cruising flight.
The results of the computational study demonstrated the necessity of both temperature and pressure increasing at the piston expander inlet for the hybrid cryogenic power plant efficiency enhancing. Temperature increasing up to 363 K may be achieved through employing the heat removed from the ICE, employing liquid cooling system. It will allow reducing the cryogenic working body consumption to 0.053 kg/s while ensuring the power output of the UAV power plant at the level of 15 kW. | |
Chou X. ., Ishkov S. A., Filippov G. A. Optimal control of spacecraft relative motion by the response rate criterion on near-circular orbits. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 163-173. The article presents the study of optimal control programs for spatial relative motion at near-circular orbit.
Two spacecraft, namely maneuvering, equipped with engine of finite thrust, and passive, located in a circular orbit are being considered.
The problem of bringing the maneuvering spacecraft to the specified position relative to the passive one is being set. Equations in cylindrical reference frame, which origin is placed in center of mass of the passive aircraft, and equations of motion are linearized near the passive spacecraft orbit, are used for construction of the dimensionless and invariant to the datum orbit mathematical model of relative motion.
New variables, describing the relative motion in the orbit plane in terms of the secular and periodical motion, and in the form of the maneuvering spacecraft oscillations amplitude and phase relative to the passive one, are introduced.
The authors demonstrate that longitudinal motion in linear approximation is associated with the lateral one only through the controlling accelerations, in which connection two control options are considered. The first one is joint, when both longitudinal and lateral motion components change simultaneously, and no limitations are imposed herewith on the thrust vector orientation of the maneuvering spacecraft. The second one, which is no less common, supposes sequential longitudinal component elimination of the relative motion, and then the lateral one.
Time optimal controls are obtained with the Pontryagin maximum principle application. The optimization problem is reduced to a two-point boundary problem for a system of differential equations, which is solved for three qualitatively different boundary conditions, namely the longitudinal periodic motion correction dominance, the requirements of longitudinal secular motion correction and the requirements of the lateral motion correction dominance.
An additional calculation of the required turning speed of the active spacecraft was performed to the optimal control program accomplishment, which indicated the necessity of introducing the passive sections on the trajectory at time instants corresponding to an almost instantaneous turn of the spacecraft by one hundred and eighty degrees around its axis. | |
Kukharenko A. S., Koryanov V. V. Angular motion of a descent vehicle under control by the payload rotation method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 174-186. The article is reviewing the history of emergence and development of descent vehicles with inflatable structural elements. Descent vehicles equipped with inflatable braking devices possess the following advantages:
The article presents also specifics of the descent vehicles with inflatable braking devices. These specifics are entailed by the inflatable braking devices deformation occurring while their motion in the atmosphere. They are:
The authors educed the ongoing research relevance, which was confirmed by works of Russian and foreign scientists.
The object of the research is a descent vehicle with a conical inflatable braking device, which control is being perpetrated by the center of mass shifting. The hypothesis in the ongoing work is the control method, namely, the center of mass displacement on account of the payload rotation.
A study of the angular motion that occurs during the descent vehicle control was conducted to confirm the said hypothesis.
A mathematical model, accounting for the considered control method specifics, was developed to study the angular motion of the descent vehicle. Solution of the equations of the mathematical model was performed for several cases of initial conditions of motion. Simulation results are presented in the form of graphical dependencies, reflecting the points’ movement trajectories on the descent vehicle surface, as well as angular velocities changing in the process of movement. Inference was drawn for each of the considered cases of the initial conditions of motion.
Solution of the mathematical model equations was performed by the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method.
Analysis of the results allowed drawing the inference on the descent vehicle angular motion stability, as well as revealing further trends of studying the control method being considered. | |
Myasnikov M. I., Il’in I. R. Flight dynamics model of convertible rotary-winged aircraft with automatic control system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 187-200. Light vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) are being regarded in many countries as basic means of rectifying the tasks of urban air mobility. Rotary-winged aircraft may be employed as both aero-taxis for passenger transportation and by various city services including police, ambulance and fire-fighting service. Conventional helicopters, quadcopters, multicopters, including those with aerodynamic surfaces for the flight range and endurance increasing, as well as transformable (convertible) in flight aerial vehicles were being proposed as aerodynamic configurations. Scientific studies in the field of design, flight dynamics and control systems of convertible aircraft or tilt rotors with 90° swiveling rotors, are in full strength all over the world (predominantly in the USA) since 1950s. As of now, the tiltrotors are widely applied in the military-oriented aviation (Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey, V-280 Valor) and being prepared for application in civil aviation (AgustaWestland AW-609). In the article being presented the tiltrotor scheme with two swiveling rotors was selected as an aircraft scheme for urban air taxi, as the one combining the advantages of both helicopter and airplane. Its main advantages are:
– the ability performing hovering mode, vertical takeoff and landing;
– high speed of horizontal flight;
– higher flight endurance and range.
The presented article considers nonlinear mathematical model of light convertible rotary-winged aircraft flight dynamics with a view to this aerial vehicle application for solving the task of urban air mobility. This flight dynamics mathematical model development was being accomplished with the MATLAB/Simulink software package. The alike VTOL is being supposed to be equipped with a traditional power plant, such as internal combustion engine and gas turbine engine, or electrical (hybrid) one. A system of differential equations of solid body motion was used for the flight dynamics model description. Mathematical modeling of the tiltrotor main rotors was being performed employing the blade element theory. For the modeling accuracy enhancing of energetic maneuvers with drastic changes of the flight parameters, such as overloads, as well as translational and angular VTOL velocities, the mathematical model accounted for both angular and translational displacement of the main rotors. The algorithm for aerodynamic calculation of the airframe elements, such as wing, fuselage and empennage, of the convertible aircraft using analytical models was proposed. Synthesis of automatic control system (autopilot) for all flight modes (“helicopter”, “airplane” and transitional) was accomplished. Tiltrotor trajectories computing for the main flight stages (hovering and a flight with low translational velocity, transitional modes from “helicopter” to “airplane” and back, the flight along the rectangular route, steady turns, as well as upward and downward spirals) was performed. | |
Grigor’ev S. N., Volosova M. A., Sukhova N. A., Shekhtman S. R. Duplex vacuum ion-plasma coatings synthesis technology of the TiZrAIN system for energy installations parts. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 201-208. The article considers the up-to-date problem of the power plant parts resource enhancing. One of this problem solution consists in synthesis of duplex coatings, representing multi-layer coatings being created by successive surface modification, and coating precipitation in the unitary operational space. The surface layer ion-plasma nitration in the plasma of non-self-maintained high-current discharge, generated by the “PINK” plasma generator is employed as a surface modification method. A method of condensation with ion bombardment is applied as a plasma-ion method for protective coatings obtaining. The authors proposed obtaining duplex coatings of the TiZrAIN system on the HNV 6.6-I1 modernized chamber-type installation equipped with the electric arc evaporators with Ti, Zr and Al cathodes.
With a view to vacuum ion-plasma coatings with the complex of enhanced operational properties creating a technology for duplex coatings of the TiZrAIN system, including successive employment of ion-plasma nitration and ion-plasma deposition in the unitary operational space was created. These two technological processes combining in the unitary operational space is performed without vacuum chamber depressurizing and overloading substrates being processed. The TiZrAIN system coatings synthesis was being performed under conditions of plasma assisting by the “PINK” plasma generator. A system of the magnetic-arc filtration for the electric arc evaporator with Al-cathode is being employed while coatings deposition, which allows accomplishing separation of the drop phase of low-melting aluminum, and contributes to substantial drop phase reduction in the coating and initial substrate roughness retention.
Samples of the 20 mm diameter and 3 mm height were obtained for studying micro-hardness, adhesive strength and corrosion resistance. The studies of the duplex coating of the TiZrAlN system synthesized by the developed technology were being performed in comparison with the multi-layer coating obtained by the vacuum ion-plasma method, as well as with the duplex coating obtained by successive pursuance of the ion-plasma nitration, and synthesis of the vacuum-ion coating (without plasma current separation).
The synthesized coatings surface micro-hardness measuring revealed that duplex coatings micro-hardness was higher compared to the multilayer coating, which is being associated with the coating surface layer application on the surface already strengthened by the ion-plasma nitration. Surface micro-hardness of the duplex coating being synthesized, obtained without plasma separation was 45.2 GPa, 46.6 GPa fabricated by the developed technology, while the multi-layer coating micro-hardness was 35.3 GPa.
The study of micro-photos of scratches and profile protocols of the fracture zones obtained while scratch-testing revealed that duplex coatings synthesized by the developed technologies was being characterized by the enhanced adhesive strength. Loading of the first cracks origination in the duplex coatings is 20 mN, whereas the one of multilayer coatings is 14.83 mN.
Corrosion rate studies revealed that with the duplex coating with plasma flux separation it was 11.7% less than the samples with duplex coating without plasma flux separation and 30.1% less than for the samples with multilayer coating. Consequently, the surface of the coating synthesized by the developed technology is more passive, which indicates its higher corrosion resistance. The conducted studies results confirmed the prospective of the developed technology of duplex coatings synthesis application for the power plants parts protection from abrasive, corrosive and erosion impacts. | |
Balyakin A. V., Nosova E. A., Oleinik M. A. Heat treatment effect on the structure and properties of workpieces from heat-resistant nickel alloys obtained by additive technologies. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 209-219. Both conventional technologies for workpieces obtaining and additive technological process of direct energy and material feeding (DED) are being employed for manufacturing bulky workpieces for gas turbine engines parts from heat-resistant nickel-based alloys.
The DED technology allows managing a highly coordinated energy impact on the micro-volume of the alloy, which ensures the material structure obtaining with higher working characteristics compared to castings. As of now, nickel materials application in the area of additive technologies is limited by the ultrafast crystallization processes specifics that cause accumulation of significant internal stresses, which leads to micro- and macro-defects forming. Heat treatment is recommended for residual stresses reduction in the products after the DED process, but optimal modes of such kind of the workpieces processing are not clearly specified. On the other hand, heat treatment implies obtaining high mechanical properties. For the products fabricated by additive methods of surfacing powders with non-equilibrium structure, the similar recommendations are of rather small volume.
The place of heat treatment in the general cycle of parts manufacturing is being set depending on the requirements for the product properties. In most cases, heat treatment is being performed after mechanical post-treatment. This is associated with the requirements to high strength, hardness and wear resistance of the product material.
The article studies the effect of various heat treatment modes on the hardness, microstructure and residual stresses of the samples made of the HN50VMTUB heat-resistant nickel-based alloy obtained by the DED technology.
The DED technology of workpieces manufacturing from the HN50VMTUB alloy leads to a fairly high hardness of about 190 NB. It is well-known that the products growth from the highly-alloyed powder of non-equilibrium structure proceeds by rapid cooling, which causes structural changes similar to the aging while heating by the laser beam. Heat treatment of the grown products may be aimed at increasing the machinability by cutting and reducing the of products warping herewith, as the result of the residual stresses redistribution. In this case, the decrease in hardness may be the goal achieving criterion.
The results of the presented study demonstrate that the most economical mode of heat treatment for the residual stresses removing is the mode consisting in products heating up to 1180°C, holding for four hours with subsequent air cooling, which allows reducing hardness from 191 ±1 HВ to 135 ±1 HВ. The lowest hardness values of HB 128 ±1 were obtained after heating to 1140°C, holding for 4 hours and cooling with a furnace. Air cooling allows obtaining hardness of HB 130 ±18. On the one hand, this indicates slightly higher hardness values, but deviations are of a higher level, the level of residual stresses in the annular samples herewith are of the lowest values, which follows from the results of samples geometry changing after cutting.
The highest hardness of 311 ±8 HB was obtained at the end of heat treatment, which includes heating up to 1100°C; holding for 4 h; air cooling, and then heating up to 950°C, 3.5 h holding, air cooling; then heating up to 800°C, exposure 7.5 h, air cooling, then heating up to 700°C, holding time of 14 h, air cooling.
The microstructure analysis of the grown samples reveals that after all types of heat treatment, an inequigranular structure is being formed in the samples, and the layered structure characteristic for the deposited particles is lost. | |
Balyk V. M., Gaidarov D. D., Sotskov I. A. Multi-criteria selection of unmanned aerial vehicle rational layout characteristics at multi-impulse mode of motion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 59-68. The article considers the problem of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a solid propellant rocket engine designing. One of the ways for the UAVs efficiency enhancing consists in qualitative improving of the design choices being made. The issues of the design links restoring between the project parameters and the UAV functioning conditions are of special meaningfulness while the UAV modeling. These design links are being restored from the samplings obtained by the UAV mathematical model probing. The project links are being constructed in the class of harmonic polynomials by the static regularity criterion, which optimization is being performed by the original method of the global extremum seeking. Mass, flight performance, economic and operational indicators as well as other criterion characteristics may be accepted as a goal function. The article being presented assumes the UAV flight range as an optimality criterion. The UAV efficiency increasing is associated with highly accurate small-sized and moving targets hitting, which leads to the necessity of the UAVs power plants further improving. The UAV efficiency, like any other aerial vehicle type, is a complex indicator, determining the UAV flight range. The highest augment in the UAV flight range may be reached through the solid-fuel rocket-ramjet engines application (SFRRE). Such engines improvement is being accomplished by way of working process and power plant structure, as well as specific-mass and energy properties of solid fuels selection. The supersonic air intake device makes significant contribution to the working process quality. In this regard, the air compressing process efficiency in the air intake is of significant importance.
Parameters selection of the power plant with the SFRRE as well as the UAV parameters, ensuring the maximum flight range of the rocket with a fixed launch weight and specified fuel margin was performed. The fuel-flow rate at the cruising section as well as inlet ant outlet cross-sections areas of the air intake are assumed as variable parameters. Optimal selection of the inlet and outlet cross-sections area of the air intake and fuel consumption allowed increasing the UAV flight range by 5.842% for the 1000 m flight altitude, and by 12.283% for the flight altitude of 10000 m. | |
Fedyaev V. L., Khaliulin V. I., Sidorov I. N., Gimadiev R. S. Aspects of semipregs impregnation in aircraft parts production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 69-77. The authors consider the issues of obtaining composite materials, widely applied in aircraft building, by the vacuum molding method. Special attention is paid to the stage of semi-preg stack impregnation by the polymer binding material melt. The processes of filtration impregnation and capillary impregnation are being distinguished while its realization process. On the assumption that the semi-preg stack is being horizontally set, mathematical modeling of the reinforcing fabric filler filtration impregnation under the impact of pressure difference in the vertical direction and gravity with account for the filler carcass damping is being performed. Provided that the reinforcement material does not swell or shrink, and discontinuity deficiency, the super capillary pores filling by the binding melt is quite rapid, and the upper, intermediate and lower semi-pregs are being distinguished. It is assumed in its turn that while the binding melt flowing in the vapor space of the filler it represents an uncompressing viscous uniform liquid, which viscosity and density do not change while the filtration process, and the melt flow is laminar and isothermal. As the result of the generalized Darcy filtration law integrating, an expression for the filtration speed of the melt in the filler layer and its full impregnation time were obtained. The article demonstrates that the time of the filtration impregnation can be reduced, and the productivity at this stage of production can be correspondingly increased. It can be achieved in the first place by the pressure drop increasing at the filler layer thickness, additional loading action on the semi-pregs stack surface and the melt viscosity reduction due to both temperature and density increase, as well as super-capillary porosity enhancing of the filler. The set regularities represent the possibility of rational technological modes selection for woven composite materials obtaining by the vacuum molding method. | |
Akulin P. V., Gavrilov G. A. Multilayer composite material structure impact on the aircraft structure stiffness characteristics degradation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 3, pp. 78-84. Layered composite materials (CM) are of a wide application range in the design of aircraft. These materials advantage consists in the ability of changing the package physical characteristics by the reinforcement angle varying. Physical properties degradation under various types of loading [1-4], which, in its turn, affects the aircraft strength, should be accounted for while the aircraft structures design.
The presented article studies characteristics degradation of a composite material of different structure. The hypothesis that transversal cracks leading to the physical characteristic degrading and residual deformation appearance, occur in the composite material monolayer while loading is accepted. The issue of the transversal cracks occurrence in the matrix structure of a composite material is being considered on a wide scale in [1-18].
The article considers the samples from a woven organoplastic and unidirectional prepreg of carbon fiber- reinforced plastic, with various stowing of 0 – 90 and 0 – 90 – ±45 degrees, as well as with various geometric characteristics.
The article presents the results of the experiment on composite panels cantilever bending under normal climatic conditions. The samples were loaded by the forced displacements of the stop along the mounting axis with a step of 2 mm, in the direction of the profile. Unloading and measurement of residual deformations of the uttermost edge were performed after each loading step.
Stiffness characteristics degradation of the material is being determined in this article by residual deformations measuring after the sample loading. A more accurate method of cracking detection in the CM matrix structure is non-destructive testing with roentgenography methods application. The said method will allow detecting cracks in the CM structure with normalized accuracy. The issue of non-destructive defects testing in composite materials is being considered in [19-20].
The full-scale tests allowed establishing the presence of residual deformations in structurally similar flexible elements of all types of cross-section. It was revealed that the stiffness properties degradation in the composite material occurs at the cantilever bending of the sample.
Structurally, such flexible elements with reinforcement angles of 0 – 90 – ±45 display the smallest increase in residual deformations, compared to the samples, which reinforcement angle corresponds to 0.90 degrees. It is associated with the fact that organoplastics are of a braided structure, and at reinforcement angles of 0 – 90 degrees half of the fibers are not beingincluded in the overall bending of the structure. The reinforcement angle of 0 – 90 – ±45 degrees herewith allows including all the fibers of woven organoplastics in the general bend and reduce the package stiffness characteristics, which, in the aggregate, leads to the stresses drop in the monolayer of the composite material package and, as the result, the least progression of stiffness characteristics degradation. | |
Makeev P. V., Ignatkin Y. M. Geometrical layout effect on the main rotor aerodynamic characteristics at the «vortex ring» state modes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 7-16. Geometric layout affects significantly the aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter main rotor in various operating modes. When designing a rotor with a given diameter and solidity, various geometry layout solutions are possible, such as, the number of blades, blade twist and relative position of the blades (single or coaxial rotor). It is common knowledge that the geometrical layout has a significant impact on the efficiency of the rotor in hover [1]. For the other flight modes, the geometry impact on the rotor aerodynamics is of practical interest as well. The study considers the effect of various options of geometrical layout on rotors aerodynamic characteristics at a vertical descent in the vortex ring state modes range in the range of descent speeds Vy = 0 — 28 m/s. The sharp rotor thrust reduction compared to the hover mode and its non-stationary pulsations are characteristic to the «vortex ring» modes, which makes these modes unsafe for the helicopter. Wide-scale experimental studies of the vortex ring modes are extremely difficult, thus application of the state-of-the-art computational methods is rational. The studies being presented were performed based on the nonlinear vortex rotor model developed at the Moscow Aviation Institute [19]. Single two- four- and six-bladed rotors, as well as coaxial six-bladed rotor with the same solidity, airfoils and blade twist were considered. The blade twists of 0°, 8° and 16° were considered for the 4-bladed rotor as well. Computations have been performed at the fixed blade pitch angles, ensuring the equal thrust in hover. The total and distributed aerodynamic characteristics have been obtained and analyzed, including the shapes of the vortex wake and flow-around patterns. The smallest obtained thrust drop in the vortex ring modes was demonstrated by the two-bladed rotor. The thrusts of the equivalent six-bladed single main rotor and six-bladed coaxial main rotor have similar dependences on the rate of descent, but the coaxial rotor herewith has had lower values of the thrust pulsations amplitude. With the blade twist values growth, the thrust drop and thrust pulsations in vortex ring state increased for the four-bladed rotor. The blade twist effect on the rotor aerodynamic characteristics at the vortex ring modes is in good agreement with the available experimental data [6]. Thus, the considered technical solutions on the rotor geometrical layout (that improve its aerodynamics in hover [1]) do not have a positive effect in the vortex ring modes. The obtained results may be handy in the rotor aerodynamics analysis in vortex ring state modes. | |
Kurilov V. B. Studies on increasing the aerodynamic lift performance of a laminar wing with a Kruger flap. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 17-23. Airframe elements laminarization is considered to be one of the further aviation development paths. Airframe elements laminar flow can be provided passively (by Natural Flow Laminarization, NFL), as well as by means of boundary layer suction through the perforated aircraft skin. The NFL utilization proves to be rational as small regional aviation regards. A regional aircraft with its wing to be laminar and its engines to be arranged over the upper surface of the wing trailing edge is one of the most promising layouts for the NFL positive effects to be realized and for the engine noise to be shielded by airframe elements. This paper presents experimental studies which were conducted on a laminar wing supplied with Krueger flap and for the wing lift performance to be improved. The large-scale semi-span model of a regional aircraft with a small-swept wing in landing configuration was tested in TsAGI T‑128 wind tunnel in the wide range of the Reynolds number. The Krueger flap had eight different root inserts which covered a gap between the flap root and the fuselage; and the fuselage had one vortex generator. The test results revealed that the root inserts & vortex generator application leads to flow separation diminishing in the wing root region, flow pattern improving and the layout lift performance increasing. The root inserts proved to be more efficient than the vortex generator, and the most effective of the former ones significantly augmented the magnitude of stalling incidence, reduced CD and increased the maximum lift of the layout by ΔСLmax = 0.21. With this Krueger flap root insert being applied to the layout configuration the resulting lift magnitude (ΔСLmax = 2.78) proved to be not worse than the ones achieved on layouts with a common slat, though a Krueger flap used as high-lift device for wing leading edge is characterized by its lower efficiency. | |
Golovnev A. V., Danilov S. M., Nechaev V. A. Perturbed tangential velocity interpolation procedure for determining its value at an arbitrary point of the vortex wake region. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 24-34. Vortex wakes studies after various aircraft is of both scientific and practical interest since the other aircraft entering the vortex wake is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The vortex wake is being characterized by the perturbed velocities field, as well as the shape and position in space. Tangential velocities Wτ are of the most interest, as long as their impact on the aircraft, got into the vortex wake, is quintessential. The article considers approaches to the perturbed tangential speed determining at an arbitrary point in the vortex wake area. That task emerges at the aerodynamic characteristics determining of an aircraft, got into the vortex wake area, by the discrete vortex method, when the perturbed velocities determining is required at the point of the aircraft surface, where the «no-flow» condition is fulfilled and at the node points of the vortex sheet. The problem of the perturbed tangential velocity computing at the point is being considered in the dimensionless form, i.e. coordinates, velocities and time are dimensionless. The way of the said dimensionless values obtaining is similar to the way employed while setting the problem of the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics determining by the discrete vortex method. The problem solution is being considered in the «frozen» field of the perturbed velocities approximation. Three types of interpolation are under consideration. They are linear interpolation with mean value calculation of tangential speed at a point close to the given one; linear interpolation for determining the speed differential; non-linear second order interpolation. The authors disclose the advantages and disadvantages, and propose criteria determining selection of this or that interpolation. Finite-difference solution schemes of their differential representation were obtained for each type, and procedures, represented as algorithms and realized in the algorithm for aerodynamic characteristics computing of the aircraft entering the vortex wake by the discrete vortex method were proposed. A comparative assessment of the computation results with the analytical solution was performed to assess the adequacy of the interpolations. The problem was being solved in a two-dimensional setting. Expressions for a pair of Renkin potential vortices modeling end vortices from the wing was selected as analytical expressions. The presented work recognized that with the slight gradients of the perturbed tangential velocity changing, the linear interpolation should be used, while with substantial alterations of the velocity gradients and large velocity gradients values the second order nonlinear interpolation procedure should be used. | |
Rakhmanin D. A., Karpov E. V., Rakhmanina V. E. The study of flow physical specifics in a 2D supersonic air intake unit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 35-45. In modern supersonic aircraft, air intake units (AIU) exert a key effect on the entire power plant operation. The AIU main purpose is the gas flow supplying to the engine with minimal total pressure loss. The AIU development is a complex scientific and engineering task, which solution is being put into effect with computational and experimental methods. The presented article considers methodological issues related to validation of the ANSYS Fluent software package (TsAGI license No. 501024), and provides a detailed description of the physical processes occurring in the AIN channel while throttling. The authors performed numerical simulation of the flow in a flat supersonic AIU employing various turbulence models. The AIU geometry was borrowed from [1]. The oncoming flow parameters were as follows: Mach number М∞= 2.41, angle of attack α = 10°, Reynolds number Reх∞=5.07 × 107 [1/m], total pressure P0 = 540 кPa, total temperature T0 = 305 К. Data obtained by computing the static pressure distribution on the AIU channel walls were being compared with the experimental results from [1]. The authors revealed that the best match of computed and experimental data on static pressure distribution of the AIU upper and lower walls are ensured by the two turbulence models, namely k-ωSST-CC (CC stands for compressibility correction) and Reynolds Stress Model. The turbulence model k-ω SST—СС, considered in more detail in this article, allows reproducing a qualitative flow pattern with stationary separation zones, shock waves (including those from separation zones), rarefaction waves, and vorticity regions. The two-dimensional calculation comparison with the three-dimensional one revealed that the Mach number fields were practically the same for both 3D- and 2D-flow in the AIU symmetry plane. An angular vortex is being formed near the AIU side wall, which drastically changes in the sections close to the wall the flow field and static pressure distribution on the AIU channel lower wall in the transverse direction compared to the flow in the AIU plane of symmetry. To study the effect of backpressure being set at the channel outlet boundary on the flow field properties of the supersonic air intake, throttling of the model channel was being executed. The backpressure coefficient d was equal to d = Pback/Р∞, where Pback is the static pressure set at the outlet boundary of the channel, and Р∞ is the static pressure of the incident flow. The studies revealed that with the opened throttle (d = 0) the flow in the AIU channel was supersonic. The local zone of the boundary layer separation originates herewith behind the break in its contour and a fan of rarefaction waves in the area of interaction of falling compression shock from the cowl with the AIU lower wall boundary layer. With the backpressure coefficient of d = 5.5, an extensive separation region appears in the expanding (diffuser) part of the channel and a transition from supersonic to subsonic flow occurs. At backpressure coefficient d = 8.5, a flow similar to a Mach disk is being formed at the AIU inlet: a direct shock wave is located in the central part of the inlet, and on top (near the shell) and below (near the compression wedge) two λ-shaped shocks are formed. With the backpressure further increase (d ≥ 9.25), the direct shock wave is shiftiing forward and locating prior to the shell, while the upper λ-shaped of shock waves disappears, and the lower one moves forward, increasing in size. | |
Shuvalova A. M., Filimonov A. S., Galinovskii A. L. Studying the possibility of selective laser sintering technology application for aerodynamic models manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 46-50. Technologies of layer-by-layer laser sintering by the SLS-printing method are being increasingly employed in modern mechanical engineering and instrumentation. The gist of the technology consists in layer-by-layer sintering of powder materials (polyamides, plastics) using a laser beam. Relatively low labor intensity and cost, as well as the achievable speed of products manufacturing allows applying this technology to aerodynamic models creation used for experimental testing of aerospace engineering products. However, the development of these technologies is hindered by the poor studies of the internal structure of the parts’ material. There is an assumption based on the study of the outer layer of printed parts that a high porosity presents in the parts, caused by incomplete melting of all powder particles. This effect of incomplete sintering is visible on the outer surface. The problem lies in the fact that when sintering powder particles with a laser, neighboring, i.e. nearby particles that do not completely melt, forming a kind of a"relief" of the surface, are baked to the outer molten layer. It is obvious that such surface is not set in advance at the design stage, and the formed surface layer of stuck particles can be called undesirable. The external roughness control is especially up-to-date when creating aerodynamic models, since the external structure of the product surface may greatly affect the structure of the gas flow and the change in aerodynamic characteristics. The study of this layer and the roughness parameters will help designers to set and evaluate the necessary design requirements. The research conduction is based on the results of a series of experiments performed with the EOS FORMIGA P110 SLS printing unit, in which laser is the main heat source with a power of 200 W-1 kW. The PA 2200 polymer was used for the samples production. One of the problems while the research conducting is the impossibility of cutting samples or obtaining sections by mechanical or other methods without damaging the material structure. To solve it, an approach was adopted, according to which the operation of the installation was «emergently» terminated until the next layer of powder was applied. In other words, the newly obtained sample layer was not being filled with powder to form a new subsequent layer. It is possible to fulfill this by the printing emergency stoppage. Thus, it provided an opportunity to study the surface of the sample by the microscopy and measuring the roughness parameters of the formed surface. After processing the obtained images, the inference is being drawn that the internal structure is rather homogeneous and differs significantly from the outer layers of the samples. The outer layer of the products is of high level of roughness, which limits the possibility of their application in the field of aerodynamics. The article presents possible options for improving the surface layer of products. The conclusion is made that the technology of selective laser sintering is utterly promising for creating aerodynamic models, provided that recommendations on improving characteristics of the outer surface roughness will be issued. | |
Smagin A. A., Klyagin V. A. Design solutions forming technique with regard to the ground run control systems for the aircraft tricycle landing gear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 51-61. Modern trends in aviation development lead to the emergence of new aircraft types and layouts, such as unmanned aircraft of the «flying wing» scheme and supersonic administrative aircraft. The layout limitations imposed by the adopted design decisions in terms of the modern aircraft appearance, lead in some situations to the non-standard ratios of the undercarriage base and the track. Changing proportions of the landing gear leads, in its turn, to the ground motion characteristics degradation. The existing techniques for the aircraft landing gear design do not imply the aircraft stability and controllability assessment in the process of design solutions selection for landing gear systems directly responsible for the ground motion control: the spectrum of these characteristics are evaluated already in the process of flight testing. Thus, the purpose of this work consists in proposing a technique for rational design solutions selecting in terms of ground motion control systems for the three-leg aircraft landing gear employing predictive modeling of runway going, which would allow identifying the aircraft negative specifics of controllability and stability, as well as eliminating them even prior to the aircraft creation. The proposed approach is based on a predictive evaluation of stability characteristics, controllability and the range of operational limitations in ground motion, performed by mathematical modeling of the aircraft ground motion. To verify the results, experimental methods with the flight experiment data processing by means of mathematical statistics are used. As the result of the suggested technique application for modernizing potential determining in terms of the landing gear of the aircraft being developed, it becomes possible not only to form the project decisions rational from the viewpoint of the weight efficiency (weigh reduction by the braking and steering-and-damping systems by several dozens of kilos), but obtain reliable estimation of the ground run characteristics with misalignment from the flight experiment by by 7–10% average as well. The proposed methodology uses initial data in the scope of conceptual design and may be applied without significant modifications to the aircraft with the tricycle landing gear with nose support with takeoff weight not exceeding 40,000 kg and no more than two wheels on each landing gear leg. Predictive evaluation allows not only, if necessary, correcting the adopted design decisions at the stage of product development, which requires an order of magnitude less time and financial expenses than elimination of remarks after the flight tests, but estimating permissible operating conditions and restrictions on basing on various runways as well. | |
Sotskov I. A. The upper stage project parameters selection while its experimental work-out. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 62-69. At present, upper stages are the main means for implementing a wide range of transport tasks of delivering payloads to various near-Earth orbits, as well as to the planets of the solar system. The «D» upper stage is the basic one in our country. In a number of cases, the two-staged upper stage, incorporating the «D» upper stage (the first stage) and «Frigate» as a second one, is proposed to be employed. The upper stage «Breese» is being employed of late as a part of the «Proton» launch vehicle to solve a number of transport tasks. A new oxygen-hydrogen upper stage is being planned to be developed as well. The fact that upper stages are equipped with liquid propellant rocket engines is associated with their higher thrust impulse compared to the solid propellant rocket motors. However, a very simple design and relatively high reliability make solid propellant rocket engines practically indispensable in solving a number of especially important transport tasks. A solid propellant engine, with which final acceleration up to the speed corresponding to the speed of movement on the final circular orbit, engine may be employed for bringing a spacecraft from a transitional orbit to the final circular one. It should be noted that such launching scheme application allows increasing the launched vehicle mass when employing the same space rocket (compared to the direct placement of a spacecraft into a circular orbit). It determines the said scheme relevance, since the obtained information allows to improving the spacecraft design quality as a whole and increasing the range of target tasks it solves. Computation of the charge geometric parameters is of special importance while the upper stage parameters selection. It is well known that flight tests allow confirming compliance of the design and other characteristics of subsystems with parameters and requirements for the spacecraft developing. Mathematical models are being corrected, the system settings are being refined by the flight tests results, and changes are being introduced in the design if necessary. However, flight test are rather costly experiment, and the number of such experiments is strictly limited. Thus, the more accurate mathematical model and its subsystems are, the less experimental launches will be required in the future. | |
Shapovalov A. V., Shcheglov G. A. Rational layout synthesis of the upper stage running on gaseous components. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 70-77. The small upper stage (SUS) is a new type of technology being developed in the world since early 2010s to solve the problem of launch vehicles and payloads disproportionality, as well as provide peripheral launch services. Such spacecraft are launched as a part of a cluster launch, separate from the launch vehicle and, maneuvering independently, form the orbits micro and nano-satellites located on them. The article considers the layout specifics of upper stage running on the gaseous fuel components. The purpose of the article consists in searching for a new layout scheme of reduced size over the longitudinal axis, in which the tanks with the rectilinear axis are employed instead of toroid tanks. The gaseous Oxygen—Methane propellant propulsion system was selected for the SUS and the original «Sphere—Toroid» layout scheme was applied. The spherical tank of 87 liters capacity is being used for methane storage, and toroid tank of 158 liters capacity is for the oxygen storage. The main engine is inside the central orifice of the toroid tank. The possible schemes of the main configuration items, namely high-pressure tanks, placing were analyzed using geometrical model. Mathematical dependences expressed in a system of linear algebraic equations are obtained. The equations show the design parameters range that may be applied to design the new SUS layout scheme. Based on the analysis, both rational design option and the small upper stage layout scheme on its basis are proposed, which employs two pairs of spherical bottom cylindrical tanks. Compared to the original design, the new scheme is reduced by 40% along the longitudinal axis. The 20% reduction of cylinders volume new layout-may be compensated by a fuel pressure increase. The results of the study were applied while the new design-layout scheme of the «BOT» (Bauman Orbital Tractor) SUS development. The activities on the «BOT» SUS development are in full strength according to the ANO «Aeronet Center» technical requirements in the framework of the National Technological Initiative contest since 2020. | |
Ganin S. V., Dolgov O. S., Safoklov B. B. Mobile technological platform as a technology and toolkit employed under conditions of critically important rapid design and production of small-batch products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 78-83. The current reality of the relationship between the manufacturer and operator is developing in the direction of ultra-fast response to the needs of the customer or the conditions of use of products, both in the civilian sector and in the military. The mature production structure does not allow such interaction being accomplished effectively. Application of the new model of such system of interaction between the designer, producer and operator «Mobile Technological Platform» is being proposed as a way of this structure changing. The mobile technological platform (MTP) is a technological process brought out from the large industrial sites (enterprises) and employed under conditions of critically important rapid design and production of small-batch products. The technologies used in MTP are essentially objects of the Industry 4.0 space artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, additive manufacturing, robotics, cloud storage, augmented reality, etc. Accordingly, this space, representing a digital production environment, forms a toolkit with ultra-fast computational technologies, self-developing and interconnected intellectual interactions in which decisions are made on the basis of self-learning data exchange systems in an automated mode. The MTP existence is possible only in the space of Industry 4.0 using the appropriate tools and technologies. A space, in which quick product manufacturing according to ever varying requests of customer satisfaction, is possible due to the technology and production methods being used. A participant in the MTP reality does not necessarily have to possess gigantic industrial resources for development, but must be integrated into a system of indicators determining his belonging to modern production processes through the use of appropriate technologies. If considering the MTP exclusively in the aircraft building industry, the wide geography of various purposes aircraft operation and aftersales servicing system (ASS), including maintenance and repair (M&R) should be accounted for. More efficient ASS and M&R may be provided by integrating into this MTP system to produce parts locally, timely and in small quantities, needed all of a sudden planned according to changing operating conditions of the product. Thus, deploying rapid production (MTP) next to the operators, it is possible to form a more efficient and at the same time no less reliable supply system compared to the one that exists in various implementations today. The mobile technology platform is a model of a new system of relations between the designer manufacturer and the operator in industry 4.0. Due to the rapid deployment of production of small—batch products, it will be possible to reduce the volume of warehousing, simplify the inventory management system of parts and components, eliminate long-distance transportation and total time spent on the supply chain, as well as save financial costs for paying for a large the number of specialists accompanying these processes. The need for the MTP forming is obvious in conditions of competitive requirements of the rapidly changing environment. The place of the MTP existence is the space of Industry 4.0 with its technologies and tools. | |
Akulin P. V. Damages accumulation in composite panels under low-cycle loading. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 84-90. There are requirements for the resource strength of aircraft in the aviation industry. It is necessary at present to perform costly and lengthy full-scale tests to meet the said requirements, virtual tests are being implemented hereupon. Just now, techniques for the resource computation require extra studying and incapable of replacing completely the full-scale tests. The presented article is studying the accumulated damages in composite materials at the low-cycle cantilever bending. The full-scale experiment on cantilever bending of a structurally congruent flexible element is adduced. Residual deformations were being observed on the samples after the load was removed. The hypothesis on the residual deformations origination due to the cracks formation in the transversal layers of a composite material is being put forward. The majority of the known works on the said subject [1-9] consider behavior of the simplest plates. The presented article studies a flexible element from a composite material with complex physical and geometrical characteristics. The object of the study is a structurally congruent flexible element from the composite material, which serves as an overlay between the tail part of the wing and lift devices. This element is being installed in preload and deformed, tracking the deviations of lift devices, being in constant contact with it. This allows hiding the gap between the tail section of the wing and the lift devices, creating thereby a continuous aerodynamic contour. In the works [10-11], various designs, in which a closed loop is implemented between the wing and the lift devices in various deflection modes, are presented. The author solved the following tasks:
The obtained results of the package stiffness characteristics degradation demonstrated a behavior similar to the full-scale experiment. Based on the obtained results, the inference may be drawn that the hypothesis on the cracks origination in the transversal layers of a composite material describes the material behavior Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of the occurrence of cracks in the transversal layers of the composite material describes the behavior of the material quite acceptably. | |
Rozhkova M. V. Studying working process of the low-pressure compressor at the windmill modes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 91-98. The engine cut-off may occur in flight in a number of cases such as compressor surging, a bird ingress, or the crew error. In spite of the fact that the engine cut-off does not occur frequently, the possibility of its restarting in flight is one of the certification requirements, and comprehension of axial turbo-machines operation and characteristics at the extremely off-design modes gains more and more significant importance. Following the engine cut-off in flight, rotation frequency of the engine rotors decreases to the steady-state value called the windmill rotation speed nwindmill. The compressor rotates herewith due solely to the impact pressure of the air incoming to the engine (the combustion chamber is off, the engine does not produce power). There is free windmilling, as well as locked wingmilling (the auto wingmilling at the rotor cranking by the starter). In the first case, which is being considered in the article, the engine shafts rotate with the speed depended on the flight Mach number, friction losses, angle of attack, the flow separation etc. In the second case, the initial shaft rotation is hampered since the ram air creates a torque not enough for the rotor cranking. At the modes where the speed is lower than at the rated idle compressor may run as a compressor (the energy is being transferred from the rotor to the liquid, which leads to the total pressure and temperature increase), a stirrer (total temperature rises in the compressor, but the total pressure falls), of a turbine (the temperature and pressure at the outlet are lower than at the inlet, and the power is being taken off the flow). Numerical modeling in the 3D setting to obtain the subsonic ventilator characteristics at the windmill modes of was performed with the software complexes FlowVision 3.12.01 and NUMECA Fine Turbo 8.9.1 using the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model. The simulation was performed for the following flight mode: the flight altitude of 11 000 m, and Mach number of 0.2–0.6. The availability of the engine subassemblies characteristics is necessary to elaborate a technique for the parameters estimation of the turbojet engine at the windmill modes. As for now, there are no exact mathematical models allowing reliable description of these modes. The purpose of this work consists in developing a technique for creating characteristics of a low-pressure compressor in windmill modes. Further research will be aimed at obtaining performances of turbines and other engine subassemblies as well as the development of the above-mentioned technique. | |
Nemtsev D. V., Potapov S. D., Artamonov M. A. The study of cyclic crack growth resistance in vacuum for the gas turbine engine disks manufactured from the E741 NP granulated nickel alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 99-105. The technology of Ni-based granulated alloys has become widely spread for gas turbine engine disks manufacturing. This technology concedes the presence of internal defects of metallurgical nature. These defects may cause the crack growth under conditions of vacuum at cyclic loading. It is necessary to know the fatigue crack growth (FCG) rate in vacuum to assess the lifetime of the disks. Special samples of cylindrical shape have been developed to solve this problem. A non-metallic defect is placed in the center of the working path of the samples, serving as a crack initiation source. The defect placement in the sample occurs while the powder filling into the sample capsule. Cyclic fatigue tests are being conducted until the sample destruction. The two types of samples are used, namely vented and unvented. The vented sample differs by the presence of a through axial hole, which serves for the air supplying to the crack tip and the growth rate testing in the air. The unvented sample is necessary for testing the crack fatigue growth rate in vacuum. The fractures of the samples are being examined by the fractography. The search for and measurement of fatigue striation spacing and the crack growth fronts reconstruction are performed at this stage. The presence of fatigue striations indicates a stable period of crack growth. The width of the fatigue striation spacing corresponds to the crack growth in one loading cycle, i.e. the fatigue growth rate. Thee fatigue growth rate is necessary for plotting a crack kinetic diagram. The crack growth rate is necessary to build a relationship between the rate and stress intensity factors (SIF), which is being computed after the crack shape reconstruction by the finite element method. The sample and the defect diameters are being selected so that elastic stresses prevail in the section with the crack at the given maximum load. The ANSYS software was employed for determining optimal sizes of the sample with the finite element method. Cyclical test of the special samples from the EP741NP alloy at the maximum loading of the cycle and the temperature of 400°C were conducted. Maximum load in the cycle ensures nominal stresses in the section with the crack, which is 0.58 of the proportionality limit at the beginning of the tests. The average number of cycles to failure for unvented samples is 12.7 times greater than for vented ones. This indicates a significantly slower crack growth rate in vacuum. Preliminary fractographic analysis of the specimens surface fractures were performed. The areas of fatigue striations location were identified. Fatigue striations are being observed almost throughout the entire crack growth area for the vented samples. This indicates that the crack growth occurred by the stable growth mechanism. For the unvented samples, fatigue striations are located in a narrow zone near the boundary of stable-tearing crack growth region. In this case, the crack growth in vacuum occurred mainly at a low rate, corresponding to the unstable growth mechanism. Simulation of the fronts of the cracks started based on the obtained data to determine the values of the stresses intensity factors ranges and plotting kinetic diagram of the crack growth rate in vacuum and in the air. | |
Gnizdor R. Y., Pyatykh I. N., Kaplin M. A., Rumyantsev . V. Development and characteristics studying of the xenon and krypton operating SPD-70M thruster engineering model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 106-115. EDB «Fakel» performs modernization of a SPT-70 type thrusters family, on which basis the TM-70 thrust modules (propulsion units), which were being employed at the «Yamal-100» and «Yamal-200» type spacecraft, and are in use at present at both «KazSat-2» and «EgyptSat» spacecraft. The results of the research presented in the article were obtained during the EM1 engineering model of the SPT-70M thruster (hereinafter referred to as EM1) testing, which purpose consisted in studying the thrust and specific parameters, the thruster model lifetime characteristics and parameters of the plasma plume. These parameters studies were carried through in the course of the thruster model on Xenon and Krypton testing in the power range from 300 to 1500 W with discharging currents from 1.0 to 4.5 A and a voltage range from 150 to 500 V for various configurations of the discharge chamber channel exit part, which are simulating various lifetimes. These parameters studies were carried through in the course of the thruster model on Xenon and Krypton testing in the power range from 300 to 1500 W with discharging currents from 1.0 to 4.5 A and a voltage range from 150 to 500 V for various configurations of the discharge chamber channel exit part, which are simulating various lifetime durations. Operation parameters fields of the thruster model, which may be employed while operation points parameters selection when operating both on Xenon and Krypton were determined by the results of the tests. Besides, the results of the EM1 direct and reduced endurance testing in the mode of the discharge power of 900 W (discharge current of 3.0 A) revealed the predictable total thrust impulse with Krypton would be no less than 1.0 MN, and 1.3 MN when operating on Xenon. The results of the tests on plasma plume parameters determining revealed that when operating in the mode with discharge power of 900 W (3.0 A/300 V) the divergence angle of the plasma plume while operation on Xenon was in the ranage from 35° to 37°, while with Krypton it was in the range from 48° to 50°. | |
Lepeshinskii I. A., Kucherov N. A., Zotikova P. V. A two-phase flow dispersion by the jet nozzle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 116-121. The issue of liquid dispersion is of necessity in the design of air-jet engine combustion chamber and power plant. The article solved the solution of the two-phase gas-drop flow structure outflow from the cylindrical orifice to determine both velocity and gas consumption coefficients, as well as dispersed jet behavior. In the issues of the two-phase gas-drop flow forming with subsequent liquid phase dispersing (disintegration) in the combustion chamber of the jet-air engine, determining values of the velocity coefficients and phases consumption coefficients simplifies such devices designing for the intended result obtaining. Preliminary design of spraying devices, such as mixers, injectors and devices involved in mixture formation is necessary when the air-jet engines combustion chambers designing. These devices operate on a two-phase working fluid, where the volume fraction of the gas phase concentration is equal or greater than the liquid concentration. Knowing the values of the velocity coefficients and phase flow rates allows solving the inverse problem. Thus, the purpose of this task consists in developing a technique for determining the velocity coefficients and phase flow rates. The solution was performed by numerical methods employing the monodisperse heterogeneous model of two-phase flow. The flow of a two-phase flow through a cylindrical orifice of a 2 mm diameter in a jet nozzle with a given geometry was being simulated, where the nozzle length to diameter ratio equaled approximately to one. While simulation, the grid-independent solution was obtained with an error not exceeding 5%, which demonstrates the high degree of the computation accuracy. As the result of simulation, velocity coefficients and phase flow rates were determined. The obtained information on the liquid phase velocity coefficient and flow coefficient allows solving the inverse problem of the two-phase gas-drop flow dispersing as is shown in the additional one dimension computation of parameters. It is worth noting that the velocity coefficients exceed one, which is shown for the first time. Such values of quantities are being explained by physics of the complex interphase interaction. As far as the gas phase velocity at definite values of the initial parameters appears to be much higher than that of a liquid, which leads to extra acceleration, so that the velocity coefficient adopts a value greater than one. The results obtained in this work may be applied not only in the combustion chambers of the air-jet engines, but in the design of other atomizing devices operating on a two-phase working body of a gas-drop structure as well. | |
Osipov S. K., Shevchenko I. V., Rogalev N. D., Vegera A. N., Bryzgunov P. A. Research and development of gas turbine engine cooled blades by reverse engineering method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 122-130. To ensure the turbine blades operability and the required life cycle the blades cooling is implemented. Cooling channels should ensure intensive and uniform heat takeoff to ensure the necessary temperatures level at minimum hydraulic resistance. Traditionally, the blade leading edge zone and the middle of the blade airfoil zone are being marked out. The article being presented analyses the existing design solutions for both leading edge and the middle of the blade thermal exchange intensifying, defines the prototypes of design solutions for the reverse engineering with account for the existing patents. Cyclone cooling models, ensuring heat takeoff by forming stable vortex structures, were selected for the leading edge. Finned radial channels and vortex matrices were selected for the middle of the blade. Thermal-hydraulic models employing these design solutions were computed by the numerical simulation in a wide range of mode parameters and aspect ratios. Experimental studies were conducted using thermal imaging methods and calorimetry to confirm the obtained results. By the results of numerical studies, the temperature at the leading edge did not exceed 1270K, which confirms the necessary efficiency achieving. At the same time, the validation of the hydraulic model showed a discrepancy between physical and numerical simulations no more than 7%. | |
Shaydullin R. A., Sabirzyanov A. N. Numerical study of ammonium perchlorate flame kinetic mechanisms. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 131-138. The solid propellant propulsion units depends designing entirely on the solid propellant selection. Solid propellant, especially a composite one, is of a complex composition, which includes oxidizer, binding propellant and an extra additives pack. Each component interaction determining and its burning kinetics studying are the first stage of the combustion process description. Thus, for example, the ammonium perchlorate is the most common oxidizer in solid fuel. A number of N.E. Ermolin and Puduppakkam kinetic mechanisms were defined based on the experimental works of N.E. Ermolin and O.P. Korobeinichev on the composition determining of the stable individual substances of combustion products and the ammonium perchlorate decomposition by the distance from the combustion surface. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism included 79 reactions, while Puduppakkam’s mechanism included 611 reactions and 105 substances. The presented article considers the ammonium perchlorate combustion kinetic mechanisms, studies the temperature change and concentration of individual substances by the distance from the combustion surface. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism (modified + 1 reaction 2NO = O2 + N2); Puduppakkam’s mechanism. N.E. Ermolin’s boundary conditions (component composition of the decomposition products of the ammonium perchlorate condensed phase) were applied. Modeling was performed with the ANSYS CHEMKIN software in the one-dimensional PFR (Plug Flow Reactor) formulation. The reduced mechanism (128 chemical reactions) was obtained based on the Pudupakkam mechanism reduction by the insignificant reactions determining. The results obtained by the less mechanism correspond satisfactory with the most detailed one, which includes reactions of octogen and hexogen combustion besides the ammonium perchlorate combustion. Thus, the mechanism. which may be applied in gas dynamics modeling was obtained. The article presents the flame temperature profiles and individual stable chemical compounds concentrations at the pressure levels from 0.6 atm to 150 atm. The results obtained for the three mechanisms under study were compared by the end combustion products with the equilibrium calculation. N.E. Ermolin’s mechanism determines the list deviation from the equilibrium composition by the combustion products. Pudupakkam mechanism predicts the combustion products temperature much closer to thermodynamics. | |
Samoilenko N. A., Kashin N. N., Samokhvalov N. Y. A technique for computing thermal state and radial displacements of the gas turbine engine hull for application as a part of mathematical model of radial clearance control active control system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 139-147. This article considers techniques for the thermal state and radial displacements computing of the GTE turbine hull in the context of their application as a part of the mathematical model of the active clearance control system (ACCS) integrated into the electronic engine controller. The first technique is the of displacements computing based on the direct measurement of the hull temperature with the running engine. This scheme is realized on the CFM56-7B engine. It was revealed by the results of the analysis that it was quite enough to determine deformations of the external turbine hull only, and deformations caused by the pressure difference could be neglected, since were of no more than 3% of the temperature ones. These simplifications are being applied for the analysis of the rest techniques. The result of the hull displacements modeling results at the known temperature at the single point comparison with the results of axisymmetric modeling by the field verified by the temperature determined that the said technique ensures enough accuracy and computing speed. The second technique, namely displacements computing based on the temperature state, determined with the finite element method. Modeling results and technique verification are presented in the opened sources. They demonstrate that the error of the stationary thermal state modeling relative to the experimental data reaches 25% for the ground based gas turbine engine hull. Hence, this error will be much higher at the transient modes of the non-stationary computations. On the assumption of the performed analysis, the second technique does not satisfy the accuracy requirements to be integrated into the engine electronic controller. The third technique was developed by the authors, and based on the turbine hull displacements determining by the heat dissipation, calculated by the time constants dynamic computing. The hull temperature computing is performed by the two parameters, such as predicted stationary temperature and time constant, which are being computed at each time instant of the engine parameters registration in the automatic control system (ACS). Parameters computing is divided into the modes at turned-on and turned-off ACCS , since the time constants computing is based on the intrinsic heat transfer coefficients determining, and substantial heat exchange intensification occurs at the ACCS turning on, since the blow-off type changes from the smooth channel to the jet with the barrier. Stationary temperatures are being computed at the turned-off ACCS by the engine operation modes, while with the turned-on ACCS the air consumption and temperature in the blow-off collector are being accounted for additionally since these parameters are being used directly for the hull thermal state control and, hence, radial clearances. The calculated temperatures are compared with the data on the turbine housing thermometry on a full-size engine from the two test cycles. It is confirmed that this technique reliably reproduces the values and dynamics of temperature changes. Thus, it can be integrated into the ACC mathematical model. On the assumption of the accuracy and quick response, the first and the third of the considered methods can be applied to simulate the hull displacements on a real-time scale, and account for the control parameters of the ACCs, such as temperature and airflow in the blow manifold. Thus, they may be integrated into dynamic ACC, optimizing radial clearances in the turbine at all engine operating modes, and as the result, enhance its efficiency. | |
Bondarenko D. A., Ravikovich Y. A. Hybrid power plants applicability substantiation on various types and purpose aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 148-157. The up-to-date aircraft employ generally conventional engines, either piston or gas turbine, which operation efficiency onboard an aircraft has been studied quite well. Further efficiency enhancement of air transportation and aviation application for the new types of works requires implementation of new solutions and technologies, one of which may be a hybrid power plant (HPP). The number of flights increasing predicted in the world in conjunction with the requirements of the Paris Agreement (2015) stipulates development of such solutions, which will allow significant reduction of hazardous emissions compared to the 2005 level. The aspect of no less significance is the fact that electric power units together with batteries are tenfold heavier, than turbofan engines commensurable by the power. As of today, the best way out of the current situation consists in the HPP application in aviation. The purpose of the research is studying the HPP impact on the aircraft performance characteristics. Computations for the light class aircraft parameters optimization by the specially designed HPP integration into the aircraft structure were performed. Conditional HPP includes thermal engine, generator, electric motor, battery and for control, telemetry and information display systems. The layouts options of the two light aircraft in basic cases without the HPP and with the integrated on board HPP were studied, and analysis of basic performance characteristics was performed. The projects of aircraft, such as EAG HERA, Zunum Aero ZA10, Heart Aerospace ES-30 and Faradair BEHA, originally designed with the HPP were studied. Four standard sizes of the aircraft most popular among the companies-operators were studied. The most popular aircraft models of similar passenger capacity were used for the comparison. As long as propeller should be a part for the power plant herewith, only the well-known aircraft with the HPP were employed for the configuration effectiveness comparison of the aircraft with the turboprop engine. Inferences on the practicability of various standard size aircraft design for searching their weight-and-size parameters and performance characteristics were drawn by the results of the study. The necessity of the new aircraft projects development «from the scratch» for the most complete realization of the HPP potential as a part of the aircraft was substantiated as well. The HPP components base, namely batteries, electric motors, generators etc., being employed presently, does not possess the parameters, which would ensure substantial supremacy of the aircraft with the HPP compared to the performance characteristics of the aircraft with conventional layout. However, other design aspects, such as hazardous emissions value the aircraft noise level, as well as the flight hour cost of the aircraft with the HPP, which should be less than this of the akin by size conventional regional turboprop aircraft of similar passenger capacity are essential for the aircraft with the HPP development. | |
Naumchenko V. P., Ilyushin P. A., Pikunov D. G., Solovyov A. V. Optimization approach to the platform inertial system alignment under the impact of noise. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 158-168. The task of putting space rockets (space intended objects)into the target orbit is an extremely responsible add complicated task since exact delivery to the specified orbit with respect to the orbit parameters characteristic for each particular launching is required for the a satellite constellation deploying, or human scientific activities implementing in space onboard a spacecraft. The perturbing factors impact at the stage of leading out affect adversely the object navigation by the satellite systems since it contributes to the distortion and loss of the navigation satellite signal. Autonomous object leading out has to be performed thereby. As long as this leading out is being performed autonomously by the inertial navigation systems (INS) readings, the total error of leading out would be read-out stipulated by the initial setting accuracy. The coordinates of the object being launched are known herewith with geodetic accuracy, and initial velocities are negligibly small. Thus, the initial error will be formed by the initial orientation error of the inertial measuring unit, including the triad of accelerometers and gyroscopes relative to a certain geographic basis. The object of research in this work is the algorithm for initial setting of the platform class inertial navigation system for the objects of various classes and applications. The purpose of the study consists in elaboration of the algorithm for the goniometrical initial setting of the platform inertial navigation system based on application of mathematical programing methods, and noises effect estimation of inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers) on response time and accuracy of the setting. The authors proposed a fundamentally new approach to the algorithm elaboration for the platform INS initial setting to reduce its response time and enhance its accuracy. Simulation modeling of the proposed algorithm, as well estimation and analysis of the noises effect on its efficiency were performed. | |
Arkhangel’skii Y. A., Zaichik L. E., Kuz’min P. V., Sorokin S. A., Shirokikh V. P. The required volume of motion cues for full flight simulation of civil aircraft stall cases. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 169-178. A large number of aviation accidents, referred to as Loss-of-Control in flight (LOC-I), led to the keen interest to motion cueing fidelity while on-ground simulation of civil aircraft stall cases. Analysis of flight records reveals that any of stall cases may be divided into two stages, namely before and after the stall, which differ by motion cues amplitude-frequency content. This difference is determined by the difference in types of piloting task since before the stall the piloting task relates to the stabilization type task, when a pilot operates in the closed loop, while after the stall it relates to the maneuver-type task, when a pilot operates in the open loop. According to the approaches developed at TsAGI, the types of motion cues distortions differ depending on piloting task as well. In stall simulating, it is the stage of stall recovering which causes the main concern, since the false cues arising in the course of this maneuver simulation can considerably distort the real aircraft behavior. Thus, the following assumption on the required volume of the motion cues for the stall simulation was put forward: 1) the stage of aircraft approaching the stall needs motion cues reproduction in full; 2) the stage of aircraft stall recovering needs motion cues limited by those typical of buffeting in heave and sway. To prove the assumption, special experiments were conducted on the TsAGI flight simulator, in which four experienced flight-test pilots participated. Three different combinations of motion cues were considered in the course of experiments: — no motion cues were reproduced (immovable bench); — only buffeting was reproduced; — motion cues were reproduced in full volume (full flight simulation). The model of a hypothetical line-haul aircraft (SUPRA) was employed. The results of experiments had proved the assumption concerning the required volume of motion cues for aircraft stall simulation and led to the following conclusions:
The obtained results may be employed in aviation design bureaus and research institutes, as well as in aviation crew training centers. | |
Metel’ A. S., Sukhova N. A., Khmyrov R. S., Pristinskii Y. O. High-entropy target-cathodes obtaining technology for protecting coatings synthesis by vacuum ion-plasma methods. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 179-187. The article deals with the up-to-date problem of the aircraft engine parts service life increasing. One of the problem solutions is protective coatings application by methods of plasma flows condensation from low-temperature plasma. The presented work performed the analysis of surface protective layers creation for target cathodes for gas-discharging systems employed in practice and the ways of their preparation. The authors proposed employing high-entropic target cathodes obtained by spark plasma sintering to generate plasma in electric arc and magnetron sources. Technological process of spark plasma sintering high-entropic target cathodes for protective coatings synthesis incorporating five stages was developed. These stages are powder composition preparation, pilot experiment, sintering of high-entropic target cathodes, post-sintering process. Technological process of high-entropy cathode-target synthesis of the Al20-Ti20-Zr15-V15-Cr15-Nb15 system composition with reference to the KCE-FCT-HP-D25-SD facility was realized, with account for specific aspects related to the features of the of a multi-component mixed plasma flow generation ensuring, being generated by vacuum-arc and magnetron discharge in the vapor high-entropy target cathode for uniform coating deposition of the given composition. The samples with the diameter of 20 mm and height of 3 mm were obtained to perform preliminary studies, assess the powder composition elements compatibility. The samples of 80 mm diameter and 8 mm height were obtained for studying physical and mechanical properties and assessing the target cathodes performance characteristics. The results of energy dispersive microanalysis of target cathode samples obtained by spark plasma sintering of powder composition Al−Ti−Zr−V−Cr−Nb revealed the presence of all components of the initial powder composition, which confirms the possibility of obtaining high-entropy target cathodes by the said method. Regularities of sintering technological modes effect (temperature, extrusion pressure, holding time at maximum temperature reaching and heating rate) on the target cathodes properties and structure were determined. Dependences of the physical and mechanical properties of high-entropic cathodes on the technological modes of the spark plasma sintering process were revealed. With sintering temperature increasing from 600 to 1000°C, an increase in hardness and electrical conductivity is being observed, and further sintering temperature increase does not lead to a significant change in the controlled parameters, and the values of hardness herewith correlate with the values of electrical conductivity. The sintering temperature effect on the structure of high-entropy sintered target cathodes samples was determined in the course of the performed experimental study. The article demonstrates that the structure of the samples sintered at the higher temperatures is characterized by higher homogeneity. Modes of spark plasma sintering of the Al20-Ti20-Zr15-V15-Cr15-Nb15 system composition of the high-entropic cathode-target with reference to KCE-FCT-H-HP-D25-SD installation were determined based of the conducted studies. The results of the conducted experiments confirmed the perspective of spark plasma sintering application for producing high-entropy target cathodes for the protective coatings synthesis on the aircraft engine parts, but further studies on the the geometry and configuration of the powder particles effect on the composition and properties of sintered high-entropy target cathodes are required. | |
Grigor’ev S. N., Volosova M. A., Migranov M. S., Gusev A. S. Nano-structured wear-resistant coatings effectiveness at titanium alloys high-speed milling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 188-195. The article presents the results of tribology properties experimental studies, particularly the dependence of wear over the back surface of the cutting edge on the cutting path length and the miller durability period for various coatings. Full-scale tests of innovative composite nanostructured wear-resistant coatings were being performed at high-speed milling of the VT3-1 and VT6 titanium alloys widely employed in the parts and units of the state-oof-the-art gas-turbine engines (GTE) and rocket-space technology. The coated millers wear was being measured with the «Carl Zeiss Stereo Discovery V12» stationary motorized stereo microscope with telecommunication capability and 3 mp «Zeiss Axiocam 503 Color» video camera based visualization system. A series of experiments on studying contact processes while milling, such as temperature and cutting force components were conducted with modern equipment and facilities. While the electro-physical parameters control and registration, accompanying blade machining process, the natural thermocouples method with mercury current collector application and PC recording was employed for the cutting temperature determining. The temperature tests results while milling by wear resistant coatings revealed the average 20% reduction in cutting temperature with the «nACRo3+TiB2» coating compared to the others, and the VT3-1 machining was less heat intensive compared to the VT6 one. The cutting forces components were being determined with the «Kisler» dynamometer complex consisted of the 9253B23 model three-component dynamometer, amplifier with ADC and a PC. The cutting edge force loading of the miller with the «nACRo3+TiB2» coating has lower value compared to the others and is 25-30%. The results of the conducted studies revealed effectiveness increase of the titanium alloys high-speed milling by application of the state-of-the-art nano-structured wear resistant more than twofold. Express-evaluation of the machined surface quality indices, such as roughness and hardening, was being extra conducted while these tests. The results of the performed express-evaluations revealed the required machined surface quality indices improvement, which is important while the GTE structural elements such as flanges, disks, compressor rotor shafts etc. blade cutting machining. During these tests, express-evaluation of the quality indicators of the machined surface (roughness and naklep of the machined surface) was additionally carried out. The results of the express-evaluations showed the improvement of the required quality indicators of the machined surface, which is important for blade cutting machining of structural elements of GTE parts (flanges, disks, compressor rotor shafts, etc.). | |
Dmitrieva M. O., Mel’nikov A. A., Nosova E. A., Kyarimov R. R., Krzhevitskii G. E. Studying the VT16 titanium alloy microstructure forming while compressor impeller manufacturing of the small-sized gas turbine engine by additive technologies methods. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 196-203. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) represents an additive manufacturing technology meant for metal powders alloyage by a high-power laser. Powder materials application ensures more uniform chemical composition over the product section and the absence of zonal segregation. Titanium alloy powders application for selective laser alloyage is a prospective trend in additive manufacturing. The possibility of the parts production with configuration of any complexity, simultaneous growth of several samples, high material utilization coefficient and products prototyping simplification are among the SLM technology benefits. The presence of residual porosity in the part being manufactured, limitation of materials being used and laser radiation sources, as well as the size of the products being manufactured are related to the said technology drawbacks. The purpose of the article consists in studying the Ti6Al4V alloy microstructure forming while manufacturing the gas turbine engine compressor impeller by the selective laser alloyage method. The samples for studying were fabricated with the installation for the SLM 280 HL metal powder selective laser alloyage installation. They were synthesized both horizontally and vertically relative to the building-up platform. The microstructure studying after etching was performed with the METAM LV-31 metallographic microscope. Electron-microscopic analysis of the samples and original powder substance was conducted with the TESCAN Vega SB scanning electron microscope. Chemical composition of the original powder material was determined with the INCAx-Act Energy Dispesive Spectrology (EDS) device. EDS analysis revealed that the original titanium alloy powder chemical composition corresponds to the standard with an excess of aluminum and silicon content. The electron-microscopic analysis results revealed the spherical shape of the powder particles peculiar to the method of obtaining the dispersed molten. Metallographic analysis of demonstrated that after the SLM the samples had a microstructure of the α-phase plates, and the β-phase was not noticed. The electron microscopic analysis of samples fractures after the tensile testing revealed the mixed character of the fracture mechanism. The non-uniform fracture contains the sections corresponding to various stages of destruction. The ultimate strength of the samples after the SEA is 1117 MPa. It is more than for the material obtained by stamping. Relative elongation of the vertical sample is 3.08 percent. Relative elongation of the horizontal sample is 6.11 percent, which is less than for the stamped one. | |
Popov S. A., Pugachev Y. N. Wind tunnel Т-2 of MAI: history and perspectives. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 9-22. An aero-physical experiment conducted in wind tunnels (WT) is not aimed only at applied research for determining aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft models of the widest purpose and their power plants elements. It is also aimed at fundamental research in the field of fluid, gas and plasma mechanics, physics of condensed state, applied electrodynamics and detailed testing of new physico-mathematical models being developed based on the molecular-kinetic theory, as well as modern computer codes for computational fluid dynamics. Among all types of the WT, a special place is occupied by continuously operating variable density wind tunnels, which simultaneously create subsonic and supersonic dry airflows in a wide range of Mach and Reynolds numbers, as the most universal experi-mental setups in this area. There are only very few of these worldwide. Typical examples include the NASA John H. Glenn 8×6 supersonic wind tunnel, ONERA S2MA, DLR TWG, TsAGI T-128, and European ETW cryogenic tunnel. A similar wind tunnel is available within the walls of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). This is the T2 multi-mode variable-density wind tunnel, which first draft design was completed at MAI back in 1947. This wind tunnel advent is largely associat-ed with prominent Soviet scientists and engineers such as B.N. Yuriev, G.V. Kamenkov, B.I. Mindrov, K.M. Drobyazgo. This large and unique MAIN experimental facility, put into practice 1959, allowed Soviet designers create advanced aeronautical, rocket prototypes and spacecraft technology, and produce them at the highest world level. Management of MAI aerodynamic laboratory, named after N.E. Zhukovsky, consisted of industrial units T-1 and T-2, was performed through the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, which allowed staffing it with highly qualified engineering and technical personnel. At its core, scientific research performed in the laboratory was mainly of experimental nature, dealing with various aircraft models at their design stage, production or flight tests. As the result of the long-term activities based on self-financing, strong ties were established between the laboratory and aviation industry companies, the Min-istry of General Mechanical Engineering, the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering, the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of Electronics and others from its conception and well into 1991. Since the moment of its establishing, the average annual production of scientific and technical re-ports from the laboratory was about 25–30 reports annually. The scientific and technical staff of the laboratory was awarded the State Prize and the 25-th MAI anniversary Prize for their deep scientific contribution to the development of aircraft aerodynamics. In today’s economic conditions, the volume of scientific re-search conducted in MAI experimental laboratory of Aircraft Aerodynamics Department has significantly decreased. Along with this, the opinion that wind tunnels will be substituted in the nearest future by the mathematical models and Computational Fluid Dynamics software packages is being increasingly introduced today into the mass consciousness. This article comprehensively proves that wind tunnels cannot be replaced by their digital counterparts in principle. A key matter is the fact that along the decade from 2010 to 2020, TsAGI has undergone a deep modernization of the entire complex of its wind tunnels. The similar wind tunnels upgrades were performed in the West. According to authors opinion, in the distant future the physical experiment is most likely will be harmoniously combined with the computational one, including promising educational, scientific and applied platforms for aerodynamic design. To solve the problem of sustaining a ceaseless aerodynamic laboratory operation, the authors referred to the experience of leading domestic and foreign industry and academic research institutes. The volume of scientific research can be increased by expanding the range of tasks to be solved, which is possible only after a MAI wind tunnels modernization, measuring systems and methods improvement, both conducting experiments and managing the laboratory with a deeply scientific approach in the field of management. | |
Pavlenko O. V., Pigusov E. A., Santhosh A. ., Reslan M. G. Numerical studies of gliding angle impact on interference of propeller and extra-high aspect ratio wing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 23-35. Evaluation of the aerodynamic loads distribution along the wingspan for the aircraft with an extra-high aspect ratio wing is an up-to-date task, and in the future, it will allow developing measures for the negative impact reduction of wing deformations while the flights in a turbulent atmosphere. Another problem for the said aerodynamic layouts with the extra-high aspect ratio wing is the flight at a crosswind, which may lead, among other things, to the «Dutch step» phenomenon occurrence. The presented article considered the crosswind impact on the load distribution along the wing, including running pulling propellers. The aerodynamic loading distribution along the takeoff and landing mechanization elements and control organs on the wing was obtained. Numerical studies of the side slip angle (crosswind) effect on the aero-dynamic characteristics of the aircraft model with an extra-high aspect ratio wing with propellers running at the wing ends were performed with a program based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier—Stokes equations solving. The computations were conducted with incoming flow velocity of V = 50 m/s and Reynolds number of Re = 0.35 × 106 at non-deflected wing mechanization of d = 0 to compare the computational and experiment results within the range of side slip angles b from 0 to 20°, as well as in takeoff position with d = 15°. The article shows that with the side wind the flow bevels increase and local angle of attack on the wing changes. Computational studies revealed the interference of the running engines at the side wind has a significant impact on the aircraft model flow-around, its aerodynamic characteristics and hinge moments of the wing mechanization. The lift coefficient dis-tribution along the wingspan shows that the lift force reduction at the slide angle increase is being strongly affected only by the left wing console, while at the windward right console of the wing the lifting force drop at the slide angle increase is just local in the area of the propeller slipstreams blow-around. The slide angle change increases, in general, the hinge moment of the external aileron only at the right windward wing console especially with the propeller blowing. This is being stipulated by the fact that the slide angle affects the flow bevels in the propeller blow-around area, and only the windward console gets into it. The article shows that at the blow-around of the undeflected mechanization and the slide angle increase the flow bevels of the external aileron are large enough, while with deflected wing mechanization the they decrease, and the pressure on the lower part of the wing increases. Computational studies revealed that the interference of running propellers in a crosswind significantly affects the aircraft model flow-around and its aerodynamic characteristics. With a crosswind, the flow bevels are increasing, and the local angle of attack on the wing is changing. With the side slip angle increasing this effect strengthens on the windward side, and the interference zone with the propeller spreads along the span of the windward side of the wing, where the hinge moments of the wing mechanization increase hereupon even in the retracted position. | |
Golovnev A. V., Voronko D. S., Danilov S. M. Studying aerodynamic interference of the unmanned aerial vehicles at the intervals and height variation in team flight. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 36-44. The article presents the study of the aircraft mutual effect while subsonic for-mation flight at minimum distances with account for the height and interval variation of the wingman relative to the lead aircraft. The issue on aerodynamic characteristics changing in the formation flight is up-to-date for many years. The trail aircraft movement in the wake vortex is known to lead to the wingman aerodynamic characteristics changing. The wake vortex impact on the aircraft and its subsequent disturbed motion depend on the whole number of factors such as aircraft performance characteristics and a flight mode of both wingman and lead aircraft, spatial position of the aircraft relative to each other and the state of the surrounding atmosphere. For this reason, the problems of flight safety while moving in a wake vortex after the lead aircraft emerge. However, the flight at minimum distances between the aircraft formation flight may incur the aerodynamic quality growth as well, which will allow increasing the flight range and duration. Determining optimal position between the lead aircraft and a wingman will allow meeting the controversy of the requirements in the formation flight. This is especially up-to-date for the highly automated flight control systems, which are being installed including the unmanned aerial vehicles. The study was being conducted using Solid Works, Numeca Hexpress and Ansys Fluent software packages. The article presents the dependencies of the parameters being studied, namely the lift and drag coefficients, the pitch, roll and yaw moments on the interval and height of the wingman relative to the «flying wing» type lead aircraft. The authors show that computational methods application for the aerodynamic characteristics determining allows supplementing the results of experimental modeling in wind tunnels. Thus, with the interval between the aircraft axes of symmetry decreasing, the lift force increment increases and reaches its maximum at Δz/l = 0.9. The increment of the moment coefficients changing changes slightly herewith. Further, while further transversal spacing decrease, the sharp changing of coefficients of aerodynamic forces and moments starts due to approaching the lead aircraft vortex wake. While the trailing aircraft movement in the vortex wake (which symmetry axis coincides with the spatial position of the vortex core Δz/l = 0.5) the moment coefficients and drag force are maximum, and the lifting force increment is negative. | |
Zagorodnii A. E., Mar’in S. B., Lozovsky I. V. Detachable wing part and fuselage mating employing automated bench. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 45-53. Airframe units mating is a vital stage of the aircraft final assem-bly, which should ensure high accuracy of the aircraft external aerodynamic surfaces. As of today, two foreign-made systems of civil aircraft jig-free assembly are being operated in Russia: technological process of detachable wing part and fuselage of the SSJ-100NEW is being realized in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with the BROTJE automated bench, and the German «ThyssenKrupp» production line is being employed for the MC-21 aircraft in Irkutsk. As for domestic equipment, production line for the Il76MD-90A aircraft automated assembly is functioning in Ulianovsk at the «Aviasatar-SP» aircraft building plant. In the presented article, the authors consider technological process of detachable wing part to the aircraft fuselage mating employing an automated bench. This con-tributes to reduction of the number of personnel in charge of the routine technological operations of material production. Process automation is being implied as the industrial robotics applica-tion, much as the numerical control machine tools were employed as the production automation tools. With account for the fact that robotics operate on the assumption of the electronic information, managing programs are being written, products electronic models are being developed and processes are being modeled for it. The article gives an account of the method for the product compliance with design documentation validating, and describes the employed rigging necessary for the bench operation and ensuring high accuracy of measurements. The basic structure of the technological process of the wing detachable part mating with fuselage is presented in the form of the table with the basic operations description. The process of the automated bench with measuring bases is described. The authors propose to employ the considered operation principle of the automated bench while creating a mobile version of the mating bench. The article gives an account of the requirements to the mobile bench structure and its basic technical characteristics. Application of the automated bench mobile version will allow increasing the volume of released production with the possibility of producing various aircraft configurations at the single production site. | |
Balyk V. M., Borodin I. D., Gaidarov D. D., Maikova N. V. Multi-criteria selection of the unmanned aerial vehicle two-impulse mode of motion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 54-63. The article deals with the problem of design an aircraft guided missile (AGM) with a solid propellant rocket engine (SPRE), and performs comparative analysis of the of the AGM motion along the trajectory in the multiple activation mode. The authors demonstrate that the engine may be regulated to a certain degree by the thrust cutoff at certain time in-stants. This is being implemented with the specially designed dampers. To realize the passive flight seg-ment, the passive flight segment parameters duration, selected from the flight range maximizing condition, is being introduced to the design parameters vector. Particularly, alongside with the AGM flight range increase, the passive segments inclusion into the flight trajectory may lead to the AGM flight altitude, its opera-tion time and other optimality criteria losses. In essence, the AGM trajectory consisting of both active (with running engine) and passive (with dead engine) segments is being determined by the AGM motion mode. This mode, alongside with the other design parameters and the SPRE parameters, constitutes the design solution vector, which is being selected by the vector criterion. The final design solution selection is being performed employing convolution with variable weight coefficients. Substantiation of this application of convolution is being derived from the principle of the complex technical system rational organizing. The gain from the passive segments application herewith is 10% in range on average. The additive principle with optimal weighting coefficients allows selecting design solutions without involving any information hypotheses. In case of the preferences presence of the project designer, correction of the obtained solution is being performed in accordance with this system of preferences. | |
Malyh D. A. Modular structuring principle application for developing various options of the universal space platform layout. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 64-75. As of now, space exploration is accompanied by the de-crease in mass and an increase in the number of artificial satellites To create and employ a huge number of satellites, it is necessary to change the principles of development, production and operation of space technology. The article proposes using the modular principle of universal space platforms (USP) building. As applied to the design, it consists in assembling the product from standard multi-functional modules of complete readiness. The modular principle application in the USP design consists in creating a certain standard communication interface, somewhat erector kit, which allows assembling an apparatus for the concrete mission. As evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of such an approach application, the USP demonstrator layout has been developed, which includes three modules (de-pending on its purpose): a service systems module, a payload module and a reusable upper stage module. The reusable upper stage module is presented in two options for delivering the payload of various masses of 250 kg and of 500 kg. The authors propose four versions of the upper stage demonstrator for different missions: a spacecraft to deliver equipment to a body with a low gravity field, a spacecraft for landing and takeoff from the surface of small planets of the solar system or satellites of small bodies, satellites for LEO and GEO. The article considered an option of electrolytic propulsion unit application as a part of USP demonstrator. The presented design omnitude lies primarily in the possibility for creating options of satellites, and spacecraft at the request of the customer at short notice by employing unified design solutions based on the USP. The module principle application will allow significant reduction in time of the spacecraft development and manufacturing. | |
Vetrov V. V., Chulkov N. S., Shilin P. D. Air intakes parametric analysis method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 76-90. As of now, the interest to the functioning processes studying of the aircraft with ramjet power plants (RPP) has increased, which is being explained by the en-hancing possibilities of such systems operation analysis based the new qualitative tool of numerical mod-eling of complex gas-dynamic processes. The fulfilled study performed the search of the said configurations based on the approach in the form of comparative analysis of merits and demerits of various structural schemes of the airflow duct of the air intake devices, applied on the certain class of aircraft and in various speed ranges. The basic methods of the study are the methods for the gas-dynamic processes numerical modelling in the air duct of the air intake unit. The article presents the results of various structural schemes design. Variations of throttle characteristics as well as coefficients of extra aerodynamic drag, introduced by the air intake unit installing, were obtained for the developed schemes with the CFD modeling methods. Based on the energy efficiency analysis of the developed schemes, the most effective air intake units were selected. The air intake unit operation effectiveness determines at large the RPP energy parameters. Besides the boundary layer, the disturbances caused by the aerodynamic surfaces and angles of attack relate as well to the number of factors capable of reducing the air intake unit gas-dynamic perfection. It is found that the presence of angles of attack leads to a significant reduction of the air intake unit characteristics. Various degrees of sensitivity to external disturbances and angles of attack were obtained for the considered configurations as well. The authors analyzed the airfoil and rudders effect on the air intake unit char-acteristics. It was found that vortex formation in the wing trace and shock waves, as well as unsteady perturbations led to the vortex trace forming, turbulized the flow and reduced its energy, affecting the air intake unit operation. As the result, rational position of the wings relative to the air intake unit has been selected. To eliminate the said drawbacks, a modification of the internal compression air intake design has been proposed. The technical task of the proposed layout scheme consists in ensuring maximum possible throttle performance in the range of angles of attack of the aircraft from 0 to 5 degrees with minimum extra aerodynamic drag. As the result, a method for the air intake unit functional specifics evalu-ating, which allows priority solutions selecting by their configurations, with account for the aircraft flight specifics and limitations imposed on it, has been created. A theoretical foundation for the SPP implementation on aircraft with specific flight conditions (the dominant energy-passive section of the trajectory) and stringent mass-and-size limitations in the design was created thereby. | |
Khatuntseva O. N., Shuvalova A. M. On additional “multi-scale” similarity criteria for experimental work-out of aerospace engineering products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 91-97. Despite the rapid development of mathematical modeling methods, the stage of experimental work-out in the design and creation of aerospace vehicles still plays a particularly important role. On the one hand, it allows exploring the most difficult modes for mathematical modeling, and on the other hand, it allows validating numerical methods. The products functioning under conditions of a possible turbulent mode creates certain difficulties for the correct con-duct of experiments on aerodynamic models t with a view to further correct transfer of the obtained data to a full-scale object. In earlier studies of one of the authors, the issues related to the possibility of accounting for additional entropy production due to the stochastic perturbations excitation while a turbulent flow mode implementation were considered in details. This allowed modifying the Navier-Stokes (NSE) equations by posing them in an expanded phase space. In this case, the left part of the NSE, i.e. the full derivative in time, is being supplemented by a term characterizing the change in velocity when an additional «stochastic» variable changes. Inclusion of an additional term characterized by entropy production (which is always non-negative) in the equations allows, in particular, to account for the irreversibility of physical processes in time in cases where this production is non-zero. Based on this approach, both «laminar» and «turbulent» solutions for the Hagen-Poiseuille problem [8], the plane Couette problem [7] and the plane Poiseuille problem [6] were analytically obtained for large values of the Reynolds number. This article shows that the «modified» Navier-Stokes equations allow obtaining extra similarity criteria, which, in fact, are analogs of the well-known similarity criteria ob-tained for «classical» NSE, but wielding a multiscale character: starting from the scales of a viscous boundary layer and ending with a macroscale flow. Multiscale similarity criteria can be useful for more complete and accurate ex-perimental and numerical modeling of liquid and gas flow, in particular, when creating new products of aerospace equipment operated under conditions of possible turbulent mode. This approach will allow selecting the «right» size of the surface roughness and appropriate technological approaches when creating aerodynamic models for experimental research. The article considered the issues of creating aerodynamic models with a controlled surface roughness size for conducting multiscale hydro- and aerodynamic experiments. It is noted that the most promising methods for such models creating can be technologies based on the SLS printing [13-17]. | |
Ageev A. G., Galanova A. P. Increasing the efficiency of aircraft centralized fire extinguishing systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 98-106. With the advent of microelectronics and implementation of microcontrollers in aircraft fire protecting systems, application of automation units based on electronic-digital components instead of relay components is becoming increasingly up-to-date. This allows interacting with aircraft equipment via the code line and perform more effectively the functions of detecting and employing fire alarms in aircraft compartments. Besides, application of digital systems provides new opportunities for creating fire extinguishing system control algorithms and generating signal information logic, which cannot be implemented when arranging blocks with relay components, resulting in a large mass and the need to arrange complexly branched computational circuits for the imple-mentation of algorithmic and computed sequences. The authors determined that most aircraft employed balloon-type fire extinguishing systems. At the same time, fire extinguishers are being initially divided into sequential fire extinguishing queues consisting of several cylinders, regardless of the compartment in which the fire eventuated. The purpose of this study consisted in developing a new ap-proach to the fire extinguishing queues selection in terms of creating the most effective conditions for extinguishing a fire in each fire hazardous compartment of an aircraft. The numerical method was applied to compute hydraulic losses and find the average pressures created at the outlets from the orifices of the spray collectors in the fire hazard-ous compartments of the aircraft. While further scientific research, a fundamentally new, combinatorial ap-proach to the fire extinguishing queues selection was developed, which allows increasing the fire protection system efficiency in the event of a fire in the aircraft compartments, and meets the latest trends in the development of digital fire-fighting automation systems. An algorithm for the fire extinguishing queues forming has been developed within the framework of the combinatorial approach, which is of adaptive character, where the combination of fire extinguishers can be changed with account for possible leaks in the cylinders. | |
Matkovskiy N. O., Ermolaev A. Y., Tishkov V. V. Aircraft thermal protection based on the new class materials. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 107-116. Designing the state-of-the-art aircraft requires new structural solutions and applica-tion of fundamentally new materials and technological processes for their manufactiring. The aircraft hardware compartment was selected as the object of research. Temperature indicators on the aircraft hull are directly related with its speed. Thus, among all design tasks the authors chose the task of temperature level reduction inside the onboard hardware compartment to ensure its uninterruptible operation. Mathematical modeling of intensive aerodynamic heating impact on the hardware part of the aircraft hull performed by the authors allowed obtaining steady state vapues of its hardware temperature at the level exceeding the marginal allowable value. The article regards a method for the aircraft hardware compartment temperature reduction employing aircraft onboard hardware passive thermal protection means based on the new class materials application. A discrete fiber material based on aluminum oxide and quartz fiber (aerogel) is under study as an internal thermal protective coating (TPC). The article considers the hardware compartment structure with account for internal TPC (aerogel) and external TPC (composite erosion-resistant material), and presents the temperature values obtained for various TPC types, which ensure the necessary temperature level inside the compartment. Analysis of the results of mathematical modeling, performed by the authors, of the intensive aerodynamic heating impact on the aircraft reveals the effectiveness of the aerogel application. This material allowed the aircraft hardware temperature reduction to 86°C. The stress-strain state modeling confirmed the strength of the load-bearing aircraft compartment structure involving external composite material (CM). The article demonstrates that fundamentally new material of the internal TPC, namely aerogel, leads to the onboard hardware temperature reduction by 4 °C without the external TPC application, and by 12 °C with the CM application as the external TPC. Despite the heat-protective layer reduction of the internal TPC, introduction of the external TPC from the erosion-resistant CM leads not only to the temperature level reductioin inside the aircraft compartment, realizing the temperature operative range, but it reduces the temperature on the titanium hull as well, which allows varying the material, both hull and external CM thickness for the hull mass reduction. | |
Klinskii B. M. Studying the flow non-uniformity impact at the inlet on the aircraft gas turbine engine basic parameters under the simulated altitude-speed conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 117-130. According to paragraph «33.65 Surge and Stall Characteris-tics» of the Aviation Regulations, part 33 (Aircraft Engine Airworthiness Standards) the fol-lowing is stated. «It is required that while engine operation according to the Op-eration Manual the engine startup, power or thrust changing, power or thrust forcing, limit non-uniformity of the air flow at the engine inlet should not cause surging or flow separation, which might lead to the flame breaking, destruction of the structure, temperature rise or breaking the possibility of recovering power or thrust in any point of the operation modes range». In this regard, the issues of simulating the required type and level of the flow non-uniformity at the inlet prior to the engine while bench testing to confirm sufficient margin of the gas-dynamic stability of the compressor and relatively trifle impact on the basic parameters of the engine vibration-strength characteristics, become up-to-date and of practical meaningfulness. The field of velocities and pressures at the inlet of the engine as a part of the power plant is being determined by the aircraft flight conditions (altitude and flight Mach number, angles of attack and sideslip, etc.), the engine operation mode and the air intake design. In general, this field is non-uniform, and the flow prior to the engine is non-stationary. Thus, its imitation while bench testing of a gas turbine engine is a difficult technical task. The following basic requirements are being imposed on the simulators of a non-uniform flow prior to the engine: the values of the total pressure coefficient sin, averaged over the channel section prior to the engine and the values of the parameters (criteria) of the non-uniform flow (the circumferential non-uniformity criteria of the total pressure and the total pressure pulsations intensity) behind the power plant air intake and simulator, should be the same; the simulator should generate a total pressure field prior to the en-gine, similar to the real field of total pressures behind the air intake at equal values of the reduced air mass flow through the engine. The main reasons causing the uneven flow prior to the engine are associ-ated with the local separation zones occurrence in the air intake duct, accompanied by the total pres-sure loss and an increase in the flow turbulence. Various methods and technical means are employed in practice to reproduce characteristics of the uneven flow at the engine inlet. However, the main ones in practice are as follows: hydraulic grids with different density installing in the bench inlet device for the engine testing, which are employed in case of simulating a low level intensity of the pulsations full pressure prior to the engine (less than 2%); installing interceptors of various configurations in the bench inlet device prior to the engine inlet, which allow simulating a high level of flow non-uniformity, including the of pulsations intensity. This article presents the main results of simulating the flow non-uniformity basic parameters at the engine inlet by two interceptor-segments with different values of the relative flow shading area depending on the value of the reduced mass flow density q(l). The article presents also the experimentally obtained correction factors flow non-uniformity impact on the tested engine basic parameters. | |
Smelov V. G., Kokareva V. V., Chupin P. V., Dmitriev D. N. Technological process design for selective laser fusion of a heat-resistant alloy for the burner device manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 131-141. On the assumption of permanently growing product complexity, stipu-lated by the requirement toughening to the functional characteristics, additive technologies play the key role in industrialization of the new production methods of aviation engineering. However, the ex-isting barriers caused by limitations of the additive production technologies and powders properties, ca-pabilities of hardware and software are hindering active reengineering of the products to additive production technologies. Technological process developing for parts manufacturing by the selective la-ser fusion (SLF) method is a multifactorial and multivariate task. Decision-making on the SLF technology implementing for manufacturing hot part of the industrial gas turbine engine installations is based on the following criteria definition. They are productivity; level of detail, i.e. the possibil-ity of minute fragments manufacturing; plotting accuracy; work-out labor intensity; geometric parameters stability and reproducibility; reliability and endurance of the additive production; main assemblages lifespan prior to replacement or refurbishment. However, achieving the above said criteria is being ensured by technological processes optimizing based on parametric and structural methods. The purpose of this work consists in developing algorithms for creating a «smart» structure (configuration) of the «Burner device» assembly unit when the SLF technology design for the VG159 heat-resistant alloy metal powder. This algorithm for the aircraft engi-neering products design will allow obtaining «on the first try» a workpiece according to the required quality parameters of the SLF technological process. The article presents the recommended sequence of work in the design of gas turbine engines assembly unit, being manufactured according to the SLF technological process. The SLF process being developed for the of the «Burner device» assembly unit manufacturing is based on a complex «product-material-process-properties» digital twin, which allows ensuring a «free» geometry with the assembly unit accuracy provision, in contrast to the conventional methods of designing based on the me-chanical properties optimization. The algorithm specificity consists in accounting for the values of residual stresses, the magnitude and direction of deformations in the designed workpiece ob-tained by the SLF technology by modeling the SLF process and predicting the level of residual stresses. The simulation result is corrected 3D model of the workpiece with the geometry, which, after manufacturing according to the SLF, heat treatment, separation from the structuring platform and removal of supports, will ensure minimum deviation of the shape, size and location of surfaces from the specified values, i.e. the «smart» design of the assembly unit. | |
Leshchenko I. A., Vovk M. Y., Burov M. N. Method for computation of start-up and windmill modes of gas turbine engines using elements-based non-linear mathematical models. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 142-155. The article demonstrates that the existing mathematical models for gas turbine en-gines (GTE) thermodynamic computing do not allow accurate simulation of the start-up and windmill operation modes. The reason lies in the impropriety of compressors and turbines characteristics, set in traditional form of their representation for these elements parameters determining under conditions close to the quiescent state when the pressure ratio is close to 1.0. A method for calculating the start-up and windmill modes of aircraft gas turbine engines using thermodynamic mathematical models is demonstrated. The said method is based on employing the performance maps of compressors and turbines in a transformed form. The authors proposed to use the compressor torque normalized to the total inlet pressure instead of the traditional compressor efficiency. At the compressor operating modes, at which the air pressure is being increased, this parameter is unambiguously derived from the values of pressure ratio, normalized flow rate, adiabatic efficiency and normalized rotation frequency of the compressor. For this reason, the reduced torque is a criterion parameter that ensures the similarity of compressor operating modes. The similar conditions are being ensured for the characteristics of turbines, where, the torque at the turbine shaft normalized to the total pressure in the nozzle assembly throat is proposed to be used as well instead of the turbine efficiency. For the «near-zero» modes, turbines and compressor characteristics recomputed for employing normalized torque instead of efficiency, may be obtained by either extrapolation or computing using state-of-the-art 3D CFD methods. This method operability for the steady-state modes is demonstrated on the examples of computing the windmill and motoring modes for a two-shaft turbojet engine. The article shows the possibility of a nonlinear mathematical model employing to determine max-imum amount of power that can be taken from the windmilling engine shaft. It was demonstrated as well that it was preferable to swing the high-pressure rotor by the starter, since it allows obtaining noticeably greater air consumption and pressure at the combustion chamber inlet with the same delivered power. The example of the two-shaft turbojet start-up on the ground with the starter, swinging the high-pressure rotor, as well as in the flight conditions by the wind milling without starter employing, was given for the non-steady-state operating modes. It is noted in conclusion that the developed method application allows significantly expanding the application scope of element-by-element thermodynamic nonlinear mathe-matical models of gas turbine engines for solving real-life problems in the field of engine build-ing. | |
Gusmanova A. A., Ezrokhi Y. A. Analysis of the possibility of creating different purpose aviation engines of the based engine core. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 156-166. Traditional method based on definition of the most rational engine and its units project parameters proceeding from intended purpose and features of operation is usually used when the new aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) creation in practice. Besides, another method, supposing max-imum possible use of some engine units and elements from its predecessor already manufactured and checked up in operation, is widely used. The rest of engine units of the new engine are designed anew, most of-ten at higher technical and/or technological level. In this case, it is possible to expect occurrence of the new engine (usually of the same generation) in a shorter time and at a lower cost. In practice, preserved engine units are usually considered the high-pressure compressor (HPC), as the most labor-intensive in designing and operational development GTE unit, or engine core, consisting of the HPC, the combustion chamber and the high-pressure turbine (HPT). For the successful realization of this method when creating a new en-gine (or families of engines) of the required thrust or power rate, it is necessary, that initial «engine-donor» has a core with the necessary parameters, first of all, core size parameter and compressor pressure ratio. Because such a condition is not always executable, the problem of creation new engine core, capable of meeting the thrust and power requirements of a number of engines for various purpose constructed on the basis of this unified core, is set. The results of parametrical research of three the most widespread schemes engines variants, having same base engine core, are presented in the article. As an example, options for replacing some foreign engines, applied on domestic aircrafts, with new alternative engines, constructed on the basis of this unified core, are shown. | |
Efremov A. V., Efremov E. V. Modification of the pilot behavior structural model and its application to the task of selecting the characteristics and type of inceptors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 167-179. The present paper is devoted to the modification of the structural model of pilot behavior, which allows to evaluate the influence of the characteristics and type of inceptor on the properties of the pilot-aircraft system. To this purpose, a series of experiments was performed employing MAI’s ground-based simulator to determine the regularities of the pilot-aircraft system when using a center and side stick, different types of control signals sent to the flight control system (proportional to the displacement and proportional to the forces applied), as well as different characteristics of the inceptor (stiffness and damping). Two configurations from the HAVE PIO database were selected as the controlled element dynamics, one corresponding to Level I flying qualities, the other corresponding to Level III. In the experiments, the operators performed a compensatory pitch angle tracking task. Studies have shown that in terms of piloting accuracy, the optimum value of center stick stiffness for both types of control signals and controlled element dynamics corre-sponds to 10 N/cm. With a side stick, the optimum stiffness takes the value 20 N/cm. In all cases considered, the best piloting accuracy is achieved with minimal damping. Studies have also shown that the piloting accuracy for a Level I flying qualities configuration is 1.5 and 1.6 times better when using a center and side stick, respectively, com-pared to displacement sensing control in a Level I configuration. For a Level III configuration, this transition is accompanied by an improvement in accuracy by 1.25 and 1.3 times. In addition to piloting accuracy, force sensing control reduces the equivalent phase delay introduced by the pilot and improves other parameters of the pilot-aircraft sys-tem. Overall, the transition from a traditional DSC-type center stick to a FSC-type side stick results in a 2.3-fold improvement in piloting accuracy when controlling configurations which belong to the first level of flying qualities and a 1.9-fold im-provement when controlling configurations which belong to the third level. Based on the results obtained, a modification of the structural model of pilot behavior was proposed. This model takes into account the models of visual cue perception and the neuromuscular system, inceptor dynamics, correction of information received from proprioceptive feedback which closes the «neuromuscular system + inceptor» system. When a command signal is proportional to the displacement, the inceptor model is in the direct loop of this system, and when the pilot’s force input is used as such a signal, the inceptor model moves into the feedback loop. Different models and parameters of neuromuscular dynamics are used in the study of the effects of the center and side stick. In addition, the model takes into account noise in the perception of visual and kinesthetic information. The spectral density of the latter is proportional to the variance of inceptor displacement. Due to the results of experimental studies having shown that the noise components of signals are inversely proportional to the stiffness and directly proportional to the damping, the parameters of inceptor stiffness and damping are introduced into the model of this spectral density. The parameters determining the correction of visual and proprioceptive cues are chosen by minimizing a functional consisting of the sum of the error signal variance and a summand proportional to the variance of the forces applied to the inceptor and its stiffness. This summand was added to match the optimal values of stiffness obtained in experiments and in mathematical modeling. The use of the proposed model makes it possible to obtain results close to the results of experimental studies, as well as to assess the influence of inceptor characteristics, inceptor type, and the type of control signal on the characteristics of the pilot-aircraft system. | |
Markiewicz P. . Surveys of optimization methods of cruise flight with long range cruise modes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 180-189. The cruise flight is the main phase of the flight of long-haul air-craft, which mainly determines the effectiveness of entire flight. The cruise flight effectiveness depends on the selected flight mode. Typical cruise modes include maximum range mode, maximum cruising mode as well as compromise modes. Compromise modes selection are being performed by the flight costs indicator of the flight at the given range. This indicator employing is possible only at known values of the fuel cost and cost indicator, which are the uncertainty source in the tasks of the long-haul aircraft effectiveness studying. The article proposes considering the problem of compromise modes selection under uncertainty conditions for a certain range, employing flight costs indicator presented in analytical form. The search for the compromise modes is being performed on a set of modes, limited by the maximum range mode and maximum cruising mode, which we will call the set of optimal modes. Partial criteria of the effectiveness indicator such as fuel consumption and flight speed are deter-mined on such set. Analytical effectiveness indicator is the sum of normalized partial criteria with weight coefficients that are the parameters of the task. The flight mode selection under uncertainty conditions is being performed in the minimax problem setting using the analytical weight coefficients. The weight coefficient in this indicator can be interpreted two-fold, which allows considering the problem of compromise mode selection in two formulations, such as operational and trajectory. In the operational formulation of the problem, the weight coefficient is the normalized value of the cost index and does not change along the flight path. In the trajectory formulation of the problem, the weight coefficient is a measure of relative importance between fuel consumption and flight time and can vary along the flight path. The studies of the compromise conditions achieving in the trajectory formulation of the problem for various values of the cruise range allowed identifying the optimal range, different from the maximum range, for which the compromise mode can be considered optimal. The optimal range obtained by the trajectory method is an objective criterion for change flight level at the compromise flight modes. The said criterion allows objectively selecting the point of transition to another flight level and improve thereby the operational performance of the entire flight (such as the required flight fuel margin and the flight endurance). The optimal range in the operational formula-tion of the problem is the maximum range. The article presents an example of cruise flight optimization under the flight conditions at different flight levels, which results demonstrate the ability to reduce the required fuel and flight endurance compared to this flight implementation in the maximum flight range, maximal cruis-ing and operational compromise flight mode. The effect of the flight altitude and the payload (the aircraft weight at the cruise flight termination) on the optimal range value in comparison with the maximum range was established as well. The results of the cruise flight effectiveness studying, obtained by the trajectory method, may be useful for the development of a flight manual and flight paths optimization problem of long-haul aircrafts. The object of research is the Il-96-300 long-haul aircraft. | |
Espinoza Valles A. S. Bench calibration technique for microelectromechanical gyroscopes based on a robot manipulator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 190-197. Spacecraft orientation determining and angular motion control are among the crucial tasks being solved in the space-rocket engineering area. Measuring modules, including gyroscopes based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), are employed to solve this problem in the nano-class spacecraft. However, MEMS gyroscopes belong to the type of sensors of relatively medium and low measurement accuracy. Besides, space factors, such as cosmic radiation, solar activity, aerodynamic forces, or temperature gradients, lead to the sensor reading drift over time, depending on its stability. The sensors of inertial navigation systems are calibrated thereby automatically in flight. Despite this fact, the pre-flight ground calibration, which is necessary to be performed to confirm all sensors integrated into the system correspond to the minimum requirements placed on the space mission, occupies an important place. There are special turntables on the market for gyroscopes calibration, which set predefined turns at certain velocities and orientations, though they are rather costly. As of now, robot manipulators are widespread all over the world, and they are most often employed to perform certain motions with high precision. In this sense, robot manipulator represents a possible option for solving this issue. Thus, the article proposes reliable technique for bench calibration employing robot manipulator to eliminate systematic errors of commercial MEMS gyroscopes. The main idea of this technique is based on using the wrist of robot manipulator as a high-precision rotary device. The author proposes a modified six-position method in the form of the sequence of rotations to perform laboratory calibration. This technique allows determining systematic errors of the sensor output signals, particularly bias, scale factor and the axes non-orthogonality. Bench tests form a set of experimental data for subsequent processing by the calibration algorithms, and allow identifying all systematic errors and assess the degree of applicability of this bench. For this technique testing, a Strapdown Inertial Navigation System was manufactured, and bench tests were performed, which revealed the possibility of employing a robot manipulator as a calibration instrument. The features of the results of processing experimental measurement data during tests of commercial gyroscopes using this technique are described. The application of the developed approach leads to a five-fold reduction of the error by five times compared to to raw measurements. | |
Podrez N. V., Govorkov A. S. Developing manufacturability assessing technique of the product structure based on the 3D model of a mechanical engineering product. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 198-207. The purpose of the presented work consists in developing automated technique for the product structure manufacturability (PSM) assessment based on its 3D model. The following hypothesis was put forward for its solving: formalized PSM of the product may be realized employing initial data from the product design documentation (DD) in the form of the product electronic model (PEM). This will allow obtaining the output data in the form of technological recommendations on preproduction recommendations to the production engineer such as tools selection, typical technological process (TTP), as well as providing quantitative and qualitative indicators of the PSM analysis. Based on the said hypothesis and purpose the following tasks were put for-ward:
The study consisted in analysis of the conventional methods for the manufacturability assessment, i.e. how this assessment is being realized at the modern industry. In other words, to analyze the technique for analysis performing and reveal its problems. Based on the problem and industry and data digitalization (the product electronic model is a design doc-ument) the concept of the technique for the manufacturability assessment of the machine-building product structure base on its 3D model was put forward. This result may be implemented at any state-of-the-art machine-building enterprise while preproduction of a new product. The following inference can be drawn. Traditional method for the PSM as-sessment has become obsolete and does not match the digital industry criteria. Besides, qualified production engineer is required to perform the assessment of the part structure manufacturability. The need for such specialist would be eliminated with the application of the new method for the assessing the structure manufacturability of the part of the machine building production. The said method will significantly re-duce preproduction period of a new product, minimizing human factor, as well as drastically simplify the work of the production engineer at decision-making on either manufacturability or non-manufacturability of the product at the given type of production. | |
Kovalev A. A., Skakov M. D. Methods for basic parts of machines protection from the external climatic factors impact. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 208-216. The article regards the problem of external multi-factor impact on the basic parts of machines, particularly the impact of corrosion on the operational and technical characteristics of plunger pumps, and the stages of its solution. In the aviation area, hydraulic systems, to which exclusive requirements on the structural reliability are being imposed, are susceptible to the greatest corrosion impact. Thus, rational method selection for the basic parts protection of aviation products is the up-to-date task, and requires corresponding technique development. This technique is considered on the example of the protection method selection of the part of the aviation hydraulic plunger pump. The authors performed the analysis of technical requirements to plunger pumps and revealed dominating factors affecting the basic parts wear, as well as considered the ways of deposition of protecting metal and non-metal coatings. The article presents the developed technique for protective corrosion resistant coatings deposition on the parts of the «Case» type. The said technique implementation was performed on the example of structural and technological criteria assessment on each of proposed coating deposition method for the basic part. By the results of this technique, the method of polymer powder coatings deposition is preferable. The proposed method is being widely employed in production, in particular, while the aircraft and machine-building products manufacturing. This proves the proposed tech-nique fidelity. For the reason that the group of structural and technological criteria is being considered, the said method can be employed not only for the basic parts of the aviation plunger pumps, but for the variety of other products of aviation industry, including gas turbine engine blades, rotary engine stators and other products of aircraft engineering. | |
Postnikova M. N., Kotov A. D. The study of the Fe and Ni effect on the temperature of the VT14 alloy superplastic moulding. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 217-226. The complex goal of the research consisted in reducing the superplastic moulding temperature of the VT14 alloy by alloying with β-stabilizers with a high diffusion coefficient, which effectively lower the temperature of the β→α phase transformation to achieve optimal phase ratio under low temperature conditions. Fe and Ni wielding the high dif-fusion coefficient in the β-phase were selected as alloying elements. As the result, the effect of alloying by the β-stabilizers of various concentration on the microstructure evolu-tion, indicators of superplasticity, as well as on mechanical properties at the indoor temperature are being studied. The alloys under study were additionally alloyed by the minor additive of boron (up to 0.1 wt.%) to enhance mechanical and technological characteristics by the fine crushing of the grain structure in the presented of the dispersed ToB particles while the molten crystallization, as well as while thermo-mechanical treatment. The results of the microstructure evolution analysis while annealing in the temperature range of 625–850 °C revealed that the Fe content growing from 0.5 to 2% and Ni from 0.5 to 1.8% led to the β-phase volume fraction growth, and, hence, shifting of the optimal temperature range to the lower temperatures. Analysis of the uniaxial tension tests results with 1´10—3 s—1 velocity in the temperature range of 625–775 °C revealed that due to the β-transus temperature reduction and dif-fusion coefficient increase, the increase in the Fe and Ni content significantly improved the superplasticity indicators. Superplastic deformation of the modified alloys was characterized by the high values of the strain rate sensitivity coefficient m = 0.45–0.5 for the alloys with Fe and m = 0.5–0.6 for the alloys with Ni, as well as with high relative elongation of 500–1000% at the twice as low flow stress compared to the alloy without addi-tives. It was demonstrated as well that alloying by 0.9% Ni and 0.5% Fe was quite enough for ensuring high relative elongations and indicator m = 0.5 at the deformation temperatures of 700–775 °C, and temperature reduction to 625 °C, required concentration increasing of Ni up to 1.8% and Fe up to 2%. Alloying allowed increasing the level of mechanical properties at the indoor temperature after the superplastic deformation at the temperature of 775 °C with the rate of 1´10—3 s—1. The increase of the β-stabilizers content contributed to the strength margin and yield stress margin by 100–250 MP, as well as minor plasticity reduction relative to the industrial VT14 alloy. As the result, optimal alloys contents, wielding increased strength properties at minor plasticity reduction, and characterized by the high superplastic indicators under conditions of the lower temperatures (625—700°C) were proposed. These alloys are Ti-4Al-3Mo-1V-0,9Ni-0,1B and Ti-4Al-3Mo-1V-0,1B-0,5Fe-0,1B. | |
Mitryaikin V. I., Zakirov R. K., Bezzametnov O. N., Nosov D. A., Krotova E. V. Non-destructive testing of shock and bullet damages to composite structures. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2023, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 227-239. The question area of the work tackles with one of the aircraft building state-of-the-art problems, namely shock and bullet damages diagnostics of the structures from polymer compo-site materials for subsequent selection of the technique for their refurbishment. Visible damages on the surface do not give a comprehensive idea of the destruction inside the structure. Instrumental control methods application allows studying both character and sizes of the damage to define the type and scope of the repair job in case of the damage confirmation. The possibilities of the X-ray computer tomography for the composite struc-tures studying were considered in the course of the work. Both shock and bullet damages were inflicted to the samples for the operative refurbishment technology work-out. Non-destructive control was performed with the X-ray computer tomography (CT) to determine the character and sizes of the damages. The studies of the internal structure of the samples was being per-formed with various X-ray computer tomographs. The presented work studied the character of bullet damages of the two helicopter composite structures, namely the fragment of the steering rotor blade and a part of the experimental spring of the skid landing gear. A fragment of the helicop-ter rotor blade was subjected to the shock damages. Computer tomography allowed considering the layer of interest in details, scaling the pattern, and determining the defects sizes and their location in the structure. The sizes of the visually registered dent on the surface were much smaller than the fracture zone inside the sample. The fibers destruction, fibers damage with stratification and stratification without fibers damage are being observed. All these damages alter the structure of the material and increase the porosity in the damage zone, which reduces the mechanical characteristics. The size of the shock damage depends on the characteristics of the material and the impact energy. The inference can be drawn from the shock damages analysis that even low impact energies on a honeycomb structure lead to the dent forming in the skin and a honeycomb filler crumpling with partial destruction. At the higher impact energies the skin bursting and honeycomb filler destruction occurs. The issue of performing non-destructive control of the damaged zones after refurbishment and its quality assessment is an up-to-date one. | |
Belousov I. Y., Kornushenko A. V., Kudryavtsev O. V., Pavlenko O. V., Reslan M. G., Kinsa S. B. The airscrew effect on the aerodynamic characteristics and hinge moments of the deflected wing system under icing conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 7-21. Among various environmental impacts on the aircraft, icing is the most dangerous one. Despite the almost century-old history of this problem research, accounting for and elimination of icing is still an actual task. The purpose of the presented numerical study consists in researching the impact of the airscrew interference and a straight wing of a high aspect ratio of a solar battery powered aircraft on the aerodynamic characteristics and hinge moments values of the wing-flap system deflections under icing conditions. Numerical study of the airscrew, installed at the wing tip of a high aspect ratio wing, impact on aerodynamic characteristics and hinge moments of the wing-flap system, deflected to the takeoff position (= 15°), was performed by the program based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations solving, at the aircraft under the icing conditions. Calculated study was performed with the aircraft, which aerodynamic layout was realized by the classical scheme with cantilever high-set wing with the aspect ratio of = 23.4. Engine nacelles were placed on the wingtip. The airscrews rotation frequency was of N = 15000 rpm. The airscrews rotating direction corresponds to the vortex sheet folding from the wing tip. Numerical studies were conducted without airscrews and with operating two-bladed airscrews, both without aircraft icing and with it. Initially the ice shapes without blow-off and with the blow-off by the airscrew were calculated. The calculation revealed that the presence of a rotating airscrew had a great impact on the ice growth formation on the wing. The ice thickness on the wing without airscrew is almost the same over the entire surface, while a high barrier of horn-shaped ice is being added to the existing one on the wing beside the tip of the airscrew blade. Further, aerodynamic characteristics were calculated, and a hinge moment was obtained for each part of deflected wing-flap system. These calculations were performed at the angles of attack of −5°15° with the Mach number of М = 0.15 and Reynolds number of Re = 0.35·106. Calculation results revealed that aircraft bearing surfaces icing reduced maximum lift force and increase pitching moment on pitch-up, as well as contributes to the aircraft drag increase, especially with the airscrews blow-off beyond stall angles. The airscrew running under conditions of icing leads to the detachable zone size increase, which grows with the angle of attack increase. The article demonstrates that icing may decrease the hinge moment of the wing-flap system. This occurs as a consequence of the overgrown ice forming such a shape below the surface of the deflected wing-flap system, which decreases pressure on its windward side. The value of the total force, acting on the deflected wing-flap system, decreases herewith, and the center of pressure of the deflected control surface is being shifted closer to the rotation axis. | |
Sha M. ., Sun Y. ., Li Y. . Experimental studies on flaps flow-around active control by semi-model of the supersonic passenger aircraft wing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 22-35. The wing of modern aircraft is one of the objects of control. Depending on the purpose, type, class and aerodynamic layout of the aircraft, it is equipped with various means of mechanization — devices and systems designed to control aerodynamic characteristics without changing the angular position of the aircraft in the stream. Mechanization is used at all stages of flight: during takeoff, climb, cruising, level change, descent, landing approach, movement along the glide path, landing and landing run. In order to increase the lift force for a supersonic passenger aircraft in takeoff mode, a blown flaps control device has been developed, that is, near the trailing edge of the wing, it is carried out by imparting additional kinetic energy to the retarded flow by blowing off the boundary layer with a gas jet. This article presents the results of an experimental study of the influence of the jet momentum coefficient and the flap deflection angle on the lift coefficient СL and the drag coefficient СD. Using the PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) observation system, the flap blowing control mechanism was studied. The lift measurement results show that is too large to effectively increase СL when air circulation control is not applied, while the effective can be increased after air circulation control is applied. The maximum lift force of the model wing can be obtained with a small and = 30°, and with an increase in , the maximum point of the lift force of the model gradually shifts back at = 40°. The results of the PIV experiment show that in the absence of airflow control on the surface of the flaps, a clear flow separation is observed, and after turning on the flow control at = 30°, the flow reattachment can be completed with a small . With an increase in , the flow velocity on the upper surface of the wing further increases; when is less than 0.04 and = 40°, the flow joins, at which СL and СD increase; when is greater than 0.04, the flow joins, at which СL increases, and СD decreases, the lift-to-drag ratio K increases, and the aerodynamic characteristics improve significantly. | |
Petrov Y. A., Sergeev D. V., Makarov V. P. Energy absorber selection specifics for shock-absorbing of spacecraft with low inertial characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 36-50. A spacecraft touchdown on the surface of the planets and their satellites is one of the crucial stages of the flight, since the surfaces of the planets are insufficiently studied, and the spacecraft motion kinematic parameters may vary over a wide range. Landing gear, which should ensure touchdown with acceptable overloads and stable spacecraft position on the surface, is employed while touchdown for the spacecraft dampening. The landing gear consists of three or four supports, depending on the power scheme of the landing mechanism. The spacecraft dampening is being realized by the energy absorbers, placed in the landing mechanism shock absorbers. A rod, honeycomb, pipe and tape (flat rod), which absorb the energy of a spacecraft while touchdown due to the plastic deformation, are being applied as one-time operation energy absorbers. Accounting for the landing gear elasticity will allow concrete determining of the dynamic loads and the spacecraft stability area while touchdown, which is specially important while touchdown on the comets or small-gravity satellites. When solving the touchdown dynamics problem, the equations of motion of the landing gear supports are being used, with account for the elastic deformation of the structure. Accounting for the elastic deformation energy accumulated in the landing devices elements and the places of their attachment to the body will allow determining the dynamic loads on the device and structural elements, as well as correctly determining the area of the spacecraft stability to overturning. The presence of the developed shock absorber structure with the energy absorber, such as tape; kinematic scheme of the landing gear support, as well as an algorithm for the problem of a spacecraft touchdown solution allows selecting basic design parameters of the landing gear with account for limitations. These parameters will ensure safe and stable touchdown without overturning of a spacecraft with low inertial characteristics. When determining the spacecraft touchdown stability area, preliminary design parameters of the supports selected according to statistics are used, and a series of calculations are being performed on the touchdown dynamics, varying by the factors listed above. An energy absorber is a tape employed in the design of the landing gear supports, which ensures cushioning of a spacecraft with low inertial characteristics when touchdown on either planets or their satellites, as well as asteroids, with account for restrictions. Computing cases of overloads and a spacecraft stability were determined by the landing gear design parameters varying obtained from the spacecraft touchdown dynamics problem solution. If the landing mechanism layout of the spacecraft with low inertial characteristic does not allow placing the landing gear support with the recommended requirement to the base to the center of masses ratio, then it is advisable to employ clamping emgines. For instance, when the Rosetta spacecraft landed on the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, a landing device containing a harpoon and clamping engines was applied. | |
Leshikhin I. I., Sonin O. V. Transport category aircraft layout forming with the modified computer-aided design system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 51-66. The work deals with the study and modification of the Automated Design Dialogue System (ARDIS) for the subsonic passenger aircraft design to create an extra possibility of calculating the cargo aircraft characteristics. The ARDIS is meant for performing calculations at the initial stage of the design (concept selecting, requirements formulating and draft proposal developing), when the state of the project is marked by many uncertainties, and it is necessary to consider a large number of options and perform their parametric studies. The methodological basis for the ARDIS modification is application of computational algorithms for cargo aircraft characteristics, including ramp ones, and their software implementation. Proceeding to the ARDIS software package modifying, a part of modules, subjected to the changes, was separated out, while the other part of the modules, which are not planned for modification at this stage, but their application may affect the result of characteristics computing of the transport category aircraft, remained unchanged. Such modules as Geometry, Aerodynamics, Power Plant, Flight Performance and Mass relate to these kind of modules. They were studied with description and detailed block-diagrams compiling. The ARDIS modification assumes not only direct editing of the program source code, but also introduction of new variations of the features that will allow the ARDIS to switch algorithmic branches for calculating characteristics of both cargo and passenger aircraft. The new types of transport aircraft introduction to ARDIS allowed modifying the program code responsible for computing characteristics corresponding to these types. Specifics of new types of aircraft affect the change in the mass of the aircraft and, first of all, the change in the mass of the fuselage. Algorithms for computing the weight of the longitudinal framing, windows, doors, hatches, sealing and the weight of the floor of the passenger cabin or cargo compartment have undergone partial modification. Algorithms for computing all other characteristics unique to the cargo-type aircraft have been redeveloped. Computations in the modified system of computer-aided design (ARDIS) were performed on the example of the prospective transport aircraft in passenger version, and a cargo aircraft. As the result, the aircraft specifications were obtained, which were verified with the prospect characteristics. | |
Ashimov I. N., Techkina D. S., Papazov V. M. The study of structural element of manned space complex manufactured by the wire electric arc technology of additive forming. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 67-84. The article considers application of the wire electric arc technology for additive forming in manufacturing a structural element of a manned spacecraft. The structural element represents a typical bracket for attaching equipment to the spacecraft body. For manufacturing by the additive growing technique, the source element was optimized for the printing technology capabilities and limitations. After optimization, a manufacturing process was formed, in which course the electric arc parameters were changed at various stages of printing. Manufacturing was being performed employing the AMg6 aluminum wire of a 1.2 mm diameter. As the result, the obtained structural element was tested for harmonic and static impacts. The purpose of the tests consisted in determining damping, strength and stiffness properties of the structure. The obtained test results were being compared with the computed finite element model. According to the analysis, under harmonic action, the frequency and form of oscillations of the first tone coincide with the computed ones (66 and 69 Hz, respectively). The damping coefficient in determining the amplitude-frequency characteristic and vibration impact was 2% and 2.5%, respectively, which allows accepting the obtained value as the damping coefficient of the material itself (in the first approximation). During static tests, the structural element collapsed under a load of 15300 N, the displacement herewith reached the value of 19.6 mm. The destruction occurred at the place of attachment to the power floor along the thinnest part of the bracket base. The fracture emergence is of a similar character with the maximum stresses occurrence in the finite element model, except of the primary fracture in the fusion zone of the material layers. Analysis of the material microstructure revealed the presence of gas pores from 20 to 500 microns. The chemical composition corresponds to the AMg6 alloy, though without manganese (Mn) on its surface. The results of the study revealed that the manufactured structural element withstood operational loads, and the printing technology was possible and efficient to be employed with certain assumptions for the studies of additive technologies under conditions of low gravity at the orbital space station. | |
Maskaykin V. A. Defining UAV structural layout ensuring high thermal insulation indicators without thermal insulation protective means application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 85-93. The article deals with the issue of thermal insulation properties improving of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operating under conditions of extreme temperatures. Basic conditions for the structural layout elaboration ensuring high indices of the UAV thermal insulation without application of thermal insulation protective means are being considered. For this issue solving, theoretical studies of the unsteady heat exchange of the UAV unit were being performed with account for various diameters and sections under the impact of extremely low and high temperatures. The said studies solutions were being performed by a numerical method, namely a finite difference method. The results of the theoretical study point out that the UAV high thermal insulation indicators require that its structural layout ensuring the gas interlayer between the hull and the unit constituent parts. For the small diameters being considered in the article (less than 500 mm), the average thickness of the gas interlayer under the impact of the extremely low temperatures should be 8 mm, and for large diameters (500 mm and more) it should be 12 mm and higher. Insuring high indicators of the UAV thermal insulation under the impact of extremely high temperatures require the average thickness of the gas interlayer between the hull and the unit constituent parts by the following dependence: it should be 20, 30, 60 and 120 mm for the diameters of respectively 100, 200, 300 and 500 mm. The said changes in the UAV unit structure allow its thermal isolation indicators sixfold improving without application of thermal insulation protective means. | |
Samuilov A. O. A model for defects hazard degree assessing based of the acoustic emission invariants. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 94-103. The article presents a model for assessing the presence and hazard degree of defects based on acoustic emission invariants. The analysis of acoustic emission criteria of destruction is presented from the viewpoint of their application possibility while diagnosing power elements of aircraft structures in real time to determine the degree of deformation and the hazard of structure defects. As of now, a number of the destruction criteria of the controlled object (CO) material has been developed, based on the various approaches to the acoustic-emission (AE) information processingn and analyzing. However, there is no criterion allowing diagnosing the cracks being developed with high probability. This is being associated with the CO material inhomogeneity and the presence of the residual stresses. Under these conditions, to increase fidelity of the acoustic-emission method of non-destructive control and defining the degree of the defects hazard, it is rational to develop and employ destruction criteria based on statistic invariant dependencies that characterize pulse flows of the acoustic emission. The article presents the results of studying the acoustic emission parameters relationship with the early stages of destruction specifics of a layered composite, as well as iron and aluminum alloys employed in the design of power elements of the aircraft airframe. The studies on destruction of the standard cylindrical samples from the 40 steel and flat samples from D16 duralumin were conducted for experimental test of the drawn inferences validity. These types of samples selection is stipulated by the wide-spread occurrence of steels, having the yield point, and aluminum based allows in the power elements of the structures. High acoustic activity at the yield point, i.e. avalanche-like density increase of the mobile dislocations, is intrinsic to these types of materials. The developed approach provides the possibility of assessment in the process of control of dynamics and degree of change of the emission informative parameters, characterizing the degree of the pre-destructive state of the structure. Assessment with the relations being presented allows evaluating both initial and «rarefied» acoustic-emission flows of any order and does not depend on the loadings pre-history, shapes and sizes of the structures, which allows perpetrating constant and periodic acoustic-emission control. | |
Karpovich E. ., Gueraiche D. ., Han W. ., Tolkachev M. . Unmanned aerial vehicle concept for Mars exploration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 104-115. In this study, we explored and analyzed how the design issues stemming from the Mars specific conditions have been addressed by the previous authors. The identified design trends, as well as the presented historical data on the previous Mars aircraft projects can be used as a basis for determining a future Mars aircraft mission scenario. For several decades, scientists have been exploring Mars using orbiting spacecraft and rovers. Orbiters cover large areas and provide images of the planet surface with a resolution limited to a few meters, while rovers can analyze the composition of soil and rocks. In contrast, an aircraft flying at a low altitude above the surface of Mars will carry out a whole range of specific scientific research, mapping an area several orders of magnitude larger than a rover, with a resolution much higher than the resolution offered by modern satellites, as well as gathering valuable atmospheric data at different altitudes. In contrast to the previous publications, the focus of the current investigation is to identify the relation between the Martian specific conditions and the design options adopted for exiting Martian aircraft projects. This will enable us to justify the design of a new fixed-wing Mars aircraft and to compose a set of relevant requirements to start the design process. The recent improvements related to aerodynamic design, concepts of engines, energy storage and materials, have expanded the range of options for Martian unmanned aerial vehicles. Possible missions of a future Mars science aircraft include performing a climatic, mineralogical, thermophysical and magnetic study of Mars. The design process will be guided by the specific Mars environmental conditions (density, speed of sound, temperature, Reynolds number, dust storms, electrical phenomena, carbon dioxide carving). For a lander, Martian rugged terrain will exclude the conventional take-off and landing option. The need to deliver the aircraft to Mars and expose it to the space radiation will affect the aircraft aerodynamic layout, structural design, weight specification. The expected operating area, altitude, and season may significantly affect the design decisions in terms of aircraft configuration, geometry and total mass. Finally, the flow field on a Mars airplane is expected to be highly complicated with a strong interaction of viscous and compressibility effects. This makes the numerical simulation of the aircraft operating in Martian atmosphere extremely challenging. Nevertheless, the concept of a long-endurance aircraft, either solar or radioisotope powered, featuring foldable or inflatable wings and capable of flying in the Martian atmosphere seems feasible and can be considered as an option for future Mars exploration missions. | |
Osipov D. N., Yuskin S. A. A technique for equivalence assessment of operational loads reproduction while heavy transport helicopter bench tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 116-124. With all the variety of the existing programs for the of aircraft structures behavior mathematical modeling in real operating conditions, bench tests of fuselages and individual structural elements still remain the basic method, substantiating the confirmation (increase) of the resources. One of the tests elements is the reproduction equivalence assessment of operational loads on the bench. As of today, the basic method for equivalence assessment is the tested sample strain-gauging with the bench prior to the testing commence, the assessing criterion herewith is a measure of the discrepancy between the stresses at the structure critical points on the bench and those measured in previous flight tests. This criterion is sufficient for testing aircraft fuselages and, all the more, for individual elements of the aircraft structure. However, for the helicopter fuselage, particularly for the single rotor scheme, subjected to asymmetrical loads in a wide range of frequencies, availability of the technique allowing assessing the structure behavior in total even indirectly would be extremely useful. The authors propose a new method for the reproduction equivalence assessing of the operational loads during bench tests of the Mi-26(T) helicopter fuselage. The Mi-26(T) heavy transport helicopter was released with a declared assigned resource of 12,000 hours. However, the assigned resource up to date confirmed by tests is 4,200 hours with the possibility of a phased increase to 4,800–6,000 hours for helicopter instances, depending on the year of manufacture and technical condition. To achieve the designated resource declared by the Developer, it is necessary to continue bench tests of the fuselage. Up to the present day, two sets of such tests have been conducted. A great number of cracks (up to the 1000 items per a single item, and about 10000 over the whole fleet) of a stringer from the 01420 aluminum-lithium alloy is being detected from the very beginning of the Mi-26 (T) helicopter operation. This alloy has not been applied since 1992, but more than 90% of the Mi-26T helicopter fleet in the civil aviation of the Russian Federation consists of helicopters produced in 1987-1992. Thus, their airworthiness maintenance is an urgent need. Since 2002, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GosNIIGA has been keeping records of these cracks, namely the location, the helicopter operation time at the moment of detection, etc. are being recorded, and the generalized map of stringers cracks for the entire fleet and crack maps for the separate samples of helicopters have been created and constantly updated. With all the negative impact of this defect on the operation, its mass character (if the crack occurrence is considered as an event from the viewpoint of the probability theory) allows full application of the mathematical statistics methods for its description. It should be noted particularly that distribution of the number of stringers cracks along the fuselage and in individual compartments qualitatively reflects the stresses distribution in specific zones. The presented technique is based on a periodic comparison of distribution of the number of stringers cracks on the tested sample with the distribution of the number of cracks on the fleet of helicopters operated or previously operated in the civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The said technique suggests employing the Kolmogorov hypothesis likelihood estimation method for this comparison. This technique application allows assessing the structure behavior in total while the testing process, bringing it as close as possible to real operating conditions. Timely correction of the loading program allows increasing the sample durability on the bench. The said technique herewith does not require costly equipment and great time consumption. The article demonstrates the technique approbation on the example of technical condition assessing of a specific helicopter fuselage (RA-06015) and by the example of a sample on a test bench. | |
Zubko A. I., Lukin V. A., German G. K. Development of measures for resisting forces reduction while roller bearings operation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 125-137. The presented article deals with the matters related to operation of the roller bearings, functioning as part of rotors of the single-shaft and multi-shaft aircraft gas turbine engines, as well as methods of their hydraulic resistance reduction by the mating surfaces profiling. It presents examples of the developed roller bearing structures and results of their examining. The goal, consisted in developing measures for the energy losses reduction while the bearing operation, has been achieved. For this purpose, the authors are solving the problem of the hydraulic resistance and internal friction reducing in the oil layers. To develop a physical model of the oil wedge hydrodynamic process they used the results of thermal imaging and temperature measuring on the operating bearing instrumented with the fiber-optic sensor, which is a new approach to this matter. The developed roller bearings structure with the oil-removing grooves (which realizes oil bypass from the oil wedge zone with high pressure to the zone with reduced pressure) enables losses reduction on the internal friction in the oil layers, and avoid cavitation in the zone of oil wedge rarefaction. Analysis of the experimental determination results of the bearing temperature variation, that demonstrated its notable reduction, serves as a confirmation of this conclusion. The obtained results attest to the possibility of employing the roller bearings with grooves, made on the mating surfaces of rolling elements and bearing tracks, to increase their operation efficiency by reducing the energy losses, as well as decreasing the heat liberation and functional noise. Such bearings are expected to be employed in the structure of rotor supports in the aircraft and ground-based gas turbine engines. The proposed design may be expanded as well to the high-load bearings of different engineering products, especially operated under conditions of higher requirements to the absence of vibration and noise. | |
Semenova A. S., Kuz’min M. V., Leontiev M. K. Durability evaluation of the inter-shaft bearing by the contact bearing stress. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 138-150. The presented article deals with two approaches to the durability calculation of the inter-shaft roller bearing (IRRB), which was passing life tests with the bearing test bench at the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM). The durability computing is being performed by the contact crushing stresses obtained by analytical and numerical methods. Various trends in the works on creating techniques for bearings durability determining exist nowadays both computational-analytical and experimental. Life tests of bearings by the equivalent programs relate to the experimental ones. Computational-analytical techniques, in their turn, are also being separated into the two trends, namely analytical ones with the equivalent loading computing with further durability evaluation, and techniques, employing numerical finite element models of the bearings supporting subassemblies for their stress-strain state computing. As is known, the reliability of machines and mechanisms operation largely depends on the performance of their bearing subassemblies. This is of special importance for the aircraft products, as the bearing subassemblies of aircraft engines, gearboxes, aircraft units and assemblies are one of the most critical subassemblies, limiting, as a rule, their resources. The inter-shaft bearing is one of the most problematic engine components. When detecting defect symptoms of the inter-shaft bearing, the engine is being withdrawn from service, as this can lead to the rotors jamming and the entire engine failure. The main reason for the rolling bearings failure under normal operating conditions is the contact stresses originations and, as the result, wear-out of the rolling surfaces. Most of the well-known analytical methods for bearing collapse stresses computing are based on the Hertz’s theory of static contact between two bodies. However, there is a number of simplifications for this theory:
Numerical calculation allows solving contact problems without simplifying the Hertz theory:
A comparative assessment of the stresses in the contact of the rollers with the raceways of the bearing with opposite and unidirectional rotation of the rings is performed, with account for the above said factors. Dynamic calculation of the IRRB as a part of experimental bench was performed in two options to determine the contact crushing stresses and, as a consequence, durability estimation. The presented article compares the result of the study obtained by the engineering technique are being compared with the results of numerical analysis. The elastoplastic computations were performed using the LS-DYNA code. It is noted that the dynamic formulation of the problem, realized in a numerical approach, allows obtaining more accurate results on stresses and, hence, bearing life. | |
Orlov M. Y., Zrelov V. A., Orlova E. V. Statistic data application for narrow-body aircraft engines combustion chambers preliminary design. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 151-160. The article presents the results of studying parameters and geometric ratios for combustion chambers of narrow-body aircraft engines with different combustion technologies. Due to volume reduction of passenger transportation by world aviation, the wide-fuselage aircraft employing is being decreased. Narrow-body aircraft are once again becoming the most common in civil aviation. With a view to the political situation, the development of national narrow-body aircraft and their engines is becoming an up-to-date task for Russia. It is going to be solved in the form of the concept of import substitution. In terms of time consumption, the engine design is a more durable process than the aircraft development. Thus, it is important that even at the stage of preliminary engine design its optimal structure is selected. Combustion chamber is one of the problematic ones at the preliminary design of the engine components. This fact is associated with the presence of combustion process in it. It is impossible to compute the combustion chamber workflow and characteristics without its detailed geometry. Thus, the authors propose wide employing of statistical data on the existing products at the preliminary design stage. Within the framework of this work, the data on more than fifty narrow-body aircraft engines was accumulated and analyzed. Technical data, diagrams and drawings of their combustion chambers were analyzed. The authors considered chronology of the combustion chambers development of both domestic and foreign engines of narrow-body aircraft. The ranges of the thrust changing, total pressure ratio and gas temperature prior to the turbine were determined. Thus, it was found that the pressure ratio increased 3.5 times while transition from the third to the fifth generation engines, and the gas temperature prior to the turbine by 800K and more. This was achieved, among other things, by combustion technology improving. Analysis of the change in the ratio of the combustion chamber length to the maximum height of its profile revealed that it decreased by about 1.7 times from the mid-1960s to 2015.This is the result of the low-toxic combustion chambers creation. Evaluation of the ratio change in the combustion chamber length to the engine length has been performed for the same period. The distance from the fan blade inlet (inlet device) to the turbine outlet was used as characteristic length of the engine. This distance is of interest in terms of the engine work process implementation. The lowest achieved values correspond to the TAPS and RQL combustion technologies. The value of this ratio is 1.5 times higher for the conventional combustion scheme. The data presented in the article allows performing weight-and-size-characteristics evaluation of the engines being developed with the specified parameters (the pressure rise degree, temperature at the engine inlet) at the preliminary design stage. Evaluation of various technologies capabilities for the engines operation efficiency enhancing can be performed as well. | |
Baryshnikov S. I., Kostyuchenkov A. N., Zelentsov A. A. The intake manifold structural improvements of the dynamic supercharging air system of the piston engine adapted for aviation application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 161-171. There is a demand nowadays for small aircraft engines of a power up to 500 hp. Piston engines possess competitive edge in this category due to their light weight, low fuel consumption and decent weight-to-power ratio. The most feasible way of ensuring this demand consists in converting automobile engines to aviation application and standards. Aviation engines are running for the most part at greater crankshaft rotation frequency and higher loads. It leads to the necessity for conventional systems alteration, including inlet manifold. Earlier, the adapted piston engine was developed. In the framework of the engine-demonstrator, the input manifold, ensuring dynamic supercharging, was installed. Its size and shape were non-optimal from the gas exchange viewpoint. That is why structural refining of the manifold was required. The greatest problem with the conventional manifold consisted in the uneven power distribution among the cylinders, due to the difference in filling up to 20% from the average value. The manifold was being designed for the lab tests as well, and fitted poorly the aircraft layout. The purpose of the presented research consisted in equalizing mass flow through each cylinder with achievement of more even filling, which would ensure more even operation. It was desirable as well to ensure more aerodynamic shape and minimize pressure losses. The core method of flow analyzing in manifold was the 3D CFD modeling. The non-stationary RANS model with realizable k-epsilon turbulence model and enhanced EWT was employed. The main problems, such as dead zones in the back part of the manifold, the swirl in the front one and mutual effect of the branch pipes were determined by the geometry analyzing. The following solutions were applied: the dead zone filling; the front part expansion for the swirl dissipation, and separators introduction. Each solution was applied iteratively with the search of preferable dimension and geometry up to the potential solutions exhaustion. The resulting manifold design allowed achieving 50% and 30% reduction of maximum and average air consumption correspondingly. More aerodynamic shape was achieved. Pressure losses changes were within the error margins. | |
Sychev A. V., Balyasnyi K. V., Borisov D. A. Hybrid power plant employing electric motor and an internal combustion engine with a common drive to the propeller. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 172-185. The article deals with the issues of the appearance forming of aviation hybrid power plant based on an internal combustion engine and an electric power plant for light aircraft. This is an up-to-date subject in both Russia and the world with a view to the environmental requirements tightening and the possibility of new aircraft schemes realizing on the assumption of the latest technological achievements in the engine building, electrical engineering, and electronics. The article regards the results obtained earlier with an experimental all-electric light aircraft. The effort on the electric power plant brought the authors to the thought of creating a hybrid engine on its basis. The hybrid system was being considered in terms of the possibility of increasing flight time while keeping the advantages of the electric propulsion system. The effort on the hybrid propulsion system was preceded by extensive experimental activities on the bench of the electric propulsion system with a propeller and further flight tests on a light aircraft. All pros and contras of the electric power plant were revealed in real flight operation. The simplicity and operational reliability appeared to be positive features, while negative features were low battery capacity and short flight duration, as well as relatively large battery charging time. When considering the hybrid power plant appearance, the article analyzed various internal combustion engines and characteristics of the electric motors suitable for application in aviation. The scheme of direct drive for both types of engines to the propeller was selected as the most advantageous in terms of the system efficiency. Operating modes of the hybrid power plant at various flight stages were selected when analyzing the light aircraft flight cycle. Special attention is paid in the article to the practical operation and assembly of a bench sample of a hybrid power plant prototype. An important task consisted in revealing all the problems and the possibility of synchronizing the operation of two engines of different types, combined in a hybrid power plant. A suitable easy in operation and of reasonable price home produced engine was selected. A type of transmission, and reducing gear were selected. A test bench with the possibility of its mobile transposition was produced. In the process of idea try-out, a testing plan had been formed, which was being adjusted as and when necessary while the bench experimental works. A possibility of synchronous operation of the two engines of various types was proved and several characteristics on the propeller rotations and thrust were obtained while the experiment. The obtained results may be employed in the future for the larger class aircraft. Experimental works are being continued. | |
Pelevin V. S., Aleksentsev A. A., Filinov E. P., Komisar Y. V. Impurities in aviation fuel effect on the working process parameters and effectiveness indicators of gas turbine engines and power plants. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 186-195. The presented work studied the impact of impurities in aviation fuel on the parameters of the working process and efficiency indicators of gas turbine engines (GTE) and power plants. The authors performed the analysis of various environmentally sound impurities and revealed the expediency of converting gas turbine unit to more eco-friendly gas fuels. Computations were being performed with the «ASTRA» computer-aided system for thermal-gas-dynamic computation and analysis of the power plant. The fuel being used and components ratio in the obtained mixture fed to the GTE combustion chamber was being changed with the integrated fuel block. The study was being conducted for the mixtures based on the TC-1 fuel and hydrogen. Possible combinations of fuel mixtures were modeled with no regard for the requirements to their storage and application. The results of the study are presented in the form of dependences of the engine working cycle basic parameters on the changes in the impurities concentration in the fuel. It is found that that methane is the optimal choice as an impurity, since with effective power increase the specific consumption is significantly reduced. It was obtained that hydrogen significantly affects the parameters, but its application in its pure form is not profitable and practical. As the final stage, the similar research was conducted for the hydrogen based mixtures. This computation allowed defining the fuel that reduces the hydrogen concentration in the mixture for its cost reduction, though it does not affect significantly the inflammable mixture cost and effectiveness degradation of the hydrogen fuel. The presented study demonstrated that concentration increase of the gas fuel affects beneficially the efficiency and economy indicators of the aircraft power plant. The inflammable mixture composition in its turn does not practically affect the engine effective efficiency coefficient. The methane and TC-1 fuel mixture is the best composite aviation fuel by its indicators. The liquefied natural gas application may result in significant aircraft characteristics improving, though the rational solution would be process commencing of phase-in natural gases implementing, starting from the gaseous impurities addition to the standard fuel types. | |
Komarov I. I., Rogalev A. N., Kharlamova D. M., Nesterov P. M., Sokolov V. P. Development and study of the oxygen-fuel high pressure combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 196-207. The object of the present study is a combustion chamber for oxy-fuel power generation technology, in which carbon dioxide at supercritical pressure is employed as the working body and oxygen is the oxidizer. The article presents the results of the combustion chamber designing of a gas turbine power plant, obtained with the techniques and scientific-and-technical solutions applied while combustion chambers for the aircraft engines creation. The techniques selection is stipulated by the following criteria: oxygen application as an oxidizer, high values of the flame tube thermal factor, reaching temperatures above 2500°C in the combustion zone, which brings the oxy-fuel combustion chamber of the power plant closer to the combustion chambers of aircraft gas turbine engines. A cannular combustion chamber with slot-type cooling of the flame tube was selected as a prototype. Recommendations on the combustion chambers designing for carbon dioxide power plants, accounting for difference of the employed oxidizer, cooler and components of ballast, were proposed based on the studies being conducted. The dependencies of the flame normal propagation velocity value and adiabatic combustion temperature were determined with the Chemkin-Pro software complex for the combustion chamber being developed. Computational results allowed determining the carbon dioxide fluxes distribution along the flame tube length. According to the criterion of normal flame propagation velocity and adiabatic combustion temperature the value of CO2 mass content in the combustion zone was selected as 0.6, which corresponds to supplying 12% of the total CO2 consumption in the combustion chamber into combustion zone. After substantiated carbon dioxide flows distribution in the combustion chamber, a constructive profile of the combustion chamber system, including a slot-type cooling, was obtained employing one-dimensional computations. Numerical modeling of combustion and hydrodynamics processes was performed with the Ansys Fluent software package, which proved itself well for the design. The velocity vectors fields and temperature distribution plots along the wall of the flame tube of the combustion chamber were obtained. The authors revealed that the vortex did not form while the flame tube diffuser flow-around by the flow, and, as a consequence, the cooling section was locking did not occur. The cooling film steadily grows from section to section along the axis of the flame tube at the obtained design characteristics of the cooling system. The authors determined that the mass flow rates of carbon dioxide flows for cooling and mixing should differ by no more than 10% to maintain a stable film along the entire flame tube. | |
Sundukov A. E., Shakhmatov E. V. Evaluation of both engine placement and propeller type effect on the diagnostic signs of its gearbox teeth wear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 208-218. Aviation turboprop engines’ gearboxes are the most stress-intensive assemblages. Their main defect is the teeth side surfaces wear. The main hazard of the said defect consists in the vibrations generation that cause fatigue failures of the engine structural elements. Application of the widely exercised methods of vibroacoustic diagnostics for aviation turboprop engines has certain limitations. Mostly, intensities of vibration spectrum components and their combinations are employed as diagnostic signs of the defects. When developing diagnostic techniques, the required statistical data obtaining is being executed for the most part under conditions of a test bench of the engine manufacturer, whereas the diagnostics is being performed under operating conditions at the facility. However, a number of studies have shown that the engine re-installing from the bench to the facility led, as a rule, to the intensity increasing of the vibration process components. Respective conversion factors evaluation leads to the substantial material and time costs increase. Application of various types of propellers on both test bench and facility is possible for the turboprop engines. Evaluation of the engine re-installing from test bench to the facility and changing the propeller from one type to the other with a slightly higher thrust was performed on the example of the turboprop engine differential gearbox. The following parameters were in use:
The authors revealed that the engine re-installing from the test bench to the facility led to the components intensities growth from 24 to 137%. Parameters changing, plotted on the frequency deviation characteristics stays within the measurement errors limits. The propeller type impact on the intensity based parameters was not revealed. Installation of the propeller of the higher thrust has not led to drastic changing of the parameters, based on the shaft rotation frequency deviation, up to the engine operating mode up to 0.85 of the rated value. Their significant difference was marked at higher operation modes. The obtained results demonstrate that application of the parameters based on rotation frequencies deviation characteristics of the engine shafts are insensitive to the engine re-installing from the test bench to the facility. While the propeller type changing, it is necessary to define the area of the engine operating modes, insensitive to the said change. The obtained results allow the gearboxes technical state evaluating under operation conditions. | |
Ostapyuk Y. A. Gas turbine engines conceptual design approach based on multilevel model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 219-230. One of the critical tasks in aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) creating consists in its design process efficiency increasing, which lies in the design period reduction while the project high quality and competitiveness ensuring. The article considers conceptual design stage, which includes external design of the engine in the aircraft system, layout forming of the gas turbine engine workflow and its structural and geometry layout. This stage is being characterized by the substantial uncertainty level, which source might lie in the initial data incompleteness or generalization. The initial data uncertainty impact on the engine parameters basic figures in the aggregate with tightening these figures permissible deviations from the project requires maximum possible transition from the initial design data values, predicted by based on the statistics, to the computed ones while successive solution of the project tasks. Mathematical models application of various complexity levels and dimensionality allows reducing the level of the initial data uncertainty as the project development forward and thereby cutting the terms of searching for the effective design solutions. The need for employing system analysis, multidimensional optimization, the object modeling hierarchy principle and CALS-technology led to the idea of multilevel modeling. The GTE multilevel model represents the set of all engine elements and systems, employed at the various stages of the life cycle. Accounting for the requirements for both multilevel model and design process allowed determining the most rational structures of the model being applied for the standard set of the design tasks. Conceptual design approach to the gas turbine engines designing with the multilevel model was elaborated on this basis. The said approach application allows cutting the terms of computations due to the initial data uncertainty level reducing and the iterations number cutting between computations since the assembly units are being optimized in the engine system. | |
Grigor’ev S. N., Volosova M. A., Migranov M. S., Fedorov S. V., Gusev A. S., Kolosova N. V. Temperature-force conditions diagnosing of the aircraft engine parts blade machining by the tools with multilayer coatings. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 231-242. Development of modern machine-building production urgently requires solving the problems of predictability and reliability ensuring of the technological process of hard-to-cut steels and alloys blade cutting by cutting tools with innovative coatings based on studying the effect of the cutting process main modes on the temperature and force conditions and wear resistance; bringing to light the effective and informative parameters for control and diagnostics with subsequent development and introduction of adaptive control systems. Primary attention is payed in the article to the issues of cutting processing diagnosing by emplloying basic physical and chemical phenomena manifested in the process, i.e. the cutting temperature by thermo-EMF measuring; the cutting force components by determining the electrical conductivity of the «tool-part» contact, etc. To study the wear patterns of cutting tools with multilayer composite coatings during turning, characteristic representatives of three various groups of structural materials widely applied in aircraft engine structure, with significantly differing physical and mechanical properties, chemical composition and, as a consequence, different machinability by cutting were selected. They are 15X18N12X4TYU heat-proof, heat-resistant and acid-resistant austenitic steel of the IV group of machinability by cutting; HN73MBTU heat-resistant, deformable nickel-based alloy of the V group of machinability by cutting; VT18U titanium alloy of the VII group of machinability by cutting. Experimental tests were performed on the I6K20F3NC lathes with normal hardness, and 16K20 universal lathe, equipped with thyristor converter for stepless spindle speed regulation. Turning was carry through with carbide inserts of VK10 OM and T15K6 grades with different composition, thickness and architecture of composite wear-resistant single-component coatings, multi-component composite coatings based on double compound nitride systems, as well as triple compound nitrides (TiAlCr)N, (AlTiCr)N, (AlCrTi)N, (Ti,Al,V)N, (Ti,Zr,C)N). The coatings were obtained with both domestic and foreign Platit 311 and Platit 411 installations. The results of the contact processes experimental research, such as temperature and cutting forces, cutting tool wear-out etc., revealed that cutting process can be effectively diagnosed and reliability of the cutting tool with wear-resistant coating can be effectively predicted by the values of thermo-EMF and electric conductivity of the «tool-part» contact. | |
Oleinik M. A., Balyakin A. V., Skuratov D. L., Petrov I. N., Meshkov A. A. The effect of direct laser beam energy deposition modes on single rollers and walls shaping from the HN50VMTUB heat resisting alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 243-255. Additive manufacturing of products from metal powder materials is being put into effect in two ways, namely the powder bed fusion (PBF) and direct energy deposition. The first method is being realized in both laser beam powder bed fusion and electron beam powder bed fusion technologies in a powder layer. With this method, the powder is being evenly distributed over the structuring platform, with selective scanning whereafter. Such approach leads to the increased powder consumption due to the need for filling the technological volume of the structuring chamber with it. This disadvantage may be eliminated by the method of direct energy and material supply, particularly, laser beam direct energy deposition (DED) or direct metal deposition (DMD) technology. The purpose of the presented work consists in studying the effect of the direct laser growing modes, such as laser radiation power, transporting gas consumption and the speed of growth, on the shape and geometry of single rollers and walls obtained as the result of surfacing. The additive installation for direct laser growing, including the Fanuc M-20iA_20M industrial robot, surfacing head and the Fanuc 2-axis Arc Positioner two axes positioner, on which table the samples were being grown, was employed for the study conducting. This installation is equipped with the three kilowatts YLS-3000 IPG Photonics ytterbium fiber laser and a FILED 30 IPG Photonics laser head with a removable four-jet coaxial nozzle for surfacing. The powder feeding to the fusion zone was realized by the Sulzer Metco Twin 10C powder feeder. The powder from the HN50VMTUB brand heat-resistant nickel alloy, produced by the JSC «Composite» and JSC «Experimental Plant «Micron», was employed as the studied material. While the study conducting, the single rollers were being surfaced on a substrate, which represented a sheet of ordinary grade St3 carbon steel of a 3 mm thickness. The surfacing was being performed with the DMD installation. The samples represented single tracks with the 30 mm length and a width of about 2.6 mm. Two series of experiments were performed herewith. Single rollers were being grown during the first series, while the wall consisted of five layers was being surfaced during the second series. It can be seen from the measurements results analysis that the deposited material is being melted into the substrate to the average depth of 0.1–0.4 mm. The quenched layer of the 0.3–0.5 mm thickness is being formed in the substrate material owing to the fast heating under the impact of laser radiation and intensive cooling. The best convergence of the set and actual geometric parameters for single rollers, depending on the powder used, is being observed in mode 5, and 6 for fivefold tracks in mode. The study of micro-hardness on the fivefold tracks revealed that the thermal impact zone had the same micro-hardness as the deposited material. The lowest microhardness occurs for both powders in mode No. 4. The maximum value of micro-hardness for the «Micron» powder is being ensured in mode No. 7, and for the «Composite» powder in mode No. 3. | |
Vlasov A. V. Computing aerodynamic characteristics of passenger aircraft of maximum takeoff weight from 6600 to 21000 kg AT cruising, takeoff and landing configuration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 7-16. Resource-intensive CFD methods, requiring both significant time and computing costs, are usually being employed to compute the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics. Thus, it is reasonable to apply fast semi- empirical methods for the aircraft conceptual design.
The article considers the existing semi-empirical methods for calculating the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics, and compares these methods with each other and verifies them with experimental data. Special focus is given to techniques that allow estimating the flaps and slats effect on the aircraft aerodynamic characteristics. Thus, the Arep’yev and Raymer methods are the two basic methods for the cruising aerodynamic characteristics estimation being considered in this article. To verify the mathematical models, computations of the cruising aerodynamic characteristics of the three aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight from 6600 to 21000 kg were performed by the Arep’ev and Raymer methods, and their results were compared with the experimental data. The high efficiency of the modified Arep’ev method for calculating the aircraft coefficients of lift and drag up to the angles of attack of 12° is demonstrated.
Among the techniques for the takeoff and landing aerodynamic characteristics estimation, the two methods that yield the most correct result were selected as well. Additionally, the article suggests a simple dependence of the additional drag coefficient caused by flaps deflection depending on the angle of their deflection. Comparison of the takeoff and landing aerodynamic characteristics computing results of the three aircraft with maximum takeoff weight from 6600 to 21000 kg with the experimental data was performed as well. This comparison demonstrated the high efficiency of the methods under consideration. | |
Pavlenko O. V., Reslan M. G. Influence of interference of the airscrew and the high-aspect-ratio wing on the hinge moment deflect control surfaces of the wing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 17-28. Airplanes powered by the Sun energy for the flight supporting and ensuring conventionally has a special structure and a wing of a wide span, while their aerodynamic surface are covered with photovoltaic cells. The wing of such flying vehicle consists of several sections to control its motion. Numerical study of the effect of interference of the airscrew and the solar battery powered airplane’s straight wing with extra-large aspect ratio on the hinge moments values of its deflected mechanization was performed. Computations were run at flow rates of V= 25 and 50 m/s and Reynolds numbers of Re = 0.17 and 0.35 106 by the program based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The presented work considered two options of mechanization equally deflected over all the wingspan, namely δmech = 15° and δmech = 30°, without airscrews and with two-bladed airscrews placed on the wing tips and rotated symmetrically in the fuselage direction with the rotation frequency of N = 15000 rpm.
The flow-around patterns and pressure distribution are presented in dependence on the propelling screw blow-off. The authors gave a comparison of the computational results in the 2D and 3D problem setting, as well as airplane aerodynamic characteristics comparison of the without blow-off by the airscrews with the experimental data.
Numerical studies reveal that the presence of airscrew effect on the hinge moment value of the mechanization deflected depends on many factors, such as airscrew diameter and its design features, rotation frequency, its location, as well as blow-off and deflection angles. With the blow-off by the propelling airscrew, placed prior to the wing, local angles of attack on the wing and mechanization change, and the pressure at the windward side in the area of the blow-off by the airscrew
The blow of pulling airscrew, which mounted in front of the wing, influence on change local angle of attack wing and mechanization, decrees height of separate zone and increase pressure on windward side in the area of blowing airscrew.
Analysis of computation of profile and wing revealed that hinge moments computating in the 2D problem setting without blow-off may be employed for fast predicting the straight wing mechanization hinge moments values. | |
Ermakov V. Y. Experimental-mathematical modeling оf a lоng-length structure based оn the frequency tests results. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 29-40. Spacecraft, as a rule, have outboard structures of low rigidity, such as solar panels. When simulating a dynamic model of elastic spacecraft and selecting control system settings, it is necessary to set up a system of equations of motion, as well as determine its coefficients characterizing both elastic (eigenforms, oscillation frequencies and inertial coupling coefficients) and dissipative (logarithmic decrements and damping coefficients) properties of the structure. As the result of frequency tests, the dynamic characteristics of the solar panel were obtained, namely the spectrum of natural frequencies, shapes, decrements, as well as the dependence of frequencies and decrements on the amplitude of the panel oscillations. It should be noted that with the amplitude changes, the spread of the decrements values of the oscillations might be rather significant. It is stipulated by the fact that at small oscillation amplitudes, energy dissipation is mainly determined by internal friction in the material and structural damping, which is characterized by friction in kinematic pairs, as well as in splined, threaded, etc. joints. While loading, small slippages in such joints occur over the contact surfaces, which may lead to drastic energy dissipation increase, and does not meet the flight conditions in outer space. Besides, the weight-killing tether system, which introduced extra stiffness, weight and damping, was employed while these tests for the docking nodes with gaps offloading. The system with vibrators makes as well its contribution through the attached masses of coils and their attachment points. The elastic and dissipative characteristics refinement of solar battery wing of the “Spectrum” type spacecraft based on frequency tests results of the panels and analytical studies with account for the weight- killing system impact was performed. The solar battery wing herewith, consisted of four panels, was the object of the studies.
The results of frequency tests of the wing of the solar battery of the «Spectrum» type spacecraft were analyzed. The obtained results demonstrate that the oscillations are of nonlinear character. The presence of backlashes in the drive are stipulated by the dependence of natural frequencies and decrements of oscillations on the oscillations amplitude. This is also the reason for the oscillations forms deviation from the obtained calculations.
The modal parameters of the solar battery wing of the spacecraft were identified based on the results of the frequency tests with account for the weight-killing system impact. A good agreement herewith between the calculated and experimental characteristics with the offloading system was obtained, which allows feasible selection of the dynamic model parameters values of “Spectrum” type spacecraft. | |
Sonin O. V. Automated system for three-dimensional layout and its application in the problems of prospective civil aircraft configuration design. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 41-55. The article recounts the technology of the fuselage internal layout by the automated system of three- dimensional layout for passenger aircraft (AVTOKOM) developed in TsAGI. AVTOKOM allows forming passenger cabins and cargo bays of the fuselage with account for the specified comfort standards and safety requirements to the deployment of passenger seats, common and service premises, operational and emergency exits, luggage compartments etc. in both interactive and automatic modes. The stages of fuselage layout by AVTOKOM are as follows:
An iterative technology of passenger aircraft geometric model formation has been developed, on which basis further research in the areas of aerodynamic layout, structural strength and aircraft control systems are being conducted. As the result, the aircraft mathematical model that meets the layout requirements and numerous physical criteria is being formed. The article presents the examples of the AVTOKOM application while performing the layout studies of: – A long-haul aircraft with 200, 400 and 600, 800, 1000 and 1400 passenger capacity for medium and long-haul airlines; – A long-haul aircraft concept with an integrated power plant; – A long-haul aircraft on liquid hydrogen fuel; – An aerospace plane with a capacity of 5-7 passengers. As the result of these studies, the external geometric contours, layouts of passenger cabin and cargo bays of fuselages with elements of equipment and interior and specified nomenclature of service and cargo equipment, as well as layouts of the landing gear and fuel tanks have been formed. The article demonstrates that the standards of passenger comfort and safety requirements are met in all of the considered aircraft projects. | |
Kabanov D. E., Maikova N. V., Makhrov V. P. On the possibility of gel-like fuels application for the engines of guided aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 56-64. The article tackles with the problem associated with the possibilities of rocket engineering development based of innovative fuel charges for rocket engines of the guided aircraft (GA) in accordance with the conventional set of requirements to the fuel, which selection is being defined as one of the most crucial stages of creating the state-of-the-art samples of the rocket engineering.
On the assumption of the set problem, the authors conducted analysis of the existing developments and types of the gel-like rocket fuel to define the effectiveness of such fuels application as a prospective type of the fuel charge for the engines of GA.
Special attention was paid to the rocket fuel selection technique for application in the engine of the GA, based on the relative indicators of the fuel itself. The article presents the basic dependencies, which associate the rocket fuel parameters with tactical and technical characteristics of the aircraft itself. Being guided by the method of the rocket maximum ideal flight velocity, the authors define the basic parameters of the prospective fuel charge of a rocket engine, which enhancing will allow developing the sample of rocket engineering capable of surpassing the existing analogs by the set of important characteristics. Thus, the article confirms the effectiveness of the gel-like fuel application, which possesses high specific energy indicators and capable of ensuring increase of the tactical and technical characteristics of the missile itself, for the engines of the GA.
In this connection, the article describes the basic features of the gel-like rocket fuels uncovering the possibilities of the rocket fuel of this type application to solve the problems facing modern rocket building. The generalized technique for forming the gel-like rocket fuel composition employing equivalent formula for possible realization of maximum energy characteristics with the required operational parameters preserving of this type of rocket fuel was considered. The authors present herewith characteristic of the well-known gel-like rocket fuels contents, and define the possibilities of their improving by application of high-energy additives or well-defined relationship of the basic components.
The article regards the basic problems while creating the pilot sample of the rocket engine with the gel- like fuel charge stipulated by the specifics of this kind of the rocket fuel, which allow ensuring characteristics surpassing conventional analogs. In this connection, the article presents the description of the important design-engineering solutions, which are developed for the innovative sample of the rocket engine with the gel-like fuel charge realization. These solutions ensure also this engine effectiveness as a part of the missile due to the stressed state of the gel-like fuel charge, as well as the possibility of changing geometrical configuration of the combustion surface to achieve the appropriate values of the required thrust.
In conclusion, the authors give a brief characteristic of the possibilities of the gel-like rocket fuels application and adduce recommendations on their further upgrading for employing in the prospective rocket engines developments. | |
Sha M. ., Sun Y. . Studying aircraft organic glass damages under conditions of high-speed raindrops shock. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 65-76. When an aircraft fly through a rain zone at high speed, the windshield and the advancing parts of other components, as well as the coating of the aircraft skin are being easily destroyed due to raindrop-shock erosion. In the studies of the aircraft damages from the raindrop-shock erosion, which is the most common at the subsonic speed, due to the low speed, the value of pressure generated by one impact is assumed negligible. Thus, hundreds or thousands of successive impacts are often required over a time period to cause damage to the surface of materials or structures. In this case, all researchers are paying attention to the mechanism of damage from the fatigue loading. Although the probability of raindrop shock of a supersonic speed occurring is low, its peak water hammer pressure impulse (up to the GPa level) far exceeds the strength of many materials, and one or more impacts are enough to damage the material or structure. At this time, much greater attention is being paid to the mechanism of the damage from shock loading.
Due to the advantages of the small size, ease of operation, and controlled test conditions, the single-jet generator is most widely used in the studies on the mechanism of damage to materials and the interaction of raindrop-shock erosion. The presented work considers a single-jet impact platform, based on a gas gun, which is capable of stable water jets generating with the speeds of 90-700 m/s and arc-like front section diameters of 4-7 mm. Then the test on the jet shock upon the oriented and non-oriented aviation organic glasses (Polymethyl methacrylate – PMMA) for are being conducted at various speeds. According to the experience, the optimal position of the organic glass sample setting while the raindrop-shock erosion testing is 10 mm from the nozzle.
The results indicate that at the high-speed jet shock impact damages in the form of surface stratification manifest themselves with the oriented organic glass, while with the non-oriented organic glass these damages are the surface ones. With constant impact velocity increasing, the surface stratification appeared on both organic glass samples, and stratification of the oriented organic glass at that was more serious. Observing the stress wave propagation and damage expanding inside the sample revealed that the shear waves prevailed in the subsurface stratification of the oriented organic glass. | |
Kurochkin D. S. Analysis of integration interaction of a wing and wingtip mounted propulsors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. . The presented article deals with analysis of integration interaction of a wing and wingtip-mounted propellers.
The main purpose of the study consists in defining the useful effects originating when engine mounting in pulling, pushing or tandem scheme in the specified position relative to the wing due to the interference interaction.
The author performed variation of several parameters, defining mutual arrangement of the wing and propussors, as well as size and parameters of the propellers.
The article shows that relative increment of maximum aerodynamic quality Kmax through wing-tip propellers installation increases with the wing aspect ratio λ decrease. The absolute value of Kmax, in its turn, is higher at the propeller diameter and B parameter increase. Thus, with λ = 10, Dprop/bwing = 1.0, the aerodynamic quality increment ΔKmax reaches 19.5% at B = 0.4. Maximum increment of aerodynamic quality with λ = 6, B = 0.4 and Dprop/bwing = 1.0 reaches 33% of the Kmax value of an aircraft without propellers.
Under conditions close to the real cruising flight (M = 0.4, B = 0.2), in case of the wing aspect ratio of λ = 10 and Dprop/bwing = 1.0 obtaining the increase of ΔKmax ~6.4 is possible. Witht the wing aspect ratio decrease up to λ = 6, the increment ΔKmax increases up to 11%, though, the level of ΔKmax absolute values decreases from 17.1 to 14.1 compared to the case of λ = 10. It was established that propeller installation behind the trailing edge affects slightly the aerodynamic characteristics changing.
The article considers as well the possibility of installing tandem propellers, i.e. one prior to the leading edge and the other behind the trailing edge of the wing. Thus, installation of only the front propeller at λ = 10, B = 0.2 and Dprop/bwing = 1.0 leads to the Kmax value increase by 6.4%; while the additional installation of the rear propeller leads to a certain Kmax decrease up to 5%. Rear propeller diameter varying at the tandem location of the propellers does not affect practically the value of the aircraft Kmax.
The main advantage of the tandem propellers compared to a single one consists in the increasing aircraft safety, wince in the event of the front or rear propeller failure, the system thrust only approximately halves, rather than falls to zero. | |
Zinenkov Y. V., Lukovnikov A. V. The concept of pluridisciplinary forming of precursory technical appearance of military purpose unmanned aerial vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 94-110. The development and creation of unmanned aerial vehicles is the most dynamically developing trend of the aviation industry worldwide. This is being facilitated by the continuous practice of their application in solving a wide range of diverse tasks. In this diversity, the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles occupy a special place, since demonstration of their capabilities by law enforcement agencies while solving combat tasks in modern local conflicts in the most obvious way reveals the advantages of their application.
Against this background, a steady trend of the unmanned aerial vehicles development is being observed in our country with a forecast for decades to come. To reduce terms and costs for the unmanned aerial vehicles development the authors propose to realize the targeted development of prospective unmanned flying vehicles by the principle “Task — solution option — facilities — terms — cost”. The issue of the power plants developing still remains herewith the most complex one, which is being associated with the lack of the stat-of-the-art substantiated methods and techniques combined with the criteria, on which basis the assessment of the power plant efficiency with various types of aviation engines characteristic for application on the unmanned aerial vehicles.
The article presents a unified methodological approach to the development of the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles with hybrid power plants and power plants based on the engines of conventional types and schemes, such as gas turbine, piston and electric. Special attention herewith is paid to the disclosure of problematic issues of scientific and research nature, and production straightforwardly when creating aircraft engines for the power plants of unmanned aerial vehicles. These issues relate to the stage of external design of military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles and their power plants, and affect the fundamental and applied foundations of design and production, which should be accounted for while preliminary design.
The article describes the following issues developed by the authors:
— The methodology for the precursory technical appearance forming of power plants for the military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles;
— The technique for substantiating optimal parameters of both engine and airframe;
— Classification of military purposes unmanned aerial vehicles;
— A complex mathematical model of an unmanned aerial vehicle for computational and theoretical studies of the “Unmanned aerial vehicle — power plant” system using computer software.
For further development of the complex mathematical model, the authors plan to finalize the mathematical model of the power plant based on both turbo-screw and piston engines, as well as hybrid options of power plants, including an electric generator in addition to the “thermal” engines, an electric motor and a separate propulsor.
The practical value of this work, which consists in the fact that its results may be employed in both scientific and design organizations, preoccupied with developments of prospective unmanned aerial vehicles and their power plants, as well as ordering organizations and industry while substantiating requirements to the new samples of aviation engineering, is worth mentioning. | |
Borschev N. O. Mean-integral heat transfer coefficient parametric identification in coaxial heat pipes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 111-121. The article proposes a method for reconstructing the average integral heat transfer coefficient as a function of temperature for axial heat pipes. This method is based on the studied parameter representation in the form of its parameterized value, multiplied by the corresponding basis function that describes its dependence on the temperature. Linear-continuous function was selected as the basis one. Further, with the selected initial approximation of the heat transfer coefficient parameter, the “direct” problem of the theoretical temperature field determining is being solved under known initial-boundary conditions and thermo-physical properties of the material. Based on the flight thermal elaboration of the axial tube, the root-mean-square deviation between the theoretical and experimental temperature field at the sites of temperature sensors installation is being composed. The obtained functional is being minimized by the conjugate directions method, with preliminary selection of the descent step. The descent step is being selected from the condition of the residual functional minimum at all iterations, starting from the second one. Likewise, one of the most important tasks prior to minimization is finding the gradient component of this functional. For this purpose, the statement of the “direct” problem of heating the pipe is being solved again with a preliminary differentiation of this statement of the problem by the parameterized value of the heat transfer coefficient. The sum of errors, namely systematic, statement of the research problem, rounding and the set problem solving method, was selected as the iteration process termination criterion. Reaching the termination criterion assumes that the searched for parameterized value is found, otherwise the above described routine should be repeated again. To check the adequacy of the developed method, the obtained result was compared to the method for the heat transfer coefficient determining from the thermal resistances analysis based on the experimental temperature field. Analysis of relative errors shows good convergence in the case of this coefficient averaging over time with its experimental counterpart, otherwise, a greater number of considered time blocks and a more accurate thermal model of an axial heat pipe are required. | |
Borovik I. N., Astakhov S. A., Mukambetov R. Y. Technical layout analysis of generator-free hydrogen-oxygen propulsion unit for interorbital transport reusable spacecraft, which puts payload in the near-earth orbit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 122-135. The article emphasizes the relevance of the Moon problem exploration, namely construction of a long-term lunar orbital station and a habitable base on its surface. Attention is also focused on the fact that these programs implementation will require more than 1000 tons of payload. One of the ways of a payload delivery to the lunar orbit is a reusable inter-orbital transport vehicle (RIOTV), which propulsion system should be capable of multiple turn-ons. With a view to the unit cost minimizing of the payload leading out, the RIOTV propulsion unit should be optimized. In this regard, the article defines the technical appearance of the liquid-propellant rocket propulsion unit (LPRPU), optimized by the following criteria: minimum mass and minimum unit cost of the payload leading out.
Complex mathematical model, conjugating mathematical models of “rocket” and “engine” basic design parameters (BDP) impact on the effectiveness criteria of RIOTV and STS, was developed to define technical appearance of the LPRPU of the RIOTV in total. Computation of the two options of optimal LPRPU ROTV for the concrete of leading out task, namely the 16500 kg payload insertion into orbit, was performed with the developed model.
A technical appearance with high values of both turbine efficiency and pressure in the combustion chamber was obtained by the computation results. Next, the turbine efficiency in the obtained layout was reduced to much realistic values. The authors established that application of optimized option of the LPRPU with less effective fuel turbine, reduced pressure in the combustion chamber and reduced rotation frequency of the fuel turbo pump unit for this transportation operation will allow, with otherwise equal parameters, increasing lifecycle of the LPRPU as a whole and reducing the unit cost of the payload leading out.
The article demonstrates that the basic LPRE, which technical appearance and basic project parameters are not optimized to the problem of leading out being considered in the presented study are ineffective by the majority of criteria. | |
Baklanov A. V. Burner design impact on the flame tube walls temperature state. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 136-142. The presented article recounts the results of the studies on the flame tube walls temperature determining of the gas turbine engine (GTE) running on the gaseous fuel.
The flame tube walls cooling is one of the essential components of the processes organizing in the GTE combustion chamber. The combustion chamber operation reliability and the engine lifetime in the aggregate are fully dependent on the effective cooling of the flame tube walls. One of the most widespread cooling systems is convective-film one, consisting in the air film forming, which does not allow the heated gas interact with metal and removes the heat from the opposite side of the wall due to the convection.
The article presents the description of the test bench equipment. It considers thee options of burners that differ by the nozzle attachment design, the geometry of the swirler and atomizer herewith remains unchanged. The results of fire tests studies of three burners with various nozzle attachments are presented. Comparison of the flame structure of the two burners was made.
The article presents the combustion chamber design of converted aircraft gas turbine engine, meant for the supercharger drive of the gas-pumping unit. Dissection of the combustion chamber walls in its various cross-sections was performed, and combustion chamber testing as a part of gas turbine engine was conducted.
Temperature of the walls at the modes being considered does not exceed 800°C, which is indicative of the ample flame tube cooling.
Based on the results of the work being conducted, the inferences were drawn on the most acceptable option of the burner for implementation with the engine. | |
Klinskii B. M. On the heat inleak into the airflow impact on the mode parameters changing prior to the inlet to the bypass turbojet engine while tests in the thermal pressure chamber by the scheme with the attached pipeline. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 143-157. The most common scheme of bench tests of an aviation gas turbine engine in the test stand box or on an open test stand is a layout, which includes a test-bench input device with a lemniscate headpiece.
When the turbofan engine testing in the thermal pressure chamber, an inlet connected pipeline or inlet device with a lemniscate headpiece (testing scheme “with a baffle”) is being employed. Such inlet devices include a flow rate metering manifold for measuring air mass flow rate, which measuring section is set at a relative distance of not less than 1.5 gauge (L/D) from the inlet to the tested turbofan engine according to the requirements of the Industry Standard OST 1 02555-85.
When conducting turbofan engine tests in the thermal pressure chamber of the high-altitude test bench under both climatic and altitude-velocity conditions by the scheme with the connected pipeline at the inlet, as well as at the autonomous low-pressure fan testing on the compressor test bench with the air heating or cooling at the inlet, the heat inleak forming to the subsonic flow at the turbofan engine inlet (or it removal) is possible.
The process of the flow energy additional increase (decrease) while heat input (removal) leads the thermal boundary layer forming in the in the cross section of the mass air flow meter and at the engine inlet. It leads as well to the change of regime parameters values (total pressure p*lN and total temperature T*IN ) at the inlet to the turbofan and to their certain difference from the corresponding values of p*M and T*M, measured according to the OST 102555-85 from the inlet section into the air flow manifold at a relative distance of at least LM-M÷IN-IN/DM≥ 1,5.
However, for the turbofan engine with high bypass ratio, mode parameters measuring in front of the engine (p*IN (Pa), T*IN (K)) is difficult to ensure under bench conditions for a number of reasons:
– due to the absence of fan inlet guide vanes for a low-pressure fan of a turbofan engine, which moght be employed for measuring values of (p*IN, T*IN) ;
– owing to the possibility of resonance stresses occurrence in the fan working blades while installing radial chasers for p*IN, T*IN measuring nearby in front of them in the inlet bench channel.
Neglecting accounting for the heat inleak (or heat removal) as applied to the turbofan engine with the large degree of bypass and reduced fan pressure rise degree may, in some cases, lead to noticeable errors in the turbofan engine basic data estimation. It relates,in particular, to the fan efficiency value, as well as the values of the turbofan basic parameters reduced to the international standard atmosphere.
The article recounts the technique for determining the values of regime parameters of breaking temperature T*IN and total pressure p*IN directly at the inlet of the turbofan engine of high degree of bypass. This technique accounts for the heat inleak (removal) to the airflow in the pipeline, attached to the engine in the section between the measuring section in the flow manifold and the section prior the engine inlet, by reference to the condition of mass air flow rate value preserving GAIR.M=GAIR.IN and accounting for heat line of ΔE in the total flow energy value of EIN =EM + ΔE at the turbofan inlet.
The article presents the examples of the heat supply effect (or heat removal) on the nature of the thermal boundary layer changes in the flow measuring section of the inlet pipeline by the results of tests of turbofan engine under thermal vacuum chamber in the altitude-speed conditions. The example of estimating the value of the heat flux to the airflow and the corresponding change in the main regime parameters at the inlet to the turbofan engine of high bypass ratio is recounted. | |
Abgarian V. K., Kupreeva A. Y. A scheme of high frequency ion thruster with reduced discharge chamber curvature. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 158-168. High frequency ion thrusters are one of the electric rocket thrusters schemes employed in spacecraft as low thrust engines. Initially, electrojet thrusters were applied for geostationary satellites orbit stabilizing and correcting. Recently, the range of problems being solved in space engineering by dint of the electrojet thrusters has expanded significantly. It is worth noting that such thrusters’ application for bringing satellites into calculated orbits, as well as their successful employing as cruising propulsion systems for implementing missions into deep space, for flights to the Moon and minor planets of the Solar System.
High frequency ion thrusters (HFIT) are the variety of electrojet thrusters. Plasma in the discharge chamber is being sustained by the high frequency electromagnetic field, in contrast to the more world-common Kaufman DC-based scheme, in which plasma is being generated by high-energy electrons injection into the discharge chamber.
Initially, relatively simple configurations were employed for the HFIT structures basic elements, which were the discharge chamber and ion-optical system (IOS) electrodes. In the current practice, the HFITs were of cylindrical, semispherical and conical form, or their combination. The flat IOS electrodes were being selected for the thrusters with the ion beam diameter less than 10 cm. For the thrusters with greater ion beam diameter electrodes with relatively small outward buckling were employed to avoid significant thermoplastic deformation of electrodes of the ion-optical system, being heated by the plasma while the thruster operation. With that, the task of determining the most optimal from the viewpoint of the engine thrust, the plasma volume shape, limited by the surfaces of the discharge chamber and the IOS electrodes was not directly set.
The article proposes employing the discharge chamber with reduced surface curvature and noticeably convex IOS electrodes in the HFIT structure. Numerical model for computing plasma parameters in the HFIT discharge chamber allows setting an optimization problem on determining the best geometry of the discharge chamber and the IOS electrodes. It is being planned to employ the engine thrust, being computed from the calculated basic plasma parameters distributions over the volume, namely electron density and electron temperature, as the optimmization criterion. | |
Kaplin M. A., Mitrofanova O. A., Markov A. S., Rumyantsev . V. Operational process organization in very low-power plasma accelerators. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 169-179. An interest of the leading aerospace enterprises [1, 2, 3] in development and improvement of very low-power electric propulsion thrusters, which are characterized by a discharge power less than 100 W, for small spacecraft, including CubeSat standard small spacecraft, can be explained by a predicted possibility of getting new scientific knowledge and earning a commercial profit by using small spacecraft equipped with propulsion systems with high values of a generated total thrust impulse. Due to the interest of the world market in the availability of propulsion control systems for small spacecraft, the works on creation of very low-power plasma thrusters were initiated at EDB “Fakel”.
This paper gives the results of research work with experimental laboratory models of very low-power plasma accelerators U-M1 and U-M2 created with the purpose of searching and subsequent optimization of new technical solutions for very low-power plasma thrusters which are developed at EDB “Fakel”. The accelerators U-M1 and U-M2 are built on the basis of two principal schemes which differ by the configuration of their magnetic and discharge systems, what allows to expand the available range of magnetic field parameters and electric discharge parameters defining the studied operational processes’ organization in a discharge chamber. The accelerators’ models were created based on the principle of achievement of maximum simplified systems configurations at a minimum possible geometry enabling stability and sufficiency of the operational process.The results of the U-M1 and U-M2 accelerators performance research works are presented. A long-time functioning of two models of plasma accelerators has been demonstrated, which functioning is characterized by a stable operational process for a long (for this dimension type) time of a total firing and by the sufficiency of accelerators’ thrust parameters:
Specific features of the U-M1 and U-M2 accelerators’ operational process related to a very low geometry of systems and very low discharge power have been studied, and as a result, an assumption of a position of the ionization core and acceleration layer outside the spatial limits of the discharge chamber has been formulated. In case of an experimental confirmation of this assumption, the possibility of using the known assessment criteria of the ionization core and acceleration layer position for the conditions of very low geometry and very low discharge power is put in doubt. | |
Semenova A. S., Kuz’min M. V. Development of a method for numerical analysis of contact stresses in roller bearings. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 180-190. The article deals with studying the effect of the inter-rotor bearing numerical model characteristics such as:
– characteristic size of elements, determining the computations step;
– numerical formulation of finite elements;
– integration method (explicit or implicit) on the computations time and accuracy.
Reliability of both machines and mechanisms is known to be largely dependent on the bearing assembly operability. This is of special importance for the aircraft engineering products, since bearing assemblies of aviation engines, reducing gear, units and products of aircraft are one of the utmost crucial assemblages, which determine as a rule their resources. The inter-rotor bearing is one of the most problematic assemblages of the engine. The engine is being taken off the operation while the inter-rotor bearing defect symptoms diagnostics since in may lead the rotors jamming and failure of the whole engine. The main cause of bearings failure under normal conditions is an emergence of contact stresses, and consequently rolling surface degradation.
Most known analytical methods for computing the contact crumpling stresses in bearings are based on the Hertz theory on the static contact of the two bodies. However, there is a number of simplifications for this theory:
– nonexistence of friction;
– the contact area is small as against to the curvature radius;
– materials of contacting bodies are homogenous, isotropic and perfectly elastic.
Numerical computation allows solving contact problems without simplification of the Hertz theory:
– friction simulation;
– accounting for the material nonlinear properties;
– accounting for the contacting surfaces roughness by the finite-element mesh size selection.
The authors performed comparative assessment of the stresses in the rollers contact with bearing roller ways with the opposite and unidirectional rotation of rings with account for the above-listed factors.
The effect of the inter-rotor bearing rings misalignment on the contact stresses of crumbling was studied in this work as well.
The factors assessment was performed in the LS-DYNA software.
The presented work was accomplished for the dynamic model preparation, where the bearing rings rotation is accounted for. | |
Usovik I. V., Nazarenko A. I., Morozov A. A. Optimal measurements filtering is a promising method for estimation accuracy improving of re-entry time and collision probability of space . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 191-199. With each year, the space debris poses increasing threat to the functioning spacecraft, as well as people and property on Earth. Dozens of large-size spacecraft enter annually the atmosphere and reach the Earth surface, and there is always a risk herewith of inflicting damage to the people or property. Several collision have occurred by now in the near-Earth space, which can be avoided in the future, if appropriate characteristics of the systems, which ensure warning about such events, will be guaranteed.
The basic method of the threats parrying associated with the space debris is a warning about dangerous situations, namely time and place of large objects re-entry, a possible collision of a spacecraft with space debris or some other spacecraft. For realizing this method and solving corresponding problems, the refined data on the spacecraft orbits parameters by measurements are being required. Accuracy improving of the orbits parameters evaluation and their further prediction is necessary for safety ensuring of space activities under conditions of a large number of spacecraft.
The article presents basic mathematical relationships of optimal measurement filtering method (OFI), and shows that the OFI method application may significantly improve the results of the re-entry time evaluation and the space objects collision probability compared to the conventionally employed least square method. The results of the OFI application while predicting the time and place of the Tiangong-1 orbital station re-entry are demonstrated using the available accessible data. A posteriori evaluation of the prediction results accuracy showed that the OFI application allows sevenfold accuracy increasing of the estimates, without increasing herewith the computational complexity.
One of the ways of new space debris forming mitigation consists in its active removal. Presently, the works on the space debris active removal have been transferred from research to the ones being realized in daily practice of space activities. In the years to come, a number of projects will be implemented to remove spent upper stages, rocket bodies and spacecraft from orbits. The article presents the results of comparing the areas of the space debris active removal obtained by the technique, which accounts for the OFI with a concrete list of objects, obtained by a group of international experts. As is seen from the comparison, 48 out of 50 objects get into the calculated areas, which indicates a good correspondence of results obtained earlier with estimates of international specialists group. In this regard, it can be considered that both the ranges of orbits in altitudes and inclinations, and specific objects have been determined to prevent collisions that could lead to a large formation of new objects in the near future.
The OFI method application in monitoring and warning systems for hazardous events related to the space debris will increase efficiency of their functioning with the existing measuring instruments. | |
Astapov N. S., Kurguzov V. D. Strength of compact sample made of elastoplastic structured material. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 200-208. The strength of compact sample at normal separation (fracture mode I) was studied within the framework of the Neuber–Novozhilov approach. A model of ideal elastoplastic material with ultimate relative elongation was selected as a model of a deformable solid. This class of materials includes, for example, low-alloyed steels applied in the structures operating at temperatures below the cold brittleness threshold.
The crack propagation criterion is formulated with the modified Leonov–Panasyuk–Dugdale model, which employs an additional parameter, namely the plasticity zone diameter (the pre-fracture zone width). The two-parameter (twinned) criterion for the crack quasi-brittle fracture in the elastoplastic material was formulated under conditions of small-scale yielding with the presence of the stresses field singularity in the vicinity of the crack tip. This twinned fracture criterion includes the deformation criterion, formulated in the crack tip, as well as force criterion, formulated in the model crack tip. The lengths of the original and model cracks differ by the pre-fracture zone length.
Diagrams of quasi-brittle fracture of a sample under conditions of plane strain and plane stress are plotted. These diagrams consist of two curves, which divide the “crack length–stress” plane into three regions. The first region corresponds to the absence of fracture. In the second region, damages are being accumulated in the pre-fracture zone under the repeated loading. In the third region, the sample is being divided into parts under monotonic loading.
The constitutive equations of the analytical model are analyzed in detail depending on the characteristic linear size of the material structure. The authors obtained simple formulas suitable for verification calculations of the critical fracture loading and the length of the pre-fracture zone. The analysis of the parameters included in the proposed model of quasi-brittle fracture was performed. The authors propose model parameters selecting by approximation of the uniaxial tension diagram and stress intensity coefficient. | |
Al'khanov D. S., Kuzurman V. A., Gogolev A. A. Optical detection of promising landing sites for helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle using kohonen self-organizing MAPS. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 209-221. The subject of the article being presented is a helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a coaxial rotors design. The research issue is landing procedures automation on a site unprepared with respect to engineering. The purpose of the work consists in developing a set of basic requirements for an air-defined landing site based on current aviation standards, as well as implementing neural network classifier of the underlying surface. The authors considered the existing methods of landing performing for the UAV. As the result of the analysis, the method of autonomy enhancing by implementation of information systems and sensors of various operation principles was defined as the most promising. With account for acting Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), as well as norms adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the list of requirements for the prospective landing zone characteristics, accounting for the specifics of the UAV studied in the work, was developed. The main complexity here consists in the lack of the standardized regulations of performing landing procedures for the UAVs of this weight class of 325 kilos. The review of the conventional methods for the underlying surface quality determining was conducted. By reason of small overall sizes of the aerial vehicle being studied, meso- and micro-relief of the terrain are of special interest. The authors decided to split the algorithm for appropriate landing site determining into the two logical stages. Optical survey of the terrain and determination of several optimal prospective landing zones based on color semantics, characteristic structure patterns, presence of obstacles and proximity of the terrain regions transition are being executed at the first stage. Next, the descent to the most optimal site to the altitude exceeding the critical decision point is being performed, and relief scanning by the compensated laser-radar system is being executed to obtain the relief model and determine the soil characteristics. Both technique and software development was being performed in the course of this work for the first stage of the underlying surface primary inspection. The main problem of the video fixation cameras application onboard of aerial vehicles consists in strong dependence of the obtained data processing results on the environment state. Variability of both weather conditions and Earth surface lighting conditions may exert drastic parasitic effect the result of the algorithm execution. Various methods of preliminary image processing, such as contrast ratio improving, segmentation and noise filtering, allow partially solving this problem. However, the greatest invariance to the shooting conditions can be achieved using neural network methods for image analysis. The authors proposed an optical recognition method of the prospective landing zones employing self-organizing Kohonen maps. The neural networks of this kind advantage is the simplicity of the training sample preparing, as well as simplicity of the synoptic weights distribution process in the course of the casual observer training. The selected approach allows evaluating not only the color specters distribution on the image, bug tracking characteristic patterns of the texture as well. The training sample contained 2700 fragments of the terrain topographic snapshots, and the neural network training time was 10,000 epochs. Computer tests revealed 21% of the alpha errors and 0% of the beta errors, which is specific for the neural networks of this class as well. The results obtained in the course of this work are simultaneously indicative of this approach exploitability to the underlying surface clustering and the need for further research on the considered issue. | |
Migranov M. S., Shekhtman S. R., Sukhova N. A., Gusev A. S. Wear-resistant compexes of instrumental purpose for operation under increased thermal-power loading. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 222-230. The article deals with theoretical and experimental studies of cutting tool wear intensity while machining chrome-nickel alloys under temperature-force conditions employing modern wear-resistant complexes. Application of modifying multilayer-composite multicomponent nanostructured wear-resistant complexes is one of the most promising ways to improve the cutting properties of edge tools. The authors defined basic trends for edge cutting tools wear-off intensity reduction, associated with the friction coefficient value decreasing by application of the lubricant-cooling technological agents (LCTA) and wear-resistant complexes, as well as cutting temperature impact on the wear intensity in time. The cutting mode, temperature-force factor value in the working zone and contact phenomena at the cutting wedge affect the tool complexes origination (the tool material and wear-proof coating) with the effect of adaptation in the process of friction.
The article presents data on a series of experimental studies on the cutting process thermo-physics and mechanics, regularities of the cutting tool wear process while chromium-nickel parts lathe work for the qualitative estimation of the wear-resistant coatings effect on the machinability. Quadrihedral carbide plates (10 × 10 mm) and solid tools from the materials (BK8, BKIOOM) with various wear-resistant coatings were employed as cutting tools. The life testing and temperature-force tests were conducted with the I6K20 universal lathe machine of normal stiffness with stepless spindle rotation frequency control.
Temperature measuring in the process of metal cutting processing with a view to identify the average contact temperature with a sufficiently high accuracy and reliability was being performed by the natural thermocouple method. The thermo-EMF values registration and evaluation were accomplished by the mercury current collector and «Elemer» digital voltmeter. Estimation of friction coefficient and stress state of contact zone at various temperatures was conducted with the adhesion installation.
It has been established that the most favorable temperature-force state is being ensured at deposition the TiAlN of multilayer coatings after magnetic-arc filtration (MAF). Relative linear wear and its intensity decrease are being observed herewith, which can be explained by forming protective amorphous-like (aluminum oxide) and lubricating (titanium oxide) structures on the cutting wedge surface.
It has been revealed that the increase of cutting temperature and tangential component of cutting force with subsequent decrease of cutting tool wear resistance when using chromium-containing coating is associated with the phenomenon of chemical affinity of contacting materials at increased temperatures in the cutting zone.
It has been established that application of chromium-nickel alloys in the contact zone under conditions of the increased thermal power load at blade machining with tool wear-resistant complexes allows the twofold increasing of the durability period.
Keywords: wear-resistant complexes, friction, nano-structured coatings, cutting temperature and force, cutting tools wearing-out, thermo-emf, adhesive bonds strength. | |
Bakhmatov P. V., Kravchenko A. S. Mode effect of robotized argon arc welding by pulsating arc and blow medium on the structure and properties of permanent joints of thin-walled pipes from stainless steel of aviation purpose. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 231-245. Efficiency improving of the state-of-the-art techniques of welding aircraft thin-walled pipelines is an urgent task of the modern aviation industry. The main trends are the following: the welding procedure robotics, implementation of welding techniques and technologies with thermal cycle stabilization, and, accordingly, the structure and properties along the entire seam length, costs reduction of materials and electric energy, increase of productivity and quality of final products. The article presents the results of the studies conducted on the effect of the blow medium and pulsating arc while robotized argon arc welding of thin-walled elements of stainless steel piping systems for aircraft by non-melting tungsten electrode without application of the filler wire on the structure and properties of welded butt joints.
Welding was performed on an automatic welding installation for rotating bodies developed at Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University and programmable controlled by Mach3 via G-codes. The installation includes a welding rotator, a Kemppi MinarcTig Evo 200 MPL power supply with a TTC 220 burner, a positioner for the burner transverse movement, a welding wire feeder, a laptop, and a control unit. The G-code was employed for welding, the value of the standby current herewith was 15 A, the maximum current was 35 A, and the pulse duration was being reduced from 1.3 to 1.0 s within 0.1 s decrement. The extent of the first sector is the smallest with the maximum pulse duration, and is meant for stabilizing welding modes and seam geometry. The second and the third sectors are of equal extent, but with different values of pulse duration. The fourth sector is of the greatest extent with the minimum pulse duration.
A pipe from AISI 321 steel of a 50 mm diameter with a wall thickness of 1 mm was employed as blanks. The edges of the welded blanks were trimmed on a lathe prior to the assembly. The butt assembly for welding was performed manually with a gap of 0-0.1 mm on the prism without filler material application.
The developed and manufactured protective device, tightly installed in the internal cavity of the pipes being assembled through the packing rings, which seal the limited space of the butt edges, were employed for the blowing.
Geometric parameters of the obtained welding seams (the height of the reinforcement of the roller front side) were being determined by the MCAx laser scanning and 3D model processing in the Focus 10 Inspection software. Welded samples of thin-walled pipe blanks were tested for static tension and are subjected to microstructural studies and microhardness measurement.
The obtained welded joints meet by the geometric parameters the requirements of regulatory documentation governing the welding procedure of the aircraft pipeline systems. However, the joints obtained with the air atmosphere inside the pipe are characterized by a reduced tensile strength of up to 20% and elongation. Argon and nitrogen application as a blowing is being characterized by the lack of the oxidized layer, and mechanical properties closeness to the basic metal ones. Besides, a possibility for controlling the value of the root and front roller strengthening by the blowing gases pressure appears. The results of the work can be applied in the aircraft industry for both automatic and robotic welding of thin-walled stainless steel pipelines. | |
Ushakov I. V., Oshorov A. D. Micro-fracture of multilayer composites based on morphous-nanocrystalline metal alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 246-252. The properties of thin hard films with a thickness of about 30 μm deposited on a polymer coating take a significant effect on the operation properties of such composite compounds. At the same time, there are no reliable and generally accepted methods for revealing the mechanical properties of such composite compounds and their claddings, especially for the case of multilayer coatings. The mechanical tests method, which is rather sensitive to the properties of these materials, is required for the quality control of such coatings. A special method for micro-fracturing viscosity at the local loading with the Vickers pyramid was tested earlier for the single-layer composite compound.
The presented study describes a new method for the micro-fracture viscosity coefficient computing of the multilayer composite compounds. The composite compound consists of the thin hard nano-crystalline metallic films and polymeric material. The micro-fracture viscosity of a multilayer composite is being determined by analyzing the features of the system of cracks formed under local loading by the Vickers pyramid. The authors show that the recommended formulas and algorithms for the micro-fracture viscosity determining may be employed for multilayer composites mechanical tests. It is demonstrated that the micro-fracture viscosity determining of the two-layer amorphous-nano-crystal film compounds may be applied to the multi-layer composite compounds with account for correction of the fracture micro-patterns analysis method and computational formulas.
Based on the experimental data, specificity of determining the coating micro-fracture viscosity of the multy-layer composite compounds is considered for the cases when local loading with the Vickers pyramid does not allow creating the standard pattern of cracks, united into symmetrical nested figures.
The article proposes the technique and formulas for micro-fracture viscosity calculation for the cases of linear and exponential dependence of the bulge height on loading on the indentor. Specifics of the micro-fracture viscosity coefficient calculating of multi-layer composite compounds when the bulge height depends non-monotonically on the loading on the indentor, which is the feature of many multilayer composite compounds is being considered separately. | |
Voronin S. V., Chaplygin K. K. Interference pattern dependence on the deformation degree of the AD0 alloy sample surface microstructure in polarized light. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 3, pp. 253-259. Based on the previously developed technique for determining the crystallographic orientation in polarized light, the authors propose evaluating the change in the interference pattern after the sample loading. For this purpose, a sample with decreasing cross-sectional area along the tension axis was fabricated, for loading its parts on various degree of deformation. The sample was being stretched until the yield stress was reached in the smallest section of the sample. After stretching, the local degrees of deformation of the sample sections were calculated. Three main sections with deformations of 1.5%, 5.5% and 17.5% were identified.
Metallographic section, subjected to electrolytic etching for the surface observing by the polarizing microscopy, was fabricated from each section. As was established earlier, three basic colors, namely blue, brown and yellow, which volume fractions changed depending of the deformation degree, were being observed on the sample.
The dependence of microstructure interference pattern on the degree of deformation was determined in the course of the studies for the AD0 alloy microstructure. It has been established that with an increase in the degree of deformation, the volume fraction of blue and yellow grains increases. The volume fraction of brown grains decreases, which can be explained by the fact that these grains correspond to the [110] crystallographic direction, which is more amenable to plastic deformation in the FCC lattice.
It should be noted that the volume fraction of blue and yellow grains increases by 25% at a deformation of 5.5%, while that of brown grains decreases by 44%. At the degree of deformation of 17.5%, the volume fraction of brown grains becomes smaller by another 17% compared to the 5.5%, while the volume fraction of blue and yellow grains slightly increases by 4 and 6%, respectively.
The authors propose employing the obtained dependencies to control the anisotropy and degree of deformation in the production of aluminum parts and products, as well as the express method for controlling the crystallographic orientation. | |
Bolsunovskii A. L., Buzoverya N. P., Krutov A. A., Kurilov V. B., Sorokin O. E., Chernyshev I. L. Computational and experimental studies of the possibility to create a various load-bearing capability transport aircraft family. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 7-19. The presented article proposes a technology for various area wing design to create a family of prospective heavy transport aircraft with two and four PD-35 type engines with a thrust of 35 tons. Payload of the first aircraft could be of 70–80 tons, while the large aircraft can carry up to 150 tons. To simplify and reduce the cost of a large aircraft creating, the outer wing consoles with their engine were borrowed from the wing of the «junior» member of the family, and the area was increased due to the new center wing equipped with two extra engines. The aerodynamic layout of the wings of both aircraft was designed applying various CFD approaches, including the fast direct and robust inverse methods as well as multi- mode optimization technique.
The article presents the description of the aerodynamic design procedure and some specifics of each of the aerodynamic layouts. It is shown that the designed wings with a sweep of χ1/4=24° do provide cruising flight at a speed of M = 0.77 ÷ 0.8 (820 ÷ 850 km/h). Two aerodynamic models of the considered airplanes have been manufactured (1:32 scale was selected for the two engine aircraft and 1:50 scale for the four engine one) and tested in the large TsAGI T-106 transonic wind tunnel. The experiment confirmed the achievement of the design goals for both cruise and takeoff-landing speed modes.
An expert assessment of the L/D ratio losses due to proposed approach to the design of a composite wing was performed. For this purpose, a free optimization of the wing of an enlarged area with the same planform and relative thicknesses distribution along the span was conducted. The article shows that the high-speed characteristics do not degrade. At the same time, the maximum L/D-ratio of the composite wing layout is ~1.5% less. | |
Astakhov S. A., Biruykov V. I., Kataev A. V. Effectiveness evaluation of various methods of the retainable equipment braking at the limited length while high-speed track tests of aircraft and rocket engineering products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 20-34. Development of aviation and weapons envisages the speed characteristics enhancement of newly developed aircraft. The requirements for test bench equipment, including braking devices employed on the rocket-rail track, are being increased. Braking expands the high-speed track tests functionality, increases their efficiency and informativity, reduces the preparation time and cost due to the reuse of the retained material part. Solution to the problem of braking rocket sleds moving along a rocket track at a speed of more than 1.200 m/s envisages the development of braking devices ensuring effective and safe braking in the entire speed range. Selection of the braking type for the promising braking device on the assumption of its technical capabilities is being required.
The article describes various types of braking employed on the rocket track facilities when testing objects of aviation and rocket technology. Technical capabilities of the conventional types and means of braking are determined including their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their application scope. Analytical study on the types of braking acceptable during high-speed track tests is adduced.
In the course of the conducted research, it was determined that braking of high-speed rocket sleds is advisable to be performed not by a single type of braking, but by several ones, applying a set of braking devices. A single type of braking is effective and safe only in a limited speed range.
Achieving hypersonic speeds on the rocket-rail track requires modernization of the technological equipment, including braking devices, as well as developing new techniques for the tests conduction.
Solutions should be elaborated to ensure braking of the objects moving under conditions of a rocket-track facility at new high-speed boundaries, as well as methods of mathematical computation of operation of the braking devices being employed should be determined. | |
Borshchev Y. P., Sysoev V. K. Integrated technique for designing spacecraft antenna-feeder systems elements and technological processes for their manufacturing employing selective laser alloyage. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 35-44. The article provides a brief analysis of the additive technologies global market development, and bespeaks the need to activate the Russian market segment, which currently occupies no more than 2%. It regards the problems of introducing developments of the new elements of the structures of spacecraft antenna-feeder systems (AFS) and technological processes of their manufacturing employing selective laser alloyage (SLA). This said topic is insufficiently studied, since the conventional techniques are being limited only by the development of the technological process for parts manufacturing with the SLA application. The article presents the technique algorithm from technological analysis of the technical assignment for the SC AFS development to the end product manufacturing and testing. The authors note that the important feature of this technique consists in interrelation of the development process and capabilities of the parts manufacturing technology (SLA). This allows AFS manufacturing with the geometry corresponding to the rated one, which is being determined by the electro-dynamic modeling, without adjusting the part structure to the conventional manufacturing technologies capabilities. Thus, the principle of «from function to the design» is being put into practice. The technique was developed based on the authors’ experience on the SLA technology implementation and analysis of scientific publications on the issue. The authors tested the technique on the example of development and manufacturing, applying the SLA technology, of new structures of the helix antenna and waveguide corners for the spacecraft. The technique includes certification of the newly implemented material, performed according to the industry standard and consisting in conducting tests of necessary operational properties of the new material by the corresponding program. The following documents were drawn up by the certification results: — a certificate containing data on the properties of the material, the results of its performance evaluating under conditions as close as possible to operational conditions and recommendations for testing in production and operational conditions; — technical specifications containing technical requirements for the material of part blanks manufactured by the SLM method. The technique provides also the development, based on the organization Standard, of the Program for experimental try-out of technological process for parts manufacturing employing the SLA technique, The results, obtained while developing the feasibility study, such as reduction of mass, material utilization factor, labor intensity, and cost, as well as the SC AFSs elements operational characteristics improvement, including active life increase, and new structures try-out period reduction afford ground to consider the presented article as up-to-date not only for the space industry, but for the radio-electronic industry as well. | |
Gorbushin A. R., Ishmuratov F. Z., Nguyen V. N. Studying dependence of “RIGID” aerodynamic models elastic deformations on their geometric and design parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 45-60. Aerodynamic models, assumed as a rule to be very rigid, are actually subjected to noticeable elastic deformations under the wind tunnel (WT) testing conditions, which distort the measurement results. The article studies the dependences of elastic deformations of «rigid» WT models on their geometric and structural parameters to develop requirements for the model stiffness characteristics and determine rational modifications of the primary structure, which allow minimizing the model elastic twist angle for various wing layouts and flow-around modes
The procedure specifics for developing a of a steel wing computational model of the aerodynamic model in the NASTRAN software package for solving static aeroelasticity problems are considered. Parametric dependences of elastic deflections, twist angles and the lift coefficient on the wing sweep angle and position of the stiffness axis are studied.
Analysis of the results obtained for the wing model of a typical mainline aircraft reveal the following:
– the elastic streamwise twist angle is mainly determined by the bending angle;
– the angle of torsion around the stiffness axis for the model under consideration increases the streamwise twist angle.
Thus, the streamwise twist would be possible at the twist angle sign changing due to the shift of the axis of stiffness. It may also be seen from the comparative analysis of the center of pressure position of the sections along chord for the three different problems, which correspond to the pressure distribution depending on the curvature and twist at the zero angle of attack, unit angle of attack and these problems combination at different angles of attack.
For the model under consideration, in the middle and end parts, where significant deformations occur, the stiffness axis is located at a distance of (0.4-0.45)c from the leading edge (here с is the wing local chord). The sections’ center of pressure position is much further, and reaches a value of 0.6с at the wing end. This rear position of the pressure center is stipulated by the specificity of the employed supercritical airfoils with a strong undercutting of the lower surface near the trailing edge.
Thus, the possibility of reducing the elastic deformation impact on aerodynamic characteristics for a certain range of wing sweep angles and test modes due to the model layout modification was revealed as the result of parametric studies.
To minimize the elasticity effect on aerodynamic characteristics while WT test, modifications of the model layout may be considered in two aspects: 1) the relative position changing of the pressure centers line and the stiffness axis; 2) torsional stiffness reducing.
The said areas of research are supposed to be developed in the further activities on this issue. | |
Vedernikov D. V., Shanygin A. N. Strength analysis of regional aircraft prospective wing structures based on parametric models. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 61-76. The article presents the results of complex studies on parametric dependencies of the strength, stiffness and weight characteristics of the wing structure on the values of the set of design parameters for the regional aircraft with both strut-braced and non-strut-braced layout. A new version of the four-level designing algorithm, which employs the decomposition principle of loading cases within the framework of parametric strength and aerodynamic models while searching for the computed loading cases were used while computational studies conducting. The article presents the description of the algorithm, which realizes the principle of inflight loading cases, employing the bond of finite element model of the airframe structure and aerodynamic parametric model based of the single vortexes method. The ability of both models for automatic dimensionality changing of loading cases allows ensuring dividing the acceptable loading cases into the groups by the degree of criticality. This ability allows also the possibility of realizing a multi-stage search procedure, when strength and aerodynamic models with low dimensionality are being used for all alternative loading cases at the first stage of the analysis, while at the subsequent stages, the models with higher dimensionality are being used to analyze the critical cases selected at the first stage. The modified version of the algorithm demonstrated high performance and reliability for the strength analysis and design of the wing structures with high level of elastic displacements. The efficiency of the loading cases decomposition principle in conjunction with other decomposition principles, such as structure decomposition and decomposition of the strength problems, used within the framework of the basic four-level algorithm, is demonstrated within the framework of this article on the example of the hypothetic regional aircraft of 15 tons take-off weight and passenger capacity up to 50 persons. The values of the wing structure weight, as well as the values of the strut attachment point position on a wing (which are 50-65% of the semi wingspan depending on the aspect ratio) were obtained. The better weight efficiency of the wing structure based on the strut-braced layout compared to the non-strut-braced one was confirmed for the hypothetic regional aircraft under consideration. Weight savings for the wing structure option with the aspect ratio of λ0 = 11.7 is 12.3%, whereas for the alternative options with λ1 = 15 and λ2 = 20 the weight savings are 31% and 37 % respectively. The labor intensity analysis of the parametric strength studies, associated with significant parameters variations of the airframe external geometry and high levels of elastic displacements of lifting surfaces, revealed that application of the loading cases principle of decomposition allows no less than tenfold labor intensity reduction of the strength analysis procedures. The results of the performed studies have proved the efficiency of the modified four-level algorithm application for solving the design tasks for:
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Ezrokhi Y. A., Gusmanova A. A. On accounting for turbine efficiency, while gas turbine engine parameters determining. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 77-87. Mathematical modeling of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) is one of the most important instruments, which is being employed at all stages of its life cycle. Foremost, it is being applied at the stages of engine design and its engineering follow-up The efficiency of the engine mathematical model (EMM) application depends on the accuracy and adequacy of the working process description in an air-gas channel of the engine and its components. The accuracy of the basic engine components defining is an essential factor that determines the accuracy of the gas-turbine engine mathematical model. The engine gas turbine is one of such basic GTE components. The firsts-level mathematical model of the engine the gas turbine represents a single-stage (one nozzle assembly and one impeller). The turbine performances are being represented as the dependence of the normalized gas consumption in the first nozzle assembly throat and efficiency on the turbine pressure ratio and reduced circular velocity value on the impeller average radius. As is known, the efficiency reflects the difference between the real and ideal processes (without thermal losses, i.e. adiabatic expansion) in the engine turbine. In other words, it is the ratio of the power generated by the turbine to the turbine adiabatic power. The article presents various options of the turbine efficiency determining, which differ each other by the accounting for the cooling air energy. Analysis of the engine parameters impact on the difference between the efficiency value determined by the parameters in the nozzle throat and the efficiency value determined by the parameters in the gap between the nozzle and the impeller blades was performed. The article demonstrates that incorrect accounting for the efficiency while the aircraft GTE model computing may lead to significant errors in determining its parameters and performances. | |
Baklanov A. V. Application of multi-flame combustion in combustion chamber to increase the gas combustion efficiency. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 88-94. The presented article considers the design of two gas turbine engine combustion chambers running on natural gas. There are 32 burners in the first combustion chamber, while the second one contains 136 nozzles placed in two rows in the flame tube head. In accordance with the fact that carbon dioxide is being formed as an intermediate substance in the process of carbon-bearing fuels oxidizing, the CO emissions control is being reduced not to this substance forming prevention, but to the problem of completing reaction of its oxidation by ensuring maximum combustion efficiency. Technical substantiation for the multi-flame fuel combustion application was set forth. If assume that the torch length is proportional to the nozzle diameter, including the number of nozzles, which equals 136, into the calculation, the torch length will be half the length of the torch length with the number of 32 pieces. The article adduces the results of studying two combustion chambers differing by the design of the flame tube head, presents the test-bench equipment, and describes the experimental research specifics. The results of the studies on concentration measuring of the final gas mixture components at the outlet of both combustion chambers are presented. The fuel combustion completeness was determined, and inference was drawn on most acceptable flame tube head design, which ensures maximum combustion completeness and minimum concentration of carbon oxides. This design represents the multi-nozzle combustion chamber. The inference was drawn that the combustion efficiency growth with the combustion sources increase was associated with bothr chemical reacting acceleration and substantial improving of the air-and-fuel mixture preparation prior to its feeding to the combustion zone. | |
Sinyakin V. P., Ravikovich Y. A., Nesterenko V. G. The study of rake angle impact of peripheral part of the working blade on the efficiency of high-pressure and high-speed centrifugal compressors for prospective small-sized turboprop and turbo-shaft engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 95-106. The article being presented proposes the structure of the impeller peripheral part of the high-pressure single-stage centrifugal compressor with high degree pressure ratio of πκ* = 0.9 and η ≈ 0.78, which allows reducing gas overflowing from the concave side to the convex side of the blade in its opened radial gap, as well as efficiency increasing of this compressor stage. With this end in view, the impeller end surface is bent relative to the radial direction rather than having radial direction.
As is known, the opened gap in the centrifugal compressor is much more meaningful due to its large outstretch compared to the outstretch of radial gap above the impeller of axis compressor. This efficiency reduction is being aggravated also by the fact that pressure difference in the radial gap above the impeller of the high-pressure compressor under consideration is essentially higher, and, hence, there is larger overflowing of the air being compressed from the concave side to the convex side of the blade. Installing covering disk, fixed on the high-pressure compressor impellers end butts does not solve the problem.
Firstly, in the presence of easily worn-out coating applied on the stator housing above the blades end butts, the high-pressure impeller runs with small values of the radial gap, which, in itself, reduces the air overflowing in the radial gap. Secondly, the so-called secondary airflow the concave side to the convex side of the blade passage appears on the inner side of the covering disk. This unordered secondary airflow transfers to the reverse convex side of the channel and moves along the height into the depth of the channel, which distorts significantly the computed trajectory of its flowing as well as computed exit angles from the impeller and compressed air inlet to the vaned or slot diffusor. The area of variously directed airflows shifting and their intermixing appears, which leads to the centrifugal compressor efficiency reduction.
Computational studies of seventeen options of the working blades design of a high-pressure centrifugal compressor with various angles of inclination of the peripheral part of the working blades were conducted. The inclination angle value varied herewith in the range from αrk= –40 to αrk= +40°. The step value of the slope changing was 5°. Geometric models of the centrifugal wheel were developed in the Ansys system. The two-dimensional model was created using the Vista CCD program, and a three-dimensional geometric model was created based on the results of the two-dimensional calculation and optimized in BladeGen.
The isentropic and polytropic efficiency of this centrifugal compressor demonstrate significant increase of about 0.2% for every 5° up to the point corresponding to the model with αrk= +35 . Further, the efficiency growth in the computational domain decreases. Thus, the article demonstrates that there is a range of values of the inclination angles of the working blades in their end part, where gas flowing in the radial gap is reduced, and is a significant gain in compressor efficiency is obtained. | |
Androsovich I. V. Gas turbine engine labyrinth seal modeling and optimization considering the strength properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 107-117. Promising engines parameters improving can be achieved primarily by significant parameters upgrading of the units and their components, such as labyrinth seals. The gas turbine engine efficiency depends on air leaks in both compressor and turbine, for which various types of seals are being used in the cooling and bleed air system. Labyrinth seals are the most common in aircraft engines. The state-of-the-art labyrinth seals are of high quality and their further improvement requires application of computer aided modeling and optimization. The author conducted gas dynamic and strength computing of the labyrinth seal operation, and performed the labyrinth seal geometry optimization with account for the strength properties. The article demonstrates the optimization technique, which may be applied while labyrinth seal design to ensure minimum air consumption and meeting the strength criteria. The gas flow in the labyrinth seal computing was being performed with the 1.1 pressure ratio at the rated rotation frequency of 16,000 rpm. Analysis of the circumferential speed impact on the labyrinth seal operation was performed. The circumferential speed impact on the air consumption was up to 3%. With the circumferential velocity increase, the absolute value of the velocity in the seal gap increases, and the axial component decreases, which results in the air flow decrease through the seal. Prior to optimization, the total mass air consumption through the labyrinth seal was 8.46 g/s. The strength calculation used boundary conditions with the pressure field on the labyrinth seal surface, obtained as the result of the gas-dynamic computation of the flow in the channel and rotation frequency. The following parameters were being calculated: total deformation, von-Mises equivalent stress, and safety margin. As the result of optimization, the space between the ridges increases. Vortex structures emerge in the space between the ridges, caused by the action of viscous forces between the flow core and the gas between the ridges, sufficient space between the ridges ensures the vortex structures unhampered formation. More intensive vortex structures ensure, in their turn, more intensive energy dissipation, which leads to the air consumption reduction in the labyrinth seal gap. Besides this, emerging of the radial component of the velocity prior to the top of each ridge leads to the air consumption reduction as well. After optimization, the air consumption reduction through the labyrinth seal by 16,8% was achieved at the rated speed of 16,000 rpm. Deformation and strength margin criteria were met as well. Deformation decreased by 6 %, Mises stresses decreased by 13,66 %, and the safety margin of the labyrinth seal increased by 16,13 %. The presented calculation technique may be applied in solving problems of labyrinth seal optimization for searching for the labyrinth seal configuration ensuring minimum air consumption and meeting the strength criteria. | |
Baranov S. V., Ermoshkin Y. M., Kim V. P., Merkur'ev D. V., Svotina V. V. Study of the stationary plasma thruster ground-based test conditions on its parameters and discharge current oscillation characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 118-134. This article presents the results of preliminary study of influence of the Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT) ground-based test conditions in the typical vacuum chambers on the SPT output parameters and discharge current oscillation characteristics. The SPT’s are operating already many years in space as a parts of the spacecraft (S/C) motion control systems and ensuring the S/C operation during 5-15 year service time. To reach their reliable SPT operation they undergo complex of the ground tests including that ones in the vacuum chambers imitating thruster operation conditions in space. And that it is impossible to reproduce these conditions fully. Then it s important to understand how the difference in the test conditions and those in space can influence on the thruster operation and performance. Particularly this difference could be responsible for the increase of the discharge current oscillation amplitudes after thruster switching on and further operation of the two SPT-100B in pair during their tests in the vacuum chamber in comparison with the case of switching on and operation of one such thruster in the same vacuum chamber. This event was obtained at the Russian JSC "Information Satellite Systems"(ISS) and initiated this study. Preliminary analysis had shown that the possible reason of the mentioned event is an increased release of the gases and sputtered material of the vacuum chamber wall due to their bombardment by the increased accelerated ion flow from the two thrusters. These products are able to penetrate into working volumes of the thruster parts and change the properties of surfaces of the mentioned parts such as a cathode emitter or discharge chamber walls. As a result they can change the thruster operation and its characteristics. The rate of the mentioned gas release of the adsorbed or absorbed gases and sputtered products depend on time and state of the internal vacuum chamber wall surfaces being in contact with atmosphere. Then, it is to be dependent on the history of the earlier electric thruster test before the given one because the accelerated ion flow are cleaning the mentioned wall surfaces. Taking all the mentioned into account the given investigation consisted of the study of the SPT-100 type thruster output parameters variation and discharge current oscillation characteristics in time during at least 100 hours of operation in the two different vacuum chambers of 2 m in diameter and 3m (chamber 1) and 5 m (chmber2) in length, respectively. The internal walls of these chambers had different state of their internal surfaces because the walls the chamber 1 was staying in contact with atmosphere around 6 months after test of the SPT with powers not exceeding 1kW. And chamber 2 stayed in contact with atmosphere around 3 months after test of the ion thruster model operated with power 10-13 kW and ion energies 5 keV around 50 hours. Thus, the vacuum chamber wall internal surfaces of these chambers were cleaned to different state due to different intensity of their bombardment by the ion flows during previous tests. To estimate the rate of the sputtered products condensation on the discharge chamber wall internal surfaces there were installed the removable ring-shape internal reference samples (IRS) into the external and internal discharge chamber wall parts in between anode and eroding their parts in such a manner that they were not changing geometries of the mentioned walls. The IRS were made of the same ceramics as that of the discharge chamber. Then, to estimate the condensation rate of the sputtered from the vacuum chamber wall products on the exit side surfaces of the external magnetic poles there were installed the external reference samples (ERS) made of the same ceramics as that of the discharge chamber or made from the stainless steel. There was mounted also one Langmuir probe near one of ERS to estimate the plasma parameters near the surface of the external magnetic pole. The experimental study was made during 150 hours in the chamber 1 (cycle 1) and during 100 hours in the vacuum chamber 2 (cycle 2). During each cycle thruster model was switched on and thruster operated during 3-5 hours with the discharge voltage 300V and mass flow rate ensuring the discharge current 4,5A optimized by magnetization currents. And there was realized registration of the pressure in the vacuum chamber, thrust, discharge parameters and discharge current oscillations. There were made also periodic measurements of the plasma parameters by probe. After every 25-30 hours of thruster operation the vacuum chamber were opened and IRS and ERS were weighed. Obtained results had shown the following: — during 1st ~50 hours of thruster operation in the vacuum 1 there were obtained jumps of the vacuum chamber pressure after thruster switching on and there was obtained increased level of the discharge current amplitude which was regularly reduced in time. Such jumps was not observed during the cycle 2 tests; — at the internal part of the acceleration channel walls the flows of the sputtered from the exit parts of the discharge chamber wall are drastically dominating in comparison with the vacuum chamber wall sputtering product flows; — performance level was a little bit higher during cycle 2; — the ceramic and metal ERS samples are slowly sputtered. Finally, it was concluded that the most probable reason of the oscillation amplitudes increase during 1st period of the thruster pair operation in the vacuum chamber after its internal wall contact with atmosphere is the increased release of the active gases from the vacuum chamber walls being long time in contact with atmosphere under their bombardment by the increased and widened ion flow. | |
Radin D. V., Makaryants G. M., Bystrov N. D., Tarasov D. S., Fokin N. I., Ivanovskii A. A., Matveev S. S., Gurakov N. I. Developing mathematical model of acoustic waveguide type probe for pressure ripples measuring in the gas turbine engine combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 135-143. Development of low-emission combustion chambers for modern and advanced gas turbine engines at this date is impossible without experimental determining of their pulsation state. At the same time, ripples measuring with existing sensors at typical temperature conditions common to modern combustion chambers represents a rather huge problem. An alternative approach to this problem consists in the waveguide-type acoustic probe application, which allows removing the said sensor from the high-temperature area. The presence of a pneumatic information transmission channel places high demands on the probe frequency characteristics determining accuracy. The main feature of the probe operation as part of the combustion chamber is the temperature inhomogeneity along its length. However, the effect of the temperature distribution along the probe length on its frequency characteristics has not been fully studied by now. Thus, the main goal of this research consists in developing a mathematical model for frequency characteristics computing of the acoustic probe at the arbitrary temperature distribution along its length. The impedance method was applied when developing its mathematical model. It is assumed that the chamber represents an ideal source of pressure fluctuations, i.e. pressure ripples in the combustion chamber do not depend on the probe acoustic characteristics. The acoustic probe computational domain consists of four elements, such as waveguide, matching pipeline, sensor cavity, and adapter channel. Frequency characteristics of the sensor cavity and adapter channel, which form the Helmholtz resonator, are being computed with lumped-parameter models. This article herewith does not consider the effect of the cavity shape and the sensor impedance on the Helmholtz resonator dynamic characteristics. The waveguide and the matching pipeline are being computed with distributed-parameter models and presented as sections of the same length, within either of which the temperature is assumed constant. The temperature values for each section are being determined by interpolating the temperature distribution law along the length of the probe, which, in its turn, may be obtained by computing or experiment. Each individual section is being presented in the form of a passive quadripole. The wave process propagation constants and wave impedances for each section are being computed depending on the frequency either by applying a low-frequency model or a high-frequency one. The results obtained with the developed mathematical model were compared with the experimental data obtained at the elevated pressure. Comparison of computational and experimental data demonstrated their good convergence. | |
Vovk M. Y., Leshchenko I. A., Danichev A. V., Greben’kov P. A., Gorshkov A. Y. Calibration of gas turbine engine mathematical model on the test-bench data by combinatorial analysis methods in the ThermoGTE software. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 144-157. The processes of designing, fine-tuning and modernization of aircraft gas turbine engines require credibility of the mathematical models (MM) reflecting physical picture of the engine functioning processes. The latter can be achieved by the model parameters calibrating based on the engine test-bench and flight experiments results. The MM calibration process of modern aircraft gas turbine engines is rather time-consuming task due to the need for identifying the main parameters obtained while experimental studies, which depend on a large number of parameters uncontrolled during the experiment, which values may vary while the identification process. The presented work studies the combinatorial calibration method of the engine mathematical model. Four virtual experiments are pre-conducted, presented in the form of a model computation with introduced correction coefficients on the nodes characteristics. Global array of correction coefficients is being formed in the ThermoGTE software for the existing engine structure by the results of virtual tests. Further, the problem on the calculated parameters and experimental results minimization is being solved for each combination of correction coefficients by the ThermoGTE software built-in simplex method. As the result, an array of resulting functions is being formed for each combination of corrections, and the most accurate groups of corrections are being determined. The selected solutions operability is being checked thereafter by correction coefficients substituting into the engine mathematical model. As the result, the research engineer obtains several scenarios for the mathematical model calibration. It is assumed while solving that the parameters being measured have no deviation from the real ones (zero measurement error). The correction multipliers constancy is being assumed as well that at all engine operation modes. The presented MM calibration method may be employed to refine mathematical model of any engine with any number of measured parameters. However, it should be noted that the presence of a large number of correction coefficients of the model under study leads to an exponential increase in the computation time, which in its turn leads to the need for the problem parallelization. | |
Maron A. I., Maron M. A. Algorithns elaboration for defects detection and elimination of civil passenger aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 158-165. This work is up-to-date since cutting time of defects detection and elimination of civil passenger aircraft allows substantial reduction of departure delays and airlines losses associated with them. Statistical data analysis reveals that defects detecting and eliminating are the dominant causes of delays of civil aviation aircraft. The defects detection herewith takes 90% of the time. Modern aircraft is equipped with the onboard diagnostic systems. Their main purpose consists in controlling the aircraft technical state. They report on the presence of malfunction. However, they do not allow for the most part automatically localize the malfunction within the accuracy of the defect, which was its cause. The necessity for manual checking methods application employing specially developed software and hardware means arises. The time of defect detection depends on how well the algorithm for performing checks is selected. This time can be reduced if pre-elaborated searching algorithms are being placed at the technical staff disposal. A significant effect will be achieved if and only if these algorithms are optimal by the criterion that reflects the real dependence of losses on the delay time. As statistics show, the losses grow exponentially with the increase in time spent on manual detection and elimination of a defect being the cause of a malfunction recorded by the onboard monitoring systems. In as much as the objective function is not additive, classical methods are not applicable for finding the desired algorithm. Heuristic methods do not guarantee the an optimal algorithm elaboration. Its finding by the brute force search is unrealistic, due to the huge number of possible options. The purpose of the article consists in proposing a computationally efficient method for optimal algorithms elaboration for defects detecting and eliminating, considering the exponential dependence of losses on the time of the defect detection and elimination. The algorithm is considered to be optimal if the average losses caused by the flight delay are minimal. The method for elaborating the desired algorithms based on the Bellman optimality principle proposed in this article for the first time. Previously, this approach was used only with a linear dependence of losses on the time for defects searching. Note that each combination of indications of the onboard diagnostic system has its own set of defects, with an accuracy up to which the defect that is the cause of the malfunction is being localized. The number of possible combinations of indications of the onboard diagnostic system is large. Each of them should correspond to its own manual search algorithm. Naturally, the time of its elaboration should not be too long. The proposed method satisfies this requirement. The algorithm elaboration and its presentation to a specialist may well be performed by a modern mobile device, which is not even necessarily to be a full-fledged PC. The materials of this article are of practical value for managers and employees of civil passenger aircraft operation servicing. | |
Zhirnov A. V. Fault detection algorithm for spacecraft attitude thrusters based on its rotational motion dynamics analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 166-178. The article deals with the failures of spacecraft attitude thrusters applied for angular maneuvers and rotational motion stabilization. A failure of the thruster as a part of the spacecraft attitude control loop may lead to failure of the attitude mode, high fuel consumption, exceeding the allowable loads on the structure, and even to the loss of the spacecraft. The system functioning reliability requires continuous monitoring of the thrusters running correctness in real time and timely failures parrying them in case of their occurrence.
The article considers the two possible types of failures, such as the thruster start failing, i.e. it does not start at the starting command, and the thruster turn-off failing, i.e. it keeps on running at the turnoff command. The proposed algorithm is based on the analysis of the difference between the actual behavior of the angular motion dynamics of a real control object and its onboard model. The mismatch between the vector of the measured angular rate and the vector of the angular motion estimation is being analyzed. This type of mismatch is well suited for the fact of the attitude thruster failure detecting, since it will be close to zero at any stroke of the onboard computer, while it will differ greatly from zero at the certain strokes. The thruster turnoff failure is possible to detect by analyzing the mismatch only at the strokes, where the turn-on commands for the failed thruster do not present, while the thruster turn-on failure is possible to detect by the mismatch analyzing only at the strokes where the failed thruster turn-on commands do present.
The article issues recommendations for the algorithm parameters selection. The proposed algorithm operability is being demonstrated by the results of mathematical modeling. | |
Bakry I. . Approximately optimal discrete law of spacecraft desecent control with asymmetry in Mars atmosphere. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 179-188. The spacecraft orientation stability these days is of utter importance for both public and private space agencies and companies. The growing interest to the Red Planet increases the number of space missions, which include orbital apparatuses, landers or Mars rovers. Since 1960s up to now, more than forty nine missions were sent to Mars from different countries. The majority of them end in failure, either fly far away from the Mars orbit (did not enter an orbit), crash upon its surface, do not reach the target, or connection is being lost prior to the target reaching. This indirectly indicates errors at the stages of navigation, control, stabilization or design. The following missions are the example of failed missions to Mars, which are either lost or crashed due to failures in the navigation system, or incorrect orientation. They are 1M, 2M, 2MV, 3MV and 3MS (1960-1971), Mars-1 (1962), Mars-2 lander (1971), Mars-6 and Mars-7 landers (1973), Phobos-1 (1988), Mars Observer (1992), Mars-96 (1996), Mars Polar Lander (1999), Deep Space-2 (1999), Beagle-2 (2003), Yinghuo-1 (2011), Schiaparelli EDM lander (2016). The presented article considers a dynamic model describing the spacecraft perturbed motion as a rigid body with significant aerodynamic and mass asymmetries relative to the spacecraft center of mass in the rarefied atmosphere of Mars. The purpose of this work consists in obtaining an approximate discrete optimized control law of a spacecraft attitude employing dynamic programming and averaging methods. The system of quasi-linear equation was considered and averaged to obtain a simpler system of equations, which can be modeled applying the dynamic programming method. Optimal control laws were determined based on the quadratic optimization criterion by Bellman principle, and, besides, the system of discrete equations, employing analytical Z-transform, reverse Z-transform and numerical discrete Euler method, was developed and solved. Reliability of the obtained analytical control laws is being confirmed by the results of numerical integration by the numerical Euler Method. Euler method integration was being performed employing fixed and variable integration steps. The results obtained with a variable step appeared to be more exact than those obtained with the fixed step with the Z-transform method. The conversion behavior of both the angle of attack and the angular velocity at comparing them with the found solutions while similar studies for a significant aerodynamic and inertial asymmetry relative to the center of mass come closer to the results of this study. The numerical results of this work confirm that the obtained approximate discrete expressions for control optimization ensure the in angular velocity and spatial angle of attack reduction to the required small values in a time commensurable with the time from the free movement start of the spacecraft uncontrolled descent to the braking parachute system initializing. By applying these laws to a lander with asymmetries in both vehicle aerodynamics and mass, the values of angular velocity and the angle of attack will converge to zeros enforcing the stabilization. The practical significance of the obtained discrete laws of the two-channel control is being confirmed by application of the small jet engines running in discrete mode. | |
Matveeva K. F., Gorshkov Y. S., Pavlov V. F. The DT16AT sheet billet cutting method effect on the conditional endurance limit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 189-196. Machining by milling and laser cutting are widely applied in blanking-and-stamping production. However, despite the availability and simplicity of the milling method, laser cutting is being increasingly employed in production.
The laser cutting method ensures high productivity of the process in combination with high precision and quality of cut surfaces, as well as a small cutting width. However, one of the significant disadvantages of laser cutting consists in the presence of a temperature-affected zone in the area of laser beam impact, which leads to a change in the material properties at the edge of the billet and, as a result, to a decrease in the fatigue resistance of parts.
Fatigue test samples were cut from a 2.5 mm thick cold-rolled sheet of the D16AT alloy across the rolling direction. One part of the samples was fabricated by milling, while the other part was produced by laser cutting. The samples were tested for high-cycle fatigue in bending at a symmetrical cycle, and the test base was of three million loading cycles. The loading threshold of the three samples without their destruction was being estimated. Besides, after laser cutting the samples, were subjected to etching in Keller’s reagent to eliminate the defective layer formed as the result of laser processing.
The result of the samples fatigue testing revealed that the conditional endurance limit of the samples obtained by the laser cutting method was 55MPam which was 60% lower than the one for the samples manufactured by milling, which was equal to 90 MPa.
The metallographic results allowed revealing that the end-butts of the samples manufactured by the laser cutting method contained the defective layer associated with the metal overburning, which was the cause of the conditional endurance limit reduction. To remove the metal layer with overburning etching was employed, which allowed partial restoring of the conditional endurance limit of the material equal to 80 MPa. In this case, the conditional endurance limit is 18% less than that for the milled samples.
Thus, the conducted study reveals that during the products operation obtained by laser cutting, premature fatigue failure may occur under cyclic loading conditions. To eliminate this possible defect, formed as the result of manufacturing by the laser method, the defective metal layer with overburining should be removed. The defective layer removal will lead to the increase fatigue resistance of the products.
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Zelenskii A. A., Ivanovskii S. P., Ilyukhin Y. V., Gribkov A. A. Programming a trusted memory-centric motion control system for robotic and mechatronic systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 197-210. The article substantiates the need for the development of motion control systems for industrial robots, CNC machines and other mechatronic systems, defines the requirements for ensuring trust in such systems from the viewpoint of functional reliability and information security. One of the most up-to-date trends in the development of motion control systems for digital production is a significant expansion of their functionality for managing complex multi-coordinate nonlinear objects in real time. Practical meeting of the requirements for improving and ensuring the trust of motion control systems of industrial robots, CNC machines and other mechatronic systems can be achieved by improving the architecture of motion control systems, in particular through the application of memory-centric architecture of motion control systems. On the assumption of the specifics of control systems with memory-centric architecture, basic requirements for programming such control systems can be set. According to these requirements, the programming language should be: — subject-oriented and specialized for motion control; — declarative with elements of functional and logical language, optimal for setting algorithms of operation, i.e. for distributing tasks between autonomous functional modules of the control system; — interpreted (or assembly language), ensuring the speed and compactness of the program code, as well as optimal use of shared memory resources of the control system when running in real time. In addition, the program in the language being defined should implement the model of actors and ensure confidence increasing in the motion control system. To meet the specified requirements, the authors created a domain-oriented declarative interpreted language of a modular digital system. The key elements of the language are a set of syntactic elements, as well as application programming interfaces built from syntactic elements of the language and serving for integration into the language of external libraries (in the same or other languages). The program in language includes the following basic elements: operators, structures and expressions formed from syntactic elements of the language; actors formed as instances of additional programs emulated by the (main) program at startup or during the process of running. The motion control system, programmed in the language, consists of four main structural components: — A human-machine interface, through which the program code generated by the human operator, describing the algorithm of operation of the equipment, as well as a configuration file that provides program configuration for the tasks being formulated; — A central processor responsible for the overall management of the system and distribution of tasks; — Functional modules, performing data processing of sensitization, computations and control of regulators of actuating devices; — Communication networks, ensuring communication between the structural elements of a computer, as well as with external devices. As the result of the research being conducted, the mechanism of implementing the actor model through meta-programming, as well as tools for increasing confidence in the management system through management decentralization and data localization, were determined. | |
Fozilov T. T., Shumskaya S. A., Kudryavtsev E. A., Babaitsev A. V. Structural metallographic studies on the welded joints zones of the samples obtained by inertial friction welding. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 211-219. The article presents the results of the study of inertial friction welding of the EP741NP nickel heat-resistant alloy. Since not all metal materials can be welded by melting methods, there are alternatives, for example, mechanical welding, namely friction welding. A literature review oriented to studying the preceding similar experience on optimal welding modes selection, which was the prime task was accomplished. Due to the friction welding optimal parameters selection more strong and qualitative joints are being produced at the lower temperatures and less heat-affected zones (HAZ) than while fusion-welding methods employing. The major part of works was being conducted on the foundry alloys, since their grain structure is more pliable for these kind of impacts, while our work studied the alloy, being obtained by the metallurgy of granules method. The task is being aggravated by the fact that the alloy itself is liable to the great risk of crack formation while moulding methods employing in view of utterly complex chemical composition. Based on the above said we come to the conclusion that the purpose of the presented work consists in achieving stable, high level of strength, no less than that adduced in the said review. It was established in the course of the study that this welding process allows obtaining the joints, which are not being obtained by the melting welding methods. Welding was being performed on the PSTI-120SW installation. Afterwards, rods were cut out for the samples production and templates for the obtained joint structure studying. Further, experimental study of the samples’ mechanical properties was conducted. The experiments were being performed with the Instron universal breaking machine. The samples were being subjected to the tests on the short-time strength at the room temperature, and the long-time strength (for 100 hours) under the load of 900 Mpa at 650C. As the result of the test, the samples demonstrated rather high qualities as it was predicted. This fact allows our alloys and equipment competing with their foreign counterparts. In the course of this research, the authors studied the microstructure of the weld seams and weld-affected zones. Transverse metallographic samples containing welded joint were prepared for the research. The microstructure analysis was being performed with metallographic microscope. The structure of the samples from the EP741NP alloy is granular. Three types of the strengthening -phase are being observed, and it is noted that no defects on the macrostructure are detected in both joint and weld-affected zones. The study of the weld workblanks from the EP741NP alloy revealed the absence of porosity and cracks in the basic material and thermally affected zone. The welded joint up to 200 microns, irrespective of the final material shortening. Transition zone (a zone of the thermal affect) of 500 microns to 1000 microns is being observed. The heat treatment conducting after the welding contributes to the strengthening phase exudation in both seam and weld-affected zone. As the result, the welded joints become equal in strength to the basic material, which will be the next stage of materials treatment in the further research. | |
Skleznev A. A., Babichev A. A. On stiffness characteristics computing of lattice composite structures with metal sheathing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 220-227. The article deals with lattice thin-walled load-bearing shell elements equipped with an external sealed shell and applied in civil aviation as aircraft fuselages. Analysis of the existing experience in lattice composite structures design and application as appllied to both spacecraft and atmospheric aircraft is being performed. Composite skin together with composite bearing ribs, ensuring the structure aerodynamic quality and the aircraft internal volume tightness are being employed as a rule in the said structures. The flight speeds increase, as well as possible shock impacts from objects of various nature, do not only hinder, but also make composite skin of aircraft elements application potentially impossible, whereby the authors propose to apply metal alloy skin in a lattice thin-walled shell structure. The article proposes a technique for the design stage calculation of stiffness characteristics of lattice anisogrid structures with metal sheathing, which allows solving the problem of optimal design of this kind of structures by increasing their weight perfection. Comparison of the results obtained by analytical solving with those of the numerical experiment is being adduced. As it follows from the results obtained, the presence of a metal edging does not only serve as a solution for creating a reliable mechanical linkage between the metal sheathing and the composite load-bearing element, but gives some increase in both flexural and membrane stiffness as well. The proposed method for stiffness characteristics determining and its verifying employing the finite element method (FEM) demonstrates the fundamental possibility of designing and calculating composite elements, such as beams, anisogrid plates and shells containing a metal edging or metal sheathing. It can be applied not only in aerospace designs, but also in the field of ground structures developing, as well as shipbuilding. | |
Vyatlev P. A., Sysoev V. K., Yudin A. D. Analysis of quartz nano-powders laser synthesis process. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 228-236. Synthesis and study of nano-powders properties of various oxide materials is an important problem in modern materials science. The quartz glass possesses a unique combination of characteristics, such as high melting point, high heat resistance, chemical inertness, and optical transparency. The said stipulates the interest in the preparation and study of nano-powders from this material.
One of the successful methods for obtaining nanopowders is the solid inorganic substances evaporation under the action of electron beams with subsequent condensation. The purpose of this work consists in to analyzing the process of obtaining silicon dioxide nano-powders based on high-intensity evaporation of quartz glass under the impact of CO2-laser radiation (10.6 μm), and studying the products of this reaction.
The subject of the study in this work is the process of evaporation from the surface of quartz glass under the impact of focused laser radiation from a CO2-laser of a 100 W power. The evaporation rate was being controlled by changing the laser beam power, the rotation speed, and the linear feed of the quartz rod. With the CO2-laser power increasing up to 5 kW, Si02 nano-powder obtaining with a productivity of up to 5 kg/h is possible.
Radiation, absorbed in a thin layer of quartz glass, heats it up to evaporation temperatures without the liquid phase formation. Quartz glass evaporates in the plasma state.
A brightly luminous plasma, which leads to the NO2 gas forming, is being formed in the process of quartz nano-poweders obtaining in the zone of material evaporation under the impact of the focused laser radiation.
The sizes and phase composition of nanoparticles, as well as the specific surface area and optical properties of nanopowders, were studied. The spherical structure of the quartz powder particles is visible, which indicates a liquid-drop mechanism of evaporation. The size distribution has its maximum at 80 nm. The chemical composition of the silicon dioxide powders corresponds to the chemical composition of the feedstock, and, unlike industrial grades of silicon dioxide powders, they do not contain chlorine and fluorine.
Analysis of the obtained silicon dioxide nanopowders application revealed the possibility of their employing in high-quality polishing, cleaning, grinding friction pairs of high-precision mechanisms technologies, as well as an additive in composite polymer materials and lunar soil simulators. | |
Belashova I. S., Petrova L. G. Regulation of the phase composition of the nitrided layer in iron during chemical thermal treatment under thermo-cycling conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 2, pp. 237-245. The article considers the thermo-gas-cyclic nitration method, consisting in alternating the process stages with high and low nitrogen potential, being conducted at temperatures, respectively, below and above the temperature of the eutectoid transformation in the Fe-N system. At the half-cycle with high saturation capacity of the atmosphere at the low dissociation degree of ammonia, a high-nitrogen nitride zone is being formed on the surface. It transforms into an extended γ’-zone and an internal nitrating zone due to internal diffusion in a cycle with a low saturating capability of the atmosphere, or at a high degree of ammonia dissociation. The processes with alternate changing of the nitrogen potential contribute at certain stages to accelerated growth of the nitrided layer. Besides, this allows controlling the process and obtaining the required combination of phases, determining these or that product properties, necessary for various operation conditions, namely: — The presence of a high-nitrogen nitride zone on the surface contributes to the running-in of friction units and, some cases, increases the corrosion resistance; — Under wear-out condition at the increased specific pressures, the multi-layer structure from the surface nitride zone bearing on the internal nitriding zone, appears to be the most steadfast one; — The extended zone of internal nitriding with minimal surface nitride layer should be formed for the parts operating in the dynamic wear-our mode and shock loading. In some cases, such as corrosion-resistant steels nitriding, a diffusion layer based on an internal nitriding zone (solid solution) without a nitride zone is advantageous. The control principle is based on maintaining the nitrogen potential at the level of values corresponding to the solubility of nitrogen in a given phase of the Fe-N system. Chemical-thermal treatment with alternate supply of ammonia and air (gas-cyclic process) allows fourfold duration reduction of the diffusion layer forming process of a specified thickness in alloyed steels. The phase composition of the surface layer after various nitriding process modes and kinetics of its individual sections growth were studied. Possibilities of intensifying nitriding and controlling the phase composition of the layer by a rational choice of process parameters, namely the number of half-cycles and their duration are shown. | |
Komov A. A. Aircraft landing gear scheme and engine protection. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 7-18.
The problem of aviation gas turbine engines protection from foreign objects damage (FOD) casted into them when the aircraft taxiing on the airfield surface is well known. The article regards one of the reasons of foreign objects casting into the engines, namely foreign objects casting by the aircraft landing gear wheels on takeoff and landing modes. To avoid engines damage by foreign objects during operation, it is relevant to assess the engines protection already at the stage of preliminary aircraft design. The conducted airfield testing studies revealed a relationship between the of engines protection from the damage by foreign objects casted by the landing gear wheels from the surface of the airfield and the power plant layout. Thus, the of the power plant layout on the aircraft allows assessing the engines protection at the design stage. If the assessment reveals that the engines protection is not ensured, then it is necessary to develop structural measures aimed at achieving the necessary protection level. Protective devices installed on the front landing gear wheels to protect the engines from the FOD casted by landing gear wheels have become widespread. However, it is necessary to assess the possibility of ensuring the protection of engines by changing the power plant layout, before employing such protective devices. There is a throw-out zone of foreign objects behind the landing gear wheels when the aircraft is taxiing around the airfield. If the inlet edges of the engine air intake unit are in the throw-out zone, the foreign objects may be casted into the engine.
The distance between the front landing gear wheels and the inlet edges of air intake unit has a great effect on the probability of foreign objects thrown-out by the landing wheels, into the engine. The probability of casting the foreign objects decreases while the inlet edges of the air intake unit approaching the front landing gear wheels. At a certain distance between the front landing gear wheels and the inlet edges of the air intake unit, the probability of foreign objects being thrown-out becomes zero. Such power plant layout should be considered as the most appropriate for the engines protection ensuring. However, the problem of engines protection ensuring by the front landing gear wheels approach to the inlet edges of the air intakes is closely connected with the landing gear scheme, namely with the location limits of the landing gear struts relatively to the aircraft center of mass. The power plant layout changing by shifting the front landing gear at the required distance to the inlet edges of the air intake unit may lead to an unacceptable change in the aircraft landing gear scheme and going outside the accepted restrictions. If the aircraft power plant layout changing is impossible, the only way out remained is employing protection devices installed on the front landing gear struts.
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Dolgov O. S., Safoklov B. B. Developing maintenance and refurbishment model of aerial vehicles with artificial neural network applicaion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 19-26. Maintaining the specified safety, reliability and availability characteristics of the aerial vehicles (AV) with long operation life and after-sales service, can significantly exceed their purchase cost. Conceptually new approaches are required nowadays in the industry to ensure the quality improvement level, increase in the safety and economic efficiency of the AV for the aviation industry enterprises. Highly efficient AV with low life cycle cost (LLC) and high utilization factor are economically viable for the aircraft operators (consumers). One of the ways of the LCC reduction consists in optimizing the aircraft maintenance system during operation, refurbishment and overhaul.
Manufacturing companies that are among the first in the aviation industry to integrate predictive maintenance (PM) into the after-sales service (AS) and maintenance and repair systems (MRO), all other things being equal, will be able to provide the most competitive product in the aviation industry. This concept implementation is complicated since the PTO concept involves continuous monitoring of a large number of parameters, which does not allow fully implementing it in the aviation industry due to the lack of global broadband data transmission from the aircraft throughout the entire flight.
Mathematical method of artificial neural networks (ANN) application is the least costly for the incoming big data streaming analysis.
The gist of the ANN utilization consists in processing the information array obtained from the product state monitoring system to predict the available solutions on the product maintenance.
The way to the MRO optimization is integration with the Aircraft Health Monitoring (AHM), in which, the ANN employing as a tool is one of the concepts.
The authors propose application of the developed model of the aircraft maintenance and refurbishment for the ANN utilization, with the ANN employing as a predictive maintenance tool. | |
Dunyashev D. A., Goldovskii A. A., Pravidlo M. N. Design problems of a small-size unmanned aerial vehicle launching system by free fall method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 27-35. The presented article deals with studying the possibility of applying the free fall launching method of a small-size UAV for application from the UAV-carrier. This task is up-to-date since the possibility of the UAV application in air operations depends on its solution.
The research is being conducted by a binding of two programs, namely Euler and SimInTech. Euler is being used for cargo flight dynamics analyzing and displaying output values of angles and speeds. SimInTech receives the output data from Euler and applies it to computer aerodynamic and interferential forces and moments that are being transferred back to Euler.
The results of the conducted studies under various conditions revealed that, the UAV starts rotating rapidly while free falling. At the initial stage of the flight, the UAV rudders are ineffective and unable to compensate the increasing angular velocity of the cargo. This leads to the fact that on achieving the speed enough for the rudders become effective, the UAV angular speed will become so large that the stabilization system would be unable to stabilize it. The application area of the obtained results is military one.
Based on the obtained data, a proposal to employ gas-dynamic devices for the cargo stabilization at the initial segment of the flight was put forward. This method seems more feasible since of ailerons or wings installation on a small-size UAV is problematic due of its small size. Besides, in contrast to the other methods of stabilization, gas-dynamic devices do not increase the UAV weight that much, which is an important factor for aviation engineering. | |
Mitrofanov O. V. Smooth metallic panels designing while stability and strength ensuring at postbuckling behavior. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 36-47. Stability loss of the thin skins under loads close to the operating level is allowed for the upper panels of the low-capacity aircraft wing-box. The article proposes an applied technique for determining optimal parameters of thin metal skins with account for the two levels of loading. At the first level, the problem of stability ensuring of a rectangular panel with a minimum margin is being considered. The relations of geometrically nonlinear optimal design problem of the panel under postbuckling behavior are being written for the second level of loading. The article presents also analytical relations explaining the place of the design methodology for the supercritical state in the general theory of optimal design of thin-walled aircraft structures. It considers the design technique, which accounts for the interrelation of the two above-said problems. The panel thickness and width were selected as the variables of the general optimization problem. It is noted, that the optimal design problem proposed in the article differs from the traditional options by the said features. The article presents the panel design techniques based on analytical solutions of geometrically nonlinear problems when considering various options of loading a thin rectangular panel with hinge support. For the cases of compression and shear, compact analytical relations for the optimum parameters determining, which can be recommended for use in the early stages of design when selecting design solutions, are obtained. The longitudinal compressive and shear flows impact at combined loading was considered. In this case, a general option of the optimal design methodology is presented. For the second level of loading, the article regards also various static strength criteria and presents corresponding analytical expressions for computing optimal width of the panel at compression and shear. To illustrate the technique, the article presents numerical examples of determining optimal thickness and width of metal panels in compression. Conclusions and possible variants of the practical use of the technique are presented. As an example, an option of determining optimal parameters of a multi-web flap is given. | |
Ageev A. G., Zhdanov A. V., Galanova A. P. The residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks while aircraft maneuvering. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 48-56. Seen from front, the wing shape is being characterized by the wing deflection angle, which usually has negative values in the aircraft parking position for the swept wing aircraft, which is realized according to the high-wing of mid-wing scheme. The wing root herewith is located higher than its cantilever (end) part. With the said shape, changes in the deflection angle sign from negative to positive are possible in process of the flight.
One of the negative consequences of this change is the residual fuel flow-over from the cantilever part of the wing to its root.
The following tasks are being solved in the course of this study:
– Analysis of the wingtip displacements on the ground and in flight from the loads affecting the aircraft wing;
– Detecting causes of fuel mass readings changes in the non-fueled wing tanks;
– Clarification of fuel automation mathematical models based on the results of the analysis.
It was analytically proved by the analysis results of the loads affecting the wing in the aircraft parking and flight position, as well as in the takeoff and climbing modes, that:
– A possible fuel mass increase in the wing tanks in the aircraft flight position was not associated with the fuel automation operation errors, but it was stipulated by the residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks from their cantilever part to the root one due to the positive wing deflection in flight as affected by the lifting force;
– A possible fuel mass decrease in the wing tanks in both takeoff and flight modes is being stipulated by the residual fuel flow-over in the wing tanks from the root part back to the cantilever one due to the negative or zero wing deflection, formed by the force of inertia under the aircraft vertical acceleration impact.
The obtained results may be employed for clarifying the mathematical models, by which the fuel automation computes the fuel mass in the tanks, with account for the fuel flow-over in the wing tanks during the aircraft flight. | |
Balyk V. M., Borodin I. D. Selection of stable design solutions for unmanned aerial vehicle under conditions of uncertainty factors action. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. . Currently, the role of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has risen sharply in the field of aircraft building, and the scope of their application herewith is regularly expanding. This type of aerial vehicles is not at a stop, and has been actively developing in recent years. One of the ways of the UAV development consists in enhancing its resistance to the multifactor uncertainty. Multifactor uncertainty is being understood as uncertainty, stipulated by the uncontrolled factors action. It is worth noting that uncontrollable factors incur a significant impact on the design procedures results and design as a whole. In the most general case, the set of possible states of the uncontrollable factors vector will generate an equal to itself by the size set of optimal solutions.
In retrospect, this problem was being solved for the UAVs and aircraft in general by introducing a number of assumptions and special project regulations being formed based on the experience and designer’s subjective perception. The “standard atmosphere” model, rated values of the materials strength etc. may serve as an example of such approach, though, objectively, there are always certain differences from these conditions. For such difference compensation and possible degradation of the aircraft operation, an excess (safety margin) is being admittedly provided in the aircraft capabilities with respect to the design conditions, which frequently leads to the aircraft weight and cost increase. These safety margins are not scientifically substantiated and being elaborated purely empirically. In general, this approach is distinguished by subjectivity. This subjectivism may be eliminated to a certain extent, if the UAV possesses the properties of uncontrollable factors resistance.
There is a whole number of stability studying methods, however, the most convenient and widespread method is Lyapunov function method, though it is imperfect and has a number of disadvantages. The most grave disadvantage of Lyapunov theory consists in the fact that in the general case the Lyapunov function should be guessed. The direct Lyapunov’s method in the stability theory is basic for the stability studying of dynamic systems. However, the Lyapunov function definition does not directly relate to structural properties of the system under study, and, thus, there are still no exhaustive regular ways to its construction according to the given equations of the aircraft motion.
This work novelty lies in the fact that the UAV stability is being studied by a new constructive method of the Lyapunov function statistical synthesis. The statistical synthesis method is being applied to restore functional dependencies from the statistical data. Actually, the original problem of the UAV stability studying is being reduced to a nonlinear programming problem with a statistical stability criterion, by which the optimal design solution is being selected. Statistical synthesis is based on the three basic elements such as statistical sampling, basis functions and statistical criteria. As the result of the conducted study, the following results were obtained:
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Shilkin O. V., Kolesnikov A. P., Kishkin A. A., Zuev A. A., Delkov A. V. Designing passive thermal control system with a capacity of up to 3 kW by heat pipes and active heating elements for a spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 67-80. The thermal control system (TCS) is intended for maintaining the required thermal conditions of all spacecraft elements and onboard equipment.
The spacecraft TCS designing is a significant part of the spacecraft general engineering. This is due to the fact that the TCS is a deeply integrated spacecraft system interrelated with main onboard systems, environment, structural elements and flight tasks.
It is necessary to account for the thermal loads from the onboard equipment, radiation and re-radiation from the Sun and planets, and many other factors while designing a spacecraft. With relatively small thermal capacities, the spacecraft has a leaky design and the TSR is being designed on passive means of thermo stating. Application of thermal models with lumped parameters is widespread in the design of spacecraft onboard equipment. This approach appropriateness is confirmed by the practice of various units of a spacecraft TSR electronic equipment designing, analyzing and testing. The presence of telemetry parameters creates the possibility and directions for techniques optimization for the spacecraft TSR with improved qualitative mass-energy characteristics design.
The most common liquid TSRs display the essential fault in terms of specific mass-energy characteristics due to the greater mass of a coolant fueling, employing only heat-capacitive heat accumulation, as a consequence of the vapor phase inadmissibility at the contour centrifugal pump, though both models and heat balances of such systems are elaborated enough.
The presented article deals with an approach to the design of structural schemes for the spacecraft thermal control system with passive coolant pumping with of at least 3 kW of thermal power productivity. Three options were considered herewith.
The first option studies application of the thermal control system based on heat pipes, installed on the radiating panels. The heat-emitting devices herewith is installed on the backside of the radiating surface, and heat pipes distribute the heat along the panels’ surface transferring heat from one panel to the other.
The second option suggests the device in the form of the central heat bus, in which the heat-emitting devices are located on the common cooling panel, and uncontrolled heat pipes are embedded into the board being cooled and carry the heat from the electronic equipment to the passive heat transfer device in the form of the capillary pump.
The heat transfer unit of the third option does not contain flexible pipelines, and connects the electronic equipment board with the emitting radiator by the rigid pipelines. To provide the possibility for temperature control of the board being cooled, the heat pipes’ condensing zones of the cooled board and emitting radiators are connected by the gas-regulated heat pipes.
As far as the system with passive coolant pumping is under consideration, such criteria as energy consumption, operability range, control accuracy and reliability for all options are practically the same, and dominant evaluation criterion is the mass, which computing for all three options is presented. The computational results revealed the first option advantage, for witch specific mass-energy characteristic was ~33 kg/kW (without considering the ration of a certain part of the mass to the load-bearing structure mass).
The results of the performed comparative analysis allow drawing a conclusion that at the spacecraft equipment thermal load up to 3 kW, the most optimal is the thermal control system, which design scheme is based on application of the exclusively axial heat pipes. | |
Malinovskii I. M., Nesterenko V. G., Starodumov A. V., Yusipov B. H., Ivanov I. G. Analysis and constructive methods for axial forces distribution optimization in turbojet engine to enhance the high-pressure rotor bearing sevice life. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 81-94. Since its advent, the multimode military aviation evolution, both in Russia and in other countries, tends to expand the boundaries of aircraft flight characteristics. The impressive range of modern engines operating conditions for super-maneuverable modern aircraft fighters incessantly increases all types of loads on the load-bearing elements of turbojet bypass engines with an afterburner. The task of military aviation consists in the capability to operate under conditions of frequent and sharp operation modes changes, as well as ensure long term fault-free operation under the impact of maximum loads on the engine. Thus, the progress of aircraft engine building is impossible without enhancing the structure stability to the increasing loads, or, if possible, reducing the impact on the load bearing elements of the engine. The purpose of this work consists in studying methods for constructive reduction of axial forces acting on the high-pressure rotor bearings, and defining the most effective one. For this purpose, comparative analysis of various types of turbojet engines air systems was performed from the viewpoint of the axial forces balance. As the result of studying the load-bearing schemes and various structural solutions, the gas generator of the engine-prototype with the most effective air system was selected. The hydraulic design procedure of the air system was performed according to the presented technique. Computing of axial forces, acting in the engine-prototype at four different modes was performed on its basis. The computational results reveal that the axial force values acting on the high-pressure rotor bearing comes closer to their limits, acceptable for the required service life ensuring. Further, a comparative analysis of the axial forces distribution in the engine optimization techniques was conducted. This allowed selecting the most effective one, according to which measures on the axial pressures changing in the inter-disk cavity were proposed. This, in its turn, allowed obtaining tangible increase in the force, acting on the rear part of the high-pressure turbine disk necessary for the reduction of the resultant loading of the high-pressure bearing, without principal, laborious and costly structure changes, as well as significant increase in the cooling air consumption. This solution is optimal for the set problem of the bearing unloading from the axial forces, and will allow prolong the engine fault-free operation under conditions of maximum loading or sharp changes in the operating modes. | |
Kalenskii S. M., Morzeeva T. A., Ezrokhi Y. A., Pankov S. V. Selection of rational parameters of distributed propulsion system in structure of the long range aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 95-108. In the paper the concept of the distributed power plant (DPP) is considered at its integration with the long range aircraft (LRA).
The given propulsion system consists of a turbine bypass engine (TBE) which turbine is connect with two taken out fan modules with the help of the mechanical transmission. The mechanical way of power transfer is the level of airplane 2030 and based on results of the researches CIAM of P.I. Baranov of new circuit designs.
As the advance design of the long range airplane with DPP is observed the aircraft type “hybrid flying wing”. Two distributed propulsion systems take place on the top of an aft tail of the plane.
The DPP parameters definition is the result of computer model of the given power plant system. According the calculation, the average cruise value of inlet total pressure recovery coefficient is about ~0,958.
In the paper is presented the adaptation of the computer model for distributed propulsion system to adapt for the process of multidisciplinary optimization.
For heightening efficiency of remote fan’s modules on different conditions of flight are examined controllable blades of these fans.
In view of the big magnitudes of total compression ratio of perspective DPP (≥50) core engine was considered the two-shaft scheme. TBE has the two-position nozzle of bypass duct for displacement of an operating point on performance of the fan to have near optimum of efficiency.
The component efficiency level of the DPP is defined on the base of the forecast of development of aircraft engines for perspective long range aircrafts of commercial aviation 2030 years.
The computer model of the DPP is developed using the block-structure and separate blocks created earlier in CIAM first level mathematical model of turbine engines.
Thus the block-structure of a bypass unmixed engine has been changed by accessing blocks of remote fans. The DPP compressor and turbine groups’ calculation is added by the corresponding equation of balance of fans and turbines powers.
In the paper the system of defining equations for DPP computer model of the design and off-design modes as aero thermodynamic characteristics is presented.
The description of computer model of estimated DPP turbo machinery weight and weights of gearboxes and transmission shafts is given.
The given adaptation of model provided possibility in an automatic regime to vary the basic data on settlement (cruiser) regime DPP. Also it provided the calculation of aero thermodynamic and ecological characteristics for further researches of LRA and DPP and receiving results in the necessary aspect.
With given computer model optimizing DPP for aircraft type “hybrid flying wing” researches has been conducted. Carried out researches have allowed to determine two alternative versions of the DPP providing smaller runway length (on 4 %) and the best parameters on issue СО2 not conceding base version on range of flight and expenses of fuel. | |
Podguiko N. A., Marakhtanov M. K., Semenkin A. V., Khokhlov Y. A. Studying cold hollow magnetron cathode for electric thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 109-117. Electron sources have found their application in many fields of science and technology. In ion-plasma technologies and electro-propulsion engines (EPE), the electron source is applied as a cathode-neutralizer. Besides, it is employed as a plasma contactor that ensures the electric charge discharging from the body of a spacecraft, such as the (International Space Station) ISS.
Most electron sources, being applied, are based on the thermionic emission phenomenon. The disadvantage of such emitters is many factors limiting their resource. The resource of such electron sources decreases even more when the latter are employed in the processes with reactive gases.
However, there are gas-discharging electron sources or plasma cold-cathode electron sources. A glow discharge or a Penning discharge are being most often used in such sources. The effect of a hollow cathode is being used as well. Thus, such an emitter is referred to as a cold hollow cathode (CHC) in many applications. The disadvantage of the CHC based on self-sustained gas discharges is high operating voltages.
The CHC presents interest when working with reactive gases. The studies of alternative working substances for electric thruster (air, iodine) require the design further development of the thrusters including cathodes.
The presented work conducts the studies of the cold hollow magnetron cathode performance (CHMC) for the electric thruster, and performs energy efficiency comparison of various cathode material – working gas combinations.
The following factors affecting the CHMC energy efficiency were studied in the presented work:
Thus, the experiments on the presented design of a hollow magnetron cathode have revealed the fundamental possibility of obtaining an electron current to compensate for the charge of the ion beam of the electric thruster. However, the device efficiency compared with the thermionic cathodes employed now is low. It has been demonstrated experimentally that all the ways, being described, of the energy efficiency increasing are limited by the operating voltage of 300 V. This limitation corresponds to the theoretical models of magnetron discharge.
To reduce the operating voltage threshold, the authors are planning the electrode system modification, such as, extra ionization stages application with non-self-maintained discharges.
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Bogomolov M. A., Gras'ko T. V., Zinenkov Y. V., Lukovnikov A. V. Optimal engine parameters searching for the short-haul passenger aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 118-130. The State economy effective functioning largely depends on the transport capacities of civil aviation, which ensure the required volume of passenger and commercial cargo transportation. It is especially important for Russia, with its large and remote regions of the Far North and the Far East. Establishing dozens of new routes on domestic and local routes will predictably lead to the significant growth of transportation by regional and short-range passenger airplanes.
In the current situation of the domestic air transportation development in Russia, the problem of the aircraft line expansion of all needs of this market segment coverage has not been completely solved. Thus, the development and creation of new regional and short-haul aircraft and aircraft engines for their power plants keeps on being an urgent task.
The article solved a complex task of searching for the optimum set of design parameters and characteristics of the technical system “Aircraft-Power plant”, in which capacity a twin-engine short-haul (regional) aircraft with the flight range of 2000 km and a power plant based on the two-bypass turbojet engine in the takeoff thrust class of 25 kN was taken.
The universal technique for technical layout forming and efficiency evaluation of the aircraft power plants of various purpose, developed and many times officially accepted at the Department of Aircraft Engines of the “Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin” was employed as the technique for the studies conducting. The instrumental “Airplane-Engine” software package, which realizes the complex approach while forming the engine technical layout, i.e. the engine, power plant, airframe and flight trajectory parameters and characteristics are being regarded in the aggregate, underlie the said technique.
Development of the power plant with two-bypass turbojet engine was performed based on the TV7-117C gas generator turboprop engine, and the Yak-40 aircraft as the airframe prototype, to which structural changes were introduced to meet the specifications on the flight speed and height.
The technical parameter of an aircraft level, namely average fuel consumption per kilometer, which directly depends on the specific fuel consumption and determines the flight range, was selected in the presented work as an optimization criterion according to the problem conditions.
The performed optimization studies conducted employing the indirect statistical optimization method based on the self-organization resulted in the selected target function increase by 7%.
The practical value of this work lies in the fact that its results may be employed by:
– scientific and design organizations involved in the development of advanced passenger aircraft and engines for their power plants;
– ordering organizations and industry while justifying the requirements for new aircraft models, as well as in aviation engineering universities to improve educational process. | |
Yurtaev A. A., Badykov R. R., Benedyuk M. A., Senchev M. N. Determining radial gaps values of centrifugal compressor and turbine of a small-sized gas turbine engine at maximum operation mode. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. . As of today, small gas turbine engines are of significant commercial potential in minor power engineering and aviation sectors. However, little attention is being paid in Russia to the issues of the small engines creating despite of the significant experience in the gas turbine engines design and wide infrastructure for their production. A small-sized engine creation, meeting requirements of both power engineering and aviation, will allow necessary energy generation in close vicinity of the place of its consumption. This will significantly reduce transportation losses, and allow, in prospect, making both heat and electric power supply system’s more dynamical and adaptable to the needs of a certain consumer, as well as loading idle production capacities of many aviation plants. The proposed method for radial clearances determining allows identifying the compressor and turbine rotor and stator behavior more accurately under conditions of high temperature and pressure differences, as well as at various operating modes. With account for the obtained deformations, the radial clearance optimal value may be obtained, as well as both compressor and turbine thrust and efficiency can be computed. This method may be applied as well to the full-sized gas turbine engines and gas turbine plants. However, transient operating modes are characteristic for the gas turbine engines, which necessitates non-stationary gas-dynamics computations performing. The rotor and stator 3D models obtained in NX CAD and being imported to the ANSYS, where finite element models were created, are being employed for the computational time reduction. Next, computation of gas dynamics is being performed in Fluid Flow (CFX), in which the heat exchange between the working fluid and rotor and stator parts is accounted for, is being performed. The obtained results are being transferred to the Steady-State Thermal for temperature fields distribution computing over rotor and stator, and further to the Static Structural for determining rotor and stator deformations from various factors impact, such as thermal expansion, pressure differential at the back and trough of the vanes, as well as centrifugal forces. It was determined while computations that the compressor and turbine parts thermal expansion exerts the greatest impact (up to 99%) on the radial clearance. This is associated with the materials employed, as well as high temperatures and large drops in the engine operation. It is necessary to ensure a radial clearance of at least 0.15 mm to prevent the rotor from touching the stator during transient operating modes at the maximum operating mode. With account for the obtained deformations in the compressor, this condition is being fulfilled at the maximum operating mode with the radial clearance is of 262.04 µm from the side of the leading edge and 274.95 µm from the side of the trailing edge. The authors suggested increasing the mounting radial clearance to 0.4 mm in the turbine. In this case, radial clearance in the turbine at the maximum operation mode will be 250.46 microns from the inlet side, and 183.2 microns from the outlet side.
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Baklanov A. V. Fuel combustion efficiency ensuring in low-emission combustion chamber of gas turbine engine under various climate conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 144-155. The article considers a bypass burner device design for a low-emission combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine running on natural gas. The results of the two burners differing in the swirler flow area studying are presented.
The burner device modification consisted in changing its design by installing a cowling on a swirler, which allowed reducing its flow passage area. As the result of the cowling installation, the swirler channels overlap by 38% occurred compared to the original option. The basic idea of such modernization consisted in forming an expanding channel from the swirler inlet to the nozzle outlet.
The article presents the bench equipment and specifics of the experimental study. The results of the studies on the final gas mixture concentration measuring along the length of the flame of the two burners are presented as well. The said studies revealed that the modernized burner device allowed twofold CH level reduction, i.e. the fuel underburning reduction. Thus, the discussed burning device has been selected for installation into the combustion chamber.
The combustion chamber fire tube refining was performed by organizing an extra air feeding on the walls through elaborating an extra number of orifices. Pressure losses in the combustion chamber, as well as temperature field at the outlet of both stock and modernized combustion chamber were determined. As the result of computation, the excess air ratio behind the flame tube head in nominal rating mode for the NK-38ST gas turbine engine was 2.1 for the for the stock combustion chamber, while it was 1.8 for the modernized one.
The results of the tests revealed that efficiency increase in the whole range of the ambient temperature was being traced for the engine with modernized combustion chamber. | |
Golovchenko E. V., Mistrov L. E., Dum'yak S. G. A thechnique for flight check-up of ground-based radio-technical support facilities for flight support with unmanned aerial vehicle application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 156-170. The ground-based facilities are being subjected to flight check-ups at putting into operation, in the process of operation and certain special cases for checking parameters and characteristics of ground-based flight support facilities correspondence to the specified operational requirements. The existing techniques application is, in some cases, cumbersome, for example at operational airfields, where operational deployment of radio-technical flight support facilities and their putting into operation is required. The situation may be drastically aggravated under condition of various intended and unintended destabilizing factors impact, including terroristic groups. Not only the failure of technical facilities herewith, but losses among the crew of the aircraft-laboratory are possible.
In this regard, the purpose of the study consists in developing a technique for flight check-ups to ensure their running under conditions of possible destructive impacts on the aircraft-laboratory, its crew, as well as flight check-ups operative organizing.
The set goal pursuing is being achieved by an unmanned aircraft application instead of a manned aircraft-laboratory, as well as by excluding ground means of trajectory measurements from the flight check-up procedure.
The basis of the proposed method of flight checks of ground-based radio-navigation means is to determine the module of difference between the measured value of the ground-based means parameter and its set value for each set point of the unmanned aircraft flight; to correct the flight trajectory taking into account the value obtained at the previous step; to re-flight the unmanned aircraft on the corrected trajectory.
The following items underlie the proposed technique for the flight check-ups of the ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support utilities:
– Determining the absolute value of the difference between the measured parameter (of characteristic) value of a ground-based facility and its set value for each set UAV flight point;
– The flight trajectory correction with account for the value obtained at the previous step;
– The UAV reflight along the corrected trajectory.
The number of repeated flights is being determined by the required measurements accuracy.
The article presents a technique for flight check-ups conducting of ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support facilities employing the UAV, which does not require the ground-based trajectory measuring facilities. A flight control device and a simulation model for the glissade radio beacon testing have been developed. Analysis of its application possibility was performed based on the simulation. The article demonstrates that the landing glissade coordinates determining accuracy is being determined by the coordinates determining accuracy by the UAV.
The proposed method allows
– Excluding the ground means of trajectory measurements application during flight checks;
– Control equipment deployment onboard an unmanned aircraft;
– Performing the UAV flight control of an unmanned aircraft during flight checks-ups without signals from the ground-based radio-technical aircraft flight support facilities.
This will allow reducing operational costs, the number of personnel involved and ensuring high operational readiness of the facilities involved. | |
Ivanov P. I. Weight model rescue system at parachute systems flight tests conducting. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 171-183. Flight tests of new parachute systems often lead to an increased landing speed of weight models with an unacceptably high value of landing overload and loss, along with the layout, of both test materials and expensive flight test equipment. This makes employing a rescue parachute system as a part of a weight model along with the parachute system being tested. The said rescue system should be in constant readiness to its application, and the experiment should be planned so that urgently identify a critical failure and run the rescue parachute system in case of emergency. The presented work is devoted to the cargo rescuing parachute systems development.
The issues of flight test equipment certification for large-area parachute systems were considered in detail in [1], particularly, the requirements for weight models that act as weight equivalents of the landing cargo. Weight models are also being equipped with costly sensors, measuring and recording equipment employed for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the tested parachute system functioning.
Flight tests of new parachute equipment, as a rule, are of a high risk of the parachute system failure during its operation with all subsequent negative consequences following this, i.e. accidents of weight models and irretrievable loss of valuable information and expensive equipment.
To preserve the integrity of the weight models, besides the parachute system being tested, which characteristics have to be studied, they should be equipped with the block of parachutes of the rescue parachute system, which is being run in case of the tested parachute system failure.
The task consists in assessing the possible causes, as well as scenarios of the emergencies occurrence and development, possible outcomes in cases of failures in the functioning processes of the tested parachute systems, options for the emergency parachute systems bringing into action and the rescue system selection for the weight model.
The studies of weight models rescuing were being conducted for the first time in [2-4].
The presented article regards in detail the following issues on the task being considered:
– The requirements laid for the rescue parachute system and its functioning specifics;
– Ballistic calculations performing and phase trajectories developing for the weight model free motion;
– Cascading of the system, and determining the canopies areas of the parachute cascades;
– Examples of computations and phase trajectories plotting;
– Minimum permissible height determining of the introduction of the main and braking parachutes of the parachute rescue system;
– Specifics of phase trajectories plotting with account for possible emergencies;
– Development of the flight operations implementation programs logic for the automatics of the rescue parachute system operation control system. The goal of this work consists in continuing and developing the studies started in [2-4]. | |
Lupanchuk V. Y. Optical surveillance system of unmanned aerial vehicle and a method of its stabilization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 184-200. The subject of the article relevance is stipulated by the presence of fundamental possibility of solving the axis of sight stabilization problem of the optical means positioned on the movable base of the unmanned aerial vehicle under conditions of low stabilization accuracy of the gyroscopic platform at rapid u-turns, vibration and aerial vehicles maneuvers. The purpose of the research of the article consists in accuracy increasing of the axis of sight of optical devices installed on a gyro-stabilized platform of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The object of the study is the optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The subject of the study is the process of objects determining by the optoelectronic system of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The novelty of the research is stipulated by the development and scientific justification of an optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle, as a part of television and thermal imaging information channels, a laser rangefinder-designator, as well as mathematically described method for optical surveillance system stabilizing. Practical significance lies in application of an unmanned aerial vehicle optical surveillance system for objects capturing and tracking by the operator, as well as for objects automatic capture and tracking. The article presents a block diagram of the gyroscopic stabilization system, as well as mathematical formulation of the problem of the optical surveillance system stabilization of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The stabilizing method of the optical surveillance system of an unmanned aerial vehicle for determining objects, which allows independently estimate the speed and angles of departure of the biaxial gyrostabilizer platform based on the information on the nature of the platform stabilization system gyroscopes movement is substantiated. The stabilization problem solution is based on building an asymptotic optimal observer (identifier) of the biaxial gyrostabilizer state variables with incomplete stabilization coupling. It was assumed herewith that the system was under the effect of statistically indeterminate disturbances. In general, the simulation revealed the possibility of employing the said algorithms to evaluate the initial position of the platform and calibrate systematic components of the platform departures of the biaxial gyrostabilizer under conditions of a movable base. Further trends of the research are the methods for images informativity increasing for identification and auto-tracking of the target detection objects by the unmanned aerial vehicle optical surveillance system in abnormal conditions associated with periodical images distortions. | |
Efremov A. V., Shcherbakov A. I., Korzun F. A., Prodanik V. A. Prospective means for the aircraft pilot induced oscillation suppression. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 201-210. The article presents a brief overview of the accidents occurred in the past due to the aircraft pilot induced oscillation (PIO). It proposes the alternative algorithm for the nonlinear pre-filter (oscillation suppressor). Compared to the other pre-filter versions, the proposed filter is being installed inside the flight control system contour, and its output serves as an input signal for the actuator. According to its algorithm, this signal does not decline when its output signal (δ) is equal or less than rate limiting(δmax). However, when δ exceeds δmax, δ decreases according to the developed algorithm.
Effectiveness of the proposed pre-filter is being compared with the other two pre-filters versions. One of them is the traditional nonlinear pre-filter, which algorithm corresponds to the simplified actuator model. Its input signal is proportional to the control stick deflection. Another nonlinear pre-filter is so-called “rate limiter with feedback and bypass” developed by the SAAB Company for the JAS-39 aircraft.
The following two types of experiments were conducted:
– PIO suppression effectiveness comparison by various nonlinear pre-filters and of error reduction in the tracking task in case of precise knowledge of the actuator model parameters;
– Robustness evaluation of the proposed pre-filters.
All experiments were being conducted at one of the MAI flight-simulators. The piloting task consisted in pitch tracking task with the tracking error-minimizing goal. The dynamic configuration corresponded to the statically neutral aircraft with feedbacks ensuring the HP2.1 dynamic configuration from the Have PIO database with no nonlinear effects impact. The actuator simplified model parameters corresponded to ±15 deg/s and gain coefficient K = 10.
The experiments revealed that in case of piloting without pre-filters, the unstable PIO process occurs. Installation of whatever pre-filter allows suppressing the diverging oscillation. However the proposed nonlinear pre-filter ensures the of the of error variance decrease by
The experiments on robustness studying demonstrated that the inaccurate knowledge of the actuator model employed in all pre-filters algorithms does not affect practically on the results of experiments in the case of the proposed pre-filter. As for the other pre-filters, the inaccurate knowledge of actuator model parameters considerably affects the error variances and other pilot-aircraft system characteristics. | |
Terekhov R. I. Estimation of fly-by-wire emergency servo-control of regional aircraft with account for nonlinear specifics of control surfaces dynamics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 211-225. The author proposes an innovative option of emergency fly-by-wire servo-control to preserve controllability at both hydraulic systems failure for a prospective regional aircraft with fly-by-wire control system and two hydraulic systems. Two electro-hydraulic servo-actuators (EHSA), fed from the two independent hydraulic systems, and servotab with electromechanical actuator (EMA) are being installed on each main control surface. With both hydraulic systems failure, all EHSAs enter the passive mode (damping mode), and switching to servotabs emergency control occurs. The servotab deflection produces a hinge moment, which in its turn deflects the control surface. The aircraft handling qualities in the servo-control mode should ensure the capability of the safe flight termination.
Mathematical model of the control surface rotation under the impact of the external hinge moment, originating while the servotab control, was developed for computational and test-bench studies with account for the specifics caused by friction and damping effects from the electro-hydraulic servo-actuators operating in passive mode. The damping force value significantly affects the aircraft handling qualities in servotab control mode.
The results of numerical studies revealed that in order to meet the AMC CS-25 25.671(c) requirements for manoeuver capabilities after failures and the MIL-STD-1797 recommendations for maximum allowable phase lag between control stick pilot input and control surface response, the servotab control laws should contain speed-up pre-filters on pilot control signals, pitch rate feedback (elevator servotab control law), roll and yaw rates feedbacks (rudder servotab control law). The emergency servotab control algorithms parameters selecting, ensuring the set requirements meeting at various values of the EHSA damping coefficient, was performed.
To confirm the possibility of the safe flight termination with the selected servotab emergency control law parameters, the test-bench tests on the flight simulator with participation of test pilots were conducted.
The approach and landing tasks with glideslope offset correction and with crosswind Wz = 5 m/s were under study. According to the pilots’ opinions, the aircraft handling qualities in servotab control mode correspond to the Cooper-Harper rating PR=4.5...5. Slight PIO tendency noted mostly in roll channel corresponds to the PIOR=3...3.5. The obtained pilot ratings confirm the correctness of the emergency servotab control algorithm parameters selection and the possibility of the safe flight termination in this mode. | |
Petrov M. A., Matveev A. G., Petrov P. A., Saprykin B. Y. Computation and analyzing bulk forming processes with a rotating tool using FE simulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 226-244. Materials forming or forging is being complicated with their development. This complexity concerns the movements that need to be performed by the output link of the machine (press or hammer). Besides the purely translational movement, which was characteristic to the first hammers, as well as the purely rotary movement, which dates back to the time of the first rolling mills (XIX century), forming machines of the early XX century were able to combine translational and rotary movements. This is how the processes of spherical or orbital forming, based on incremental or sector approach, allowing producing the parts of hub and flanges type without the need to employ the equipment of high deforming force, appear. On the other hand, the development of heavy machinery and control systems allows creating presses with mechanical and hydraulic systems that form one or more output links, to apply servo control as well as schemes from robotics and create flexible forming systems. The material flow can be improved by increasing the total deforming volume per time step or the intensity of deformation, for example, by torsion with forging.
As the article shows by the finite element (FE) simulation in the QForm of the “bevel pinion” forging without teeth working out, rotating tools allow:
– Reducing peak deformation force,
– Creating in material media the required thermal characteristic for the material propitious flow;
– Obtaining the shape with specified contour offset from the required geometry;
– Reducing the stress-strain state and tools’ wear.
The 3D geometry of both the tool and the workpiece, boundary conditions setting, corresponding to the technological conditions of process and non-linear characteristic describing of the material hardening in the process of its deforming are being required for numerical simulation. The computations duration depends upon the basic computing duration and duration of the problems being additionally solved, such as simulation of the stress-strain state of the forming tools. In other words, numerical simulation by the finite element method depends on the number of equations of the system being solved in the mesh points, which number is being determined depending on the degrees of freedom, characterizing the actuator movement, as well as rheological description of materials. | |
Petrova L. G., Belashova I. S. Assessment of solid-solution hardening of austenitic alloys at nitrogen alloying. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2022, vol. 29, no 1, pp. 245-252. The article deals with the development of the structural theory of strength and design on its basis of various technological schemes for surface hardening of steels and alloys. The basic principles of dislocation theory are also presented here, according to which the resistance of real metals to plastic deformation being expressed by the strength characteristics (yield strength σ t and tensile strength σv), is higher, the lower the dislocation mobility is, i.e. the more barriers are in its path. On the other hand, the ductility and toughness of metals are being reduced herewith, leading to the brittle fracture as the result of the possible initiation and progressive development of a crack. Hardening of real metallic materials is being considered as the result of the dislocations interaction with a certain combination of several types of obstacles, or as a combined effect of several structural mechanisms, namely hardening by interstitial or substitutional atoms (solid solution hardening), hardening by grain and subgrain boundaries, hardening by dislocations, and hardening by dispersed particles. Contribution of these mechanisms to the overall hardening may vary greatly depending on the class, brand of metallic material, as well as on the technology employed. The approximation of linear additivity of various mechanisms is generally accepted and confirmed by the concurrence of calculated and experimental results for certain classes of steels.
This article adduces a calculation of the of the alloying elements impact in austenitic steels and alloys on the level of solid solution hardening, which is the predominant mechanism of structural strengthening in this class of austenitic steels while nitriding. It is worth noting that nitriding is one of the most widespread chemical-thermal treatment processes in mechanical engineering. The structural strengthening while formation solid solutions forming occurs due to the deceleration and blocking of dislocations by atoms of the dissolved element owing to the Cottrell atmospheres formation, which increase the stress required for dislocation glide, i.e., cause hardening. Hardening level prediction based on computational models allows associating the material structure with the yield strength and fracture toughness as the main indicators of the structural strength of a product, as well as maximally implementing the main of hardening mechanisms order to develop new effective technologies for creating materials with desired properties. | |
Novogorodtsev E. V., Karpov E. V., Koltok N. G. Characteristics improvement of spatial fixed-geometry air intakes of external compression based on boundary layer control systems application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 7-27. The objective of the presented article consists in studying impacts of various options of the boundary layer control (BLC) system on characteristics of spatial uncontrolled air intakes. The spatial supersonic uncontrolled air intake of external compression with an oval inlet was developed in the course of this work. Three different options of the boundary layer control system were developed for this air intake. They are:
Numerical study of the flow-around physical specifics and characteristics of the isolated oval-shaped air intake without the BLC system, as well as with all developed options of the BLC system was performed. The air intake flow-around was modeled based on numerical integration of the Reynolds-averaged Navier— Stokes equations (RANS) employing non-structured computational meshes, generated in the areas of the flow outside and inside of the air intake. The air intake duct throttling was modeled by the active disk method. The results of the computational modeling are presented in the form of graphs of the air intake characteristics dependencies and flow patterns in various sections of the air intake channel. These graphs present dependencies of the total pressure recovery coefficient v on the air mass flow rate through the engine f, as well as circumferential distortion parameter dependence on the specific reduced air mass flow rate through the engine q(engine). The Mach number fields in both longitudinal vertical and longitudinal horizontal sections of the air intake channel, as well as fields of the v coefficient in the channel cross section, corresponding to the inlet of the engine compressor, are presented in the flow patterns. Analysis of the obtained results of the computational study revealed that all developed options of the BLC system ensured the air intake characteristics improvement. The v coefficient herewith increases, and the parameter decreases compared to the basic option of the air intake. It was determined that the third option of the BLC system ensured the greatest characteristics augmentation. Besides, this option of the BLC system ensures maximum length of the horizontal section of the air intake throttle characteristic. Based on the results of the performed computational study, the high level of characteristics of the air intake, equipped with the third option of the boundary layer control system was established. This is associated with the positive effect of the total pressure losses reduction, when the part of the flow passing through the diagonal shocks of the -structure of the terminal shock wave, leaning against the BLC system element, namely the perforated section of the air intake internal surface. The article presents also the results of the computational and experimental studies of the isolated spatial trapezoidal air intake of the external compression, equipped with the BLC system in the form of perforation on the surfaces of the compression wedges in the area of the channel inlet. It is demonstrated that the detected positive effect of the -structure is being realized while the trapezoidal air intake flow-around as well. | |
Volkova A. O., Jet-perforated boundaries as an effective method to reduce wall interference for airfoil tests in a transonic wind tunnel. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 28-38. Elimination of the influence of the wind tunnel test section walls on the flow over the model is one of the important problems in experimental aerodynamics. The flow near the model placed in the test section of the wind tunnel is different from the flow existing over the model in the unbounded flow. The shape of the streamlines is distorted at the location of the model due to the presence of the test section walls. The problem of interference between the model and the walls becomes most urgent due to the phenomenon of the test section blockage in transonic wind tunnels with solid walls. The using of permeable (perforated or slotted) walls of the test section is the most common method to reduce wall interference. However, permeable walls allow only to reduce their influence on the flow over the model, but not to completely exclude it. In addition, perforation is a source of low-frequency noise, large-scale eddies are generated due to slot boundaries. Jet boundaries have been shown to be effective compared to existing methods to solve the wall interference problem in transonic wind tunnel. However, this approach has not become widespread due to the technical complexity of the jet installations implementation. The approach based on the using of a controlled boundary layer is quite effective and technically easy to implement that is shown both experimentally and numerically. However, in some cases, the tested models are oversized, and the thickness of the boundary layer turns out to be insufficient to eliminate the solid wall interference. A new approach to solve the wall interference problem is presented in the paper — combined jet-perforated boundaries. The proposed method combines the advantages of perforated boundaries and the controlled boundary layer. In addition, it is technically easy to implement, economically profitable and does not exclude the possibility of using it in existing wind tunnels. Experimental study was carried out with a drained symmetric NACA-0012 airfoil with a chord 150 mm in TsAGI T-112 wind tunnel. The experiment was carried out in solid walls with spoilers, in perforated boundaries with an open-area ratio of 0%, 2%, 10% and 23% and in jet-perforated boundaries with similar permeability coefficients and the spoiler height of 30 mm. The Mach number was 0.6; 0.65; 0.7 and 0.74. The angle of attack varied from −4° to 6°. As a result, the pressure distribution was obtained. The main aerodynamic characteristics of the model were calculated based on the obtained data on the pressure distribution. This article presents the results of the airfoil model characteristics under the unbounded flow that was conducted in ANSYS CFX software by numerically solving the Reynolds averaged Navier — Stokes (RANS) equations. The SST turbulence model was used for the approximation. Numerical calculations of the flow over the NACA 0012 airfoil were carried out under conditions corresponding to the experimental one (Mach number: 0.6; 0.65; 0.7; 0.74; angle of attack: 0°, 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°). The analysis of the results made it possible to draw a number of conclusions about the possibility to reduce the wall interference in transonic wind tunnel by using jet-perforated boundaries. It is shown that with relatively moderate level of disturbances introduced into the flow by the model (at Mach numbers up to 0.74 and angles of attack from −4° to +4°), the optimal combination of the perforated wall with the open-area ratio of no more than 2% with the controlled boundary layer generated wedge-shaped spoilers with a height of 30 mm (10% of the test section half-height of the T-112 wind tunnel). The selected combination of parameters made it possible to practically eliminate wall interference when the models’ chord does not exceed 25% of the test section height. The perforation ratio or boundary layer thickness should also increase with the increase in the model size or lift force. | |
Pigusov E. A., Experimental study on wing adaptive high-lift devices of transport aircraft on takeoff-landing mode. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 39-47. At the present stage of aviation development, the main way to the transport aircraft wing load-bearing characteristics improving is application of high-lift devices of the leading and trailing edges of the wing. By now, the high-lift devices of the trailing edge with the Fowler type single-slotted flap became widespread. The endeavor to simplify the high-lift device structure at preserving its effectiveness led to the advent of high-lift device of the wing trailing edge, in which the tilt flap and descending spoiler are being applied. Equipping modern long-distance aircraft with bypass turbojets of high and ultra-high bypass ratio complicates the high-lift device layout in the «low-wing monoplane» scheme. Ensuring the required minimum clearance between the nacelle and runway surface leads to the distance reduction between the wing and the engine, while the wing interaction and the high-lift device interaction with the jet exhaust leads to the drag increase at the cruising flight and noise increase on the takeoff-landing mode. The article presents the results of experimental study on the application effectiveness of adaptive high-lift device employing the model of aircraft with high-wing monoplane, equipped with two solid propellant engine nacelles of ultra-high bypass ratio. Aircraft model tests were performed in a subsonic wind tunnel at a flow velocity of V = 40 m/s, corresponding to the Reynolds number value of Re = 0.89·106, on mechanical six-component balance in the range of angles of attack of α = –6 ÷ 24° at zero slip angle. The model tests were conducted for the following options of the flap: δF = 30°, δF = 40° and δF = 30°/20°. The spoiler droop (adaptive element) in the tests deflected by the angles δSD = 0, 8, 12°, the relative height herewith of the gaps between the wing and the flap was 2.5%, 1.2%, 0.6%, respectively. The above said experimental studies revealed that the adaptive element application together with a single-slot retractable flap allows obtaining high load-bearing characteristics close to more complex double-slotted flaps at lower drag. The adaptive element deflection leads to a significant increase in load-bearing characteristics by 25–45% in the area of takeoff and landing angles of attack α = 8·10°, and maximum wing lift increase coefficient compared to configurations without deflected adaptive element. Disadvantage of adaptive element application consists in critical angle of attack value decrease by Δα = 2÷4°. However, the lifting force coefficient changing herewith of large angles of attack goes smoothly. Geometric parameters optimization of the adaptive element may reduce the above said negative impact. Optimization of the geometric parameters of the adaptive element can reduce this negative impact. | |
Petronevich V. V., Lyutov V. V., Manvelyan V. S., Kulikov A. A., Zimogorov S. V. Studies on six-component rotating strain-gauge balance calibration for aircraft propellers testing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 48-61. The presented article is devoted to the studies being performed on rotating strain-gauge balance calibration measuring six components of the total aerodynamic force and the moment of forces acting on the aircraft propeller during an experiment in wind tunnels. The article describes basic principles of multicomponent aerodynamic scales calibration, working formulas computing, errors determining and other criteria for calibration quality evaluating. The calibration machine prototype, by which calibration of the strain-gauge balance was performed, was considered. The article presents the technique for the strain-gauge balance working formulas obtaining by the least-squares method in the matrix form for three types of mathematical models, namely 6×27, 6×33 and 6×96. Analysis of the mathematical models quality was being performed by such criteria as absolute, reduced and relative and errors, authenticity and standard error of the regression coefficients. The authors indicate and analyze the trends of methods and tools development for processing the results and strain-gauge balance loading to improve calibration accuracy. Methods of optimal experiment planning and artificial neuron networks application both for calibration results processing and calibration work benches control relate to these trends. The largest reduced error was 0.50% for the mathematical model with the 6×27 dimensionality. The error for the 6×33 model was 0.32%, and 0.2% for the 6×96 model. Calibration error of 0.2% conforms the best world samples of rotating strain-gauge balances. The obtained results allow developing a technique and recommendations for static calibration of rotating strain-gauge balance for characteristics measuring of aircraft propellers and can be accounted for while developing new design schemes of strain gauge balance. Besides, the obtained data are the scientific and technical groundwork for creating a dynamic calibration machine for strain-gauge balance calibration in rotation. Such work bench is necessary, for example, to account for the centrifugal force impact on the strain-gauge balance readings. | |
Lamzin V. V., Lamzin V. A. Integrated assessment technique for the earth remote probing spacecraft rational parameters and development program. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 62-77. The article performs an integrated assessment of the Earth remote sensing (ERS) spacecraft (SC) rational parameters and development program in the period under consideration with account for technical-and-economic limitations. The problem of rational parameters assessment of the ERS space system (SS) modernization program is being solved. The problem specialty consists in the fact that the initial state was determined, namely the base object (ERS SC). The authors proposed a technique for integrated assessment of a spacecraft rational parameters and development program, based on the multilevel design management multilevel project study models and statistical method of multilevel consistent optimization. This technique includes a stagewise solution of rational parameters integrated assessment of a spacecraft as a part of the ERS SC in the considered period. The first stage solves the problem of parameters assessment of the ERS SC modernization program. The second stage solves the problem of the spacecraft rational parameters assessment with account for design work solutions for its subsystems. The article presents the developed algorithm for integrated assessment of the spacecraft rational parameters and development program, as well as basic relations of the project models. The design work analysis specialty of the spacecraft development program in the considered period is a complex nature of the research. A system rational structure is being determined herewith simultaneously with the subsystems (spacecraft modifications) project parameters, as well as the system modernization program, namely the date and terms of modernizations performing in the considered period. The dependencies reflecting the basic ERS SC characteristics (weight and cost) changing on the system technical characteristics were formed by both correlation and regression methods based on the posteriori (statistical) information of the ERS SC samples-prototypes characteristics. The article adduces the results of the various options of the modernization programs studying. The considered (being forecasted) time period is of twenty years. In contrast to the third one when only one modernization is being performed with four spacecraft modifications, the first and the second options comprise performing two modernizations. The difference between the first and the second options consists in the number of the spacecraft modifications. The first option contains four modifications while there are three of them in the second one. The performed quantitative esteems of the total reduced expenditures on the modernization program realization in the course of twenty years reveal that the second option, at which the expenditures are minimum and of 1.154 billion of conventional unit is rational. The cost saving is 12.5–30% compared to the first and third options of the modernization program. The article demonstrates that the system modernization in the considered period and the search for rational project work solutions is being performed in a complex and consistent manner with the spacecraft parameters assessment as well as parameters of the spacecraft subsystems being replaced. This complex studies allow accounting for the functional relationships (both internal and external) dynamics, and determining rational solution on the term extension of the ERS SC effective application at the restricted costs. The developed technique allows performing technical-and-economic analysis of the ERS SC modernization program alternative options and obtaining necessary quantitative assessments while project solutions of the spacecraft modifications assessment and selection, as well as assessing the unified space platforms application effectiveness and enhancing the operational life of subsystems and a spacecraft as a whole. The developed technique may be applied for the ERS SC development programs correction and determining requirements to the prospective spacecraft and its modifications. | |
Bezzametnov O. N., Mitryaikin V. I., Khaliulin V. I., Markovtsev V. A., Shanygin A. N. Impact damages effect assessment on compressive strength of integral panels from polymer composite materials. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 78-91. The presented study is focused on the experimental study of impact resistance of integral polymer composite panels with lengthwise framing. In the course of the work, the character of impact damages in the area of the skin attachment and stringer under the impact of various kinds of the impact energy was studied, and these damages effect on the panels residual carrying capacity was evaluated. The effect of adding the extra layers of polyethylene plastic with higher energy absorbing properties on the panels’ impact resistance was estimated as well. Samples of panels were fabricated from the two types of materials, namely carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (type C) and a combination of carbon fiber reinforced polymer and polyethylene (type D). A testing methodology selection substantiation was performed in the course of this work. An ins ert with cuttings for integral panel for longitudinal framework was fabricated for the testing with standard rigging. From the incomplete destruction conditions of the integral panels, the impact energy was of 2 and 10 J. The impact is being inflicted in the zone of the skin reinforcement to the stringer, since the damage in this area should lead to a greater strength reduction of the panel at the post-impact loading. Tests of integral carbon reinforced plastic panels revealed no visual damages on the panels at the impact of 2 J. The impact of 10 J leads to the partial internal and interlayer damages from the opposite side in the place of the skin transition to the stringer. Static tests on longitudinal compression were conducted after the impact resistance test to determine residual strength of the panels. As far as the samples are of various shape and cross-section area, comparison was being made by the absolute maximum loading val ue, sustained by the sample at the longitudinal compression. The impact of 2 J did not affect practically the strength properties of the samples. Maximum force reduction while all type of samples destruction is no more than 10%. The impact of 10 J leads to drastic damages of all types of panels. The residual strength of integral carbon panels is 63%, while it is only 60% for the combined panels. The results of the experiment demonstrated that combination of materials with different properties, such as carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and polyethylene, may increase impact resistance of the part as it prevents crack growth and fracture of the material from the damage initiation area on the skin to the frame. | |
Kudryavtsev I. V. Ensuring dynamic state of straight waveguide paths at heating by supports arrangement. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 92-105. Waveguide ducts are the integral units of microwave devices in space technology, and, besides the specified radio-technical parameters, they require ensuring their dynamic state with account for heating. One of the most important parameters determining the dynamic behavior of the extended waveguide structure under the combined impact of forced vibrations and heating is the values of the first natural vibration frequency and the critical temperature of stability loss. The presented work considers the issues of controlling the first natural vibration frequency and critical temperature as applied to the spacecraft straight waveguide ducts by the developed technique of the supports arrangement substantiated choice. The author suggests the techniques for solving direct and inverse problems, allowing both determining the first natural vibration frequency and critical temperature at the specified fixations, and selecting the structure of the supports arrangement, which will ensure these parameters of the waveguide dynamic state. The example of the straight waveguide duct computation and comparative numerical calculations, which demonstrated good convergence of the results, were performed with Ansys software. The developed techniques are of a general character, and they may be employed at both checking calculation and developing any kind of straight beam structures for controlling their dynamic state by the supports arrangement. | |
Podruzhin E. G., Zagidulin A. R., Shinkarev D. A. Drop testing simulation of the mainline aircraft landing gear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 106-117. For loading reduction while landing the aircraft landing gear are equipped with the damping system, consisting, as a rule, of shock absorbers and tire pneumatics. Various landing gear structural schemes are employed on modern aircraft. Dynamic calculation of the landing gear is one of the most important tasks of the aircraft design. It is advisable to employ numerical simulation method of an arbitrary holonomic system motion of rigid bodies using the Lagrange equations of the first kind to simulate the damping system of the landing gear of various kinematic schemes. This approach differs from the previously used techniques, such as application of the Lagrange equations of the second kind, written in generalized coordinates by:
The article considers the landing impact simulation of the mainline plane main landing gear. The landing gear model consists of the three rigid bodies: the wheel, the shock absorber rod, and the shock absorber cylinder, together with the loading on one strut. The model includes seven mechanical constraints. Three force factors are set in the model as well. They are the force of pneumatics compression Pw, the axial force in the shock absorber Psh and the lift force Pl. The landing impact calculation of the landing gear was performed for the case of absorption at normal operational work. Computational results were being compared with the experimental data of impact tests being performed in the Department of dynamic strength of Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute. The landing impact parameters of the landing gear calculated by the proposed technique are consistent with the results of drop tests within the experimental error, which confirms the good agreement of the mathematical model with the real object. | |
Maskaykin V. A., Makhrov V. P. Thermal conductivity research of the aircraft heat-insulating skin under flight conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 118-130. The theoretical studies considered in this work reflect the development of thermal insulation protective means applied on the aircraft. The purpose of the work consists in studying the possibilities of enhancing thermal insulation characteristics of the aircraft being operated under extreme temperatures. Namely, the article tackles the option of a multilayer structure suggested as a thermal insulator for its application on the aircraft. This structure consists of the composite material layers, porous material and aluminum-magnesium alloy layers. Theoretical study of heat exchange of this structure and existing thermal insulating structures employed on the aircraft is being conducted for comparison and evaluation of the considered multilevel structure application effectiveness. The extreme temperatures are being determined in this work from the aircraft flight mode conditions, at which these excessively high temperatures occur. The thermal conductivity studies of the proposed multilayer structure and conventional heat-insulating structures considered in this work were being performed numerically by the finite-difference method. The numerical study results of the unsteady thermal conductivity revealed that a multilayer structure was twelve times superior in thermal insulation to all other existing thermal insulation structures considered in the work. Besides, the results of studying thermal conductivity of the structures under consideration demonstrate that:
The results of this work may be recommended for application in real designs of the state-of-the-art aircraft. | |
Sirotin N. N., Nguyen T. S. Numerical simulation technique for working blades operational damages of turbojet low-pressure compressor rotor. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 131-150. The ingress of foreign objects or birds into the engine, interacting with structural elements of gas turbine engines, leads to the compressor blades damaging and, depending on the degree of the damage, contributes to the incidents or accidents occurrence in the process of gas turbine engines exploitation. Due to the leading edge damaging of the compressor working blade, the profile chord reduction and radius changing of the entry edge occurs, which finally leads to the damaged blade flow-around by air character changing. The article presents computations for determining the compressor characteristics changing, its gas-dynamic stability margin and the mass flow while operating in the engine system under the impact of damages in the form of dints. The NUMECA Fine/Turbo CFD code, which realizes the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations averaged by Reynolds for computing the three-dimensional air flow in the compressor, is employed for this problem solving. The commercial NUMECA Fine/Turbo software product allows quantifying the impact of damage on the compressor operation quality. Damage in the form of a dint leads to the reduction of local values of pressure increase, efficiency and gas-dynamic stability margin of all compressor operation modes. The gas-dynamic stability margin lowering increases with the blades chord length decreasing. The modes, at which the gas-dynamic stability decrease takes maximum values occur at npr = 80%, 85%. The dint curvature affects the quality of the compressor, that is, it leads to the gas-dynamic stability margin decrease due to a change in the character of the damaged blade flow-around by the air. An increase in the number of damaged blades leads to a decrease in the compressor gas-dynamic stability. In the modes when npr = 80%, and npr = 85%, the gas-dynamic stability decreases significantly. With a sequential arrangement of damaged blades, the gas-dynamic stability of the compressor decreases, compared to the case of inconsistent arrangement due to the turbolization of the boundary layer intensity increase. | |
Balakin D. A., Zubko A. I., Zubko A. A., Shtykov V. V. Vibration diagnostics of gas turbine engines bearing assemblies technical condition with rhythmograms and scatterograms. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 151-162. The introduction to the article is focused on the problem of early diagnostics of the aircraft gas turbine engine bearings. Particularly, the gas turbine engine bearing functioning period disrupts namely at its early developmental stage, which does not always succumbs to estimation by the conventional methods. The authors suggest employing the apparatus widely known in medicine practice to analyze the occurring quasi-periodicity, namely rithmogram and scatterogram. A rithmogram plotting is being realized based on the developed technique. The technique in its turn bases on the correlation processing principles, wavelet transform theory and Hermite transform. Briefly, the gist of the technique consists of the following: mutual correlation function of the studied signal of the bearing and reference function is being computed. The reference function is being plotted based on Hermite transform, and represents mirror reflection of the impulse characteristic of the complex quasi-matched filter. Wavelet processing principles application (scaling parameter variation) allows refining positions of the correlation function peaks. After the cross-correlation function threshold processing we obtain rhythmogram and scatterogram of the signal under study. Further, the article considers processing of real signals of gas turbine bearing. Spectral and statistical analysis of the obtained rhythmograms and scatterograms is being performed. Inferences are being drawn on the state of the bearings under study. Conclusion considers further prospects of the rhythmograms and scatterograms application as diagnostics tools for aircraft gas turbine engines.
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Klinskii B. M. Determining test-bench box aerodynamics impact on the force from the gas turbine engine thrust by layout changing of the inlet lemniscate mouth piece. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 163-179. Parameters measurement accuracy while gas turbine engine (GTE) tests is incurring direct impact on the tests quality and engine parameters setting-up during its pilot and serial production. Considerable attention while testing is being paid to the accuracy of the engine main output operating parameters determining such as thrust and specific fuel consumption, since these parameters directly affect the aircraft flight characteristics. However, accuracy of these parameters actual values determining while the GTE bench testing is being affected by many factors, the main of which are the aerodynamic characteristics of the test-bench box. Determining the test-bench aerodynamic characteristics impact on the engine thrust is being performed in accordance with the Industry Standard OST 101021-93 «Test-benches for aircraft gas turbine engines. General requirements» and according to the «Aerodynamic force at gas turbine engines tests on the ground-based closed test-benches» measuring technique adduced in the OST 1 02781-2004 Standard. However, this technique is applicable only to the turbojet and turbofan engines with common nozzle on the supercritical operation mode at π*nozzle ≥ π*nozzle crit. The purpose of this work consists in developing a technique for the aerodynamic force value determining as a correction to the force from the engine thrust. This value is being measured with the force measuring system in the (closed) box of the test-bench based on comparing the bench-testing results of the GTE with a large degree of double-flow with separated circuits under condition of H = 0 and M = 0 at two layouts of the inlet lemniscate device. This technique proposes determining the reduced value of the aerodynamic force determining for the selected GTE type on the steady-state modes of the engine operation at the constant value of the reduced rotor rotation frequency nr cor = const in the (closed) box of the test-bench in two options. The first option supposes the layout with mechanically connected lemniscate (the reduced thrust of the test-bench Reng.cor is being determined with no account for the values of the input impulse ΔRinlet and aerodynamic drag ΔRwindage), employed while acceptance bench-test. The second option employs the layout with the lemniscate mechanically disconnected by the labyrinth seal. The reduced thrust of the test-bench R0eng.corr is being determined herewith with account for both the input impulse in the section of the labyrinth seal of the inlet test-bench device and external aerodynamic drag ΔRwindage with connected pipeline at the inlet, applied while the test-bench box calibration, as the difference between the thrust values ΔRair_force cor = R0eng.corr – Reng.corr. The article presents the technique for test-bench thrust reduction to normal conditions H = 0 and M = 0 of GTE with large double-flow degree with split circuits at subcritical modes of the jet nozzles. This is being done at the total pressure loss σin in the inlet device difference from 1.0, as well as total pressure at the inlet Pin*, damped temperature Tin* and the moisture content d difference from the standard values. The aerodynamic force value (ΔRAF) determining error estimation according to the technique being suggested was performed in the article. The article estimates the error in determining the value of the aerodynamic force according to the proposed method. The article demonstrates the possibility of employing, if necessary, a certified high-altitude test-bench for the aerodynamically non-certified box of the test-bench to determine the aerodynamic force reduced value (ΔRair.force.cor) for the selected turbofan type. The demonstration is based on the example of satisfactory comparison of the experimental values of the reduced test-bench thrust of the turbofan of large double-flow degree with separated circuits in the mode nfan.cor = const in the certified (closed) box of the test-bench. The experiment was conducted in both layout with mechanical coupling by the input lemniscate, and in thermal pressure chamber of the certified high-altitude test-bench with mechanically detached lamniscate under conditions of H = 0 and M = 0. The technique for the aerodynamic force determining as a correction to the force from the engine thrust, recounted in the article, may be applied for aerodynamic calibration of the non-certified closed box of the text-bench to account for the value of aerodynamic force. This can be done while both development tests of the pilot item and acceptance tests of a stock-produced turbofan of a large double-flow degree with separate circuits. | |
Tkachenko A. Y. Working fluid mathematical model for the gas turbine engine thermo-gas-dynamic design. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 180-191. The article presents the results of a study aimed at enhancing accuracy and computational efficiency of algorithms for working fluid thermodynamic properties and functions determining used for the gas turbine engine workflow computing. The working fluid of an atmospheric gas turbine engine is a mixture of seven general individual components such as nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, argon and helium. Setting values of relative mass fractions of components allows calculate the working fluid parameters depending on the properties of the above-said components. Expressions and corresponding coefficients for a mixture thermodynamic properties and functions computing were obtained based on the existing dependencies of the isobaric heat capacity on temperature for the above-listed components. A new thermodynamic function j was introduced, which allowed establishing a relationship between the total and critical temperatures of the working fluid, with account for its composition and variable heat capacity. The expressions being presented allow replacing conventional isentropic functions based on the assumption of a constant heat capacity. Application of these new expressions for isentropic relationships between total, static and critical state parameters ensures higher adequacy and better reliability of a gas turbine engine thermodynamic model. This became possible since the isentropic functions are accounting for the dependence of properties on working fluid composition and temperature as well. The developed approach for the working fluid properties numerical modeling allows creating the time-efficient algorithms for thermodynamic and gas-dynamic process simulation. It has a wide range of applications and scaling capability to create more complex working fluid models. | |
Bernikov A. S., Bogachev V. A., Mikhailov D. N., Petrov Y. A., Sergeev D. V. The study of martian dust impact on “ExoMars” spacecraft structures unfurling elements after touchdown. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 192-203. «ExoMars» is an international project intended for studying the Mars surface, obtaining geological samples and detecting traces of possible life existence by delivering a Russian-made descent platform to the surface with a Mars rover onboard. The structural elements and systems of the «ExoMars» spacecraft should function reliably under the impact of Martian atmosphere factors, which characteristic feature, is constant presence of dust in particular. The presence of the above said operating conditions leads to the necessity of increasing the volume of ground-based experimental tests and functioning check-up of the spacecraft structure unfurling elements after exposure to dust. Such «ExoMars» spacecraft structural elements include: — The Mars rover ladders; — Low-directional antenna boom (LDA); — Solar panels (SP). Dust settling on the structure of mechanisms may lead to clogging the gaps in rotation nodes, abrasive impact on rubbing pairs and, as the result, to the decrease in functional characteristics of mechanisms. Since the dusty conditions lead to the increase in the energy capacity losses of the springs in the rotation nodes, and the presence of dust on the mechanism structure leads to the increase in its moments of inertia, the angular velocity of the mechanism under dusty conditions should be less, and the unfurling time should increase. Tests of sand dust impact on the unfurling elements of the «ExoMars» spacecraft structure were performed in a sand-and-dust chamber, representing a device equipped with a closed wind channel and including an internal working volume and a unit for the dust feeding. To achieve the required dust concentration, a calculated amount of dust was introduced into the chamber, and air was supplied. The components and elements of the unfurling structures of the «ExoMars» spacecraft intended for laboratory and development tests were subjected to dust exposure tests. They were two ladders for the Mars rover exit, two SAT panels, and an MNA boom. The task of the tests consisted in operability checking of these structures after exposure to dust, as well as to assessing the unfurling time changes prior and after the dust exposure. The dust exposure tests were conducted in the following order: — Accelerometer sensors connected to the measuring station were fixed on the structural elements of the unfurling mechanisms, and mechanisms were transferred into the furled position and locked by pyro nodes simulators. Testing ladders opening, the MNA boom and the SB panels was performed manually prior to the dust exposure. The unfurling time was being determined according to the graphs from the sensors; — The unfurling structures were returned to the folded and locked position. The inner volume of the sand and dust chamber was hermetically sealed. The test objects were being exposed to the dust particles of no more than 50 microns in size for 15 minutes; — The ladders, the MNA rod, and the SB panels were unfurling after the dust exposure in various spatial positions provided for by the test programs and techniques. The unfurling time for each product was determined according to the obtained graphs from the sensors. The test results reveal that the dust impact (similar to the Martian dust impact) does not significantly affect the performance of the unfurling structures. The unfurling occurs in the normal mode, the opening time increases herewith by no more than 3% compared to similar tests prior to the dust exposure. Consequently, the energy consumption of the springs of the mechanisms is sufficient for full-scale operation of the spacecraft in Mars conditions. | |
Ilyukhin S. N. Trajectory estimation procedure of small-sized aerial vehicles at the studies on a ballistic track. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 204-218. The topic of the article being presented is trajectory estimating algorithms and subsequent initial state vector determining of a small-sized aerial vehicle based on measurements obtained on the BT CM3 type ballistic tracks. At the beginning, the article considers general issues of the small-sized aircraft studying by full-scale tests on ballistic tracks, presents the features of their instrument equipment, and touches upon the issues of the trajectory restoring based on the measurement results. The technique proposed by the author is based on the least squares method application for a trajectory forming according to the measurements of the aircraft flight coordinates through the certain sections of the test facility. The efficiency of these algorithms is illustrated by the solution of a numerical example simulating experimental data. It was proved by additional computations and comparative analysis that the most effective way to restore the trajectory is the least squares method using the second-order approximating polynomial. Theoretical justification of this phenomenon is presented. Besides the algorithm for the initial state vector detecting, inclusive coordinates of the flight initiation in the selected coordinates system, the initial trajectory inclination angle, initial track angle and initial velocity value, the article suggests the trivial technique for the single anomalous measurements rejection. It presents also theoretical justification of the full-scale experiment results, and defines the requirements for conducting research on the ballistic track with target frames application. A typical algorithm for the initial angular velocity determining and estimating the derivation value is described as well. An empirical algorithm for finding the drag coefficient value based on the results of experimental shooting is presented. Among other things, the article presents the main characteristics of the ballistic track of the «Dynamics and Flight Control of Rockets and Spacecraft» Department at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The final part of the article formulates a number of practical remarks and recommendations to the experimental studies organization on ballistic tracks for the initial state vector reliable determining and flight trajectory restoring. | |
Tikhonov V. N. Analysis of accuracy characteristics, probabilistic characteristics and expert evaluations of aircraft by the pilots while in-flight refueling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 219-231. The article performs the analysis and definition of the in-flight refueling as a problem of the high-precision piloting, and considers refueling system of a «hose—cone—link rod». Statistical characteristics evaluation of the piloting process was performed based on experimental data obtained while full-scale and semi-natural experiments on the flight simulator employing various dynamic configurations. A widely known Neil-Smith database as well as the data obtained by the identification results in flight experiments with the Russian planes underlie the basis of the dynamic configurations structure. The experiments were being performed with the TM-21 flight simulator at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The semi-natural model for the refueling imitation was structured so that the electro-hydraulic loading of the central control stick corresponds to the range of the steering levers loading of modern maneuverable aircraft as well as speed control characteristics. A totality of 263 experiments was performed with participation of six professional test pilots. The gross amount of runs was 897. Conditions of the experiments corresponded to the average values of flight speeds and altitudes. The simulation system verification revealed rather high correlation coefficient value (k = 0.834) between the «simulation» and «real» ratings, which confirms the obtained results authenticity. Besides the pilots participating in the experiment, three more test pilots, highly experienced in the refueling flights, were being engaged additionally as experts to estimate the flight simulation adequacy. The pilots-experts stated the high level of the simulation congruency. The following indicators were adopted as the basic quality indicators of the refueling performing and aircraft controllability characteristics:
The obtained results are recommended to be employed for the requirements forming to the aircraft piloting characteristics at the in-flight refueling modes. | |
Shevchenko I. V., Sokolov V. P., Rogalev A. N., Vegera A. N., Osipov S. K. Study of cyclonic cooling system geometry parameters impact of gas turbine blade leading edge on its thermo-hydraulic characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 232-244. Cyclonic systems for the leading edge cooling are an effective way of heat transfer intensification, which ensures low pressure losses in the cooling channels and the lowest possible coolant consumption. One of the basic tasks the designer faces when developing a cooling system for a gas turbine blade with the leading edge cyclonic cooling consists in determining rational diameters of the intake and outtake orifices and the step of their placement, which allow ensuring maximum heat removal from the surface with a minimum temperature field asymmetry. An important feature of cyclone cooling is the high sensitivity of the heat transfer intensity and the nature of the heat transfer coefficients distribution over the surface of the cyclone chamber to the geometric parameters of the cooling system. These parameters are the orifices diameters ratio, their step, the cyclonic chamber size and shape, and the orifices shape. In this regard, numerical studies conduction is required for each particular blade structure to determine geometry parameters of the cyclonic chamber to obtain the required cooling efficiency. The presented work deals with numerical study of the heat transfer in the closed cyclonic channel, which is assumed to be applied for convective cooling of the turbine blade leading edge. The thermal and hydraulic characteristics studies of a closed cyclone have been conducted to ensure the nozzle blade development for the high-temperature turbine with convective cooling of the leading edge. The intake orifices diameter was being varied from 1 mm to 2 mm, the outtake orifices diameter was being varied from 2 mm to 3 mm, and the cyclonic chamber was of 6.2 mm diameter. The article shows that area increasing of the intake and outtake orifices in the cyclonic chamber changes the heat transfer coefficients distribution profile. The local heat transfer coefficients were computed, and criterion equations for the dependence of the Nusselt number in the cyclone chambers on their geometric and operating parameters were elaborated. It was found practical to reduce the outtake orifices diameter with conjoined step reduction for the heat transfer coefficients values increasing, which would ensure the non-uniformity reduction in the heat transfer coefficients distribution over the cyclonic channel height. With the fixed pressure drop in the outtake and intake channels, the throughput of the cyclone channel is determined mainly by the area of the intake orifices, which allows the leading edge cooling efficiency enhancing, by increasing the outtake orifices area. | |
Zelenskii A. A., Ilyukhin Y. V., Gribkov A. A. Memory-centric models of industrial robots control systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 245-256. The article recounts the significance of real-time traffic control systems for global competitiveness and technological security ensuring amidst the fourth industrial revolution realization. As far as the growth potential of computers elements base running speed is close to exhaustion, and further development in this trend is being associated with significant technical complexions and economic efficiency reduction, computers architecture improvement should be considered as the main trend of the computer productivity increasing. The article considered pressing tasks of the computations productivity increasing, which may be solved at the cost of computers architecture improvement. These tasks include the processed data flow volume reduction; increasing data transmission speed between computer elements; eliminating queues while several computing devices simultaneously accessing the same memory. The authors propose conceptual model of the industrial robot movement control based on the analysis of the possible ways of the set problems solving. The problem of the processed data flow reduction is being solved in the system built according to the conceptual model being proposed by application of extra computing modules, such as coprocessors and accelerators, performing parallel computing. The main portion of computations herewith is being performed without control from the system core. The problem of data transmission speed increasing between the system functional elements and blocks is being solved by the memory-centric architecture employing, with which all devices requiring high speed of data exchange with memory for their operation, are being integrated into the memory. The queues elimination problem is being solved by dynamic random access memory (DRAM) splitting into local areas accessible only by a single device. Interaction between devices is being implemented in the high-speed static random access memory (SRAM) employing minimum data volumes, as well as through the communication network ensuring direct communication between the devices without delays occurrence. The actor instrumental model, ensuring emulation of parallel computing and functional modules interaction, is being selected to describe the industrial robot movement control system operation built according to the presented conceptual model. | |
Kovalev A. A., Krasko A. S., Sidorov P. A. Shock interaction simulation of sprayed particles with the part surface while plasma coatings forming. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 257-266. This article considers the problem of thermal spray coatings adhesion strength assessing to the part surface. Performing numerical modeling of heating and acceleration processes of the sprayed material particles, as well as their collision with the base surface of the set micro-relief employing the ANSYS CFD Premium software is being suggested as the problem solution. The plasma spraying process is being considered as an example. At the beginning, the article performs the analysis of the literature related to the problem of adhesion strength determining of gas-thermal coatings, obtained by the plasma spraying, with the base surface. The rationale for the need to model the sprayed material particles transfer and collision processes with the base surface is rendered. The work separates out the stages and general approaches to the plasma spraying process modeling. The main process parameters are being defined, and description of the plasma jet outflow from the nozzle with the flow of particles being sprayed onto the base, is being presented. The curves of the spraying temperature and particles velocity dependency on time were plotted. Comparison of the obtained values with the experimental data is being performed. Simulation of a single sprayed particle collision with the base at various combinations of temperature and the particle velocity at the moment of the particle approach to the base surface is performed in the work. The micro-relief geometry and size are being determined herewith. As the result, various particle shapes after collision and the value of the specific contacting area for each case under consideration were obtained. Finally, a qualitative assessment of the interaction between a particle of the sprayed material and the sprayed surface is presented. The most optimal combination of the temperature and particle velocity is identified. | |
Zaharov E. N., Usachev D. V. An approach to the assessment of military-oriented aircraft engineering based on neural-like networks. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 267-280. Quality assessment of the military-oriented aircraft engineering (MOAE) samples is being performed by one of the following techniques: complex, differentiated, mixed, integrated as well as by the economic practicality. Each of these methods has its pros and contras. The complex technique allows assessing the quality level in aggregate, but it does not allow accounting for all meaningful indicators. The differentiated technique computes simple quality indicators with account for the meaningful ones affecting the quality of the MOAE samples. This method application causes difficulties in the quality level assessment by the large quantity of simple indicators. The mixed method allows quality assessment of the MOAE sample at large aggregate of the simple, meaningful and generalized indicators. Accounting for the large quantity of indicators requires complex mathematical calculations. The integral method is applicable for assessing the MOAE operation efficiency. This method application is practical only when total costs of the sample creation, operation and useful effect of the sample operation are determined. The sample quality assessment technique by the economic effectiveness is applied only when economic assessment is necessary. With this technique application, a large quantity of data on the sample should be necessarily accounted for. All these techniques are applicable for the assessment of a single-type MOAE samples, namely of the same type and purpose. For assessing diversified MOAE samples quality indices are being employed A brief analysis of the above listed techniques allows inferring that their application for the MOAE sample is not always practical. It is stipulated by the following reasons:
All these reasons instigate the search for new approaches and techniques of quality assessment accounting for the MOAE sample specifics. According to the article «Application of analytical methods of open complicated systems for assessing the quality of designs of weapons, military and special equipment», MOAE is an open complicated system. Hence, the most suitable quality assessment technique for the open complicated systems is the technique for express-assessment of the open complicated systems functioning. With account for the suggested technique and the approach, applied at present, the algorithm for the quality level assessment of the production was developed. The algorithm for the MOAE quality level assessment consists of two basic blocks. The first block is universal, and it is applied for quality level assessment of practically all kinds of products. As applied to the MOAE the first block consists of the following stages:
The second block of the MOAE samples quality level assessment consists of the following stages:
The suggested approach to assessing the quality level of MOAE sample possesses the following advantages:
The ability of quick initial data setting and producing the results in real time. | |
Ovsyannikova E. B., Timushev S. F. ON THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PROMINENT SCHOLAR PROFESSOR B.V. OVSYANNIKOV. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 7-16. Оn May 13, 2021, the Department of the “Rocket Engines” (depanment 202) of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) in collaboration with colleagues from other universities and industry bodies held the All- Russian Scientific and Technical Workshop “Bladed pumps and turbopump units”. The Workshop was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Boris Viktorovich Ovsyannikov, ап outstanding scientist, tutor, founder of the scientific school of high-speed turbopump units of liquid-propellant rocket engines. Doctor of technical sciences, Professor of MAI B.V. Ovsyannikov, has been working as the head of the Department 202 for а long time; he educated а whole galaxy of scholars. Не is the author of the famous textbook оп liquid-propellant rocket engines turbopumps, which gained the world recognition.
The Workshop was attended by the colleagues from NPO Energomash, SSC “Center Keldysh”, UDD “Kristall”, St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Siberian State University named after M.F. Reshetnev and others. The content of the Workshop were memories of B.V. Ovsyannikov’s colleagues and relatives about him, modern scientific and technical information оп topical problems of bladed pumps, as well as liquid propellant rocket engine turbopumps units. А selection of artricles in the Aerospace MAI Journal was prepared based оп а number of reports.
The scientific heritage of В.V. Ovsyannikov, his artricles, textbooks, author’s certificates total more than а hundred titles. They are being used heretofore by students, postgraduate students, and engineers. | |
Ankudinov A. A., Vashchenko A. V. Axial-vortex stage application prospects in turbo-pumps of liquid propellant rocket engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 17-23. To improve centrifugal pumps cavitation qualities of turbopump units (TPU) of liquid-propellant rocket engines, a centrifugal impeller with increased throat area at the inlet is being developed, a booster pump with rotational speed lower than that of the main pump is being employed, an upstream axial wheel, i.e. a screw inducer, is being applied. This allows reducing the required cavitation margin. However, along with high cavitation qualities, the upstream inducer displays significant disadvantages. When the screw is operating at the inlet at feeding modes less than 0.5 of the optimal value, backflows are being formed, increasing with the feeding decrease. These backflows lead to the increased vibration, unstable operation, and low-frequency pressure pulsations of the self-oscillations nature. Cavitational self-oscillations attain a large amplitude and may lead to the pump and even the entire feeding system failure. One of the promising ways of the pump cavitation qualities improving, and reducing noise, vibration and low-frequency pressure and flow pulsations consists in the axial-vortex stage installing at the pump inlet. The axial-vortex stage (AVS) represents a pump consisting of an axial screw wheel and a fixed helical cascade on its periphery. The AVS advantages are being manifested most substantially at the flow rates less than the optimal one compared to the screw inducer. The axial-vortex stage (AVS) wields a higher pressure coefficient, better cavitation qualities, and ensures stable operation in the entire flow range and on the stalling branch of the cavitation characteristic. Further studies on the possibility of pressure pulsations, vibration and cavitation damage reduction while the AVS application are required. | |
Gemranova E. A. State diagnosing of automatic relief valve circuit and parkiing seal of liquid rocket engine turbo pump. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 24-32. As fire tests (FT) practice revealed, defects leading to destruction of engine structure elements, such as radial-thrust bearings, parking seal and blade wheel hub of the centrifugal pump occurred and developed with time in the automatic relief valve (ARV) circuit and parking seal (PS). Very often, such defects were developing in the course of several and even tens of seconds. These defects may be detected at the early stages of their development by the functional diagnostics methods employing slowly changing parameters being measured while the FT and mathematical model of the engine workflow processes.
Until recently, the computational-experimental analysis of accidents occurring in the ARV circuit and PS was performed locally, using only a mathematical model of this circuit, where the boundary conditions were assigned by empirical or approximation dependences. It is clear that integration of the ARV circuit and PS mathematical model into the math model of the engine workflow processes gives an opportunity of obtaining more complete diagnostic information about the circuit being considered. It is worth noting the inexpediency of neural network involving for this purpose due to the necessity of its training on a large number of FTs.
To increase the depth of engine diagnosing and confident control of the ARV and SS circuit state, the system of ARV and SS equations is closed by the parameters, by which this circuit is being conjugated with the engine parameters. By the model obtained in this way, a step-by-step process of the ARV and SS circuit state diagnosing is presented, starting from the moment of identifying the time of a fault occurrence and up to its localization. At each stage, special algorithms are being used to confirm the decisions made at the previous stage. The control begins with determining the moment of malfunction occurrence by measured parameters of the malfunction occurrence time instant. After this, deviations of measured parameters from the ones computed with the model are being controlled. Then it is necessary to proceed to the control of the engine characteristics deviation from those obtained while autonomous tests of units. Finally, if necessary, the control of functional relations violation by the structural exclusion method is being performed. On the example of liquid rocket engine state control during test bench fire test, the sequence of diagnostic procedures resulted in the malfunction, which caused forces unbalance on the radial-thrust bearing of the oxidizer pump and pressure increase in the cavity of the oxidizer pump control system, was detected and localized, was presented.
The stated diagnostic procedures may be employed in the analysis of a wide class of complex technical systems functioning. | |
Ivanov A. V. Analysis of contacless seal type impact on the pump characteristics of а rocket engine turbo-pump unit while operating mode changing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 33-45. Pump seals of liquid rocket engines turbo-pump units are the key element defining the pump volumetric efficiency. The seal type selection herewith affects not only characteristics, but the pump operability as well. Both contactless and wearing-in seals are being employed in the liquid rocket engines turbo-pumps. The article considered the contactless seals, such as seals with floating and semi-movable rings, groove seal with fixed smooth wall and labyrinth seals, as the seals most frequently employed in the pumps structure.
Very often, the gap in the seal is being considered as a constant value while the pump operation analysis on the engine regulation modes. This was substantiated for the pumps of the engines operating without the generator gas afterburning behind the turbine, when delivery pressure and peripheral velocities were relatively small and, consequently, the level of seal elements deformation, both rotor and stator, was not high. It allowed not accounting for their impact on the gap value and leakages (consumption) through the seal. Transition to the engines with generator gas afterburning was accompanied by the pressure and peripheral velocities growth. It led to the necessity of accounting for the deformation of seal structure elements impact on its characteristics. The necessity for the engine operation regulation, including both forcing and throttling modes by thrust from 25 to 120% of the rated value required knowing the pumps parameters on all operation modes.
Another task during design is selection of the clearance size, ensuring the contactless operation of seal in all engine’s operating modes, from chill-down to its shutdown.
Thus, while the seals design of the pumps’ air-gas channel, the two types of gaps should be determined on all operation modes: the working gap determining consumption characteristics of the seal, i.e. the pump volumetric efficiency, and minimal guaranteed gap between rotor and stator seal elements, defining contactless operation conditions of the seal.
The article provides the dependencies for estimating the seal gap at the initial design stage.
The performed analysis demonstrates that already at the early design stages it is necessary to account for the seal gap impact on the pump efficiency with dependence on the operation mode.
The seal type selection exerts a substantial impact on the value of the seal guaranteed minimum gap. Thus, the analysis of its changing and permissible value should be performed beginning from the early design stages. The errors in the seal gap size selection may lead to modifying and necessity to the crucial changes of the structure. | |
Kamensky K. V., Martirosov D. S. А method for current state monitoring of liquid rocket engine in stationary and transient modes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 46-53. The object of the study is an oxygen-kerosene liquid rocket engine (LRE), realized according to the scheme of the generator gas afterburning in the combustion chamber.
The method proposed in this article is a method for current state monitoring of modern high-power LRE in real-time scale of the test-bench fire tests. It allows estimating its actual state in both stationary and transient modes.
The method does not require pre-estimation of the fail-safe operation criteria boundaries of the LRE being monitored, and adapted to the operation modes and external conditions changing.
The current state of the engine is being monitored at the rate of measurement results receiving of the slowly changing engine parameters, determined with certain rather small time step.
Each specific situation is being considered as a continuation of the previous engine operation in the mode under consideration, for which purpose, both conformity and inconsistency of the current engine state to the «prehistory» of this state, which was recognized corresponding to the successful operation of the engine, are statistically confirmed.
Formally, this “prehistory”, as well as information about the current state of the engine, is a set of measurements of its parameters obtained from the initial control point to the one under consideration.
To make a decision on a malfunction occurrence, a statistical analysis method is used, developed to identify and exclude the results with abnormal inaccuracies. In case of current statistical characteristics threshold values are exceeded by their current values, the fact of malfunction occurrence is being registered, and the test is being terminated to development of the revealed malfunction.
For stationary LRE operation modes, the instant of a malfunction occurrence can be defined as the moment of a distinct change in the stability of measured parameters. In this case, for making a decision on the malfunction occurrence and test termination, the time series of measured parameters are subjected to statistical evaluation based on the Student’s criterion.
In transient modes, the time series values of changes gradients in the measured parameters, possessing the property of stationarity, are subjected to a similar analysis. This property is stipulated by the fact that during bench tests conducted according to a given cyclogram, the engine control in transient modes is being ensured by changing the drive angle of the control unit by the linear law.
The developed method for assessing the current state of the LRE during bench tests allows preventing the LRE malfunction development, and generate an appropriate signal to the engine control system in real time of the test-bench fire test. | |
Kochetkov Y. M., Burova A. Y. Gas-dynamic reasons for vibrations origination in turbopump units. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 54-62. Powerful energy-propulsion units differ from the others by the elements, subassemblies and structures associated with powerful turbo-machines and gas generators as a part of them. The high rpm of the turbines shafts rigidly affects the structure, which may lead to its destruction. High-frequency vibrations, which occurrence is possible in the turbopump units of liquid propellant rocket engines, are of especial danger.
The purpose of the study consists in the following:
– the problem setting of high-frequency instability prediction in powerful energy propulsion units on the example of the turbopump unit of a liquid propellant rocket engine, determining instability parameters in this subassembly and required ratio of the turbulent gas field parameters;
– formalization of vibrations automatic monitoring condition by the digital methods of multi-step discreet Fourier transform without performing hardware-consuming multiplication operators.
The presence of constant free volume is necessary for setting constant stable turbulence mode for the high frequency stability ensuring. This fact actualizes the study of the additional possibility of setting constant stable turbulence mode with the gas or liquid flow velocity increase. Namely turbulence is in charge of high-frequency instability, and, hence, vibrations occurrence. Turbulent flow originates practically always in turbopump units.
The occurring high-frequency instability of the process, accompanied by the oscillation of the working fluid particles inside the turbopump unit, impacts the walls of the apparatus that restrains the working volume. The walls of this apparatus begin reacting to the force impacts of the gas and naturally impede it, generating vibrations of the structure. The effect on the system occurs as the impact of a compelled force in the form of a harmonic component coming from the gas. The equation of the oscillating link for the structure will look like a second-order differential equation with respect to the walls displacements.
The study employed the principles of vibrations diagnostics of liquid propellant rocket engines on the example of a turbopump unit by digital methods of a multi-stage discrete Fourier transform.
An increase in the vibration level of liquid propellant rocket engines may lead to the increased thermal loads with subsequent possible burnouts of the walls of the turbopump assembly units. This requires quality improving of the vibrations diagnostics of liquid propellant rocket engines and increasing the information content of methods employed for the level control of these vibrations.
Vibration diagnostics may and should be ensured with the software and hardware for digital signal processing from signaling sensors using digital filtering and discrete Fourier transform of such signals. The term «unerroric» (from the Latin «errare») in relation to such digital signals deductive processing defines an active process of the errors level reducing in digital signal processing when setting various values of integer difference coefficients of digital difference filters applied for multi-stage discrete Fourier transform. Such unerroric reduces the error of automatic vibration control.
Gradual tightening of the requirements for the liquid rocket propellant engines reliability contributes to the problem actualization of such engines vibrations diagnosing under conditions of their mass production. | |
Filin N. A., Mkrtchyan M. K. Little-known facts of turbopump unit creation history in ijquid rocket engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 63-72. The turbopump unit (TPU) solves the problem with the flow rate and, thus, the problem of overcoming the power threshold necessary for long-distance flights into space. All modern space rockets employing a turbopump as an alternative device for supplying high fuel consumption to the combustion chamber, ensuring the necessary power and thrust of a liquid-propellant rocket engine (LPRE).
The V-2 rocket was created in Germany during the Second World War. It was being deeveloped on an initiative basis by a group of specialists within the framework of the German Ministry of Defense. It took a lot of time and trouble to convince the leaders of Nazi Germany of the need to create powerful space rockets that could cross continents and go into outer space. As the result, on July 7, 1943, the decision was made to assign the Peenemunde project the status of the highest priority in the German armament program. After that, the original name of the rocket “A-4” project was changed to “V-2”, and under this name, it became a history.
The basic invention of the V-2 (A-4) rocket was the centrifugal pumps application. Werner von Braun solved the problem of pumps by using fire pumps in the LPRE. Thus, he anticipated the beginning of a new era of LPRE – the era of turbopump.
It seemed almost impossible to design such a pump. After all, it had to perform a number of complex functions, such as supplying liquefied gas, which was one of the fuel components, at a pressure of about 21 atm, and pump herewith more than 190 liters of fuel per second. In addition, it should be quite simple in terms of design and quite light. Besides, the pump had to be started and switched to full power within a very short period of time (~6 s). Explaining to the pumping factory staff his requirements for rocket pumps for the V-2, von Braun involuntarily expected objections from people, but they did not follow. The entire staff of the pumps producing factory was ready for such requirements. Instead of objections, everyone listened, silently and approvingly. Specialists immediately offered a specific solution – the necessary pump was in many ways similar to one of the fire centrifugal pump types. A gas turbine and a steam generator were proposed to be employed as a drive.
The V-2 turbopump represented a single structure in which a two-stage turbine powered by steam gas and two centrifugal pumps for fuel components supplying were mounted on one shaft.
German scientists have created a truly unique unit, and together with it a unique rocket. In fact, a new branch of the industry was created, namlely, rocket engineering under the general leadership of V. R. Dornberger. Subsequently, many V-2 solutions were used by Soviet and foreign rocket engine developers in their latest products, in particular, when creating the R-1 medium-range ballistic missile under the leadership of S.P. Korolev and V.P. Glushko. The historical significance of the A-4 and R-1 missiles cannot be underestimated. This was the first breakthrough into a completely new field of technology. It is impossible to derogate the merit of domestic scientists, their dedicated work, but German scientists V.R. Dornberger, V. Thiel, V. von Braun and others were the first at that time.
Nevertheless, the main finding of German scientists, the turbopump, along with a revolutionary leap, brought a lot of worries into the life of rocket scientists. The impartial analysis of the failures associated with this unit revealed that in most cases the main cause of engine failures was due to the turbopump. It is well-known, that one of the most insidious causes of rotary machines accidents is the so-called fatigue, i.e. the gradually accumulating effect of cyclic dynamic loads, leading to the breakage of shafts, turbine blades, machine rods and other parts.
Thus, it seems rather relevant to apply new methods of analysis, including a combination of various methods of rotary machines diagnostics (primarily, methods of vibration diagnostics) to determine the source and nature of increased dynamic loads to eliminate them or reduce their impact on the structure.
As practice has revealed, hard-to-detect furtive defects, which were not detected by the other methods and control means, specified by the regulatory documentation, were detected, identified and eliminated by the TPU vibration diagnostics. Malfunctions of the turbopump subassemblies caused increased vibration-pulsation loads, leading in some cases to the LPRE failures and emergencies.
The effects and phenomena that were not previously encountered with in the practice of domestic and foreign LPRE-building were identified and studied in detail. | |
Trulev A. V., Shmidt E. M. Bench tests methodological specifics of submersible electric centrifugal pumps gas separating installations for oil extraction. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 73-80. About 70% of the stratum fluid is being extracted by submersible installations of electric centrifugal pumps (ESP). To increase the oil recovery coefficient (ORC), the depression on the stratum increases, the bottom-hole pressure decreases, and technological operations for stratum hydraulic fracturing are being employed. In this regard, the content of free gas and mechanical impurities increases at the ECP installation inlet. It is necessary to improve the free gas separation efficiency and of gas separators reliability. New, more accurate techniques of bench tests are necessary for the new design solutions testing and developing. Conventional techniques for gas separators testing on the gas separation efficiency may be conditionally attributed to the two basic techniques. According to the first technique, the gas-liquid mixture (GLM) is being fed into a pipe that simulates the annular space, while according to the second one it is being fed directly to the gas separator inlet. The first pneumo-hydraulic scheme simulates integrally the gas separator (GS) operation in a well. Some part of the gas misses the gas separator inlet. The efficiency of this pre-separation depends on the design of the base, protective grid and the size of the gas bubbles' average diameter. The larger the diameter, the more likely the bubbles will not get into the gas separator. In this regard, the devices for the gas phase enlargement are relevant. If the separator is installed inside the pipe, it is difficult to measure the flow parameters inside the flow part, although, namely, this information on what percentage of gas entered the GS, and what percentage missed it due to the pre-separation is necessary to improve the flow part. Difficulties in obtaining the information necessary to improve the flow part inside the GS may be assigned to the disadvantages of the first technique. The advantage of the second technique consists in the fact that the gas-liquid mixture is being fed directly to the tested gas separator inlet. The quantity herewith of the free gas entering the GS is precisely known. Information on the efficiency of the free gas separation inside the GS, and the capability of measuring the flow parameters inside the GS, allow evaluating the operation of the flow part elements. The disadvantage of this technique consists in the problem of accurate differential pressure maintaining between the areas of the GLM at the gas separator inlet and the separated gas at the outlet, which should correspond to the difference in annular space. Based on the analysis, the third promising technique and the pneumo-hydraulic scheme of the new test bench were developed and presented. By the authors opinion, the technique combines pros and aligns cons of the conventional techniques. It allows fully simulate tests in the well, and perform measurements in the flow part of the separator. When optimizing and searching for new design solutions for the flow part elements to increase the separating properties efficiency, the new technique allows installing pressure gauges and special taps for sampling on the gas separator housing, determining the pressure gradients along the length of the separation chamber and the degree of mixture dispersion. The separation efficiency is higher for structures with the higher pressure gradient and larger average diameter of gas bubbles.
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Ivanov P. I. Filling the double-shell wing of a gliding parachute. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 81-94. Based on the engineering mathematical models the article considers the issues of filling and defining the dome (wing) filling criteria of a double-shell gliding parachute, which is directly interrelated with such important parameters and characteristics as aerodynamic load on the parachute, parachute strength, the filling path, altitude loss while filling and the wing geometry stability.
The double-shell wings fillability of the gliding parachutes means their capability of taking its aerodynamic fully filled shape (from the state of the wing stowed in a package) under the impact of velocity head of the incoming flow in a definite time called the filling time.
The article regards certain basic moments and structural specifics, significantly affecting the filling process of the double-shell gliding parachute.
Great attention is paid in the work to the air intake operation efficiency, depending upon the whole number of factors, such as:
– Divergence angle of the system velocity vector line of action with the normal to the air intake plane, depending on its location on the wing. It defines the wing filling efficiency and maintaining sufficient excessive pressure in it to keep the wing filling geometry;
– Air intake area;
– The Strouhal number, which determines the pulsation nature of the mass of air emissions from the wing through the air intake into the external flow, which causes the pulsation nature of the entire pattern of the external flow, significantly increasing the resistance of the wing and reducing the speed of the system.
The article presents engineering calculations for estimating the filling time of the sections and the wing as a whole, with account the for structural air permeability in the wing ribs. The differential equation of the masses balance of the air entering the section and flowing out of it was formed. Integration was performed, and the dependences for determining the gliding parachute wing section filling time were obtained. The time dependence for the volume of the section being filled was obtained as well. Graphs for the obtained dependencies are presented and their analysis is performed.
The article considers in detail the gliding parachute filling criteria, such as filling time and the Strouhal number, characterizing the wing filling efficiency. These criteria may be employed while comparing filling processes and optimal option of the gliding parachute structure selection. | |
Lamzin V. A., Lamzin V. V. Method for characteristics predicting of prospective earth probing spacecraft with optoelectronic imaging hafdware. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 95-112. The article deals with the task medium-term forecasting of rational characteristics (imaging hardware spatial resolution, weight and cost) of a prospective spacecraft for remote Earth probing with optoelectronic imaging hardware. It proposes a method for the task solving employing extrapolation methods based on the statistical data on the products prototypes. Forecasting is being performed by extrapolating into the future the regularities revealed in the process of studying characteristics up to the present moment.
For the proposed method realization, the searching algorithm, including such blocks as initial data, extrapolating prediction and a spacecraft characteristics evaluation, was developed, and the results of its technical-and-economic characteristics at the medium-term forecasting are presented. The source data block includes information on the characteristics of the Earth remote probing spacecraft with optoelectronic imaging hardware of various types. Statistical data processing on the characteristic (parameter) under study is being performed in the extrapolating prediction blockIt is assumed herewith that parameter realization is a random function of time (a forecast function).
Characteristics predicting of the Earth remote probing spacecraft is being performed for the following types of optoelectronic imaging hardware: panchromatic range; multispectral visible and near-infrared ranges; combined (panchromatic and multispectral) visible and near-infrared ranges. The article presents the computational results of Earth remote probing spacecraft characteristics being predicted, such as spatial resolution of imaging hardware of various types, weight and cost of the spacecraft creation up to 2030.
Computational results show that the following improvements are forecasted for the spacecraft with panchromatic and combined imaging hardware:
– The spatial resolution improvement up to 0.19–0.22 m with maximum diameter of the Korsch type optical system up to 1.3–1.4 m;
– Weight improvement up to 3000–4000 kg;
– Insufficient cost of creation increase up to 235 million of conventional units.
For the spacecraft with multispectral imaging hardware:
– The spatial resolution improvement up to 3.0–4.0 m;
– Optical system diameter up to 0.25–0.32 m;
– Weight improvement up to 500 kg, and cost of creation increase up to 60 million of conventional units.
Thus, the method proposed in the article and developed design models allow predicting technical-and-economic characteristics of prospective modifications of the Earth remote probing spacecraft for 7–10 years, and ensuring necessary research accuracy. | |
Kaurov I. V., Tkachenko I. S., Salmin V. V. Design technique for small spacecraft thermal control system and mathematical models verificatioin based on telelmetry data. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 113-129. Thermal mathematical models with distributed and concentrated parameters of the AIST series small spacecraft were developed. Verification of these models was performed based on telemetry data obtained while he spacecraft experimental operation. Verification possibility of theoretical calculations of the supposed small spacecraft temperatures and obtained telemetry parameters allows improving the technique for finding parameters of the thermal control system with improved qualitative indicators. The authors developed the technique for the small spacecraft thermal control system design. Computation of mathematical model of a small spacecraft with distributed parameters was performed with the Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal module of the Siemens NX specialized software. Computation of the spacecraft thermal state mathematical model based on differential equations with lumped parameters was performed with MATLAB software package in Simulink environment for the complex technical systems dynamic interdisciplinary modeling.
The developed technique of the thermal mathematical model was applied for developing a computational mathematical model of the thermal state of a prospective small spacecraft for environmental monitoring tasks. Thus, the main objectives of the study are as follows:
– obtaining and analyzing a real picture of the thermal regime of the «AIST» series small spacecraft based on the telemetry data;
– developing thermal mathematical model of a small spacecraft in distributed parameters;
– developing thermal mathematical model of a small spacecraft in lumped parameters;
– verifying computational models by the telemetry data;
– developing design technique for the small spacecraft thermal control system, with appropriate mathematical models application;
– solving partial design problems employing the developed technique. | |
Nikitin I. S., Magdin A. G., Pripadchev A. D., Gorbunov A. A. Turbojet engine power increasing by air-cooling at the inlet device. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 130-138. This publication briefly discusses the possibility of high-quality improvement of the power plant performance, built on the turbofan basis, by injecting water into the inlet device. The probability of this power plant introducing into the space transport system, instead of the first stage at the flight speeds up to six Mach, was considered as well. The expert analysis of the existing research solutions was performed. This technology realization solves the problems of cargo transportation to the International Space Station (ISS). There is a possibility of creating a passenger spacecraft with an immense flight speed in the future.
It is necessary to find a solution, with which the speed characteristics of a turbojet bypass engine with an afterburner are an order of magnitude higher with water injection than without it, and find out the required amount of water necessary for air-cooling to 120°C and 300°C at the engine inlet.
The basic requirements placed for the engine are the low weight and cost at a comparatively high power. Accordingly, the power plant should be operational at all speeds up to six Mach, as well as its operation must meet all the necessary conditions at altitudes within 25-40 km to implement a full flight cycle. The engine herewith should be of the lowest possible specific fuel consumption. Maintenance should not be impeded, since it is necessary to expand the number of airports at which this aircraft can be based, expanding thereby its flight routes.
Water injection of into the flow part increases the engine speed characteristics and its application at the speeds up to six Mach. However, this technology has its minuses as well. Takeoff weight increase and complication of the design negatively affect the flight range and the ease of operation. Due to the cooler injection application, the the power plant device becomes more complicated, which leads to the complication of all technological operations, from manufacturing to setting up the unit.
Nevertheless, the idea is rather promising in practical application, but it requires an utmost high-quality detailed refinement of both the power unit itself and the aircraft. | |
Koval' S. N., Badernikov A. V., Shmotin Y. N., Pyatunin K. R. Digital twin technology application while gas turbine engines development. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 139-145. Today, industry, especially knowledge-intensive branches, is experiencing an active growth of well-deserved attention to digital technologies. In support for the Aircraft Building Development Program of the Russian Federation realization, and the strategy for the civil products in the sales and service segment the United Engine Building Corporation goes along the path of comprehensive innovations implementation while conducting research, research and development work, manufacturing and after-sale services.
Among the priorities of the innovative development of the Corporation the following areas may be highlighted:
– A concerted strategy of scientific and technical development of the industry, which defines the list of critical technologies and the trends of the corporation industrial model transformation;
– The key product programs of engine building in the trends of aviation, ground and seaborne aggregates;
– Transformational projects, which task consists in achieving the strategic goals of the Corporation, including the terms reduction for launching new products to the market.
Digital technologies allow not only the current processes automation, but also formation of the new ones with new qualities and contributing to the products of the United Engine Corporation being competitive and in demand on the world market.
For this goal achieving, accumulation of the best technologies, best resources, operating in the high-tech field such as engineering centers, startups, research teams at the Universities, and the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences is of utter importance. This is an ambitious task, practically proclaiming that it is important to become twice as effective to meet the customers’ needs. A digital twin is a prospective trend for this problem solution.
The concept of a digital twin was proposed by Michael Grieves, a professor at the University of Michigan, back in 2002. As he notes in his work, it was primarily called the «Mirrored Spaces Model».
The definition of a digital twin from Greaves can be found in the same place: «The digital twin is a set of virtual informational structures that fully describes potential or actual manufactured goods: from its atomic functions to geometry. Under ideal conditions, all the information that can be obtained from the product can be obtained from its digital twin».
Employing digital modelling of high-level correspondence to real test within the framework of the «digital twins» technology, as well as standardized techniques developing for mathematical models validation and analysis of the computational results will allow significant increase the completeness of comprehension. Besides, It will increase the quality of field tests, and reduce their volume, and, in some cases, substitute them by computational substantiation based on the mathematical models validated by the results of multiple experiments. As the result, the possibility originates to reduce the time and costs of the engine certification.
Despite the fact that almost all gas turbine engine units and systems can be modeled, the accuracy of some mathematical models does not yet allow replacing the tests, but not even ensuring acceptable accuracy for making a technical decision on the design change. | |
Aleksandrov Y. B., Nguyen T. D., Mingazov B. G., Korol'kova E. V., Sharafutdinov R. R. Swirler vanes installation angle impact on flow mixing efficiency behind the flame tube head of gas turbine engine combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 146-158. Various structures of swirlers, differing by the blades installation angle within the range of 15–60 degrees, were developed for experimental study of mixing processes fr om the vane swirler by the layer-by-layer deposit welding technology.
The manufactured swirlers were blown-through on the experimental test bench with heated air.
The experimental study results indicate a general regularity characteristic for mixing in a swirled jet with surrounding air, consisting in the fact that:
Based on the works of Akhmedov R.B., Lewis B. and Lefebvre A., mixing in a swirling flow, depending mainly on the turbulent mass transfer process, can be represented as a dependence on turbulent diffusion. It allows forming analytical dependences for mixing process calculation using the following assumptions:
Comparisons of the swirlers experimental data with various vane installation angles with analytical calculations reveal satisfactory qualitative and quantitative convergence. Analytical dependence is described by a power function close to linear.
In practice, the impact of the swirler vanes shape on the mixing process is of interest. An experimental study of the vane shape impact on the mixing ratio was conducted. The profiled vanes demonstrated a more uniform temperature field and the highest mixing ratios. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the profiled vanes application allows obtaining a more uniform flow behind the vanes due to the absence of separated flows in the inter-vane channel of the swirler. As the result, a pressure losses decrease occurs during the flow passage through the profiled vanes and, accordingly, an increase in the ejection ability of the jet occurs. It is worth noting that the same result was obtained in the work of Lefebvre A., wh ere the vanes profiling significantly reduces the pressure loss in the swirler.
The conducted experiment and analytical calculation aimed at studying the change in flow parameters depending on the installation angle and the vane profile allowed obtaining the following generalizing results. With an increase in the vane installation angle in the range of angles under study, the ejection ability of the swirling flow increases. The blade profiling strongly affects the temperature field. Unlike the flat ones, the profiled vanes create more uniform flow at the outlet without significant separation zones, reducing thereby hydraulic losses in the flame tube head and ensuring a high mixing ratio with secondary air. A change in the number of profiled and flat vanes has an insignificant impact on the hydraulic resistance change, in contrast to a change in the vane installation angle. Thus, the obtained results of the work may be handy while designing the effective flame tube head of the gas turbine engine combustion chamber. | |
Filinov E. P., Bezborodova K. V. Double bypass turbojet engine structure analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 159-170. Five schemes of double bypass engines with changeable working process were considered in the work:
Computer simulation of three models of double bypass engines was performed with the ASTRA CAE system, which covers the entire cycle of thermo-gas-dynamic design of a gas turbine engine. The prototype engine was the RD-33 turbojet engine with an afterburner. Besides the thermodynamic calculations, computations of the full flight cycle, mass characteristics of the power plant and aircraft as well as efficiency criteria were performed.
Variation of the degree of both bypass and double bypass values allowed obtaining the values of the total mass of the power plant, and fuel required for a flight at a given range — Msu+t, as well as the fuel consumption in kilogram per one ton-kilometer of transported cargo —
In the course of this computation the conclusion was made that the most rational and favorable ratio of efficiency parameters was obtained from the double bypass gas turbine engine of the FLADE VCE variable duty cycle.
The resulting parameters exceed the values of efficiency parameters of the prototype engine by 13%. These parameters may be employed to perform structural-parametric optimization of parameters to reduce the fuel costs and increase the engines efficiency with a complex cycle, designed for military aviation, on the cruising section of the flight. | |
Baturin O. V., Nikolalde P. .., Popov G. M., Korneeva A. I., Kudryashov I. A. Mathematical model identification of gas turbine engine with account for initial data uncertainty. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 171-185. The computational models used today require unambiguous (deterministic) values of the initial data in order to obtain a solution. In reality, however, the researcher often does not know the exact value of a given quantity. He knows the results of their direct or indirect measurement, which has a margin of error. Awareness of the fact of the initial data uncertainty may lead to a complete rethinking of the computational study process and the interpretation of its results.
In the conducted study, the authors created a stochastic thermodynamic model of the AI-25 gas turbine engine that accounts for the initial data uncertainty.
As the result of the available set of experimental results generalization the most probable values of the measured engine parameters have been found. Based on these, a deterministic thermodynamic model of the AI-25 engine operating process for the selected operating mode was created. Further, an algorithm was developed and implemented, which transformed a deterministic mathematical model of the AI-25 engine operating process at the operating mode of interest into a stochastic one. It allows determining the scatter of outlet parameter values, knowing the scatter of several inlet parameters. The stochastic model has been built on the assumption that the scatter of uncertain inlet data complied with a normal distribution law. Notwithstanding that the thermodynamic model is relatively simple and fast, it requires a huge number of calls to the initial deterministic computational model, which does not allow obtaining stochastic results for all variables of interest in a reasonable time frame.
For this reason, a stochastic solution was being searched for in two stages. At the first stage, a sensitivity analysis was being performed. As the result, the initial data was ranked according to the degree of the end result affecting. A study, in which computation of specific fuel consumption scattering for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 first variables of the series was being performed sequentially, was conducted for the sequence obtaining. The scatter of specific fuel consumption values and other important parameters at the selected engine operation mode was changing insignificantly after accounting for more than five affecting variables. The obtained data was transformed into the bell-shaped bivariant distribution on the graph of the parameter of interest dependence on the air consumption. The obtained data herewith was compared with the similar bell-shaped graph, obtained by the experimental data.
With the conventional deterministic approach, computational and experimental results obtained for the same mode are the points of the graph. Their mismatch is being computed in the form of the two differences (deviations) along the two coordinate axes. Given that the errors of the two points being compared determining are not accounted for herewith, the obtained mismatch has an error, which value is unknown. The stochastic approach allows giving a quantitative description of the mismatch. It represents a bell-shaped bivariant distribution, described by the two parameters: the expectation of the difference and the mean-square deviation for the two coordinate axes. | |
Shvetsova S. V., Shvetsov A. V. Unmanned aerial vehicles integration into modern infrastructure systems operation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 186-193. The unmanned aerial vehicles integration into modern infrastructure systems operation is one of the most urgent tasks in the modern transport industry. Such integration requires the solution of a whole range of problems, including technological, managerial, legal, etc. Among others, the problem of traffic safety can be highlighted, since namely this unresolved problem of the unmanned aerial vehicles traffic is the cause of a number of restrictions on their application. The authors of the presented work proposed a system of directional stability, allowing preventing the unmanned aerial vehicle with movable wing (multicopter) escape from the air passage boundaries available for its movement, which reduces the risk of emergency occurrence with its participation. The system solves the safety ensuring problem for multicopter movement, operating along the preset routs, such as in technological process monitoring systems, goods delivery systems, object video surveillance systems etc. Technological elements of the system being proposed are of small size and do not need electric power supply, which maximally simplifies their implementation to the existing infrastructure.
The proposed system may be of interest to large chain retailers with the goal of employing it in such applications as the goods delivery operating according to the scheme “central logistics center → points of goods delivery in the city”. The system may be employed in applications for industrial facilities monitoring, providing for the movement of unmanned aerial vehicles along certain routes over the territory of the enterprise with additional equipment installed on them, such as scanners, thermal imagers, video cameras, emission detectors, etc. to control technological processes of the enterprise. An additional application trend of the proposed system is safety ensuring of interaction between multicopters and aircraft in the airport area, which is being currently closed for their flights. The system allows ensuring the movement of the multicopter strictly in a given air corridor, which solves the problem of splitting the involved multicopters and other air traffic participants in the airspace. | |
Vlasova A. V. Interaction capabilities of air traffic control systems with structures ensuring airport aviation security. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 194-201. The world civil aviation development, the traffic volumes increase, and the route network expansion implies, among other things, the quality improvement of aviation security systems, which, at present, acquire utter importance. All this stipulates the relevance of the presented scientific work. The degree of this issue development in scientific terms is not so high, since the problem of aviation security originated much later relative to other problems in the field of civil aviation, and does not have an appropriate scientific basis, which causes certain difficulties. Thus, the article explores the plan staging for the task of airport aviation security system improving based on integration of airport technical protection and air traffic control. The basic idea consists in the fact that at the present stage of their development the air traffic control (ATC) facilities possess strong scientific and technical capabilities of relevant objects detection and tracking, that is not always inherent in the means of aviation security in their area of responsibility. Hence, it is rather promising to explore the issue of joint application of technical means of both systems. Thus, it is necessary to understand herewith the historical incompatibility of these systems, which were created and developed to solve their local specific problems.
Hence, if a task of their aggregation to some extent, or joint application to solve the tasks of aviation security ensuring is being set, it is necessary to form a field of joint mutual interests, in which it will be possible to determine the identity of tasks and to formulate the requirements for shared facilities. Probably, information support for both systems may be their unifying foundation. Then the challenge of developing interface, solving the problem of the systems compatibility occurs. It is impossible herewith to get away from the problem of the compatibility criteria determining and solving many similar tasks. On the other hand , the problem solution of the aviation security systems and systems of air traffic control aggregation even in the first approximation may prod uce a significant effect, and not only economic. The article presents the setting of this complicated task and regards some approaches to its solution. The authors suggest herewith employing standard automated air trafic control systems as the basic structure of the complex system.
Thus, the author proposes to use the typical automated system of air traffic control as the basic structure of the integrated system. | |
Balyakin A. V., Skuratov D. L., Khaimovich A. I., Oleinik M. A. Direct laser fusion application for powders from heat resistant allows in engine building. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 202-217. At present, heat-resistant nickel-based alloys have found a very wide application in of energy and aerospace engineering products manufacturing. Their share in the total mass of modern aviation gas turbine engines is particularly large, since they are the preferred materials for production of disks, blades, combustion chambers, and turbine housings.
The article presents an overview of additive manufacturing methods actively employed in the aircraft and rocket engine parts manufacturing. Their classification is presented in dependence on the energy source employed and the source material shape. The advantages of additive technologies in comparison with conventional methods of forming parts and products are described, technology of the parts blanks manufacturing from heat-resistant alloys by direct laser fusion of metal powders is considered. Examples of the of additive technologies successful applicatioin in the aerospace industry in the production of various parts, both for the production of blanks, and in the hybrid, combined with subtractive methods, the technological process of manufacturing complex parts using multi-axis manipulators are presented.
The article considers the main components of the direct laser fusion (DLF) plant, affecting the quality of the resulting workpieces. It describes the existing nozzle designs emplloyed for feeding powder to the fusion zone in DLF installations. Their advantages and disadvantages, as well as conditions for their application are described. The article describes the principle of operation of modern powder feeders for the DLF technology. Parameters characterizing the DLF process and affecting the quality of workpieces forming are presented. Analysis of the defects accompanying of this process was performed, and possible causes of their occurrence were determined.
The advantages and disadvantages of the DLF process of metal powders are described. The main advantages of the DMD process are as follows:
– the laser beam is capable to perform melting and sintering of the material without overheating the substrate and deposited material, i.e., decrease the zone of thermal impact, and diminish changes in the microstructure of the material;
– the high focusing capacity of the laser source allows creating sufficiently accurate workpieces and parts with a wall of less than 0.5 mm;
– the ability to control the laser power, the heat flux density and, consequently, the microstructure of the deposited material allows the DLF process application for repairing complex parts made of a single-crystal nickel heat-resistant alloy.
The disadvantages of the DLF process include the following:
– a low level of mismatch of mechanical properties of the blanks made at different DLF plants from different powder batches under identical conditions of their forming;
– high cost of equipment, which prevents the widespread application of the DLF process in the industry;
– a limited list and low availability of powdery materials, as well as a large range of their quality spread;
– the relationship between the surfacing conditions of powder materials and the mechanical properties of the workpieces is not fully understood. | |
Murav’ev V. I., Bakhmatov P. V., Grigor’ev V. V. Properties ensuring of aircraft titanium structures joints obtained by fuse welding identical to the basic metal properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 3, pp. 218-227. Modern aerial vehicles are dynamically developing both structurally and in the field of employing the newest materials, which is being associated with the basic requirements imposed on them, such as ensuring minimum weight and increased strength properties at high alternating loads. The most suitable metallic material meeting the above-said requirements is titanium alloys, which are being actively applied in the aerial vehicles framings. Since the 70s of the last century, the aircraft structural elements have been assembled by welding, while all-in-one joints herewith must meet the unified requirements developed for the industry. As a rule, three welding methods are being employed to form permanent joints in the aircraft building industry. They are welding with a non-melting electrode in a protective gas environment (both traditional and submerged tungsten electrode), and electron beam welding.
An immense experience has been accumulated on the these methods application in the aircraft building industry, nevertheless, each of the methods has a number of unrealized potential opportunities to improve the permanent joints quality in the field of warping reducing, crack and pore forming, and mechanical properties enhancing to the level of the base metal. The article presents the results of analysis of publications and the authors’ own research on the above-mentioned problems. The welding modes impact, the introduction of an additional heat source, and mixing intensification of a liquid-metal bath when applying the basic welding methods are considered.
The authors found that porosity elimination occurred with the life span increase of the welding bath, but, with this, the geometry of the weld seam changes dramatically, strength properties decrease up to 15% compared to the base metal.
With the additional heat source introduction, the bubbles degasification occurs, and the permanent joint properties similar to the base material are being obtained.
Currently, the development of electronic control systems and parameters tracking of the permanent joints forming process allows oscillating both the trajectory and welding modes, which allows in its turn introduction of pointed dosing of both energy and welding material into a specific point of the welding bath.
Due to the unique properties of metal melting, the possibility of oscillation allows causing the welding bath to overheating up to boiling temperatures, and cause its intensive mixing, which contributes also to obtaining satisfactory permanent joints with the properties similar to the base metal. | |
Vinogradov O. N., Kornushenko A. V., Pavlenko O. V., Petrov A. V., Pigusov E. A., Trinh T. N. Specifics of propeller and super-high aspect ratio wing interference in non-uniform flow. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. . In recent years, the research is being conducted on hybrid or fully electric power plant application on aerial vehicles of various classes without fundamental changes in their layout. However, new trends of modifications in the layout of the power plant with an air propeller emerge at the same time. For example, on the X-57 experimental aircraft the distributed power plant, consisted of small diameter propeller, is being employed at takeoff and landing, while propulsors, located at the tip sections of the aircraft wings, are being employed at the cruising mode. A number of computational and experimental works are dedicated to studying propeller slipstreams interaction in this aerodynamic layout, including favorable interference evaluation. The presented work is devoted to the numerical study of the interference of two-bladed tractor propeller and straight wing with super high aspect ratio of the solar battery aircraft in the non-uniform flow. The work was executed in accordance with the experimental work.
The studies were conducted with the ANSYS FLUENT program, based on the of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations solution, on a structured computational grid (about 20 million cells) with the k-ε-realizable turbulence model, with improved turbulence parameters modelling near the wall and with account for the pressure gradient impact. Computations were performed at the flow velocity of 25 m/s and 50 m/s and Reynolds numbers Re = 0.17 and 0.35·106. The angles of attack in the computation were being varied from 1° to 7° at the zero sideslip angle. Three aircraft configurations were considered: without propellers, as well as with running propellers with diameters of 0.22 m and 0.33 m. The rotation speed of the two-bladed pulling propeller as fixed for both options, and it was N = 15000 rpm. The presented work regarded symmetric rotation of the propellers at the wingtips in the fuselage direction.
Numerical studies of the interference between the propellers and the high aspect ratio wing revealed that the propeller diameter significantly affects the flow-around and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft of this configuration. Installation of the propeller leads to a decrease in the lift in the range of cruising angles of attack under study, the pitch moment herewith increases by nosing-up. The induced drag increases with the angle of attack increasing, while the propeller rotation enhances the nonlinearity of the Сxai (α) dependence at the incoming flow velocity of 25 m/s. The article demonstrates that the induced drag reduces depending on the propeller diameter, since the propeller rotation (in this case in the same direction, as the vortex behind the engine nacelle), introduces perturbation into flow-around, and straightens the flow behind the wing. With the propeller diameter increase, the dependence of the relative circulation over the wingspan moves away from the elliptical kind, and the incoming flow speed increasing only strengthens this difference. | |
Moshkov P. A., Samokhin V. F. Calculated estimation technique for audibility boundaries of propeller unmanned aerial vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 20-36. The problem of community noise of propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) should be considered separately for civil and special-purpose vehicles.
Currently, there are no international standards regulating maximum permissible community noise levels of civil propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and low-noise levels are primarily a competitive advantage. The UAVs noise levels normalizing by the analogy with light propeller aircraft is possible in the future.
For the special-purpose propeller UAVs, the problem of acoustic signature is important. It is necessary to ensure the domestic aircraft invisibility when flying along a given trajectory, and to be able to acoustically localize the enemy’s UAVs identifying herewith the UAV type and determining the trajectory of its movement in real time.
In the framework of the propeller UAVs acoustic visibility estimation and while developing standards on the community noise the article suggests employing two units of measure, namely the A-weighted overall sound power level and the overall sound pressure level in dBA. The A-weighted overall total sound power level does not depend on the distance and cannot characterize the acoustic signature, which depends on the distance of the object from the radiation detection point and environmental conditions. At the same time, one may proceed from the spectrum of the acoustic power of the sound source, knowing its direction diagram or assuming it spherical, to the UAV noise level evaluation in the far acoustic field at the given atmospheric conditions and distance. Besides, the total level of acoustic power in dBA can be implemented for the comparative assessment of the degree of acoustic signature of various UAVs of the same class. A technique for assessing the acoustic signature boundaries of the UAV is proposed. The following items became components of the technique: the noise models of the main sources or experimental data on the UAVs noise, data on the ambient noise, criteria for acoustic signature of various types of UAVs, as well as the software for assessing the aircraft community noise. | |
Bolsunovskii A. L., Buzoverya N. P., Bragin N. N., Gerasimov S. V., Pushchin N. A., Chernyshev I. L. Numerical and experimental studies on the over-the-wing-engine configurations aerodynamics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 37-49.
Environmental requirements, such as limits on community noise and emissions, will play an increasingly important role in the future of civil aviation. The possibilities of noise reduction in state-of-the-art layouts are limited, thus, it may be necessary to switch to radically new schemes to meet the goals declared by NASA, ACARE, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and other organizations for the next generation of aircraft. | |
Artamonov B. L., Zagranichnov A. S., Lisovinov A. V. Heavy helicopter for arctic transport system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 52-66. The article deals with the project of a heavy helicopter, being one of the transport system elements of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The helicopter is being created based on the PD-12V prospective domestic gas turbine engine.
The software for helicopter appearance forming, which represents a set of jointly operating modules of weight and aerodynamic calculation, was employed for the carrier system parameters selection.
The dependences of rafts, emergency water touchdown, and thermal and sound insulation weight on the helicopter weight were obtained in this work. Various combinations of the main rotor diameter values and blade aspect ratio for the selected transport operations were analyzed. Optimal values of the helicopter main rotor parameters have been selected using the reduced criterion of the helicopter efficiency.
The project helicopter outdoes the Mi-8AMTSh-VA Arctic helicopter and Mi-26 helicopter by its performance characteristics by either loading capacity and flight range, or flight hour cost. The proposed methods for the helicopter, performing the specified set of transport operations, appearance forming can be employed hereafter while other prospective rotary-winged aircraft of vertical takeoff and landing design.
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Petronevich V. V., Lyutov V. V., Manvelyan V. S., Kulikov A. A., Zimogorov S. V. Study on six-component rotating strain-gauge balance development for helicopter tail rotor testing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 69-84. Measuring total forces and torques affecting the helicopter tail rotor became an up-to-date task of aerodynamics with the advent of the interest to studying «spontaneous» left rotation of single rotor helicopters.
A strain gauge balance is employed to measure the six components of the total aerodynamic force and moment. As far as the case in hand is the loads on the rotating propeller measuring, the strain-gauge balance should be a rotating one (RSB) to measure the six components. The article presents the results of the further development of the spoke-type RSB design with twelve measuring beams, which were presented in the earlier works of the authors. The article demonstrates that the structure consisted of the twelve measuring beams is scalable and applicable with various combinations of the expected loads, affecting the propeller in rotation. Besides, the anticipated places for the strain-gauge gluing are shown demonstrably, and the scheme of their connection into the Wheatstone measuring bridge is proposed.
Computations revealed that components interaction in such structure are minimal at maximum value of signal stresses in the supposed places of strain-gauge resistors gluing. Besides this, the strain-gauge balance design ensures high strength factor no less than four. The expected errors of the six-component RSB proposed in the article are no worse than 1% of the measurement range. The further development of this work will be the RSB calibration, and the study of characteristics in rotation on a special test bench. | |
Klyagin V. A., Laushin D. A. An approach to the probability determining of the specified flight performance achieving, and account for risk factors while an aircraft appearance forming. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 85-95. When considering practicality of works unfurling on one or another project implementation, the possibility of this project realization should be assessed mandatory along with its financial or other feasibility assessing.
The project realizability is understood as the capability of solving the necessary set of scientific and technical, planning and design, production and technological and organizational tasks to fulfill due-by-date the full scope of works, ensuring creation of a new or modernized aviation complex (AC).
A great variety of factors affects the AC realizability. The following basic factors can be outlined among them:
— Technical realizability;
— Scientific and technical capabilities of the design bureau (organizational and technical realizability of the project);
— Production and technological capabilities;
— Financial feasibility.
The realizability assessment of science-intensive projects is performed on the based on assessments of the main types of risks present while the projects implementation. Risk levels of a program implementation are the estimated value of the factors of various nature impact on the end result of the program in terms of the target indicators achieving. The main target indicator for the program implementation is of the selected version of the AС timely creation, meeting the requirements of the tactical and technical assignment (TTA).
The state-of-the-art techniques application for the complex comparison of the aircraft should be performed in conjunction with the aircraft flight performance (AP) realizability. The flight performance realizability is understood as the probability of achieving the flight performance characteristics declared in the design specifications. To determine the probability of the AP achieving, knowledge of a distribution law for each characteristic is necessary, and these laws are affected herewith by the distribution of the input parameters. The input parameters distribution can be obtained based on statistical data, mathematical modeling, as well as by the expert assessments method. As far as the highlighted risk factors are being affected by many random events, the distribution law of these factors is assumed to be normal. The main feature of the normal distribution law is that it is a limiting law, which is being approached by other distribution laws under rather frequently encountered typical conditions. The presented technique includes in its algorithm the first technique for the appearance forming, and accounting for the risks of the AP achieving specified in the design specfications is an additional module to the existing techniques. This module allows assessing the risk of flying performance realization and account for these risks directly while the aircraft appearance forming. The obtained formulas establish interrelation between the required flight performance changes and parameters of distribution laws of the risk factors.
The account for the risks of the AC creating is a necessary element when comparing the AC options, as well as while assessing the program implementation as a whole. The approach described in the article to the accounting for the risks of an aircraft creating at the early stages of development allows assessing the likelihood of the program implementation in terms of achieving flight performance by the aviation complex. This study results application to supplement the general technique allows complex comparison of the AC options under the impact of the probabilistic (random) factors. | |
Shilkin O. V., Kishkin A. A., Zuev A. A., Delkov A. V., Lavrov N. A. Passive cooling system designing for a spacecraft onboard complex. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 96-106. The presented work considers the passive part designing for the cooling system of the spacecraft onboard complex.
The equipment of cryogenic and helium temperatures level, necessary for ensuring standard operation conditions [3, 4] characteristic for the deep space, external solar radiation and instrument-hardware electromagnetic emissions, is frequently employed in thermal control systems, ensuring the thermal mode [2], for the state-of-the-art space platforms [1]. The telescope being designed will be capable of operating in both the single telescope mode and as a part of the interferometer between the “Earth-Space” bases (with ground-based telescopes). The telescope operation range is from 20 microns to 17 mm [5–7].
The observatory is planned to operate for three years with the reflector temperature of 4.5 K, and then for another 7–10 years with the total temperature of 50 K [8]. The term of the observatory active life is ten years. The reflector thermal mode sustaining is being implemented by the observatory cooling system, consisting of passive screens and Stirling and Joule-Thomson cryogenic machines.
The thermal model and the design scheme are being considered on the example of the passive cooling system of the onboard complex of the “Millimetron” observatory scientific equipment. The general cooling system includes both the active part, represented by the heat exchange units, removing heat from the cryoscreen and equipment to the Joule-Thomson and Stirling machines, and the passive part, represented by the protective screens system and reflective surfaces, removing the heat to outer space. The account of the joint operation of both parts is necessary for the characteristics analysis.
The main portion of the neat inflow from the solar radiation and instruments is being removed toe the space by the passive cooling system. The heat transfer computation while efficiency estimation of the telescope passive cooling system represents a complicated problem, primarily, through the necessity to account for the complex geometry, the possibility of heat inflows along the system elements, and thermo-physical properties of the screens. This problem solution can be obtained only by the numerical methods with the visibility coefficients determination of individual elements between themselves and with the outer space.
The cooling system computation is being complicated by the following factors:
- complex geometry of the passive screens and cryoscreen, their position in space and relative to each other;
- large temperature gradients from 320 K to 4.5 K between the elements, leading to the presence of temperature deformations of the structural elements;
- thermo-optical coefficients the thermo-physical characteristics of the elements are strongly dependent on temperature as well;
- the presence of three different thermal control mechanisms, namely, passive protection employing cryogenic screens and cooling by cryogenic machines of various temperature levels.
All these reasons stipulate the need for the expanded thermal analysis of the cooling system with a mathematical model developing to determine the cooling efficiency and temperature fields of the system elements.
Thermal bonds identification is necessary for correct developing of the mathematical model and obtaining numerical characteristics of the cooling system. The structure under study consists of individual elements such as screen lobes, cryoscreen, reflector, frame, etc. Each element of the system possesses the thermal bonds: radiation, internal thermal conductivity due to the presence of temperature gradients within the element itself, thermal conductivity through the frame or thermal bridges with neighboring elements.
The temperature values were obtained for each structural element. However, within the limits of one screen they differ by no more than 1 K, since the model is centrally symmetric. This difference is associated with the calculations error.
The spacecraft thermal control system, ,with the “Millimetron” observatory positioned on it ensuring the required reflector operating temperature of 4.5 K, was developed. These temperatures values allow estimating the passive cooling system efficiency. However, more accurate forecasts require the computations correction by increasing the number of finite elements, and considering thermal conductivity of the passive screens materials and complex structure of the thermal bridges. | |
Mousavi Safavi S. M., Garipov L. A., Kluev S. V., Yusupov I. R. Comparative study on compressive mechanical characteristics of X-shape and pyramidal trussed fillers. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 107-114. A wide variety of spatial-truss structures, including pyramidal and X-type trussed cores was developed at present in attempts to create multifunctional core materials of the three-layer structures of aerospace purpose. Computational and optimization methods of these typical trussed cores’ characteristics were considered in many scientific studies. However, very few comparative studies of such core materials mechanical characteristics were conducted. The presented article compares compressive mechanical characteristics of the X-type and pyramidal trussed cores by both analytical and experimental methods. In experimental phase of the study, the two samples of three-layer structures were produced: one with the pyramidal core and the other with the X-type core, to determine the ultimate compressive strength.
3D-models of the samples were designed with the SOLIDWORKS software for manufacturing. Sketches were obtained, and pattern cutting of flat elements was performed based on these models. Further manufacturing was being perpetrated by the flat figures cutting from the aluminum sheet on the laser-cutting machine. Samples for the experiment were assembled from the cut elements. The flat elements fixing with each other is being brought about by the «spike-groove» technique to simplify assembly operations. The assembled samples of the three-layer panels were tested alternately under similar conditions, on the same machine tool. Further, based on the results of compressive testing the «stress-deformation» diagram for both cores was obtained and analyzed. From these diagrams, critical compressive stress and stiffness of the cores were determined. The results of the conducted experiments are in good agreement with the results of analytical calculations. The obtained results demonstrate that with equal relative densities of the cores and similar slope angles of the cores the generalized critical stress of the X-type trussed core cannot be less that the generalized critical compressive stress of the pyramidal trussed core (and at the small relative densities it can be four times more). However, under the above said conditions their generalized compressive stiffness is the same in all cases. | |
Ivanov P. I. Computation of aerodynamic load on gliding parachute while its deploying and overloading, acting on the airdrop object. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 115-126. The article presents a design procedure for aerodynamic load acting on the gliding parachute while its deployment and reloading to the airdrop object. The computational dependencies, which can be employed for quantitative estimation of these parameters, are presented. The average operational (aerodynamic) load and the upper confidence limit of the aerodynamic load acting on the gliding parachute while its deployment are the basic initial parameters when calculating the strength of gliding parachutes.
This information is utterly important while the parachute strength calculating and its appearance forming. The problem statement is as follows. To form, as a first approximation, methodological recommendations for calculating the aerodynamic load on the gliding parachute and the reloading on the airdrop object in the process of the parachute deployment, which can serve as a basis for further scientific research on the proposed method refining and adjusting. The article presents the main definitions and assumptions, as well as the method itself in the engineering statement. Maximum value computing of the axial overload acting on the landing object is based on a semi-empirical dependence that adequately reflects the integral average of the maximum overload value during the gliding parachute deployment.
While developing the engineering mathematical model of the dome (wing) filling of the gliding parachute, the theoretical part supposed that aerodynamic load on the dome (wing) is an additive function of three, practically simultaneously occurring processes. They are:
— impact loading of the lower wing shell, due to the jet of the incoming flow impact, its spreading and the lower wing generatrix straightening forming a local stretch of the lower shell;
— the air intakes filling in the of the stretched part zone of the lower shell; the local zone forming of the executed part of the upper shell and the wing profile;
— loading the completed part of the upper shell (the formed part of the wing) by the pressure drop while its flow around by the external flow.
The article presents computing dependences of the overload acting on the airdrop object on various parameters (the parachute area; the object mass; the height; and the speed of bringing the system into action) for both cargo and human parachute systems. While computing a number of empirical coefficients, the computations used the results of data processing of a vast number of flight experiments with both human and cargo parachutes.
A brief algorithm for the parachute strength computing a when forming the shape of a gliding parachute is given. The results of the presented work may be useful for designers, testers, calculators, and scientists working in the field of parachute building and engaged in the gliding parachute systems design and testing.
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Nikolaev E. I., Yugai P. V. Analysis of the external airbags application expediency on a helicopter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 127-139. The presented article considers the possibility of external airbags application on a helicopter to enhance the crews and passengers survival rate under conditions of the helicopter emergency landing.
The helicopter emergency landing modelling was performed by the finite element method using the scheme of explicit time integration. The analysis includes the helicopter hitting the hard landing surface at the speed of 17.2 m/s. The values of overloads at the helicopter center of mass and main gearbox, as well as the general impact of airbags on the helicopter fuselage deformation were determined by the crash test results.
Finite element modelling of the airbag curdling was performed to determine the time of the airbag gas filling. A mathematical model determining the gas source characteristics was developed in MATLAB Simulink. Mass flow rate and temperature of the gas were determined. Finite element modeling of the airbag filling with gas was performed.
The article cites the main disadvantages of the external airbags application on helicopters. It presents statistical data on aviation incidents of helicopters of various categories. Significant fuselage deformation reduction at the external airbags application is demonstrated by the results of the study. In conclusion, the inference is drawn on the positive impact of the external airbags on the survival rate of the humans onboard of the helicopter. The main limitations of the external airbags application on a helicopter and statistical data of aviation incidents with various categories of helicopters are presented. According to the research results, a significant reduction in fuselage deformations when using external airbags has been shown. Finally, the conclusion is made that the positive effect of external airbags on the survival rate of people on board the helicopter.
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Shaydullin R. A., Bekerov A. R., Sabirzyanov A. N. Flow swirl impact at the rocket engine nozzle inlet on the flow coefficient. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 142-151. The main issue while rocket engine design, particularly the solid propellant rocket engine (SPRE), is ensuring indispensable engine characteristics, during which operation the probability of acoustic instability occurrence at various modes cannot be excluded. Application of various shapes of the solid propellant channel, grooves as well as combustion products flow swirling inside the engine, which, in turn, may both reduce the probability of the acoustic instability occurrence and increase it, facilitates this. The presented article considers the SPRE, which distinctive feature consists in the presence of the controlled flow swirling inside the combustion chamber.
The purpose of the work was studying impact of the swirled flow and various shapes of the classical inlet subsonic sections of the nozzle on the flow coefficient and forming recommendations for their application.
The state-of-the-art techniques of computational aero dynamics were employed for studying the flow coefficient of classical subsonic nozzle sections under the swirled flow impact. Numerical modelling was being performed employing classical models based on averaged Reynolds Navier-Stokes equations (RANS), which ensure optimal relationship between the obtained results accuracy and resource intensiveness. The RNG k— turbulent model with typical set of model constants, able to ensure the required accuracy according to declared goal and adopted assumptions, namely quasi-stationary axisymmetric adiabatic approximation of the ideal-gas formulation was being employed in the presented work.
Geometry of the computational model supposed application of classical subsonic nozzle sectors (bottoms) with variable parameters of the subsonic jet narrowing, inlet section, from which the swirled flow boundary conditions were being set, unchanged geometry of the supersonic part of the nozzle and extra volume behind the nozzle cutoff. The grid quality was being maintained constant when the computational model geometry changing.
Classical bottoms with conical, elliptical and flat shapes of the nozzle subsonic part, as well as the contour designed with Vitoshinsky formula were being studied in this work. The swirled flow intensity, characterized by the Higher-Baer coefficient Sn, was the boundary condition for the combustion products flow at the nozzle subsonic part inlet. The dependencies of the flow coefficient on the swirled flow intensity at various shapes of the nozzle subsonic part were obtained. The results of flow characteristics of the subsonic sectors contours under study are being compared with each other at the same swirled flow intensity. The article shows that the swirled flow intensity increasing at the nozzle subsonic part inlet up to Sn = 0.4 leads to the flow coefficient decrease by no more than 0.14%. The largest flow coefficient and more uniform velocity profile in the minimum section when the swirled flow feeding corresponds to the Vitoshinsky contour due to the smoother contour to the minimum nozzle section inlet. Recommendations on the parameters of the transitional sector from the cylindrical part of the chamber to the bottom contour and throat section of the inlet to the minimum section for various bottom shapes are presented. Radius of the inlet to the throat section minimum section has the greatest impact on the flow coefficient. | |
Prokhorenko I. S., Katashov A. V., Katashova M. I. Gas propulsion correcting unit for nanosatellites. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 152-165. The article presents the results of the compact propulsion unit developing for correcting nanosatellites of the CubeSat format based on a low-thrust gas thruster with the weight of no more than 2 kg, the overall size of no more than 1,5U, and peak energy consumption of no more than 10 W. The correcting gas propulsion unit is accomplished in the form of a monoblock. The unit has diminished size and ensures herewith the total thrust impulse of no less than 65 N·s due to application of the compressed Nitrogen with the pressure 35.3–39.2 MPa (360–400 kgf/cm2), with the initial weight of 0.09 kg as a working medium, and composite tanks for its storage with total volume of 0.25 liters. With the satellite weight of about 5 kg the characteristic velocity changing will be 12.5 m/s. In the course of the work, the experimental studies of the unit’s constituent parts, namely newly developed low-thrust engine of the electrical storage type, consisting of the chamber with the gas-dynamic nozzle and a small-size low-pressure control valve, start valve and a high-pressure control valve. The thrust of the developed engine is a function of the working gas pressure at the engine inlet. It changes from 0.196 N (20.0 gf) at the pressure of 578.5 kPa (5.9 kgf/cm2) to 0.098 N (10 gf) at the pressure of 313.7 kPa; the thrust specific impulse in the continuous mode is of no less than 687 m/s (70 s) at the working gas temperature of 20°C. Instead of pyro valve A newly developed start valve with shut-off element from the shape memory effect material, which energy consumption is of no more than 5 W was applied in the unit instead of the pyro valve. To adjust the working media in the receiver, the control valve with flow limiter, which limits consumption at working pressures from 14.7 to 39.2 MPa (from 150 to 400 kgs/cm2) is applied. It allowed reducing the valve energy consumption by 3.1 W, and decreasing the unit peak energy consumption by 26%. Instead of large-size filling necks, a filling unit with the weight of no more than 48 g was developed. Its main elements are a closure (metal-to-metal seal), a check ensuring safe operation of the device when propellant is being filled and vented, and a plug, which guarantees the the device tightness during operation phase after its tightening to the nominal torque at production phase. As the result of the presented work, a practical prototype of a small-sized gas propulsion system on compressed nitrogen was developed and designed to generate impulses to transfer a nanosatellite from the launching orbit to the target orbit, to maintain the required orbit during a specified nanosatellite lifetime and its exit from orbit. | |
Mkrtchyan M. K., Kochetkov Y. M. . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 166-174. Up to now, a problem of parameters’ accurate prediction at large Reynolds numbers is existing in gas dynamics science. The Navier-Stokes equation of motion is practically unsolvable with modern technology due to the lack of computational resources. With the Reynolds number increase, application of the finer mesh with small computational cells is necessary, which makes it almost impossible to calculate even elementary problems when employing direct numerical modeling.
Transition to solving simplified equations of motion is widespread. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations became the most popular. However, this approach is only a subterfuge containing inconsistencies while describing the true picture of the flow due to many assumptions. Besides, Reynolds equations are not substantiated experimentally. Nevertheless, practically all Russian and foreign electronic products of computational gas dynamics, such as: “Ansys”, “FlowVision”, “OpenFOAM”, etc., are based on the RANS equations.
Thus, an alternate approach to the turbulence description is being proposed. More understandable and physical like is the approach where turbulence is being characterized as a vortex flow, i.e. a flow in which rotational motion and torsion exist aside fr om the translational one. In other words, the flow will be laminar wh ere rotation and torsion do not present.
The article presents both computation and analysis of the gas-dynamic characteristics of a liquid-propellant rocket engine for laminar flow, with the purpose to realize a physically correct task, and significantly reduce the computational time by employing simpler equations. The studies were conducted in the laminar sublayer near the wall of the model chamber of a liquid-propellant rocket engine. The purpose of the work consisted also in writing a program code for obtaining the characteristics of the velocity field and its qualitative comparison with the computational results with the “Ansys” software package.
A system of equations for laminar flow consisted of the equations of continuity, motion and energy in the Poisson form is compiled and programmed in the Python programming language in the work being presented. Computation is performed for the chamber. The region of two by two cm and 41 by 41 mesh points is being set. The boundary conditions were being set in the form of the condition adhesion on the wall, tracking on the centerline, and artificial flow limiting at the outlet. Initial conditions are the longitudinal of u = 100 m/s and transverse of v = 0 m/s velocities, dynamic viscosity of μ= 10–4 Pa·s, the initial densities field value of ρ= 6 kg/m3.
The computational results were analyzed with the “Ansys” program. For this purpose, the flow computation near the wall was performed for the combustion chamber using the default turbulence model. As the result, the hypothesis for the laminar sublayer existence near the wall was confirmed, which substantiated the statement on the laminar flows application correctness while this program developing. The presence of this fact is of great importance in many computations such as computations for friction, heat exchange, and carried-away wall destruction. The computation of the flow near the wall, using the laminar model, was performed as well.
To assess the adequacy of the results obtained by the developed program, computations were made using the Euler equation. The velocities of the ideal gas obtained with the Euler equations are 3% greater than for the laminar case.
The profile obtained for laminar flow by the “Ansys” program qualitatively repeats the profile calculated in the equation program code in the laminar formulation.
The current lines concentration near the wall can be observed in the velocities field, which confirms the presence of a boundary layer, and the lines parallelism indicates its laminarity.
Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. A method and a program for the gas-dynamic characteristics computing of the liquid-propellant rocket engine for laminar flow are developed;
2. Testing with the “Ansys” program revealed a qualitative match with the calculations by the developed program;
3. The linear dependence of the velocity profiles near the chamber wall (the presence of a laminar sublayer) is shown; 4. The difference in absolute velocities due to the viscoelastic term is estimated at ~3%, which corresponds to the gas-dynamics losses of the specific thrust momentum. | |
Ragulin I. A., Aleksandrov V. V. Lag effect impact in the control system channel of highly automated aircraft on the control lever type selection and its command signal. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 177-188. The presented work studied the impact of the stick type (side stick or central stick) and parameters (stiffness and time delay). The difference between the «command signal by the displacement» control, and the «command signal by the force» control was studied for each variable as well. Each study was being conducted on the stationary simulator, when the operator performed the task of pitch and tilt control. The main part of the studies is being conducted with account of the sensory system characteristics (the force gradient) and the gain of the controlled element (the control stick sensitivity), which is being selected according to the operator’s judgment. The study was emphasized enough on revealing the difference between the control signal transmission type to the flight control system for both control types, namely by the displacement and by the force. The major portion of the study related to the error dispersion dependence revealing associated with by the stick type (side stick or central stick) and command signal (DSC or FSC).
Switching from the command signal by the displacement to the signal proportional to the force reduces the error dispersion by 30–50%.
For the longitudinal channel, switching from the DSC stick to the FSC one leads to the three times error dispersion reduction, the throughput band increase by 60-70%, and cut-off frequency increase by 10-30%.
The operator evaluates the control object by the Cooper-Harper scale at the level of 3-3.5 PR employing the central DSC stick. When working with the DSC side stick, the estimation is 2.5-3.0 PR. Switching to the signal proportional to the force leads to the estimation improvement for the central stick by 0.5 points and by one point for the side control stick.
For the lateral channel, switching from the DSC stick to the FSC one leads to the two times error dispersion reduction, the throughput band increase by 25%, and cut-off frequency increase by 10%.
The operator evaluates the control object by the Cooper-Harper scale at the level of 4-4.5 PR, steering with the central DSC stick «control by the displacement». When steering with the DSC side stick, the estimation is 4.5-5.0 PR. Switching to the signal proportional to the force leads to the estimation improvement for the central stick by 0.5 points and by 2.5-3.0 point for the side control stick. | |
Vereshchikov D. V., Zhuravskii K. A., Kostin P. S. Motion control quality assessment of maneuverable aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 191-205. The article presents the description of the study, consisting in assessment of the aircraft motion control quality by mathematical models of pilots actions while simulation, and a pilot-operator while semi natural modelling. Simulation modelling includes the following:
1) mathematical model based on the fuzzy sets theory;
2) mathematical model based on the theory of fuzzy sets with optimized parameters by the Broyden-Fletcher-Golfarbd-Shanno method;
3) mathematical model in the form of transfer functions.
The purpose of the study consists in creating a method for assessing the aircraft flight control.
The result of the study is the values of the root-mean square deviation (RMSD) of the of the aircraft movement kinematic parameters of the reference sampling of parameters (with the ideal fulfillment of the target piloting task) from the results of simulation and semi natural experiments. The places ranged by the RMSD ascending were assigned to mathematical models and semi natural experiment of the parameters under study to determine the best implementation by the quality and nature of control. All places were being added up. The implementation with the lowest sum is the best by the control quality and nature, which is imitation simulation of mathematical model, based on the fuzzy sets theory with optimized parameters (the sum of places equals to five). It has minimum RMSD by the three parameters. It occupies the second place in the ascending order.
Thus, a mathematical model based on the fuzzy sets theory with optimized parameters possesses all advantages of the mathematical model, based on the fuzzy sets theory (logicality of control). In other words, the dependence of the input parameters on the output ones is expressed by the logic rules, which allows the nonlinear system control, while its implementation simplicity does not require complex mathematical apparatus. The optimization algorithm allows compensating the disadvantage, such as the low quality of control, of the mathematical model base on the fuzzy logic theory.
The presented method for assessing the aircraft of movement control quality may be used for selecting a mathematical model of the pilot’s control actions, employed for studying the kinematic parameters of the aircraft movement at a specific target piloting task
Keywords: mathematical model of the pilot’s control actions, root-mean-square deviation of kinematic flight parameters, motion dynamics model of modern maneuverable combat aircraft, piloting-modelling test bench of a modern maneuverable combat aircraft. | |
Bibikov P. S., Belashova I. S., Prokof'ev M. V. Nitridation technology specifics of high-alloy corrosion-resistant steels of aviation purposes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 206-215. The article is devoted to a new gas nitridation method, which allows obtaining high-quality diffusion layers, meeting the requirements for operation of the products that running under severe conditions of sharp temperature changes and large sign-changing loads, particularly, for aircraft parts. The method consists in a combination of various temperature regimes at the ammonia and air concentration change in the furnace working part.
The authors propose the three-stage technology for the 03Cr11Ni10Mo2Ti steel nitridation. The first state ensures the surface restoration, oxides destruction, and guaranteed nitrided layer creation.
The high activity of the saturating atmosphere is being achieved by reducing the ammonia dissociation degree, as well as air oxygen binding with hydrogen while the ammonia decomposition. These processes ensure forming continuous nitrided layer on the surface The second stage ensures the passage of intense diffusion processes at a temperature of 550-600°C due to additional thermal cycling when concentration of the working mixture changing. The second stage duration is being determined by the required thickness of the diffusion zone. In the atmosphere of the pure ammonia, the third stage allows resolving to a certain extent the hard and brittle high-nitrogen surface layer, which itself becomes the source of nitrogen at the low activity of the saturating atmosphere. Nitrogen reflux inward the metal and reduction of its content on the surface begins herewith. The stage of diffusion allows the phase content changing of the surface, and reduce its brittleness due to the certain hardness decrease and plasticity increase, which excludes micro-cracks appearing on the ready parts, i.e. fulfill the task set by the industry.
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Ivanov Y. F., Rygina M. E., Petrikova E. A., Teresov A. D. Structure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic silumin irradiated by a pulsed electron beam. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 216-222. There are pre-eutectic (< 12 wt.% Si), eutectic (~12 wt.% Si), hypereutectic (> 12 wt.% Si) silumins. The structure of hypereutectic silumin consists of eutectic, primary grains of silicon, and intermetallic compounds based on iron, copper, etc. These elements are impurities getting into the alloy at the stage of melting from the charge.
Hypereutectic silumin is being employed in many branches of mechanical engineering as a material with good casting properties, which allows casting products of complex shapes. Low thermal expansion coefficient, high corrosion and wear resistance contribute to this alloy application as a material for plain bearings and pistons manufacturing.
Defects of macro and micro size pores and cracks emerge at the stage of casting. The size of the primary silicon grains reaches up to 100 microns while the castings cooling. The traditional methods application, such as alloying, changing the casting method, lead to the final product cost increasing, and restrictions on the casting shape appearing. Methods of materials’ high-energy processing ensure the surface recrystallization and of micro- and nano-crystalline structures forming.
The purpose of this work consists in analyzing the results obtained in mechanical tests performed under conditions of uniaxial tension of plane proportional hypereutectic silumin samples, subjected to a pulsed electron beam treatment.
The hypereutectic silumin alloy was prepared in a shaft type resistance laboratory electric furnace with silicon carbide heaters in a painted stainless steel crucible. The silicon content was 20 wt.%.
The obtained castings represented rectangular plates of the 55x120x20 mm size (without account for sprue), from which the samples of 15x15x5 mm size were being cut, as well as flat samples for the tensile tests.
Mechanical test of silumin were being brought about by the samples uniaxial stretching with the «INSTRON 3386» testing machine at a constant speed of 2.0 mm/min.
The studies of elemental and phase composition, the structure of the fracture surface were being performed by scanning electron microscopy («Philips SEM-515» and «LEO EVO 50» instruments) and transmission electron diffraction microscopy («JEOL JEM-2100F» instrument).
Due to the heating and cooling rates, the pulsed electron beam treatment allows for surface remelting, leading to the recrystallization of the layer up to 100–120 microns. The modified layer has a multiphase submicro-nanoscale structure, represented by high-speed crystallization cells separated by interlayers of the second phase, and globular silicon inclusions, which sizes vary from 1 µm to 2 µm. The article presents the studies of the samples fracture. The main cause of destruction has been revealed. The processing mode, leading to a multiple increase in plastic properties, without loss of strength properties was determined. | |
Bukichev Y. S., Bogdanova L. M., Spirin M. G., Shershnev V. A., Shilov G. V., Dzhardimalieva G. I. Composite materials based on epoxy matrix and titanium dioxide (IV) nanoparticles: synthesis, microstructure and properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 224-237. Titanium (IV) oxide nanopowder / epoxy polymer (n-TiO2/epoxy) nanocomposite films of 80-100 microns thickness were produced by adding n-TiO2 to the mixture of epoxy resin ED-20 and 4,4’-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) used as a hardener with subsequent curing. Phase composition, structure, and microstructure of the obtained nanocomposites were being studied by X-ray phase analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy (UV-vis). The phase composition of n-TiO2 particles and n-TiO2/epoxy resin composites, determined by the XRD, revealed the presence of two titanium (IV) oxide polymorphic modifications: anatase and rutile. The XRD patterns of the composites exhibit typical diffraction peaks for the cured ED-20. Based on the data obtained and using the Debye-Scherrer formula, the average nanocrystallite size was calculated to be 45 and 140 nm for the initial nanoparticles and those incorporated into polymer (4.2 wt.%), respectively. Apparently, aggregation of n-TiO2 at this concentration leads to formation of microcomposite. XRD results agree with the data of scanning electron microscopy.
The particle size distribution histograms generated from the SEM data exhibit that while the n-TiO2/epoxy resin formation, the diameter of the particles increases from 46 nm to 80 nm for the initial n-TiO2 powder and the composite respectively, even at a relatively low nano-filler concentration of 0.5 wt. %. An increase in the n-TiO2 size occurs possibly as the result of the nanoparticles aggregation processes.
The structure of the obtained n-TiO2/epoxy resin nanocomposites was confirmed by the IR spectroscopy data as well.
Adding n-TiO2 slightly changes the DSC profile of the pure epoxy resin, moving the peak maximum corresponding to the curing reaction towards lower temperatures. The reaction enthalpy increases from 98.8 kJ/mol to 119.3 kJ/mol.
The n-TiO2 particles may have a twofold effect on the cure kinetics of the ED-20 resin. The presence of hydroxyl groups on their surface should accelerate the curing reaction. On the other hand, hydroxyl groups of the n-TiO2 are capable of forming intermolecular bonds with epoxy resin, reducing the reactivity of epoxy groups in reaction with DDM and integrating into the forming network, possibly generating more complex structures. The detailed mechanism of such processes requires further studies. Photo-activity of the n-TiO2/epoxy resin nanocomposite under the UV irradiation was studied. | |
Komov A. A., Echevskii V. V. Reverse capacity and aircraft thrust reverse application efficiency. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 7-18. The article considers the issues associated with clarification of terms concerning thrust reverse, and requiring refinement in view of formulations and comprehension inaccuracy:
The existing values of the factor of reversing R = = 0,4...0,5 do not indicate the degree of the reversing device (RD) structural perfection, as is commonly believed, but rather their gas-dynamic imperfection, since, significant losses of the total pressure of about 50% arise while the gas flow U-turn in the reversing devices. The aircraft reverse capacity (Qrev = R/Glw), where R is the reverse thrust value and Glw is the aircraft landing weight, also cannot represent the factor, defining the thrust reversing effectiveness, since excessive reverse capacity leads to the reverse thrust excessiveness and run length increase. A certain value of optimal reverse thrust, depending on external aerodynamics of the power plant, exists for each airplane type. There should be a possibility of the engine reverse thrust control value over wide range to employ a certain engine for various types of aircraft. Thus, the reverse thrust value depends on the aircraft layout, and it is a belonging to not only the engine, but to the aircraft as well. Reverse thrust application effectiveness on the aircraft is higher at the reverse jets fluxion optimization, than at the reverse thrust optimization. Efficiency improving of application of the thrust reverse means fulfilling the following three indicators:
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Moshkov P. A., Samokhin V. F. Problems of light propeller-driven airplane design with regard to community noise requirements. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 19-34. Recently, the tendency towards International Regulatory Requirements on civil aircraft community noise toughening is being observed. Modern manned aerial vehicles under design should be less noisy than the aircraft being operated at present. Modern aircraft design is being performed with regard to current and prospective International regulations on the community noise. Thus, the urgency of the acoustic design issue provision in the framework of the civil aircraft lifetime is beyond any doubt. At the same time, information on what works should be performed at various stages of the new light propeller-driven airplane creation to ensure its successful certification on the community noise and competitiveness at the world market is not presented in published works. The purpose of the presented work consists in concept forming of light propeller-driven airplane design in the framework of the product lifecycle, as well as analysis of the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) certification test database to determine requirements to the aircraft being designed and the effect of various factors on certification noise levels The article demonstrates the role and place of aero-acoustic studies in the new aircraft design. Based on the EASA acoustic certification test database analysis, the article revealed that the value of noise level margin, average for all light propeller-driven airplanes, being certified according to the clause 10.4b of the ICAO Standard, was 6 dBA. The impact of blades number and propeller diameter, as well as apparent power of the power plant and presence of exhaust noise silencers of the internal combustion engine on the airplanes community noise was considered. The presented structure of works in the field of aero-acoustics while the a light propeller-driven aircrafts design can be employed in the design of propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles of an airplane type as well. Requirements to the unmanned aerial vehicles should additionally account for the degree of its audibility and acoustic signature, and flight tests in this case will be preliminary (developmental) test. | |
Neruchek A. O., Kotlyarov E. Y. Alternative layout of lunar landing module radiative heat exchanger and its thermal analysis based on computational experiment. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 35-44. Theoretical analysis of alternative layout option application feasibility of the radiative heat exchanger (RHX) for lunar landing module (LM) was performed. Being a part of the landing module working option, the RHX consists of two parts. Both parts are installed above the unpressurized instrument bay and oriented towards the zenith by their working surfaces. Controlled removal of the excessive heat fr om the LM is being performed by the said RHX. The selected RHX size and configuration lim it the working spaces of the equipment installed on the LM, in particular, cameras, antennae, navigation instruments and manipulators. One part of the already exited RHS remains on the LM top, reducing slightly its size. The authors suggest placing the other part of the RHX near the LM side edge, instead of the solar panel, which stays at the shade for the most part of the lunar day. Placed in a like manner, the RHS vertical part will be less dependable on the temperature changes on the lunar surface, but the RHX total area increasing should compensate the expected cooling capacity losses of the LM thermal control system (TCS). The authors performed comparison of characteristics of the state-of-the-art RHX and the RHX in the configuration proposed within the framework of the presented work by the specially developed mathematical program employing computational experiment. The results confirm that application of the alternative RHX layout allows preserving the RHX integral cooling capacity, and opens new possibilities for the equipment installing at the expense of the space releasing at the LM upper part. A zone in the replaceable solar battery area can be considered as one of the options for the LM’s TCS cooling capacity increasing as a place for the third RHX placing. | |
Kishkin A. A., Zuev A. A., Delkov A. V., Shevchenko Y. N. Analytical approach while studying equations of boundary layer impulses at the flow in the inter-blade channel of gas turbines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 45-60. Severe requirements on energy and operation parameters are placed to the gas turbines’ air-gas channels designing. Velocities distribution along the length of the interblade channel affects significantly the working body heat transfer to the structural elements, and velocity and pressure distribution profiles affect, in the first place, the temperature boundary layer profile distribution. It is essential to account for the specifics of the flow in the inter-blade channel, which represents a radial channel. Convoluted, non-closed lines of the flow with transverse pressure gradient, which significantly affect the slope of the flow bottom lines, and, correspondingly, the temperature boundary layer formation and transformation, are being realized in this radial channel. Joint solution of the momentum and energy equations of the spatial boundary layer for the considered radial cavities of the inter-blade channel is necessary, which represents up-to-date scientific and engineering problem. In [1, 2-4] the authors proposed analytical approach to hydrodynamic and thermal parameters determining in gas turbines’ rotation cavities with closed circular lines and transverse pressure gradient. However, the flow line is non-closed in the interchannel cavities, and solution of dynamics and energy equations is being significantly complicated. The article considered the analytical approach to integrating momentum equations of the dynamic and spatial boundary layer for the flow-around surfaces of the curvilinear shape in the natural curvilinear system of coordinates with the presence of the transversal pressure gradient. The initial system of differential equations for the dynamic spatial boundary layer was integrated on the boundary layer thickness. As the result, a system of momentum equations in projections to the directions of natural coordinates was obtained. The system of equations is presented in a more General form, in contrast to the already known solutions of G.Yu. Stepanov [6] and S.N. Shkarbul [7, 8], performed with account for the flow characteristics in the inter-blade channel of an axial turbine and along the cover disk of the impeller of a centrifugal pump, respectively. The suggested notation of the equation allows integrating in the case of the non-potential external flow over the surface of an arbitrary shape. To solve the problem of the surface flow-around with account for the heat exchange, the joint solution of the obtained momentum equations and integral relation of energy of the temperature spatial boundary layer written in the natural curvilinear system of coordinates [5]. The resulting equations represent the parabolic type equations and require the finite-difference schemes application to solve them. To verify the obtained results, numerical studies of equations for the radial sector were performed. Theoretical and experimental studies of the flow were performed in the radial sector (without accounting for the heat exchange) in the range of radii of Rmax = 0.169 m and Rmin = 0.031 m, at the flow angle of rotation from 0 to 90°. The flow velocity at the maximum radius varied within 5 ... 50 m/s, which corresponded to a change in the Reynolds number of ReU = 5.6•104...5.6•105. Computational results are in satisfactory agreement with the results of these current lines visualization for the flow in the rectangular channel with cylindrical side walls along the circumferential guides. | |
Filinov E. P., Kuz'michev V. S., Tkachenko A. Y., Ostapyuk Y. A. Determining required turbine cooling air flow rate at the conceptual design stage of gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 61-73.
The primary trend in effectiveness improving of gas turbine engines consists in coordinated increase of the working process parameters, such as turbine inlet temperature (TIT) and overall pressure ratio (OPR), bypass ratio (BPR) together with efficiency increasing of engine subassemblies. Alongside with that, the requirements on the engine reliability and life enhancement are being put forward. Ensuring the required engine life at high gas temperatures prior to the turbine is possible only by turbine blades and vanes cooling, or switching to the blades materials, which do not require cooling, such as ceramics. The turbine cooling strongly affects the engine efficiency, comparable to the turbine aerodynamic characteristics, and should be accounted for while the gas turbine engine working process optimization. The turbine blades’ design and materials permanent improvement leads to decreasing the air flow volume required for the turbines cooling. Thus, the experimental and theoretical data on the aircraft gas turbine engine turbines cooling require regular analysis and generalization. One of the first models for predicting the required air flow rate for cooling was developed by Holland and Thake in 1980. Ever since these models are permanently developing and become more and more detailed. It is well-known that the increased air flow rate for turbines cooling always entails the specific fuel consumption increase and the engine specific thrust (power) decrease. The engine specific parameters exert determinative affect the engine efficiency figures and, hence, its parameters optimization criteria at the conceptual design stage. In this respect, the necessity to analyze and generalize the well-known dependencies of relative air flow rate on the turbine cooling aroused. As consequence of the performed studies, the published theoretical and experimental data on the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines cooling was analyzed. The generalized graphical dependencies allowed obtaining the models, on which basis the algorithms for determining the required air flow rate of the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines cooling dependence on the gas temperature prior to the turbine. These dependencies can be employed while various tasks solving at the engine conceptual design stage. Particularly, the universal model, allowing determine the required air flow rate for cooling depending on the cooling depth in the wide range of gas temperatures prior to the turbine, ensuring goal functions unimodelity while solving optimization problems. The studies continuation will consist in developing more accurate models of the aviation gas turbine engines’ turbines being cooled for conceptual design stage, in particular by accounting for the new structural solutions. | |
Kaplin M. A., Mitrofanova O. A., Bernikova M. Y. Development of very low-power PlaS-type plasma thrusters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 74-85. The article presents an overview and current development status at the EDB Fakel of prospective PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S very low-power plasma thrusters to be applied as a part of small spacecraft. The study of the world technical level of plasma thruster development was performed. General requirements defining competiveness and high commercialization potential of the thrusters, being developed at the EDB Fakel on the world space market were set forth. The article recounts a brief chronology of the design stages, demonstrates experimental results of the thruster laboratory prototype testing, and recounts further tasks to be fulfilled on this project. Perspective spaceflight tasks require from small spacecraft an autonomous execution of orbit maneuvers both in the near-Earth and in interplanetary space, for which a low power propulsion system, capable of functioning under conditions of the small spacecraft onboard power supply deficit (up to 100 W) is necessary. The super low power plasma thrusters can fill the empty niche [1] of the small spacecraft movement control systems, and provide the small spacecraft of potential customer with high values of the total thrust impulse for orbital maneuvers performing. To secure the EDB Fakel leading position at the small spacecraft world market, scientific and research works on developing PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S competitive plasma thrusters of very low-power and enhanced thrust efficiency, based on brand new technical solutions, were initiated. PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S thrusters are the result of the previously developed PlaS-type thrusters concept adaptation at EDB Fakel for very low-power applications [2]. While the PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S thrusters developing the primary efforts are aimed at ensuring the key parameters of these products such as a very low discharge power and high thrust efficiency. The standard size type of the products being developed is the mean diameter of their discharge chambers, which is equal to 10 mm. The PlaS-10 thruster is based on an inner cylindrical anode, and contains a low flow rate hollow cathode-compensator previously developed by EDB Fakel, characterized by relatively high (as applied to a small spacecraft) energetic and mass and size parameters. With the purpose to further improving integral and mass and size parameters of the product, an option of the PlaS-10S structure, employing newly developed thermo-emission cathode-compensator with directly heated filament emitter, requiring less electric power for its functioning, was developed. Besides, the external cylindrical anode was implemented to determine experimentally the best anode configuration in the PlaS-10S thruster. The small spacecraft of the nearest future based on PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S super low power plasma thrusters will be able to accomplish all types of potential flight tasks, requiring high values of the total thrust impulse available onboard a small spacecraft. These tasks may range from maintaining relative position of a small spacecraft as a part of strict formation of low-orbit multi-satellite systems to accomplishing the exploratory small spacecraft flights into deep space. The high potential of modernization herewith, encumbered into the thruster structure at the stage of development, defines the possibility of thrusters’ thrust and energy characteristics enhancing with the course of time, which is the key factor capable of ensuring the high level of the PlaS-10 and PlaS-10S competiveness supporting in the future. | |
Baklanov A. V. Burner geometry impact on gas turbine engine combustion chamber characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 86-95. Fuel burning in the combustion chamber is being accompanied by toxic substances formation. Carbon oxides, having deleterious effect on both human and environment, represent a particular danger among them. In this regard, the article solves an actual problem of determining the optimal combustion chamber gaseous fuel supply to ensure low carbon oxide emission. The article presents the experimental solution of the emission reduction of the deleterious and polluting substances at the combustion chamber outlet, and the test bench equipment description. It considers three options of burners, differing by the nozzle extension design. The atomizer geometry remains unchanged. The article presents the results of firing test of the three burners with different nozzle extensions. The flame structure comparison of the three burners was performed. Parameters estimation of the burners was carried out, and the burner with minimum value of nitrogen oxide and carbon oxide in the combustion products samples was selected. Temperature field at the outlet of the combustion chamber bay with three types of burners was studied. The article presents the results of deleterious and polluting substances emissions measurements from the bay with the burners of various design. Combustion efficiency was determined as well. Inferences on the burner option most acceptable for implementation with the engine were drawn by the results of the performed work. | |
Aung K. M., Kolomentsev A. I., Martirosov D. S. Mathematical modelling of liquid rocket engine flow regulator in frequency and time domains. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 96-106. The article presents mathematical model of the liquid propellant rocket engine (LPRE) flow regulator and the study of its static characteristics, such as fuel component consumption dependence on the pressure difference, and dynamic characteristics, such as regulator amplitude-frequency response. The study was performed by the developed mathematical model, which unlike the well-known domestic and foreign counterparts ensures the most complete description of the fuel consumption regulation processes. It demonstrates that dynamic characteristics in technical systems are being determined by the areas of its movable part (slide-valve) and differential orifices. The liquid flow regulator is one of the main units of any LPRE. These regulators are designate for maintaining the fuel components consumption keeping with the specified accuracy, or its varying according to the certain law under conditions of internal and external disturbing factors varying. They are being employed in the modern multimode engines such as RD-253, RD-120, RD-170, RD-180, SSME, RL-10 as actuating elements. The flow regulators employed in the LPRE are being separated into the two groups: direct- and indirect-acting regulators. The direct-acting regulators found wide application in modern LPRE. The direct-acting regulators are being applied as a rule at a flow rate m*g ≤0.2 kg/s, though they can be employed at greater flow rates, if high performance ensuring is necessary. A feature of all flow regulators is their ability to control the flow rate and maintain the flow rate only at relatively slow changes of control and disturbing impacts in time. The article presents a system of equations, describing working processes at the fuel components regulator normal functioning. Mathematical model of the improved direct-acting thrust regulator design for the LPRE with oxidizing gaz afterburning, allowing substantially increase effectiveness of automated for engine control and diagnostics systems. As the result of modelling, the dependencies of flow rate through the regulator on the angular position of the actuator and pressure difference at the regulator were obtained. Recommendations on flow rate regulations modernization for the engines of the RD-170 family were given based on the obtained results. The results can be used while flow regulators designing and their state diagnostics while testing. | |
Sotskov I. A. Developing mathematical model of the 3d turbulent flow of combustion products in solid propellant rocket engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 107-114. The article presents a description of the unsteady turbulent separated incompressible 3D flows of products in solid propellant rocket engines by the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations intended for incompressible fluids. It is shown herewith that the differential one-parameter model, proposed by Spalart-Allmaras, as well as the SARC and SALSA models can be employed to perform turbulence simulation of the 3D flow of products in solid propellant rocket engine. These models can be applied for the averaged Navier-Stokes equations closing and simulating the unsteady turbulent separated incompressible 3D product flows in solid propellant rocket motors. It is necessary to perform calculation of the processes, occurring inside the solid propellant rocket engine, with physical and technical characteristics determining of this engine, associated with the thrust, fuel consumption combustion chamber operation parameters etc., based on the numerical modelling methods application, in the course of the solid propellant engines development and design. Mathematical models were proposed herewith for describing transients with igniter actuation; with warming-up, further ignition and solid propellant burning transients. They describe as well the non-stationary transients from the simple to heterogenic flow, originating due to the movement of air and solid propellant products formed in the combustion chamber of the rocket engine; and those associated with the process of the solid propellant rocket engine plug movement. Of all types of rocket engines employed as propulsion systems for various purpose aircraft, solid propellant rocket engines, along with the liquid propellant rocket engines, are the most widespread ones. This fact is being confirmed by the widespread application of solid fuel rocket engines as cruising propulsion systems in the objects from operational tactical missiles to launch vehicles of various classes; the solid fuel rocket engines application for braking wasted stages of launch vehicles; as well as for the spacecraft extra acceleration while transitions from transfer orbits to the required final orbits. Besides, the propulsion systems based on solid propellant rocket engines have found wide application as boosters with the purpose of increasing the energy capabilities of launch vehicles and expand the range of target tasks they are solving. The foregoing determines the relevance of the research. This research associates with the modern methodological support development, which includes the problems formulation; creation of mathematical models, algorithms and programs for solving the problems of the initial stage of the objects designing and, in particular, creation of a method for calculating the 3D flow of combustion products in solid fuel rocket engines of promising aircraft devices. | |
Ivanov P. I., Krivorotov M. M., Kurinnyi S. M. Experiment informativity in flight tests of parachute systems. Decision making. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 126-136. The presented article deals with the quantitative assessment of the flight experiment informativity content in the course of flight tests, and the issues of decision-making by the results of parachute systems (PS) tests. It states the main goal and objectives of the PS flight tests. High-grade and effective solution of the main tasks of the PS flight tests necessarily requires high level of the flight experiment results informativity. The article considers in detail the flight experiment informativity as the local criterion for the experiment effectiveness evaluating. The concept of informativity includes the quantity and quality of results; informative content sufficient for making a competent (correct) decision when determining the purpose of further research; the methodology correctness for organizing (preparing and conducting) a flight experiment. The authors formulated the concept of informative content of the experiment. The article considers a number of methods for various-level evaluation of the informative content of the flight experiment results. In the most simplest case, i.e. at the lowest level of the hierarchy, the informative content of the experiment is being quantified by a coefficient equal to the ratio of the volume of information obtained in the experiment to the planned volume. The next higher level in the hierarchical structure of the informative content of the flight experiment is associated with probabilistic approach to the problem. The informative content of the experiment can also be quantified by the probability of obtaining an unequivocal answer to the question posed by the experimenter, which allows making the only correct decision on further research trends selection. The next much higher level in the hierarchy structure of the flight experiment information content is associated with the quantitative assessment of the information by the Hartley, Shannon formulas as is being done in information theory and coding, as without regard and with account for the jamming impact. Obtaining sufficient amount of reliable information from the flight experiment allows directly proceed to the next important stage, namely making a decision on the results of the PS flight tests. The article presents the optimal variant of a decision-making process typical block diagram based on the results of informative content experiments. The flight experiment results of the PS flight tests is of fundamental importance for the decision-making processes on the further research trends, since both testing terms and their cost significantly depend on it. | |
Vasil’eva N. V., Dedkova E. V., Kutnik I. V., Fokin V. E., Chub N. A., Yurchenko E. S. Simulator stand designing for cosmonauts training to perform visual-instrumental observations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 115-125. The International Space Station Russian Segment (the ISS RS) development along with the increasing number of scientific and applied research and experiments performed by cosmonauts onboard the space station actualize the issue of ensuring high-quality training for the scientific program implementation. Visual-instrumental observations of the Earth from space (VIOs) are one of the most informative methods of Earth’s remote probing, employed in manned space exploration. They are intended for observing natural and anthropogenic objects, phenomena occurring in outer space, atmosphere, on ocean and land surface (cyclones formation and typhoons origination, volcanic activity, thunderstorms, forest fires, bio-productive areas in the oceans, and processes in the upper atmosphere). The experience of domestic cosmonauts training for the VIOs performing is indicative of the importance of cosmonauts training process at all of its stages. Cosmonauts training in this line should represent educational and training process oriented on cosmonauts’ mastering theoretical basics of experimental research on topical problems of earth sciences, studying physiographic specifics of territories and acquiring necessary skills and abilities on searching and identifying the objects under study, as well as practical application of the onboard equipment for remote geosystems’ probing. Selection of research trends onboard the ISS is based on the basic principles of the Federal Space Program of Russia, foreseeing studying of the Earth surface, Moon studying and exploration, observing various processes and phenomena on both Earth and Lunar surface. This puts forward the requirements to cosmonauts’ training on this trend of their professional activities at all stages of their training for the space flight. These requirements consist, in the first place, in the necessity for the theoretical training, as well as conducting practicum and training using informational resources of specialized simulators that simulate visual situation under conditions of the ISS flight, and flights for aero-visual observations of test sections of land and sea. Creation of simulator for cosmonauts’ training to perform VIO based on employing digital Earth surface model allows enhancing effectiveness and quality of cosmonauts training to perform the spaceflight onboard the ISS. In the course of design and development of the simulator stand for cosmonauts’ training to perform VIO a comprehensive analysis of specific features and conditions for the VIO performing, characteristics of the scientific equipment in use, as well as available experience of cosmonauts’ training on prospective space programs, including flights to the Moon and near-Lunar space, was performed. | |
Chebakova A. A., Ganyak O. I., Tkachenko O. I. Speed control channel automation while aircraft aerial refueling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 137-146. Currently, aerial refueling is being employed to increase the aircraft flight range and duration. Refueling an aircraft in manual actuation through all control channels is one of the most difficult and stressful modes of piloting for a pilot, and requires high qualification and long training. This is being especially complicated by negative factors such as:
The article considers the speed control algorithm at all stages of the aircraft aerial refueling mode:
The purpose of the article consists in the speed control algorithm development at all stages of the aircraft aerial refueling mode. The main objectives of the article are as follows:
Speed control automation while aerial refueling should be performed through auto-throttle. Its algorithm should include the law of the specified relative speed of the aircraft and tanker, based on their mutual position. To be more exact, it means the mutual position of drogue and cone, as well as drogue and a certain element on the trailing edge in the area of the unit installation after the contact and while fuel pumping. While the algorithm developing, classical approaches to flying vehiles’ control systems design, mathematical modelling methods and simulation on the flight simulator were employed. Simulation results on the flight simulator revealed the operability of the algorithm ensuring speed control of the aircraft being fueled relative to the tanker. A system of technical vision, operating in real-time scale onboard the aircraft being fuelled, can be employed to ensure the aircraft refueling autonomy. The proposed algorithm for the auto-throttle signal generating can be considered hereafter as an element of ensuring automated aerial refueling of the aircraft. | |
Salmin V. V., Petrukhina K. V., Kvetkin A. A. Approximate calculation of initial conditions of a spacecraft with solar electric-rocket propulsion plant starting while transferring from highly elliptic orbit to geostationary one. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 147-160. The subject of this research is ballistic schemes optimization for the spacecraft with solar electric propulsion system. The article considers the problem of the initial conditions search for a spacecraft launch, at which the total time of its staying in the shadow at the insertion phase would be minimal. The total duration of shadow sections during interorbital flight will depend on the relative position of the Sun and the spacecraft’s orbital plane. To solve the problem of the initial launch conditions selection, the dependence of the shadow section duration on the set of ballistic parameters, such as the ascending node longitude, the perigee argument, and the launch date of the flight, is being considered. A ballistic scheme for leading out, at which elliptica transfer orbit forming is being performed by the upper stage of the rocket-carrier is selected, and a spacecraft finishing up to the working orbit is being performed by its own electric propulsion unit. The article proposes a model for duration computing of the orbit shadow sections. Equations of motion in osculating elements are assumed as a mathematical model of the spacecraft controlled motion under the impact of the electric propulsion. An algorithm for solving the problem of optimal initial flight conditions search has been developed. The total duration of a spacecraft with the solar propulsion unit staying in the Earth shadow along the whole trajectory of the multi-turn flight was accepted as an optimality criterion. The following parameters, namely the launch date — perigee argument — the ascending node longitude, were selected as the optimized parameters of the elliptical orbit. Computations of the spacecraft flight trajectories from high-elliptical orbit to the geostationary one for three initial orbit inclinations, performed with variation of the parameters being optimized, were carried out. The spacecraft launch windows and corresponding initial conditions of the orbit, rational in terms of the flight duration reduction, were found based on the simulation results. Analysis of the simulation results array revealed that launching date selection did not affect significantly the flight time at optimal combinations of the perigee argument and the ascending node longitude, and the time difference for the flights in 2020 lies within the limits of 1%. The combination of the initial ascending node longitude and the perigee argument has a much greater impact than the launch date selection. The worst combinations of these parameters may increase the maneuver time by 12% of the minimum value, which gives their optimization the highest priority. Thus, the flight initial conditions selecting is an important problem of the low-thrust interorbital flights optimizing. It may be noted as well that while flights with three initial values of the orbital inclinations simulating, a tendency for the increase in the relative difference in flight time between the optimal and non-optimal initial flight conditions with a decrease in the initial orbit inclination was found. As the result, the orbits with lower initial inclinations are more demanding in the initial parameters selection. The article demonstrates the possibility of the approximate optimal control method and the «NEOS» software application for the flight tasks with account for shadow sections, including those with multiple simulation. The obtained results can be applied for evaluating the design ballistic parameters of a spacecraft with electric propulsion unit flight, as well as determining the optimal initial launch conditions. | |
Rasulov Z. N., Kalugina M. S., Remshev E. Y., Afim’in G. O., Avetisyan A. R., Elfimov P. V. Studying isostatic pressing of samples being produced by the slm method for new components manufacturing of the combustion chamber housing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 161-174. Escalating requirements to the new products characteristics are associated with improvements in design, which in its turn leads to the need of new materials and technologies developing for parts manufacturing. The present-day materials allow substantial improvement of the products functional properties and required service life, but very often due to drastic increase in their cost. Thus, their properties would be employed most effectively while developing material-saving technologies for their preparation and processing. Selective laser melting (SLM) technology is one of the most effective technologies for metal products manufacturing without machining. A layer-by-layer application of metal powder of the specified grain-size composition on the forming-up platform and laser hatching of the current section according to the pre-developed CAD-model are performed while the installation operation. The process is being cyclically repeated until completion of the part forming process. To prevent oxidation, the synthesis process is performed in the sealed chamber in the inert gas medium. The 3D-printing technology has a defect such as the structure porosity and unattainability of the required level of mechanical and operational properties. Anisotropy of properties is being observed in the products manufactured by the SLM technology. The key factor affecting the properties of the synthesized material is the presence of porosity, cracks and unmelted granules. With this regard, additive technologies application for the critical parts manufacturing is being complicated, and their full-scale implementation in high-tech industries is being retarded. While products shaping the whole layer (current section) of the part is being divided into separate square-shaped fragments called «islets», each of which is fused by the laser. The fragments are being fused according to a predetermined algorithm, developed in such a way as to localize the internal stresses of the metal in a small area, which allows obtaining homogeneous and dense structure with minimum porosity. Argon was used as an inert medium. From the viewpoint of the process parameters optimization, it is necessary to achieve density of the part being synthesized close to 100% with maximum printing speed. Pores of the alloys obtained by the synthesis employing the SLM technology are of different nature, such as shrinkage pores formed due to incomplete cavities filling with liquid metal; gas, spherical pores, caused by the capture of gas in the bath melt at the excessive overmelting; as well as non-melted areas formed due to lack of energy for their fusion. The unmelted areas may have the shape of the structure discontinuities due to the laser power deficiency and irregular structural formations due to excessive scanning speed. The presence of large pores in the material herewith leads to degradation of the material strength characteristics. The alloys were being subjected to the cold isostatic pressing on the specially developed installation for the porosity reduction. The article presents the results of the studies of the impact on the size, pores number and alloys structure of the cold isostatic pressing of the samples fabricated from the heat-resistant alloys, obtained by the selective laser melting technique of metal powders. It demonstrates that cold isostatic pressing application with the SLM-alloys allows substantial (about twice) reduction in pores size and number. The effect of the 316L SLM-alloy hardening manifesting in the hardness increase of the surface layer at the room temperature was revealed. | |
Kovalev A. A., Rogov N. V. Evaluation of quality indicator dispersion depending on technological process parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 175-186. The article addresses the issue of determining the nominal value of roughness and its dispersion as the result of the outer surface of the «Rotor shaft of a gas turbine engine» part turning, being an element of the rotor part of an aircraft gas turbine engine. The article describes a technique for establishing interrelation between the parameters of technological environments with quality indicators obtained as the result of processing in these technological environments. The technique is illustrated by the example roughness evaluating of the part outer surface as the result of turning. The article consists of three main parts: introduction, the main part and conclusions. The introduction performs the analysis of literature related to the problem of establishing interrelations between the technological environments parameters and operational and technical characteristics of products. The rationale for the need to establish such dependencies is being presented. The main part provides a technique for assessing the value and dispersion of parts’ quality indicators depending on the values of the of technological environments parameters. Based on the results of this evaluation, a conclusion is being made on the probability of finding the value of the considered quality indicator within the specified limits. The technique is being illustrated by the example of roughness forming on the outer surface of the «Rotor shaft of a gas turbine engine» part while fine turning. The required roughness value is no more than Ra0.4. Based on computational results, probability evaluation of obtaining roughness of no more than Ra0.4 is being performed for the two different groups of technological environment parameters. The probability was 0.55 for the option A, and 0.71 for the option B. It is noted in the conclusions that despite the fact that the probability value is greater for the option B than for the option A, in some cases the option A will be preferable, since the roughness values obtained while processing in a technological environment with these parameter values are of lower dispersion, i.e. more stable. The article indicates that the obtained roughness values will affect the operational and technical characteristics of the product, including reliability. | |
Bogdanov K. A. Studying ultrasonic oscillations impact on the surface roughness at the electrical discharge machining. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 187-199. The studies on estimation of the external ultrasonic field impact on the surface quality of the obtained small diameter orifices in corrosion-resistant steels and electric discharge machining productivity were performed within the framework of the presented work. The purpose of the performed studies consists in determining quantitative characteristic of the roughness indicator when small-diameter orifices processing by electrical discharge machining with ultrasonic oscillation superposition the part under treatment or EDM tool. The combined machining method is based on superposition of thermal action of the electric current impulses, fed continuously to the section of the workpiece being machined, with forced impact of ultrasonic oscillations for erosion products evacuation from the inter-electrode gap. The 12Х18Н10Т-grade austenitic stainless steel was selected as the material to be machined for experimental studies for accuracy increasing,while the small-diameter orifices through-piercing, the presented work employs the guide alignment bushing, made of wearproof dielectric material, trough which the electrode-tool is delivered and fixed. Based on preliminary studies on the process fluid selection, preference was given to the IonoPlus IME-MH synthetic dielectric fluid for axial drilling machines, which is applied for finishing and semifinishing. Process fluid is forcefully fed through the guide sleeve. Prior to the experiments commence, a study was performed to select the ultrasonic field sources. Piezoceramic and magnetostrictive ultrasonic field sources were being considered. Based on the previous experiments, a magnetostrictive transducer was selected, which has a wider range of oscillations amplitude adjustment. The machining time was recorded with a calibrated stopwatch; and the tool wear was recorded by touching the surface of the part before and after machining. The article considers methods and technological solutions on the effective small-size orifices machining aimed at quality enhancement of the machined surface and electrical discharge technology productivity. In the process of experimental studies, various options for the ultrasonic head installing and the electrolyte supply direction to the treatment zone were applied The modes and schemes for the parts samples treatment were obtained based on the materials selection for the electrode-tool and operation modes of electrical discharge and ultrasonic equipment. Experimental results allow comparing electrical discharge machining methods by technological indicators of machining time and the obtained surface quality. Thereby, they give notion on ultrasonic oscillations impact on the productivity, accuracy and quality of electro-erosion piercing of the small-size diameter orifices. The experimental studies revealed that the high-frequency oscillations transmitting to the electrodetool lead to productivity increasing due to h short-circuit prevention between the EDM-tool and part being processes. Graphical interpretations of the obtained numerical values allow quantifying the relationship between the processing time and the EDM tool wear, with account for various schemes of the ultrasonic application while piercing orifices in the samples of plates and nozzles. The studies of the orifices’ treated surfaces roughness, obtained by the electrical discharge machining with the ultrasonic oscillations superposition and working fluid flowing into the processed zone were performed. The superposition of ultrasonic oscillations to the EDM tool facilitates obtaining a low roughness in comparison with the roughness obtained by traditional EDM machining by 15-25% due to a decrease in the number of burns and short-circuits. | |
Zhigulin I. E., Emel’yanenko K. A., Sataeva N. E. Studying ultrasonic oscillations impact on the surface roughness at the electrical discharge machining. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2021, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 200-212. In recent years, one of the prospective and highly competitive trends in the field of anti-icing materials creation is the development of passive ice-phobic coatings, oriented not only at the ice accumulation reduction on the surface while contacting with the hitting atmospheric water droplets, but being able to completely suppress ice formation under certain weather conditions. The ice-phobic coating should demonstrate the following properties to achieve stable anti-icing characteristics:
For application in aviation industry, the ice-phobic coating should display firmness to the extended abrasive loadings and cyclic temperature difference. A TSAGI-831 aviation profile and a flat plate were selected as tested aircraft aerodynamic elements. Both samples were made of the D16 aluminum. To impart water- and ice-repellent properties on the material surface of the samples being tested, super-hydrophobic coatings were being created. The method for super-hydrophobic cooatings processing on the aluminum alloys was developed at the RAS Institute of Physical Chemistry. The tests on checking the effectiveness of the ice forming prevention and ice removal were performed on the EU-1 FSUE «TSAGI» artificial icing test bench under artificial icing conditions by the Appendix C, AP-25. The tests results confirm their high anti-icing ability: the time before appearance of the first ice deposits on the surface of the super-hydrophobic coating after the aerosol flow starting was four minutes. Reduced ice accumulation and spontaneous ice removal phenomenon form the super-hydrophobic coatings surface were registered. Ice accumulation was being observed on reference sample without coating right after the flow commencing. All above said indicates the high potential of the developed super-hydrophobic coatings for the aircraft aerodynamic surfaces icing counteracting. | |
Pavlenko O. V., Petrov A. V., Pigusov E. A. Studies of flow-around of high-lift wing airfoil with combined energy system for the wing lifting force increasing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 7-20. Commercial air transportation growth and environmental requirements toughening encourage designers of prospective aviation to develop and research innovative technical solutions and technologies to improve performance while conjoined emissions reduction. In recent years, increased attention has been paid to the study of the Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) application, which implementation onboard aircraft, according to researchers, will allow fuel costs cutting by more than 50% with conjoined carbon dioxide emissions reduction by approximately 50%. Many scientific and engineering problems should be solved while the aircraft with DER development. One of such problems, to which solution a great number of today’s studies is devoted, consists in ensuring high takeoff-landing performances. The presented work considers the possibility of employing combined lift force increasing power system (CLFIPS) for the wing lift force improving at the takeoff-landing modes. Evaluation of various factors impact, such as the propeller diameter and thrust; its position along the length and height relative to the airfoil chord at various angles of the flap deflection and blowout intensity on it, on the CLFIPS effectiveness. Along with the basic calculation option, the slipstream effect of the propeller on the aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil with slotted flap, as well as with the system of circulation control by tangential blowout of the jet on the rounded rear edge of the airfoil are considered.
Computational study of the airfoils flow-around by the viscous gas flow was performed at the numbers of M = 0.13 Re = 7.2·106 employing the FLUENT software based on the numerical solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The blow-off calculations at various values of the propeller active section diameter and its position were performed at the zero angle of attack.
Parametric studies of the high-lift airfoil flow-around were performed at various values of the propeller relative diameter, being modelled by the “active” disk, and its position relative to the airfoil. The studies confirmed the effectiveness of the combined lift force increasing system conjoining boundary layer control (BLC) system and propeller blow-off (PBO), compared to the speed circulation control by tangential blowout of the jet on the rounded rear edge of the airfoil, as well as the blow-off of the airfoil with the Fowler flap type.
It is advisable to go on with the studies on parameters optimization of the combined BLC/PBO system as well as the type and parameters development of the wing slot mechanics, which ensures effective jet deflection from the wing for the purpose of significant lift force increase. | |
Tudupova A. N., Bobrovich A. V. Computational and experimental evaluation of fatigue life characteristics of the transport category aircraft composite wing panels. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 21-29. At the preliminary design stage of the aircraft (up to the detailed design stage and performing full-scale fatigue tests of airplane glider units), it is necessary to ensure the fulfilling requirements for fatigue and survivability of composite aircraft structural components. To start with, a computational evaluation of safe life span and damages non-progression in structural elements from polymer composite materials (PCM) should be performed.
The following evaluations should be performed to this end:
This article presents the basic regulatory requirements, methods and procedures for computational and experimental evaluations of the main fatigue life characteristics of composite wing panels at the outline design stage of a transport category aircraft. The example of computational and experimental evaluations of the safe resource and the frequency of inspections of the upper composite wing panel of a transport aircraft made of the AS4-PW carbon fiber laminate is presented. A number of important inferences was drawn.
The obtained results of computational and experimental evaluations of the life span characteristics of the upper composite panel of a wing from the AS4-PW carbon fiber laminate at the stage of outline design of the aircraft allow making the following conclusions:
The obtained values of the safe resource and the frequency of inspections are within the range of real values of the life fatigue characteristics of the real aircraft, which allows concluding on the acceptability of such evaluations. | |
Chanov M. N., Skvortsov E. B., Shelekhova A. S., Bondarev A. V., Ovchinnikov V. G., Semenov A. A., Chernavskikh Y. N. Technical concepts analysis of transport aircraft with various power plant types and layout. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 30-47. The article deals with multidisciplinary comparison of the twin-engine transport aircraft concepts with various types and layout of the power plant.
The main purpose of the study consists in the transport efficiency increasing of the wide-body aircraft. The key condition of the presented study is observance of the same operational requirements and a single level of technical excellence. All the concepts of a transport aircraft discussed in this article belong to the 16–23 tons load capacity class.
The article considered four technical concepts of a transport aircraft with two engines:
– the aircraft of traditional layout with turbofan engine (MTS-0);
– the aircraft of traditional layout with turbojet engine (MTS-1);
– the aircraft of integrated layout with turbojet engines positioned in the center wing section (MTS-2);
– the aircraft of integrated layout with turbojet engine above the stern of oval fuselage (MTS-3).
The authors performed analysis of the power plants efficiency; defined aerodynamic, weight and takeoff-landing characteristics, and perform comparison of both transport and economic efficiency of the concepts being considered.
The article showed that the aircraft with turbofan engine (MTS-0) demonstrated minimum fuel consumption, and it required minimum runway length at maximum flight range with the 20 tons load. The price and direct operating costs herewith of the aircraft with turbofan are the highest.
When performing average in the park transportation work with the 14 tons load, the integrated layout engines positioned in the center wing section (MTS-2) is being distinguished by the lowest price and operating cost value. Thus, it can be recommended for commercial application. | |
Saprykin O. A. Planets exploration with reusable takeoff and landing complexes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 48-58. The article performs a comparative analysis of the known methods of the of the solar system planets exploring by automatic interplanetary stations (AMS). These are exploration by the flyby trajectories, from near-planet orbit, and planets exploration by the probes (stationary or mobile) with direct landing on the planet surface. The following conditions ensuring global planet exploration were selected as comparison criteria. They are contact studies (soil analysis, etc.); the possibility for visiting several regions of the planet; maximum routs length for detailed exploration of the planet; applicability while pioneer flights realization, and the possibility of reusable application of the one-type spacecraft for various space objects studying.
In the process of analysis, conclusion is being drawn that none of the applied methods solves scientific problems concurrently and comprehensively (on a global scale of the studied planet) and in detail (at the level of contact probes). It was proposed herewith to consider the fourth – practically unexplored method of research – by employing orbital refueling tankers (ORT) and reusable takeoff and landing complexes (RTLC). The article demonstrates the possibility of high-tech scenarios realization of scientific missions, combining both scales (such as exploration of several remote regions of the planet, or even several satellite planets near the giant planets) within the framework of a single mission, as well as contact studies (soil sampling, drilling, etc.). On the example of the flight to the giant planet system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) the author demonstrates the possibility of realizing scenario with multiple landing on the giant planet satellite, as well as with flight continuation to the next satellite of this planet, and its exploring with the same scenario. The RTLC fueling from the fueling tanker side (the ORT, besides the tanker function, performs the function of the scientific mission navigation and communication provision device), ensures the possibility of multiple contact and route studies on the planet (satellite) surface, which is yet impossible with conventional exploration techniques. The RTLC fueling from the fueling tanker side (the ORT, besides the tanker function, performs the function of the scientific mission navigation and communication provision device), ensures the possibility of multiple contact and route studies on the planet (satellite) surface, which is yet impossible with traditional exploration techniques. | |
Milyukov I. A., Rogalev A. N., Sokolov V. P. Approaches to design engineering and technological designing integration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 59-70. At present, means of technological equipment with digital control prevail in technical objects production, which predetermines digital methods for both technical objects and technological processes representation, digital workflow and robotic production. It requires new approaches and methods for integration of designing and manufacturing. Organizational separation of technical preproduction into design and technological ones is characteristic for various branches of science-intensive mechanical engineering, including aviation and space-rocket industries. Complexity and functional completeness of the problems being solved by various automated systems separate designing, manufacturability adjustment and preproduction into separate stages of the science-intensive products’ life cycle. Primacy of design as the process of the new or being upgraded object (products, technological processes, production systems, information systems) description creation, necessary and sufficient for the object being designed realization under the specified conditions, is common to all stages. The main constraints for technical objects design are the specified quality indicators, and rational options selection criteria are both functional performance indicators and technical and economic indicators of realization at all stages of the life cycle. The «Designing» stage includes the following phases: development of technical specifications; technical proposal; draft design; technical project; working draft. Preproduction planning of aerospace enterprises includes the following stages: grouping or shop-to-shop routing of the product, ensuring manufacturability of the product design, technological processes developing, technological equipment design, material and information flows design and production system functioning adjustment. The results of each stage are being formalized in the form of project documentation. Design and technological models for the same design objects differ not only by the form of representation, but by the volume of the features and parameters being described as well, employed for the design and process design systems developing, which significantly complicates their integration. It is recommended to employ the following system-wide principles, ensuring information support of the objects for designing and technological design integration: the principle of inclusion; the principle of completeness; the principle of information unity; the principle of compatibility and the principle of invariance while automated systems creation and development. With account for the requirements on consistency, independence and completeness of the parallel design system based on representations and interpretations of the design automation methodology in the subject areas of designing and technological design the basic functions of the design systems were formulated.
The structure of the design process models were determined with separation of models of various objects, being formed and interacted in the design process, as well as the structural-parametric modeling process were developed.
It was recommended to apply a unified mathematical description of science-intensive products, technological systems and technological processes in designing and technological design to ensure effective integration of automated systems for all stages of the life cycle employing the PDM and PLM systems. | |
Kryuchkov M. D. Parameters optimization technique for the carrier rocket with modular booster block modification. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 71-80. Most of the existing launch vehicles are being equipped with booster blocks, performing sequential spacecraft deployment into a specified orbit. However, a scheme with individual spacecraft leading-out by the last, modular, launch vehicle stage is possible as well.
As experience shows, when creating a launch vehicle with solid propellant rocket engines, borrowing of a number of elements is the case.
The problem statement can be formulated as follows: find such a vector of the basic design parameters so that the launch vehicle launch mass will be minimal, and a number of restrictions herewith, namely by the payload mass, size, the borrowed elements parameters will be met.
The task of a launch vehicle with modular stage III booster block (BB III) designing is:
– multi-criteria;
– multi-parametric.
The method of constraints is used to solve a multi-criteria problem.
The problem feature consists in the fact that while searching for the rational design solution, concurrently changes the vector of the determining parameters (mass and geometric ratios coefficients, which values depend on the design solutions for the BB III modules). Various approaches to the problem solution are possible.
The article presents a two-level coordinated optimization method.
When implementing the two-level coordinated optimization method, the upper-level model is being refined according to the lower-level data, which allows increasing the calculations accuracy without resorting to the excessive expansion of design models. The control parameters (design parameters) at the (i + 1)- th level are being selected so as to ensure a more detailed description of the object compared with the i-th level of detailing, the vectors of the parameters, being selected at different levels, at that should not contain the same elements. The great attention herewith is paid to the agreement assessing of the design solutions at both i-th and (i + 1)-th levels of the development management.
A study on the model example was performed for the launch vehicle with a solid propellant engine of bout 50 tons launch mass, with every module weight of 250 kg.
The presented graphs demonstrate the process of design solutions coordination at the i-th and (i + 1)- th levels of development management.
The two-level matched optimization method allows finding a rational solution without significant expansion of the design models. | |
Bautin A. A., Svirskiy Y. A. Neural networks technologies application in problems of critical places status monitoring of transport aircraft structure. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 81-91. Air fleet developing prospects all over the world are closely associated with creation of highly efficient methods for maintaining the aircraft airworthiness. One of the tasks, being solved while such methods developing, is cost reduction during the aircraft operation. A reliable and rather effective periodic inspections system can be replaced by the structure status monitoring, which consists in continuous data collection and analysis of airframe integrity throughout the aircraft entire life span.
Status monitoring is performed by the onboard system, which basic elements are recording and analyzing unit, and sensors. The sensors are fixing the structure response at its integrity violation during operation. The damages detection effectiveness and possibility of reliable determination of the operation conditions depends in many ways on the algorithms realization, in which accordance the analyzing unit operates.
Currently, a large number of sensors types, based on various physical principles, have been developed. Strain gauges, which change of readings may indicate the presence of the structure damage, were widely employed while the experiment and approbation of the onboard monitoring systems.
The article proposes a method for determining the sensors installation scheme while fatigue damage detecting in the fuselage joints with account for the local nature of changes in the stress-strain state near the cracks and the allowable size of cracks that can be considered safe under certain conditions. The multi-site damage parameters, at which the residual strength of the joints does not decrease below the permissible level, were selected by studying the fractures of the joint samples by fractography. The optimal sensors installation scheme determining was performed based on the analysis of relation between of the measurement system readings and damages. This relation is presented herewith in the form of the neural network approximation.
The neural network training to obtain the necessary relation was performed based on the results of local deformations determining by the finite element method for various options of the of cracks location in the critical section of the joint. Various factors affecting strain measurements were accounted for while determining the places of sensors installation.
The article presents the result of the developed methodology application for the optimal sensors installation scheme determining in one of the types of longitudinal fuselage joints when detecting multi-point fatigue cracks during fatigue tests. | |
Ryzhova T. B., Petronyuk Y. S., Morokov E. S., Gulevskii I. V., Levin V. M., Shanygin A. N. Application of acoustic methods for identification and characterization of full destruction harbingers of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers while strength experimental study. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 92-104. A feature of polymer fiber-reinforced composites (PFRC) destruction is multi-focal point damages formation of microstructure under external impacts, their growth and coalescence, resulting in macro-damages formation and sudden destruction of a product. One of the factors impeding creation of the multi-level prognostic models of the PFRC destruction consists in limitation in non-destructive means, allowing study mechanisms of their internal structure damaging from micro- to macro-level.
A combination of two non-destructive acoustic methods was employed to study the multilevel damage
of a thick laminated carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) with the [0°/ 90°]4S stacking under loading on uniaxial stretching and three-point bending. The acoustic emission (AE) method allows continuous monitoring of the internal structure integrity of the tested material and loading parameters recording while the damage initiation and growth. Multilevel visualization of the material internal structure, acoustic microscopy (AM), allows identification and characterization of its damages from micro- to macro-level.
The samples being tested were cut out of a panel of the 4.32 mm thickness, fabricated by the prepreg of a thick laminated carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) with the [0°/ 90°]4S stacking under loading on uniaxial stretching and three-point bending. The acoustic emission (AE) method allows continuous monitoring of the internal structure integrity of the tested material and loading parameters recording while the damage initiation and growth. Multilevel visualization of the material internal structure, acoustic microscopy (AM), allows identification and characterization of its damages from micro- to macro-level.
The samples being tested were cut out of a panel of the 4.32 mm thickness, fabricated by the prepreg the harbingers of the full destruction of the material, namely:
– zones with high (critical) density of transverse matrix cracks in [90°] layers,
– the adhesion weakening/damaging along the «fiber-matrix» interfaces in [0°] layers,
– local fibers fractures. | |
Agaverdyev S. V., Zinenkov Y. V., Lukovnikov A. V. Optimal parameters selection of the strike unmanned aerial vehicle power plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 105-116. Strike unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) more than once proved their efficiency while performing special missions in various local conflicts. For this reason, Military Forces of large foreign countries pass the UAVs of this kind into service already for several years. In Russian Federation, similar UAVs are only at the stage of development. The problem of the power plant creating for any kind of aerial vehicle at this stage is one of the basic, and the problem of developing aviation engine for it relates to the most complex ones.
The presented work set and solved the task on determining optimal parameters of the operating procedure, control program for the bypass turbofan engine (TFE) and the power plant dimensionality, ensuring the best values of the selected efficiency criteria of “Scat” type strike UAV, while its performing characteristic mission tasks with account for its aerodynamic, mass-volume and flight performances.
To conduct this study the authors developed a technique, in which «Aircraft and Engine» instrumental-software complex and IOSO_NM 2.0 optimization pack are the basic program tools.
Parameters matching based on the statistical data on the power plant, aerial vehicle and their aggregate while the mission task modelling was performed for the purpose of forming the “base option” of the objet under study, relative to which the effectiveness of the appearance options being formed was estimated. Aviation engine RD-33 as a power plant engine prototype, and the “Skat” strike UAV breadboard model as an airframe were selected, while mission program was trained based on the typical combat assignments for the fighters.
Range parameters for the two mission programs, characterizing its functional purpose were accepted as the effectiveness criteria of the UAV under study.
Parametric studies of the “base option” were performed to determine regularities of the effect of the TFE and power plant working process parameters, the UAV airframe and parameters of their matching on both altitude-velocity and throttle performance of the engine, as well as on the UAV’s integral parameters and selected efficiency criteria. Analysis of the obtained results was performed, and boundary values of the parameters, at which physical existence of the studied object was observed, which was necessary for the varied parameters values range selection, were revealed.
As the result of the optimization problem solving, the UAV and its power plant parameters were determined from the condition of achieving the flight ranges maximum by the two formed mission programs while fulfilling all design specifications, imposed on the strike UAV under study. The flight range according to the first program herewith increased by 13-20% compared to the “base” variant, and 9-10% according to the secondo one.
The authors plan hereafter to perform the power plant efficiency estimation of “Skat” type strike UAV comparison with the other engine schemes.
The practical value of the presented work, consisting in the fact that its results may be employed by the scientific and design organizations preoccupied with prospective UAV and its power plant development, in ordering Air Force and industry organizations while requirements substantiating to the new samples of aviation engineering, as well as aviationand engineering universities while educational process improving. | |
Balyakin A. V., Skuratov D. L. Calculation results of temperature fields while grinding workpieces from titanium alloys by abrasive belts of various types. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 117-123. The article presents calculation technique, which allows defining temperature fields in the machining zone while workpices shaping at the belt grinding operations by abrasive belts of various types, such as the ones:
– with the solid working area;
– intermittent, containing areas with abrasive grains and without them;
– composite, containing areas with abrasive grains, solid lubricant and without abrasive grains.
The technique includes analytical dependences for the temperature fields calculating, as well as equations for the thermo-physical parameters defining, which are necessary for these calculations, and a table with the values of the coefficient, determining what share of the thermal power, released while grinding, enters the workpiece while various groups of materials machining.
The article presents the results of numerical experiment on temperature fields calculation, performed relating to the belt grinding operations of gas turbine engine blades from VT9 and VT20 titanium alloys by abrasive belts of various types, namely, solid, intermittent and composite. It follows from the results of the experiment that at grinding the blades workpieces of the gas turbine engine inlet guide vane from the VT20 titanium alloy, application of intermittent belt instead of the solid one allowed temperature reduction in the contact zone of about 17.5%. At the same time, composite belt application instead of the solid one while grinding blades of the low-pressure compressor of the gas turbine engine allowed average contact temperature reduction by 38%. It was found that, depending on the machining mode, application of abrasive belts with intermittent working surface, i.e. with the sections without grains, as well as ones without grains and with solid lubricant allowed significant reduction, or total elimination of the burn marks on the machined surfaces of the work pieces.
Application of the foregoing technique allows predicting both structural and phase states of the surface layer of the workpieces being machined while belt-grinding operations in the presence of the metastable phase diagrams of the materials being machined. | |
Aslanov A. R., Raznoschikov V. V., Stol’nikov A. M. Studying parameters of aircraft cryogenic turbo-pump unit by the aircraft flight cycle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 124-132. According to the forecasts of the International Energy Agency, by the year 2040 the demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the European Union will increase four times and twice in China. The LNG can become a greener substitute for oil and coal in the fast-growing urban areas of the developing world.
The Soviet Union was the first in the world to test a liquid hydrogen airplane in 1988, and in 1989 began equipment testing and research into the cryo-aircraft possibilities with the LNG utilization. Subsequently, several LNG-powered aircraft projects were developed, but they could not be realized for objective reasons.
One of the main problems of creating aviation cryogenic fuel system is the development of aviation cryogenic turbo-pump unit (TPU) capable of operating in the range of fuel consumption larger than the TPU for the space-rocket technology.
The article presents simulation of the aircraft turbo pump unit modelling, with account for the joint operation with the other units of the cryogenic fuel system.
Two TPU structures are possible in the aviation cryogenic system: the so-called “open scheme” and closed scheme. In the close scheme the pump driving is realized by the turbine, which working body is a cryogenic fuel warmed in the heat exchange unit. The pump driving in the open scheme is brought about from the external power source, i.e. electric motor. The closed scheme is more energy efficient, though it requires joint operation of the fuel system aggregates. The open scheme was selected as the object of research.
A mathematical model of the TPU, which has two modes of operation, has been developed for conducting computational and theoretical studies. The rated mode allows defining the TPU geometrical sizes. The non-rated mode allows defining the TPU basic parameters and plotting consumption-head-flow characteristic based on geometrical sizes, mass fuel consumption and input pressure. It should be noted that the TPU mathematical model operates in aggregate with mathematical model of the cryogenic fuel tank.
As the result of the calculation, the required power, pressure at the TPU outlet, as well as the flow and pressure characteristics of the pump are being determined by the aircraft flight cycle. | |
Omar H. H., Kuz'michev V. S., Tkachenko A. Y. Efficiency improving of aviation bypass turbojet engines through recuperator application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 133-146. One of the trends for gas turbine engines cycle improving, allowing enhancing their efficiency, reducing specific fuel consumption and nitrogen oxides discharge, is exhaust gases regeneration through installing recuperator at the turbine outlet, in which a part of heat is being transferred to the air behind the compressor.
Comprehensive parameters optimization of the thermodynamic cycle of gas turbines, such as gas temperature T*4 and compressor pressure ratior r*cΣ, as well as parameters, defining the workflow of additional units like heat exchanger recovery factor, play an important role in its efficiency improving. Computer models of the bypass two-shaft turbojet engines with heat regeneration (TJER) developed in ASTRA CAE-system allowed realizing the problem solution of nonlinear multi-criteria optimization of their working process, and defining the most rational schemes depending of designated purpose and TJER operation conditions.
Based on the developed method of multi-criteria optimization numerical modelling was performed. The article presents the results of parameters optimization of the TJER working process in the system of Airbus A310 passenger plane by suc criteria as total mass of the power plant, and fuel consumed for the flight, as well as fuel consumption intensity per ton-kilometer and specific fuel consumption. The developed mathematical model for compact heat exchanger mass computing intended for solving optimization problems at the stage of conceptual design of the engine. The developed methods and models were realized in ASTRA CAE system. | |
Remchukov S. S., Yaroslavtsev N. L., Lepeshkin A. R. Computer-aided design and calculation of the blade front cavity cooling system of the gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 147-158. The gas temperature increasing prior to a gas turbine engine (GTE) turbine is one of the key ways to its efficiency increasing. Operating temperatures in the turbine are limited by the heat resistance of the material, which the parts, interacting with hot gases are made from. In this regard, the task of developing and improving complex cooled blades that use compressed compressor air as a cooler becomes urgent.
Improvement of front cavity cooling system of the GTE turbine blade was performed in the course of the presented work. Analysis of thermo-hydraulic characteristics of various cooling systems options was performed to determine the most suitable structure.
The best option is the structure of the “Frankel packing” type, which represents the aggregate of channels crossing at a certain angle.
The study of the turbine blade cooled front cavity module was being realized according to the developed technique for computer aided design and calculation of heat exchangers. The technique for computer aided design and calculation of the plate-type heat exchanger may be applied for solving the wide range of tasks, including gas turbine engine design.
The proposed technique allows evaluating thermal and hydraulic characteristics of the cooling system with minimal costs, as well as optimizing the geometry of the heat exchange surface. Thermal characteristics for the three pen cross-sections under consideration were obtained by the results of the computational study according to the proposed technique.
Experimental study of the blade, being considered, was conducted according to the modular finishing technology by the calorimetric measurement in a liquid metal thermostat. Modular finishing technology envisages experimental studies of simplified blade modules.
Thermal characteristics for the three pen cross-sections under consideration were obtained by the results of experimental study of the blade front cavity.
Comparative analysis results of the calculated and experimental thermal characteristics of the cooling system of the front cavity module revealed the following:
- the most significant discrepancy of thermal characteristics occurs in the area of the entry edge of the front cavity;
- the less activity of heat removal is observed at the entry edge section, which indicates the fact that the structure under consideration has a potential for the heat removal increasing in the entry edge;
- the characteristics discrepancy over all sections is no more than 10%, which fits into the error of the experiment.
Application of the computer-aided design and calculation of thermal and hydraulic characteristics technique allows evaluating the thermal state of the designed blade with minimal costs and sufficient accuracy. It is advisable to use the coefficient of heat transfer from the blade outer surface to the cooling air as an evaluating criterion of the blade cooling system efficiency. | |
Baklanov A. V. Multilevel modelling application in the gas turbine engine low-emission combustion chamber design process. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 159-172. Despite the variety of the existing approaches, as of today, no universal technique, allowing accounting for the set of complex chemical and gas dynamic process while developing and modeling low-emission combustion chambers of gas turbine engines (GTE) accomplished in the framework of the LPP (Lean Prevaporized Premixed) concept has been developed. The LPP-chamber operation is based on low-temperature combustion of a pre-prepared “poor” air-fuel mixture with excess-air factor of 1.8-2.0.
The presented article proposes a method for the multilevel modelling implementation in the GTE low-emission combustion chamber design process. Combustion chamber accomplished in the framework of the LPP concept was selected as the object of the study. This concept is based on the combustion of pre-prepared “poor” air-fuel mixture.
Multilevel modeling includes three stages of computing: designing calculation, one-dimensional modelling, and gas dynamic processes modeling. The article presents the formed appearance of the combustion chamber and its elements in accordance with the proposed technique. Parameters computing along the flame tube length of the three chambers, where burner devices with different swirl angles of the swirl vanes were installed, was performed.
The calculations were being performed in the ideally gas approximation of the incompressible homogeneous environment in the adiabatic statement of the stationary problem.
The two-parameter RNG k- ε model with standard wall functions was used as the turbulence model.
Combustion was being modelled by the aggregate of laminar flamelets in the turbulent flow of unmixed components. The Kee58 mechanism, including eighteen mixture components and fifty-eight chemicalreactions was considered as a set of methane oxidation chemical reaction.
The NOx content computing in combustion products was based on thermal and super equilibrium mechanisms of NOx formation.
Analysis of the obtained results revealed that increasing of the twist angle in the blade swirl of the burner device leads to fundamental changes in the flow structure in the primary zone of the combustion chamber, which affects the change in emission characteristics as well. The chamber with the burner device with the twist angle of 45° ensures the best optimal emission characteristics on nitrogen oxides. | |
Semenenko D. A., Saevets P. A., Komarov A. A., Rumyantsev . V. Characteristics analysis of stationary plasma thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 173-180. An important task in the thruster design is determining its basic geometrical dimension, which will define its thrust and specific characteristics. By specifying the main standard size of the thruster, we lay the foundation of the design and therethrough directly determine its operating range. Thus, it is especially important to understand what parameters can be obtained from the thruster at the initial stage of its design.
To solve the set problem, it was necessary to switch to dimensionless parameters that would characterize the thrust and specific characteristics of the thruster. The presented work derives the basic dimensionless parameters, characterizing the thruster operation from the viewpoint of energy consumption and working fluid utilization. The obtained coefficients allow characterizing the thruster operation regardless of its geometric dimension, and comparing operation parameters of thrusters of different standard sizes operating in different power ranges among themselves.
Thus, analysis of stationary plasma thrusters, developed by the “Fakel” Design Buro, was performed by the newly presented dimensionless parameters. The analysis was conducted for a single working liquid, namely Xenon, and a single discharging voltage of 300 V. As the result, the dependencies of the working liquid utilization factor and consumption ratio on the discharge current density were obtained.
It should be noted that, despite the differences in the thrusters’ standard sizes and the sizes of the discharge channel, the curves with characteristic working zones were obtained for the entire family of thrusters. The optimal operating range for stationary plasma thrusters, which corresponds to the discharge current density from 0.07 to (0.015–0.02) A/cm2, depending on their design features, was determined in the course of the analysis.
Eventually, with known operating power range, necessary for set task accomplishing, it is possible to determine geometric dimension of the thruster based on the optimal operation area of the engine, as well as define approximated thrust and specific characteristics of the thruster being developed by simple transformations, obtained dependencies of working liquid utilization factor and energy consumption ratio. | |
Sklyarova A. P., Gorbunov A. A., Zinenkov Y. V., Agul'nik A. ., Vovk M. Y. Search for optimal power plant to improve maneuverable aircraft efficiency. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 181-191. The presented work proves possible power plant reequipping options of the Su-27 type fourth generation fighter with new engines.
The research scientific task was formulated for this purpose. The set task consists in effectiveness assessing of the Su-27 type multifunctional fighter with the power plant based on the operational bypass turbojet with flows mixing and Al-31F afterburner, and the four options of its re-motorization while typical flight task performing using methods of mathematical modeling.
The aircraft re-deployment from airfield No. 1 to airfield No. 2 was assumed as a flight task, which was stipulated by sufficient technical substantiation for the decisions made, with relative simplicity of the engineoperation mode modeling
Technical parameters, characterizing the aircraft under study on the assumption of its assignation, namely the total flight range and climbing capacity, were assumed as the performance criteria. These criteria are controversial since the climbing capacity relates directly to the thrust-to-weight ratio, while the flight range relates to it inversely, having herewith a certain local optimum, which means that the effectiveness assessment can be soundly performed by these technical criterions.
The research technique was developed by the authors based on the multi-disciplinary analysis methodology and development of “Aircraft – Power plant” system technical profile at the preliminary design stages. The ThermoGTE and “Aircraft-Engine”instrumental-software systems, being more than once approved in aviation industry and demonstrated high efficiency, were employed as the basic tools for performing computational-theoretical studies.
Parameters and characteristics computing of the power plant was being performed in ThermoGTE. The data arrays on altitude-airspeed performance were being imported hereafter to the «Aircraft-Engine» software for subsequent trajectory parameters computing. Aerodynamic scheme of the object under study, by which aerodynamic and specific-weight characteristics of the aircraft, the flight program and profile, consisting of fifteen sections, were computed, was formed as well. The engine operation modes and conditions of execution were defined for each segment of this flight program.
As the result of the performed studies, values of trajectory parameters of the studied aircraft motion with five options of the power plant layouts being studied while the flight task performing. Efficiency assessment of the aircraft under study by the assumed criteria, which demonstrated the possibility of its efficiency improvement compared to the power plant based on the AL-31F engine, was performed.
This work practical value consists in the fact that its results can be employed in scientific and design organizations, engaged in development and modernization of serial and prospective aircraft and their power plants; Air Force and aviation industry ordering organizations while substantiating requirements to aviation engineering prototypes; as well as aviation engineering universities while educational process improving. | |
Fedorov A. V., Hoang V. T. Software package for motion control algorithms design of service module in geostationary orbit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 192-205. At present, more and more attention is being paid to the idea of geostationary satellites servicing with automatic spacecraft. This idea realization requires creation of service spacecraft, high precision and stable algorithms for autonomous navigation and spacecraft motion control. To ensure accuracy while such algorithms developing, it is necessary to account for deterministic and random disturbances, caused by natural factors, errors in control system elements operation, as well as navigation errors. A software- mathematical complex, which allows performing a spacecraft motion simulation in both deterministic and stochastic statements, was developed for algorithms testing and effectiveness evaluation.
To perform the basic task, the software-mathematical complex should ensure compatibility with mathematical programming libraries, the ability of quick modification of the designed algorithm structure, and convenient intuitive user interface. For meeting the above said requirements, the complex is being designed and implemented employing object-oriented programming of both the software complex itself and control algorithms. The complex structure is modular, in which control algorithms’ module, module of the spacecraft onboard systems model and module of the external environment model were elaborated independently from the kernel. Such complex architecture allows studying various options
Such architecture of the complex allows exploring various options for the control block building. The current version implements algorithms for the service module control when bringing it to the vicinity of the target module working position and holding it relative to the target module for inspection.
The service module control algorithms in the software-mathematical complex were developed based on linearized models of motion of the service and target modules in the vicinity of a circular orbit with the specified radius. These models account for the disturbance from the Earth, Moon and Sun gravitational fields, as well as the error of direction and value of the thrust of the correction engine. Combined optimization method is used while the problem of optimal control solving. Control algorithm for the service module at the stage of its being held relative to the target module was developed using the model of relative motion with the assumption of the steady-state mode existence.
The software-mathematical complex operability is being confirmed by the simulation results of the service module motion control algorithms at various stages of its functioning in both classical and stochastic statements. | |
Goncharov V. M., Zaitsev A. V., Lupanchuk V. Y. Coordinates measuring techniques improving of unmanned aerial vehicle in conditions of abnormality (distortion). Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 206-221. The article regards the problem of the coordinates measuring system state assessing of the short range and near-in operating radius unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in conditions of abnormality (distortions) of measurement results obtained from the satellite navigation system (SNS). Optoelectronic system, incorporating both TV and thermal imaging information channels, as well as laser rangefinder of the target indicator is being considered as an extra information source.
This article urgency is stipulated by the necessity of positioning the short range and near-in operating radius UAV with restricted mass and size parameters without employing additional or high-accuracy measurement instruments onboard with full (partial) absence of satellite signals in autonomous flight mode.
The purpose of the article consists in preserving the UAV current position determining accuracy in conditions of partial or complete absence of the signals from the SNS.
The object of research is the UAV navigation system.
The subject of the research is navigation information processing processes in conditions of partial or complete absence of the satellite signal.
The scientific novelty of the research is stipulated by the development and scientific substantiation of a comprehensive technique for optimal estimation of the UAV current position by visual navigation method, allowing correction amendments forming to refine the UAV spatial position in the presence of the extra information source.
Theoretical significance of the results consists in supplementing of visual navigation methods by forming coefficients, characterizing the sparseness of the terrain exceptional points and actual share of the reference image generality from the current one, allowing determine the UAV’s sufficient altitude over exceptional points of the underlying terrain. Computation of the correction image period forming, with the regard to the instrumental errors of the strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on micro-electrical and micromechanical systems was performed as well.
Practical significance of the research lies in application of integrated technique in the small-sized vehicles positioning problems in the absence of signals from the SNS, as well as substantiating intelligent image processing employing high-performance, small-sized equipment on board the UAV.
The experiment demonstrated that in the absence of the SINS correction, the UAV accumulates the maximum positioning RMS error on an average of 150 m during the first minutes of flight. With regard to this and the maximum possible UAV speed of the of 120 km / h, at a distance of 5 km from the launch point the limiting RMS error of positioning, during the return flight, will be about 300 m, which can lead to the UAV loss. The UAV correction according to the formed correction areas allows to reducing the RMS error to 200 m. | |
Vyatlev P. A., Sergeev D. V., Sysoev A. K., Sysoev V. K. Long-term storage impact on spacecraft temperature-regulating coating elements characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 222-228. Thin glass elements made of K-208 brand of radiation-resistant optical glass are employed as protective coatings for solar cells and thermo-optical coatings for radiators-heat exchangers of spacecraft thermal control systems.
The glass elements manufacturing technology is based on heating polished glass blocks fr om K-208 glass to highly viscous state with subsequent glass tape extrusion through the stainless steel die.
The glass tape size-cutting and blanks obtaining of the required size is performed with diamond tools for scribing, or by the laser thermosplitting technique.
The presented article studies strength characteristics and heat resistance of glass elements fabricated by various techniques after the long-term storage process, which partially models operation process of such elements in space.
The test results reveal that samples fabricated by the laser thermosplitting method have the same strength after long-term storage, as samples tested after their manufacturing in 2007. This can be explained by the fact that this technology does not produce edge effects, which define the end strength of glass elements. The strength of the samples obtained by the diamond scribbling deteriorated after such a long-term storage period, which is stipulated by the temporal evolution of edge defects.
Thermal resistance of the K-208 ultra-thin glass with the edge obtained as the result of its laying-out by laser is at least 20-30% higher than with the edge obtained by the laser scribing which is of prime importance for the products employed in space engineering, wh ere large temperature drops occur.
The obtained results of experiments confirm high efficiency of the controlled laser thermosplitting while glass elements manufacturing from the K-208 thin glass for the spacecraft temperature-controlling coatings.
Mechanical strength and thermal resistance of glass elements after long-term storage are sufficient for their application in space-rocket engineering products. | |
Il’inkova T. A., Il'inkov A. V., Klimkin Y. O., Zhivushkin A. A., Budinovskii S. A. Structure and properties transformation of heat-resistant coating in the process of high-temperature cyclic tests of the turbine blade. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 229-240. Thermal-cycle tests of uncooled working blades of the second stage of the new generation helicopter gas turbine engine turbine were conducted, and changes in the composition, structure and micromechanical properties of the heat-resistant coating were studied.
The blades are made of the new VZhL-21 poly-crystalline casting alloy. The heat-resistant coating was applied employing the MAP-2 installation according to the serial technology by successive applying of the condensed layer of the Ni-20Co-20Cr-12Al-Ti-Y composition (inner layer) and diffusion layer of the Al-5Si-B composition (outer layer).
Both condensed and diffusion layers were being applied in vacuum at the specified parameters of the arc current and bias voltage at the products for 200-220 and 60-65 minutes respectively. After this, vacuum thermal processing of the blades was performed at the temperature of 1000 °C for 240 min to complete the coating structure and phase composition formation.
Comparative tests of blades with and without coating were conducted under identical conditions on a special test bench by a technique that ensures the thermal cycle reproducibility while multiple repetitions. The principle of operation of the experimental setup consisted in the ohmic heating of the test blade with direct electric current, varying according to a given algorithm. The thermal cycle selected for the blades testing was calculated based on an engine test: heating to 480 °С (120 s exposure at this temperature), temperature raising to 770 °С (150 s exposure). Further, cooling to 480 °С (120 s exposure), and cooling to room temperature. After the predefined running time, the blades were being removed from the test and subjected to microstructural and micro-chemical studies of the coating state on the JSM6460-LV scanning electron microscope with the INCA ENERGY 300 energy dispersive attachment, as well as micromechanical measurements on the Shimadzu DUH-211 dynamic ultramicrotester (Japan) using Berkovich indenter. The results of the studies revealed that the coating microstructure on all tested blades had not undergone significant changes compared to the initial one.
In the process of the thermal running time of 500-800 cycles, there is an aluminum diffusion from the coating surface to the contact bound of both coating zones and further to the blade surface. With the running time increase up to 1350 thermal cycles, aluminum diffuses deeper into the blade metal. The character of chromium diffusion seems to be more complicated. Chromium concentration changes insignificantly on the coating surface. However, in the place of the contact of both zones the chrome concentration reduces drastically at running time of 500 cycles and stays at the attained level up to the maximum running time of 1350 cycles. Finally, the “coating-blade” contact zone significantly enriches with chrome.
The creep of the coating material remains at approximately the same level up to 800 thermal cycles, and then increases sharply, while the share of the plastic component of the mechanical work on deforming the coating material starts increasing sharply somewhat earlier, beginning from 500 cycles.
Thus, the performed comprehensive study allows predicting the coating protective functions preserving for no less than 500 thermal cycles. | |
Nguyen T. H., Nguyen V. M., Le H. N., Nguyen H. . Kinetics of cobalt nanopowder obtaining process by hydrogen-reduction method under non-isothermal conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 4, pp. 241-249. The article presents the studies of the process kinetics of obtaining nanopowder of metallic cobalt by hydrogen-reduction method under non-isothermal conditions, as well as properties analysis of the initial material and obtained products. Cobalt nanopowder was being obtained by hydrogen reduction of cobalt hydroxide nanopowder in the linear heating mode at a rate of 15°C/min within the temperature range from 25 °C to 500 °C. The Co(OH)2 nanopowder was synthesized in advance by chemical precipitation from aqueous solutions of cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2 (10 wt. %) and alkali NaOH (10 wt. %) under conditions of continuous stirring, control of the T = 20 °C temperature and pH = 9 acidity. Kinetic parameters of the hydrogen reduction process under non- isothermal conditions were calculated by the differential-difference method using the data of thermo-gravimetric analysis and non-isothermal kinetic equation. The phase composition and structure of the samples were analyzed by the X-ray method. The specific surface area and average particle size of the powder samples were determined using the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method by the low-temperature adsorption of nitrogen. The morphology and size of the nanoparticles were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It has been established that the process of non-isothermal hydrogen reduction of Co(OH)2 nanopowder occurs within the temperature range from 180 °C to 310 °C with a maximum rate 222.34·10-5 s-1 at a temperature of 280 °C. The dependence of the degree of conversion on еру temperature during the Co(OH)2 reduction process has been determined in the form of a mathematical function y = 0,0756·e0,0248x. The value of activation energy for the Co(OH)2 nanopowder reduction process was found to be ~45 kJ/mol, which indicates a mixed reaction mode. It was revealed that the Co(OH)2 hydroxide reduction at a temperature of 280 °C allowed to accelerating the process while ensuring the required properties of the product. The obtained metallic cobalt nanoparticles have a spherical shape with a nanometer size (about tens of nanometers) and are in a sintered state. Each of them herewith is connected to several neighboring particles by isthmuses. | |
Pogosyan M. A., Vereikin A. A. Position and motion control of aerial vehicles in automatic landing systems: analytical review. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 7-22. The main technical characteristics of automatic landing systems (ALS) of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (AV) are derivate of the characteristics of automatic control systems. The performed analysis of literary sources devoted to the study of the AV automatic control issues at the landing stage revealed a deficit of survey and analytical work, considering comprehensively the problem of the AV automatic control forming during landing process.
The purpose of this work consists in studying the AV spatial position control issues, relevant for the ALS of both manned and unmanned AVs, revealing the main problems getting in the way of AV ALS development and preferred technical solutions, which can be employed while the AV ALS creation.
To achieve the set goal, the following aggregate of systematic interrelated methodological approaches was applied to reveal the basic pros and contras of the objects being analyzed. These approaches are based on:
- search and analysis of scientific and technical literature, and its systematic review;
- analysis of trends to reveal the dominating ones in the ALS development with regard to the AV information support and control;
- SWOT-analysis.
The performed information search on the issues of AV control forming while automatic landing (AL) in scientific and technical literature and other open sources, its analysis and systematic review allowed outline the two groups of techniques for the AV control forming while the AL process:
- control actions forming based on the object state vector, being formed by the information support means;
- control actions forming based on the preprocessed information, being formed by information support means.
The techniques for the automatic control forming related to the second group are of practical interest, thus the subject matter of the article is limited by them.
The works, being analyzed, devoted to the AV control in the process of the AL performing are classified in accordance with to the following problematic areas, to which studying they are dedicated:
- the ALS architecture;
- synthesis of automatic control algorithms;
- fuzzy control;
- the AL process optimization;
- the AL process mathematical modelling.
The technical solutions proposed in the framework of the outlined problematic areas were analyzed, their advantages and disadvantages were revealed.
The authors proposed to employ multi-level architecture, Kalman filter, Luenberger observer, and model-oriented method for designing automatic control systems as the ALS technological base. The inertial navigation system, being corrected by the iformation obtained from the satellite navigation system with functional add-ons (differential navigation), and radio navigation system as a stand-by information source can be proposed as the AL information support core. The article presents a functional diagram of the ALS built on the proposed principles.
The automatic control system for the AV during the AL execution can be recommended to be built based on stabilization of the set flight path using linear deviations from it and, possibly, changing of the rates of these deviations. This approach will allow employing the constant gains in contrast to the variable coefficients used in the case of the of angular deviations application. Besides, the ALS should ensure the lack of necessity of the crew intervening in control process at low altitudes even in the case of control resources degradation, and preserve its operability in conditions of external information sources loss.
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Kul'kov V. M., Yoon S. W., Firsyuk S. O. A small spacecraft motion control method employing inflatable braking units for deceleration while orbital flight prior to the atmospheric entry. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 23-36. The article considers braking modes control of the small spacecraft (SS) of the CubeSat type by aerodynamic braking units. The controllability area for hitting any atmospheric entry point employing boundary condition for the range angle and angle of entrance is under consideration. When employing aerodynamic braking system, it is necessary to tend to obtain the range angle value ensuring hitting the specified region of the Earth surface for safe fall of SS fragments and the angle of entrance guaranteeing the SS burning out in the dense atmosphere.
The problem of finding optimal control of the SS with IAD can be solved stage-by-stage. Initially the problem of minimizing the flight time from the initial orbit to the atmospheric boundary is being solved. Then the requirements for the final values of the trajectory parameters of the aerodynamic braking section are being determined. Finally, the control law σx(t) should be found, which ensures the SS hitting the specified region of the phase coordinates.
As the result of the proposed approach, the complex task of optimizing the trajectory of SS is reduced to solving two problems: first, at the interorbital transfer section prior to atmospheric entry, and then at the section of main aerodynamic deceleration in the atmosphere. This allows eliminating the jumps of the right-hand parts in the formulated problem and simplifying it significantly without breaking the generality.
The study of the effect of perturbing factors acting on the SS of a CubeSat type with IAD was conducted, and the impact of variations in the atmospheric density was demonstrated. Ballistic analysis was performed using various control laws of the SS using IAD with 1–2 balloons, in condition of hitting the specified area at the boundary of the atmosphere with account for the levels of solar activity. Analysis of the possibility of control by the control function changing (ballistic coefficient) was conducted. A comparative assessment of the considered control programs was performed, depending on a number of basic conditions for the restrictions of the motion control problem of the SS with IAD. | |
Volkova A. O., Ivanov A. I., Streltsov E. V. Application of combined jet-perforated boundaries to solve the problem of the wind tunnel wall interference at transonic speeds. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 37-48. One of the main stages in the design and modernization of the aircraft is a wind tunnel experiment. For this reason, further development and improvement of the wind tunnel test technique is necessary. A number of fundamental problems have to be solved to improve the accuracy of the experimental studies, one of them is the implementation of an interference free flow over the model. Existing approaches, such as permeable walls (perforated or slotted), adaptive walls or jet boundaries, do not allow us to close the issue of test section walls influence on aerodynamic characteristics of the model due to some disadvantages. In the framework of this analysis, a prospective boundary condition is studied, which is a combination of perforated boundaries and a controlled boundary layer.
The efficiency of using combined jet-perforated boundaries was investigated in test series with the models of aircraft and missile layouts at high subsonic and transonic speeds. Models were tested in solid and perforated walls, as well as in combined jet-perforated boundaries in TsAGI T-112 trisonic facility.
Models of civil aircraft were geometrically-similar schematized models. An approach based on the use of geometrically-similar models allows us to obtain useful estimates of the effectiveness of applying certain boundaries. It is assumed that proper choice of boundary conditions should ensure the coincidence of the obtained aerodynamic characteristics of various scales models. As a result, the basic aerodynamic characteristics of the models were obtained, as well as in the model location zone the boundary layer parameters were measured. The obtained experimental results show that the use of combined jet-perforated boundaries causes a noticeable increase in the boundary layer and its integral characteristics (the displacement thickness and the moment thickness). Thus, the curves corresponding to the lift and pitch moment coefficients in the combined jet-perforated boundaries coincided almost completely that indicates the least influence of the walls of the WT test section.
To analyze the obtained experimental results, numerical modeling of the flow around three-dimensional models was carried out. Numerical research at various boundaries makes it possible to significantly reduce the required amount of experimental studies. Simulation of the unbounded flow around the model allows obtaining the interference-free aerodynamic characteristics of the model, which must also be obtained with the correct selection of the boundary conditions in the wind tunnel test section. Their complete coincidence means solving the wall interference problem.
As a result, a comparison was made of the obtained experimental data in a wind tunnel and a numerical study for the missile layout model. The comparison was carried out for the lift and pitch moment coefficients depending on the angle of attack. Finally, it can be concluded that a new type of boundary condition that is a combination of perforated walls and a controlled boundary layer can effectively eliminate the influence of the WT test section walls on the aerodynamic characteristics of the model. Thus, new type of boundary condition has great prospects for implementation in new aerodynamic installations, as well as in the modernization of existing ones. | |
Ivanov P. I., Kurinnyi S. M., Krivorotov M. M. Parameters liable to be defined while a multi-dome parachute system flight-testing for its efficiency estimation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 49-59. It is customary to assume that a multi-dome parachute system is a system with the number of domes in the bundle of two and more [1–20]. Efficiency of the multi-dome parachute system is understood in this work as the ability of the object – multi-dome parachute system ability to perform its functions within the framework of the specified values of its critical (most important parameters).
The presented work considers some critical parameters liable to be determined while the flight-testing of the system, comprising an air drop object and multi-dome parachute system, such as landing speed and non-simultaneity of the domes filling process.
The article presents the dependence of the vertical component of the landing speed, being determined while the multi-dome parachute system design computations, which is assumed as an average valued (mathematical expectation) of the real value of the vertical component of the landing speed, as it is a random value in reality. The most probable random error of the landing speed function was determined with account for inaccuracy of measurements of all arguments included in the function structure, which allows evaluating contribution of each error component to the speed determining error, as well as find the largest one and minimize it.
Further, alongside with accounting for the atmospheric parameters, the possible active impact of near-Earth atmospheric turbulence on the value of real vertical component of the landing speed was being reckoned in.
The experimental results on determining the average value of real vertical component of the landing speed, reduce to the standard atmospheric conditions at the sea level and regular weight according to the data of a series of flight-testing, are presented.
The article presents the dependence of distribution density and probability of not exceedance of assigned value of landing speed’s vertical component for a special case.
The authors marked the possibility of appearance of insignificant number of “jumping-out” measurements under the impact of intensive, powerful surface atmospheric turbulence on the multi-dome system.
The article presents the detailed analysis of the phenomenon of non-simultaneity of the domes filling process in the bundle. Substantiation of the non-uniformity parameter importance for the multi-dome parachute system operation effectiveness is being brought forward.
The authors introduced a parameter named the coefficient of domes in the bundle filling simultaneity. The notions of leaders and outsiders for the domes in the bundle were introduced as well. The analysis of their role in the domes filling in the bundle was performed. The article presents physical explanation of the domes filling non-uniformity phenomenon. Some important effects, associated with the non-uniformity phenomenon, as well as factors affecting the non-uniformity of the domes filling in the bundle were considered.
Certain experimental data on the non-simultaneity of domes filling in the bundle is presented for the possible theoretical studies in the future of the non-simultaneity of domes filling phenomenon. The article presents the experimental data by the time intervals of the domes filling process in the three-domed corrugated parachute system with the area of the single dome of FS = 600 m2, while the airdrop of the object of m ≈ 3 tons in a wide range of ram air of the system implementation according to the data of forty four flight experiments. The experimental data on the time intervals of the four-dome parachute system with the area of the single dome of FS = 760 m2, while the airdrop of the object of m ≈ 6 tons according to the data of eleven flight experiments.
The above-mentioned data can be used effectively for checking the adequacy of the mathematical models under development of simultaneity (non-simultaneity) of the four-dome parachute systems filling.
The above data may be effectively used for the test for goodness of developed mathematical models of simultaneity (or non-simultaneity) of canopies filling in the four-dome parachute system. | |
Moshkov P. A., Vasilenkov D. A., Rubanovskii V. V., Stroganov A. I. Noise sources localization in the rrj-95 aircraft pressure cabin by spherical microphone array. Part 2. Passenger cabin. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 60-72. The relevance of the problem of enhanced acoustic comfort ensuring for passengers and cockpit personnel is beyond doubt. In particular, at present, there is a problem of professional diminished hearing among the aircrew members of civil aviation aircraft of Russia. The risk factor of this malady development is the noise inside the cockpit.
The problem solution of acoustic comfort ensuring in the cabin is impossible without fulfilling a complex of engineering and fundamental studies at all stages of creation of new samples of aerotechnics. One of the trends of the studies is identification, localization and ranging by intensity the main noise sources in the cabin of the aircraft-prototype. The results of this study are necessary to ensure optimal placement of sound proof, sound absorbing and vibration-damping materials in the onboard structure, and issue recommendations on noise reduction of the air conditioning and ventilation system.
The article presents the results of localization and ranging by the intensity of the noise sources in the RRJ-95 aircraft cockpit, employing the 3DCAM54 spherical array.
Acoustic measurements were performed on the RRJ-95 experimental aircraft No 95005 with the cockpit, updated from the viewpoint of noise reduction and reverberation disturbance. The tests were performed at the cruise speed mode at the altitude of 11 km, determined by the flight Mach number of 0.8.
Measurements were performed at the routine operation mode of the air conditioning and ventilation system and at its turn-off.
As the result of the conducted studies, the noise sources localization maps in the one-third-octave frequency bands of 630-3150 Hz were obtained. The main noise sources in the cabin are the air conditioning and ventilation system (ACVS) and the noise of the turbulent boundary layer. As far as the air feeding is being terminated after the ACVS turn-off, but the fans are not turned-off, the ACVS impact manifests itself while its turn-off from the side of ducts feeding air to the cockpit. The two basic mechanisms can be outlined in the ACSV noise. In particular, in the noise of the one-third-octave frequency band of 1000 Hz, the ACVS turbulent flow dominates the noise caused by the "rotor-stator’ interaction in the ACVS fans. In the one-third-octave frequency band of 1250-2500 Hz the noise of "rotor-stator’ interaction prevails while fans operation. | |
Akimov V. N., Gryzin S. V., Parafes S. G. Studying the “rudder-drive” system with accounting for the rudder flexural-and-torsional vibrations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 73-83. When designing modern highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), one of the most urgent tasks is studying aeroelastic stability of the rudder-drive system, since the stability loss in the above-appointed system can lead to the general instability of the UAV stabilization system, which is unallowable. To ensure stability of the “aeroelastic UAV–stabilization system” circuit, the requirements on bandwidth and gain level, as well as necessary phase lag in the strictly defined frequency band are being imposed on the rudder drive. All this, in its turn, complicates the problem of ensuring stability of both the UAV stabilization system and the rudder-drive system.
The article presents the results of studying the aeroelastic stability of the rudder-drive system of the highly maneuverable UAV studying. They are based on the frequency characteristics and processed signals comparison at the output of the isolated drive with constant load, and at the output of the drive loaded with the rudder that oscillates within the frequency range of the structure elastic vibrations. The electric drive with digital microcontroller regulator, being employed at present as a part of stabilization system of the highly maneuverable UAV was considered as a drive. A hinge moment gradient, characterizing the drive loading by the rudder performing flexural-and-torsional vibrations in the supersonic aerodynamic flow, was obtained. Nonlinear mathematical model of the rudder drive with digital microcontroller regulator was used as a research tool.
The main results of the study are the transfer function coefficients of the dynamic hinge moment, and obtained frequency responses of the “rudder-drive” system for the UAV flight mode under consideration. The results of the “rudder-drive” system studying allow concluding that that the considered drive, being loaded by the rudder, vibrating within the range of the structure elastic vibrations, can be used as a part of the UAV stabilizing system.
The considered in the article technique for the transfer function of the dynamic hinge moment forming is invariant relative to the drive type and aerodynamic flow kind (sub- or supersonic). In this regard, the results of the studies obtained by its application can be employed while solving the variety of the problems on the stability ensuring of the stabilization systems of various UAV classes with regard for aeroelasticity. | |
Sedel'nikov A. V., Taneeva A. S., Orlov D. I. Forming design layout of a technological purpose small spacecraft based on other class of technological spacecraft design and operation experience. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 84-93. The article analyzes a possible design layout of a promising small spacecraft for technological purposes. Specific requirements for such devices are requirements for micro-accelerations, which, on the one hand, determine the possibility and feasibility of implementing a particular gravity-sensitive technological process onboard the spacecraft, and, on the other hand, impose requirements for the orientation and motion control system of the spacecraft.
Since there are no fully implemented projects of small spacecraft for technological purposes at this stage of space technology development, the experience of designing and operating medium-class spacecraft and orbiting space stations is under discussion. However, small spacecraft have their own specifics in terms of the super-dense layout. Thus, while designing small spacecraft this experience should be significantly reworked with account for this feature.
The design requirements for the small spacecraft and its orientation and motion control system are formed in view of meeting the requirements for micro-accelerations that contribute to the favorable implementation of gravitationally sensitive processes, and with account for other features of small spacecraft. This feature consists in a significantly higher ratio of the mass of elastic elements to the spacecraft total mass for a small spacecraft than for spacecraft of other classes. This feature affects the actuating devices selection of the orientation and motion control system of a small spacecraft, as well as the characteristics of these actuating devices.
The results of this work can be used in the development of small spacecraft for technological purposes. | |
Bakhmatov P. V., Pletnev N. O. Studying specifics of a permanent joint welding spot forming while the unit laser impulse effect on a low-carbon steel surface. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 94-102. Laser welding technology application in the aerospace industry will significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft structure, material consumption and production time for parts and accessory manufacturing.
The thermal cycle of laser welding ensures minimum time of the area staying in the overheated state, eliminating thereby the possibility of grain growth and mechanical properties reduction of steels.
The article presents the studies of structural changes in the weld metal obtained by the unity effect of laser radiation on the steel surface.
The performed microstructural analysis allows establishing the weld metal formation staging, and its components, including the microhardness defining in each particular zone, which contributes to understanding and predicting the behavior of the weld metal while parts or structures operation.
The three most pronounced zones were defined while the unit laser impulse effect. They are:
1 – the arc-like zone of the dendrite structure.
2 – the recrystallization zone, located symmetrically to the zone 1. The structure of this zone is distributed randomly, the tempering bainite mainly prevails.
3 – the tempered perlite zone with uniformly sized grains of an average diameter of 40–70 microns. Zone 3 adjoins zone 2 and the welding spot surface.
One more zone with extremely insignificantly distorted structure of the basic metal is being observed under the weld-fusion line towards the basic metal.
Analysis of the average area of the zones revealed the following: zone 1 has a predominant area of 51.2% of the total weld metal area, and 47.5% along the computed volume.
High crystallization rates contribute to the dendritic structure development of zone 1, and the heat-affected heating zone therewith contributes to the uniform tempering of zones 2 and 3 and formation ofstructures of bainite and tempering sorbite respectively.
It was established as well that in the process of exposure, temperature conditions are being created for recrystallization and tempering of quenching structures. Thus, to ensure equal strength of the welded joint with the base metal, it is necessary to recommend tempering to relieve residual stresses and partial recrystallization of zone 2 even for low carbon steels. | |
Shevchenko M. O., Pasichnaya M. M. Developing airframe structure of a modern airplane for agricultural work performing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 103-110. Agricultural aviation is aviation employed for agricultural work. Agricultural aviation is applied most often for spraying fertilizers (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides) on agricultural crops, as well as for crops fertilizing, defoliation, desiccation, and somewhat less often for air seeding (hydro-seeding, i.e. seeds sowing with water flows under pressure).
The agricultural airplane developing is a necessity since it ensures the most effective work, associated with watering and visual surveillance of the acreage planted.
Besides, the agricultural land cultivation is being performed at the best agrotechnical terms, such as early spring, when the ground machinery is not yet able to operate due to the impassability.
The study consists in analyzing the most important problems of agricultural aircraft designing, using modern CAD, CAE systems. The authors considered several small Russian airplanes, on which basis the primary technical characteristics of the future product, as well as the most successful solutions of the airframe were selected. A detailed justification of the aircraft airframe layout is presented. The main problem of this project consists in the lack of competitive small aircraft from the domestic manufacturers, meeting modern requirements and economic capabilities of the potential consumers.
A 3D model of a piston-engined single-engine monoplane with a low-lying wing, which shell is made of composite materials, was designed as an object of research. Composite materials application for the aircraft airframe allowed solving plenty of the problems associated with the corrosion resistance, as well as enhance the landing gear struts reliability, which strength is especially important for the takeoff from the unprepared runway. The article presents solutions on structural appearance of the airframe elements and aggregates from modern composite materials, ensuring the possibility of developing and manufacturing of competitive aircraft of the “small aviation”. Digital modelling techniques were employed while this airplane creation, which allowed developing reasonable aerodynamic scheme. | |
Bezzametnov O. N., Mitryaikin V. I., Khaliulin V. I., Krotova E. V. Developing technique for impact action resistance determining of the aircraft parts from composites with honeycomb filler. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 111-125. The presented study is focused on determining the impact resistance and survivability characteristics of panel samples with the honeycomb filler and fragments of helicopter blades. The problems, associated with developing and producing the experimental samples impact tests performing, as well as studying the character and geometry characteristics of damages were being solved while these works execution. The authors developed a technique for impact resistance determining of aircraft sandwiched composite parts with honeycomb filler. The composite sandwiched structures in the form of the helicopter steering and main rotor fragments, and standard samples of the sandwiched panels with the honeycomb filler were the objects of the study. Carbon composite skins and honeycombed filler from aramid paper were employed for the panels manufacturing. The blade fragments represented the structures composed of T-25 fiberglass plastic layers with honeycomb or foam filler placed between them.
A technique for inflicting impact damages by vertically falling load, and registering such parameters as impact energy, maximum loading and impactor penetration depth was developed while laboratory studies. Application of piezometric transducers while impact tests allowed registering diagrams of the impact damage, which, besides the general energy-force assessment, allow step-by-step studying of the impact loading. The impact energy for the samples of sandwich-panels was being selected from the condition of incomplete destruction ensuring (2 J), and initiating significant damages of the skin and filler (10 J). The damages character studies of the helicopter steering and main rotor blades fragments were conducted within the energies range of 5–50 J. The depths of dents and cracks were determined by the digital indicator head. Computer tomography was employed for internal diagnostics of the damaged samples. Tomograms of the blades sections allowed studying stage-by-stage growth of damages in dependence of the impact loading increasing.
It can be declared by the results of this work that already small impact energies lead to dent on the skin forming, and crumpling of the honeycomb filler with partial destruction. At the impact energy of 10 J, significant destruction of skins and filler under them is being observed. The breakdown and cleavage of the skin material along the panel length are being observed on the external side of the sandwich-panel subjected to the impact. The tomographic images of the tail rotor blade show fractures of the fiberglass plastic layer and crumpling of the foam filler. Analysis of the main rotor blade sections also revealed the fracture of the skin upper layer and subsequent compression of the honeycomb filler. | |
Aslanov A. R., Stol’nikov A. M., Raznoschikov V. V. Studying thermal state of the cryogenic fuel tank at the liquid fuel “mirror” vacillations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 126-138. Fuel resources provision is a key problem of the industrial and post-industrial world economies development. In this regard, science and technology are facing the problems of developing new alternative types of fuels in return of the conventional oil fuel or liquefied hydrocarbon gas. One of these fuels is cryogenic fuel, which is currently widely used in rocket and space technology. It is customary to assign the liquid hydrogen, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and cryogenic propane to the cryogenic fuels. These fuels are more environmentally friendly than traditional aviation kerosene, as well as possess better thermal properties, such as greater calorific value, cooling resource and the value of the gas constant, which determines the workability of the gasified cryofuel. This provides a potential opportunity to obtain high flight characteristics of promising aircraft.
The Russian Federation ranks the first in terms of proven LNG reserves in the world as of 2018. In this regard, the LNG is the most optimal choice of cryogenic fuel for Russia. However, to get the maximum benefit from the LNG application, the properly designed cryogenic fuel tanks (CFT) for the cryogenic fuel storing onboard an aircraft, and accounting for the thermo-physical and hydrodynamic processes in the CFT are necessary. For example, disturbances on the surface of the cryogenic liquid in the tank can affect the main CFT parameters (heat flows, temperatures, and pressure), which can lead to the early response of the safety valve (SV), and, consequently, to a greater loss of fuel through the SV.
The article presents a comparison of the CFT thermal state in the presence of vacillations on the liquid surface and in their absence. The LNG in the tank herewith is at the saturation line. It was found in the course of the study that the presence of disturbances on the liquid surface led to the increase of thermal flow between the gas in the above-the-fuel area and the liquid fuel by 69.85 W.
In the presence of fluctuations, the gas temperature in the above-the-fuel area is less by 18.47 K than in their absence at the accepted initial data. However, the presence of disturbances on the liquid surface does not practically affect the mass of the fuel discharged through the SV, since the LNG in the tank is at the saturation line. With the presence of vacillations, the thermal flow between the gas and liquid in the tank, evaporation rate (gas mass) and pressure in the above-the-fuel area are increasing, but the LNG boiling temperature rising herewith as well. | |
Baklanov A. V. The effect of the central body diameter of a dual-circuit burner on the hazardous substances release. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 139-145. At present, the LPP (Lean-Premixed and Pre-vaporised) concept is one of the most effective concepts of the low-emission fuel combustion, which is based on the low-temperature (Tflame =1800—1900 K) combustion of pre-mixed “poor” fuel-air mixture (FAM). This concept foresees thorough mixing of the fuel with air in the burner prior to feeding to the combustion zone. It is well-known that technical perfection of these burners ensures successful problem solving of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide release reduction while maintaining high efficiency and stability of the combustion process. Thus, the efforts aimed at studying these burners design impact on the emission characteristics of the flame are necessary while development and adjustment of combustion chambers of gas turbine engines, accomplished within the framework of the LPP concept.
The presented article considers the structure of the dual-circuit burner of the low-emission combustion chamber of the gas turbine engine, operating on the natural gas. The results of the studies of the three burners differing by the size of the outlet part of the developed swirler hub are presented. The article presents also the results of the components concentration measuring of the final gas mixture, in particular carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NO and unburned hydrocarbons CH in the combustion products. Computation of the fuel combustion efficiency was performed. Selection of a burner, which demonstrated minimum of value of nitrogen concentration and maximum combustion efficiency level and carbon monoxide in the samples being drawn was conducted. The best appeared to be a burner having a structure with the central body diameter to the outlet nozzle diameter ratio of A/B = 0.62. | |
Altunin K. V. Elaborating new specific parameters of a jet engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 146-154. The presented article deals with the new specific parameters elaboration necessary for more qualitative analysis of a jet engine operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The purpose of the article consists in elaborating specific parameters, which would be able to account for the degree of carbonization and failure of the jet engine nozzles with the time of operation.
Theoretical work on the sources of information reviewing and analysis of various existing specific criteria was performed. Earlier, experimental studies with hydrocarbon fuel were also conducted, which proved one more time that thermal precipitation formation in the fuel supplying ducts was one of the main factors of the jet engine operation effectiveness reduction and its thrust characteristics.
The results of this research consist in – developing and subsequent pending of the novel inventions with the methods of prevention and control of thermal precipitation formation:
– creating the plot of the thrust decay of the jet engine depending on the degree of nozzles carbonization;
– obtaining new specific parameters of the jet engines qualitative analysis in dependence of nozzles operability.
The scope of the research findings application includes diagnostics of both military and civil aviation jet engines; broadening the technique for complex and qualitative analysis of jet engines with the best engine scheme selection; scientific research for the purpose of creating effective monitoring system for the nozzles failure both on the ground and in the air and space.
At present, the problem of thermal deposits occurring on the walls of the fuel-feeding ducts, nozzles and sprayers is still staying unsolved. There is no complete theory of the thermal precipitations formation. The same relates to the complete theory of the thrust reduction of the jet engine due to the thermal deposits and failure of nozzles, filters and sprayers. It is worth mentioning that the existing parameters, characterizing the quality and perfection of jet engines, such as specific thrust, specific mass etc. do not account for the degree of nozzles carbonization with their possible failure. Application of new specific parameters, such as parameters presented in the article, is necessary for the purpose of more qualitative analysis of the jet engines characteristics.
The article outlines the ways of further theoretical and experimental studies. | |
Ahmed H. S., Osipov B. M. Diagnostics algorithm with gas turbine engine mathematical model application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 155-166. As a rule, the state parameters, which changing allows detecting the engine failures, change directly neither while operation, nor while bench testing. Usually, the other combination of parameters, called the status signs, is being measured. These are temperature, pressure, fuel and air consumption, rotor rotation frequency etc. A well-defined combination of state parameters corresponds to each combination status signs. The structural diagram of the developed algorithm for the gas turbine engine monitoring and state diagnostics by thermo-gas-dynamic parameters is being performed by the two stages:
1. Determining the engine gas-air channel serviceability.
The results of the engine bench tests are being loaded to the control unit, which main purpose consists in making decision on the engine state in the «serviceable — non-serviceable» form. In the case when the control unit operation results indicate the serviceable condition of the engine gas-air channel control is being transferred to the algorithm input.
2. Determining the serviceable node of the engine gas-air channel.
The main task of the diagnostics unit consists in identifying the non-serviceable assemblies of the engine with the specified probability and computing the state parameters corresponding to them. After printing the diagnostics message, control is being transferred again to the algorithm input, and the monitoring and diagnostics process can be continued.
The measured parameters undergo pre-processing according to the technique being employed at the enterprise. After that, computations according to the mathematical model on the same modes are being performed. The algorithm for monitoring and diagnosing of a gas turbine engine state is based on the assumption of the existence of the adequate non-linear mathematical model of the engine under testing, as well as known values of the state parameters and signs of the reference engine in the diagnostics mode.
In the course of tests of the diagnosed engine, the status signs are being determined, while the state parameters are unknown. In the general case, the dependence of the state signs on the state parameters is nonlinear. Thus, the linear models have to be obtained on a number of basic modes, bearing in mind that deviations from the given mode when using such models are possible within 10%. | |
Zuev A. A., Arngol’d A. A., Nazarov V. P. Sections of dynamically non-stabilized flows in characteristic channels of the air-gas channels of liquid rocket engines turbopump units. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 167-185. The sections of dynamically non-stabilized flows characteristic for the elements of air-gas channels of the turbopump units of the liquid rocket engines are being under consideration. Sector of variable cylindrical and rectangular cross-section, rotational flows in the cavities with immovable walls, and with immovable and rotating walls are studied. Inlet and outlet devices, sidelong cavities between rotor and stator, the cavities of hydrodynamic seals, as well as elements of inter-blade channel of the centrifugal pumps and gas turbines relate to the characteristic elements.
Due to the characteristic features of the operating and structural parameters, the initial sections of dynamically non-stabilized flows are predominant in the air-gas channels of the supply units. These sections affect significantly the energy parameters of the unit and thermal exchange processes and, as a consequence, the reliability of structural elements. Both, laminar and turbulent flow modes of the working fluid are being realized in the characteristic elements of the supply systems.
Using methods of the of the spatial boundary layer theory, the characteristic thicknesses of the boundary layer such as dynamic boundary layer thickness, the displacement thickness and momentum loss thickness were determined. Dependencies for determining the flow core velocity, which are necessary for estimating losses depending on the length of characteristic sections were obtained. To determine correctly the energy parameters, the right choice of the friction laws and velocity profiles in the boundary layer, as well as accounting for the initial section are necessary. The obtained dependencies are accounting for the velocity distribution profile in the boundary layer at the characteristic sections for the cases of both laminar and turbulent modes. | |
Nadiradze A. B., Frolova Y. L. Mechanisms for forming median-energy ions in the jets of stationary plasma thrusters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 186-197. The article presents the analysis results of the ions median-energy ions angular and power distribution in the jets of stationary plasma thrusters. The data on the BHT-1500 thruster at the 700 V mode were used for the analysis. The article demonstrates that content of the median-energy ions is about 35% of total ion flow of the jet, and its contribution to the thrust is 25%. Energy specters of the median-energy ions differ greatly at the small and large escape angles. At the small escape angles the number of median-energy increases, and decreases at the large ones.
It is revealed that median-energy ions are being formed in the discharge area, and in the nearest part of the jet. Particles of the background gas do not participate in the processes of their generation, and, therefore, it may be considered that the median-energy ions are ions of the jet, rather than secondary ions being formed under conditions of the test bench. The background pressure effect on the median-energy ions content is insignificant.
Three mechanisms of median-energy ions generation occurring due to collision such as late ionization and further acceleration in the discharge area; charge-exchange and further acceleration in the discharge area, and elastic scattering in the discharge area and in the nearest part of the jet were examined. It was revealed that the median-energy ions formation according to any of the above-mentioned mechanisms was possible only in the areas of local non-uniformity of the electric field and of neutral particles flows. Such non-uniformities can appear near discharge channel walls or due to the cathode asymmetrical position.
The article presents the model of median-energy ions generation due to accelerated ions elastic scattering. Good qualitative agreement with experiments on both angular distribution and ion power spectra was obtained. However, the obtained scattering coefficient of about 40% cannot be substantiated within the framework of this model. In this regard, the presented model can be examined so long only as the working hypothesis. For clarifying the true mechanisms of median-energy ions generation the 3D kinetic model describing processes in the accelerating ducts of the thruster and in the nearest area of the jet, accounting for the cathode position and effect of the residual atmosphere particles of the vacuum chamber, is required. Much more detailed measurements of the fields of the particles and electric field in the direct vicinity to the outlet cross-section of the duct are required as well. | |
Kryuchkov A. N., Plotnikov S. M., Sundukov A. E., Sundukov E. V. Vibration diagnostics of lateral clearance value in the toothed gearing of differential gearbox of a turboprop engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 198-208. The increased lateral clearance of the toothed gearing leads to shock interaction of the wheels’ teeth, resonance vibrations excitation, tooth harmonics intensity growth and accelerated wear of the teeth lateral surfaces. The conducted studies allowed proposing a number of new diagnostic signs of the lateral gap value. The work was performed based on the analysis of vibration state of the differential gearbox of the NK-12MP turboprop engine. Fourteen engines undergone the refurbishment at the manufacturing plant were being considered. The performed analysis revealed that the following signs could be used as diagnostic signs:
– a series of harmonics, the frequency of the first of which is defined as the product of the rotation speed of the sun gear in reduced motion by the number of satellites and n-dimensional vector from them;
– the RMS deviation of the rotor rotation frequency of the turbocharger and the shaft of the rear air screw (gear box driven shaft), obtained from the corresponding signals of the “standard” tachometric rotor speed sensors;
– subharmonic components with the multiplicities of 0.5 and 1.5 of the sun pinion speed;
– the amplitude modulation depth of tooth harmonic at the intermodulation component;
– frequency modulation index at the frequencies of the first harmonic in absolute motion, the second and the third harmonics in relative motion of the sun pinion and intermodulation components.
The appropriate approximating dependences have been obtained for all diagnostic features, and norms, using the maximum allowable value of the lateral clearance of 0.43 mm, have been set. It was demonstrated on both vibration parameters and signals from the tachometric sensors of the shafts rotation frequency that lateral clearance increasing “sun pinion-satellites” pair led to its decreasing in the “epicycle-satellites” pair. The obtained dependencies are of both linear and highly nonlinear character with the lateral clearance value growth.
All above said allows drawing the following inferences.
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D’yachenkova M. V., Anyutochkina A. S., Rubtsov E. A. Aircraft and vehicle motion path registering and analyzing system for conflicts prediction at the aerodrome movement area. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 209-2018. The article considers the problem of predicting conflicts between aircraft and vehicles at the airfield. According to the ICAO data, the share of moving out of the runway limits and unauthorized entering the runway is about 30% of the total number of aviation accidents, each tenth accident herewith is associated with human casualties.
The existing surveillance aids (surface movement radar, MLAT, ADS-B) and automation systems A-SMGCS of levels 1 and 2 are not capable of ensuring the appropriate prediction of objects movement paths at the aerodrome. To solve this problem, the authors propose equipping all vehicles with special terminals to inform the air traffic controller on the supposed movement path and the movement commence. Using these terminals the drivers indicate the route and time of the movement commence, creating thereby the database on the transport traffic parameters along the aerodrome. The flight management system will perform the function of this terminal onboard the aircraft. On entering the prohibited area, or deviation from movement path a warning signal is issued for both the driver and air traffic controller. If the driver ignored it, the air traffic controller takes actions to prevent the conflict. The movement paths entered in advance allow analyzing the current situation in automatic mode and identifying potential conflicts during the required time interval. Thus, the proposed system will allow ensuring the A-SMGCS automation levels of 3 and 4. The authors suggest employing the MeSH networks for the data transfer, which allow transferring data, video, images, realizing voice communication and the possibility of the network subscribers’ position location. In addition, subscribers will be able to exchange information about their location, which will increase the awareness of drivers and pilots, and allow them taking decisions independently in case of an unexpected situation. | |
Borshchev Y. P., Sysoev V. K., Yudin A. D. Analysis of selective laser fusion technology application for the CubeSat nano-satellites skeleton structures manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 219-228. The forecast of the nanosatellite launches in the near future reveals steady growth. The development of technologies for removing spacecraft, exhausted their resources, from the working orbit is an urgent task. Equipping the Cubesat nanosatellites with a retraction device increases launch costs by up to 50%. The structural elements expenses are up to 25%. Thus, the works on studying new materials for the hulls and technologies for their manufacturing to reduce labor intensity are underway. Design of space structural systems is a balance between the weight, strength and rigidity. The standardized housing of the CubeSat module is being developed in accordance with the CubeSat Design Specification rev.13 and has mass-and-size limitations and rigidity requirements. The most common housing materials are Al 6082 or Al 7075 alloys. The UPSat composite structure from T300-5208 Carbon Hexcel unidirectional epoxy for the first Greek CubeSat is also known. Our work employs selective laser melting technology to manufacture the housing of the 1U module of CubeSats nanosatellites. When comparing the the three housings of the 1U volume, manufactured from these three materials, the lightest one is the housing made of composite material T300-5208. Its weight is 104.5 g versus 155 g obtained from an aluminum alloy 7075. The housing fabricated by the laser sintering is the heaviest, 216 g. However, the mass can be comparable with the composite version by reducing the wall thickness or growing a «mesh» structure. Parts from the ASP-40 AlSi10Mg powder alloy will be two times worse by the mechanical strength than aluminum ones. The specific strength of the unidirectional carbon fiber, compared with aluminum, is six times higher along the fibers. In the transverse directions, the properties of carbon fiber are lower by the order of magnitude.
The advantage of the SLM technology consists in the possibility of structural formation of housing and its fasteners for the servicing equipment, which cannot be fabricated by conventional machining. Besides, when developing a housing part, the effect of space radiation can be computed, to increase the wall thickness in the area of its maximum impact. The closed structure with the walls thickness of 1.8 mm enhances many times protection from the space radiation, which will increase electronic elements resource and the term of the nano-satellite active life. | |
Abdulin R. R., Podshibnev V. A., Samsonovich S. L. Determining load distribution unevenness ratio in ball-and-screw transmission with separator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 3, pp. 229-239. The presented work deals with the problem of designing the aircraft electromechanical actuators of a translational type. The object of the study is a ball-and-screw transmission with separator, which presence in the structure ensures advanced reliability and stipulates less production costs due to the absence of the internal thread and a unit for balls spillover inside the nut.
It is well-known that in the ball-and-screw transmissions with recirculation of rolling bodies the unevenness of load distribution among the rolling bodies takes place, and the value of the load distribution unevenness ratio depends on the thread parameters.
The presented work proposes analytical determining of the load distribution unevenness ratio in the ball-and-screw transmissions with separator. The equation of the screw and separator turns deformation compatibility was compiled, which solution allowed obtaining analytical dependencies of the load distribution function along the screw helical centerline of the ball-and-screw transmission with separator.
The effect of such design parameters of the transmission as the number of turns and the width of the separator wall on the unevenness of the load distribution was studied. It was established that this transmission had the largest value of the load distribution unevenness ratio at the maximum possible thickness of the separator, and the load distribution unevenness increased with the number of turns increasing.
Based on the results obtained, the technique for calculating design parameters of the ball-and – crew transmission with separator was refined.
Application of ln parameter, characterizing the number of working turns and accounting for the load distribution unevenness ratio was proposed for engineering calculations.
It was demonstrated that while design parameters selecting of the ball-and-screw transmission with separator, the required loading capacity is achieved by both the nut length increasing at the small diameter of the screw and increasing diameter of the screw with the short nut. | |
Amosov A. P., Voronin S. V., Loboda P. S., Ledyaev M. E., Chaplygin K. K. Determining surface tension effect on aluminum alloy mechanical properties by computer simulation tecnhique. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 214-222. In the simplest case, any solid or liquid substance consists of atoms of the same type. A surface atom can have fr om three to nine nearest neighbors, and accordingly its energy increases by the amount, proportional to the number of missing bonds, compared to an atom inside the lattice. By virtue of this, the energy of the atoms on the surface is greater than the energy of the atoms inside the lattice. Thus, a certain excess of energy must be associated with the crystal surface, depending on the structure of this surface and called a surface tension, or surface energy.
According to L.D. Landau and A.Ya. Hohstein opinion, the surface tension is a tangential force applied to a unit length of the contour, limiting a certain area of the interface, and tended to deform a solid. Thus, the surface tension should affect the mechanical properties of the material.
The presented article proposes a dimensionless criterion Χ, characterizing the surface tension contribution to the strength of a solid:
where σs is the surface tension, N/m, σy is the conventional volumetric yield stress of the solid material, and MPa; h is the thickness of a sample in the form of a strip (foil) of a solid. The value Χ = 1 determines the critical thickness hcr of the material sample at which contribution of the surface tension to the tensilestrength of the sample becomes equal to the contribution of the bulk yield strength.
The CEM of the samples were also being compared in this work with and without accounting for the surface tension. Mechanical properties of aluminum alloy were studied with the MSC.Marc software based on the finite element method. The total number of elements was 20 thousand pieces. The finite elements represented identical parallelepipeds with eight nodes and eight integration points, which allowed solve volumetric problem with small plastic deformations. The properties of the ADT aluminum in the annealed state were being set to the models.
The obtained series of CEM samples with various thicknesses, with constant length and width, were subjected to the uniaxial tension with forces causing a stress of 50 MPa, which exceeded the bulk yield stress for this alloy, but did not exceed its tensile strength. Thus, the surface tension impact on the mechanical properties of sample models was determined, which confirmed the fact that a significant contribution of surface tension forces was observed only on samples of small thickness, comparable to the critical one.
As the result of the study, simplified equations, accounting for the surface tension forces acting only in the direction, opposing tension, for determining geometric parameters of the samples at which the influence of surface tension forces was comparable with the bulk yield strength of the material, were derived. Based on the derived dependencies for the aluminum alloy, the critical thickness of the sample was determined equal to 73.5 nm.
The results of this study allow accounting for other factors impact, such as temperature, pressure, surfactant, etc., by accounting for their effect on the surface tension magnitude.
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Pavlenko O. V., Pigusov E. A. Application specifics of tangential jet blow-out on the aircraft wing surface in icing conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 7-15. Icing is one of the most dangerous environmental impacts on an aircraft. Ice bodies on the wing surfaces and empennage change their shape and contours, worsen aerodynamic characteristics, as well as increase aircraft weight. In case of icing not only the aircraft drag increases but the value of the maximum lift coefficient significantly decreases. Various anti-icing systems are employed to remove the ice that builds up in flight. However, practically all these systems have their drawbacks. Application of the wing boundary layer control (BLC) by tangential air jet blow-out on the wing upper surface is known to be one of the most effective techniques for the wing lifting properties at the takeoff-landing modes. The wing lifting properties enhancement occurs due to elimination of the flow separation on the deflected flap by the tangential blow-out of the compressed air jet and flow circulation enhancement on the wing. The hot compressed air for the BLC is drawn from the engine and then piped to the slot nozzles system to be blown-out on the wing surface.
These pipelines are similar to those of the thermal ice-protection system, usually placed along the leading edge of the wing. Thus, the BLC can be employed also to protect against the wing icing. A significant drawback of the above said technical solutions is the jet blowing slot location in an ice sticking area. It is assumed that the hot air from the engine would melt this ice at a certain time instant, but until this moment, the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft will degrade. In addition, water evolved while the ice melting on the leading edge, flowing down along the flow is stiffens again out of the BLC coverage forming the so-called “barrier ice”, which also deteriorates the aircraft characteristics. The presented article explores the possibility of the tangential jet blow-out on the leading edge of the wing section to reduce deleterious effect of icing. Calculations were performed employing the program based on numerical solution of Reynolds–averaged Navier-Stokes equations. A case with the horn-like ice on the wing leading edge was under consideration. Comparison of the obtained results with experimental data was performed. The article emonstrates that tangential jet blow-out under of icing conditions allows restoring aerodynamic characteristics level to prior-to-icing state, including coefficients of lift and pitching moment. Specifics of spatial flow-around of the wing section in icing conditions when employing tangential jet blowing-out are presented. | |
Animitsa V. A., Golovkin V. A., Nikolsky A. A. Aerodynamic design of tsagi helicopter airfoils. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 16-28. The article discusses the distinctive features of helicopter airfoils flow-around generating integral criteria of their aerodynamic perfection. It demonstrates the importance of the concept of helicopter aerodynamic airfoils and its role in the system, including all cycles of aerodynamic configuration development of rotor blades from the objective function definition up to the elaboration (based on calculation and experimental studies) of recommendations for industrial application. The authors suggest a new approach to comparing experimental helicopter airfoils performance by to the three integral criteria.
The article describes a systematic approach to the development of TsAGI helicopter airfoils for aerodynamic configuration of rotor blades based on the calculation and experimental system. This system empooys the qualitative relationship between the objective vector of main rotor aerodynamic performance and the set of objective vectors of airfoil aerodynamic performance, which allows developing prospective helicopter airfoils for main and tail rotor blades for multipurpose helicopter based on the aerodynamic design procedure. The features of the complex procedure of aerodynamic design of helicopter airfoils used in TsAGI, and its main structural elements are under discussion. Quantitative relationship establishing of the main rotor performance vector and the airfoils performance vectors is performed at the stage of experimental studies of new aerodynamic configurations on large-scale models of the main rotor in wind tunnels. Some results of such
kind of studies are presented on the example of comparing conventional and perspective rotor configurations.
Experiments in the wind tunnel and flight tests confirm the effectiveness of the application and the need to further developing the new series of TsAGI airfoils designed to create aerodynamic configurations of the main rotor blades of modified and prospective helicopters with improved aerodynamic performance.
Based on the TsAGI calculation and experimental system, the article suggests new aerodynamic airfoil configurations of modified and perspective main and tail rotors of domestic helicopters. In particular, the TsAGI developments and their implementation in the design of the blades of the experimental main rotor at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant allowed reaching record flight speeds of the helicopter — the flying laboratory of the classic single-rotor scheme (without wing and additional propulsive devices). | |
Gulimovskii I. A., Greben’kov S. A. Applying a modified surface mesh wrapping method for numerical simulation of icing processes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 29-36. Flight safety in drastic meteorological conditions remains an extremely important task to this day. With the advent of high-performance computing software, allowing perform simulation of complex physical phenomena with plausible degree of accuracy, a wide spectrum of research trends, helping specialists all over the world study in most detail those phenomena, which could studied earlier by performing the full-scale experiment, is being opened.
The topic of the presented work is the surface wrapping method (SWM method) adaptation to increase modeling quality of the aircraft icing processes to predict more accurately the places, shape and size of ice deposits for further activities on the anti-icing systems design and testing techniques, including certification ones, development.
The essence of this method consists in transforming created mesh surface to the area of the target object. The original mesh may be of a uniform structure with the same distances between nodes, or an adaptive one with dimensions that are a function of the curvature and characteristic dimensions of the object body. The SWM method mathematical model can be based on nodes displacement along the normal to the target object, or on minimizing the function of the node displacement energy. The resulting offset nodes are used for the object surface mesh restructuring, and building volume elements in the entire area in totality In the framework of icing numerical modeling, elements elongation due to the large curvature of the ice, often inherent in the “glassy” type, may lead at a certain moment to the mesh zone overlapping, formation of closed volumes, elements “degeneration” and other defects. Thus, this method algorithm is supplemented by modifying the separation of the low-quality mesh element into several ones, and preliminary diagnostics of the sharp “peaks” presence, point contact of cells and nodes and determination of macro cavities with their coordinates derivation As the result of the suggested method application, the authors managed to obtain complex shapes of the ice buildups much more closer to the experimental data compared to the conventional smoothing techniques, employed in the majority of computing software.
The above described approach application brings prediction quality of the shape and size of ice deposits to the new level, especially on the thin elements of blades profiles and guide vanes, as well as under icing conditions, when buildups of rather complex shape might occur, including air inclusions inside as well. | |
Moshkov P. A., Vasilenkov D. A., Rubanovskii V. V., Stroganov A. I. Noise sources localization in the rrj-95 aircraft pressure cabin by spherical microphone array. Part 1. Cockpit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 37-51. Acoustic comfort ensuring for passengers and cockpit personnel is one of the most important tasks while civil aircraft design. Particularly, at present there is a problem of the Russian civil aviation flight crewmembers diminished hearing. The risk factor for this disease developing is the noise in the cockpit.
The problem solution of ensuring acoustic comfort in the aircraft cabin is impossible without performing a complex of engineering and fundamental studies at all stages of creating a new sample of aeronautical engineering. One of the research trends is identification, localization and ranking the main noise sources in the aircraft-prototype cabin. The results of this study are necessary for ensuring optimal placement of sound insulation, sound absorbing and vibration damping materials in the onboard structure and issuing recommendations for noise reduction of the air conditioning system (ACS).
The article presents the results of noise sources localization and ranking by intensity in the cockpit of the RRJ-95 aircraft employing the Simcenter Solid Sphere 3DCAM54 spherical array.
Acoustic measurements were performed on the RRJ-95 experimental aircraft No. 95005 with a cockpit modified from the viewpoint of noise reduction and reverberation interference. The tests were carried out at a cruising flight mode at the altitude of 11 km with a flight speed determined by the Mach number of 0.8. The signal recording time was no less than 60 seconds. The measurements were performed while normal ACS operation, and when it was switched off.
As the result of the study, noise sources localization charts in the one-third octave frequency bands of 630-3150 Hz were obtained. The main noise sources in the cockpit are the ACS and the turbulent boundary layer noise. As far as the air-feeding ceases with the ACS turning-off, but the system fans do not, the ACS effect manifests itself with its turning-off from the side of the air supplying pipelines to the cockpit as well. Two basic mechanisms in the ACS noise can be outlined. They are turbulent flow noise in the air ducts, and the noise caused by the “rotor-with-stator” interaction in the fans. In the one-third octave frequency bands of 1000 Hz, in particular, the noise of turbulent flow dominates the noise caused by the “rotor-with-stator” interaction in the ACS fans, while the noise of the “rotor-with-stator” interaction is dominating in the one-third octave frequency bands of 2500 Hz. | |
Svirskiy Y. A., Bautin A. A., Luk’yanchuk A. A., Basov V. N. Approximate method for local elastic-plastic problems solving. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 61-70. In the last twenty years, durability computing techniques with account for local elastic-plastic strain-stress state have achieved a status of the Industry Standard while producing aviation, automotive, cargo and earth moving equipment all over the world. Although the fundamental concepts of this approach are quite simple, the large-scale automation and this technique application for strength calculation of both large dynamically loaded structures and machines driving gears led, in one hand, to the new possibilities emergence for engineers, but, on the other hand, they created extra challenges for the designers of the durability evaluation software. Presently, there is a possibility of dynamic models application for aviation structure loading computing, finite element models, allowing compute local strains by the applied loads, and techniques for more accurate plasticity computing for damageability estimation.
The article considers one of the methods for solving the elastic-plastic problem at cycle-by-cycle calculation, which can be applied for the durability evaluation with account for non-linear effects of interaction of loads of various values, especially after rare loads of high values. The need for analytical methods for elastic-plastic stresses computation developing and improving is caused by high labor intensity and low computing speed through numerical methods, such as finite element method.
The article proposes a new approximate formula for determining elastic plastic stresses and strains at the point of failure. The proposed approach is based on the solution of the elastic-plastic problem by the finite element method for the static case, as well as the method developed by the authors for fitting the static and cyclic stress-strain curves based on standard constants and the Masing principle. The suggested formula for determining the dependencies of local stresses and strains on nominal stresses for typical concentrators provides the necessary dependencies, close in accuracy to the results determined by the finite element method. This formula application will allow developing effective methods for durability computing based on local elastic-plastic stresses and strains under multi-cycle loading, being typical for aircraft structures.
The article presents comparisons of local stresses dependencies at the most stressed points on nominal stresses, obtained with the proposed formula and the finite element method for typical stress concentrators of the aircraft structure such as strips with free hole, fillet, and stringer runout. | |
Sinitsin A. P., Parakhin G. A., Rumyantsev . V. Thermal design of cathode with barium thermo-emitter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 71-80. This article presents the results of a thermal model developing and application of a cathode with Barium emitter for the temperature field computing, determining internal and external conductive and radiative heat fluxes, gradients and velocities of temperature changing in the cathode stationary and dynamic operation modes, as well as heat release computing on the cathode emitter. Based on the computational results of the thermal state of the cathode design elements in functioning modes, the analysis of the cathode design and start parameters, which ensure meeting the thermal requirements to its main elements, was performed.
The objectives of the above said thermal computations were:
– determining a minimum power for the cathode pre-start heating, which ensures conditions of reaching emitter temperature within 160 sec (the level sufficient to ignite and maintain the discharge),
– estimating temperature distribution by the cathode elements at various boundary conditions and verifying the thermal model based on the thermal vacuum tests results to employ the model for determining the cathode structure thermal state at various boundary conditions.
The task of the thermal calculation was elements thermal state estimation of the cathode with Barium thermo-emitter in the start heating mode and in the automatic mode (which means the cathode operation when thermo-emitter temperature is maintained by bombarding by the ions of the working body. The discharge circuit between the anode and cathode herewith is closed, and the source of the external heating (heater) is turned-off by way of determining the estimated range and thermal flows over the cathode elements A 3D thermal model of a cathode with Barium emitter was developed with SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2014, which employs the finite volume method, i.e. a numerical method for integration of differential equation systems in partial derivatives. Boundary conditions for the thermal design were being set identical to the thermal vacuum test conditions.
The following elements were set in the model: parts geometrical sizes (with insignificant simplifications not affecting the temperature distribution), structural materials properties and contact thermal resistances between the model areas. The calculation accounted for only conductive and radiative heat exchange, since cathode operation conditions as a part of the thruster represent a deep vacuum. A power, corresponding to the operation mode, was set on the heat releasing elements of the cathode thermal model depending on time and operation mode. When calculating a radiative component of heat exchange, integral emissivity factor was assigned to each surface, depending on material and surface treatment class.
Anisotropic thermal conductivity was set in the ceramic parts properties, i.e. thermal conductivity of Aluminum oxide ceramics is two-directional. Direction of axial (transversal) and radial thermal conductivity ws determined along the corresponding axis of the coordinate system. A temperature dependence between the thermal conductivity coefficient and thermal capacity was accounted for in structural materials properties.
Experimental data obtained at EDB Fakel facility from thermal vacuum tests of a cathode with Barium emitter was employed for the thermal design model verification. The thermal model verification consisted in heaters power selection and heat release on the emitter from the condition that the temperature calculated values in the checkpoints coincide with the measured ones.
Based on the thermal design results, a minimum heater power for guaranteed start of the cathode with Barium emitter was selected.
Cathode thermal model verification with the thermal vacuum test results was carried out. This allows the cathode thermal model application for predicting a thermal state of the cathode structure while numerical reproduction of situations, which were not verified while physical experiment, as well as compare the temperature predictions with the temperatures registered in flight. | |
Grigor'ev V. A., Ryzyvanov I. P., Zagrebel'nyi A. O. Improving parametric model of aircraft turboprop engine mass. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 81-89. The modern approach to the aircraft engine analysis as a part of an aircraft requires the presence of a perfect technique for the thermo-gas dynamic calculation (and such techniques do exist) and a mathematical model of GTE mass (based on the parametrical dependences, based on statistics of the already created GTEs). Considering the last circumstance, the assertion that such models need periodic updating is possible.
It is expedient for the turboprop engine mass models to present the equation of mass in the form of the sum of the gas turbine engine and the gearbox masses. The gas turbine engine mass should be expressed in the form dependency on the working process parameters (Gair,πc,Tg).
This is explained by the fact that the gearbox mass does not depend on the working process parameters, and it is better to consider it by separate dependencies.
For the MGTE dependency actualization, the basic specification data on twenty three turboprops, such as Gair,πc ,Tg, and a certification year were used.
Coefficients B, m1 and m2 were refined and corrected with the algorithm, proposed in the article.
Linear dependencies of m1 on the airflow rate, and m2 on the of pressure increase degree were obtained. To refine the kTg
coefficient, which accounts for the temperature Tg impact on the engine mass, turbine models were developed, in which the structure being changed with temperature Tg. The corresponding elements of the turbine cooling system were being added, and the mass changed accordingly. This change was expressed by an approximating expression for kTg.
By approximation of integral quantitative values of
The performed improvement of the parametric model equation of the turboprop mass allowed reducing its calculation error by 10%. | |
Remchukov S. S., Lebedinskii R. N. Laser technologies application specifics while plate heat exchangers developing for small-size gas turbine engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 90-98. Effectiveness increasing is one the basic trends of small-size gas-turbine engines (SGTE) refinement. One of the most affordable and effective techniques for SGTE gain performance is heat regeneration application [13, 19]. In this case, heat exchanger affects significantly the engine effectiveness.
In the event of a plate heat exchanger application in the SGTE of a complex cycle, the heat exchanging surface geometry, ensuring the best heat exchange efficiency, is being selected individually for each task [7, 17]. In this respect, the heat exchanger design technique, allowing obtaining the best thermal and hydraulic characteristics [15], is of primary importance.
Despite heat exchangers designing and calculating complexity, manufacturing stage causes most difficulties while the product creation. The key stages of heat exchanger manufacturing imply dealing with thin-walled and various-thickness parts made of heat-resistant steels.
Analysis of the existing manufacturing technologies has shown that the most effective way of working with such parts is laser cutting and welding on a low-power installation [8]. To perform individual operations on a laser installation, a set of special technological equipment that allows the parts positioning is required [16].
Parts cutting and welding operations in the heat exchanger manufacturing process were performed with low-power “Bulat HTS Portal-300” laser plant with numerical control [18]. The installation low power (up to 300 Watts) allows working with thin details Experimental study of the of the cutting mode effect on the parts edges quality, performed at a low-power laser installation with numerical control, revealed a number of features. The factors exercising the maximal impact on the cut quality are the air supply pressure, pulse energy, frequency, and cutting speed. Modes, ensuring the high quality of laser cutting, were obtained while the experimental heat exchanger manufacturing process.
Specifics of laser welding application on a low-power machine tool with numerical control while thin-walled and various-thickness parts connecting were studied. The pulse shape and spot size are the most important factors while welding modes selection to obtain qualitative joint. The pulse shape variation allows the most rational distribution of energy flow over the time of the thermal exposure. Laser welding modes, ensuring the qualitative pressure-proof weld seam, were obtained in the process of thin-walled and various-thickness parts connection.
While an experimental heat exchanger fabrication it was found that for laser cutting and high-level welding operations performing ensuring, special technological rigging application, ensuring positioning of the machined parts, was necessary.
Experimental heat exchanger was manufactured employing laser technology on a low-power laser installation with numerical control. The heat exchanger experimental studies confirmed the strength and tightness of the welded joints, as well as demonstrated a reliable match of the calculated and experimental characteristics. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Fokin D. B., Nyagin P. V. Mathematical modelling application for characteristics estimation of bypass turbojet with common afterburner. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 99-111. Turbofan engines (TFE) with common afterburning chamber are the basic ones applied in power plants of maneuverable aircraft both in our and foreign countries. Recently, the TFE with low bypass ratio (no more than 0.3 ... 0.5) that has a certain feature in the scheme of mixing and burning processes in the afterburning chamber are most widely spread.
The absence of special mixing devices at the afterburning chamber inlet in a number of TFEs structures may lead to the situation when a certain air portion of the second duct would not admix to the main flow and participate in combustion process even at the full speed-up.
In this case, rather high values of total excess air factor ( αΣ ≥1,2 ... 1,3) realize at the afterburning chamber outlet, which may eventually reduce the engine speed-up degree at these modes.
With a view to the specifics of TFE interaction units in the engine system, the share of the air not participating in the air burning process at various operating modes may change in a rather wide range.
The estimation inaccuracy of this value can eventually lead to essential errors in determining the main TFE parameters sucha as its thrust and specific fuel consumption.
A specially developed model of the stage-by-stage air of the bypass duct admixing to the main flow at the afterburning chamber inlet was integrated into the general mathematical model of the engine and allowed refine both working process in the TFE and its characteristics at the speed-up modes.
The following scheme of the afterburning chamber of the two-stage successive air admixing of the bypass duct air to the main loop flow is assumed while mixing-afterburning chamber modelling. At the first stage, the entire gas of the internal loop and a fraction of air of the second loop participate in mixing. At the second stage, the remaining airflow, being flown through the subscreen duct, is being admixed to the gas at the afterburning chamber outlet.
Equality of static pressures herewith is assumed in the mixing section, as well as fulfillment of conditions of conservation of mass, energy an impulse for the mixing flows, peculiar to the conditionally full mixing in the conditional cylindrical duct.
Estimation, performed on the example of technical appearance analysis of the fifth generation Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 TFE analysis was performed. Its altitude-speed and throttle performances, among all, as a part of the F-22A Raptor aircraft power plant, revealed telling impact of the factor under consideration on both TFE characteristics and the aircraft as a whole. | |
Tkachenko A. Y., Kuz'michev V. S., Filinov E. P., Avdeev S. V. Aircraft target purpose impact on working process optimal parameters and power plant configuration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 112-122. The presented article studied the aircraft target purpose impact on working process optimal parameters and structural schemes of small-sized gas turbine engines (GTE).
The engine optimization was performed as a part of the aircraft system. Total weight of the fuel and power plant and the fuel, required for flight, as well as specific fuel consumption of the aircraft per ton-kilometer were being used as functions of the GTE efficiency. The aircraft of light, administrative and regional types was considered. Commercial loading weight (the number of passengers), flight range and trajectory were set for each of the aircraft under consideration.
The database of possible structural schemes of the engines was formed based on the initial data. Further, the engine evaluation criteria in the aircraft system were being computed. Minimax method of optimization was employed for rational solution obtaining. With this, functional limitations for the engine of each scheme were accounted for while optimization. Optimization of small-sized gas turbine engine in the aircraft system was performed with “ASTRA” CAE system.
The optimization results are presented in the form of dependencies of optimal of working process parameters of a small-size GTE on flight range for the aircraft under consideration. The studies revealed that with the flight range increase, the degree of bypass ratio and total degree of pressure ratio increased, the degree of pressure ratio in the fan decreased, and the gas temperature prior to the turbine changes insignificantly. It was found that with the engine size increase, the flight range exerted relatively slight impact on the working process optimal parameters. With the flight range increase, optimal parameters values by various criteria tend to minimax solution for any engine scheme.
The presented study demonstrated that the target purpose of the aircraft significantly affects the optimal parameters of the the power plant working process with the small-size GTE. In return, the working process parameters and the engine size determine its most rational design scheme. | |
Lokhtin O. I., Raznoschikov V. V., Aver’kov I. S. A technique for 3D-model developing of a flying vehicle with ducted rocket engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 131-139. The flying vehicle with ducted rocket engine (DRE) developing at the preliminary design stage begins with forming the volume-weight layout of the product. Then, determining geometry of both engine characteristic sections and aerodynamic surfaces is required. These issues can be solved by tuning and optimizing with special software. The result of these studies represents the entire range of various technical information, such as characteristics of the DRE elements and, consequently, the engine altitude and speed characteristics, the airframe aerodynamic characteristics, flight dynamics parameters according to the technical specifications and, surely, preliminary size of the airframe and DRF basic elements. This allows making a drawing of all three views. However, further studies of the thermal state, aerodynamic and strength characteristics require a 3D-model.
To solve such problem, it is effective to employ automated design systems, since their capabilities are noticeably superior to human ones. Analysis of the software products available on the market (KOMPAS-3D; SolidWorks; Autodesk Inventor and others) revealed that practically there were no holistic tools for solving these problems at the moment.
At present, automated design, systems are employed for converting drawings into electronic form. Initially, a 3D-model is created manually according to the paper drawings, and the original drawings are already being recreated from it, but in the electronic form. Reducing the time interval from appearing the drawing of three views of the preliminary studies to the 3D-model is required for the studies simplifying and conceptual flaws revealing. Thus, creation of the unified program for real objects modelling presents great scientific and practical interest.
Such program can be obtained, combining the initial software package with one of the automated design systems. Thus, the possibility of immediate transition from the drawing of three views to the 3D- model will appear. Such program advent will significantly accelerate the process of 3D-models creation, which, in its turn will allow immediate conceptual flaws revealing and accelerate various kinds of studies. | |
Sabirzyanov A. N., Kirillova A. N., Khamatnurova C. B. Geometrical parameters effect of recessed nozzle inlet section on the flow coefficient. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 140-148. Rocket engine energy performance improvement is an actual task for modern researchers. The article considers rocket solid propellant engines, which distinctive feature consists in the recessed nozzle.
Recommendations on designing the inlet sections geometry of the recessed nozzles are few and inconsistent. The purpose of the presented work is studying the nozzle inlet shape effect on the flow-rate characteristics and developing appropriate recommendations on nozzle designing.
The flow coefficient is one of perfection indicators of the flow processes. Advanced methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) were employed for studying the flow coefficient of the recessed nozzles. The problem was being considered in quasi-stationary axisymmetric adiabatic approximation of the ideal gaseous setting. The RNG k- å two-parameter turbulence model with standard set of model constants, being passed verification while computing classic nozzles consumption and the specific impulse losses of the recessed nozzle, was employed for the flow structure modelling.
The computational geometrical model contained:
– combustion chamber;
– charging duct, from which surface the working medium was being supplied;
– various options of the nozzle recessed part shapes;
– the conical expanding part;
– as well as extra volume behind the nozzle cut.
The grid quality maintained constant while varying the recessed part sizes, and the nozzle degree of submergence.
The gas dynamic component of the flow coefficient was being studied. Nozzle inlet geometry formed by ellipse and by Vitoshinsky curve were being examined. The dependences of the flow coefficient on the nozzle inlet shape and degree of submergence coefficient were obtained.
The results of the flow characteristics of the inlet sections under study are being compared with the previously obtained results for the radius inlet. It was demonstrated that the best values of the flow coefficient corresponded to the inlet section formed by the Vitoshinsky curve. The distinctive feature of the inlet section designed by the Vitoshinsky equation is high stability of the gas-dynamic losses irrespective of its geometrical parameters changes.
Elliptical inlet nozzles allow improving flow coefficients indicators even for the worst option of the radius nozzles by 7%. The article presents recommendations on designing the inlet section of the recessed nozzle. | |
Malov D. V., Shablii L. S. The study of liquid flux coefficient dependence in axial clearance of electrically driven pump unit on operating and structural parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 149-156. In the last few years the problems emerge in electrically driven pump unit (EDPU), which disrupt operation of the spacecraft thermo-regulating system (TRS) and disabling EDPU. The EDPU service life and operability depend greatly on the operability of rotor supports, sealing system efficiency, and required lubricating and cooling mode. As a rule, seals and supports are connected with the pump flowing part, and they are connected between each other by the hydraulic path, necessary for the unit normal operation. Large axial loading occurrence is considered the most probable cause of the EDPU failure. Thus, studying hydrodynamics of such auxiliary hydraulic paths is the paramount objective for the enterprises working in this field. For these problems solving, a 3D mathematical model of the working fluid flow in the impeller cavity of the EDPU being studied was developed.
To validate the computational model, hydraulic test bench was assembled, and special hydrodynamic tests of the EDPU under study were performed. The pressure changing behavior in various areas obtained by the tests coincides with the CFX computation, and the error does not exceed 3%.
The pressure force change in the axial clearance along the radius submits to the parabolic law, in which the liquid flux coefficient in the axial clearance φ plays an important part. It depends upon the structural and operating parameters of the pump and changes from 0.5 for the lossless flow to 0.76 with expendable flow from periphery to the center in the form of the working fluid leakages. The force acting from the axial clearance side depends on the φ coefficient, though the suggested recommendations are not enough for correct axial force determining.
To determine the fluid flow rate in the axial clearance, the axial force, obtained with software complex, was being used. The values of the φ coefficient were obtained this way for all modes, tested with the hydraulic test bench. Additional calculations of the EDPU various working modes were performed for the livid illustration of the way the coefficient φ depends on the structural and operating parameters, but without test bench testing since the computational model convergence has been already proved.
The obtained dependencies demonstrate that the φ coefficient depends weakly on the operating parameters, and to the greater extent it depends on structural ones, and more specifically, on the discharge openings diameter. In addition, the range of this parameter changes is wider than it is pointed in the source based on the experimental data, which cannot be always determined precisely due to the structure complexity, and, as a consequence, complex access of measuring devices to the EDPU areas of interest. | |
Baklanov A. V. Pressure losses in combustion chamber fuel system of the natural gas running gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 157-168. Pressure losses computing in the fuel system of the stationary gas turbine engine is an integral part for solving a number of engineering and operational tasks. For example, such calculation is necessary to determine a minimum required gas pressure at the inlet of the engine to ensure the engine reaching its operational modes. Likewise, this calculation may come in handy at the fuel gas composition changing, since gas properties change, which means the pressure loss change too that can require to make changes in control equipment. It is well known that fuel nozzles are carbonized while a combustion chamber operation process. Very often, it leads to the resistance increasing of the fuel system, and therefore the of pressure losses rising. Besides, any discrepancies in the dosing equipment can be detected by a hydraulic calculation.
The article considers a fuel system of a stationary converted aircraft engine intended for driving the gas pumping unit supercharger. The pressure losses computing technique for the fuel system of such engine is presented in the article. A relevance of the topic and the necessity of such techniques forming are disclosed. To check the adequacy of the developed technique the NK-16ST engine rig test was performed with pressure measuring in the fuel supply pipelines to the nozzles and in the gas doser. The results of the studies revealed that the gas fuel pressure level measured in the eight gas-extraction from collector to nozzles pipelines differed insignificantly, which confirmed the fuel distribution uniformity along the pipelines. Experimental results comparison with the computational studies confirms that their discrepancy does not exceed 6%. | |
Ied K. ., Maslennikova G. E., Tiumentsev Y. V. Computing safe parameters of maneuver commencing of aerobatics aircraft using artificial neural network. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 169-184. The article considers artificial neural networks employed for sporting aircraft maneuvers computing method developing. System approach, describing it in the form of the MPL neuron network, is used for representation of such network. As long as initial training data represent complex functional dependencies with the number of variables greater than two, conventional approximation methods application is complicated. Thus, neural network modelling was employed for the problem solution. The concept of neuron represents the basis of neuron representation of aircraft flight trajectories (in the context of movement determining for an AIRCRAFT, and in the context of detecting and tracking devices). Correction of the MPL network architecture structure means the number of hidden layers and neurons (nodes) in each layer. Activation functions for each level are selected at this stage as well, i.e. they are assumed to be known. Weights and deflections are the unknown parameters with should be evaluated. Whereas excitations from the other neurons are fed to the input. For practical implementation of this approach a mathematical model of the Yak-55M sporting aircraft kind was developed on the X-Plane flight simulator using an algorithm of the training cycle of the network of multi-layer perceptron. The article presents also simulation results of the set problem on computing the safe parameters of a sporting aircraft maneuver starting. The study demonstrates that the neural network properties, such as non-linearity and good generalization ability, enhance its ability for complex tasks learning and can produce correct result for new initial data. The aircraft under analysis is out of effective system for collisions with ground prevention based on the predicted course of evasive manoeuver. However, the problem can be solved by developing relationship between the piloting errors and flight safety, and employing neuron network modelling for a number of maneuvers, which associate velocity and altitude parameters and automatically compared with the preset values. The model demonstrated the results of the sporting aircraft maneuvering starting parameters computing. With this, the probability of reliability of a great number of maneuvers should correspond to the reality. The results obtained while mathematical modelling should be loaded to the warning system to warn the pilot on the maneuver performing at the inappropriate altitude, and offer the recovery from the manoeuver allowing secure the flight and minimize hazardous situation. | |
Morozov A. A., Ilyukhin S. N., Khlupnov A. I. Autorotation application analysis for the safe-landing field-tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 185-195. This article is devoted to the topical issue of applying the autorotation phenomenon in emergencies while helicopter engine malfunctioning to ensure safe landing. In the beginning of the article, the basic theoretical data on the physics of the helicopter rotor autorotation process is presented, and the conditions for the occurrence of a stable autorotation mode are considered. The objective of the overrunning clutch is described on the example of the MI-8 helicopter. Further, the characteristic sets of initial conditions and spatial zones of the autorotation commence are considered, staying in which ensures or does not ensure a safe landing. It was emphasized that the key for the correct entry performing into autorotation is maintaining the rotor rotations. Two techniques for the rotor speed drop terminating in emergencies are presented. Besides, the article considers the pilot’s actions in case of an emergency associated with engine malfunctions in Mi-8, 24, 28 helicopters, ensuring stable autorotation mode and a safe landing. Based on the results of a series of field tests, a scientific substantiation was also presented for the main parameters selection, allowing the helicopter landing with idle engines, as well as recommended landing profile for the rotor self-rotation was elaborated. By the results of processing of video recording of ten landings, the values of the height of the helicopter pitch increasing commence are presented. The pitch angle value and height, at which this pitch angle was reached, as well as vertical and horizontal components of landing velocities are presented as well. In conclusion, the landing technique while autorotation mode performing, formed as the result of flight test data analysis with the listing numeric parameters of the flight is presented. | |
Faizov M. R., Khabibullin F. F. Computations analysis of a four-link spherical mechanism for a spatial simulator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 196-206. This work presents a spherical mechanism with four links, interconnected by rotational kinematic pairs. Based on the spherical mechanism by the type of a crank-and-rocker mechanism, a simulator, shown on the figures of the article, is being developed. While the mechanism kinematics analysis we create the structural scheme with notations of its sides and links. For the convenience, and simplified and advantageous computation it was determined that the opposite situated links would have equal angles of crossing. Two techniques are employed while spherical mechanism computing. The first technique consists in developing a mechanism mathematical model. Additional angles and hinges points of a mechanism, which will be employed in subsequent computations, are accounted for while the mathematical model developing. Since we use two techniques of comparison, we equate both techniques through the same speed and rotation time. Having performed kinematic computation, we specify the complete revolution of rotation of the mechanism. During equations analysis we make to the conclusion that with complete revolution of the leading link the driven links manage performing one-half revolution. While graphs plotting of angular speeds and accelerations maximum and minimum points can be observed. Likewise, the angular acceleration increases three-fold from the angular acceleration. For the complete pattern of computations, we perform analysis of moment of inertia of the mechanism connecting rod, which will be the capsule of the simulator. The centrifugal moment of inertia through the point, located at the center of the connecting rod lengthwise the direction cosines, was obtained for the mathematical model. The moment of inertia of leading and driven links is determined by the simpler technique. For precise computations, the displacement angle of the connecting rod relative to the driven crank in hinges are obtained. The angle of rotation of both connecting rod and its center point on each axis separately is being determined. For convenience, the values of mass and radius are set as constants. In the future, we shall set these values from the definite task of the mechanism. Having plotted the graph of the connecting rod moment of inertia by the two techniques, we obtain several maximum points of loads. | |
Golovach A. M., Dmitrieva M. O., Bondareva O. S. Structural degradation of electric arc thermal-barrier coating on gas turbine engine blades after operation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 207-213. Thermal protective coatings are the type of coatings employed to insulate components operating at elevated temperatures. Application area of such coatings is the gas turbine engine blades, combustion chamber, nozzle guide apparatus and pipelines. Thermal protective coatings allow increase gas turbines temperature, enhancing thereby the turbine efficiency.
In conditions of high-temperature operation, special requirements are imposed on components of gas turbine engines. In this regard, thermal barrier coatings (TBC) were developed to protect the gas turbine elements, representing a system of the two or more layers applied on a substrate in a special way.
Coatings, obtained by the electric arc technique of physical vapor deposition (EAPVD), were selected for studying in this work. Three types of alloys were employed for the TBS system, such as SDP-4, representing a coating of NiCoCrAlY alloy; VSDP-16, a diffusion coating of a AlNiY type; and, finally ceramic layer from Zirconium oxide, stabilized by the Yttrium oxide (ZrO2 + 8% Y2O3). Chemical composition of the thermal protective coating was determined by the X-ray micro-analyzer of the Inca Energy OXFORD instruments system. It was determined that after long-term operation the coating layer formed by the SDP-4 and VSDP-16 alloys had two clearly defined zones, such as β-NiAl phase and an inter-diffusion zone, while the NiCoCrAlY alloy did not exhibit phase separation, and the coating structure represents the β-NiAl and γ -phase mixture. It was established that oxygen diffusion occurs outside ceramic upper layer to its boundary with the heat-proof underlayer, which contributes to thermally grown oxide α-Al2O3 forming. It was noticed that the VSDP-16 alloy deposited on the SDP-4 layer increases the amount of aluminum in the binder coating layer, compensating its consumption for α-Al2O3 forming from the β-NiAl phase. | |
Busarova M. V., Zhelonkin S. V., Kulesh V. P., Kuruliuk K. A. Application of optical videogrammetry technique for normal deformation fields of aircraft fuselage panel meausring. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 52-60. An important part of aircraft fuselage panels testing for fatigue and survivability is the study of normal deformation fields of buckling and warping of the skin. The article describes optical videogrammetry technique and its application for non-contact measurements of distributed normal fuselage panels’ deformations of a passenger aircraft under testing for internal overpressure.
Strength, reliability and resource of modern aircraft are ensured by multilateral experimental studies of the structural elements behavior under regular and extreme external impacts. One of the types of such tests is the study of aircraft fuselage panels deformation under the impact of internal overpressure. Significant component of deformation herewith refers to the displacement of points in direction of a normal to the surface, i.e. normal deformation. These deformations are of a complex character distributed over the surface. To obtain the full pattern of the distributed normal deformation measurement in a large number of points are required. Strain gauging is a traditional technique for deformation measuring. However, complex deformation fields studying with pattern, which complicates sensors placement and strain gage measurements results interpretation.
At present, contactless optical video-grammetry technique (VGT) manifested itself as a prospective trend for distributed deformations measuring. The results of measurements represent not relative deformation, but normal displacements of the surface points directly. It gives an additional advantage when interpreting the results and comparing them with the calculation or mathematical model of warping and buckling of the skin.
The goal of the presented work consisted in improving contactless optical video-grammetry technique for distributed normal deformations measuring at a large number of the surface points, and this technique application for testing aircraft fuselage panels under internal overpressure.
Video-grammetry technique with one digital camera was chosen (mono-grammetry method) for these measurements. This choice was stipulated by lack of space around the panel being tested on the experimental setup. | |
Kolbasin I. V. Main sources and radiation composition affecting eigen external atmosphere of a spacecraft with nuclear power plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 2, pp. 123-130. When in orbit, the spacecraft is affected by natural sources of radiation (solar and galactic cosmic rays, radiation of the Earth radiation belts) and artificial sources (the onboard radiation sources), which affect the spacecraft in a wide range of energies, penetrate through the eigen external atmosphere (EEA) deep into the structural elements, where particles of energies conversion occurs.
The following energies, affecting a spacecraft, relate to the energies of natural origin:
– solar cosmic rays, including electromagnetic radiation (solar radiation) and corpuscular radiation (solar wind);
– galactic cosmic rays, i.e. isotropic cosmic radiation coming from the interior of the galaxy;
– radiation belts of the Earth, namelly radiation of natural origin, formed by the solar wind and the Earth magnetosphere.
The spacecraft onboard equipment is affected not only by sources of natural origin, but there are also artificial ones situated onboard the spacecraft. Nuclear power plant (NPP) is an example of an artificial source that generates a flow of energy that exceeds all natural impacts by its intensity.
Radiation from natural and artificial sources affects the spaccraft through the medium of its eigen external atmosphere (EEA). Since the EEA is not static, but is constantly mixing as the result of the existing of pressure gradients, temperature, and concentration of activated nuclei and ionized particles of atmospheric substances, the induced radioactivity is being carried over the entire surface of the spacecraft with NPP. Gradients of atmospheric parameters also contribute to medium flows formation that transfer activated nuclei to the shadow area created by the radiation protection unit. The exited nuclei are splitting and their transition to new stable states is accompanied by radiation, which leads to the occurrence of induced radiation on the protected spacecraft structure.
The article deals with the main types of radiation that affect spacecraft with nuclear power plants, and gives their classification. Radiation impact of the onboard reactor, which surpasses solar and galaxy radiation by the intensity, forming basic contribution to the radiation doses, being accumulated by the equipment and structural elements, is the most dangerous for a spacecraft with NPP. The rate of the induced radioactivity propagation in the EEA volume and accumulation of critical dose of radiation in both onboard equipment and structural elements from activated and ionized EEA substance has not been determined at present.
In the existing economic conditions, the service life of a spacecraft with nuclear power plant is set within the range of seven years or more, which requires a complex of works to study and account for the intensity of radiation dose accumulation from the EEA. | |
Alesin V. S., Gubsky V. V., Pavlenko O. V. Fuselage and duct interference effect on maximum thrust of the air pushing propeller-duct thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 7-18. The article presents the numerical research of the interference effect of fuselage and duct of the propeller-duct thruster, and performs evaluation of their impact on the maximum thrust value. It presents the results of the numerical research by means of the program based on numerical solution of averaged by Reynolds Navier-Stokes equations. It demonstrates the pressure and field of velocities change depending on the shape of the fuselage tailpiece and duct-type profile, and their effect on the maximum thrust value. Numerical studies revealed the necessity of such parameters selection as the profile thickness, chord and installation angle of the duct with affect for the flow conditions and interference while a flying vehicle design.
Aerodynamic designing of the optimized duct shape was being performed without changing the external fuselage lines. According to the marked, noted limitations, a new duct-type profile was designed for numerical studies. The opening angle of the duct was being selected based on flow velocities distribution analysis in the duct setting area in such a way that the flow would direct the duct at the angle corresponding to the mode of the maximum quality of the duct profile. The article shows that with the selected velocity of the air flow, the duct profiling changing insignificantly effects it thrust of the propeller itself, but it drastically effects the duct thrust. At this present velocity of the air flow, the rarefication is being observed along the entire internal surface of the duct. The highest rarefication zone occupies up to the 60% of the duct-type profile chord, while it is only 30% with the initial profile.
Thinning-down of a boundary layer and increase in speed in it due to the change of the fuselage shape allows reducing the drag of the fuselage itself. Analysis of the numerical results revealed that at low flight speeds the shape of the fuselage fodder part rather than the duct profile affects the maximum thrust value.
Data analysis of the pressure profile along the internal surface of the duct revealed that rarefication at the internal surface of the duct took the shape of the half-internal distribution, which corresponds to maximum thrust of the propeller-duct thruster.
It is necessary to solve the inverse problem of ensuring half-internal pressure profile along the internal surface of the duct for the defined flight speed while the screw-duct thruster design. | |
Dunaevskii A. I., Perchenkov E. S., Chernavskikh Y. N. Takeoff-landing characteristics of regional aircraft with auxiliary retractable distributed electric power installation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 19-29. The article regards the possibility of regional aircraft takeoff-landing characteristics improvement by employing blow-off from propellers of the auxiliary retractable multi-propeller distributed electro-power installation (DEPI). Its motors operate only during takeoff-landing modes being retracted into the wing while cruising flight. The DEPI motors small-size, commensurable with the flaps chord size, allow deflect the jets from propellers at substantial angles, ensuring herewith significant lift force increase. A large number of the DEPI motors reduces negative impact of any of these engines failure, which leads to the flight safety enhancement. Aerodynamic layout of an aircraft with DEPI as applied to the L410 class aircraft was formed, and calculations of takeoff-landing characteristics with account for the blowing effect were performed. The article demonstrates aerodynamic characteristics dependence on thrust-to-weight ratio, the wing geometric size and propeller diameter. It considers various options of cruise engines total thrust and DEPI motors relationship. It was shown that increasing in the DEPI thrust-to-weight ratio share leads to reduction of the runway length required for the takeoff. Thus, with typical total thrust-to-weight ratio being equal to 0.50, the increase in DEPS thrust from 0 to 25% results in runway length reduction from 780 m to 580 m, i.e. approximately by 25%.
An approach to compliance of Cplanding approach and Cllanding approach values, being realized with account for blowing, with flight-path angle at landing approach was suggested. The article demonstrates the presence of unique dependence between the flight-path angle, required Cplanding approach value and re alized Cllanding approach value.The possibility of realizing higher (approximately twofold) Cllanding approach values due to the blow-off is shown. With typical wing load of 250 kg/m2, the blow-off implementation allows required runway length reduction approximately by 20%. | |
Glushkov T. D. The study of compact fan installations with variable circulation distribution along blade length. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 30-42. At present, there is an undeniable demand for developing new prospective layouts of various cooling systems and lifting complexes for air-cushion units, in which a flat barrier of substantial size (a screen, air duct, radiator) is being placed behind the axial fan. This problem can be solved by the effect of kinetic energy conversion of the swirling flow behind the impeller into the static pressure, observed in axial- radial diffusors, formed by the fan outlet manifold and a flat barrier, upon which the flow is ingoing. Implementation of such structures of fan installations allows not only preserving high energy-efficiency of the fan installations but as a whole, but significantly reduce their axial size as well.
The main parameter affecting the efficiency of the swirled flow dynamic pressure into static pressure conversion is the flow swirl intensity, characterized by the Rossby number, since with its increase, the total pressure loss in the axial radial diffuser decreases. The article demonstrates that namely fans with the said circulation distribution along the blades length implementation, whereby the flow is swirled by the law of the solid body, is expedient in such kind of fan installations. These fans swirling intensity can reach much higher intensity compared to those, for which classical methodology for the constant circulation is used while aerodynamic design.
Based on the available experimental data on the swirling flow total pressure loss in axial radial diffusers, calculation was performed for aerodynamic parameters of compact fan installations with variable circulation in the wide range of calculated parameters such as flow rate and hub-to-shroud rate, which finally determine the blade shape geometry. According to the obtained results, the installations under consideration can develop rather high for axial fans static pressure rate at a minimum axial size.
An additional analysis of fans with variable circulation revealed two limitations that significantly narrowed the range of design parameters.
The first limitation is stipulated by the criterion of the aerodynamic load limit of blades system, characterized by the value of equivalent diffusion cascade Deq. Exceeding the Deq maximum value for peripheral cascades may lead to the high intensive separated flow path of the rotor. Unlike the classical fans with constant circulation, the diffusion cascade criterion for the fans under consideration does not depend on the design parameters, and, eventually, determines the minimum value of the axial velocity, at which this limitation is fulfilled.
The second restriction is determined by the energy balance condition: the total kinetic energy of the flow should not exceed the energy transferred to the flow by the rotor blades. This problem manifests especially pointedly in the near-hub sections, since unlike the fans with the constant circulation, the quantity of energy transferred to the flow by the blades in the fans, which swirl the flow by the solid body law, reduces from shroud to the hub. Overall, this limitation determines the maximum value of the axial velocity coefficient and the range of optimal design parameters of considered fans.
With account for the analysis being done, the aerodynamic designing of the experimental fan was performed and studied experimentally. The obtained results reflected the main concepts used in aerodynamic design. Significantly higher values of pressure ratio and flow rate were obtained on the experimental fan installation compared to the similar compact fan units, designed employing the classical technique for constant circulation. | |
Ivanov P. I., Berislavskii N. Y. Problematic issues of functioning of multi-dome parachute systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 43-52. Multi-dome parachute system (MPS) represents a bundle (connected together) of single-dome parachutes. The main advantage of the MPS over single-dome parachute systems (PS) consists in the possibility of their effective employing when heavy and super-heavy loads airdrop, such as military equipment, rocket stages, etc.
Replacing one parachute with an MPS bundle allows:
-reduce the average filling time and height loss when filling the bundle compared with a single parachute of the same area;
- eliminate manufacturing and operation complexity of a large area parachute system (PS), i.e. simplify of manufacturing and operation technology of the PS; significantly simplify parachute packing and PS installing;
- increase domes stability in the bundle and stability of the load descent. A bunch of parachutes composed of unstable domes could become stable in certain cases;
- increase the PS reliability due to the redundancy;
- bring about wide unification while of serial PS development;
- conveniently place (distribute) the PS in the laid state on the airdrop delivery object.
With a view to MPS advent, a number of incompletely explored and poorly studied issues arises, such as:
1. Why do some MPS domes adjoin each other at the steady descent, while the other do not?
2. Why the domes are stable in some MPS, while in the other they are unstable and tend to twisting?
3. Why in some cases the resistance coefficient of a bunch of domes is less than the one of an individual dome, and in the other is greater.
The above said, as well as a number of other issues induce performing thorough studies of multi-dome parachute systems. It was also revealed that a system stable at small perturbations of motion parameters could be unstable at large perturbations.
The experiment shows that the nature of the domes operation can change in a bundle. Stable domes in a bundle can turn out to be unstable. There were cases when unstable domes in a bundle became stable, both in the process of filling and steady descent. The system stability increases with the number of domes increasing in the bundle. It was found that employing MPS was more preferable from the stability viewpoint of descent of the object-parachute system.
With an increase in the number of parachutes in a bundle from three and more, the maximum angle of the object’s pitching practically did not change.
Fluctuations of the object-parachute system with more than three parachutes in a bundle practically independent from the parachute design.
With the number of parachutes in a bundle from one to three, the parachute design significantly affects the system fluctuations.
The article pays certain attention to the main quality indicator of the object-parachute system, namely its reliability.
To sum up, we note the following. The article briefly presents some important results of the study on multi-dome parachute systems. The following main issues were considered:
- the advantages and disadvantages of the MPS; problematic issues, which solving the MPS require;
- the problem of the leader dome and interference interaction of domes in a bundle;
- resistance coefficient and dynamic coefficient of the bundle domes;
- techniques for reducing dynamic coefficient value and aerodynamic load on the MPS due to the domes corrugation and the brake parachutes employing;
- the problem of non-simultaneous of domes filling in a bundle;
- design factors effect (extension and connecting links), as well as the number of domes in a bundle on some MPS characteristics;
- loss of height while the filling the MPS parachutes bundle;
- issues of the object-MPS system stability;
- the issue of the object-MPS system reliability.
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Manvelyan V. S. Six-component rotating strain-gauge balance for coaxial rotors testing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 53-64. Aerodynamic strain-gauge balance is employed to study the total loads on an object streamlined by the airflow in aerodynamic experiment. As a rule, the total loads are being represented by six components, namely by three forces along the orthogonal axes and three moments around the vectors of these forces. The strain-gauge balance is a special measuring device, which operation principle is based on the strain-gauge effect. Rotating strain-gauge balance is employed to measure loads affecting rotating object.
Coaxial rotor is a system with two airscrews rotating in opposite directions. To analyze the processes while coaxial rotor operation and of airscrews interaction, it is necessary to measure loads on each airscrew, i.e. both on the one rotating clockwise and the other rotating counter-clockwise. To solve the set task two rotating strain-gauge balances were developed in Central Aero-hydrodynamic Institute named after professor Zhukovsky (TsAGI) – one for each airscrew.
All over the world, companies such as RUAG (Switzerland), NLR (Netherlands), ONERA (France), etc. are engaged in rotating strain-gauge balance development. The most common design of rotating strain-gauge balance is a monoblock of a cylindrical shape. The external rigid rim is fixed to the internal cylindrical support by the beams used to be measure the loads. The external rigid rim is coupled with the internal hub by the beams, serving to loads measuring. The external rim is coupled with the screws hub, and internal hub is coupled with the shaft of the installation, which rotates the screws. Thus, the beams, on which the strain-gauge resistors, forming the measuring bridge, are glued, are deformed, and measuring strain-gauge resistor bridges convert the beams deformation into electric signal.
One of the most significant aspects of the design is the number and shape of the beams and the scheme of strain gauge gluing. The most widespread structure includes trapezoidal shape beams at the front view, and eight beams, connecting the rim and the hub, namely, a two beams in each of four packs. The main disadvantage of such structure is low value of the signaling stress under the strain-gauge resistor, pasted for lateral force measuring, and high mutual effect of the components, which leads inevitably to higher error value (more than 1,5% of measuring range).
To avoid the above-mentioned issues, the new structure of the strain-gauge balance was developed in TsAGI. The design is similar to the one described above, but it is based on the unique shape and increased number of beams from eight to twelve, i.e. three beams in each of four packs. Computations confirmed that the signaling stress under the strain- gauge resistors pasted for lateral force measuring increased, while mutual effect of the components decreased. Alongside with other solutions, increasing the number of beams and their unique shape ensures lower value of the expected error (less than 1% of measuring range). The expected error will be confirmed by future studies on the results of static and dynamic calibration. | |
Bokhoeva L. A., Baldanov A. B., Chermoshentseva A. S. Optimal structure of multi-layer wing console of unmanned aerial vehidle with experimental validation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 65-75. The article explores stress-strain state of a composite layered wing console of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). An optimal structure of the multilayer skin, ensuring maximum strength and stiffness at the specified loads was determined with the ANSYS system. The wing structure consists of two complete and two incomplete layers. Automated procedure for fiber laying angle selection in a layer was developed. Seventeen options of fiber laying angle were obtained, out of which three options of optimal reinforcing were selected. The second supplementary layer was added over the entire wing surface for deformation reduction. Thirty three options of fibers laying were considered while computing the wing model of two layers. When conputing three layers, forty seven options of fibers laying in a layer were considered. Sixty four options of fibers laying were regarded while computing a wing of two complete and two incomplete layers. According to the performed calculations, a four layer wing console was produced from layered fiberglass. It was produced by the cold forming method. Workshop drawings of tooling were developed. New tooling from phenol-impregnated modified wood was obtained for the hollow wing console fabrication, for which a Patent No 19273 was received. The weight of the hollow console is 1.46 kg, which is 3% greater than that for the computational model. The designed and fabricated wing console of the two complete and two incomplete layers weight is 43% less than that of the console of the two complete layers. Fabrication of the designed console requires 25-30% less material. The presented approach can be widely employed while structural elements and products from composite materials design and fabrication. | |
Aruvelli S. V. Optimal appearance determining technique of cargo parachute system at early design stages. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 76-87. The purpose of the presented article consists in technique developing for optimal appearance determining of the gliding cargo parachute system at the early design stages according to the two optimality criteria, namely, lift-to-drag ratio and cost of the parachute system materials. These criteria reflect the facts that maximum flight range depends on the lift- to-drag ratio, and cost of materials minimization reflects the cost-effectiveness of the system. The lift- to-drag ratio to cost relationship forms the existence domain of the gliding parachute system, which facilitates the decision-making based on operation requirements and relative cost of the systems.
The problem of the optimal appearance determining is set as multidisciplinary multi-objective optimization problem based on MDF architecture and genetic algorithm. The algorithm is classified as a stochastic global search method in a mixed integer statement of the optimization problem.
As the result of the work, a technique for the optimal appearance determining of a gliding cargo parachute system at the early design stages according to the two performance criteria, namely, the lift-to- drag ratio and the cost of the parachute system materials, but with the possibility of changing and increasing the number of performance criteria, was developed.
The results of this work can be used in the parachute making industry when developing integrated computer-aided design (CAD) systems for gliding cargo parachute systems. The developed technique for the optimal appearance determining of gliding cargo parachute system can be used both in the design process of new parachute systems with improved characteristics, as well as for old structures modernization by redesigning individual elements of the system.
The technique was tested on the task of the appearance determining of the system for a payload weight of 135 kg. A comparison was made with one of several existing typical gliding cargo parachute systems of this class, which revealed that the optimized configuration of the parachute system was more cost- effective than those existing ones. | |
Dolgov O. S., Zotov A. A., Kolpakov A. M., Volkov A. V. Basic aspects of flap technological design with boundary layer control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 88-99. The article studies aerodynamic, structural, strength and technological considerations while developing a flap design with boundary layer blowing. As the result of the interdisciplinary approach, the principles of functionality and reliability ensuring of the structure were considered together with the principles that ensure its manufacturability, which allowed to highlighting the main of the technological design aspects of the flap with boundary layer blowing.
Introduction considers statistics on the number of domestic airfields and airports and performs a comparative analysis with the number of airfields and airports in the United States of America.
According to the strategy approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the task was set to create a single transport environment for implementing high-quality competitive services for passengers and goods transportation. Given this strategy, it is obvious that regional aviation should play a leading role. Its revival is non-alternative, fastest and, eventually, the least costly way of ensuring the livelihood of the population in the regions, which corresponds to the geopolitical tasks of ensuring the integrity of Russia.
On the assumption of current situation, employing short unpaved grounds as runways may become the set problem solution.
Ensuring the feasibility of short unpaved grounds operation without their additional equipping may be possible with employing the flaps with controlled boundary layer on the aircraft.
Further, analysis of the limitations at the approach to forming the flap appearance with the possibility of the boundary layer blowing was performed.
Various design solutions implementing the impact on the boundary layer were analyzed.
The key principles for the structure manufacturability ensuring of the flap with the core in the form of regular discrete elements arranged chequer-wise have been elaborated.
Technological design aspects discussed in the article will allow the aircraft designer to design a flap with the boundary layer control, without significant increase in weight and internal stresses. Its application will allow the aircraft takeoff and landing employing ultra-short runways. It is especially relevant within the context of solving the problem of creating a single transport environment up to 2030 to ensure high- quality competitive services for passengers and goods transportation in the Russian Federation, by reviving regional aviation and re-creating local air routes in a situation of widespread reduction of the airfield and airport network.
Thus, following the above said principles, together with the requirements to the technical specifications for the product, the aircraft designer will be able to create the best technological design, which meets herewith the requirements of operational reliability and functionality. | |
Lashin V. S. Asymmetry parameters assessment technique while descent spacecraft design. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 100-107. Over the past decade, the interest in Mars exploration has increased, as evidenced by the number of modern missions, both domestic and foreign, for the “Red Planet” reclamation and studying. All in all, 44 missions of spacecraft from different countries were sent to Mars. The following well-known missions can be presented as an example:
- the interplanetary station of the European Space Agency ESA (European Space Agency), as well as the Beagle-2 lander;
- ExoMars, which is a joint program of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian state-owned corporation Roscosmos, consisting of orbital and descent (Schiaparelli) vehicles;
- Mars Science Laboratory, which is NASA program, under which the third-generation Curiosity Mars rover was successfully delivered and operated to Mars;
- InSigh, whicht is NASA program for the delivery of a research lander with a seismometer to Mars.
As a part of these missions, the uncontrolled descent of the spacecraft in the atmosphere of Mars was considered. The majprity of such descents ends in failure, which may indirectly indicate errors at the design stage of the spacecraft.
The presented article considers the problem of a small descent spacecraft designing that performs uncontrolled motion in the atmosphere of Mars. The task of a small descent spacecraft designing begins with selection of this spacecraft shape. It is well-known that most of the descent vehicles involved in the of the of Mars surface exploration are of a segmental-conical shape.
The purpose of this work consists in obtaining a technique for assessing permissible deviations of the spacecraft parameters, which affect the secondary resonance effects origination during descent. It is well- known that the presence of various types of asymmetry may be the cause of a long-continued resonance realization, or resonance effects. Resonant phenomena can lead to a significant increase in the angle of attack or angular velocity of the descent vehicle.
It is worth noting that the authors consider a design technique for a spacecraft with a small initial angular velocity, which it apparatus acquires due to non-ideal conditions while separation from the orbital complex. The angular velocity herewith can increase and enter a long-continued resonance under the impact of the secondary resonance.
The gist of the method consists in finding maximum values of the asymmetry parameters at which the angular velocity does not reach resonance values.
Given that at small angles of attack the derivative of the angular velocity is proportional to the generalized asymmetry parameter, we find the range of acceptable values.
It follows from the obtained scheme for the admissible values area determining that until the symmetry parameter satisfies this inequality the angular speed does not reach its resonant values by the secondary resonant effect. As a consequence to this fact, there is no realization of the long-continued resonance, which can lead to disturbances in the parachute system operation.
By applying this technique for determining the region of permissible deviations of the descent vehicle asymmetry parameters, the effects of the long- continued resonance on both angular velocity and angle of attack values can be eliminated.
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Kuz’mina S. I., Ishmuratov F. Z., Popovskii V. N., Karas’ O. V. Analysis of dynamic response and flutter suppression system effectiveness of a long-haul aircraft in transonic flight mode. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 108-121. The work is devoted to the study of aircraft aeroservoelasticity problems in transonic flight mode. Review of the state-of-the-art methods and computational algorithms used to obtain aeroservoelasticity characteristics was performed.
An agreed usage of the following approaches for the set problems solving is applied in the presented article:
– a method for unsteady aerodynamic forces computation in transonic flow using Euler equations with account for the flow viscosity,
– an algorithm for aircraft aeroelasticity characteristics computing based on the Ritz polynomial method,
– mathematical models of control systems and techniques for aeroservoelasticity problems solving in the frequency, time and root domains.
The developed methodology application has been demonstrated while the developing and studying the flutter suppression system (FSS) for medium-range aircraft with transonic cruise flight mode M=0.82 Numerical results were obtained for the airplane of conventional layout with a high aspect ratio wing and two engines located on pylons under the wing. The results of computational studies of the aircraft dynamic response were obtained employing various aerodynamic models, i.e. transonic and linear ones. The numerical studies revealed that the aircraft does not possess sufficient margins on flutter speed in transonic flight mode. For the given aircraft version the possibilities for flutter speed increase by active control system, which employed symmetrical ailerons deflection were studied. Signals from deflection sensors, located on the wingtips, were are used while FSS developing.
Gain dependence on the speed for optimal flutter 6. suppression was performed based on the frequency characteristics analysis of the open loop in the form of Nyquist locus. For each speed, the gain was selected in in such a way as ensure approximately double stability margin on amplitude. Comparison of damping and frequencies of elastic vibrations dependence on the flight speed for both open and closed loop was performed. Parametric calculations revealed that the developed FSS ensured the flutter speed increase by 45% for the first flutter form, and by 10% for the second one. Stability problem studies of the “aircraft + FSS” closed loop under the external impact. The problem was being solved in time domain.
It was demonstrated that for ensuring the closed loop stability sufficiently higher speed of aileron deflection is required.
The obtained results of the study allowed conclude that two important factors, affecting aero elasticity characteristics, exist at the transonic flow-around:
– basic stationary flow field effeect on the aerodynamic derivatives. Besides the Mach number and density, the basic flow field is determined by the angle of attack, profiles curvature and sections twisting.
– viscosity effect on the aerodynamic derivatives. These two factors are missing from the linear
methods for aerodynamic forces determining, but their regard affects significantly dynamic response of modern aircraft. Application experience of the developed approach demonstrates the possibility for effective solution of the aeroelasticity problems at transonic flight modes. | |
Aleksandrov Y. B., Nguyen T. D., Mingazov B. G., Sulaiman A. I. Computational grid impact on numerical computing results of three-dimensional non-stationary swirl flow behind the vane swirler. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 122-132. The balanced design of the front-mounted device ensures combustion chamber efficiency and gas turbine engine at large. In the majority of modern gas turbine engines for ground and aviation purposes, a vane swirler is being installed concentrically with the fuel nozzle at the flame tube inlet. The swirler forms a swirl of air, and facilitates the best mixing conditions for air-fuel mixture. Besides, while the flow swirls in a low-pressure zone, its core is formed, which allows return gases fr om the flow periphery to the core of the swirled jet, forming thereby a reverse flow zone, and stabilize the fuel combustion by the stall characteristics. Increasing the swirler blades installation angle leads to intensification of the air- fuel mixture mixing, and a reverse flow zone boundaries expansion. However, hydraulic losses at the front-end device are increasing herewith, which, in its turn, contributes to the engine power or thrust reduction. The fuel-air mixture mixing quality characterizes the efficiency of the front-end device. The majority of works by Lefebvre A., Kosterin V.A., Gupta A., Akhmedov R.B., and others suggest evaluating mixing process by the mixing coefficient, which represents the ejected air consumption to the swirled jet consumption ratio:
where m is mixing coefficient; Ge is the flow rate of the ejected air; Gsw is the flow rate of the swirling jet. In our work, an experimental setup was developed to study the swirler mixing coefficient. Using the FMD (Fused Deposition Modeling) method of printing, various designs of the swirl with different blade swirler installation angles were created, which were blown into the open space. The flow visualization was realized by smoke pollution of the air supplied to the swirler. In the course of the experiment, both temperature and total pressure fields of the flow were measured in axial and radial directions. Temperature distributions were employed for mixing coefficient (m) computing. Bases on these measurements the coefficient was computed by the expression:
where Tsw, T0 , Ty are the temperatures in front of the swirl, in the jet and in the ambient air respectively. A spatial computational domain, simulating the volume of the combustion chamber flame tube, was developed for numerical studies of the vane swirler. It is well known that computational grid strongly affects computation results. It is characterized by the type and number of elements; characteristic size, and the presence of near-wall thickening. The grids of three basic elements types, such as tetrahedral, hexahedral, and polyhedral, were employed. The polyhedral grids were obtained the tetrahedral grid converting. The number of elements herewith decreased by six times, and the number of nodes increased about five times, which allows compute gradients of parameters variation more accurately compared to tetrahedral due to the fact that one finite element has more nodal points. However, such a transformation does not allow precisely control the characteristic size of the elements, and a deterioration of the result due to the increase in the characteristic size of the grid element can occur. A combined DES turbulence model (Detached Eddy Simulation) in a non-stationary setting was used for computing. The calculation was performed in the ANSYS Fluent 19.2 software with an academic license. The performed experimental studies of flow mixing behind the scapular swirler were compared with numerical calculations using various grid models. The best results in numerical simulations were obtained when using the DES viscosity model in an nonstationary set of calculations, and hexahedral mesh elements. The polyhedral mesh obtained by converting from tetrahedral elements did not demonstrate good results, as the original tetrahedral mesh had. An increase in characteristic size of the elements led to a greater deviation of the calculated data from the experimental ones. The results obtained are valid for swirlers with various blade angles. | |
Ahmed H. S., Osipov B. M. Multimode identification to obtain an adequate gas turbine engine model for its diagnosing by thermal-gas dynamic parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 133-143. Modern aircraft engines are the most cost intensive, energy consuming and heavily loaded elements of an aircraft, which operate in conditions of both high thermal and power loading to ensure high economic indicators. All this requires special attention to reliability provision in flight. Aircraft engines operation as of assumes organizing technical diagnostics system at the maintenance organization, which is defined as an aggregate of means and an object of diagnostics, and performers, if necessary. This system is prepared to diagnose, or perform it according to the regulation, set by the appropriate documentation. Technical diagnostics (TD) is a division of knowledge studying technical conditions of units under test and revealing technical states, developing techniques of their determining, as well as principles of elaboration and organization of the systems application. The following tasks are related to the main tasks of technical diagnostics:
– technical condition control, which means defining the type of technical condition;
– searching for a place and determining causes of failure and malfunction;
– predicting technical condition, in which an object will appear to be at some future instant in time;
– genesis, i.e. definition of the state condition in which the object was at some point in the past;
– recognition of technical objects states in conditions of limited information to increase reliability and service life of these objects.
The engine mathematical model is of most importance in the technical diagnostics system. Its development presents a problem, since, as a rule, technical documentation does not hold characteristics of the engine units. In this regard, obtaining complete mathematical models of engines for diagnostic purposes is an urgent task. This article proposes an algorithm developed by the authors, and implemented as a computer program. | |
Komarov A. A., Semenenko D. A., Pridannikov S. Y., Rumyantsev . V. Magnet current impact on start-up processes of stationary plasma thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 144-151. An important characteristic of the electro-jet thruster is its start-up time. The thruster start-up time reducing requires optimization of parameters, affecting the start-up process. Cathode heater power, the value of the flow rate into cathode at start-up, the ignition pulses magnitude and duration, and the magnetic field magnitude in the acceleration channel are related to these parameters. One of the parameters that affecting the thruster start-up process is the starting level of the magnet current. The magnet current reducing facilitates the thruster start-up. However, the magnet current reduction is accompanied by the adverse factors, such as discharge current oscillations building- up upon the startup, and increasing of the inrush discharge current. The root mean square value of the discharge current oscillations herewith can reach up to 70% of the discharge current level. The article presents the results of tests on determining the magnet current impact on the processes occurring while the thruster start-up. The test objective was to define a minimum level of a magnet current, at which a thruster start-up would be accompanied by transition to a stable operating mode without the discharge current oscillations evolution. The tests were performed with the SPT-140 thruster. A special attention during the tests was paid to the changes of the discharge current oscillations and inrush discharge current surge. Oscilloscope patterns, giving an idea on the magnet current impact on these parameters, were obtained in accordance with the results of these tests. Minimum level of the magnet current at the startup, which did not lead to the discharge current oscillation evolution, was obtained in accordance with the results of these tests. The effect of the magnet current on the discharge current inrush surge level and oscillations while startup was demonstrated. It was determined that the SPT-140 thruster was proceeding to unstable operation mode at the startup with the magnet current less than 3 A. At the same time, the magnet current magnitude practically does not affect the value of the inrush discharge current surge. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Morzeeva T. A. Estimated and analytical study of the possibility to develop a bypass turboprop with afterburning chamber based on baseline gas generator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 152-163. Analysis of development of engines for any type of aircraft, including those with high maneuverability, reveals that all engine-building enterprises of a world level both domestic and foreign permanently perform intensive development of their engines modifications directed to improving their thrust and economic characteristics, as well as service life and reliability. The exigency for such modifications development is dictated by the necessity to support the aircraft efficiency during its life span. The main tendency for the BTAC family development is associated with employing on the basic gas generator new fans of higher productivity and pressure rate. As practice shows, such an approach may allow drastic thrust increase (more than 20%) of the upgraded engine with concurrent reduction of its specific weight. To perform evaluation, a bypass turbofan with afterburning chamber, which basic parameters are typical to multimode engine of a fourth generation maneuverable aircraft. It was believed that the upgraded engine was developed based on the basic gas generator by installing a new fan with the specified values of air consumption Ga and pressure ratio n*a .
The dependencies of the takeoff thrust, gas temperature level in front of the turbine, bypass ratio, as well as total value of pressure ratio in compressors and HPC on the new fan parameters were obtained by the results generalization of parametric computational studies. They allowed evaluate probable characteristics of the upgraded engine, being developed based on basic gas generator and a fan of higher pressure rate and productivity. Representation of the obtained dependencies in the form of nomograms allow elucidate the most probable data while analyzing information available in the open press on parameters and characteristics of foreign engines, discarding erroneous values.
The results obtained in article allow also solving the problem often occurring while the engine modernization, i.e. define parameters of the new fan, which should be installed on the original basic gas generator to obtain a preset value of takeoff thrust of the upgraded engine, as well as temperature level increase at the turbine inlet necessary for its operation ensuring.
It was demonstrated in particular that for the thrust increase by 10% under impossibility to increase air consumption through the engine (for example due to the restriction from the air intake side) the pressure rate growth in the fan should be about 30%. The required temperature rise herewith should be no less than 120-130 K. However, if the throughput margin of the air intake, which can be employed, will be at least 5%, the similar engine thrust value can be obtained at significantly lower fan pressure ratio (of about 14%) and gas turbine inlet temperature (of no more than 85 K).
The capabilities of the obtained nomograms allowing revealing a set of data discrepancies on engines available in publicly-accessible information are demonstrated on the example of the afterburning turbofan parameters and characteristics analysis of General Electric engines family, developed on the basis of the F-404-GE-400 core . | |
Aver’kov I. S., Vlasov S. O., Raznoschikov V. V. Artificial neural networks application for experimental data analysis of composite solid propellants combustion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 152-163. While studying and solving the problems associated with a ramjet mathematical model developing, situations occur when a process model contains a complex mathematical formulation or a large number of assumptions. A number of experimental studies is being conducted in such cases, based on which corrections are being introduced to the model to increase accuracy of the obtained results.
The presented article regards the process of creating an electronic database of experimental studies on determination of the multicomponent combined solid propellant combustion rate, with their subsequent processing and analyzing with artificial neural networks. For gas generator and propellant consumption regulator of a ramjet operation modelling, information on combustion rate of a solid propellant is required.
Mass fractions of solid propellant components are included in the alterable variables vector. It is unreasonable to conduct experiments for all analyzed propellant compositions due to the complexity, expensiveness and long duration of their implementation. The authors suggest conducting experimental studies of particular compositions in the area under study and performing approximation by the obtained points. As the result, a function, reflecting the combustion rate behavior in dependence of the solid propellant composition and pressure is obtained.
There is a three-component propellant being a mixture of C6H2N8O4, ammonium perchlorate NH4ClO4 and a binder (rubber). The predicted parameter is the burning rate at various compositions and pressures.
The obtained topologies are built based on experimental research, and can be used later in formation of appearances of new ramjet engines.
When processing the obtained results, it is necessary to account for the fact that all experiments have certain error. The surfaces, obtained by neural networks allow identify the points at which random errors could reach high values, which is become noticeable by the function behavior.
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Semenova A. S., Kuz’min M. V. Finite element grid discreteness selecting for rotating parts of inter-rotor bearing of a gas turbine engine considering surface roughness. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 171-179. The presented work is devoted to the development of a technique for selecting the finite element grid size of the bearing rotating parts, contacting among themselves, with account for the surface roughness for strength calculation. It is customary in static calculation to thicken finite elements in the area of contact to ensure its accuracy. For the dynamic calculation, where parts are rotating, this technique does not work.
It is well known that reliability of machines and mechanisms operation depends substantially on their bearing blocks operability. This is especially important for aircraft engineering products as bearing blocks for aircraft engines, reducers and other products are one of the most critical components and, as a rule, limiting their resources. The inter-rotor bearing is one of the most problematic parts of the aircraft engine. While revealing signs of defect of the inter-rotor bearing the engine is removed fr om operation since this can lead to rotors jamming and the engine failure. The main cause of the rolling bearings failure under normal conditions is occurrence of contact stresses and, consequently, the rolling surfaces wear-out.
Most of the known analytical calculating methods of the contact compacting stress in bearings are based on the Hertz theory of static contact of two bodies. However, there is a number of simplifications for this theory:
– no friction;
– the contact area is smaller compared to the curvature radius;
– the contacting bodies materials are homogeneous, isotropic and perfectly elastic.
Numerical calculation allows solving contact problems without the Hertz theory simplification:
– friction simulation;
– accounting for nonlinear properties of the material;
– accounting for the contacting surfaces roughness by selecting finite element grid size.
The developed technique allows estimating stresses and deformations of the rotating parts of rolling bearings of any shape.
The purpose of the presented work consists in determining the optimum size of finite elements for dynamic calculation wh ere the contacting parts are rotatting.
Comparative evaluation of stresses and strains in contact of rollers with raceways of the 5AV1002926R4 bearing in 2D statement of the two options was performed:
– the size of a grid was selected with account for the surface roughness of the contacting bodies;
– the grid size was reduce by half compared to the first option.
The grid discreteness evaluation was performed with the LS-DYNA software package.
The developed technique is suitable for all types of planar and solid-state finite elements. | |
Biruykov V. I., Kurguzov A. V. Forming cyclogram of energy-propulsion system for prospective inter-orbital space transportation vehicle with electric propulsion and liquid stages. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 180-190. At present, liquid rocket-thrusters are employed mainly as cruise engines for inter-orbital transportation means. These engines efficiency is limited by the energy capability of the fuels being used. Electric propulsion application, in which reactive mass and energy source are separated, is seemed promising. Due to the high exhaust velocity of the reactive mass, the electric propulsion employs reactive mass an order of magnitude higher efficiently than the chemical one.
The available limitations of the power source energy and high specific impulse allows the electric propulsion ensure only insignificant thrust, which limits the scope of its application. That is why more often chemical and electric rocket engines are used conjointly. Transportation is performed firstly by the chemical stage, then it is separated, and finishing is executed by the electric propulsion stage.
It is necessary to validate scientifically parameters selection for the energy-propulsion system and electric propulsion stage of the prospective inter-orbital transportation vehicle. To do this, criteria, characterizing the effectiveness of transportation operation performing, obtaining at the specified input parameters of the energy-propulsion system is required. Some of these criteria can be obtained analytically, while the other by the simulation results only. Thus, a technique allowing planning cyclogram of the transfer with specified input parameters, this planning validation, and obtaining trajectory information, based on the cyclogram, which allows evaluate space factors impact, depending on location, and the effect of radiation of the Van Allen belts.
The article proposes analytical dependencies, on which basis cyclogram of the transfer from the low near-Earth orbit to a geostationary orbit can be formed. The flight is performed by the super–synchronous highly elliptical orbit. The energy- propulsion system of the vehicle consists of chemical and electric propulsion stages. The liquid stage puts the payload, consisting of electric propulsion stage and target spacecraft, on the super-synchronous geot–ransition orbit, and separates. Further finishing is performed by the electric propulsion. The power source are solar batteries with the preset power.
To verify correctness of the cyclogram analytical construction, a random set of points is formed in the studied space of the input parameters. For each point, a propulsion system cyclogram is generated, and numerical simulation is performed. Deviation of the last trajectory point from the radius, specified while the cyclogram construction, is evaluated. Dependencies of the volume of trajectory information on the input parameters are formed. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion was made that the proposed technique for cyclogram generating of the transfer can be employed when selecting design parameters of the energy-propulsion system of a perspective inter-orbital transportation vehicle. | |
Varsegov V. L., Abdullah B. N., Axial turbine blades geometry impact of small-sized turbojet engines on the turbine efficiency. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 191-200. Small-sized turbojet engines are employed for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Due to low efficiency and thrust-to-weight ratio, they are limited to short range applications. However, transition from rated idle mode to MAXIMAL mode at high altitude takes time, which requires further development to improve efficiency of these gas turbines.
When creating promising small-sized turbojet engines, the problem of turbines gas-dynamic efficiency increasing inevitably arises, as it directly affects the fuel efficiency of the engine, and ultimately determines its competitiveness.
The presented article considers profile losses, i.e. the flow separation from the surface of the rotor blade profile. The issue of the setting angle βset and the angle at the rotor blade inlet βx effect on the turbine efficiency is under consideration.
The main task of the calculation consists in determining optimal shape of the axial turbine rotor blades to ensure the required parameters and characteristics of the turbine at continuum flow and minimum energy losses with specified values of the angles at the inlet and setting angles.
The article presents also the results of a numerical study of the turbine air-gas channel, i.e. the joint operation of the turbine guide blades and the rotor blades, to assess the quality of the rotor blades geometry to improve the turbine efficiency.
In this work, the 3D computational model was constructed in the SolidWorks program with subsequent computational grid applying with Turbo Grid program. The flow was simulated by the SST turbulent viscosity model. | |
Kochubei A. A., Vernigorov Y. M., Demin G. V. Physico-technological basics of aircraft long parts hardening in the devices with rotating magnetic field. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. . The article gives an account of the studies of hardening treatment of long thin-walled parts employing imposition of magneto-dynamic effect. It presents characteristics of movement of the ferromagnetic indenters moving freely in rotating magnetic field (REMF) and thermodynamic model, which determines energy characteristics of ferromagnetic indenters moving freely in REMF. The article describes characteristics of its impulse function on the processed surface, as well as the degree of their effective loading. It presents analytical dependencies, allowing objectively ensure prediction of the surface layer parameters of quality while its forming, and productivity of magneto-dynamic hardening treatment. A technique for technological process developing of parts treatment operation with magnetodunamic effect imposition. Recommendations on the design of devices with REMF, as well as technological outfit means, allowing enhancing efficiency of their employing in the parts hardening treatment technology, are given.
The purpose of the study consists in developing a hardening treatment technology by surface plastic deformation of long thin-walled parts with magnetodynamic effect imposition and practical recommendations on its application.
The following conclusions were made by the results of the conducted study:
1. The rotating electromagnetic field application as an energy source of the freely moving ferromagnetic indenters is the basis for developing and improving of a new method for parts hardening treatment, called magneto-dynamic processing.
2. Magnetohydrodynamic treatment enhances technological capabilities of hardening treatment by freely moving indenters, and ensures efficiency increasing of finishing-strengthening treatment of the inner cavities of long thin parts.
3. Technological effect of the magneto-dynamic processing is stipulated by the motion of a large number of ferromagnetic freely moving indenters, placed into the REMF, forming in gross amount a magneto-liquefied moving layer. This layer interacts with the surface layer of the processed parts, being the result of the effect on each ferromagnetic freely moving indenter of the whole row of forces and moments.
4. It was proved that for stable magnetoliquefaction process of the rotating layer both input and dissipated energies should be set equal in such a way that the magneto-liquefied moving layer would transfer from liquefied phase to a hard one under condition when the REMF induction would be less than 0.08 Tl.
5. Based on the energy balance modelling the dependency for energy characteristics evaluation of ferromagnetic indenters freely moving in the REMF was obtained. It allows substantiate the force conditions of the shock-pulse impact, which ensure plastic deformation in contact zone of indenter with the processed surface and, as a consequence, the hardening effect development.
6. The nature of the energy-force action of indenters on the processed surface layer depends on the degree of their constricted state in the MRF layer. It was confirmed experimentally that the loading quantity of freely moving ferromagnetic indenters, which formed the MRF layer, into the processing chamber of the device should not exceed three concentrically arranged layers, commensurable with the indenter length.
7. Based on theoretical and probabilistic representations, the dependence allowing predicting duration of the magneto-dynamic hardening treatment and correspondingly evaluate the process productivity was obtained.
8. The presented analytical dependencies for determining quality parameters of the surface hardened while magneto-dynamic method processing determine with adequate fidelity the effect of energy condition and size of ferromagnetic indenters, the initial state of the surface geometry, as well as mechanical properties of the material, subjected to the treatment, on their formation. The results of the studies demonstrate that the presented analytical dependencies can be employed while developing magneto-dynamic parts hardening treatment technology with with an accuracy to 10-15%.
9. An algorithm, determining technological conditions of treatment was developed. Recommendations are given on embodiment of the devices with REFM , on which basis formalization of operations for hardening procession by magnetodynamic method are possible. It contributes to effectiveness enhancing of the production planning process employing CAD TP
10. Application of feed-through type installations, realizing magneto-dynamic processing method compared to the existing hardening technology with UPD-2.5 allows significantly decrease both energy and materials consumption of the equipment, reduce technological processing time, decrease auxiliary time on parts setting and, thus, increase the productivity of hardening process, ensuring herewith quality parameters of the surface layer, regulated by technical requirements.
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Sergeev S. V., Al-Bdieri M. S., Dubrovina N. A. Surface modification of the AK12MMGH aluminum alloy by micro-oxidation technique to improve operating characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 217-223. Coatings formed by micro-arc oxidation on aluminum alloys have a unique combination of properties such as high heat resistance, wear resistance, adhesive strength and corrosion resistance. This combination of properties is largely stipulated by the nanocrystalline structure, which, according to a number of studies, is represented in the MAO-layers by small-scale pores and crystallites with sizes not more than 100 nm.
For modifications employing MAO the AK12MMGH aluminum alloy was selected. Oxidation was performed in an alkaline electrolyte with addition of liquid glass. Capacitors capacity of MAO installation, was-78 pF, except for the mode of the sample No 3, when MAO was being performed at 100 pF. This was done to significantly reduce the processing time and increase the coating thickness. The processing time т was determined by the process intensity decrease (arc discharge occurrence on the ribs).
Samples No. 1 and No. 2 have the thinnest coating. This is associated with the lower concentration of liquid glass. The thickest coating was formed on the sample No. 4, due to the increase in the electrolyte concentration. Despite this, being compared with the sample No. 5, it has a more porous technological layer. The same as samples No. 4 and No. 5, sample No. 3 has a thick coating. In this case, it is stipulated by the fact that capacitor capacitance increase of the MAO installation led to the increase of micro-arc discharges, and, as a consequence, the volume of reaction products, formed per unit time, increases.
The surface modification of the AK12MMGH aluminum alloy by micro-arc oxidation method allowed that formed coatings had a layered structure intrinsic to MAO-coatings of aluminum alloys. The installation capacitor capacitance increasing steps up the MAO process intensity, which leads, in its turn, to the number of electrochemical reaction products build-up, and, as a consequence, to the thicker coatings forming.
The cross-section study revealed that porosity is characteristic only for the outer technological layer. The MAO installation capacitors capacitance increasing helps the porosity reduction. Hardness measurement revealed heterogeneity of mechanical properties of MAO coatings in thickness depending on the phase composition and the presence of defects. | |
Dmitrieva M. O., Golovach A. M., Sotov A. V. Hot isostatic pressing impact on samples structure grown of Inconel 738 super alloy by selective laser melting technique. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 224-232. Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is an additive manufacturing technology intended for metal powders fusion by the high-power laser. Powder materials application ensures in this case more steady chemical composition over the product cross-section and zonal segregation absence.
One of the most important and complex trends in this technology consists in heat-resisting alloys powders application, since this particular is employed for the most critical parts manufacturing. Among the SLM technology benefits are the following:
– the possibility of manufacturing parts of any configuration complexity;
– the possibility of simultaneous growth of several samples;
– high materials utilization ratio, and products prototyping simplification
Disadvantages of the technology under consideration include the presence of residual porosity, restrictions on the employed materials and laser radiation sources s, as well as sizes of the products being fabricated.
The hot isostatic pressing (HIP) technique is applied to eliminate residual porosity. It consists in processing a part, set in a special capsule, by the gas pressure about 100-200 MPa at elevated temperatures. The purpose of the presented research is studying the HIP impact on the samples structure, grown of heat resisting Inconel 738 alloy by the SLM technique.
The samples being studied were fabricated on the SLM 280L installation for selective laser fusion of metal powder. They were synthesized both perpendicularly and at the angle of 45 degrees to the substrate at the laser radiation power of 325 W. The samples were being subjected to the HIP in the gas thermostat. After etching, the studies of microstructure were conducted with METAM LV-31 metallographic microscope. Electron-microscopic analysis of the samples and original powder material was performed with TESCAN Vega SB electron-scan microscope.
Chemical composition of the original powder material was being determined by INCAx-Act energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope. The microstructure analysis was performed with NEXSYS ImageExpert Pro 3 image analysis program. X-ray microanalysis revealed that chemical composition of the original powder of the heat resisting alloy complies with the Q/AMC 4-2-102018 certificate.
Original powder substance chemistry researched on an INCAx-Act energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope. Microstructure analysis was carried out using the NEXSYS ImageExpert Pro 3 image analysis program. X-ray microanalysis showed that the original powder substance chemistry corresponds to the Q/AMC 4-2-10-2018 certificate.
The results of electron-microscopic analysis of the original material allowed revealing that the powder particles were spherically shaped, characteristic to the technique for molten dispersing. Metallographic analysis of the sample grown vertically to the substrate at the laser radiation power of 325 W allowed establishing that microstructure represents an aggregate of fused powder particles, which were micro-ingots of the dendrite structure. After the SLM process, the microstructure of the sample cross-section is characterized by the defects such as micro-cracks. The microstructure of the sample cross-section, grown at 45 degrees to the substrate, is characterized by the presence of the same defects, but differs by their larger outstretch.
Metallographic analysis of the samples after HIP revealed that the structure defectiveness after the post processing decreased. Since the products were subjected to HIP without setting into the special capsule, healing of defects could not be attained. All surface defects remained in full, and internal ones reduced by the cross-section. The ineffectiveness of HIP application in this case is explained by the presence of chrome dioxide on the surface of powder particles, having formed under the impact of high temperatures while fusing.
Thus, the HIP technique application allowed decrease the structure defectiveness, due to micro cracks size reduction along the cross-section, but the full healing of defects was not attained. HIP effectiveness increase in this case is possible by placing the samples into the special airtight shell, and excluding chrome oxides forming on the powder particles by excluding metal-with-oxygen contact during the entire technological process. | |
Bodunov N. M., Khaliulin V. I., Sidorov I. N., Kostin V. A. On preform impregnation process simulation while transfer molding of composite products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2020, vol. 27, no 1, pp. 233-245. This article envisages an analytical approach to transfer molding simulation as applied to production of articles from composite materials. Navier-Stokes equations, modified by Brinkman, with corresponding initial and boundary conditions are used to describe the flow of incompressible liquid through porous media for two-dimensional unsteady and steady flows. The authors suggest a numerical-analytical method based on the sought solution approximation by linear combination of polynomial basic functions for the flow velocity components. This method novelty consists in selection of generalized variables and finding concrete basic functions, which in some cases allow obtaining analytical solutions, identically satisfying the initial equations, and reducing non-linear boundary problems in other cases. The unknown coefficients contained in the found solutions are determined from the corresponding initial and boundary conditions by the collocation method, or weighted residuals method while solving concrete applied problem.
Partial analytical solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, describing a slow flat flow of a viscous liquid, which basis is formed by the polynomial solution of the linear bi-harmonic equation, were found without accounting for the inertial forces. The external parameters included into solutions are being determined from boundary conditions by the collocation method, or weighted residuals method, while internal parameters, expanding the class of solutions, are selected from mathematical and physical reasons, as well as comparing theory with experimental data and other exact solutions. These solutions can be employed for describing slow flow of a viscous liquid through the porous medium. Approbation of the obtained partial analytical solutions was performed on the examples of solving two test problems, i.e. the problem of a plate flow-around, and Couette problem on liquid flow movement located between two planes under the impact of the pressure difference, whereas one plane is immovable, and the other moves at constant speed. Computational results demonstrated acceptable accuracy of the obtained solutions. | |
Gorbovskoi V. S., Kazhan A. V., Kazhan V. G., Shenkin A. V. Numerical studies of nozzle thrust characteristics of supersonic civil aircraft by computational gas dynamics method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 7-16. One of the most urgent problem while developing a new generation supersonic civil aircraft is ecologic requirements ensuring, including the community noise level near the airport. It requires developing and studying new technical solutions ensuring both low nozzle thrust losses level at all flight modes and reduction of jet flow velocity to decrease its noise level at the take-off/landing modes. One of the possible trends for this problem solving is mixer-ejector type nozzle application on the supersonic civil aircraft. Its operation principle consists in the fact that at the takeoff mode with sound absorption, the hot jet is split into smaller jets by the multi-lobe nozzle. The increased surface area of the ruffled jet intensifies its mixing with atmospheric air, and reduces the length of the mixing layer initial section. The mixed jet velocity in the nozzle outlet section reduces, and thus the effect of acoustic suppression is achieved. Mixing zone shielding by the tail part elements of the airframe allows additional enhancing of acoustic suppression. At the flight modes without acoustic suppression the mixer- ejector type nozzle transforms into conventional supersonic nozzle with much higher thrust characteristics.
To reduce time and financial costs at the preliminary design stages, it is expedient to employ computational methods, ensuring high level of confidence. Modern software for fluid numerical modelling are applicable for solving a wide class of problems. However, refinement of flow numerical modelling technique is necessary for solving concrete problem. In the presented work, rational parameters for computing and computational grids were selected.
Modern Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software allows solving a wide class of problems. However, refinement of flow numerical modelling technique is necessary for solving concrete problem. In the presented work, rational parameters for computing and computational grids were selected to study physics of the flow and obtain integral characteristics of the nozzle, such as mixer-ejector nozzle, at the take-off, landing, transonic and supersonic flight regimes. This method is employed to predict the nozzle thrust losses with ANSYS CFX commercial CFD code of Reynolds- averaged Navier-Stokes equation numerical solution. The numerical study of losses in mixer-ejector nozzle with active system of acoustic suppression at the takeoff and landing modes are performed, and obtained results are validated by the experimental data. The accuracy of validation does not exceed 0.5% of the ideal thrust losses at all flight modes. | |
Murav’ev V. I., Bakhmatov P. V., Grigor’ev V. V. Specific defects forming features while aircraft bulky titanium structures assembling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 17-27. This article presents the results of the study of specific defects forming while VT20 and VT23 titanium alloys electron-beam welding. It was established that the presence of capillary-condensed moisture, resided in the defects of the edges’ surface, impacts dominantly on the submicropores formation. Other conditions electron-beam welding conditions, which may lead to specific defects forming, were revealed. These conditions may include:
It was revealed by radiographic control and scanning microscopy that defects in the form of dark stripes represented the chains of submicropores projected onto each other. It was established also that specific defects formed while electron-beam welding impacts significantly on the strength properties of welded joints, as well as on their destruction stadiality. The performed studies allowed make a conclusion on the necessity of monitoring such basic factors as the surface quality of the abutting edges for welding; electron beam focusing conditions, its power and oscillatory processes; and hydrodynamic instability in the weld penetration channel. | |
Moshkov P. A. Problems of civil aircraft design with regard to cabin noise requirements. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 28-41. The presented work is devoted to the problem of modern aircraft design with classical power plant layout, i.e. two turbofan engines on pylons under the wing, with account for the cabin noise requirements. The objective of the work consists in developing the list of scientific research and development activities, which execution is necessary for an aircraft design by the specified parameters of acoustic comfort.
The article considers the problem of noise level normalization in the aircraft cabin and cockpit. The main sources noise in the cabin were determined based on SSJ-100 aircraft testing. To minimize their sound pressure levels in the cabin a list of works while civil aircraft design was developed.
Determining relative contribution of various sources to the total sound pressure level along the cabin length, measured with the A-weighted scale of a standard noise level meter, is necessary for the right selection of methods and means for its reduction. The main sources of noise in the cabin and cockpit are the systems for air conditioning and ventilation, as well as pressure pulsation fields in the boundary layer on the aircraft fuselage surface.
Noise from the engines vibrational impact does not appear to be significant while evaluating total noise level in dBA. Acoustic radiation of the power plant, such as ventilator and jet noise, does not affect total levels of sound pressure weighted by A scale of a standard noise level meter in the cabin and cock pit at the cruise flight mode. The sound of aircraft avionics is not a significant source. But it can be said in general that placement of aircraft equipment systems aggregates should be executed with account for their acoustic characteristics.
The noise level they create in the cabin should be 10-15 dBA lower than the calculated sound pressure level in the cabin of the aircraft under development, determined at the control point of the cabin as the energy sum of noises from air conditioning system and turbulent boundary layer.
The results of this work can be used in the design of modern civil aircraft, with regard for the requirements to acoustic comfort.
The cabin noise problems of civil aircraft was considered. It was shown, based on the SSJ-100 flight tests that the dominant sources of noise in the cabin were the turbulent boundary layer and air conditioning system. The main directions of scientific and research activities, necessary for the aircraft design according to the specified parameters of acoustic comfort were formulated for these two main sources. Basic methods for noise reduction in the cabin were considered. | |
Valitova N. L., Kostin V. A. On probabilistic methods application to solving aircraft strength inverse coefficient problems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 42-50. Solving problems of static strength, fatigue resistance, and aeroelasticity can be performed in both deterministic and probabilistic formulation. Deterministic approach for aircraft strength computing is adopted as the basic one both in this country and abroad. Aircraft safety requirements increasing leads to the necessity of considering probabilistic safety criteria and development of normative standards for them.
The article deals with solving the inverse strength problems in a probabilistic setting in a general form. In the most general case, the elements of the “output”, as well as parameters of the structure under study, characterized by a certain operator, are stochastic. It is assumed that the probabilistic measure of the “output” is known and can be defined in the form of theoretical distribution law. In this case, the inverse strength problem in probabilistic setting is reduced to either determining the probabilistic measure of parameters of the “input” (at the determined parameters of the “object”), or to determining the probabilistic measure of the “object” parameters. It is assumed initially, that the problems under consideration are quasi-static, and unique deterministic dependence between the “input” and the “output” is known.
Examples of linear transformations for random variables are given when determining probability characteristics of load restoration and identification of structures for the two models, namely a beam and a thin-walled Odinokov’s structure.
Further, the article presents methods for analyzing static systems with random parameters. The real structural elements parameters randomness is being caused by the external environment disturbing effects, unavoidable technological production errors etc. It manifests in the form of cracks, starved spots, initial irregularities and other factors, which may affect the structure behavior in various ways. In particular, destruction may be associated with a large number of dislocations and stresses redistributions. This allows expecting non-linear manifestations in the structure material behavior in the form of hysteresis loops, leading in general case to non-Gaussian distribution of random values.
When considering static systems hereafter, an internal random value (e.g. crack) is being interpreted as an additional random impact at the deterministic system input. This affects the system behavior and leads to natural mixing of random output processes while their transformation in the system, i.e. the effect of natural formation of mixture of distributions.
The examples of determining the probability density for the potential energy dissipation of the rod deformation at random thermal effects, as well as functions of the mixture density in the presence of the internal defect in the beam were considered.
The obtained material can be recommended for developing a base of standards on mixtures’ references necessary for the purposes of structures diagnostics. | |
Amir'yants G. A., Malyutin V. A., Soudakov V. G., Chedrik A. V. On strength and aeroelastic characteristics of a large-scale model of an airplane wing section. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 51-65. The article presents the computational and experimental results of aeroelasticity issues studies accompanying design and testing in wind-tunnel of a large-scale model of a passenger aircraft-demonstrator wing element the 7-th European framework program AFLoNext. The goal of the project consists in developing advanced flow control technologies for new aircraft configurations to achieve a quality leap in improving their aerodynamic performance.
Design, manufacture and assembly of a large-scale model, which serves for visual presentation of typical phenomena of flow separation in the fixation area of the wing with engine with high degree of bypass, were performed. However, such engines application on arrowhead wings causes undesired phenomenon of flow separation on the wing at low speeds and high angles of attack, which may lead to deterioration of the aircraft overall aerodynamic characteristics. To avoid these phenomena, the two newest types of technologies for active flow control are studied within the framework of the project. The pipe tests of the model were performed on the aerodynamic balance of the ADT-101 TSAGI pipe.
Based on the developed demonstrator CAD-model, detailed mathematical model of a demonstrator was built to compute the strength and safety of the pipe tests. Preliminary calculations of the structure stress- strain state indicated the need to strengthen the attachment area of the caisson spar to the beam of the supporting device. Comparison of natural frequencies and shapes of the first tones of mathematical model oscillations with the results of ground frequency tests was performed prior to testing. The difference between experimental and computed natural frequencies of the first oscillation tones did not exceed 10%.
Analysis of the structure behavior in the flow revealed the most loaded elements, in which minimum safety margin was η = 3, which corresponds to the ADT-101 TSAGI requirements. To control the nacelle and slat oscillations at the start-ups, computation of overloads limit values on nacelle and slat for understated strength margin of η = 2 with reference of the “stall” phenomena and turbulence was performed.
Critical flutter and divergence speeds were determined for ensuring safety of the demonstrator mathematical model tests performance in the pipe. The obtained values were out of the bounds of the velocities realized during the tests.
High measurements accuracy of the wing flow control systems efficiency was ensured by a comparative analysis of the local angles of attack of the structure under the impact of the ADT flow. | |
Kolyshev E. S., Krapivko A. V. Experimental methods for determining dynamic characteristics of aircraft landing gear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 66-80. The article describes methods and algorithms for determining the fundamental eigen modes of landing gear, such as torsion, lateral and longitudinal bending of support, according to the amplitude-phase frequency characteristics measured at characteristic points of the structure. Resonant frequencies, shapes and decrements of vibrations are determined using transfer functions (dynamic compliance and dynamic stiffness). A typical accelerometers arrangement of a system for oscillations registering and arrangement of vibration exciters are given. The described methods for obtaining dynamic characteristics were developed based on the long experience in landing gears GVT of various aircraft.
The novelty in landing gear GVT is marked:
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Parakhin G. A., Rumyantsev . V., Pankov B. B., Katashova M. I. Low-current cathode designing for small stationary plasma thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 81-89. At present, the interest of spacecraft producers to low-power electric propulsions and propulsion installations on their basis is growing. The above mentioned fact imparts topicality to the task of expanding the family of cathodes for such thrusters towards decreasing discharge current maintained by the cathode.
It is well known, that effective cathode of the electric propulsion does not require any additional heat source in a steady-state operation, and thermoemitter operating temperature maintaining is ensured by the ion current on its surface. This article describes two complementary trends of works aimed at such cathode designing.
The first trend consists in the cathode thermal scheme optimization and thermal losses reduction. Some of design solutions, related to this field of work, were employed in the cathode experimental design and demonstrated their efficiency. On the other hand, the optimized design appeared to be sensitive to the smallest changes in the thermal scheme and, thus, needed a retrofit.
The second trend is a development and application of new thermal emissive materials with a lower operating temperature. The article presents the results of the works which have been in progress with some intermittences since 2013. The article demonstrates the results of Barium oxide-based thermoemitter samples developed and tested at EDB Fakel. The issues of thermoemitter manufacturing procedure; raw materials (powders) purity and dispersity; sintering temperature, and tool set, developed in the course of the works, are tackled.
As the result of handling of work, the authors came to a conclusion that for a higher efficiency of the new cathode design being developed it is necessary to consolidate the results of works in both trends. Further additional measures for the design optimization are planned. | |
Gol'berg F. D., Gurevich O. S., Zuev S. A., Petukhov A. . The onboard mathematical model application to control gas turbine engine with extra combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 90-97.
Modern gas turbine engines control is performed by the parameters accessible for measuring, which for the most part characterize indirectly the engine critical parameters such as thrust value R, specific fuel consumption CR, as well as parameters, affecting directly operational safety and reliability, such as gas temperature
Employing the all-modes self-identified thermogas-dynamic model of the above said engine in modern digital automatic control systems (ACS) offer scopes for new opportunities of substantial control quality enhancing. This model allows computing with high precision the engine critical parameters in real-time scale, and realize the engine control directly by these parameters.
The article presents the results of studying such methods for controlling the fuel consumption GFE into extra combustion chamber, and nozzle throat area FT of the multi-mode engine.
The scheme of structural and algorithmic construction of such system is introduced.
Implementation of the three control programs, such as thrust changing RΣ depending on throttle position, and minimum
Ensuring the minimum possible value of the specific total fuel consumption CRΣ = (GFM + GFA )/RΣ) , as well as restriction of fan stall margin, are implemented by affecting nozzle throat area by the extremal controller.
The effectiveness evaluation of the control methods under consideration was brought about by the integrated mathematical models “Engine – ACS – Onboard Mathematical Model” employed in CIAM.
It was shown, that direct engine thrust control by the impact on fuel consumption into the extra combustion chamber allowed ensuring the thrust value invariance to the engine components degradation while in operation.
The impact on the nozzle throat area herewith minimizes specific fuel consumption and limits the fan stall margin. | |
Baryshnikov S. I., Kostyuchenkov A. N., Zelentsov A. A., Lukovnikov A. V. Effectiveness estimation of turbo-compound scheme application on purpose of indicators increasing of aircraft piston diesel engine of 300 H.P.. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 98-107. The goal of the presented work consisted in improvement of the engine basic indicators — specific power and effective specific fuel consumption (ESFC). This goal achieving is possible though three methods, based on a heat balance equation, namely, effective power increasing, as well as heat emission decreasing into cooling system and exhaust energy utilization. Effective power increase seems to be a conservative method that ensures relatively low performance increase, and is the main research trendHeat removal limitation to the cooling system was actively studied in 90-s, and currently considered unworkable. Thus, the best way to increase the engine indicators radically is the exhaust gases energy utilization.
There are many ways realization, including mechanical and electric compounding, the Renkin cycle application, thermoelectrical generators. However, the most efficient way from the niewpoint of specific parameters is mechanical compound.
Historically, turbo-compounding is a logical continuation of turbocharging. Turbo-compound engines are the pinnacle of aviation piston engines. VD-4K and Napier Nomad engines represent the examples of such engines, demonstrating at that time the unsurpassed fuel efficiency levels.
A six-cylinder boxer four-stroke turbocharged CI water-cooled engine was selected for the purpose of this study. The key factor for the diesel engine selection was the high air to fuel ratio, which was about two times higher than this for the gasoline engine. Owing to this, other things being equal the compound turbine will ensure twice as much power.
In this work, identification of the basic engine was being performed with the AVL BOOST software. The Patton, Nitschke, Heywood friction model, allowing determine friction losses based on the engine arrangement; Vibe combustion model, and Woschni 1978 heat exchange model were employed. Based on the obtained model a turbo-compound modification was developed. Optimization of basic parameters, such as charge pressure, pressure drop on both power and compressor turbines, gas distribution phases and ignition advance angle.
Based on the obtained results, a comparison of three variants of the engine, such as basic one; with the Garret turbine, which roughly corresponds to domestic prospective turbines; and the one with reference turbine was performed.
As a whole, the achieved results fit theoretical estimations with high degree of precision, with the exception of the exhaust gases temperature: contrary to the initial expectations, the temperature decreased. However, this result fits the pattern, established in other authors’ works.
The results of the comparison revealed that the power increment in the turbo-compound engine could achieve 10%, and ESFC reduction could achieve 11%. | |
Kiselev F. D. Fracture diagnostics and operational workability evaluation of working turbine blades of aircraft engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 108-122. The topmost constituent part of the study on determining the cause parts of destruction of the aircraft in operation is fracture diagnostics employing the methods of physics-of-metals analysis of the fracture structure, material structure and composition determining, defect detection control, mechanical properties characterization, parts strength and survivability analysis.
Diagnostics of aircraft turbine blades operational fractures was performed, factors contributing to destruction were revealed, and causes of blades destruction were established. The article considers operational damageability specifics, on frequent occasions differing from the test bench ones, the systematization results of loading types, fracture mechanism, and operational fractures of gas turbine engine blades.
Methodical aspects were developed and new techniques were elaborated for fracture diagnostics were developed. The article systematizes external, fractographic and metallographic signs of diagnostics characteristic to anomalous (abnormal) modes of the engine functioning and a blade fracture at normal aircraft engine functioning (operating parameters did not outrun the operational limitations). The suggested classification allows determining blades fractures while operative diagnostics with account for joint action of static, vibration and thermal stresses in the blade material. It helps identifying blades fractures by the operational fractures types and revealing thermoloading factors, determining the fracture mechanism, outlining it from all set of mechanical and thermal loadings acting on the blade.
The article presents the results of experimental studies of cyclic crack resistance of the blade made of VZHL12U (equiaxial crystallization) and ZHS26, ZHS32 (directional crystallization and single-crystal version correspondingly) alloys. Characterization of the blades material resistance to fatigue destruction with kinetic diagrams plotting (dependence of the crack growth rate on the stress intensity factor) was performed at the temperature of 850°C with samples loading on the vibro-bench. Eigen oscillations frequencies of the samples were of 70-120 Hz. Pulsating stretching scheme with the frequency of 50 Hz was used as well. The values of the cycle asymmetry coefficient in both cases were 0.15 and 0.35.
According to the results of high-temperature test and fatigue crack growth rate measuring on the samples from the above said alloys, kinematic diagrams of fatigue destruction, i.e. dependence of fatigue crack growth rate on stresses intensity coefficient values were plotted.
Based on the conducted fractographic studies and their results comparison with experimentally obtained ones and schematic kinetic diagram of fatigue destruction the schemes are developed; fractographically illustrated stages of fatigue crack growth and various fracture micromechanisms at different sites of the kinetic diagram of fatigue fracture in the material of the samples and blades.
The results of the work can be applied for developing more advanced modifications of turbine blades of high reliability. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kadzharduzov P. A. Working process mathematical modelling of aircraft gas turbine engine in condition of elements icing of its air-gas channel. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 123-133. The article presents general approaches to of aviation gas turbine engine operation modelling in icing conditions.
Component-level engine model is considered, in which the parameters, determining each component operation mode, represent a set of independent variables. These variables values are computed as the result of solving a system of nonlinear equations that determine conditions for the engine system components concurrent operation and its control laws Airflow continuity with account for its bleed and leaks, compressor and turbine power balance for the shaft of each engine are related to the concurrent work conditions, while fuel feeding conditions to the main combustion chamber and afterburner, as well as conditions, determining position of the nozzle actuator inlet guide vanes are related to the control laws.
It is assumed, that the ice formation in air-gas channel of this or that compressor stage, which leads to its airflow capacity reduction due to reduction of its conditional cylinder area of the inlet cross-section. The losses level the of inlet total pressure increase in the compression duct in consequence of inevitably occurring deterioration of compressor elements flow-around due to icing. Quantitative values of these impacts are determined from the engine gas-flow channel sizes, rate of ice growth, as well as the results of well-known generalizations on the unevenness effect of gas-flow channel on the total pressure losses in it.
Ice accretion rate may be set as data of engine testing results in icing conditions, or as a variable allowing evaluating its effect on the main engine performance parameters (thrust, rotation frequency, fuel consumption etc.). The other way to identify the ice accretion rate is solving of complicated thermodynamic problem of ice accretion on this of that part of engine duct surfaces.
The possibilities of the developed mathematical model were demonstrated based on data of test results of the ALF502R turbofan engine tested in ice crystal conditions in NASA Glenn Research Center. Good calculated and tests results matching herewith was demonstrated, which indicates the principal and proved approaches of turbofan operation modeling under the influence of this external factor. | |
Varsegov V. L., Abdullah B. N. Gas dynamic optimization of wedge-shape vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor of small-sized turbojet engines based on numerical modelling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 134-143. A competitive small-sized turbojet engine development under modern conditions of aviation engines building requires high efficiency values of parts with high degree of pressure ratio. Centrifugal compressors find extensive application while developing small-sized gas turbine engines employed for unmanned aerial vehicles and gas turbine power plants.
To ensure high efficiency and compressor pressure ratio, a numerical gas-dynamic calculation is performed with Ansys Workbench (Fluid flow CFX) program, which allows studying the air flow in the diffuser channels.
The presented article considers the flow in a wedgeshaped diffuser and optimize geometry optimization of the wedge-shaped diffusers blades of a centrifugal compressor, as well as geometry impact on the total pressure loss coefficient ξ, and the coefficient of static pressure recovery in the diffuser Cp at different entry angles α3l .
The main task of the calculation consists in determining the optimal shape of the wedge-shaped diffuser blades, insuring required parameters and characteristics of the diffuser, with an uninterrupted flow and a minimum of energy loss at given input angles.
The article presents also the results of the compressor stage numerical study, i.e. joint operation of the impeller with a diffuser to assess the quality of the geometry and operation of the diffuser to increase the compressor efficiency.
In the presented work, the calculation model is built with the SolidWorks program, and then, using the Turbo Grid program, the computational grid was applied. The flow simulation was performed using the SST turbulent viscosity model. | |
Nadiradze A. B., Frolova Y. L., Zuyev Y. V. Conical plume model calibration of the stationary plasma thruster by the thruster integral parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 144-155. The article presents the analysis of possible reasons for divergence of parameters measured under laboratory conditions and realized in space, based on application of multi-fractional conical model of the stationary plasma thruster jet. Three possible methods for the jet model calibration by the thruster integral parameters, such as discharge current, flow-rate and engine thrust were considered. The study of measuring conditions impact on the jet integral parameters was conducted. The need for calibration is stipulated by the fact that jet measured parameters may incorporate essential errors associated with the effect of experiment conditions and vacuum chamber walls. Calibration coefficients, linking measured and integral parameters of the jet, such as total ion current, flow-rate by ions and the jet axial impulse, are being introduced to minimize errors. Inasmuch as the jet integral parameters are being measured with high precision, the thruster jet model accuracy may be significantly increased after calibration.
The calibration methods regarded in the article allow obtain concurrence either by current density or by the flow-rate, or by the thrust (axial pulse). Jet calibration by the ion current and ions flow-rate gives the undervalued thrust value. Calibration by the thrust gives the jet parameters estimation for the worst case (overvalued parameters by the ion current and flow rate) necessary for analyzing the jet impact on a spacecraft. However, it is impossible to obtain the exact concurrence for parameters due to the effect of jet «disintegration» caused by interaction between the accelerated ions and neutral particles. Besides, the particles of residual atmosphere in vacuum chamber may affect the processes of jet formation in the acceleration channel of the thruster. To obtain more accurate jet model, it is necessary to account for the above-mentioned factors, and to use more complicate correction methods. | |
Marchukov E. Y., Vovk M. Y., Kulalaev V. V. Technical appearance analysis of energy systems by mathematical statistics techniques. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 156-165. Aerospace industry development is impossible without implementation of up-to-date samples of high-efficiency new generation energy systems (ES). The term “technical appearance” implies the aggregate of parametric, structural and technological solutions, reflecting most substantial specifics of the system appearance [5]. It is well-known that designing and production of new technology, inclusive of ES in aerospace industry, leads to the necessity of taking compromise optimal or rational engineering and technological decisions. Besides, designer always faces the requirement for conformity of technical appearance forecast of the ES being developed to its real-life prototype. An engineering approach based on statistical analog technique for decision-making while developing new technology may be of help for the appointed tasks solution and meeting the above said requirements [10, 15]. This technique foundation consists in the fact, that deep analysis and synthesis of static structural and energy data of the ES, selected analogs and prototypes according to the parameters of technical requirements to the design according to [15-17] are performed while prospective equipment development. The article regards the energy system (ES) in general form as a mechanical machine for input energy conversion into useful work. Methodological basics of the new generation ES optimal appearance forecasting by mathematical statistics techniques [15-24]. The article demonstrates that development and introduction of the special statistical criterion, integrating all operational parameters in the form of multi-parametrical function, is urgent for solving scientific and engineering problems of new ESs development with specified properties of enhanced effectiveness. This criterion may be named forecast criterion. The introduced special forecast criterion is based on ES statistical analog data fields processing (already created and successfully operated) by mathematical statistics techniques [15-17]. The criterion of the analytical form analysis by independent parameters-arguments leads to formulation and solution of the extreme problem of a multi-parameter function optimizing by known mathematical methods [18, 20, 24], where obtained optimal parameters determine the forecast of the newly created ES optimal technical appearance. Algorithm for compiling and special forecast criterion computing in general is presented. To demonstrate the legitimacy of the criterion introduction, an example of computing the forecast of the ES technical appearance in general is given. The scientific results of the article may be used to develop a comprehensive software product for modeling technical optimal concept of a new generation ES with increased output energy operational parameters and optimal mass-dimensional (volumetric) characteristics. | |
Kartas S. S., Panchenko V. I., Aleksandrov Y. B. Geometric parameters effect of ejector with curvilinear section of mixing chamber on its characteristic. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 166-173. Ejector is the simplest device without moving parts for liquids, gas, and other media moving. Power transfer from one stream to the other proceeds by their turbulent mixing. Very often, injector is employed to maintain continuous airflow in a duct, or a premise, thus performing a fan role. It is used also for jet engines testing. The exhaust stream flowing from the jet nozzle draws in the air from the shaft into the ejector, ensuring thereby the premise ventilation and engine cooling.
Over the past 60 years, plenty of studies has been performed on ejectors as a part of jet engines, which purpose consisted in increasing engine thrust, and reducing fuel consumption, jet noise and output temperature.
In modern conditions, these devices are used in various fields, such as aircraft and machine building, firefighting equipment, and as pumps, compressors, and mixers at oil tank farms.
In general, the described ejector structures include straight-line mixing chambers. Employing a curvilinear section of mixing chamber, which allows improve the ejector parameters, may be suggested as an option of such ejectors. An option of the ejector of this kind consists of a high-pressure flow nozzle, a low-pressure flow nozzle, mixing chamber, and diffusor. With this, the initial section of the mixing chamber is curvilinear.
The disadvantage of this ejector is certain difficulties in manufacturing curvilinear surfaces of nozzles and initial section of the mixing chamber. The advantage of this ejector consists in average velocity reduction of the active jet at the mixing chamber inlet, and, as a consequence, mixing losses reduction.
The article presents the results of numerical calculation of the | |
Volkov S. S. Assessment techniques for psychophysiological state of special purpose systems operators. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 174-183. The article deals with assessing techniques for psychophysiological state (PPhS) of a flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and other representatives of the aerospace industry. An approach, involving gas discharge visualization method in conjunction with fuzzy logic system for psychophysiological state monitoring is being offered for consideration. Prospectives of automation system for psychophysiological state assessment techniques implementation in the interests of aerospace comples are demonstrated.
The purpose of the work consists in demonstrating the increase of the PPhS assessment quality of special purpose systems operators of the aerospace industry. Special purpose systems operators are both civil and military aviation flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots, and specialists dealing with robotic systems.
This work novelty lies in the intelligent tools application for operators’ PPhS determining. The interest to this method application is caused by the fact that human ability to perform professional duties is characterized by his psychophysiological state. Psychophysiological state monitoring of operators of special purpose systems (SPS) of aerospace industry allows increasing efficiency of their decisions and raise their readiness to perform special duties. Eventually, the ability to perform special duties unconditionally may and must be controlled and monitored to enhance readiness to perform the assigned task during the periods of flying vehicles flights and testing.
In this respect, the necessity for performing control of SPS operators of aerospace industry at the stage of their preparation for flights and tests performing, as well as during special assignments performing with automation tools application is imminent. It would allow assess with certain fidelity their readiness to perform the assigned tasks during flights and tests, and point out to particular official the necessity to pay attention to this or that pilot, cosmonaut or technician. However, such control implementation is not possible without methodological tools and means for assessing flight crews, cosmonauts and other aerospace industry prepresentatives fitness for their functional assignment.
As the result of the studies, an algorithm of the decision-making support system with fuzzy logic system for automated assesment system of PPhS operators was developed.The fuzzy logic system operation is based on the Mamdani algorithm.
The PPhS assessment techniques implementation, described in the article, in the aerospace industry will allow monitoring the health of the flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and operators of robotic systems, as well as reducing the risk of injury and mortality factor while equipment operation. | |
Boyarskii G. G., Sorokin A. E., Khaustov A. I. Experimental pressure-flow characteristics determining of micropumps for orbital station biotechnical system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 184-190. While conducting research at the space stations, great attention is paid to revealing the weightlessness effect on the cells, which allows the results transferring to the other objects and models in various areas of biology and medicine. For such studies performing, the authors suggest to apply a biotechnical system for cell culture (BTS CC) in conditions of spaceflight, which main element is a micropump, meeting the following requirements:
– to possess minimum size: diameter of not more than 10 mm, and length of not more than 50 mm,
– to ensure a liquid supply with viscosity of 1 cSt from zero to 0.1 liters per minute,
– to ensure pressure of up to 3 J/kg.
The existing techniques for axial pumps design do not allow correctly determine the micropump geometric size and its pressure-flow characteristic, since with a pump size reduction compared to the full- size pump, relative size of gaps and roughness increase, which changes significantly redistribution of the velocities fields and volume leakages, as well as disk and friction losses. A micropump designing with such specifics requires new structural and designing concepts.
Based on the full-size pump designing experience and with account for the BTS CC pump operation specifics, a new micropump of 6.5 mm diameter and 45 mm length was developed. Its control block allow changing rotation speed and the electric motor and impeller of the micropump by setting the current frequency and value, varying hereby the pump delivery and pressure.
Any pump characteristic is its head dependence H on delivery Q at various rotation frequencies of the pump shaft, i.e. H = f (Q, n). Thus, to determine the micropump pressure-flow characteristics, experimental studies are necessary to examine the effect of geometric size and mode parameters on its characteristics.
The main difficulties in the pressure-flow characteristics determining of micro-pumps, i.e. the dependence of the pump head on its supply and shaft speed, is their small size, commensurable with the sensors size.
Analysis of publications related to the study of fluid micro-flows in micro-pumps revealed that they use tracers were employed for this purpose, which introduction disrupts the micro-pump operation. Thus, to determine micro -pumps characteristics, a test
bench was designed and manufactured. It includes noninertial micro-sensors (for the pressure drop-head registration and measurement). The flow rate was measured by weight, with account for the liquid evaporability. The micropump pressure-flow
characteristics are modeled by changing hydraulic resistance at the pump outlet by varying the flow section of the throttle. The measurements were repeated for different speeds of the impeller shaft from 2000 to 20,000 rpm.
The results of the tests revealed that the micropump pressure-flow characteristic represent a falling dependence typical for the full-sized axial pumps. However, stratification of dynamic characteristics is being observed at various impeller rotation frequencies. Thus, for the range of n1 > 8000 rpm the pressure-flow characteristic goes higher, than for n2 < 8000 rpm. The obtained pressure-flow characteristic of the developed micro-pump allows estimating the effect of the micropump micro-sizes on its efficiency. | |
Kirsanov A. P. Stealthy movement of aerial object along rectilinear paths in the onboard doppler radar station detection zone. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 191-199. Onboard radar stations operating in the pulse–Doppler mode show the characteristic feature in the detection zone. This feature consists in the fact that in every point of the detection zone the aircraft has a sector of directions moving along wich it not detected by the onboard Doppler radar. This sector is called the sector of invisible motion directions of the aircraft. Due to these features, there are stealthy paths allowing an aircraft stays non-detected by Doppler radar station, such as radar station of an airborne early warning aircraft, while moving along them. The majority of stealthy trajectories is curvilinear with variable curvature. The article deals with the study of the rectilinear paths of the aircraft stealthy movement in the onboard Doppler radar station detection zone. It was established that any aerial object position relative to the early warning aircraft might be the start of the rectilinear stealthy path at the appropriate selection of direction of movement. An equation to determine the stealthy movement duration along the rectilinear path depending on the aircraft initial position and its direction of movement was obtained. Areas in the detection zone of the pulse-Doppler radar station to which the aerial object may enter, moving along the rectilinear stealth paths, were plotted. Their shapes and sizes depending on the aerial object position and motion parameters relative to the radar station were studied. Conditions of the unlimited time duration of movement along the stealthy paths, and conditions of the rectilinear stealthy paths for the aerial object outgoing to the onboard Doppler radar station location were found. | |
Bezzametnov O. N., Mitryaikin V. I., Khaliulin V. I. Low-speed impact testing of various composites. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 216-229. The purpose of the study consists in technique development for detecting impact damages character of composites with various nature of reinforcing material and interlacement type. A series of experiments on the presence of internal defects after impact damages inflicting was conducted while this work performing. The samples based fourteen fabric types were selected as the subject of the study, including fiberglass cloth, hybrid materials, Kevlar® and high molecular polythene. Temperature mode was developed, and technology for plates manufacturing by the compression molding technique was worked out.
The experiment technique was being developed with regard for the international Standards recommendations for damage resistance testing while the falling load impact. Evaluation of criteria on impact resistance was performed within the energy range of 10, 20 and 30 J. Initially the dent depth was determined with digital detecting head. The internal damages areas were being estimated by the semi-automated ultrasonic NDT complex with phased array. This technology allows obtaining scanning results in the form of projections onto three planes, namely C-scan (top view), S-scan (end view) and B-scan (side view). To analyze the damages areas of samples after the impact, the C-scan, depicting the scanned area below the sensor, was registered. The layer-by-layer studying of the samples damages character was performed by the X-ray computer tomography method. This method allows visualize the sample internal structure by processing shadow projections obtained while the object X-raying.
The obtained results allow determine optimum characteristics of the composite material pack content while developing the structure with the set requirements to the impact resistance. The nose part elements and high lift devices of an aircraft, helicopter blades and transmission shafts, moving parts of jet engines may be among these structures.
Based on these works results graphs of the damages areas dependence on the impact energy of each material were plotted. The less damage area was demonstrated by the fiberglass samples, while the greatest one belonged to the fabrics of hybrid content. To evaluate the impact resistance criteria the energy of the damage initiation, maximum load of impact and absorbed energy were registered. Maximum value of the damage initiation energy was demonstrated by the samples from hybrid fabric material, and the least one by the fiberglass samples. This criterion reflects the limiting value of the impact energy which a material can sustain without being damaged. | |
Savel’eva L. V., Vendin I. O. Cutting conditions effect on tool front surface wear rate while workpieces machining. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 209-215. The article tackles the issue of determining the degree of various cutting modes effect (cutting speed, cutting thickness, cutting width, feed, cutting depth, temperature, front angle, vibration) on the front surface wear of the cutting tool.
The authors describe the nature of cutting modes effect on the front surface wear of the tool, and suggest recommendations on optimal cutting modes, which ensure maximum life span of the tool.
The article consists of three main sections: introduction, the bulk section, conclusions.
The introduction considers causes of the tool wear. As a rule, cutting tools wear occurs under the impact of molecular adhesion forces of the treated metal surface with the cutting tool, or under abrasive action of solid particles existed in the structure of the machined material.
The main section regards the tool wear process over the front surface. It analyzes an experimental dependence of the cutting speed impact on the tool wear intensity. As the result of the analysis conclusion was made that the wear increased with the cutting speed increase. According to professor A.M. Danielyan’s studies, with the cutting speed, feed and cutting depth 20% increase the cutter surface wears out correspondingly 3.5, 1.7 and 1.05 times faster. This research data demonstrates that the largest effect may be achieved not by the cutting speed increase, but by the cut width and thickness increase. The effect of the cut thickness and feed on the wear intensity of the cutting tool is analyzed. With large cut thickness (more than 0.5 mm), a misgrowth of significant height is formed, eliminating the contact of the rear surface with the cutting surface. Only the front surface of the tool thereby wears out. With the cut thickness reduction, the wear occurs on both back and front surfaces simultaneously. At very small cut thickness (less than 0., the misgrouth is of rather insignificant height, and the wear occurs only on the back surface. With feed increase, the cut thickness increases either, and, thus, the wear on the front surface increases. The experimental dependence of the cut depth impact on the tool wear intensity is analyzed. As the result, the optimal cutting depth is determined, at which the front surface wear is minimal. The experimental dependence of the tool temperature influence on the tool wear intensity is analyzed. The optimal tool temperature, at which the wear of the front surface is minimal, is determined. The effect of the tool front angle and vibrations on tool wear is analyzed. Recommendations on selection of optimal cutting modes, ensuring maximum tool life are presented in conclusions. | |
Ushakov I. V., Simonov Y. V. Experimental detection of micro-destructions viscosity in central and boundary areas of brittle samples while loading on the substrate by vickers pyramid. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 230-239. The main purpose of the work consists in developing the earlier proposed technique for viscosity detection of micro-fracture of thin brittle amorphous nano-crystalline samples.
The regularities of deformation and fracture under local loading of solid thin samples of nano-crystalline material by Vickers pyramid are determined experimentally. The main studies were performed on amorphous metallic alloy Co71,66Si17,09B4,73Fe3,38Cr3,14, converted into the nano-crystalline state by controlled isothermal annealing.
The dependency of the symmetry of micro-patterns of destruction from the load value and a distance to the sample boundary was established. It is established that with the load growth occurrence of symmetry elements starts to be observed in the initially asymmetric fracture patterns. Statistical analysis of symmetric cracks, as well as the distances between them, allows find the micro-destruction viscosity of the material. At a certain optimal load, the probability of symmetrical micro-patterns formation is maximal. A further load increase leads to the symmetry reduction, and, accordingly, to the decrease of micro-destruction viscosity calculation accuracy.
For the first time, a technique for determining the minimum allowable distance to the boundary of a thin sample, on which the micro-destruction viscosity determining was possible, was proposed. It was established that the optimal load value while determining the micro-fracture viscosity near the sample boundary coincides with the value of such for the central areas.
For the first time, mechanical testing modes, which allow obtain symmetrical and analyzable micropatterns of destruction were determined. These conditions include the following: using the optimal load on the indenter; accounting for the allowable distance between the adjacent loading areas and a distance from the loaded area to the sample boundaries. Based on the experimental results analysis, algorithms for to determining the optimal load on the indenter and the allowable distance to the sample boundary have been developed. The obtained results allowed improve the earlier proposed technique for micro-fracture viscosity detection by local loading of thin, hard and brittle samples. | |
Sedel'nikov A. V., Belousova D. A., Orlov D. I., Filippov A. S. Assessment of temperature shock impact on orbital motion dynamics of a spacecraft for technological purposes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 4, pp. 200-208. The main objective of the work is assessing the of temperature shock impact on the orbital motion dynamics of the spacecraft for technological purposes.
The problem consists in the uncertainty of center of mass displacement due to the impact of temperature shock and, thus, the motion control error. This problem is particularly relevant for the spacecraft for technological purposes, and products sensitive to the experimental conditions.
The importance of assessing the impact of temperature shock is determined by the need to ensure the spacecraft functioning with the specified parameters of motion, as well as maintaining controllability of the spacecraft in the presence of orbital eclipse periods.
Analysis of the studies by the scientists from various countries reveals that control of a small spacecraft with no large elastic elements in the design-layout scheme often reduces to the target values active control of the angular velocity of its rotation.
In this case, the orbital eclipse periods are not highlighted separately, and no changes in spacecraft movement control law are made while its immersing in and out of Earth shadow.
The article deals with the issues related to the temperature shock impact on the orbital motion change of a spacecraft for technological purposes, and modeling the scale and nature of the effect.
The temperature shock impact assessment is based on the 3D modeling of the processes occurring at the spacecraft entering and exiting the orbital eclipse period.
For a small “Return— MKA” type spacecraft the three-fold excess of admissible micro-accelerations was obtained.
As the result of the conducted study, a conclusion was made that control algorithms development, levelling the temperature shock from the viewpoint of occurring micro-accelerations compensation, was required for successful implementation of gravity- sensitive processes onboard the spacecraft for technological purposes with the orbital eclipse period.
A three-dimensional heat conduction problem was solved to determine the target parameters of control algorithms. The following simplifying assumptions were introduced to solve the problem:
– the elastic element model was a frame structure;
– the elastic element was rigidly fixed in the small spacecraft body;
– the elastic element properties satisfied the conditions of homogeneity;
– the heat flow was uniform;
– operating temperature range was −170... + 110 °C;
– the properties of the elastic element material were considered constant throughout the operating temperature range;
– orientation changing of normal to the elastic element surface due to its own oscillations was neglected. | |
Ivanov P. I., Kurinnyi S. M., Krivorotov M. M. Asymmetry in the parachute canopy filling process. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 7-16. The main purpose of the work consists in studying dynamics and specificity of filling the large area parachutes of the main class employed for rescuing reentry spacecraft as well as large weight cargoes airdrop of civil and military hardware. The problematic issues here are these associated with the occurrence of large aerodynamic load values while parachute dynamic filling, which may lead to premature loss of its strength. The issues of long delay in the filling process, which increases the path and height loss and is very dangerous while low-height airdrop, are of no less importance. The article tackles the issues associated with the filling process deviation from the rated value, such as asymmetry occurring while the parachute canopy filling.
The dependence between the filling time and aerodynamic load on the parachute, i.e. maximum drag force value, was established experimentally. The article demonstrates that with the parachute filling time increasing the aerodynamic loads on the parachute and overloads on the object decreased, while the filling path increased.
The relationship between the edge contour of the canopy inlet orifice shaping, filling time and aerodynamic loads on the parachute was established. One of the possible causes of both deceleration and intensive canopy filling dynamics, consisting in substantial asymmetry of the shaping process of the edge contour of the parachute canopy inlet orifice, was revealed.
The authors introduced the notion of the canopy contour shaping asymmetry coefficient at the intensive dynamics of the canopy filling process, as an effective tool for studying the processes of canopy edge shaping processes and their quantitative evaluation.
Setting the rated boundary value for the asymmetry coefficient it is possible to make judgments on the tendency of the canopy shaping by the degree of distance from this boundary. Thus, it will show the propensity of the specified parachute for the asymmetric filling and the ensuing negative consequences, associated with intensive dynamics of the filling process and load-carrying capacity loss. Practically, the asymmetry coefficient represents the square root of the ratio of impact pulses from the air- velocity pressure (which form local pressure drops along the carrying surface) for the canopy with asymmetry, and a canopy being filled symmetrically, under the same initial conditions on speed.
The larger the coefficient of asymmetry, the larger the dome is predisposed to asymmetric filling, the more shock impulses differ. In this association, the probability of the canopy and shrouds destruction increases in the local loading area from the pressure drop at the loads being measured by the strain sensor in the parachute thimble, which are substantially lower than its load-bearing capacity. | |
Novogorodtsev E. V. Numerical study of total pressure in the air intake with sharp edges applying eddy-resolving sbes-method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 17-31. The values of the total pressure oscillations intensity root mean square parameter ε in the channel of isolated air intake with sharp edges were determined as applied to industrial aerodynamics problems based on numerical solution of Navier-Stockes system of equations. Numerical solutions of Navier-Stockes system of equations were obtained using eddyresolving Stress Bkended Eddy Simulation (SBES) approach employing ANSYS CFX solver. Simulation of the 3D flowing of the viscous compressible gas around and inside the object was performed employing spatial regular multi-shell grid. The procedure of computational grid generation was being performed in manual mode employing ICEM CFD software.
To evaluate fidelity of the computational study based on SBES method application, comparison of the obtained values of the root-mean square parameter of pulsations intensity with experimental data was performed. The data processing procedure herewith was conducted in concordance with the standard experimental technique approved in TsAGI.
Numerical simulation results are presented in the form of plots of parameter e values in the engine section as a function of the specific reduced air flow q(λen) through the engine cross section. The air intake duct throttling was modelled by cross-clamping of the auxiliary duct in the form Laval nozzle. The auxiliary duct wall profile in the longitudinal section herewith was constructed using the Vitoshinsky formula.
The article performed a comparison of total pressure oscillations obtained while computational study in monitored points of the metering crosssection with oscillograms obtained while experimental study according to readings of the total pressure pulsations sensors, installed on the model at the same points of the reference cross-section.
The parameter ε values obtained in the framework of this work in the engine cross-section for the air intake and engine synchronization mode in all regarded range of of the incoming flow Mach numbers M = 0-1.8 (at zero angles of attack and sideslip) are in good agreement with the experimental data. Maximum discrepancy between computational and experimental results was Δε max = 1% in absolute units of the ε parameter.
The ε parameter values were obtained for both the air intake configuration without a boundary layer control system, and the one with a boundary layer control system. | |
Bragazin V. F., Gusarova N. A., Dement’ev A. A., Skvortsov E. B., Chernavskikh Y. N. On practicality of deflectable thrust vector application for civil aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 32-42. The study focuses on the engine deflectable thrust vector (DTV) application on the civil aircraft to improve its controllability, as well as take-off and cruising-flight characteristics.
Thrust vector deflection is achieved through the movable nozzles. Three options of the engines location in the aircraft layout, namely, on the pylons under the wing, as well as on the pylons of the fuselage nose and tail parts were considered. Esteems of the DVT application as an additional element to the aerodynamic control elements were obtained.
The DVT application as an additional balancing element of pitch and/or yow control leads to the possible reduction of the horizontal tail (HT) and/or vertical tail (VT). Thus, for the aircraft layout with the engines under the wing, the HT area reduction may be of 11%, and VT area reduction of 8%. For the aircraft layout with the engines in the fuselage tail part, the VT area reduction may be of 13–20%. The DVT application along with the aircraft aerodynamic control elements allows increase the effectiveness of the lateral, pitch and yow control, as well as reduce the aircraft response time to the steady-state overload.
The aircraft cruising aerodynamic quality changing depending on the engines position on the aircraft and thrust vector deflection was considered. The largest increase in maximum quality was realized with the engines location in the front part of the fuselage and upward thrust vector deflection. It was revealed, that aerodynamic quality increases about 2% within the angles range of 0° to ±10°. According to the preliminary estimates, the aggregate impact of several factors may ensure the fuel consumption reduction in the cruising flight by approximately 3–4%.
While studying the takeoff trajectory, it was found that the largest trajectory slope angle at the safe takeoff speed was possible with the DVT engines application in the taili part of the fuselage.
According to the preliminary data, the DVT application bears a potential to improve a civil aircraft operational characteristics. The DVT significant useful effects are the possibility of aircraft control dynamics improvement and flight safety enhancement at the takeoff/landing and climbing modes. | |
Levin V. I., Karasev D. Y., Sitnikov M. S. Aircraft break wheels designing using 1D thermodynamic models. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 43-61. The OEM, EASA and ICAO requirements to aircraft systems and equipment force manufacturers to conduct more verification calculations and tests to confirm the announced characteristics, as well as analysis of various modes of operation. Currently, there are already new methods of design, as well as automation of calculations and tests. Thus, it is necessary to develop both theoretical and practical basis for their implementation.
The objectives of this work consist in determining a convenient method for thermal processes computing in the the aircraft wheel structure, as well as describing a method for developing a 1D model for the wheel thermodynamic calculations, performing computations by this model, and comparing the obtained results with the results of test modes.
The article provides a summary of the research and work conducted at the enterprise of the brake wheels manufacturing company. The approach to computing the thermal energy distribution dynamics over the friction disk volume and the wheel structure while braking process is being substantiated. The adequate accuracy while using the reduced model of the disks temperature computing is demonstrated. The article presents the processes and methodology issues of developing architecture and parameterization of the wheel structure model for computing the points of the monitored temperature. The model additionally accounts for the convective thermal exchange with the pneumatic network of the air cooling from the brake wheel. Speed, direction and successive air heating are also being accounted for. The results of computing and testing at three test modes are presented. The adequate accuracy of the computational results compared to the testing data is being determined.
Eventually, all declared goals were achieved. A convenient method for thermodynamics computing of the wheel based on the 1D model was determined. Virtual testing was performed on both a model and a test bench. Analysis of the results allows stating the expediency of the 1D models while brake wheels designing.
Virtual tests were performed on the developed and validated model, which allowed determine more optimal modes of the test bench equipment application. This, in its turn, allowed the time reduction of the field tests and the number of test launches.
Currently, a set of documentation has been developed to justify changes in the regulations for the design and conduct of accelerated life tests of the wheels. The prospects for the used computing method development for solving the related tasks of the break wheels design. | |
Boldyrev A. V., Pavel’chuk M. V., Sinel’nikova R. N. Enhancement of the fuselage structure topological optimization technique in the large cutout zone. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 62-71. Topological optimization techniques play an important role while selecting a structural layout of aggregates for a flying vehicle of minimal mass. The goal of the presented work consists in increasing weigh efficiency of the aircraft structure in the stresses concentration zones. The article proposes a of topological optimization method for edging of the cutout for the hatch in the fuselage, based on the full- stress concept with regard for the functional limitations on the generalized hull skin displacements at the cutout contour.
For the design object synthesis, a method, based on Komarov’s mathematical model of a deformable solid body with variable density is being applied. An artificial material with variable density and rigidity, called a “filler", in which the strength and elastic properties linearly depend on density, is being employed.
Finite element models, integrating the manifold of the load-bearing elements of the structure and continuous medium of variable density are being developed while topological design. Earlier, such combined model was employed in [25, 26]. The material distribution in the filler allows revealing theoretically optimal structure and, using the strategy [8], developing the structural layout closest to the theoretical solution from the viewpoint of its stressed operation. The topological optimization process is based on stage-by-stage substitution of the filler by structural elements, realizing the technical decisions being taken
The article presents a numerical example of the fuselage compartment design with rectangular cutout, demonstrating the operability of the suggested technique. Conventional layout with well-known prototypes technical solutions is adopted as an initial structure. The topological optimization resulted in obtaining new technical solution allowing 16,7% reduction in the mass of the strengthening members of the cutout relative to the initial structure. The parts of the internal panel are shifted inward the fuselage from its theoretical contour and duplicate the hull skin at the cutout portion. The internal panel is fixed to the hull skin by the longitudinal and sloped walls, reinforced and ordinary bulkheads. The manifold of stressed elements forms closed and hollow contours in the cutout corners, enhancing the structure rigidity in the hatch cutout zone in radial and longitudinal directions. | |
Mamedov I. E., Sharifova B. A. UAV functioning mode optimization while seawater sampling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 72-79. Water is a necessary factor for the humankind survival. For this reason, the quality of water resources should be protected. Thus, it is necessary to organize permanent monitoring of water resources. Industrial and agricultural wastes are the main sources representing danger for water basins. Water quality of rivers and lakes may be evaluated by monitoring such indices as quantity of dissolved oxygen, pH., temperature, and electric conductance. Low concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water, undesirable temperature and abnormal salt content lead to water quality degradation. The article is dedicated to the issues of UAV application for the seawater salinity and conductance determining. The UAV application for this purpose allows increasing space-time resolution of the results of the studies being performed. The task of forming the UAV empirical model in water sampling mode was formulated. Electric conductance sensors while corresponding UAV flight altitude control are being immersed into the water and taken out after conduction measuring. Thermal sensors are applied herewith, installed on the other UAV flying 30-40 meters higher than the first one. Temperature survey is performed to reveal undercurrents of the incoming external water, which temperature and salinity differ greatly from those of the basic water body. The studies employing heuristic procedure of collating the values of the searched indicator, computed by different representations in the form of one graphics data, and checking the obtained results by the data represented by the other graphics data were performed. The article suggests an empirical model of the UAV, employed for the water quality studying. The empirical model of the UAV in the mode of sampling for the samples analysis is presented as well. Specific issues of realizing the suggested empirical algorithm for the empirical model development were considered. Indirect validation of the developed empirical model demonstrated close agreement of experimental and modelled dependencies character obtained based on heuristic algorithm of the UAV functioning in the water quality studying mode. | |
Abdulin R. R., Podshibnev V. A., Samsonovich S. L. Determining planetary gearing optimal gear ratio allowing minimize its outer diameter at the specified load torque. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 80-90. Mass and size parameters reduction is one of actual issues of aircraft electromechanical drives design. It concerns especially mechanical transmissions employed in drive systems of mechanical transmission. Harmonic and planetary gears are most compact. They allow obtaining large gear ratio for a single stage. Their application as the output stage of a multi-stage reduction gearbox of an electro-mechanical drive, as a unit transmitting the largest moment, allows mass and size parameters reduction of a drive system.
The goal of this article consists in determining the optimal values of gear ratios at which the outer diameter of planetary transmissions has its minimum size for the specified load moment.
It was demonstrated, that the main parameter affecting the outer diameter of planetary transmissions for the specified load moment was the carrier radius. For a single-row planetary transmission this radius was expressed through the gear tooth module value, the number of teeth of the central sun-gear and gear ratio between the sun-gear and satellites. The article presents substantiation of the above said parameters selection. Minimum acceptable carrier radius was found. It was established, that optimal gear ratio value of the singlerow planetary transmission equaled four.
The carrier radius planetary gear with double-row planets was expressed by gear tooth module and two gear ratios, namely between the central sun-gear of the planet gear and first-row satellites, and between planet gear of the second row and the crown-wheel. The dependence of the carrier radius on these gear ratios, which is represented by a surface with «ravine», was plotted. A unified optimal gear ratio value was not obtained for the planetary transmission with doublerow satellites was not found. However, a set of quasioptimal values do exist. The “ravine” direction, along which the quasi-optimal values were located, was determined. The optimal relationship of gear ratios between the central sun-gear and the first-row satellites, and between the second-row satellites and the crown wheel was derived. This relationship allows ensure minimum outer diameter of the planetary transmission with double-row satellites. An example of the minimum outer diameter of the planetary gear with double-row satellites computing is given.
The obtained optimal gear ratio values expand the knowledge on planetary transmissions and allow minimize overall dimensions of aircraft drive systems while developing multi-stage reduction gearboxes for electromechanical drives with output planetary transmission. | |
Nikolaev E. I., Nedelko D. V., Shuvalov V. A., Yugai P. V. External airbags application onboard a helicopter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 91-101. The subject of the presented article is an energy absorption system in the form of external airbags, fixed under a helicopter fuselage. The external airbags are meant for reducing the risk of injury of the passengers and helicopter damage in case of a crash landing.
The study of the external airbags impact while crash landing was performed by the finite elements method. The airbags mathematical model, accepted in the computations, assumes gas simulation by the thermodynamic parameters (pressure, temperature) averaged by the airbags volume. The article presents the airbags initial characteristics for the case of the gaseous nitrogen application. Gas leakage from the airbags is determined by the area of the vent hole and the value of relative pressure for initiation of the gas outflow from the vent hole. The initial pressures values and the holes areas were selected by the condition of overloads minimizing and the strength of airbags material ensuring.
The purpose of this work consists in analyzing the helicopter fuselage loading with the external airbag, and identifying the time dependencies of main thermodynamic parameters of the gas work. The study of a helicopter collision encompasses the moment of time of the airbags contact with the ground to the moment of the fuselage gaining a stable position on the ground. The process visualization of the helicopter fuselage spatial position changing so far as the airbag crimping is demonstrated. Velocities and overloads in the helicopter fuselage center of mass are presented according to the results of computations. The obtained dependencies of pressure, temperature and mass flow rate may be employed for technical requirements forming to the external airbags and gas generating elements structures. Computational results considered in the article allows drawing inference on the possibility of the external airbags application for the helicopter energy shock absorbing and increasing the rate of passengers and a crew survivability. The presented values of loads acting on the fuselage from the airbags side may be employed for the detailed designing of the airbags fixing to the fuselage. The conclusion presents the issues which may become a further development of the research topic. | |
Chernovolov R. A., Garifullin M. F., Kozlov S. I. Validation of designing and manufacturing procedures of aircraft dynamically similar models with polymer composite materials application. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 102-112. Drained dynamically scaled models have been designed for studying unsteady aerodynamic characteristics in wind tunnels. At present, such models testing is of the greatest interest both from the viewpoint of their application for studying safety of the prospective aircraft from the flutter and buffeting, and for verification of calculated aerodynamics with account for the structure elasticity.
The article presents an algorithm for design parameters selecting of a dynamically scaled model and its tuning by test results. The proposed procedure for implementing this algorithm is demonstrated on a simple example (a beam of constant cross section, reinforced by layers of a polymer composite material). Issues of technology for design and manufacturing of a typical element of the dynamically scaled aircraft model applying polymer composite materials are considered. Frequency tests conducting technique is presented, as well as the results of computational and experimental studies of the shapes and frequencies of natural oscillations with account for the additional loads placement. Computed shapes and frequencies of natural oscillations obtained by the finite element method using several successively condensed grids are given. The research findings comparison indicates that calculated values of the cross-section bending stiffness obtained using theoretical relationships and characteristics of the material, accounting for epy specifics of dynamically similar model manufacturing technology, are close enough to those obtained by the experiments at static loading and resonant tests conducting. Setting-up such model does not require special efforts. It allows considering, that the accepted calculating and design technique ensures obtaining required characteristics of the dynamically similar model. | |
Matiukhin L. M. The fuel molar weight impact on filling, and indicator indices of a piston combustion engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 113-123. The problems arising while improvement of any type of the internal combustion engine (ICE), such as reciprocating, rotary-piston, gas turbine or jet engines, are common for all of them.
The notions of the volumetric efficiency (nv) and residual gases (γr) traditionally used in the theory of piston internal-combustion engines do not allow characterize the air-fuel mixture composition, which defines the all power, economic and ecological indices of the engines. All the above-mentioned coefficients are applied only while the reciprocating ICE design. With this, the main indicator of pistons filling, namely volumetric efficiency, characterizes not so much the cylinders’ filling as its downgrade due to the presence of hydraulic resistances and incoming charge warming up. The essential drawback of all known equations for the volumetric efficiency determination is ignoring the impact of the fuel type, excess-air coefficient and recirculation’s degree on the cylinders filling. The general-technical concepts of (volume) fractions are far more informative. The aggregate of air-fuel mixture fractions determines its composition and thermodynamic characteristics values. The incoming charge (air) fraction allows unambiguous judgment on the degree of filling the whole cylinder volume, i.e. on the existing reserves of filling. Using the air or mixture volumetric fraction as the main filling indicator while piston ICE cycle computing allows accounting for the fuel molar weight and recirculation impact on the engine indices. As the result of the analysis, in order to account for the fuel impact on the filling the so-called “displacement coefficient” was proposed. Power and economic indices of the engine depend on this coefficient value. The value of this coefficient determines the degree of qualitative power regulation efficiency. Together with the recirculation degree, this coefficient determines the value of stoichiometric relationships and, thus, affects the indicator and effective indices of the engine.
As the sum of the fractions equals to the one, there is no necessity with the suggested approach in separate determining the fraction of the residue gases, since this fraction is equal to the difference between the one and the incoming charge fraction. The suggested approach is of prime importance while analyzing operating cycles of the engines operating on gaseous fuels, and on hydrogen in particular. As a result, the structure of the main calculation dependencies is simplified, and their analysis becomes more clearly evident and easy- to-understand. The possibility of the computing results visualization facilitates their analysis and is a great advantage of the suggested approach in terms of didactics.
Employing the ICE computation as a base of the air-fuel mixture fractions in modern applied programs might have led to the labor intensity reduction and execution time cutting due to the number of variables reduction. | |
Zubrilin I. A., Didenko A. A., Dmitriev D. N., Gurakov N. I., Hernandez M. M. Combustion process effect on the swirled flow structure behind a burner of the gas turbine engine combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 124-136. The article presents the results of computational and experimental study of the swirling flow structure of a swirling jet behind the burner unit of an industrial gas turbine installation. The burner unit being studied in this work is intended for burning poor pre-prepared mixtures. The burner consists of an axial vane swirler with hollow blades through which the main part of the fuel enters, and a “central body”, functioning as a stabilizer with a pilot flame. Natural gas is employed as a fuel. The studies were performed by applied methods of computational gas dynamics and experimental methods. Experimental velocity measurements were performed with a laser Doppler particle velocity meter LAD-056S. Combustion products composition measurements were performed by sampling with subsequent chromatographic analysis. Experimental studies were conducted under the following conditions:
- The inlet temperature Тк = 330 К;
- Differential pressure ΔP* ≈ 3,3%;
- Reynolds number at the burner outlet Re ≈ 12000;
- The proportion of fuel consumption in the standby zone is 11.5% of the total fuel consumption;
- The excess-air factor for the case of mixing fuel without combustion was α = 2.08, and for the case without combustion α = 1.8.
The flow and combustion processes modelling was performed in three-dimensional unsteady formulation using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method. Combustion processes were being described with the Flamelet Generated Manifold model. The GRI 3.0 mechanism was selected as the kinetic mechanism of chemical reactions. As a result, a comparison of time- averaged velocity fields and turbulence characteristics was being performed for the case of fuel combustion and without combustion. The obtained simulation results are well agreed with the experimental data on the flow velocity, its fluctuation components, as well as chemical composition. Thus, the employed approach may be applied for calculation study of the combustion processes of the gaseous fuel in swirling flows. An exception is carbon monoxide, which needs to be modeled using approaches accounting for nonequilibrium chemical combustion processes, such as a network of ideal reactors. The flow structure behind the burner was studied in detail, and the characteristics of the recirculation mixing zone were obtained. It was shown, that the fuel supply does not significantly affect the flow structure. It was found, that the combustion process changes the shape of the reverse streams, increasing it in diameter. Mass flow while combustion is significantly lower than in the so-called “cold” case. Due to the air-fuel mixture low consumption through the recirculation mixing zone for the given burner unit, the combustion process characteristics are mainly affected by the interaction between the recirculation mixing zone and the main flow. Pressure fluctuations associated with the vortex core precession, detected while cold purges, were not found during combustion. | |
Grigor'ev V. A., Zagrebel'nyi A. O., Kalabuhov D. S. Updating parametric gas turbine engine model with free turbine for helicopters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 137-143. A priori estimation of an aircraft engine mass takes on an important role while its creation, especially at the initial designing stage, when conceptual basics of the engine are being established. At this stage, when the design working out of the engine is not done yet, its weight estimation together with fuel economy indicators allows making valid selection of the engine working process parameters values. The presented work refines the parametric model of a gas turbine engine with the free turbine (GTE FT), used in the problem of the helicopter engine working process parameters optimization at the conceptual design stage. With this, while performing parametric studies the design mass of the power plant should be estimated according to the GTE parameters, though, up to now these dependencies are not studied quite well. Thus, the estimation of the engine mass dependencies on its parameters is being performed at present based on the generalized statistic data on the already accomplished structures or parametric mass models, since there is no more precise information at this stage. In fairness, it should be noted that they are all related to the aircraft engines. A rather smaller number of works is oriented of the mass estimation of the helicopter GTE FT. This is primarily due to the fact, that these engines belong to the class of the small-size and have thereupon a number of specifics.
At the same time, as new versions of gas turbine engines appear the periodical refinement the parametric model coefficients values is required. he article considers the mass model of the gas turbine engine with free turbine for several options for the reduction gear mass accounting for, namely, both as a part of the engine, and the power plant. The authors suggest representing the coefficients used in the above said GTE FT models in the form of dependencies on the working process parameters. It allowed perform parametric studies and obtain predictive solutions corresponding to the achieved current design level of gas turbine engines. | |
Mil’kovskii A. G., Atamasov V. D., Kolbasin I. V., Ustinov A. N., Kalinina A. M. New phenomena in the space experiment on creating an artificial solar eclipse while the spaceships “APOLLO”-”SOYUZ” joint flight. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 144-151. The presence of gas-and-dust plasma atmosphere is discovered in every spacecraft, which is confirmed by many domestic and foreign researchers. Due to the medium mixing under the impact of parameters gradients, the radionuclides of plasma atmosphere formed with the intensive impact of gamma and neutron radiation of the reactor would migrate to the outboard space area, surrounding protected part of the spacecraft structure and instrument bay with electronic equipment. These elements would be exposed to radiation due to the induced radiation. In this case, the deterioration of the spacecraft radiation protection against the onboard reactor occurs, which would lead to fluences excess of radiation fluxes on the instrument bay and sensitive structural elements relative to the acceptable levels. Formation of the flows of the eigen external atmosphere (EEA) substance irradiated by the reactor from the operating reactor into the area of the instrument bay and back is stipulated by the presence of parameters gradient of the EEA substance between the specified areas. These parameters are the volume plasma potential and, correspondingly, concentration of charges, pressure and temperature of the gas-and- dust plasma medium. This plasma migration got physical substantiations, published in many scientific works on nuclear physics, performed under I.V. Kurchatov guidance, which attaches authenticity and meaningfulness to the outlined concept, as well as determines the necessity to developing measures for the spacecraft extra radiation protection.
In 1975, an international experiment was conducted in the outer space under the “EPAS” program, during which the artificial Eclipse of the Sun and the solar corona was photographed during the Apollo and Soyuz spaceships joint flight. The spacecraft EEA was repeatedly registered while this experiment. We employed the said photos to analyze the properties of the spacecraft outboard atmosphere. It allowed comprehending the similar processes in the atmosphere of the spacecraft with nuclear reactor.
The physical phenomenon of the “identic luminosity” was recorded by the experimental method in conditions of the space flight under the EPAS program. This phenomenon is a confirmation of the induced radiation phenomenon from the EEA area being under the direct impact of the radiation source due to the various processes of the radiant energy transfer between the particles of the atmospheric environment, varying in weight, shape, chemical content etc., to the shadowed area, protected from direct radiation of the nuclear source, into the atmosphere area. The “identic luminosity” of atmospheric matter can only be explained by the fact that the energy losses while the radiation migration between the described areas are minute. This phenomenon is reliably rendered on all published EEA photos employing high-sensitivity photo film. Such film employing was predetermined by the weak luminosities of the phenomena studied in the experiment such as solar corona and the spacecraft Apollo EEA. They are approximately millions of times smaller weaker than the Sun radiation. Thus, they are being detected only during its full eclipse. This was artificially created in the “Apollo”-“Soyuz” spaceships joint flight (EPAS).
It is necessary to add justification for the necessity for measures to clean the spacecraft outboard space from the EEA caused not by the induced radiation phenomenon only, but also by other non-traditional processes that lead to disturbances in the spacecraft onboard systems functioning. | |
Lepeshinskii I. A., Tsipenko A. V., Reshetnikov V. A., Kucherov N. A., Sya S. . Joint measurement of gas-dynamic parameters of two-phase highly concentrated flows by laser-optical and probe methods. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 152-160. The article considers the problems of joint application of the laser-optical technique for measuring parameters of the two-phase highly concentrated gas-drop flow. Each technique does not allow measuring all necessary parameters. The probe method allows adequate measuring of the local values of the phase flow rates and determine concentration, while measuring phase velocities and drops dispersivity requires suggestion of various hypotheses, requiring experimental verification.
Laser methods allow measure the drops velocities and their sizes in the two-phase flow. However, earlier they could not be applied for studying the flows with large concentration of dispersed phase, as well as determining the gas phase parameters in the two-phase flow. The laser engineering evolution resulted in developing lasers with high spatial and temporal definition, allowing their operation in the area of high concentration of the condensed phase. Combining these two techniques for the two-phase flow study allows go ahead in the area of measuring the parameters, which were either impossible to be measured, or determined with significant error. Particularly, to measure the gas phase velocity and improve measurement accuracy.
Laser-optical methods and Probe methods have long been employed to measure two-phase flow parameters. They are the ones of the few, by which local phase flow rate can be measured. However, their application arouses a number of problems. This is isokinetic problem while sampling and the impact elasticity coefficient selection. Certain design improvements and the probe technique application in compilation with PIV-method allows solving these problems and determining all parameters of the two- phase flow at high concentrations.
The probe represents a cylindrical channel employed in two modes: sampling and measuring the stagnation pressure of a two-phase flow. The problem of isokinetic sampling and selecting the elastic coefficients values of the impact of drops, determining the kinetic energy transfer in the two-phase flow during its braking (the stagnation pressure measurement), were analyzed. To ensure isokineticity, a structural solution was proposed for the probe, which ensures significant error reduction. Application of laser with high temporal and spatial resolution for measuring (PIV-system) allowed determine the drops velocity in a highly concentrated two-phase flow, and, based on the joint measurement with a probe, the coefficient of impact elasticity. The proposed techniques allowed measuring for the first time all the necessary parameters of the two-phase flow. Particularly, we managed to measure the gas phase velocities, and to perform a qualitative comparison with the flow rate of the gas phase at the two-phase flow outlet from the nozzles of the engine combustion chamber mixer. | |
Katashova M. I., Parakhin G. A., Rumyantsev . V. Multiple mode cathode-compensator developing for the stationary plasma thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 161-166. There is a need today in creating a highly efficient multi-mode stationary plasma thruster capable of both inter-orbital transfer and spacecraft position keeping in a set point. A multi-mode cathode-compensator capable of operating at a discharge current up to 15 A is needed for this purpose. The cathode operates on the principle of a gas-electric source of electrons based on a hollow cathode, and it is the most thermally and energy intensive element of the thruster. The K-3/15 cathode structure was designed and studied experimentally on the possibility of flame operation in at least two modes within the discharge current ranges fr om 3 to 5 A and from to 15 A at the experimental design bureau “Fakel” base. The main purpose of the К-3/15 tests was verifying the cathode operability at various start-up powers, propellant flow rates and discharge currents to determine optimal start-up modes. In the process of stand-alone testing, it was determined that the optimal start-up mode for the cathode is a start lies within (160±5) sec at the heating power of 130-139 W and at the cathode flow rate from 30 to 0.60 mg/s. A special attention was paid to determining the current-voltage and voltage-flow rate characteristics in the discharge current range from 3 to 15 A at propellant flow rates to the cathode in the range from 0.30 to 0.60 mg/s. A comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the КН-3В cathode and К-3/15 cathode was performed as well. It was revealed, that compared to the KH-3B cathode the cathode K-3/14 current effectiveness value would manifest itself at the high-current modes (above 10 A), wh ere this parameter value was three times lower. It was determined that the K-3/15 cathode ensured the multi-mode operation with respect to the discharge current and had much higher resource parametrics compared to the KH-3B cathode. It is being forecasted, that parameter changing of the thermoemitter from mono-crystal lanthanum hexaboride will allow three times increase of the flame operation. | |
Artyushenko V. M., Kucherov B. A. Analysing the system of restrictions on spacecraft control means application, accounted for while their scheduling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 178-189. A number of tasks of various resources scheduling should be solved to ensure spacecrafts mission control. One of such tasks is tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) ground stations scheduling. That task is performed under strict resource restrictions. These restrictions include both restrictions on the resource being scheduled and temporal restrictions being imposed on the operativeness of the ground stations distribution plan developing. To ensure operative and qualitative TT&C, accounting for all these restrictions is required.
The restrictions on employing ground stations include the ones on applying separate ground stations as well as restrictions on various ones simultaneous employing. Restrictions stipulated by mission control centers capabilities to perform communication sessions with spacecraft are also a part of the restrictions on TT&C ground stations application.
The restrictions on employing a separate ground station include radio-visibility zones, a set of ground stations network for each spacecraft, a set of service operations to be done for ground station (during which it cannot be used to perform communication sessions with spacecraft) and a set of operation modes supported by each ground station. The restrictions on simultaneous application of different ground stations include ones caused by electromagnetic compatibility and restrictions caused by necessity of employing same resources. The restrictions caused by electromagnetic compatibility can be defined through the sets of two communication sessions characteristics, which cannot be performed simultaneously. These definitions can be used to identify conflict situations while TT&C ground stations scheduling. The resources which simultaneous application may be limited can be sharable or non- sharable. Demands for such resources can be associated with ground stations or their models. It will allow, in is turn, identify conflict situations while ground stations scheduling. Another restriction, which should be regarded while identifying conflict situations during ground stations scheduling, is the maximal number of communication sessions, which each mission control center can perform concurrently. The presented restrictions can be considered as the system of resource restrictions to be accounted for while TT&C ground stations scheduling. The proposed mathematical task formulation of accounting for the system of restrictions can be employed in future development of methodical support for ground stations scheduling. | |
Maron A. I., Maron M. A., Lipatnikov A. Y. Defining the number of employees for project realization of ground-based radio engineering flight support means upgrade. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 190-200. The study relevance is stipulated by the fact that at present the number of projects for ground-based flight support radio engineering means (REFSM) is increasing. The REFSM upgrade represents a project. Such project is associated with a large number of works to be performed. Thus, just one division of the St. Petersburg Center for the of Air Traffic Organization performs technical operation of retranslation stations equipment in the area from Priozersk to Nizhni Novgorod. It is required defining the number of employees for the project completion in the specified time. It should be noted herewith that the same employees ensure operative runability restoring of equipment. The error-free running time of modern REFSM means is tens of thousands hours. It is ensured by both redundancy and technical servicing. A the same time, the defects causing the unit transfer from the operation condition to the fault operable state occur more frequently than the defects leading to inoperability. Such defects require operative elimination since they increase the failure occurrence probability. This problem has not been resolved up to now. Classical methods for queuing systems computing are based on computing probabilities of the system being in various states. They are practically inapplicable due to the dimensionality of the problem under consideration. Simulation methods describe special cases only. They do not guarantee the solution of the problem without analytically found initial approximations to the required number of personnel. The presented article solves the problem by the mean dynamic method. It presents the program for performing computations of the required number of employees in MathCAD Prime. The example of the number of employees computation is given. The proposed method gives practically exact results when the number of units to be upgraded is a couple of dozen or more. In case they are less in number, the obtained number of employees should be refined by simulation. The values obtained by the proposed method herewith will be the initial approximations. The materials of the article are of practical value for the managers of the flight support and communication REFSM services while the upgrading projects planning. | |
Ied K. . Developing a technique for hazardous situations warning system design while piloting errors occurrence. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 201-209. Studying the accident rate of sports aircraft indicates a large number of accidents associated with control loss etc., due to piloting errors and piloting at unacceptable speeds, altitudes and overloads. The current situation requires a flight test methodology developing and specifying airworthiness standards for aerobatic aircraft to improve flight safety.
To define the safe altitude of the maneuver commence, it is also necessary to identify the probabilistic characteristics of piloting errors. Obtaining a functional relationship, based on studying altitude changes in the presence of piloting errors with the regard to the probability of these errors, will allow determine the safe altitude of the maneuver commence with a specified degree of probability.
A mathematical model was developed for studying the impact of pilot’s errors on the changes of trajectory parameters when performing maneuvers on an aircraft.
As a rule, control system of a light sports aircraft is characterized by the extreme simplicity, and is not supplemented with the capability of automated control (autopilot system). Thus, a task arises to develop a warning system, which is not based on automated control (automatic withdrawal from the dangerous altitude), but produces a warning signal only. It requires developing a technique for the warning system developing, which level should be associated directly the probability of the emergency occurrence to prevent this situation transfer to catastrophic one.
The article suggests this problem solving by the technique, according to which it is necessary to supplement the aircraft system with a unit, which would receive velocity and altitude parameters and compare them with the preset values of the acceptable velocities. This is important for warning the pilot on a possible situation to withdraw straightway from the maneuver being performed. | |
Korobeinikova E. S. Evolvement of quality management systems effectiveness assessment mechanism in aerospace industry. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 210-219. Two significant disadvantages are inherent to the procedures of aerospace industry suppliers’ quality management systems (QMS) certification for compliance with whether the universal standard ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management Systems – Requirements” or industry-specific AS/EN 9100:2016 “Quality management systems – Requirements for aviation, space and defense organizations” have two significant disadvantages. These disadvantages do not let the interested parties (primarily, customer companies and the State) to obtain maximum value added fr om external audits.
Firstly, only the inference on the compliance / non-compliance of QMS with the requirements of the declared standard is the result of certification, without quantitative estimation of the QMS maturity level of the monitored enterprise. Secondly, within the audit the QMS effectiveness is assessed in terms of achieving the results determined by each particular enterprise, whereas, there are quite specific indicators in the aviation industry, characterizing the effectiveness of the implemented systems and the competitiveness of the enterprise.
The aim of the article was to develop recommendations for improving the methodology of the QMS effectiveness assessing. Two trends of improvement were proposed, namely, creating a mechanism for quantitative assessment of the QMS effectiveness level, based on the AS9101 Standard for effectiveness assessing of separate processes, as well as detecting competitiveness rates of the enterprises critical to the specified industry (and, accordingly, clarifying the term “competiveness” for an aviation enterprise).
The first is the development of a mechanism for quantitative assessment of the QMS effectiveness level. The mechanism is based on the one used for assessment of the individual processes effectiveness in the standard AS 9101. The second direction is determining the competitiveness indicators that are critical for organizations of the aerospace industry (and, accordingly, clarifying the term “competitiveness” for aviation enterprises).
A quantitative assessment of the system effectiveness can be performed using the QMS assessment matrix (based on the PEM – process evaluation matrix – used in AS 9101). It is proposed to mark one of its axis with the level of the planned results of the activities
It is proposed to mark the level of planned performance results achievement on one of the matrix axes, and the level of implementation of the QMS standard requirements on the other. The final quantitative assessment of the QMS effectiveness is a score fr om one to four, obtained at the intersection of grades on both axes.
The planned performance results herewith, indicated on the second axis of the QMS assessment matrix, are computed as a complex indicator of the enterprise competitiveness.
This indicator will be computed by the formula:
where αi is the weight of the indicator i, determined by experts;
ci is the parametric index of the parameter i, computed by the differential method (the values of relative indicators determined by the industry are assumed as the base). Individual and group indicators, evaluated while computing the complex indicator, can be derived from the definition of the aerospace enterprise competitiveness specified by the author. Thus, the competitiveness is the ability of an enterprise to meet the consumer needs in terms of the competitive production. This means the qualitative production, corresponding to the consumers’ expectations on acquisition costs operation. It implies also the servicing quality, and related products and services in the necessary quantity and within the required terms, as well as demonstrating to the parties concerned (both direct customers and integrators of various levels, primes) the steady development in conditions of changing external medium, characterized by the costs cutting and profit rising. It should demonstrate also, the effective management, flexibility and ability to optimize their activities, including implementation of new management technologies, peculiar to the industry, namely increase labor productivity, maintain labor, scientific potential and cooperation expressed in the number of customers and partners increasing
С = f (C ; P; R; P; V; V; K; Q; N; m),
Cp — product competitiveness;
P — profit;
R — profitability;
PT — labor productivity;
Vp — the volume of production;
Vr — sales volume;
K — human resources;
Qcoop — an indicator of cooperation activity (increase in customers, suppliers and partners while maintaining the existing ones);
N — scientific and technical potential (includes such indicators as growth in new technologies applicaton (including IT technologies), the volume of in-house development, R&D costs);
M — effective management (increase in use of new management technologies - for example, risk management, lean production and others).
Thus, due to the new methodology application, the QMS effectiveness esteems and the set of competitiveness indicators while QMS analysis of the existing aerospace industry enterprises, the audit emphasis are shifting from the system correspondence to the Standards requirements to the system effectiveness in terms of achieving specific indicators, important to the customers of the aviation industry. Besides, the audits results a cquire quantitative character and allow comparing various suppliers. | |
Liu L. ., Shi J. ., Bao H. . A metal-composite joint and its mechanical performance. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 220-227. A jointing technique, which can be employed in metal-composite joints and may enhance the ability to non-admission of joints disbond, is proposed in this article. This type of joints will contain a certain number of thin pins running though the substrates in the overlap region of the metal-composite adhesive bonded joints. There is adhesive on the surface of the pins and thus, the pins are bonded together with the substrates. And thus, the pins running through the joint plates not only arrest the cracks in the adhesive layer of the bonded joints, also transfer some load between the metallic and composite components. Comparative test results show that the proposed joint method can increase the strength, the failure strain of the metal-composite joints comparing with the traditional adhesive joints, moreover, the joint method can decrease the suddenness of the joint significantly and therefore, improve the damage tolerance performance of the bonded joints. Secondly, the effects of the number and arrangement of the pins on the mechanical performance of the joint will be analyzed in accordance to the test results also. And finally, an optimized method which can improve the load capacity and fracture toughness of the joints will be obtained. | |
Nasonov F. A., Gavrilov G. A., Babaitsev A. V., Nazyrova O. R. Target modification of constructional epoxy-carbon plastics as a materials science approach to the effect of mechanical joints orifices on bearing capacity. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 228-242. The materials science approach to polymer matrices physic-mechanical properties management requires the assessment of modifying additives impact on technological and main operational properties of compositions. Works on studying and intercomparing the main technological properties of the initial epoxy composition and the one modified by technological Zinc Stearate (ZC) technological addition were conducted by viscosimetry and thermo-analytic methods. The developed kinetic model of the compositions hardening process revealed the trifling impact of the composition modification on the hardening process. Pilot samples from the plastics filled with carbon long-fibered fillers (impregnating under pressure and autoclave molding) were fabricated, and their non-destructive control and standard samples testing were performed for mechanical properties measuring.
Estimation by the computer tomography method revealed the stability augmentation of material structure along the edge of the orifice contour after machining for carbon plastics modified by ZC within the interval of 0.1-2% of mass. Thermal effects measuring of machining processes with various tools were performed by IR-thermography method combined with recording function at the specified intervals. The dependence of thermal effects from the modifier concentration was established. The article demonstrates that while this parameter measuring as an integral characteristic, temperatures reduction (temperatures maximums) is observed at the modifier content in matrix samples of 0.1–0.3% by weight, and at the content of 0.2–0.5% by weight in the carbon plastic samples (depending on the applied tool). | |
Podguiko N. A., Marakhtanov M. K., Khokhlov Y. A. Magnetron discharge application prospects as an electrons emitter in cathode-compensator for electric propulsion thrusters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 3, pp. 167-177. The subject of the presented article consists in assessing the prospects of magnetron discharge application as an electrons emitter for electric propulsion thruster cathode-compensator. This theme relevance is associated with the development of new stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) for the spacecraft operating on iodine, as well as low-orbit spacecraft employing outboard air as a working substance.
The paper assesses the energy aspect of magnetron cathode-neutralizer application for modern stationary thrusters. The highest operating voltages of the prospective dual-mode SPTs are 500-800 V. If a ten percent sacrifice of the propulsion system efficiency is possible with the view of increasing the service life and chemical resistance of the cathode-neutralizer, then the operating voltage of the magnetron cathode should be reduced to 120-180 V.
The article proposes a mathematical model of a magnetron discharge, on which basis a theoretical estimation of the magnetron minimum operation voltage and its dependence on the secondary ion- electron emission coefficient is presented. For a magnetron discharge with a copper cathode in the argon atmosphere, the minimum operating voltage equaled to 126 V. Besides, the minimum magnetic flux necessary for the discharge existence was computed.
An experimental study of plasma-forming gas pressure impact on the operating voltage value of the magnetron discharge was conducted for several options of the cathode material-working gas combination. These combinations were copper - argon, stannum - argon, stannum - argon-air mixture and aluminum - argon-air mixture. Minimum discharge voltage of 160-170 V was obtained when operating on an argon- air mixture and employing an aluminum cathode.
The performed studies allowed making the following inferences and recommendations:
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Anisimov K. S., Kazhan E. V., Kursakov I. A., Lysenkov A. V., Podaruev V. Y., Savel’ev A. A. Aircraft layout design employing high-precision methods of computational aerodynamics and optimization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 7-19. Nacelle shape and engine position optimization was performed for Blended Wing Body aircraft (BWB). Aerodynamic characteristic computing method, used in the optimization procedure, is based on numerical calculations of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The EWT-TsAGI software, used for the flow computation, is based on the finite volume method of the second approximation order for all variables and includes monotonic modified Godunov scheme. The engine is simulated by the “active disks” method. Computations were performed on multiblock structured meshes with hexahedral cells. The power plant was designed with account for the initial requirements to the aircraft formulated in the AGILE project.
The developed optimization procedure consists of the two steps. At the first step, the isolated nacelle for the high bypass ratio engine is being developed and optimized for the cruise regime. Geometry of axially symmetric nozzle is described by the 11 parameters Parametric geometry of the inlet is specified by 7 control geometric parameters: 6 parameters specify the axially symmetric inlet, and one parameter (incidence angle) is employed for the air intake 3D design. The engine effective thrust is an objective function of optimization at the specified engine flow-rate constrains. To find the optimum solution, the Efficient Global Optimization method, based of simulation models, is used. It was shown, that SEGOMOE optimization method decreases the number of computed geometries.
At the second step, installation angles and the engines position over the airframe are optimized. A total of nine parameters is varied. The objective function is the effective thrust of the total layout (thrust minus layout drag) with the specified lift force constraint. An automatic structural mesh rebuilding is realized for the effective optimization procedure. The EGO based optimization algorithms require the initial points set calculating for the simulation model creation. It is shown, employing the large set of initial points (DOE) is more effective for the optimization process parallelization. Aerodynamic characteristics of the final layout with optimally installed engines were calculated. The main source of aerodynamic losses for the obtained configuration at the cruise flight’s Mach number of 0.85 is the compression shocks occurring due to the interference of the airframe with engine nacelle and between the neighboring engine nacelles. The subsequent studies should pay special attention to the aerodynamic interaction of the airframe and engine nacelles.
The described procedure was performed in the context of the third generation multidisciplinary optimization techniques, developed within the AGILE project. During the project, the new technologies were implemented for the novel aircraft configurations, selected as test cases for the AGILE technologies application. | |
Galkin N. A., Kondratenko A. N., Gaponenko O. V., Chiryukin E. V., Sviridova E. S. Methodical approach to aggregating computing of spacecraft manufacturing labor intensity. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 20-33. For the purpose of the aerospace industry (AI) enterprises readiness to the implementation of State and commercial programs, it is necessary to perform an assessment of the production capabilities loading with regard to the labor costs for development efforts (DE) and spacecraft (SC) production.
The set task was being solved by the product capabilities conformity evaluation of the aerospace equipment (AE) head manufacturer with the federal target and government programs determining the required nomenclature and number of products, as well as the due dates of their production.
The spacecraft production is of a unit character with irregular repetition in the course of the years of production, where the products after the flight development tests (FDT) of the SC No 1 may have changes in the composition of the onboard equipment and design. The SC of manned programs production is individual and depends on the crew list and mission objectives.
Nowadays, based on the experience of the previous works and the prospective trends of development, engineers worked upon a number of unified space platforms (USP), which can significantly reduce the labor intensity of the SC manufacture. Development of the unified space platforms significantly reduces the volume and design cycles. In connection to the tried- and-true structural elements application the share of testing per one product set, which allows reduce the number of manufactured experimental installations.
The algorithm of SC manufacturing labor cost determining describes the sequence of labors costs computing of classification groups, containing tactical and technical characteristics of the products. The initial data on the actual and planned labor intensity of the SC production at the manufacturing enterprises were the products, both being manufactured and under development.
The first article of the stock-produced item manufactured for the flight development tests (FDT), at both single and several SC launch is assumed as a calculated labor intensity. The labor intensity calculation does not account for labor costs for the product manufacturing for performing inspectionsampling and periodical test.
The algorithm for the aggregating assessment of the SC production labor intensity is based on the layout solutions classification (constructive-technological schemes) of various types of SC. This algorithm has successfully proved itself within the framework of the “The SC Investments” research effort (RE) implementation, significantly increasing the accuracy of the loading prediction per product.
Calculation by the proposed algorithm is determined by a sufficient degree of technical solutions study at the stages of technical, draft and working projects, when analogous products, novelty factors or structural complexity of a new product can be determined.
Based on the obtained calculations, it is possible to evaluate and analyze the loading of the production capabilities of the main enterprise, specializing in the SC manufacturing. This will ensure the authenticity, completeness and estimation efficiency of the similar enterprises potential production.
Further development of this aggregating calculation algorithm of the DE and SV production labor intensity within the framework of assessing the feasibility measures of strategic plans for the technological development of the AI, the authors see in its automation. Besides, a coefficient characterizing technical level and industrial organization at the main manufacturing enterprises of the AE should be added to the algorithm. The proposed algorithm for the labor costs of SC production calculating was used by the center of integrated planning specialists of NPO “Technomash” in assessing the feasibility of the Russian Federal Space Program policy and the tasks of the Defense Procurement and Acquisition in 2017–2018, which confirmed its practical significance.
Calculated evaluation of labor costs for the SV production are recommended for employing as a basis for conducting technical and economic analysis, comparing alternative projects and developing perspective plans and programs. This labor input intensity algorithm will increase the accuracy of the enterprise predicted loading, resulting in the balance of the production program. | |
Kargaev M. V. Stresses computing in the main rotor blade based on the nonlinear loading model under static wind impact. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 34-42. Wind is an important factor collateral to the helicopters operation. Due to a number of aeroelastic characteristics specifics, the non-rotating helicopter blades are sensitive enough to the wind impact. With this, the level of loads, acting on the blade, is commeasurable with the loads acting in flight. Traditionally, with high wind speeds mooring is employed to ensure the blades safety in parking position. It represents a flexible wire rope, which one end is fixed to the blade mooring unit, located as a rule at the blade tip section, and the other end is attached to the mooring node at the fuselage, or chassis of the helicopter. It represents a flexible wire rope, which one end is fixed to the blade-mooring unit, located as a rule at the blade tip section, and the other end is attached to the mooring node at the fuselage, or chassis of the helicopter.
The non-rotating main rotor blade according to its characteristics relates to flexible rods with deflections within the elastic deformations of the material commensurable with their length. This stipulates the necessity to consider the problem of the moored blade wind loading in a nonlinear formulation.
In this article, the parameters of the stress-strain state of the blade required for the mooring efficiency analysis are obtained based on a nonlinear model, which accounts for both geometric and aerodynamic nonlinearities. Computational algorithm for the initial nonlinear equation solution of the blade loading, developed based on the V.V. Petrov’s method of successive perturbation of parameters of was realized. The static loading is being considered as a process, developing at monotonous increasing of the loading parameter. The interval of load changing via its step- by-step application with small increments is split by steps, and for each step the linearized boundary value problem is being solved.
The blade deformed state, obtained in this manner at the current step, is assumed as the initial state for the next loading step. For error correction at each loading step, an iterative process is used, which allows performing calculations with a given accuracy.
The mooring effectiveness analysis was realized based on the computations performed for the moored and non-moored main rotor blades of the Mi-8 helicopter. The article presents the dependencies of critical gliding angles and limiting, under the strength condition, wind velocities values corresponding to them.
The article presents the dependencies of critical gliding angles and corresponding to them limiting, under the strength condition, wind velocities values. It also presents the dependencies of limiting velocities at the condition of a swaying absence condition on the characteristic section installation angle for the modes of blowing from both front and rear edges. The optimum installation angle, at which the range of safe wind speeds for the main rotor as a whole was the largest, was determined. This allows recommending to set the angle of the total step equal to the optimum one while a helicopter parking. | |
Alekseev V. V., Bobrov A. N., Kalugin K. S. Study of complex strength characteristics of gas turbine odels fabricated by additive methods. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 43-50. Recently, the studies related to the additive technologies application in various industries, including aviation and space-rocket mechanical engineering, are considered promising. An indisputable advantage of additive technologies is minimization, and, in some cases, complete elimination of the need for parts machining, which significantly reduces both the time consumption and the finished part cost.
There are several basic 3D-printing methods, differing in the source material and technology of the parts formation. Recently, the parts production by selective laser sintering of metal polymer compositions powders (SLM-printing) has become topical.
The SLM-printing technology consists in layer-by layer deposition and sintering of powder on a special substrate. However, application of the selective laser powders sintering method is associated with problems of the porosity formation and a decrease in the strength of the parts produced. Thus, the issue of practical application for parts of the space-rocket and aviation equipment, created by the 3D-printing, still remains open.
To substantiate the possibility of 3D-printing application in turbines production for laboratory test benches on compressed air, the strength calculation of the turbine from PLA-plastic printed on the 3D printer were performed. The tests were performed to confirm the calculations results.
When developing a turbine 3D-model the rotor wheel geometry was selected, based on the prototype, which was used in the turbine structure employed in the laboratory test bench installation at the BMSTU for the laboratory works for studying the energy characteristics of active turbines.
Besides the external loads, the gas turbines rotor wheels load-bearing capacity is affected by loading conditions, such as gas temperature. However, the gas turbines employed in laboratory work benches on the compressed air are operating, as a rule, at low operating temperature of 30-50°C. Thus, the temperature stresses may be neglected while strength calculations of the turbine disk.
A 3D-model of the turbine under test was built with the Autodesk Inventor program. A finite-element model containing about 4.15 million elements was built for the above said model. Its strength analysis was performed with the Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2019 module. The mesh thickening was reduced to the base of one blade only, since the load distribution is symmetrical. It can be seen from the safety factor distribution fields that minimum safety factor corresponds to the root sections of the blades, and it is no less than 3.3.
While theoretical calculations the modified safety factor n1, accounting for the effect of the part material porosity (for the case of its manufacture by 3Dprototyping) through coefficient k, was 3.28.
For tests performing, an axial active supersonic gas turbine was manufactured from PLA-plastic according to the SLM-printing technology.
For tests performing, a test bench, consisting of an electric motor, a voltage regulator, a tachometer, a video camera, as well as a turbine under study was assembled.
The methodology of the experiment conducting is as follows: the turbine is fixed on the motor shaft by the keyed and glue joints. When the motor is connected to the mains (220 VAC), the shaft and the turbine begin rotating. The rotational speed is changed by a voltage regulator connected to the motor circuit, and can aquire values from 0 to 24000 rpm, which corresponds to the voltage range in the motor network from 0 to 220 V. The data on the motor rotational speed are read from the digital optical tachometer. The experiment is being shot by the video camera.
The strength calculations of the axial supersonic gas turbine fabricated from the PLA-plastic by the SLM-printing additive technology revealed that the safety factor in operation conditions of laboratory test benches with compressed air was higher than the maximum allowable one for the considered unit.
As a confirmation for calculations, the turbine rotational speed during the test reached 24,000 revolutions per minute, which is the maximum possible value for the engine used in the tests. With this, visible defects were not detected in the turbine itself.
On the assumption of the performed studies it was established that the turbine manufactured using additive technologies can be employed for the laboratory text benches operating on compressed air. | |
Pronin M. A., Ryabykina R. V., Smyslov V. I. Experimental study of the aircraft forced vibrations while the engine blade break-away. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 51-60. The presented article is a generalization of works relating to the ground reproduction of the force impacts on the aircraft structure, on the part of the engine with imbalance in case of the blade loss.
While ground testing the engine rotor does not rotate, and rotating force is formed by the fixedly installed vibration exciters. The immediate purpose of the experiment consists in frequency characteristics measuring, which associate the aircraft vibrations with the excitation force from the engine rotor imbalance. These characteristics are necessary for the computational dynamic scheme correction of the structure employed in loads computing in flight, possibly prolonged, while the blade break-away over the water surface. These computations are used for the aircraft safety evaluation while the blade loss.
The article presents the testing technique and facilities. The estimates of the modelling method applicability and its trustworthiness are given for the first time. The text is supplemented by the examples of real data of the tests.
The quantitative confirmation for the case of the ground experiment is given in the applicability esteems of the rotating inertial force reproduction by the harmonic forces stationary in space. At the same time, it was noted that the loads calculation while flight fluctuations, with a high level of the engine overloading, can not be based on either use of only relative acceleration of the blade, or the approximate theory of the gyroscope.
The circumstance of the experiment performing while the compulsory routine tests prior to its first flight was considered separately as practically the only possible for the experiment under consideration. The domestic tests on the aircraft with the engine blade loss modelling performed for the first time revealed the feasibility and possibility of their realization in conditions of dire time deficit prior to the first flight.
The presented details and features of the technique allow apply them in the future in the practice of such tests by the design bureau itself.
The main result is substantiation and practical confirmation of the possibility of reproducing on the ground the forced oscillations of an airplane after the blade loss, and while the mandatory regular modal tests. | |
Avdeev A. V., Katorgin B. I., Metel'nikov A. A. Energy characteristics computing technique for mobile multifunctional laser power plants based on fiber lasers. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 61-69. Multifunctional Laser Power Plant (MLPP) should simultaneously solve the tasks of energy generation (Power Supply System (PSS)), radiation conversion and transmission (Laser System (LS)), and heat removal (Thermal Mode Supporting System (TMSS)). Meanwhile, the above said tasks are duly elaborated in modern projects. Thus, it is necessary to develop the MLPP design methodology, which accounts for the above listed subsystems interaction.
The article presents the developed technique for parameters analysis of the LS, TMSS and PSS subsystems of a multifunctional laser power plant, and results of its approbation while solving the task of space debris removal.
Computing was performed for the initial data Xtask based on the analysis presented in [1–5, 8]:
The following requirements to the MLPP operation mode (Υmode) were obtained for the initial data presented above: the energy density of [2,5⋅104; 2,5⋅105] J/m2 at the SDF; pulse duration of [2,7⋅10-9; 2,7⋅10-7] s; FSD exposure time of [2; 28] s; pulse frequency of [1; 1250] Hz.
The requirements to the sub-systems performance for this mode are as follows:
As a result, the inference cam be made that the data obtained while the technique application allow perform the MLPP parameters analysis for selecting the types of PSS, TMSS and their parameters, necessary for the MLPP required operation mode. Besides, this technique allows determining the limitations imposed by the PSS and TMSS subsystems on the LS pulse energy. The presented technique may be employed for the integrated assessment of the subsystems parameters and recommendations development of the MLPP application. | |
Vetrov V. V., Morozov V. V., Kostyanoi E. M., Os’kin A. S., Fedorov A. C. Caliber air-intake device for a flying vehicle with rocket-ramjet engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 70-80. The work is devoted to the caliber air-intake device development for an aircraft with a rocket-ramjet engine moving in the dense layers of the atmosphere.
Analysis of the trends in the near-range aircraft with active start development demonstrates that one of the main directions of their improvement is the flight range increase The mass-size characteristics of the aircraft herewith remain at the same level, which does not allow employ the extensional development trends. Under these conditions, an important place is ranked by the trend related to the rational onboard energy utilization, within which framework the already classical solution are employed. However, the potential of these solutions is currently close to its limit.
In this regard, special attention is paid to propulsion systems (PS), which energy capabilities can be improved through the atmospheric air employing, and to a rocket-ramjet engine (RRE) in particular.
One of the key elements that largely determines the rocket-ramjet engine efficiency in total is the air-intake device (AID).
The proposed work novelty lies in the fact that the guided artillery shell (GAS) with its specific layout and functional features is considered as the object of study, and the search for a reasonable compromise between the requirements for the propulsion system and the shell as a whole is performed.
The problem of the AID rational configuration is being solved complexly based on the combination of numerical modelling methods and wind tunnel tests.
The initial variant of the twelve-nozzles caliber AID was developed for the pilot studies.
The works aimed at obtaining the throttle characteristics were performed.
One of the key features of the AID initial version was low efficiency of the boundary layer drainage system, which negatively affected its characteristics. In this regard, the initial model was modified to the second and later to the third option, characterized by an increased area of drain channels.
A positive result, manifested in an increase in the coefficient of the total pressure restoration by 14-20%, and the coefficient of air consumption by 11-27% for the third option, allowed form priorities for the subsequent AID configuration with a modified boundary layer discharge system and boxlike nozzles. This solution allowed maintaining the aft location of the caliber non-regulated AID and the power plant with moderate total pressure losses and more stable air intake operation.
The performed studies allowed soundly obtain the most rational option of the caliber four-nozzle nonregulated AID for aft located RRE, integrated into the GAS structure. According to the preliminary estimates, this solution ensures provides a flight range increase by 25% compared to the GAS, equipped with the solid engine and bottom gas generator. | |
Osipov I. V., Remchukov S. S. Small-size gas turbine engine with free turbine and heat recovery system heat exchanger within the 200 HP power class. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 81-90. The article presents a preliminary study of a small- size gas turbine engine (SGTE) of the 200 HP power class with a free turbine (FT) and a heat exchanger (HE) of the engine exhaust heat regeneration system. The presented engine is being developed primarily for unmanned aerial vehicles of various types and purposes (helicopters and airplanes).
The engine is available in two versions, namely, without a heat exchanger of the heat regeneration system, for the aircraft with short range and flight duration, and with a heat exchanger for the aircraft with long flight duration.
Characteristics calculations were performed for both the TSEr-200 engine with complex heat regeneration cycle and for the TSE-200 engine without heat regeneration [5].
Computational studies on sizes and type of the recuperative heat exchanger, rational for the given problem, were performed while the TSEr-200 engine development. A bundle of tubes was employed to determine basic dimensions of the heat exchanger matrix, on the assumption of the preliminary computation convenience (as the most worked out) [6].
The design arrangement of the heat exchanger and gas genera The structural layout of the heat exchanger and gas generator was developed based on the primary matrix computations.tor was developed based on the primary matrix computations. The heat exchanger includes 12 separate modules interconnected by the common manifold. Each matrix module is placed in individual casing.
Computational studies of various plate matrix types, as the most technologically worked-out at present and less expensive, were performed after the general layout developing. These computational studies were performed with the Ansys software package [11] using existing techniques for gas dynamic flows computing [12-15]. The computation results revealed significant hydraulic losses in the place of the flow turning inside the heat exchange matrix. Analysis of the results led to the necessity of studying the one- pass scheme of the coolant movement.
Computational studies of the heat exchanger option with the one-pass flow scheme revealed that total hydraulic losses for coolants did not exceed 3%. However, the layout of the heat exchanger with the engine was changed to organize the return of the air, preheated in the heat exchanger, to the combustion chamber. A distinctive feature of the proposed layout of the heat exchanger with SGTE is that the heat exchanger consists of 8 unified blocks, arranged in a circle among the three manifolds: the front one and two rear ones. All manifolds are cast and they are bearing elements of the engine.
For further work on the heat exchanger of the TSEr-200 engine, an option of the matrix with the “Frenkel packing” type plates of a single-pass scheme was adopted.
To confirm the feasibility of the heat exchanger project for the TSEr-200 engine, a matrix of the demonstration version of the heat exchanger with the “Frenkel packing” type heat exchange surface was developed. The module will be tested on the CIAM universal test bench as a part of the demo small gas turbine unit with the 4 kW capacity. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Khoreva E. A. Studying criterion parameters of the total pressure input non-uniformity impact on the thrust of a turbojet engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 91-98. The presence of the total pressure non-uniformity may affect the basic engine parameters, and, in the first place, its gas-dynamic stability margin, as well as thrust-economic characteristics. Circumferential nonuniformity of the total pressure and its non-stationary component greatly affect the engine gas-dynamic stability. As for the engine thrust, the radial and circumferential effects are close enough, and nonstationary component does not affect the engine thrust at all. It allows employ one-dimensional approaches while this phenomenon modelling, and consider the impact of both stationary components of non–uniformity of the total pressure (both circumferential and radial) from the single methodological positions
In case of a non-uniform input flow, the flight-thrust decrease occurs for to the several reasons. Reduction of the general level of the total pressure along the engine passage, which leads to the pressure drop reduction in the jet nozzle pressure difference and, correspondingly, the decrease of the engine specific thrust may be assigned to the first cause. Besides, due to the general level of the input pressure reduction, physical air consumption reduction through the engine occurs as well.
The second reason of flight thrust reduction is associated with additional total pressure losses due to the “wash-out” of areas with various level of the total pressure in compression elements. It leads to the additional losses of the total pressure in compressor stages, which reduces the aircraft engine thrust to an even greater degree.
The authors suggested and justified criterion parameter Er for correct estimation of the thrust- economic parameters of the engine, operating in conditions of non-uniform input field of the total pressure. To the contrary of the W parameter, this parameter reflects additionally the relative values of the area, occupied by the zones with various total pressure values, being conditional indicator of the reduced pressure “concentration” per unit of the input area.
On a calculation example of the one-shaft turbojet with sufficiently conservative level of the design parameters the effect of the total pressure non–uniformity on its key parameters, such as thrust and gas-dynamic stability margin of the compression system was considered. This kind of engine selection is explained by the fact that to the contrary of the bypass jet engine, considered in the previous articles, the non-uniform field at the turbojet compressor inlet is considered as known, and its impact on a single compressor would be determinant for the whole turbo jet engine.
The performed calculation estimations revealed that the decrease in the engine thrust δR due to the non-uniform field of the total pressure at the inlet was completely defined by value of this parameter (dependence between δR and Er is almost linear), and also by the engine operating mode, such its shaft rotation frequency. | |
Zuev A. A., Nazarov V. P., Arngol’d A. A. Determining local heat transfer coefficient by a model of temperature boundary layer in gas turbine cavity of rotation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 99-115. Accounting for heat transfer specifics in flowthrough parts of turbo-pump assemblies of liquid rocket engines (LRE) is a topical task. Currently, accounting for the specifics of the flow with heat transfer while realizing both potential and vortex rotary flow in the flow-through parts is implemented generally by the following methods: employing empirical equations, numerical and analytical methods for solving partial differential equations [1].
High temperatures of the working fluid lead to thermal deformations of components, including the turbine disks [18]. When designing the flow-through parts of the LRE turbo-pump units and assemblies, it is necessary to account for the temperature change of the working fluid flow along the working channel, since the viscosity parameter is a function of temperature and determines the flow regime and, as a result, losses, particularly disk friction and hydrodynamic losses in the flow-through part. The LRE turbo-pump energy parameters modelling is a topical scientific and technical task. The issues of the workflow parameters optimization, and the propulsion system mathematical model were reviewed in the V.A. Grigoriev’s treatise [19], where analysis of the models was performed, and merits and demerits for various design stages were disclosed.
A model for dynamic and thermal spatial boundary layers distribution with convective component for the combustion products turbulent flow in the LRE gas turbines rotation cavities is proposed. For combustion products, the Prandtl number is less then unity (Pr < 1), and dynamic boundary layer thickness is less than the thermal boundary layer one. It was assumed, that the temperature change and thickness of energy loss within the dynamic boundary layer border occurs due to the dynamic velocity transfer, and beyond the border – due to thermal conductivity only. This assumption complies well with the inferences of many authors [20, 21, 24]. Thermal resistance manifests itself over the entire thermal boundary layer thickness. Thermal resistance exists within the dynamic boundary layer borders due to the turbulent heat transfer, and beyond the border – due to thermal conductivity [24]. The distribution model of the dynamic and thermal spatial boundary layers with convective component is necessary for analytical determination of the local heat transfer coefficient in the LRE turbines rotation cavities.
The main objects of research, where the potential and vortex rotational flow is realized, are the flowthrough components of LRE gas turbines such as inlet and outlet devices, as well as cavities between the stator and the working wheel [20].
An integral relation for the thermal spatial boundary layer energy equation, allowing integration over the surface of any shape, which is necessary for determining the thickness of energy loss, was obtained. The expressions for determining the energy loss thickness for thermal spatial boundary layer are necessary to determine the local heat transfer coefficients for the typical flow cases with account for the heat exchange.
Expressions for determining the local heat transfer coefficient in the Stanton number form for the straight linear uniform flow, rotational flow according to the rigid body law, and rotational flow of the free vortex of a power profile distribution for dynamic and thermal boundary layers parameters in case of Pr < 1 were obtained analytically.
Local heat transfer coefficient in the Stanton number form for straight linear uniform turbulent flow is
where m — is the turbulization degree of spatial boundary layer dynamic velocity profile,
– is the dynamic and thermal boundary layers ratio of the thickness, λ — is the coefficient of thermal conductivity,
– the laminar sublayer coefficient of turbulent velocity distribution profile (obtained considering the two-layer turbulence model with a viscous laminar sublayer), Re — the Reynolds number.
Local heat transfer coefficient in the Stanton number form for rotational flow according to the rigid body law is
where ε — is the angle tangent of the bottom streamlines bevel, J — is the relative characteristic thickness.
Local heat transfer coefficient in the Stanton number form for rotational flow of a free vortex is
Analytical expressions for heat transfer coefficients agree well with the experimental data and dependencies of other authors [7–10].
The obtained analytical expressions well agree with the data of other authors and are necessary for engineering calculations while designing the LRE flow-through parts of turbo-pumps. | |
Baklanov A. V. Experimental study of the flame tube temperature state of a gas turbine engine multi-nozzle combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 116-125. The flame tube walls cooling is one of the important components while organizing processes in the gas turbine combustion chamber. The combustion chamber operation reliability and engine endurance as a whole depend on the effective flame tube walls cooling. Convective-film cooling is one of the most widespread cooling systems. It includes the air film forming, which does not allow the hot gas interaction with metal and drawing heat from the backside of the wall due to the convection. The article presents the results of the studies on the flame tube walls temperature determining of the gas turbine engine operating on the gaseous fuel.
The article presents the combustion chamber structure of the converted aviation gas turbine engine serving as the gas pumping unit supercharger drive. The combustion chamber walls preparation and its testing as a part of a gas turbine engine were performed. The article presents the results on the flame tube walls temperature for the two operation modes of the gas turbine installation corresponding to 16 and 18 MW. The analysis of the obtained results allowed revealing that with the gas turbine installation power increase from 16 to 18 MW the temperature state of the wall did not drastically change. The walls temperature at the considered modes does not exceed 800°С, which indicates the flame tube sufficient cooling. However, the temperature distribution in various cross-sections was not of the similar nature. In some cross-sections maximum compared to the other cross-sections temperature was observed. It can be explained by the fact that the air passed through the conduit is split upon the hole flanging forming a vortex flow. As a result, the film-cooling loses its effectiveness, and the wall temperature behind the hole increases. The film-cooling effectiveness was determined at various sections on the flame tube walls. A technique for the wall temperature computing was developed, and comparison of computational and experimental results was performed. | |
Semenova A. S., Zubko A. I. Studying technical condition of the interrotor bearing with the SP180-M vibratory-diagnostic test bench after passing life tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 126-138. The presented article deals with the studying of roller bearing after accelerated life test for the resource of 2000 hours.
To analyze the 5АВ1002926Р4 bearing vibration state a cpmprehensive analysis was being performed, including spectral analysis, RMS analysis in low-, medium- and high-frequency ranges, analysis of a pick-factor in low- and high-frequency ranges, and analysis of a “raw” signal of records.
The obtained test results allowed evaluate the bearing technical condition and transfer to further life tests with the test bench at “CIAM named after P.I. Baranov”.
It is well-known, that machines and mechanisms reliability depends essentially on their bearing assemblies working capacity. It is especially important for aviation engines as their bearing assemblies are one of the most responsible units often limiting an engine resource.
A reliable estimate of roller bearings technical condition, applied in gas turbine engines presents a problem at the aircraft building enterprise while both manufacturing and incoming inspection and fault detection. It concerns especially the indecomposable bearings since their technical condition estimation system currently in force is based mainly on the subjective methods such as checks on ease of rotation, or noise. Thus, the instrumental control methods implementation allowing not only estimate, but also forecast the working capacity during the operational process with more fidelity, is of current interest.
One of such instrumental methods is the quality monitoring of bearings vibration characteristics (a method of vibration diagnostics), operating with the specified loadings and frequencies of rotation. For vibrations measuring the vibrational converters, i.e. seismometers or accelerometer are used.
Methods of bearings vibrations measurement at control test benches are defined by the Standards [4, 5, 6]. The bearings condition is defined through the analysis of vibration signals [7].
Currently, various test benches, installations and diagnostics complexes, realizing this technique, have been developed, and being manufactured. One of them is the SP-180M test bench for roller bearings incoming inspection, being produced by LLC “Diamekh”. The test bench is meant for experimental studies for technical condition evaluation of separate bearings by vibration diagnostics method. These are the bearings of the first category (new), and bearings of the second category (being reinstalled), being installed in the engine while assembling.
The roller bearings, depending on the structure specifics of the product, where they are employed (parameters of inertia, stiffness and damping) may generate vibration of various intensity at various frequencies.
The vibration sensors mounting location and their characteristics significantly affects measuring results.
Thus, the SP-180 test bench has the single-type fixing of bearings, and fixed position of vibration sensors
The vibration signal amplitude, generated while interaction of working surfaces and external and internal rings of the bearing will depend on the rotational frequency of the test bench. Thus, its operating frequencies have the specified values. | |
Krylov A. A., Moskaev V. A. A technique for fluoroscopic control and analysis of technical condition of aircraft structural elements with honeycomb filler. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 139-146. Application of various non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and means in conditions of operation is an effective method for sustaining the required reliability of aerotechnics. The structures with honeycomb filler from aluminum, steel and titanium alloys are employed in the modern aircraft airframes elements. Currently, x-ray method is the most effective one for such structures inspection. The article covers the non-destruction inspection technique performing of the aircraft structural elements with the honeycomb filler, and estimation of the images obtained by the fractal analysis.
The proposed technique consists of three main blocks:
1. The block forming initial data, restrictions and assumptions:
a) Variable parameters of the fluoroscopic installation (“Norka” X-ray TV unit);
b) Invariable parameters characterizing design specifics of aircraft or control object (CO).
2. A block of the fluoroscopic control methodology of aircraft design elements with honeycomb filler:
a) A model for images base formation with account for the fluoroscopic installation parameters adjustment:
- The CO X-raying schemes elaboration;
- forming the images base when changing the anode voltage value at the emitter and the distance from the emitter to the CO. The best picture of the element with a honeycomb core was obtained in the framework of the experiment at U = 50 kV; F = 90 cm (F is a focal length, U is the anode voltage);
b) A model for the image quality assessing:
- Expert evaluation of the images database, with the concordance coefficient calculation [3];
c) The CO fault detection performing:
- Parameters adjustment of the “Norka” X-ray TV unit according to the image quality assessment model;
- The CO fault detection according to the X-raying scheme;
- The fault detection results decoding and analysis by fractal analysis.
3. Recommendations formation on fault detection and repair of aircraft structural elements with honeycomb filler.
Fractal dimensions of the honeycomb filler without defects and the one with defects (the presence of moisture and geometry violation of the honeycomb filler structure boundaries) were obtained applying FracLab software.
The result of fractal dimension computing was obtained using the FracLab program by the direct geometric method of counting the cells of the honeycomb filler structure without defect and the one with defect.
The graph deviation of the structure with a defect from the linear dependence, characterizing the selfsimilarity of the structure under study, is twice as large as on the graph without a defect. It indicates the boundaries structure violation of the honeycomb filler. In addition, the graph with a defect in the double logarithmic coordinates has a kink, characterizing transition between different types of the structure (liquid presence in the honeycomb filler).
The additional information on the state of the system under study can be extracted by determining the self-similarity ranges limits.
Thus, employing the fluoroscopic control technique will allow performing the fault detection inspection of the aircraft structural elements with the honeycomb filler based on fractal analysis, as well as analyzing the obtained images base, and trace the dynamics of the honeycomb filler parameters changes, and defects of its internal structure, while the aircraft operation. However, it should be noted that the fractal analysis may be employed in the long term for automated parameters adjustment of the “Norka” X- ray TV unit, and the images base decoding without an operator. | |
Levochkin P. S., Martirosov D. S., Kamenskii S. S., Kozlov A. A., Borovik I. N., Belyaeva N. V., Rumyantsev D. S. Liquid rocket engines functional diagnostics system in real-time mode. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 147-154. The hardware-software complex of the functional diagnostics system of the liquid jet engines operation during fire tests was developed. The system analyzes data in the real time mode. It deals with troubleshooting of units, structural elements or loops of a liquid rocket engine and determines the time instant of their occurrence.
Theoretical studies of the processes occurring in a rocket engine have been conducted since the 1930s. Differential equations reflect the dependencies between the engine parameters. The developed system employs the linearized equations of dynamics allowing accelerate computing and obtain numerical results in the real-time mode.
Each engine and each of its units are described by mathematical equations, on which basis the parameters values are calculated.
At each stationary mode, the averaged values of the operating engine measured parameters computed employing a mathematical model are compared.
If a calculated value deviates from the actual one, then there is a considerable probability of a defect presence in a unit, or in the entire engine. Functional diagnostics is based on this principle.
Modern measuring systems and high-speed computing systems are employed to diagnose engines in real-time mode.
The system consists of a hardware-software complex, an information system and a database, a telemetry signal emulator and an operator’s automated workplace.
The LRE functional diagnostics system solves the following tasks:
1. Increases the safety of the LRE fire tests conducting;
2. Determines the the engine functioning correctness in all stationary modes specified by the test profile;
3. Detects and localizes the malfunctions disrupting the proper functioning;
4. Identifies the engine “weak points”, such as elements or loops prone to structural or manufacturing failures.
5. Confirms the engine reliability before prior to its employing as a part of the launch vehicle.
The results of the emergency protection system and functional diagnostics system operation were compared. The proposed system has always found a failure before the emergency protection system did. | |
Petukhov V. G., Zhou R. . Computing the perturbed impulse trajectory of transferring between the near-earth and near-lunar orbits by the continuation method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 155-165. The problem of computing a two-impulse flight between circular near-Earth and near-lunar orbits with specified altitudes and inclinations over a specified time is considered. A mathematical model of motion, accounting for the Earth, Moon and Sun attractive forces as point masses and the second zonal harmonic of the Earth gravity potential at all spacecraft movement sections is used. The first velocity impulse is formed at the initial near-Earth orbit, and puts the spacecraft on the lunar flight trajectory. At the Moon passage instant at the minimum distance the second impulse is formed putting the spacecraft on the near-lunar orbit.
A numerical method for calculating two-impulse transfer between the circular orbits of the Earth and the Moon for a fixed time with account for the main perturbing accelerations has been developed. The method consists of the procedure for calculating the guess values, using the method of point-like spheres of impact, and the procedure for solving the boundary value problem for calculating the perturbed flight trajectory using the continuation method for reducing the boundary value problem to the Cauchy problem.
The advantage of the developed method is the procedure automation for selecting the initial guess values for solving the boundary value problem, and the computational stability of the solving process of the boundary value problem itself. The method revealed its efficiency and computational stability when calculating a series of transfers to a polar circular low lunar orbit of an artificial lunar satellite for various start dates and flight durations. The developed method may be applied for the design-ballistic analysis and operational planning of prospective lunar missions.
The article presents the numerical examples of trajectories computing for the flights between the low near-Earth and near-lunar orbits. Computing of the series of such trajectories allowed calculate the optimal start date and optimal flight duration, as well as dependencies of the required velocity impulses and longitude of the ascending node of the near-lunar orbit on start date and flight duration. | |
Nikolaeva E. A., Starinova O. L. Application of a heavy spacecraft with low-thrust engines for asteroid deviation from a dangerous trajectory. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 166-174. The problem of asteroid danger for the Earth has long enough attracted the attention of scientists and society. Studying the traces of the space originated catastrophes on surface of the Earth and celestial bodies, as well as observing asteroids in the near-Earth space reveal the seriousness of asteroid hazard for the Earth civilization and the necessity of developing measures for its prevention.
The studies related to the issues of asteroid hazard encompass several trends.
Above all, detecting dangerous asteroids approaching the Earth (AAE) and their orbits determining. Currently, there are several national programs for optical observation of such bodies (NASA, LINEAR, ESA). It is assumed that these programs allowed detect great majority of such bodies with the size order of a kilometer or more. A whole number of such studies and projects envisage the countermeasures against these outlanders by their changing orbits or their destruction into small splinters, burning down in the atmosphere.
The urgency of the asteroid danger overcoming is beyond doubt at present, and the developing measures for its prevention should be one of the most important tasks to be solved by the humankind in the 21st century.
The goal of the presented work consists in developing a mathematical model, simulation and effectiveness analysis of the Earth protection systems to overcome the asteroid danger by the gravitational tractor.
To achieve the set goal, the following tasks were solved:
1) Studying parameters asteroids approaching the Earth;
2) Developing mathematical models of the joint motion of asteroid and all the bodies involved in the process of deviation from the dangerous trajectory (Sun, Earth, spacecraft, asteroid);
3) Developing a software package, ensuring simulation and visualization of the proposed method of the asteroid danger counteracting;
4) Analyzing the simulation results of the proposed method of the asteroid danger counteracting.
The main results obtained in the work are as follows:
- a mathematical model of the motion of bodies, with perturbations from the gravitational tractor acting on them: a variable mass asteroid, spacecraft, the Earth and the Sun, with account for the gravity of all bodies;
- based on a a mathematical model of the bodies motion system, the software package “Simulation of the Earth protection systems functioning to overcome the asteroid hazard” for the asteroid trajectory simulation by the selected method of the asteroid danger overcoming in heliocentric coordinate system was developed;
- simulation of the potentially hazardous bodies deviation method (asteroid deviation by the gravitational tractor) for the 99942 Apophis asteroid was performed with the developed software complex “Simulation of the Earth protection systems functioning to overcome the asteroid hazard”;
- the simulation resulted in obtaining the flight trajectories of all the bodies of the system under consideration (the Earth, the Sun, asteroid and a spacecraft) and heliocentric movement parameters;
- the efficiency analysis of the selected method was performed. | |
Ermakov V. Y. Studying the effect of the beam aerial drive control algorithm on its vibration activity onboard a spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 175-181. Modern space vehicles (SV), as a rule, include bearing-out structures of slight rigidity. These are solar batteries, antenna-feeder devices, elements of thermal conditioning systems. Actuators and special purpose units, as well as units of technological and support systems are being placed inside the SV hull. SVs are exposed to vibrations from the external and internal perturbance sources both on Earth and in orbit. The feature of the SV loading in orbit is low-force spectrum of perturbances up to tens of Newtons with frequencies from fractions of hertz to hundreds of kilohertz. Vibrations may have deleterious effect upon both orientation and stabilization accuracy, and movement dynamics including various types of orbital maneuvering. These perturbances might be created, for example, by operation of the narrow-beam aerial (NBA) drive, which leads to occurrence of elastic vibrations of the structure and mounting faces of the precise equipment. While the observation session onboard an SV, mechanical disturbances, stipulated by operation of aggregates with non-balanced masses, may occur. This may affect both the orientation accuracy of the SV itself and equipment elements which may degrade the quality of the registered information, and introduce significant error to the SV angular position measurements, obtained by the orientation and stabilization control system. This, in turn, may make the SV mission target task performance impossible. To reduce these perturbances an algorithm for the NBA drive operation for the “Spectr-R” type SV was developed. Dynamic analysis of data obtained for the suggested algorithm and conventional was performed. Positive results of the suggested algorithm, tested on the “Spectr-R” type SV are demonstrated. | |
Silaev M. Y., Es’kova E. A., Gerus D. S., Remshev E. Y. Acoustic emission method application while determining mechanical characteristics of the brnicrsi-2,5-0,6-0,7 wire for elastic elements production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 182-192. A great number of electromechanical systems, an important part of which represents an elastic element from bronze, are applied in aerospace technology.
Severe requirements are placed to the physico- mechanical characteristics of these parts. The existing standard methods for mechanical properties determining are not sufficient for such products.
Acoustic emission method is one of the promising methods to solve this problem.
Acoustic emission is radiation of mechanical waves by the material, caused by local dynamic rearrangement of its structures This method is non destructive.
Beryllium bronze is used as a rule in special products. This project studies a cheaper substitute for Nickel-chromium-siliceous bronze.
Besides, mechanical tensile tests of the wire with parameters registration of acoustic emission were being conducted. Bronze was subjected to various heat treatment to select the optimal mode.
As the result of this work, the microstructure of the samples was studied for various thermal treatment modes. It was revealed that the acoustic emission parameters were the figures of strength and plasticity.
The strength and plastic characteristics are related to the grain size by the dependence proposed by Hall- Petch. This dependence modernization allowed adopt the stress at maximum value of the pulse amplitude up to the yield point achieving as the stress corresponding to the dislocations motion start.
The possibility of determining the microplastic deformation starting of wire samples by AE method was established. Based on the obtained regularities, it was revealed that the number of signals is a characteristic of strength, while the amplitude is a characteristic of plasticity. The Hall-Petch dependence modernization may allow developing a technique for operational control of microstructure in the release of special products. | |
Kovalev A. A., Zinova V. V. A tool-blank state monitoring while cutting process using kalman filter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 193-204. The article discusses the issue of the cutting process monitoring possibility using the acoustic emission method by processing the input signal using the Kalman filter. A filter was selected to solve the problem. The inference was drawn on the possibility of monitoring the gradual wear-out and chipping of the cutting edge by Kalman filter.
The article consists of three main parts: introduction, the main part, and conclusions.
The introduction considers the problems occurring while automating the technological process of blank parts machining. With this, a part of events is deterministic, while the other part is random. Thus, to ensure the required quality level in the process of automation the cutting zone continuous monitoring is required. It will allow making changes directly while blank parts machining technological processes executing.
The main part of the article presents operation principles of the monitoring systems, based on the
system harmonic oscillations analysis. Various filtering algorithms were considered in particular.
The Kalman filter was chosen as the object of study as one of the most common algorithms in the theory of automatic control. The goals were set and the tasks were formulated. Criteria are being set, which the desired filter should meet for continuous for the cutting area monitoring. The main approaches to solving filtering problems are being considered and compared with the Kalman filter. The inference is being drawn that this filter is the most suitable for solving the set problem. Measurements are being performed, the results, processed by the three Kalman filters versions are being analysed, and one of them, best meeting all the necessary requirements is being selected.
The conclusions formulated the possibilities for Kalman filter application for continuous monitoring of the tool blank state in the cutting process and gave recommendations to the future work, and filter coefficient selecting in particular. | |
Khryashchev I. I., Danilov D. V., Logunov A. V. Developing a sparingly doped high-temperature nickel alloy for gas turbine blades. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 205-218. Development of mono-crystal high-temperature nickel alloys for gas turbine blades and vanes is one of the leading trends ensuring enhancement of parameters, efficiency and reliability of modern gas turbines.
Currently, one of the most widely used alloys for turbine blades manufacturing is the second-generation domestic ZhS32 alloy with Re content of about 4.5%. The goal of this work consists in the alloy creation with the equivalent level of heat resistance, but with no expensive elements, such as rhenium and ruthenium.
Besides, determination of the optimum heat treatment mode based on experimental works in production is a costly method.
Computing diffusive activity of doping elements may allow decrease development costs and optimize the regime for realizing the total potential of the alloy, embedded while it’s designing.
Analysis of nickel high-temperature alloys was performed while this work execution, and an optimal scheme of doping process to achieve maximum heat resistance was selected. With application of the computer aided method for high-temperature alloys optimization a new sparingly doped alloy for gas turbine blades, meant for operating at the temperatures up to 1050°C. The alloy is distinguished by high structural stability and economical use of doping elements. The new sparingly doped alloy relates to the first generation. With this, it complies with the third generation GS32 alloy by the level of heat resistance at 1000°C.
In the course of the works, development of nickel- based heat resistant alloys has been analyzed and an optimum alloying system has been selected to achieve the maximum heat resistance of the alloy. With the use of computerized optimization method of heat resistant alloys, a new lean alloy has been developed for gas turbine blades intended for operation at temperatures to 1050°C. The alloy exhibits high structural stability and efficient use of alloying elements. A new lean alloy is the first-generation alloy but its heat resistance at 1000°C corresponds to that of the third-generation alloy ZhS32.
A unique techniques for determining the diffusion coefficient of doping elements, and, based on the obtained data, for determining an optimal duration of the thermal treatment, were developed.
The microstructural studies of a new sparingly doped SLZhS32 alloy were conducted; a thermal treatment mode was tested with account for the diffusion processes kinetics; the samples were fabricated and strength tests were conducted.
The developed new sparingly doped alloy can be widely used for gas turbine blades manufacturing, ensuring the cost reduction without deterioration of the alloy operational properties. | |
Aydemir T. ., Golubeva N. D., Shershneva I. N., Kydralieva K. A., Dzhardimalieva G. I. Formation, structure and magnetic properties of nanocomposites obtained by Fe(III)Co(II) cocrystallized complexes thermal decomposition. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 219-228. Considerable interest in d-elements nanoparticles well as the possibility of creating magnetic carrier with is stipulated by their magnetic properties specifics, as high information recording density on their basis.
Magnetic particles are widely used in biomedicine, and ferrous oxides (magnetite and maghemite), possessing high biocompatibility, play exceptionally significant role. Iron- and cobalt-containing particles are characterized by high values of coercive force and magnetic susceptibility. For example, for magnetite Fe3O4, the saturation magnetization (δs, Ms) is 92 eme⋅g-1, and for γ-Fe2O3-74 eme⋅g-1, the coercive force magnitude for anisotropic nanoparticles of the latter ranges from 200 to 400 Oe.
The structure and properties of metal-containing nanocomposites obtained while thermal transformations of Fe (III) Co (Il)-acrylate complexes were studied in this article.
It was shown that thermal transformations of the complexes under study included the stages of dehydration, solid phase polymerization and decarboxylation of the forming metal polymer. The solid phase product of the complexes thermal transformation are metal-containing nanoparticles, stabilized by carbonized polymer matrix. The crystalline nanostructured phases are Fe3O4, CoFe2O4 and CoO. The average crystallite size is 10 nm. Magnetic properties of the obtained nanocomposites also were studied. Hysteresis loops measured at temperatures below 200 K are open and displaced to a negative field. The coercive force and residual magnetization are 0.18 T and 15.5 mT, respectively.
An original approach consisting in combining nano-size metal particles synthesis with its stabilizing polymeric shell in situ was developed. The approach is based on metal containing monomers homo- and copolymerization in the solid phase with subsequent controlled thermolysis of the formed metall-polymers.
Accordingly, matrix-stabilized metal oxide nanoparticles were obtained by the method of polymer-mediated synthesis. In the nanocomposite obtained at 643 K and conversion of Δ m = 42%, the crystalline phase contains nanoparticles of ferromagnetic oxides Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4, and CoO antiferromagnetic nanoparticles. The nanocomposite microstructure includes polycrystalline agglomerates with sizes of 30 nm, consisting of individual nanocrystallites with an average size of 10 nm. The magnetic properties of the obtained products depend on the nature of the components, the temperature and the magnitude of the applied magnetic field. The coercive force and residual magnetization at room temperature are 0.18 T and 15.5 mT, respectively. The strong dependence of the magnetic characteristics on the phase composition, temperature, and magnetic field suggests that nanocomposites of this type are of interest for the sensor materials production for aerospace and biomedical applications.
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Antipov V. V., Prokudin O. A., Lurie S. A., Serebrennikova N. Y., Solyaev Y. O. Sial interlaminar strength estimation based on the results of the samples’ three-point bending tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 229-238. Laminated aluminum-glass plastics (GLARE, SIAL) are promising structural materials for application while aircraft structural elements manufacturing These composite materials represent layered panels formed by thin layers of fiberglass and aluminum alloy. Compared with metals, SIALs possess increased specific strength, long-term strength and fire resistance. Studying the dependence of SIALs mechanical properties on the parameters of their reinforcement is an important task, which solution is necessary for the structures’ design and strength computation. One of the important characteristic, determining the SIALs structural properties, as well as the other composite materials, is interlaminar strength.
The samples testing on the three-point bending by the “short beam” technique is one of the simplest techniques for determining the interlayer strength of composite materials. This method is widely used in composite structures research and development, since it does not require the application of complex experimental equipment and strain gauges. At the same time, the interlayer strength is an important parameter from the designing viewpoint, as it is used in formulating the strength criteria of composite materials The interlaminar cracks occurrence may lead to a decrease in the bearing capacity of structural elements, and further to their destruction, for example, by the local buckling mechanism.
However, such a simple method as testing on three-point bending holds certain disadvantages associated primarily with the fact that during such tests a complicated stress state is realized in the samples, that is, not only the interlaminar shear stresses occur, but the also tensile / compressive stresses arise as well, leading to errors in determining the materials characteristics. Besides the above mentioned errors associated with non-uniform tensed-state of the samples, the complexity, occurring while samples testing on the interlaminar shear, consists in the fact that the interlaminar strength being determined while testing proves to be not a constant of the material, but it depends on the distance between the supports. This problem is known both for conventional composite materials and for metal-polymer composites. It is explained by a decrease in the tangential stresses actually acting in short samples (according to the standards the samples relative elongation shoul be of 5 to 10), compared to the classic beams models. These models assume the constant value of the shearing force, and, correspondingly, constant values of tangential forces (up to sign) along the sample length. Thus, application of the traditional relation for estimating transversal shear stresses acting in a beam, according to the formula 3 P / (4 b h), leads to the increase in the apparent interlayer strength of the material. Besides, the sample length impact on the results of the tests on the interlaminar strength is explained by:
1) Stress concentration nearby the supports;
2) Statistical dependence of strength on the sample size;
3) The interlaminar cracks occurrence not on the neutral axis of the sample and
4) Special dependence of interlayer strength on the parameters of fracture mechanics.
The article proposes a scheme for SIAL testing on the interlaminar shear strength by the short beam technique. These tests employ the samples with the large number of layers and unidirectional reinforcement scheme, which allows reduce the error of experiments while employing the standard equipment. The samples apparent interlaminar strength, depending on the distance between the supports, was determined by the results of the tests. Based on the calculations, the accordance of the obtained experimental data and theoretical estimates is demonstrated. The calculated SIAL interlayer strength value was of ~ 60 MPa, which corresponds to the typical interlayer strength of polymer composites. However, while testing the destruction was being realized at the contact boundary of metal and composite layers, which allows affirm that the found interlayer strength value is a characteristic of the metal / composite contact. | |
Shved Y. V. Determining technique for optimal rigging angle and aspect ratio of the soft wing with sling support. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 7-18. While developing paragliders and gliding parachutes many issues on the optimal selection of the airfoil, its relative thickness and twist over the span, the law of the wing arc distribution and its shape in the sweep, length and slinging arise. Selection criteria for of some of these parameters may be transferred practically without changing the methods, rather explicitly elaborated for the historically earlier appeared aerial vehicles with balancing by the payload weight (hang-gliders). However, the paraglider, also related to the flying vehicles balanced by the load, has some specifics, since it employs momentless carrying shell.
The parameters estimates of the aerial vehicles with the soft wing and sling support with various working-out degree are presented in [5-19]. However, the issue of working-out the simple and vivid analytical technique for obtaining optimal characteristics of the above said aerial vehicles, which does not employ iteration approximating and general empirical assumptions, still remains open. The article is devoted to the study of some aspects of this technique.
author proposes to perform the calculation in the following sequence:
The article demonstrates also the independence of the of self-balancing wings angle of attack from the thrust magnitude. This conclusion is based on the fact, that for the angle of the slant of the slings relative to the center of the pressure of the MAC in the horizontal flight mode under thrust and in the gliding mode, identical equations were obtained.
In [1] the algorithm for static parameters calculation of the motor flight vehicle with a soft wing is presented. In the presented article it was expanded for the gliding descent mode. | |
Brutyan M. A., Potapchik A. V., Razdobarin A. M., Slitinskaya A. Y. Jet-type vortex generators impact on take-offand landing characteristics of a wing with slats. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 19-26. To increase maximum lifting force coefficient of the aircraft wing with fixed geometry, it is reasonable to use the flow control concept. For this purpose, the new way of flow control about a wing with deflected slat, suggested by authors, is being studied experimentally and numerically. A number of slanting holes (along the flow and longwise a wingspan), through which the air jets are blown-out, is made to create vortex cores at the nose section of the upper surface of the wing’s main part, which opens while the slat root section moving-out. The pilot experimental studies of the new method of the wing with slat flow- around at the take-off and landing modes were performed on a model of a modern long-range aircraft with mechanized wing with moving-out slats and flaps. The slats are made along the wingspan with a gap along the motor-nacelle pylon. The aircraft model testing while the landing state of the high-lift device with jet-type vortex generators and without them were performed with ADT T-106 TsAGI, equipped with aerodynamic scales. Slats and flaps were in landing state; with corresponding deviation angles of δsl = 24° and δfl = 36°. Weight measurements of aerodynamic characteristics were performed at the Mach number of the incident flow М∞ = 0.15. It corresponds to the Reynolds number value of Re = 3.1⋅106 at the pressure pumping up to 5 atm in the working section of the tube. The angle of attack was being changed from 4 to 26°. Numerical simulations of jet-type vortex generators impact on the wing flow-around pattern in a take-off and landing configuration were performed. Numerical calculations were performed to compare the experiment and the expanded range of the studied parameters. The well-known ANSYS CFX software based on the numerical solution of averaged Navier-Stokes equations for the compressible perfect gas with two-parameter SST turbulence model was used. The flow was considered turbulent starting from leading edge. The surface of the model was assumed adiabatic; the viscosity-temperature relation was determined by Sutherland’s law with the constant C = 110.4 K. The number of computational nodes used for the flow-around modelling with streams increased approximately up to 68 million. The performed studies of passive technique for streams forming by the air blow-by from low the wing underside to its upside at the numbers of Re = 3.1⋅106 and М∞ =0.15 revealed the possibility of the maximum lifting force coefficient increase. | |
Artamonov B. L., Shydakov V. I. Algorithm of transient flight modes performance by convertiplane. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 27-40. The article considers the Project Zero convertiplane implemented according to the structure with two rotary screws positioned in the fixed wing. The screws are driven by electric motors powered by batteries, and controlled by a common and cyclic step. Electric transmission of the Project Zero convertiplane allows smooth change of the propeller rotations while transient flight mode performing with minimum required power.
The article analyzes control laws of screws, which allow performing transient flight modes from helicopter to aircraft without losing altitude at minimal engine power consumption. The described algorithm uses the results of experimental studies of the convertiplane body model in the t-1 MAI wind tunnel by th angle of attack at various rotation angles of the screws axes of rotation relative to the fuselage longitudinal datum line. This allowed reduce the problem to a system of transcendental equations of the convertiplane motion, which was solved numerically by successive approximations method. The aerodynamic characteristics of the propellers located in the ring fairings are being computed based on the disk vortex theory.
It is shown that while the convertiplane transition from hover mode to flight mode the screw control laws are of a rather complex character, and may be realized only by employing automation. The obtained convertiplane control laws at the transient flight mode are effective from the energetic viewpoint. The power consumption in the transient process endpoint is three times less than in the hover mode, which allows further convertiplane flight speed increase. | |
Gubernatorov K. N., Kiselev M. A., Moroshkin Y. V., Chekin A. Y. Studying elements reliability impact on the aircraft functional systems architecture. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 41-50. The reliability of the more electric aircraft and its systems must not be less than the reliability of the conventional aircraft and systems to meet the required safety level. The level of the system reliability is specified in the part 25 or 23 of FAR. Power system of the more electric aircraft is a very important system due to the approach of ensuring the dragging and operating systems, such as control system and landing gear system. The weight-size parameters and the reliability of the more electric aircraft power system are opposite and depend of the power and energy system architecture.
This article demonstrates an approach to the architecture design of the more electric aircraft power system, that follows modern trends and ensures the required safety level and minimum volume and mass using state-of-the-art technologies, such as permanent-magnet generator and power electronics.
The current reliability level of power supply system elements (generators, rectifiers) cannot provide an extremely improbable event of the functional failure of the power generation system. Thus, the power supply system designers are forced install emergency (alternative) power sources such as batteries, a RAT, and auxiliary power unit, providing power to important systems to complete the flight and perform a safe landeing. These systems for example represent to an engine and an aircraft control system. The emergency (alternative) power supplies and the associated cables and switching system possess a considerable mass and volume. For example, the modern aircraft such as Boeing-787 and Airbus-350 have a very complicated power system to meet the required level of reliability. So these systems employ additional power converters, batteries, ram-air turbines and complicated distribution system. All of these have mass and occupy the aircraft volume.
Here is another example. The MC-21 emergency energy system weight is about 85% of the main energy system weight.
Hence, we can conclude that in order to meet the safety requirements, the power supply system designers should install almost one more power generation system onboard.
It is worth adding, that besides generation function the emergency power sources perform some other functions such main engines on-board starting, voltage ripples smoothing in the DC power systems with batteries and other. However, these functions are not taken into account in the presented article. The main attention is paid to the electric power supply system architecture developing, which meets the safety requirements, and contains minimum set of components to reduce weight-size parameters at large. | |
Shustrov T. L. Simulation as a substantiation of the trace contaminants removal system selection. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 51-63. The article is dedicated to one of the most important problems while preparing any potential long-term or interplanetary space missions, namely the inefficiency of the life support subsystems employed at the habitable spacecraft. The article focuses mainly on the trace contaminants removal system (TCRS) being an important element of the space object life support system. It purifies the atmosphere of an object from any contaminants, and keeps it at the predetermined chemical balance.
The main hazards requiring permanent system regeneration and its keeping at the maximal possible technical level are as follows:
The artificial atmosphere of any isolated airtight object is affected by its inhabitants, which could lead to the sensitive equipment failures, destructive emergencies, and deaths among the crewmembers. The presented article suggests employing simulation model as an attempt to improve the design and production of the future trace contaminants removal systems. The model allows computing the resulting amount of trace contaminants formed by any number of potential sources. The model structure provides the designer with maximum flexibility while the process regulation, which might help while creating individual configuration of the trace contaminants removal systems with account for the space mission scenario.
The article presents mathematical/technical description, structure, and examples of the simulations results. Most subprocesses are at the final stage of testing. The simulation results correspond to the telemetry data from the space station. In the future, after the final testing the authors plan to create the “artificial helper” for the model that will perform automatic selection of the trace contaminants removal system based on the results obtained after the simulation. | |
Gaponenko O. V., Gavrin D. S., Sviridova E. S. Structure analysis of the strategic plans of the space-rocket industry development by method of space functional and industrial technologies R&D classification. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 64-81. The task of a subject for study classification arises while information analysis support of strategic programs for space-rocket industry technological development and managerial decision making on a sectorial level. In this case, it is an aggregate of scheduled measures, namely research and development work (R&D) on the cosmonautics and aerospace industry technological development.
The existing R&D classification in Federal target and Government programs (FTP) “Military-industrial complex development of the Russian Federation” does not fUlly reflect the structure of program activities, i.e. an aggregate R&D technological development R&D, and is applicable only to industrial technologies. In the Federal Space Program (FSP) the R&D is classified according to the target purpose of finished products. The R&D classification employing is not applicable in other FTP and vice versa. In the authors’ opinion, classification according to technological trends is the most efficient.
In domestic practice of analytical studies associated with the space activities technological R&D are subdivided into the intrinsic cosmonautics technologies (the space functional technologies), and industrial technologies for the space engineering development (the space industrial technologies).
There are also the third system-wide studies in the programs of cosmonautics and rocket building development, besides the functional and industrial technologies. These include complex system analytical research.
The forecasting of the space technology development without accounting for the capabilities of aerospace industry risks turning into vain dreams and fiction, and vice versa, the development of industrial production with no strategic targets in the form of promising space technologies may lead (and already leads) to creation of inefficient and economically unviable production structures.
The same technology, depending on the stage of the product life cycle of aerospace technology, can be attributed both to the target technology and to the of industrial production technology.
The unified R&D classification system of aerospace functional and aerospace manufacturing technologies and system-wide research effort is advisable. There is a necessity of a unified classifier for the cosmonautics development strategic programs (FSP, state programs “Development of the MIC”, strategic programs and plans of other governments) in parts of R&D sections.
The article proposes a unified classifier of space- rocket and manufacturing technologies. It is based on the classification features of technologies used by NASA in the technological road maps of 2015.
The classifier was realized by the authors in the form of an object-relational database on PostgreSQL. The database is switched as an external data source to Excel, and further the analytical capabilities of the free Excel table mechanisms are used.
A comparative analysis of R&D technologies performed by NASA, the European Space Agency and State Space Corporation “Roscosmos” within the framework of long-term strategic programs of space activity was performed using the developed classifier. The classifier allows also compare the same technological trend in different programs.
Besides the number of works the developed classifier allows analyzing their financing, starting/ ending dates and starting/ending level of technological readiness by technological trends.
The classifier allows reveal the technological development trends, to which most attention is paid in the states participants of the space activities, and vice versa which are related to unessential, and their studies are not financed by strategic programs. The structural specifics of each of the considered programs of technological development can be analyzed.
Practical implementation of techniques, associated with program events classification forming and scientific-methodological support of the strategic programs of national space-rocket industry development (including application of the classifier suggested by the authors) with subsequent analysis of the obtained classes will contribute to the managerial decisions effectiveness in Russian space-rocket industry, and eventually in rational implementation of the State budgetary funds allotted for this purpose. | |
Nikitin S. O., Makeev P. V. A project of the “Synchropter” type high-speed helicopter with pushing air propeller. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 82-95. Due to the helicopters ability to perform vertical take-off and landing, as well as effective operation while hover mode, they became indispensable practically in all regions of the world. With that, the requirements for the helicopters flight performance enhancement become ever more acute, primarily concerning the increase in speed and range.
Currently, a number of rotary-winged aircraft structures of vertical take-off and landing, realizing increase in speed and flight range, are under development and in some cases at the stage of testing and batch production in leading world countries. There is a number of concepts and technical solutions, mainly in the field of aerodynamics, allowing increase a helicopter cruising speed. In this regard, the exploratory research and these projects implementation development are highly relevant.
The presented work is devoted to creation of a project of a perspective passenger high-speed aircraft with vertical take-off and landing based on a helicopter with intermeshing rotors and a pushing air propeller.
The project employs a set of the following technical solutions:
- The blades rotational speed reduction (from 220 to 180 mps) as the flight speed increase; special arrowshaped tips setting on the blades to reduce to zero the probability of a wave crisis on the advancing blades with flight speed increasing;
- Balancing the unbalanced lateral tilting moments on the two rotors of a “synchropter” scheme, rotating in opposite directions;
- Application of rotors with elastic torsion sleeves;
- Application of a system of the blades individual control to prevent the flow disruption on the retreating blades;
- The aircraft fuselage layout with account for the specifics of the scheme with low frontal resistance at near-zero angles of attack;
- Application of a propulsion propeller with maximum efficiency in operating conditions.
The capabilities of modern computer-aided design technologies were demonstrated while the project developing. The main emphasis is made on the aircraft dynamic designing with implementation of modern tendencies of the high-speed helicopters development. The main limitations and possible ways for the helicopter speed increase implementation were considered. The article presents the computational results of aerodynamic characteristics with account for the decisions made.
The developed project has the following characteristics: the take-off weight of 6500 kg, payload mass of 1000 kg, maximum speed of 420 km / h, static ceiling of 4700 m, dynamic ceiling of 5600 m, and flight range of 1228 km.
The obtained results indicate the achievement of indicators close to the modern world level, demonstrated on similar developed helicopters.
The developed project has prospects for further flight performance improvement by improving the‘ aerodynamic characteristics of the fuselage, propellers, as well as exploiting more fully the capabilities of the individual blade control system. | |
Erkov A. P. Buckling of stepped beams. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 96-110. The article discusses the problems of stability of two types of beams of variable stiffness: with a stepped change in cross section with two zones and with a step change in section with three zones. Simply supported boundary conditions at two ends are considered, as well as with embedding at one end and with a free second end. Beams of isotropic material and of the laminated composites are discussed.
To study the stability of beams of variable stiffness, the Ritz method was used. Beams with the ratio of the maximum and minimum flexural rigidity in the zones does not exceed 8 are considered, since in practice the ratio greater than 8, as a rule, is not applied. Analytical expressions for determining the critical force are obtained. The calculation results and their verification are given.
The results of analytical calculations were compared with the results obtained by the finite element method (MSC.Nastran / MSC.Patran). Based on a comparative analysis, graphs of the error of analytical solutions (relative to the solution obtained by the finite element method) were constructed. To minimize the error of analytical equations, a correction factor was introduced.
The study showed that the equations applicable for calculating the critical force of isotropic beams are also applicable to composite beams. Correction factors obtained for isotropic beams are also applicable to composite beams.
In addition to assessing the accuracy of analytical equations for the critical force, the influence of local effects in the area of the junction of zones with different flexural rigidity is investigated. In practice, the Bernoulli hypothesis does not work in the junction area of the zones, which has some influence on the magnitude of the critical force.
Results of investigation:
- Analytical equations were obtained for determining the critical force for two types of beams of variable stiffness with two types of boundary conditions;
- The accuracy of analytical equations was investigated. A correction factor was introduced, which allows to obtain a more accurate result for the critical force;
- The technique can be applied to other types of beams of variable stiffness and other boundary conditions not considered in this paper;
- The resulting analytical expressions are easy to automate. For this suit, for example, Microsoft Excel can be used. | |
Baklanov A. V. The impact of the of fuel supplying method to the combustion chamber on carbon oxides formation in combustion products of the gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 111-125. The fuel burning in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine (GTE) is attended by toxic substances formation. Carbon oxides, having deleterious effect on human and environment, are of particular danger. In this regard, the article solves the actual problem of determining the optimal method of gaseous fuel supplying to the GTE combustion chamber to ensure low emission of carbon oxide.
The article considers the burner with two types of injectors, differing by the gas spray method. The first injector is a centrifugal gas injector (CGI), and the second one is a jet injector (JI).
A technique of target feeding of a jet, formed by the injector in the burner unit was developed.
The fire tests of nozzles were performed. While the tests performing, it was revealed that during the burner operation with the fuel feeding by the CGI, the flame front was being stabilized along the walls of the burner nozzle extension with visible hollow red colored core. Behind the main flame, the reddish “tail” which length corresponded to the length of the main flame was observed. This indicates that the fuel has no time to burn out in the primary zone, and flame front is stretching out.
In this regard, the quality determination of air-fuel mixture preparation in the swirled jet at the outlet of burners with two types of nozzles was performed. It was established, that the nozzle with the jet-like fuel atomization ensured the best mixing quality. The engine throttle characteristics were determined, and carbon oxides concentration in the combustion products measuring was performed by the results of the experiments. The results demonstrated that with the power increase the carbon oxide concentration level in the combustion products decreases. The 25% from the initial variant decrease in concentration was observed herewith for the combustion chamber with JI, which corresponds to the 28775-90 State Standard. | |
Khramin R. V., Slobodskoi D. A., Lebedev M. V., Sobul’ A. V. The test bench development improvement of the gas turbine engine due to the application of the new method for axial force determining impact on the radial-thrust bearing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 126-133. A radial-thrust bearing of rotor supports is one of the most critical elements of aviation gas-turbine engine, as its failure leads to the engine destruction. To ensure the required reliability of such bearings, experimental studies allowing increase the accuracy of design models employed for the bearing life determination under engine operating conditions were performed. One of the main factors affecting the endurance of radial-thrust bearings is the axial load.
The current quantitative method of axial load determination during engine tests employs the technological supports with dynamometric rings. Qualitative methods of axial load determination based on vibration sensor readings do not allow correct determining of the axial load.
This article presents the method used to measure the axial force applied to radial-thrust bearing. The method is based on dynamic strain gauging of bearing rings. Strain gauges are installed into special slots in the bearing rings. The slot width should be maximum possible but not exceeding the distance between the adjacent rolling elements. The slot depth should comply with the requirements for admissible deformation of raceways and sensitivity of the strain gauges.
The strain gauges readings are taken in the values of relative strain (mm/mm). For ease of use, these values are converted into stresses values (kgf/mm2) by multiplying them by the elasticity modulus of the bearing ring material.
To determine the dependency of the strain gauge readings on the axial load, calibration on a special installation is performed. During calibration, the strain gauges measure the variable stresses in the slot. The amplitude of variable stresses with flicker frequency of the rolling elements is proportional to the axial load, and is a key parameter. To determine it, the signal from the strain gauge, at any given moment, is represented as a Fourier series, and spectrum of the signal amplitude-frequency response is formed. This spectrum is being used to determine the amplitude on flicker frequency of the rolling element. Based on the test results, the calibration factor is determined which characterizes the dependency of axial load on the amplitude of the strain gauge reading signal. Then, by the measured dynamic stresses recalculation, the axial load applied to the bearing is determined.
The accuracy of axial load measurement by dynamic strain gauging of bearing rings does not exceed ±1% of the reference load. The abovedescribed method has been applied during engine tests together with the current method with temporary supports and dynamometric rings.
Based on the test results, the accuracy of axial load determination has been increased and the number of the required engine tests has been reduced. | |
Gogaev G. P., Nemtsev D. V. The study of flight conditions impact on high-pressure turbine disk damaging of the highly maneuverable aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 134-142. The increase in the GTE life cycle cost brings to the forefront the problem of the full safe use of the aviation engines lifetime, which can be achieved by the transition to operation on a technical condition. This transition is possible with the sufficient product testability ensuring obtaining the objective information required for the reliable technical condition estimating.
The crucial problem herewith consists in methods and algorithms developing for estimation the lifetime depletion, accounting for loading specifics of each engine.
Excessive conservatism is inherent to the currently employed methods for lifetime cycle depreciation control due to the lack of actual operation conditions record keeping. Premature engines exclusion fr om operation occurs thereby, which is unfavorable and has an adverse effect on supporting the required combat readiness level of the aircraft fleet.
Thus, the trend of control techniques improvement, analysis of loading and GTE lifetime deprecation control, fully accounting for the operation specifics of each engine is relevant enough.
The purpose of this work consists in studying the impact of flight conditions on the high-pressure turbine (HPT) disc damaging of highly maneuverable aircrafts.
The main contribution to the parts damage accumulation of the highly maneuverable aircraft engine is made by the damages, caused by intermittent operation modes (the low-cyclic fatigue mechanism), and operation at the maximum set modes (the mechanism of long-term strength depletion).
As the service experience of the 4th generation engines being a part of highly maneuverable aircraft of the task aircraft fleet shows, the contribution of a static component to the overall damage of the basic engine parts is significantly less than the cyclic one. Thus, the estimation of the residual engine life is made, as a rule, based only on accounting for the cyclic damages of its basic parts.
The main idea of the 4th generation engine life deprecation accounting for consists in comparing the actual value of the technical condition parameter (the accumulated damage) of the engine basic parts during the operation with its maximum permissible value, accumulated while the endurance tests, with subsequent determination of the residual resource of the engine basic parts according to this comparison.
Currently the number of cycles before the failure (Npi) and the single damage (Пi) for each cycle type are is detemined at the extreme loads (engine power rating, speed, and flight altitude) for the given GTE operation range.
However, the performed analysis of the highly maneuverable aircraft operation belonged to the task aircraft fleet, revealed that about 80% of the operation was performed at subsonic speeds and heights up to 10 km (without participation in combat operations), at which the basic part load was much lower than its maximum value. Thus, the existing methodology application leads to the excessive conservatism of the accumulated damage calculation.
To assess the effect of flight conditions on the single damage of the main parts, a complex of calculations for HPT disk of the 4th generation engine were performed. The obtained results demonstrated that the single damage of all cycle types of the HPT disk significantly depends on the flight conditions. Thus, the single damage of the loading cycles in the zone, wh ere 80% of operation time is performed in default of combat operations participation, is on average 25% below the values at the maximum loads for all cycle types.
In the context of the HPT disk of the 4th generation engine, the article shows that the existing technique for the lifetime deprecation monitoring by low-cycle fatigue of the 4th generation GTE basic parts includes assumptions leading to the accuracy reduction of determining the accumulated damage and the residual life of the engine and its main parts. This, in turn, leads to an early removal of a serviceable engine, and the life cycle cost increasing.
To avoid the excessive conservatism of the currently used technique, it is necessary to accumulate the cyclic damage of the engine basic parts with account for real flight conditions. | |
Tkachenko A. Y., Filinov E. P. Gas turbine unit efficiency upgrading for gas-turbine locomotive of a new generation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 143-151. Up to now, at least half of the railways are not electrified. Thus, it is necessary to employ heat engines to set a locomotive into motion. Employing a gas turbine unit (GTU) is one of the possible options. The GTU power is transferred to the generator, and electric motors set the locomotive into motion. It is worth mentioning that in the future aircraft engines of the civil aviation with worked-out lifetime, and updated for the railway application may be installed on a gas-turbine locomotive. Such an approach would significantly reduce the transportation cost value and gas-turbine locomotives implementation to the national economy.
This work was performed in several stages:
– Mathematical models verification used while performing design calculations and GTD operational characteristics computing to increase their identity to the mathematical models employed by PJSC Kuznetsov;
– Studying the number of stages of a low-pressure compressor (LP) effect on the of a gas turbine unit performance employed as a part of the gas-turbine locomotive;
– Proposals development on improving the units’ joint operation to reduce the air consumption through the gas turbine unit.
One of the ways to improve the operation efficiency of gas turbines for application as a part of the gas turbine locomotive consists in the air flow reduction through the unit, which would allow reduce the total pressure losses in the suction tract due to more rational operation conditions of the air filters. The possibility of air consumption reduction through the engine in condition of preserving the effective power of the gas turbine unit by eliminating one and two stages of the low pressure compressor will be discussed further.
The following main scientific results were obtained as a result of the study:
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Dukhopel'nikov D. V., Vorob'ev E. V. Technique justification for erosion profile determining of the accelerating electrode of ions gas-discharge source. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 152-157. Determining erosion rate of electric rocket engines elements and other gas-discharge devices is the most important stage of their design and testing. The simplest method to determine the surface erosion rate under the ion bombarding may be employing of optically contrasted multilayer coatings pre-applied to the surface under study. The pattern of alternating optically contrasted bands occurs while sputtering these coatings by the non-uniform ion beams. The boundaries between these bands are the lines of equal erosion depth.
The surface slope angle in the erosion zone while a massive material sputtering by a non-uniform ion beam is determined by the equation
where Ma is the atomic mass of the material, ρ is its density, Seff is effective sputtering rate, j is the ion current density, t is the ion beam exposure time, and q is the ion charge.
While selecting a multilayer coating structure computation of separate layers thickness δi is performed on the assumption of the required band width and the surface slope angle in the erosion zone
The layers thickness herewith should be selected so that the bands widths on the image repeatedly exceeded the registration resolution of the equipment employed for the sputtered patterns photo-registration. Thus, to obtain accurate results using the represented technique, the correct surface slopes angles a; determining is required.
At the same time, while sputtering multilayer coatings, different points of the layer, lying in depth, begin sputtering at different time moments, in contrast the massive material. Thus, the necessity occurred to confirm the correctness of application of the expressions, obtained for the massive material, to the layers thicknesses computing of the multilayer coating.
This article is dedicated to the analytical proof of the expressions usage appropriateness to calculate the erosion slope angle and the layers thickness in the depth of the multilayer coating. It shows that these expressions can be used for any layer of any material located in the depth of the multilayer coating of arbitrary structure. | |
Volkov S. S. Psychophysiological condition assessment of an operator of the ground complex’s ergative system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 158-165. The article considers an automated system for psychophysiological condition (PPhC) assessment of a flight crew, spacemen, test pilots and other representatives of the airspace industry. The PPhC operation is based on the gas discharge visualization (GDV) method.
The purpose of the work consists in demonstrating the effectiveness and necessity of the psychophysiological state monitoring of the ergative system operators. The ergative system operators are the flight crew of both military and civil aviation; astronauts; test pilots; robotic systems specialists.
This work novelty consists in the GDV method application in a new area. The interest to this method application is caused by the fact that operators are working in special conditions of professional activities. In this regard, they suffer fatigue, overtiredness, undersleeping, performance decrement, stress etc. The PPhC neglecting may lead to tragic aftermath. Thus, the authors suggest developing prospective automated system for operators’ psychophysiological condition estimation, which would allow monitor operators’ readiness to perform their service duties while their professional activities.
During the survey, the snapshots of ten fingers are made with the filter, and another ten without it. The obtained images are being separated into sectors. Further, the mathematical apparatus described in the article is applied to them. The stressed background and normalized glow area, necessary for the psychophysiological state determining, are being computed. After obtaining the information on the operator’s PPhC the official takes a decision on the given person’s readiness to perform his service duties.
The results of the studies allowed developing an algorithm for the software operation of the operatots PPhC estimation system. Neural network technologies are supposed to be the basis of this work. They will improve and expedite the information processing process.
The automated PPhS estimation system, described in the article, introduction into the aerospace industry, will allow monitoring the health of the flight crew, cosmonauts, test pilots and robotic complexes operators, as well as reduce the risk of injury and death while equipment operation. | |
Anan’ev A. V., Filatov S. V., Petrenko S. P., Rybalko A. G. Experimental approbation of free-falling uncontrolled containers application, employing short-range unmanned aerial vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 166-173. Suppression of enemy’s air defense systems by employing small size striking unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to reduce the risk of the piloted aircraft fire damaging is a topical task. The world practice of the small-sized UAV application for striking with free- falling uncontrolled containers (FFUC) is a premise for their application. The majority of scientific publications, describing the UAV striking application, are based, in general, on mass media information, combat effectiveness estimation simplified to its lowest limit, expert esteems of the UAV combat effectiveness without their transformation into qualitative estimations. Highly in-depth academic studies are known also. However, they are based on the probabilistic apparatus, which application is impossible due to the lack of probabilistic laws and random values parameters required for the calculations.
Thus, by this time, the full-fledged computational ballistic algorithms for the small size striking UAVs cannot be realized in practice. With account for the above said, practical approbation of the UAV striking application as the most crucial stage of the aviation complexes lifetime is of first and foremost interest.
Thus, the first and most valid method for the UAV striking capabilities estimation is performing experimental ballistic tests. Their results can be employed for such UAVs efficiency estimation in striking variant, and forming tabulated data on FFUC hitting accuracy, parameters spread, according to which firing tables will be composed.
To reach the purpose set in this work, the following problems were defined and solved:
- The target environment was created for refinement of the FFUC practical application employing UAV;
- Estimation of FFUC with UAV application in striking embodiment on the land objects with application of the simplified deflection measuring technique and estimates of arguments of the FFUC dispersion was performed;
- Statistical data on experimental UAV application in striking mode while hitting ground objects and the enemy’s manpower, for subsequent determination s of FFUC dispersion were collected and processed.
A target, simulating the command center of the medium range surface-to-air missile system battery was employed while testing.
Systematized data on the FFUC dropping were obtained according to the results of the work. They can be utilized for mathematical support developing for the command post of the short range UAVs in striking configuration while developing aiming algorithms.
The obtained results confirm the hitting effectiveness of the FFUC equipped with ammunition of “tactical grenades” type of the enemy manpower and vulnerable (light armored) ground objects.
By results of the obtained statistical data and preliminary calculations, the accuracy of the FFUC application was from 8 m to 10 m. | |
Legaev V. P., Generalov L. K., Galkovskii O. A. An analytical review of existing hypotheses about the physics of friction. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 174-181. Assigned the task to determine the laws of change in the coefficient of friction and determine the factors affecting it as part of the research work. The purpose of this work is to improve the performance parameters of precision machines.
Physics of the external friction process has the next form. When the contacting solids are shifted, the external friction force increases due to deformation of these solids, this phenomenon is called preliminary displacement. Static friction force Fs is the force of friction, corresponds the highest value of the preliminary displacement. One of the contacting solids moves irreversibly (slides) across the surface of another solid after a static friction force has been achieved, in
Relation of external friction force F to the movement x this case the external force is equal to the kinetic friction force Fk [2].
Friction interaction occurs in certain parts of the nominal contact only. Friction interaction is the third solid. The complete complex of frictional links forms a frictional interaction, which is discrete [1].
The preliminary displacement is caused by the redistribution of the contact irregularities in the support surface [1].
The total static friction force is the boundary point, under which preliminary displacement friction passes to kinetic friction force.
Kinetic friction is the friction of two solids that are in motion relative to each other [4].
Kinetic friction has a dual molecular-mechanical nature. It is caused by volumetric deformation of the material and overcoming intermolecular bonds
where Ffm - is the molecular component of the friction force; Ffd - is the mechanical (deformation) component of the friction force [2].
If the adhesion bond is less strong than the underlying layers, then there is a positive gradient of mechanical properties at depth:
Under normal friction process, the positive gradient rule is always come true.
The contact is always discrete and the area external friction depends on the applied load at external friction. Contact surface is continuous and independent on the applied load at internal friction.
The coefficient of friction depends on three factors almost equally: combination of materials; construction of friction pair; operating mode [1].
To execute the rule of positive gradient must be present lubrication film in the friction contact, or oxide film, soft components film [1].
The growth of the film slows down with increasing its thickness [1].
The growth of the film reduces the coefficient of friction to a known limit. Very thick films increase the coefficient of friction [1].
The relative sliding of two solids produces heat in a thin surface layer. The temperature rising can lead to local softening and melting of the material. The temperature field leads to a change in the mechanical properties of the material in a thin surface layer. The intensity of the heat flow depends on the friction work and the size of the area on which it is generated [1].
Important constructive characteristics of the friction units is the coefficient of mutual overlap, proposed by A.V. Chichinadze,
where Aa1 - the nominal friction area of the first element; Aa2 - the nominal friction area of the second element; Aa2 ≤Aa1 .
Wear products have a great impact on the strength and coefficient of friction [2].
Friction and wear characteristics and mechanical properties of friction pairs materials are in various nonlinear functional dependencies. At the same time, these dependencies can significantly change from the friction mode and from the thermal mode of friction pairs.
The construction of the friction unit significantly affects the force and coefficient of friction. In this regard, the nominal Aa, contour Ac and actual areas of friction Ar, the coefficient of mutual overlap Kov, the shape and size of the contact elements, their stiffness and elasticity is among the main parameters determining friction.
More rigid elements of surfaces intrusion into softer counterbody due to waviness, roughness, heterogeneity of mechanical properties and duality of molecular-mechanical nature of friction.
Accordingly, the speed ν of the indenter determines the friction force. At the same time, an increase in the load on the separately selected indenter leads to an increase in the friction force. However, the support reaction force N affects the area of the actual contact Ar in the actual operating conditions of the friction pair. The actual contact area depends on the load. Increasing the area of actual contact reduces specific pressure. Thus, the dependence of the friction force on the relative velocity of the friction pair and the load is not linear and differs for different materials.
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Mudrov A. P., Faizov M. R. A spherical simulator motion study. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 182-191. The article presents a spherical mechanism allowing perform spatial movements along a sphere. A 3D model of the mechanism was developed with the SolidWorks software. The model allows synthesize and examine the mechanism structure. Computing of the angular displacement, speed and acceleration of the connecting rod from the center point of the link and the slide of the mechanism itself was performed. The center point calculation was performed with account for the small and large thickness of the mechanism links Calculations were made for all angles between the links, which were employed for calculation of the spherical mechanism with two degrees of freedom. Based of the obtained mathematical model, computing of the moment of inertia from a given crank motion was performed. The motion parameters along the coordinate axes were determined, which would allow application of the direction cosines formulas. Additional angles calculation used when creating a mathematical model for the moment of inertia were obtained from the spatial sphere around the mechanism. The instant rotation moment of the mechanism was obtained. Using to the obtained data, a certain movement of the mechanism and the time interval of its movement were set, which are reflected by the obtained plots. These plots were obtained for comparing the two methods. The obtained plots reflect the movement of the connecting rod itself, and the slide mechanism. In addition, using Maple, the computation of motion with the moment of inertia of the mechanism itself, with a specified various masses, but with certain geometrical parameters of the mechanism links, was verified. | |
Rebrov S. G., Yanchur S. V., Drondin A. V., Zernov O. D. Developing the concept of solar energy units robotic assembly in orbit. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 201-211. The recent foreign experience in the spacecraft development, including lengthy sup-porting structures developing, and giant space telescopes and solar energy systems con-struction indicates that further development in this field of engineering is impossible without transferring the structures manufacturing directly into the space.
As applied to power systems, this is motivated by the low packing efficiency (measured in percent of occupied volume) of the power system elements inside the launch vehicle, and, correspondingly, the small value of the “Stowed Volumetric Power”, or “Stowed Volume Power Density”, or “Stowed Volume Efficiency” (measured in kW/m3) parameter of the head fairing. This practically excludes the other ways of increasing the power systems total power, other than forming by independent delivery of the power systems parts by way of several launches. The latter leads to a multiple increase of the projects costs, which is not often acceptable.
The article proposes a solution to the describedabove said problem in the form of a concept of a robotized assembly of solar power arrays in space, which is based on the application of the Solar Arrays Assembly Machine (SAAM).
SAAM is a robot with which a solar cell of a large area is being assembled by attaching the mounting panels to each other. The mounting panel can be a honeycomb of high stiffness, allowing the SAAM to move along its plane. When moving, the SAAM “clings” to the reference holes made on the mounting plates in advance. SAAM has four telescopic supporting rods for moving around the mounting plates and two mounting arms for fixing the panels.
The concept demonstrates the scheme of the SAAM application. determines The optimal route for the SAAM movement and the order of the solar array assembly are determined. The scope of its possible application has been determined: for assembling a wing of a solar array with an area of less than 64 m2, the target (competitive) mass of the SAAM is of linear dependence on the area of the solar array. When assembling solar arrays with an area of more than 64 m2, traditional deployment systems cannot be employed. So the SAAM does not have competitive alternatives implemented.
The basic SAAM size are determined. A layout was made allowing develop the basic technological operations and algorithms of moving and assembling. The system weight and size parameters depend on the materials used, electromechanical assemblies, SAAM batteries, and will be refined further further work. The time of the solar array forming depends on the speed of SAAM electromechanical units and manipulators operation. But this is not a limiting factor, since the modular structure of the system should allow the SAAM to recharge from the assembled segments at several stages of the assembly. | |
Kovalev A. A., Konovalov D. P. Workpiece thermal deformations simulaiton occurring while holes drilling process. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 201-211. The article tackles the issue of determining the error caused by the workpiece thermal deformations occurring in the holes drilling process in a part, being the main part of the unbraked wheel of the aircraft landing gear and is called the “Drum”.
The article describes the mechanism of these errors occurrence. A method for the treatment process simulation was developed, and proposed an algorithm for estimating the error in the workpiece size occurred due the thermal deformation while drilling.
The article consists of three main parts, namely introduction, body part and conclusions.
The introduction considers the mechanism of errors occurrence due to thermal deformations of the workpiece, which in turn presents one of the total machining error components. It presents the cases when this error may significantly affect the total machining error. Thus, it is relevant that this error component is estimated.
The basic part presents a method for computing the temperature in the cutting zone for further machining process simulation. It describes the object of simulation, i.e. the operation of drilling a through hole of 13.5 mm diameter with the tolerance range of 120 μm in a workpiece from the ML12 magnesium alloy with the cutting modes recommended by the cutting tools manufacturer, namely, the cutting speed of 264 m/min and feeding of 0.35mm/rev. An algorithm for the size error estimation is presented as a block diagram. The step-by-step description of the hole drilling simulation process is presented on the example of this operation. As a result, the temperature distribution, equivalent von Mises stresses, and displacements caused by thermal deformations over the part volume were obtained. Based on the diagram of displacements, caused by thermal deformations, the error was 191 μm at the specified cutting modes and machining conditions, which appeared greater than the tolerance range by the size of the hole.
The conclusions note that the cutting parameters recommended by the cutting tool manufacturer do not always provide the required machining accuracy. It was concluded that the required accuracy was not achieved for a specific hole drilling operation. The ways leading to the error reduction due to changes in cutting parameters, as well application of the other types of cutting fluid are presented in the conclusion. | |
Verchenko A. V., Kurskaya I. A., Chigrinets E. G., Maksimov D. V., Geiko Y. S. Water-jet cutting process optimization of work pieces from aircraft materials. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 212-229. Single and small batch production is predominant in parts production for aerospace industry. Stamped blanks and castings manufacturing with small batches is not cost-effective due to the high cost of tooling. Thus, forgings or billet plates made of thick plates that are close to the part’s shape are used in increasing frequency as work pieces.
One of the most up-to-date and promising method of cutting and obtaining finished parts is the method of water-jet cutting. It ensures wide ranges of processed material thickness, the ability to cut almost any material, high performance, obtaining high quality cutting surface, the ability to process complex geometry. All this makes this method of processing the most popular in conditions of modern aircraft building, shipbuilding, etc. The absence of thermal impacts on the material, low cutting force, the erosional nature of the destruction do not contribute to the development of internal stresses in the cut zone.
The process of water-jet cutting is complex, poorly understood, which result is affected by many technological parameters such as cutting pressure, nozzle feed, grain, hardness, abrasive consumption, distance from nozzle to the surface being processed, physical and mechanical characteristics of the material being processed. The design complexity of the cutting technological process consists in selection of optimal cutting conditions, which will ensure the specified quality of the part surface layer at the minimum cost. The production technologist faces the difficulty of determining not only the cutting surface hardness, but the size of the smooth and wavy cut zone as well.
goal of the work consists in improving the efficiency of the waterjet cutting process by optimizing processing modes based on the development of an adequate theoretical model for the formation of surface roughness at different depths of the cut section.
To achieve this goal the following tasks were solved:
The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the surface roughness profile formation while water jet cutting of various materials, such as 30HGSA steel, hardened 30HGSA steel, D16T aluminum alloy, fiberglass-titanium composite material. A theoretical model for the roughness profile formation of the cut surface was obtained, which shows the dependence of roughness on the main technological parameters of the process (nozzle feed, particle radius, mixture pressure, etc.) depending on the depth measurement of the cut surface roughness. It reflects thereby the distribution of the ratio of the smooth and wavy cut zone. Statistical processing of the studies results was performed using MathCad. The experimental studies result was the obtained dependencies of the number of the particles’ useful encounters with a material on the magnitude of the nozzle feed, abrasive consumption, and section depth. One and two-factor regression equations describe the effect of abrasive consumption, nozzle feed, thickness of the material being processed, section depth on the cut surface roughness.
A two-factor regression model for the formation of the roughness profile of the cut from the nozzle feed rate and the roughness measurement depth while polymeric composite materials (PCM) processing of the fiberglass-titanium type was obtained. The material layering and shagging while cutting were not detected, the cut quality was high. To assess the water impact while cutting fiberglass-based PCM, an analysis was performed using differential scanning calorimetry, which resulted in the conclusion that the waterjet cutting technology can be used for PCM processing.
Based on the theoretical and experimental studies results, a for designing and optimizing the technological processes of water-jet cutting technique has been developed, with account for the specified cut surface roughness ensuring and obtaining the minimum cutting costs.
The optimization of the technological process of water-jet cutting of the “Bracket” part of the Mi-28 helicopter was performed, which resulted in a 2.5 times reduction in labor intensity, a cost cut of 843.51 rubles, which allowed the company to save 1286 rubles while each part production. The technique for the water-jet cutting technological process optimization application was undergone industrial tests at the Rostverol plant.
According to the technical requirements for rotor blade manufacturing, as well as the results obtained by the authors, the possibility of hydro-abrasive cutting application for removing the technological allowance in the basis part of Mi-28 helicopter main rotor spar as an alternative to the rough milling was demonstrated. Application of cutting feed within the 160-240 mm / min range min reduces the labor intensity by 80% with the required quality indicators.
At present, measures for the suggested technology introduction into batch production are under development at the PJSC Rosvertol Blade plant. | |
Zhemerdeev O. V., Kondratenko A. N. Methods for determining technical potential state of the enterprises based on a modified model of factors of production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 230-235. The core indicators, characterizing the enterprise technological capacity are technical level of production (TL), identified by the technical level of the leading elements of the fixed productive assets (FPA), and wear-out (W). The existing equipment classification is expanded with account for clean zones and premises (CZ&P). Each FPA element group in the classification is associated with the TL (l), adopting values fr om 1 to 7. Accounting for CZ&P is especially relevant while determining the TL of an instrument making enterprises, production of electronic components and optical elements, as well as some assembling industries of machine building.
Basic coefficient of the technical level of production at the enterprise is defined as a weighted average value (l). Weighting factors calculation is performed employing gross book (replacement) value of the group elements adduced to the prices of the current year, using deflator indexes of the Ministry of Economic Development “Fixed Investments”. The calculating formula is based on the effect of labor efforts decrease with the technical level (l) growth, and weighting factor considers the accomplished capital investments has been made. The TL coefficient for particular production method (technological lim it) is defined similarly.
The transitive coefficient of production TL is an extra tool for monitoring and prediction of the technical level of production. Its calculation is similar to the of the calculation of the basic coefficient technical level of production. With this, while weighting coefficients computing, besides the gross book (replacement) value of the group elements the real wear-out of FPA elements is considered. To determine the real wear-put of the elements it is most preferable to employ the probability models approach based on lognormal distribution. The TL transitive coefficient presents interest for the basic TL coefficient trend forming due to the FPA elements disposal. Actual wear-out (W) is determined as a weighted average value of actual wear of FPA elements.
The developed method is based on an accessible input data, and the proposed variables of technological capacity are “tied” with the capital investments. | |
Nochovnaya N. A., Nikitin Y. Y., Savushkin A. N. Exploring the properties changes of the titanium alloy blades surface after chemical cleaning from carbonaceous impurities. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 236-243. It is important to understand how a cleaning technology can change the physico-chemical properties of the material being cleaned after removing carbonaceous impurities from the compressor parts surface of a gas turbine engine. In continuation of the previous work, the creep of VT20 titanium alloy samples was examined, and one of the selected chemical technologies that remove carbonaceous impurities was tested on compressor blades with subsequent determination of some surface properties.
To evaluate the creep of VT20 titanium alloy characteristics, the standard flat samples, some of which were coated with carbonaceous impurities that simulate exploitation, were fabricated. Two titanium compressor blades of a gas turbine engine were used in the research work: blade 1 (small) after operation with a small amount of contaminants on the surface, and blade 2 (large), on which carbonaceous impurities, imitating operation, were coated.
The creep tests results proved that the impurities removal by cleaning solution No. 1, alkaline and acid solutions (“loosening + etching”), and HDL 202 did not reduce the time of the samples destruction and degraded their plasticity, compared to the original samples.
Allowing for the results of the previous work, 9. cleaning solution No. 1 was selected for testing the of carbonaceous impurities removal from the surface of the blades. The results of blades processing revealed 10 that the surface was completely cleaned. In in X-ray microanalysis spectrograms the elements such as sulfur, oxygen and carbon, indicative of the presence of carbonaceous impurities, are missing. The values of surface roughness and micro-hardness did not sustain significant changes. Processing in the indicated solution leads to activity (potential) increase of the of blade No. 1 surface. The lower values of the blade No. 2 surface potential were observed (about 10%) compared to the initial state. | |
Kolesnikov A. V., Mikhailov I. V. Superplastic forming of aerospace facilities’ parts and multilayer structures from vt20 titanium alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 244-250. The structures from titanium allows are increasingly employed in aerospace structures. Labor intensity may be significantly reduced while titanium parts manufacturing by application of superplastic forming process (SPF) and combined process of SPF and diffusion welding (SPF/DW). Superplasticity manifests itself in alloys with a fine-grained structure under certain strain-rate conditions and maintaining a constant temperature during the formation process. Maintaining a constant strain rate in the process of shaping is ensured by a continuous change in the forming pressure over time. The computing of the plot of the forming pressure change with time is rather labor consuming. For this problem solving and the process visualization, modeling with the MSC “Marc” program was performed.
By the example of forming a cellular panel from VT20 titanium alloy, the possibility of manufacturing parts by the SPF method is demonstrated. The simulation result allowed obtain relative deformations distribution, which analysis revealed that maximum relative deformations constituted 97%. This is quite acceptable, and there will be no destruction while the forming process. The simulation results allowed also develop the control program according to which the cellular panel was produced by the superplastic forming press.
The article considers the form shaping modeling of multilayer wedge-shaped panels with transverse and longitudinal corrugation set. It follows from the relative deformation distribution analysis that maximum relative deformations in the structure constituted 126.6%, which is acceptable. The forming of the wedge-shape three-layer panels was performed by the SPF/DW method according to the computed plot of forming pressure change with time.
After the superplastic forming process, there are no both corrugation forming and springing effect, which eliminates the finishing work.
Thus, the SPF and SPF/DW technologies and modeling the process of production to obtain the forming parameters allow significantly enhance the production possibilities while producing complex parts from titanium alloys. | |
Klimov V. G., Nikitin V. I., Nikitin K. V., Zhatkin S. S., Kogteva A. V. Wear-resistant composites application in repair and modification technology of the gtd rotor blades. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2019, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 251-266. The of production and operation costs of gas turbine engines employed in aviation, oil and gas or energy industries constitutes a significant portion of costs reducing the net marginal profit of operator- enterprises. These costs reduction is a natural desire of any holding. Against this background, the ability to maintain the resource of the gas turbine engine at the lowest cost to itself remains the main criterion of the competitiveness of the producer in the market.
It should be kept in mind, that the operation costs of gas turbine engines through their lifetime cycle often exceed their original cost. To be precise, the effective repair technologies often stops the loss risks in future orders.
A distinctive feature of domestic aviation gas turbine building is a low assigned and overhaul period of the engines operated according to the first performance strategy.
Often the causes of understated life cycles are the imperfections of the structures that occur at the development stage. Consequently, the presence of the extremely expensive parts and units with a relatively short lifetime requires their permanent replacement or recovery. These parts are the rotor blades, and the turbine stator. Many factors can lead to their failure, starting from structure changing due to the uneven temperature fields, to the loss of geometry due to burnout or mechanical damage. The last one is the factor, most frequently occurred in the products.
From the viewpoint of repairing technologies, the turbine blades recovery is the most cost-effective among all other engine parts. The cost of the engine hot section (turbine) producing exceeds the cost of a cold section (compressor) by average of 400-700%. However, the repair complexity remains the main obstacle in its implementation.
This article proposes to employ the high-temperature nickel powders of the VPR type as wear-resistant surfacing materials applied by laser action. The structure formation peculiarity of the described materials is revealed. It is manifested at high cooling rates in the form of natural composites formation with dispersion eutectic hardening along the boundary of the dendritic framework. This structure has a nondirectional arrangement of strengthening phases that increases the wear-resistant characteristics of the resulting composite.
The original method of restorative surfacing is described. It allows repairing and modifying rotor blades of gas turbine engines (GTE), with increasing the wear-resistant characteristics of the part contact surfaces. Based on the conducted comparative studies, including analysis on a scanning electron microscope; measurement of micro-hardness and the coefficient of the materials linear expansion; testing of abrasion resistance of cladding and their fatigue strength, the possibility of VPR type materials application of as an alternative to classical wear-resistant composites with mechanical admixture of various carbides was proved. It is shown that under conditions of pulsed laser action at high cooling rates, the average hardness and overall resistance to abrasive wear of certain VPr alloys grow due to the formation of a finely dispersed stable eutectic structure close to the initial powder material. The positive performance characteristics of alloys of VPr 11-40N and VPr 27 grades were obtained, which allows employ them when rebuilding the GTE rotor blades. | |
Kuznetsov E. N., Lunin V. Y., Panyushkin A. V., Chernyshev I. L. Boundaries of non-separation flow-around of bodies of rotation, with the nose part in the form of Riabouchinsky half-cavity. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 7-15. Bodies that are optimal at the so-called low critical Mach number M*, at which at least one sonic point on the body flown-over surface occurs, were studied theoretically in Ref. [1]. It was confirmed that M* achieves its maximum value and, consequently, the wave drag minimum value occurred for the body identical to the Riabouchinsky finite cavity in the classical theory of incompressible fluids. It was experimentally studied in Ref. [12], which demonstrated that in the transonic velocities range the Riabouchinsky half- cavity had the smallest drag among the bodies of rotation with the same aspect ratio λ=L/D=0.87(where L is the nose part length and D is the diameter of its mid-section). This conclusion is incorrect for aspect ratios λ>2 due to the friction impact the drag as it follows fr om Ref. [24]. The absence of turbulent boundary layer separation from the side surface of the body of rotation under study at zero angle of attack in the range of Mach numbers 0.8≤M∞≤0.95 was demonstrated in Ref [17].
The main objective of this work is determination of angles of attack αsep at which turbulent boundary layer separation from the side surface of the studied body occurs. The study was performed with NUMECA FINE/Open software based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS). The solution of the problem was performed in the framework of fully turbulent flow model without accounting for laminar-turbulent transition using Spalart-Allmaras (SA) and k-ω SST turbulence models. To determine the boundaries of the non-separated flow-around computation was performed in stationary problem setting at various angles of attack. With that, the flow separation indicator was the presence of the zone on the model surface wh ere the friction coefficient Cf < 0. The results obtained with two turbulence models are close to each other, and the difference between the two separation angles does not exceed 1°.
The results of the study obtained for αsep for the nose part with aspect ratio of are as follows: αsep=15° for М∞=0.5, αsep=9° for М∞=0.65, αsep=12° for М∞=0.8, αsep=13° for М∞=0.85, αsep=5° for М∞=0.9, αsep=11° for М∞=0.95. Computing results for the longer nose part with aspect ratio are: αsep=20° for М∞=0.5, αsep=13° for М∞=0.7, αsep=21° for М∞=0.9, αsep=18° for М∞=0.95.
The angles of attack αsep which realize turbulent boundary layer separation from the side surface of the investigated body at free-stream Mach numbers 0.5≤M∞≤0.95 were obtained. Separation zones location is shown for various models and modes. | |
Bragin N. N., Kovalev V. E., Skomorokhov S. I., Slitinskaya A. Y. On evaluation of buffeting of a swept wing with high aspect ratio at transonic speeds. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 16-27. The article presents to the development of a technique for buffet initialization boundary evaluation, occurring on a swept height aspect ratio wing at increasing angle of attack during cruising flight modes. The lift coefficient value of the buffet onset is one of the limitations that should be accounted for while designing the win aerodynamic layout of a subsonic aircraft. According to the norms, the margin between the cruise flight mode and the CLbuff value or the lift coefficient of the buffet onset should be at least 30%. Thus, knowing the CLbuff value through the entire operational speed range is a prerequisite for an aerodynamic wing configuration design beginning from the preliminary design stage. The problem of determining the CLbuff has become of special urgency at the transonic speeds due to the substantial aspect ratio increase of the (by 15–20%) of the long-range aircraft wings due to the composite materials application in load-carrying structure.
Despite the successes in CFD aerodynamics gained over the last years, non-stationary separation flow modes are studied, basically, using experimental tools, including wind tunnel tests of airplanes high scale models. Though the cost of such studies is high, they ensure required reliability of the obtained results. It is worth mentioning, that the time consuming computations on multiprocessor computers are costly as well. With this, the high accuracy and reliability of the obtained results are not guaranteed. Preparing mathematical model and building-up computational meshes with hundreds of millions of nodes are commensurable with costs of developing and manufacturing scaled models for tests in the wind tunnel. Thus, numerical methods do not always prove to be less labor consuming and costly than the experimental ones. Despite the fact that computer facilities and software develop rapidly, and the situation gradually changes, experimental methods remain as before the basic tool while performing the studies of complex flows.
The article presents the analysis of typical features of the wing flow-around at the angles of attack corresponding to the start of the buffet mode. The technology of application of the program for computing transonic flow-around based on the full potential method for the buffet initialization computing is demonstrated. Computational results comparison with the data of experimental studies obtained for the model of the wing with fuselage in the wind tunnel is presented. | |
Danilenko N. V., Kirenchev A. G. Vortex formation of gravity flows. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 28-36. Vortex formation analysis of the air medium as a gas turbine engine (GTE) propellant allows extracting one of its specifics, namely the gravity character of the technogenic vortices formation. The fudamentals of this vortex formation are being subordinated to the natural vortexes formation of the Earth atmospheric environment. The theory of technogenic vortices of the GTE operating on the ground, the same as the theory of natural atmospheric vortexes is being in the state of its development. It confirms the state of the issues of the working process principle and classification of both technogenic and natural vortices stated in scientific and technical literature and textbooks on the theory of gas turbine engines and metrology. The most informative is the database on meteorological studies of natural vortices (tornados, cyclones, circulations and atmospheric fronts). Thus, due to the technogenic and natural gravity vortex forming similarity, the gist of technogenic vortices' work process should be searched for in the gist of the cyclonic type vortices of the environment. The work process study herewith of the cyclonic type vortices (tornados and others) may be the basis for creating a theory of natural vortex forming.
The problem is set to study the work process of small-sized technogenic vortices with their subsequent adaptation to the work process of natural vortex forming.
The above said problem should be solved relying on the basic equations of gas dynamics (gas flow energy preserving and other) with subsequent yield to the methodology and essence of the gravity type vortices' work process. The most accessible to learning the gravity vortex formation and its vorticity is the energy conservation equation, including its components in the form of internal and kinetic energy of a gas flow, kinetic energy of the environment angular rotation, and heat exchange elements in the form of external mechanic work and heat. Hence, extracting the master unit of vortex formation (angular rotation energy) allows establish functional dependence of the vortex formation under study from the sources of energy capable of generating gravity vortices of various types.
The article presents the methodology of studying, and analysis of the problems of work process cognition of vortex movement of the Earth's ambiences. Classification of vortices according to the gist of their work process. The article indicates the way of splitting the vortex formation into the vortices according to the gist of the work process included into its classification, and further cognition of their physical entity and exploration resulting in vortex characteristics, their consequences and application areas. | |
Yudintsev V. V. Rotating space debris objects net capture dynamics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 37-48. By now, several methods for near Earth orbits active cleaning from large-size space debris were suggested. The most difficult stage of such mission is the stage of space debris capture. Capturing method selection and subsequent orbital transportation of space debris depends on its type and angular motion. Rockets' orbital stages may rotate with high angular velocity, which aggravates their capture by manipulators and other means. One of prospective techniques of such object capture is application of a net connected with the space tug by a tether. The object capture by a net can be performed by the net separation with a certain relative speed in relation to the space tug and space debris, or by the net unrolling on the trajectory of the space debris object relative to the space tug. Elastic properties of the net and tether allow reduce the load acting on the space tug while an object capturing process and control the value of this impact.
The paper presents discrete mathematical model of the net movement as a system of material points' elastic interaction, as well as these components interaction with the space debris surface. The possibility of capturing an orbiter type object, rotating with significant angular velocity was demonstrated through this model. The article demonstrates that capturing the object, rotating with angular speed of 5 degrees per second, requires the speed of the net relative to the space debris from 2 to 5 m/s. To capture an object, rotating with angular speed of 30 degrees per second, the net speed should be no less than 10 m/s. | |
Bolsunovskii A. L., Bondarev A. V., Gurevich B. I., Skvortsov E. B., Chanov M. N., Shalashov V. V., Shelekhova A. S. Development and analysis of civil aircraft concepts employing integration principles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 49-63. The search for the technologies allowing significantly improve operational characteristics of the prospective civil aircraft was the goal of the work.
The study of innovative technologies, including those, providing the airframe and engine integration, was performed applying methods of alternatives analysis, based on the factorial analysis, and experiments planning assuming performing a series of computing experiments with subsequent comparison of their results.
Three possible innovations trends were considered:
– application of a turbojet engine with the increased bypass ratio for the fuel consumption and noise-at-terrain reduction;
– application of the so-called distributed power plant with the separated gas generator and the fan connected by mechanical transmission;
– airframe and power plant elements integration for obtaining useful effects in aerodynamics and structure, as well as and obtaining new operational properties.
According to these independent principles a number of the long-haul aircraft possible configurations, differing by various combinations of the bypass ratio, the turbojet schemes and technologies of elements integration into the “airframe + engine” system was developed. The number of possible strategies of the integral aircraft, including the base option, corresponds to the number of binomial coefficient of the three factors 23 = 8 according to performing the full-factorial experiment.
A multidisciplinary expert assessment of aircraft configuration options was performed, which turned into the basis for the most effective concepts selection.
Comparison of possible characteristics revealed that some options of airframe and engine integration under consideration had potential for considerable of fuel consumption reduction compared to the conventional long-haul aircraft configuration. The results of the study allow recommend two strategies for further studies. These strategies also possess potential for additional improvement of the other operational characteristics, such as noise-at-terrain and operating safety. Other configurations possess a number of useful elements that can find application while critical technologies development and reduction of technical risks. | |
Egoshin S. F. Impact evaluation of multi-propeller wing blow-over system on the stol aircraft characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 64-76. The article undertook the attempt to obtain an analytical solution to compute the take-off length of an aircraft equipped with the multi-propeller wing blow-over installation, and estimate the benefits of such engineering decision through the transport operation evaluation of this aircraft.
The main difficulty of this problem lies in the fact that the wing and propeller interaction is an extremely complex and insufficiently studied task. Currently, only approximate semi-empirical formulas for calculating the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing at small relative diameters of the blowing airscrew exist. The exact calculation of the wing flow-around in this case is possible only for strictly specified, nonparametric configurations using the finite-difference method.
In addition, the current complicated situation in the sphere of local air transport in Russia (reduction of airlines and operating airfields) requires the search and evaluation of effective technical solutions for a prospective aircraft of local airlines. One of the ways is envisaged as developing a short takeoff and landing (STOL) aircraft capable of carrying out transport operations in conditions of an underdeveloped airfield infrastructure. It is considered that equipping such a STOL airplane with a multi-propeller electrically powered blow-over system will be an effective solution to the problem. However, the above said complex aerodynamic task does not allow a quick search for the optimal characteristics of this aircraft.
The developed mathematical model, under certain constraints, allows obtain an evaluative analytical solution for the take-off run length of such STOL aircraft, reveal the specifics of parameters interaction and evaluate possible advantages and disadvantages of the aircraft. Within the framework of the model, it was demonstrated that the maximum possible power consumption from the main engines is the optimal value of the corresponding parameter of the electric power plant. The amount of this power consumption determines the blown part of the wing area through the relationship with the critical rotation speed of the auxiliary propellers.
As for performance of a transport STOL aircraft based on L-410, it was shown that a blow-over system based on conventional electrotechnical materials can reduce the take-off run by 30% (up to 300 m), while reducing the payload by 1520% at flight ranges up to 300 km or up to 50% when flying to the maximum range. At the same time, if the electric power plant is designed based on high-temperature superconductors (HTSC), the payload reduction will be much less: negligible at flight distances up to 300 km or about 25% with flight to the maximum range. This allows conclude that the HTSC technology application for such STOL aircraft creation is rather promising. | |
Lopatin A. A., Nikolaeva D. V., Gabdullina R. A. Experimental data generalization on heat transfer in cooling system with axial sectional finning in conditions of free convection. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 77-85. At present, power electronic components with high heat release have been widely applied in various fields of modern industry. The main problem the developers of the element base are facing consists in creating cooling and thermal stabilization systems capable of removing heat fluxes of high density, while working in a wide range of ambient temperatures. When creating such systems, it is necessary, alongside with the thermal ones, to account for the mass-size characteristics of the device as a whole. Thus, much depends on the heat transfer intensification method selection.
Quite enough attention is paid in modern literature to the issues of radio electronic equipment thermally loaded elements, as evidenced by a significant number of articles and monographs on this topic. Heat release is one of the main causes of the unstable operation of radio electronic equipment. Among the basic factors exerting maximum destructive effect, the increased temperature of the elements is one of the main ones. Thus, the devices operation in the field of the radio electronic equipment is closely associated with heat removal from the thermally loaded components. Depending on the structure and shape of the cooled components, various solutions are employed for organizing continuous heat removal.
Certain problems of large heat fluxes removing in the elements of industrial electronic equipment were considered in [1-3]. The correct choice of the cooling system type ensures trouble-free operation of all cooled components of the device.
A considerable amount of publications in modern scientific publications, both in Russia and abroad, attest to the considerable interest in the issues related to the heat transfer intensification for surfaces of various shapes and sizes as applied to cooling systems for electronic equipment. The issues of heat transfer intensification are set forth in [4-10]. In particular, the criterion equations of various authors for the Nusselt number computing for natural convection are presented in [2, 9]. Experimental studies of the convective heat transfer intensification in rectangular dissected channels and in channels with discrete turbulators were described in [1, 10]. In the studied dissected channels, a process of rational convective heat transfer intensification was implemented, reliably controlled by changing the values of the basic dimensionless geometric parameters. The generalizing dependences for discrete-rough channels were obtained in [7] for free convection conditions, and flow modes and mechanisms of intensification were studied. In [11-14], the authors experimentally studied one of the parameters characterizing the cooling systems both qualitatively and quantitatively, namely, the thermal resistance.
The fins application as a method of heat transfer intensifying leads to the increase in the heat transfer coefficient value by a factor of tens. This method of intensification implies a wide variety of vatious types of fins, such as: longitudinal, transverse, rolling, spiral and many others [15,16]. In [15] the analysis of the expediency of employing different types of fins from the viewpoint of the coolant aggregate state is presented. The optimal edges number selection is presented in [16]. The heat transfer intensification of the systems with a cut-off fin is also considered in [17-20].
The purpose of this work consists in studying the efficiency of the split finning under conditions of natural convection. A test bench was developed for performing the experiment on the study of heat transfer. While the experiments on heat transfer near the cut edge under conditions of natural convection, criterion dependencies were obtained.
Relying on the analysis of literature sources and accounting for the results obtained while experimental studies, the authors established that from the viewpoint of the of axial split finning practical applicability, there are a number of specifics, associated primarily with the fact that the “petals”, obtained as a result of dissection of the heat exchange surface, can be considered as independent ribs. The studies of heat transfer intensification under conditions of natural convection with the cut ribs application were conducted and presented as a result of the work. While the experiment, the effectiveness of the use of split finning is demonstrated, and the most optimal geometric parameters of the working area were revealed. The process of heat transfer was visualized. The boundary layer thickness near the cut edge was computed. Criterion dependencies for heat transfer computing of the systems with axial cut fins were obtained. The prospect of this study is of experimental data verification by numerical modeling programs. | |
Zichenkov M. C., Ishmuratov F. Z., Kuznetsov A. G. Studying the gyroscopic forces and structural damping joint impact on the wing flutter of the aeroelastic euram model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 86-95. The article deals with the structural damping role analysis while studying the gyroscopic forces impact on the flutter speed. The algorithm for accounting for gyroscopic forces in polynomial Ritz method while computing the aircraft aeroelasticity dynamic characteristics, developed earlier by the authors, was employed. The algorithm was realized in the KC-M software developed in TSAGI and validated while solving aeroelasticity problems in many practical applications. The computations were performed on the example of the wing of the well-known aeroelastic research model of the four-engine long-distance aircraft EuRAM (European Research Aeroelastic Model), developed and studied in the framework of the European project 3AS (Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Structure). The model characteristic feature is the flutter form occurrence associated with the lateral vibrations of external engines. This form is affected by the gyroscopic forces due to the engines rotating rotors.
The flutter characteristics analysis at various levels of structural damping (characterized by logarithmic vibrations decrement δ ) revealed that the vibrations tones interaction character with account for gyroscopic effect was not principally changed. It was found herewith, that the gyroscopic forces impact on the speed of the considered flutter form might be of different sign depending on the level of the structural damping.
For example, at δ = 0.02 the flutter speed increases by 11.5%, with the maximum value of the engine rotor kinematic momentum (scaled to the model). While increasing the structural damping value, in the beginning, the gyroscopic forces' impact on the flutter speed decreases, it does not practically exist at δ = 0.04, and with further increase of the decrement the impact changes its sign, and the flutter speed decreases. The flutter absence was marked at δ > 0.046 in the range of small rotor rate speed, but while the rate speed increase the flutter may occur. Its speed decreases at that (about 10%) with the rate speed increase. This indicates the importance of accounting for the dynamics of rotor systems while the aircraft aeroelastic phenomena analysis.
The obtained the results were confirmed also by the finite element computing method in NASTRAN system using Rotordynamics module (accounting for the rotor systems dynamics). The computing results on gyroscopic forces impact on aeroelasticity characteristics at various structural damping values performed with KC-M software accord well with computations performed with NASTRAN software.
It was noted that while experimental validation of the gyroscopic impact on the flutter speed of the model in the wind tunnel various results might be obtained depending on the structural damping level. Thus, the detailed computational and experimental analysis of the model dynamic characteristics is required while such tests preparing and running. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M., Morzeeva T. A., Khoreva E. A. Analysis of a concept of the distributed power plant with mechanical fans drive while integration with a “flying wing” type flying vehicle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 96-109. The article presents analysis of a concept of the distributed power plant (DDP) while its integration with a “flying wing” type flying vehicle.
A modified airframe model of a prospective long-range aircraft (LRA) of PJSC “Tupolev” development with two power plants integrated into the tail-end was selected as a flying vehicle.
Those power plants represent a bypass turbojet engine where two taken-out fan modules are driven by mechanical transmission from fan turbine of this turbojet. The choice in favor of a mechanical way of power transfer for the aircraft of 2030 level is based on the results earlier performed studies on the engines of new schemes in CIAM named after P.I.Baranov.
The results obtained while numerical modeling of the flow on the upper surface of an LRA airframe were also employed. This modeling revealed that for a long-range flight the mean values of the full pressure's losses prior to the fans differed greatly and depended monotonously on the flow deceleration level in the air intake. According to the calculations, the average value the full pressure restoration coefficients was correspondingly ~0,923 for the first fan module, ~0,952 for the bypass turbojet and ~0,958 for the second fan module.
Refining of the earlier developed model of the distributed power plant was performed to evaluate the impact of the conditions at the inlet of each of fan modules. The performed of mathematical model refinement allowed implementing independent selection of parameters, dimensionality and gear-ratios of reducing gear for DPP fan modules drive, as well as performing independent regulation of output devices of these modules.
The article considers separately the impact of the two main factors on the engine thrust, namely, the fall of the full presure level at the inlet, and its proper heterogeneities.
Calculations revealed that for the earlier selected DPP option while its integration into the flying vehicle under consideration, regulation of nozzles of the turbojet bypass loop and fan modules was required at the cruising mode. With this, gas temperature increase prior to the turbine by ~70 К was required.
Three different variants of the engine which allow excluding the above said regulation were investigated while this work.
The first variant is a version with fans equal by dimensionality and pressure ratio at the designed cruising mode.
The second variant is a version with the first fan module with the pressure ratio increased by 5% relative to the BTJEs fan at the cruising mode.
The third variant is a version with first fan module air consumption decreased by 50% at the cruising mode.
Parametric studies performed employing the develop methodology allowed selecting the degree of bypassing and the degree of pressure increase in the fan optimal by the specific fuel consumption at the cruising mode for each DPP option. The dimensionality of fan modules and main DPP units was refined with account for various losses levels at the inlet.
Analysis of effects associated with the presence of a non-uniform field of the full pressure and leading to its average level decrease at the fan inlet revealed that impact of the presence of non-uniformity might be from 15 to 30% of total impact on the engine thrust.
At the same time, while the power plant parameters selection at the cruising mode with account for the degraded coefficients of the full pressure preservation prior to the fan, the fall of the thrust level due to the proper non-uniformity might be ~2,53% at the given mode. This should be accounted for while selecting an optimal DPP appearance of the configuration under consideration. | |
Panov S. Y., Kovalev A. V., Aisin A. K., Achekin A. A. Aircraft air intakes location impact on vortex formation intensity. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 110-119.
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Kalugin K. S., Sukhov A. V. Methane application specifics as a fuel for liquid rocket engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 120-132. At present, a significant part of the research aimed at increasing the energy and mass characteristics of liquid-propellant rocket engines (LPRE) is being performed in the field of new materials application and processing technologies. Other studies are aimed at modernizing the principle of organizing the work process. However, new fuels application is a more long-term and quickly realizable prospect notwithstanding the research costliness in the field of LPRE. Methane may appear one of the propellants, which application may become a new stage in rocket and space industry development. The article considers the historical process of methane formation as a liquid rocket fuel component since it was firstly mentioned by Tsiolkovsky in his works (“Exploration of the World Spaces with Jet Devices”, “Space Rocket”, “Jet Airplane”, “Achieving the Stratosphere”, etc.). A comparative analysis of methane with kerosene was performed in view of the similarity of the work process organization in the LPRE combustion chamber, as well as close hydrocarbon structure. A component close to methane, currently in use in rocket engines, is hydrogen due to the cryogenic nature of both components, which creates difficulties at the design stage of valves, pipelines and gas lines, as well as the organization of the work process in the combustion chamber. Additionally, analysis of the most common fuels based on kerosene, methane and hydrogen was performed. This is especially interesting, since methane fuel pair of oxygen-methane occupies an intermediate position between “oxygen-kerosene” and “oxygen-hydrogen” pairs with respect to the specific impulse and fuel mixture density. The analysis was performed based on physical-chemical, energy, operational, environmental, economic and some other characteristics. This allowed identify the main advantages and disadvantages of methane application as a LPRE fuel and determine its prospects both in Russian and foreign rocket and space industries.
A brief analysis of liquid rocket engines on methane, created or projected in NPO Energomash by V.P. Glushko, KBHA them. S.A. Kosberg, KB Himmash them. A.M. Isaev, the Research Center. M.V. Keldysh, and also to the American firm SpaceX.
Finally, it was concluded that the methane LPRE could replace oxygen-kerosene engines in the near future, since the fuel pair oxygen-methane outperformed the oxygen-kerosene pair by its energy, environmental and economic indicators. Interplanetary flights can become a special field of methane application, since a large amount of methane, the main element of natural gas, can be found almost everywhere in the solar system: on Mars, Titan, Jupiter and many other planets and satellites, which will allow refueling rockets in flight, significantly increasing them the flight range. | |
Kuz'michev V. S., Omar H. H., Tkachenko A. Y. Effectiveness improving technique for gas turbine engines of ground application by heat regeneration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 133-141. The requirements for the ground based gas turbine installations efficiency improvement are constantly increasing.
Heat conversion into work in gas turbine engines, operating by the Brayton cycle, is attended by significant losses, which depend on the cycle parameters and reach up to 60-70% or more. At present, high-tech aircraft engines and their modifications are widely used as ground-based gas turbine plants, making provision for the gas turbines efficiency improvement based on the of combined thermodynamic cycles application.
The article considers the schemes of gas turbine units (GTU) for ground application with combined cycles, allowing improve their efficiency. One of the ways for the gas turbine units cycle improving is heat regeneration of the exhaust gases by installing a heat exchanger at the turbine outlet where a part of the heat is transferred into the air behind the compressor. However, relative bulkiness and substantial weight of the heat exchanger (even of plate type) do not allow at present active application of this scheme in aviation, but it is widely employed in ground applications.
In the case of ground based gas turbine unit, heat exchangers are located in the exhaust chamber or tower behind a power turbine. Thermal ratio of the most widely used tubular heat exchangers is θ = 0.8-0.9, and plate- type heat exchangers are characterized by the thermal ratio of θ = 0.5-0.8.
It is obvious that the main parameters of the thermodynamic cycle of gas turbines unite, such as the gas temperature T*g and the compressor pressure ratio (π* kΣ ), as well as the parameters determining the working process of additional units (heat regenerators, steam turbine, etc.) of the combined installation play an important role in its efficiency improving. Comprehensive optimization of these cycle parameters is the main goal of the gas-turbine combined unit thermodynamic design.
Computer models of a gas turbine unit with combined thermodynamic cycles developed in the ASTRA SAE-system allowed solve the problems of nonlinear multi-criteria optimization of their operating parameters, determine the most rational schemes depending on the intended purpose and operating conditions of the gas turbine unit.
Russian Turbofan engine TRDDF RD-33 was selected as the basis for studying the heat regeneration impact on efficiency effectiveness. Its low pressure compressor was cut off to eliminate the bypass duct while converting it into ground based installation.
The following variation values of the cycle basic thermodynamic parameters were selected (π*kΣ = 15, 30, 45, 60 и T*g = 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 K). The GTE module without exhaust gases heat regeneration and a GTE with exhaust gases heat regeneration were developed employing ASTRA computer program. The paper presents some results of the study on GTE efficiency improvement.
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Ogloblin D. V., Gorelov A. D., Voroshilin A. P., Zueva K. S. Automated testing system for technical diagnostics of spacecraft power supply systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 142-151. One of the urgent tasks at present consists in time reduction of flying vehicle launch preparation through introduction of new technologies, equipment and various kinds of tests based on computational experiments.
One of the most expensive types of aircraft is a spacecraft for various missions and tasks in the near-earth space and interplanetary flights. The main system of a spacecraft is the power supply system. Stringent requirements on external impact stability, and operability maintenance in emergency situations, since its failure results in the spacecraft loss. The power supply system preparation and testing is a major part of the testing program and it is performed employing rather labor-intensive methods.
One of the most interesting objects for the test complex optimization are the spacecraft for astronomical observations, as they present a set of a large number of complex technical devices for various purposes and control systems. Such aircraft requires a special approach to ensuring the quality of various electrical systems tests, as well as control and monitoring systems.
It is important to ensure uninterrupted power supply of the onboard service and scientific equipment for the timely data obtaining during the mission. Thus, the task of rapid and high-quality electrical tests performing of such spacecraft is of paramount importance.
The following core systems are being subjected to comprehensive electrical testing: the onboard radio telemetry system, onboard control system, propulsion system, the solar panels orientation system, power system, electrification control system.
Besides scientific equipment, these systems form the basis of almost any spacecraft. Due to the large number of systems subjected to electrical checks, the issue of the electrical tests time reduction, while preserving their quality (guaranteed reliability level of the systems) is relevant. It is necessary to determine the level of reliability and the number of tests based on the system model.
This above said problem can be solved by optimizing the measurement devices' number and functional characteristics, as well as application of automated measurement systems (AIC) for processing a large number of parameters (with account for specifics of electrical tests). This solution allows optimize the testing process, while reducing herewith the number of employed measuring equipment and the test program cost.
The upgraded AIC version allows combine system data into one subsystem of the power bus monitor. It also ensures centralized output of the test data to the Central computer, reducing the number of additional jobs, and simplifying the operators work.
The final layout option has a more optimized build structure. The structural diagram of the modernized automated testing system for electrical testing is presented.
Application of the reliability computation model allowed estimate the number of necessary checks, and the proposed system ensured the electrical tests duration reduction by 30%.
Implementation this complex of has increased the voltage, current and resistance parameters measurements accuracy by 0.01%.
This set allows define the parameters of voltage, as well as the leakage current and the signal occurrence at a specified time instant. This allows localize and fix the problem with the power supply during the test.
The software has a flexible customizable interface that allows quickly respond to changes and emergencies.
The proposed complex can be employed for spacecraft testing and, first of all, telecommunication satellites for various purposes based on of the “Navigator” platform. As examples of products using this platform, we can cite the spacecraft of the Arctic family, Electro and Spectrum. | |
Sedel'nikov A. V., Puzin Y. Y., Filippov A. S., Khnyreva E. S. Soft hardware efficiency estimation for a small spacecraft rotation angular velocity provision and monitoring. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 152-162. The article presents the efficiency estimation of an AIST type small spacecraft rotation angular velocity provision and monitoring, employing the improved modification of the software hardware compared to the basic model, undergone flight tests as a part of the flight and trial samples of the “AIST” small spacecraft.
The article deals with magnetometer sensors application as a measuring tool for estimating the rotational motion parameters for various types of spacecraft.
The gist of the article is narrowed down to the fact that for there is no problem of mounting place selection for magnetometers and magnetic actuators (electromagnets) installation on the large-weight spacecraft and space stations. At the same time, for the small spacecraft this problem is topical in view of the impact of onboard scientific and supporting equipment together with magnetic devices of orientation hardware, while magnetic moment work out, on magnetometer sensors measuring data.
The article analyses in detail operation results of a number of devices, containing magnetometer sensors, as a part of various spacecraft types, such as “Foton” No 2,“AIST”, “AIST-2D”. The analysis results revealed that for “Foton” No 2 weighting 6546 kg, almost all deviations in magnetometer sensors measurements could be explained by the measurements instrumental error, while for the “AIST” series spacecraft weighting up to 50 kg the sensors readings demonstrated significant discord.
The authors conclude that the problem of magnetometer sensors' measurement data correctness for small spacecraft is specific due to the essentiality of the impact of scientific and supporting equipment operation, which arises from the dense layout of the payload in the inner space of a small spacecraft.
One of the ways of this problem solving may be the software hardware development, accounting for this impact for each normal operations mode of the equipment.
As an example of such solution, the article presents the software hardware installed on the “AIST-2D” small spacecraft. In the case of the “AIST-2D” small spacecraft, the discrepancies in estimating the angular velocities by two different magnetometer sensors were much lower than for “AIST” small spacecraft. This was achieved by the improvement of software hardware. | |
Donskov A. V. Analysis of modern evaluation and modeling methods of contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 163-169. The purpose of the article consists in analysis of modern evaluation and modelling methods of contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft and substantiation of methods selection for their subsequent application in the process of operative flight control. The process of the aircraft flight control while contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft (time limitation for the decision making on contingencies parrying and their type, high dynamics of the processes flow, multicriteriality of the spacecraft current state, the presence of sources of uncertainty) was studied. The inference was drawn, that all considered methods of the onboard contingencies risks evaluation and modelling were not exhaustive. Depending of the current situation, any of the considered methods and on account of the problems being solved could be employed for the contingency risk occurrence onboard a spacecraft evaluation and modelling. The accumulated experience of flight control in manned astronautics revealed that the most interest was provoked by those methods of contingencies risks evaluation and modelling, which reflect the ways of their evolution and aftermath. The selection of the contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft methods (logic-linguistic and theory of fuzzy sets) is being substantiated by the fact that it allows develop scenarios of the contingencies occurrence onboard a spacecraft and prepare initial data for the decision making on contingencies parrying in case of uncertainty. Methods of contingencies occurrence risks onboard a spacecraft considered in the article may be implemented as tools both in the systems for decision making support on contingencies onboard a spacecraft parrying and in expert systems. | |
Kovalev A. A., Tischenko L. A., Antipin M. A., Shakhovtsev M. M. Oxide film homogeneity provision on the surface of silicon monocrystal substrates while their thermal oxidation process. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 170-177. The article deals with the impact of the thermal oxidation process technological parameters, such as the work process temperature and the value of oxidizer reagents consumption, on the oxide film uniformity on the silicon substrate surface. It evaluates the heat-treatment furnace preheating temperature range by modelling in ANSYS with the specified boundary conditions. The homogeneity characteristic, being computed by Min-Max method, was used for homogeneity estimation. The type of silicon wafers under consideration satisfied the number of parameters, such as d = 100 mm, thickness 400 µm, the polished silicon emissivity ε = 0.89, silicon thermal conductivity λ = 31.2 W /(mK), silicon density ρ = 2.33 g / cm3. The preheating temperature range for an atmospheric thermal furnace with a silicon carbide boat is 550–700 °C. Increase in the oxide film distribution homogeneity over the silicon substrates surface due to the uniform distribution of the temperature field was observed as the result of simulation. As a consequence, chemical reactions were close in the intensity of the oxidation processes flow. Experimental validation of the homogeneity increase was obtained due to the thermal furnace boat preheating.
Optimal values of oxidant reagents (O2, H2O) consumption at temperatures of 1100, 1000 and 850 °С in the two-phase heating furnace (heating – dry oxidation, work process – wet oxidation) were obtained experimentally. These values allow producing wafers with high-quality silicon oxide (U < 1%).
The article gives technological recommendations on high-quality oxide film provision on the surface of monocrystal silicon wafers by furnace preheating and maintaining temperature between the thermal oxidizing processes, as well as oxidant reagents consumption values selection, allowing producing wafers with high-quality silicon oxide. | |
Na L. ., Zhefeng Y. ., Yi F. . Shock absorber using inward-folding composite tube and its application to a crew seat: numerical simulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 178-188. This paper presents an innovative energy absorber consisting of an inward folding of composite tube, which is cut axially and turned into the inner of the itself. There is no excess of composite fragments after the composites destruction, and the debris will fill in the inner part of tube to increase the energy absorption. The impact energy is absorbed mainly by the fibers fractures, as well as delamination and friction between composite tube and the cylinder wall of the cap. Impact tests were performed to study the energy absorption performance. To study the shock absorber effect on the shock-resistance of the helicopter crew seat, a four-degree-of-freedom nonlinear biodynamic model corresponding to 50th-percentile male occupant was developed. The simulation results revealed a good shock-absorber shock-resistance performance. | |
Zhuravlev S. V., Zechikhin B. S., Ivanov N. S., Nekrasova Y. Y. Analytical technique for magnetic field calculation in active zone of electric motors with superconducting excitation and armature windings. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 189-201. Creation of systems with electric motors application is complicated by the restricted potential for conventional electromechanical transducers characteristics upgrading, namely due to their low specific and voluminous power. In this regard, Russian and foreign scientists are working on creating apparatuses based on high-temperature superconductors (HTS), which, as the studies demonstrate, are capable of ensuring higher values of specific power. In particular, developments of superconductor electric motors for prospective all-electric aircraft, sea vessels electric propulsion and wind-driven power plants are renowned. The article presents the problem solution of computing magnetic fields distribution in the active zone and parameters of excitation and armature windings of electric motor based on high temperature superconductors and ferromagnetic yoke of rotor and stator. The above said problem can be reduced to computing of the magnetic field, created by periodical system of current coils, placed between the two cylindrical ferromagnetic areas under the following conditions: the ferromagnetic sections permeability is assumed infinite, and the motor is considered long enough. The current coils systems herewith may be both of various external and internal radiuses, and of equal ones. As a result, a technique based on Poisson and Laplace equations solution relative to vector magnetic potential was developed. The active zone complicated area of a motor herewith was represented as a set of simple homogeneous partial areas according to the harmonic analysis method. The obtained formulas bear general character and can be employed for the computing parameters of motors of various structural schemes. The proposed technique accounts for the superconductor critical parameters, including the transport current dependence on the external magnetic field; the number of pairs of poles, high-order harmonics impact; the number of slots per pole and q phase. This technique can be applied to the ring armature winding. The solution presented in the article allows determine the HTS motor basic parameters such as quiescent E.M.F., inductive resistance of the armature winding phase, power, weight, etc. HTS generator computing was performed using the obtained formulas. The size of the motor active zone was obtained in accordance with the above mentioned computations. Finite elements analysis of magnetic fields distribution was performed to verify the analytical calculations results and their correction. The obtained results testify the high accuracy of the developed technique. | |
Bazhenov N. G., Filina O. A., Ozerova E. Y. Uniaxial gyrostabilizer application for the gyroscopic stabilization system in self-contained control systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 202.
The proposed unit relates to the field of navigation technology. This type of gyroscopic devices is the simplest and low cost compared to a rotary gyroscope. Single-axis and dual-axis gyroscopes, widely used for movement direction determining, are wellknown, by now, both in civil and military spheres. The main disadvantage of the now-employed gyroscopes is a low speed of the oriented direction determining, reaching up to several minutes. The proposed gyrocompass allows significantly reduce the above said disadvantage and at the same time dramatically improve the accuracy in the “North-South” direction determining. It aims at improving accuracy and speed in the “North-South” orientation determining. This type of gyroscope is much simpler and low cost at commensurable accuracy compared to a rotary gyroscope. The article presents a kinematic scheme of the HS, which allows implement a twin-axis perturbation control method. With this, it allows achieving the required control dynamic characteristics; stabilization accuracy, and the kinematic moment values by selecting the appropriate transfer coefficients Its main property consists in the ability to hold fixed direction of the axis of rotation in space in the absence of the external forces impact on it. This gyroscopic device structure consists of a gyroscope with a rotor of a “brick" shape; communication on angular deviations through amplifiers; torque sensors; and standard stabilizing motors. Thus, the whole complexity of the device consists in the gyro rotor manufacturing, and float chambers in particular. The proposed unit operates in the following way. At the effect of the moment on one of the axes, the rotor gyroscopic moment appears. Pulsating signals along the perpendicular axis appear as well. Thus, there are two types of signals, which can be employed to stabilize the object containing the above said unit is installed. These findings are supported by the presented equations, where The said unit allows find application in the aircraft automatic devices systems. | |
Grachev N. N. Stability provision of electromechanical transducer characteristics in conditions of flight in the upper atmosphere. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 207-215. Scientific results obtained in the work are devoted to the issues of measurement reliability and accuracy of small, slowly changing parameters of low-density gas flows effecting an aircraft in the upper atmosphere. The main trend of the research consists in measuring the aerodynamic forces effecting a flying vehicle in a depleted gaseous environment Measured electric signals coming from primary transducers are often of a low level, sometimes reaching the values less than the noise and interference levels by several orders of magnitude. The most acceptable way of such processes measuring while reaching the specified metrological characteristics is electrochemical modulation (interruption) of the incident gas flow by choppers. It allows obtain the required large gain of the AC signal; easily separate the modulated beam signal from the non-modulated background signal, even if the beam density is lower than this of the background, as well as employ the signal accumulation, which increases the signal-to-noise ratio at the transducer output.
To determine the optimum frequency of electromechanical conversion and ensure the specified accuracy and stability of metrological characteristics, the author proposed employing the method of probabilistic investigation of the stability of the transducer output characteristic. The study of the characteristic's stability is based on the method of probabilistic stability research, ensuring the account for the random character of structural and electro-physical parameters deviations under the impact destabilizing factors and in conditions of mass production. The underlying method of moments allows obtaining the required accuracy with a small amount of computation.
To analyze the stability of the membrane-capacitor transducer transfer characteristic and sel ect the optimum frequency of the flow interruption, programs for computing the nominal values of the frequency response (AFC) and phase-frequency characteristics (PFC) of the transducer, the sensitivity of the response frequency and phase response to the specified parameters were developed. The program for computing the mathematical expectations and dispersion of manufacturing tolerances and temperature coefficients was developed based on the analysis of frequency dependencies of the transducer parameters coefficients effect on its transfer characteristic. Besides, the dependencies of the transducer transfer characteristic fr om temperature at the flow chopper operating frequency, as well as from the temperature change of the transducer membrane were computed.
Based on the measuring transducer transfer function representation in the form of polynomials ratio and analysis of its absolute sensitivity functions to the manufacturing tolerance, structural and electro-physical parameters, as well as destabilizing factors computing dependencies of the transducer transfer function for its stability evaluation and selection of optimal electromechanical conversion frequency were obtained. | |
Sychev Y. A., Kuznetsov P. A., Zimin R. Y., Soloveva Y. A. Problems of current and voltage high-order harmonics compensation in conditions of distributed generation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 216-210. The main task of this article consists in improving parallel power active filters operation, with account for the networks with distributed generation specifics, and their operation processes modeling.
Micro-power grids, and the features of their control algorithms, have recently gained considerable attention in a wide range of research community. While the potential for increasing the efficiency, reliability and adaptability of the local grid is the most important motivation for their development, micro-energy systems, in turn, may be implemented to meet the growing demand for electric energy in numerous applications. Compared to the high-power energy systems, micro-energy systems can depend on non-inertial generators, such as photovoltaic batteries arrays, which are connected through inverters. Despite the lack of inertia and other micro-power grids properties, which cause certain difficulties in control, micro-energy systems are controlled better through new control laws, such as, those depending on distributed computations, rather than on centralized processors.
Thus, the distortions of the shapes of the current and voltage waveforms introduced by the high-order harmonic components from the nonlinear load can be supplemented by distortions from the sources of distributed generation and the units for their synchronization with the grid. Wind turbines are the most common renewable energy sources. So the parallel power active filters application is considered in the article for the purpose of compensation of the high-order harmonics, generated in association with their operation features. Currently, there are three most common types of wind generators:
1. Induction generators directly connected to the grid. It is an old concept with a mechanical transmission between the turbine and the generator. The generator operates in a rather narrow range of speeds (just above the synchronous one), the gearbox provides a more or less constant speed of the generator at highly differing wind speeds. The generator requires a considerable amount of reactive power, so often a capacitor bank is connected to it.
2. Synchronous generators with permanent magnets. Usually they are delivered in the kit with rectifiers and inverters. The generator is connected directly to the turbine, and it rotates at a low frequency. The generator is being excitated by magnets, and it is not regulated. The rectifier converts the generator voltage/current into DC. At constant voltage there is a capacitor (for smoothing pulsations and as a certain energy buffer). At the DC voltage side the bulk capacitor is present (for tripples smoothing and as an energy buffer). The DC voltage/current is converted thereafter into AC voltage/current by the inverter with 50 Hz frequency and specified characteristics. Everything is determined by the inverter control system. In fact, the rectifier-inverter is an original DC insertion (the like are employed at the borders between the countries, or for energy transmission over large distances).
3. Double fed induction generators. It is just an induction machine with a phase rotor. The stator of the machine is connected directly to the grid, and the rotor is connected via a rectifier-inverter.
It depends, on many respects, on the concrete case, how separate wind generators are combined into wind farms. However, interference is generated in any case, and an effective compensation system is necessary at each stage.
The parallel active filter circuit and developed mathematical model for the conditions of distributed generation and combined power supply were proposed. They allow efficiently compensate for various harmonic interferences in the grids with distributed generation due to the revealed dependence of the efficiency indices of high-order harmonics correction by the parallel active filter on the value of the supply grid internal resistance and the load node parameters. | |
Tereshkin V. M. Theoretical justification of the possibility of reducing vibrations of electromagnetic origin in a five-phase alternating current machine in comparison with a three-phase machine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 229-239. Multiphase electric machines with an odd number of phases can become an alternative to three-phase machines in areas where a stable rotation speed within one revolution of the shaft is required, as well as other areas requiring highly reliable electric drives with low noise and vibration, for example in special ventilation systems and complexes .
The problem of formation of the resulting current of 3-phase and 5-phase windings, which are fed from the bridge converter, is considered in the work. A comparative analysis of the resulting currents is given from the point of view of the harmonic composition. In solving the problem, a classical approach was used with the use of the vector method.
It was found that the components of the phase currents of the 5-phase symmetrical winding form the 1st and 11th harmonics of the resulting forward current and the 9th harmonic of the reverse sequence.
The third and seventh harmonics of the phase currents do not form a rotating field; their temporal alternation does not coincide with the spatial alternation of phases. The 5th harmonic of the resulting current is absent; in the phase-current spectrum of a 5-phase symmetrical winding, the 5th harmonic component is not contained.
The components of the phase currents of the 3-phase symmetrical winding form the 1st and 7th harmonics of the resulting forward current, as well as the 5th and 11th harmonic of the reverse sequence.
The 3rd and 9th harmonics of the resulting current are absent, because in the phase-current spectrum of the 3-phase symmetrical winding, the 3rd and 9th harmonic components are not contained.
By harmonic composition, the resultant current of the 5-phase winding takes precedence over the resultant current by a 3-phase winding. This allows us to assume that within the period of the first harmonic (fundamental rotation frequency) in a 5-phase winding, the vibrations of electromagnetic origin will be less than for the three phase windings.
Experimental studies of prototypes of 5-phase and 3-phase synchronous machines made using identical magnetic systems have shown that the level of mechanical vibrations of a 5-phase machine is lower than that of a 3-phase machine. | |
Rebrov S. G., Yanchur S. V., Faustov A. V., Filin S. V. Laminated lithium-ion cells with high specific characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 240-248. Lithium-ion batteries are widely employed for space applications due to a number of advantages compared to other electrochemical systems, especially due to their high specific energy and volume values. Laminated lithium-ion cells possess maximum specific characteristics among lithium-ion cells of other types (cylindrical and prismatic). Besides, they allow use available space more effectively. Despite skeptical attitude towards the laminated Lithium-ion batteries, however, there is information on their successful application in space conditions.
Keldysh Research Center is developing the space oriented Lithium-ion batteries with improved operational and specific characteristics. For example, Keldysh Research Center has already developed and tested the Lithium-ion battery for application in outer space conditions. The objective of the studies being performed is creation of the laminated Lithium-ion battery with improved specific characteristics, large calendar and cyclic life and a possibility to function in conditions of outer space. The task at this stage of the research work consists in searching for cathode and anode compositions allowing achieve maximum specific and volumetric parameters, as well as study electrical characteristics of these batteries under normal climatic conditions.
The studies conducted by Keldysh Research Center with cooperation of the Research Center of Applied Acoustics aiming at searching for cathode and anode composition allowed obtain maximum specific and volumetric parameters for laminated lithium-ion cells (often also called polymer Li-ion by mistake).
Two types of Lithiated oxide of Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt (NMC) and three types of Lithiated oxide of Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (NCA) were used as active cathode materials. Six different types of battery-grade carbons were used as active anode materials. N-methylpyrrolidone was used as a solvent for cathode slurries manufacturing, and water was used for anode manufacturing. As the studies revealed, the brand NCA A801-COA was the best choice as an active cathode material and carbon black brand AGP-2A was the best choice as an active anode material. The mass fraction of the active cathode material in the cathode mass was improved up to 93%; the fraction of the active anode material was improved up to 95%. Specific characteristics increase while manufacturing laminated batteries of high capacity. It indicates the batteries manufacturing flexibility while transferring from small-sized laboratory cells to large-sized experimental cells.
The obtained optimal electrodes compositions for Li-ion cells with rated capacity in the range of 1.6-15.3 A·h allow achieving the specific and volumetric values at the level of 230-268 W·h/kg and 520-560 W·h/lrespectively. The following characteristics were demonstrated herewith: for charge-discharge currents of 0.2C-0.2C the cyclability was about 1200 cycles with 97.75% efficiency; for charge-discharge currents of 0.2C-0.1C it was about 980 cycles with 87.8% efficiency, and for charge-discharge currents of 0.5C-1C the cyclability was about 460 cycles with efficiency of 89.1%. | |
Rygina M. E., Petrikova E. A., Teresov A. D., Ivanov Y. F. Studying the possibility of hypereutectic silumin surface layer structure and properties modification by intense pulsed electron beam. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 248-256. Silumins of the hypereutectic composition in the cast state are characterized by a high level of porosity, the presence of large silicon inclusions and intermetallides, which significantly reduces the range of this material application in industry. To eliminate these drawbacks, samples of hypereutectic silumin (Al- (20-22) wt% Si) were irradiated in vacuum with an intense pulsed electron beam in the surface layer melting mode. Irradiation of the surface of the silumin samples was performed by an intense pulsed electron beam (“SOLO” facility, HCEI SB RAS). The irradiation was performed in a residual argon atmosphere at a pressure of 0.02 Pa with the following parameters: 18 keV; 40 J/cm2; 200 µs; 0.3 c-1; 20 pulses. The selected mode, as shown by the results of modeling the temperature field formed in the surface layer of silumin, results in the surface layer melting of the material up to 70 μm thickness. Investigations of the elemental and phase composition, the state of silumin defective substructure in the initial state, and after irradiation with an intense pulsed electron beam were performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM-515 Philips) and transmission electron microscopy (JEM 2100F), X-ray diffraction (XRD 6000, imaging copper-filtered radiation of Cu-K 1, monochromator CM-3121). The samples microhardness was being determined with the PMT-3 device with an indentor load of 0.1 N. The wear-out parameter and friction coefficient were being identified on a TRIBOtechnic tribometer. The results of the studies performed revealed that the high-speed melting and subsequent high-speed crystallization were led to a nonporous surface layer forming of up to 100 μm thickness with the structure of cellular crystallization free of primary inclusions of silicon and intermetallides. The size of the cells of high-speed crystallization formed by a solid solution based on aluminum was 0.4-0.6 μm. The cells were separated by interlayers enriched with silicon, copper, nickel and iron atoms. The transverse size of the interlayers was up to 100 nm. It was revealed that the nonporous surface layer formation with a multiphase submicro- nanocrystal structure was accompanied by an increase in the silumin microhardness by 4.5 times, and wear resistance by 1.2 times compared to the cast state. | |
Parkhaev E. S., Semenchikov N. V. Wings aerodynamic optimization technique for small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 7-16. The article suggests combined technique for wings aerodynamic optimization of mini unmanned aerial vehicles (MUAV), which flight modes correspond to critical Reynolds numbers within the range order of 105–106. According to this technique, non-viscous flow-around, flow without separation and aerodynamic characteristics of the finite span wing are being computed in the beginning. The wing planform shape, wing aspect ratio and other geometrics are assumed known and specified. Computation is performed by reliable panel technique. Then the wing profiles shape optimization is performed with account for laminar-turbulent transition, and separation phenomena.
The following assumptions were assumed while wings optimization algorithm developing: the flow-around parameters computation employing 3D analysis model is non-viscous and non-separable. Viscous separated flow-around computing is performed in the contest of 2D-problem of viscous-invicid interaction. Integral aerodynamic characteristics over the wing span are being computed by the technique of lifting line theory using nonlinear section lift data. The suggested technique came from the supposition that aerodynamic characteristics of an isolated wing profile can be extrapolated on the wing. It associates with the fact that the MUAVs wings have, as a rule, a large aspect ratio (AR> 3), and hypothesis of flat sections is applicable for such kind of wings.
The article presents the results of numerical optimization on maximum quality criterion for rectangular wings planform, aspect ratios AR = 5 and AR = 10, at Re = 200 000, as well as arrow-type wing employing the suggested technique.
It was demonstrated that, the moment coefficient constraint allows increase the wing lift-drag ratio, reducing the share of resistance associated with laminar-turbulent transition occurrence and local flow separation formation. At the same time, while optimization in the absence of the moment coefficient constraint each successive quality improvement occurs due to the moment coefficient and wing middle surface curvature increase. The Cya(a) distribution herewith deviates from the initial one. | |
Khmelnitskii Y. A., Salina M. S., Kataev Y. A. A spacecraft solar batteries panels strength calculation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 17-24. The solar battery panels can be divisible by construction into the following types:
– Solar batteries with panels in the form of a frame with the stretched net-like fabric (net-like fabric panel);
– Solar batteries with panels in the form of a frame with orthogonally stretched strings (a string panel);
– Solar batteries with panels in the form of a frame with the stretched flexible film (a film panel);
– Solar batteries in the form of three-layer panels with a honeycomb core (a panel with a honeycomb core);
– Solar batteries with three-layer panels of integral construction (an integral panel).
The structures analysis of various panels reveals that at present all world firms employ generally three-layer panels with honeycomb core.
The structure of such panel consists of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic encasement and a metal honeycomb core.
Pursuing a goal of developing the rigid and light panel, recommendations on selection of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, honeycomb core, adhesive film and dielectric film are issued based on experiments.
It allowed create lightweight rigid design structure of a solar panel. It was necessary herewith to perform strength, rigidness calculations and vibrations under effect while transportation and operation.
The stress-strain state of panels, forms and natural frequencies were being defined. Calculations were performed by a finite element method in MSC/Nastran.
CQAD4 sheathing element was selected for encasement and honeycomb cores modelling. The CQAD4 element accounts for all internal forcing factors and the encasement geometry, since it perceives membranous, shear, transversal and flexural loadings.
Calculations reveal that tension, occurring in the elements of the offered light-weight structure, have considerable safety margin, and high rigidity at which the maximal shifts do not exceed 0.05 mm, while oscillation frequencies change in within range of 16-91 Hz. The three-layer panel specific mass herewith is only 1.27 kg/m2. The structure opens possibilities for further improvement. | |
Smirnov A. V., Egoshin S. F. Energy balance analysis of prospective regional turbo-electric aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 25-33. The presented work deals with studying the possibility and practicality of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) application while regional aircraft with hybrid electric power plant (the flying weight of up to 50 tons) developing.
The analysis was performed with mathematical model based on collating the power plant required and disposable power while a cruise flight. The basic energy and mass equations, characterizing hybrid power plants of various structures, including the structure with HTSC application, were derived.
It was revealed, that the turbo-electric aircraft is inferior to the aircraft with conventional power plant in the disposable power value. With application of conventional electrical materials, such as copper, this penalty is significant at any flying weight, and such hybrid aircraft developing is inexpedient. With HTSC technologies application this penalty is significantly lower, but it persists at any flying weight.
It can be explained by the presence of additional units in the power plant, which weight is much higher than the weight of the reducing gear, which they replace. The specific mass characteristics of the units based on conventional electric materials are significantly lower, than for HTSC units, which explains the difference in their application effectiveness. The efficiency change of power transfer herewith is insignificant.
At the same time, it was demonstrated in the framework of the model that the trend of the turbo-electric aircraft upgrading was application of installations and units (both gas turbine engines and electric motors) with the most advantageous specific energy-mass characteristics. With this, as it follows from the derived equations, the power plant should include minimum possible number of electric motors based on HTSC technologies.
It was confirmed in the framework of the constructed mathematical model that if the development of superconductor technologies allows develop HTSC-motors with specific characteristics at the level of 20 kW/kg, then the turbo-electric aircraft disposable power would attain the disposable power values of aircraft with classic power plant. It will ensure unconditional possibility for energy effective regional hybrid aircraft creation. | |
Kargaev M. V., Mironenko L. A. Bending stresses computation in a helicopter unmoored rotor blade blown about by the wind flow. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 34-43. Ensuring the main rotor blade strength remains as before one of the main problems, the designer faces while developing a helicopter. Heretofore, at the main rotor blade design in a part of static strength ensuring, the designers confined themselves to its computing under the impact of a force of its own weight. While a helicopter operation thereat, the damages of the main and tail rotor units occur after the storm wind impact.
For the main rotor blades, the following situations are possible: the blade spar bending with residual deformation occurrence down to its destruction; corrugation occurrence at the tail sections; the blade contact with ground or the helicopter tail beam. The above said phenomena prove to be possible due to the small inherent rigidity of the rotor blades, which makes them rather sensitive to the wind loading. The designers should take measures on the wind-flow impact protection ensuring while developing rotary wing aircraft.
According to the 29.675 b item of the AC 29-2C recommendation circular, which gives procedures for determining compliance with the requirements of the AP-29 airworthiness standards, when designing the carrier system, it is necessary to avoid overloading the stops and blades in conditions of wind gusts in the parking lot, or from the rotary wing aircraft's main rotor, taxiing nearby.
The article presents a method for computing flexural stresses in an unmoored blade of a helicopter, blown over by a wind flow. It consists in determining the positions of the elastic axis points of the idealized blade model.
These positions fully determine the shape of deformations and, hence, the magnitude of flexural stresses acting in the blade. The initial equation of the blade bending by a wind loading in a linear setting by the Galerkin method is reduced to an equation relative to an unknown deformation coefficient. This coefficient is determined under the condition of neglecting the additional aerodynamic loadings stipulated by the blade elastic deformations, and with their accounting for. The load increase factor was determined from comparing the obtained relations comparison, on which basis the solution allowing avoid the direct integration of the initial equation was obtained.
The equations are presented in a form convenient for numerical determination of the elastic axis points positions of the blade, slope angles and bending moments (stresses). Computation results for the rotor blades of the Mi-8 helicopter are presented. It was shown, that accounting for elasticity introduces significant changes in the bending moments (stresses) distribution along the angle of the blade azimuthal position, which determines the direction of its blow over. | |
Lopatin A. A., Gabdullina R. A., Terentev A. A., Eremeeva C. F., Biktagirova A. R. Analysis and characteristics of prospective thermoelectric generators in aircraft electric power supply systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 44-54. The goal of the presented work consists in developing a technique for computing a part of the aircraft engine casing realized as a thermoelectric generator. The thermoelectric generator (TEG) application onboard an aircraft allows discard the mechanical electric current generator, operating on account of energy extraction from the aircraft engine rotor. At present, a great number of thermoelectric materials, prospective for practical application have been studied. One of prospective trends in this matter is application of housing elements as a basis for TEGs design. The aircraft power plant is undoubtedly the most thermally burdened component. The temperature field along the engine path herewith is characterized by a significant gradient.
Since the thermoelectric gadgets' computing is accompanied by certain difficulties associated with electric and thermal parameters dependencies, the authors developed the technique for computing a housing element, represented in the form of thermoelectric generator of a cylindrical shape. The article presents computation results, performed according to the developed technique, which allow determine and evaluate the value of power output, as well as TEG electric parameters and boundary temperatures of housing walls at the design stage.
The electrical power of the thermo-generator module depends on the flow rate, which cools one side of the housing: a small increase in its speed up to 40 m/s, the power output increases up to 1 kW. It can be seen that under similar conditions with flow rate growth from 50 m/s the power output increases only by 550 W. A similar situation is observed for the case when a TEG is made of of bismuth telluride. Characteristic presented in the article allows determine what engine operation mode would be the most optimal for the TEG effective implementation onboard an aircraft.
To study characteristics and parameters of thermoelectric generator the test bench was employed. The following parameters were measured while the experiments: the resultant current and voltage in thermoelectric modules connected in series (each module is a 64 thermocouples per module, connected in series cased in an insulating ceramic housing), hot and cold junctures temperatures, speed and temperature of the hot and cooling flows.
The paper presents numerical and graphical results of analytical and experimental studies, on which basis the inference can be drawn on the perspective of practical implementation of thermoelectric modules as aircraft engines components. The prospect of TEGs application in high-temperature aircraft and spacecraft power plants is determined by the necessity to obtain powerful enough electric power source onboard with modest weight and size characteristics and high reliability. | |
Miodushevskii P. V., Legovich Y. S. Development of prospective multipurpose convertiplane. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 55-63. Domestic and foreign helicopter building development in the last century opened prospects for convertiplanes application as transportation means for carrying cargoes of considerable weight over the vast territory in conditions of deficiency of the advanced airfield net. Convertiplane is capable of performing vertical take-off and vertical landing. However, convertiplane can ensure significant fuel or electric energy saving while horizontal flight compared to the helicopter of the same weight. Aviation history knows two successful practically realized convertiplane projects. The first project was Canadair CL-84. The second project was the US V-22 Osprey military transport convertiplane. Aero-mechanical schemes of both Canadair CL-84 and V-22 have significant disadvantages. The presented work offers an original convertiplane aero-mechanical scheme, eliminating these disadvantages.
The article lays out the results of studying characteristics of the developed multi-purpose convertiplane, possessing conceptually new aero-mechanical scheme. Various options of the multi-purpose convertiplane, such as ten seats passenger plane, special plane for rescue missions and ambulance, light unmanned convertiplane with high flight duration are considered. Technical characteristics of convertiplane were determined based on the developed technique of preliminary design employing computations of aero-mechanics, aerodynamics, structural strength, weights and centring, as well as comparing the results with the well-known calculation methods.
The results of the studies revealed that among all realization options the offered multi-purpose convertiplane configuration allows achieve higher characteristics, than those of conventional aerial vehicles.The article demonstrates that the existing technical state-of-the-art level allows developing a light multi-purpose convertiplane.
Convertiplane gains its significant advantages through the new turbo-electric power plant, where the last achievements of developing light and powerful electric generators and motors with high power to weight ratio values is employed. | |
Huang S. ., Kostin V. A., Laptevа E. Y. Application of the sensitivity analysis method for the solution of the inverse creep problem of a wingbox structure on the basis of super-element model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 64-72. The research paper considers the problem of isochronic curves recovery of thin-walled design structures creep referred to deformations measured within the process of full-scale live experiment. It is known that as time passes creep deformations can appear in the construction. They are graphically usually represented as «deformation-time» curves measured by standardized sample testing. However, it has been found out that the deformation curves obtained during testing procedures of the construction differ fr om standard samples due to various reasons: power-based, technological, thermodynamical, etc. The article presents an approach to the corresponding curves construction, based on the processing of the results of the aircraft construction strength experiment.
Setting up the problem for general thin-walled constructions in mathematical terms, we obtain the necessity to optimize the objective functional in the form of the squared residual error of the corresponded theoretical and experimental deformations to the minimum. Working out the solution of the optimization problem is carried out iteratively using the sensitivity matrix, which is the derivative of the deformation function vector along the vector of elastic parameters variables. As the required parameters which control the stress-strained state (SSS) of the structure we choose the secant elastic modulus of the material. To solve a direct problem of the stress-strained state value determination the finite element method (FEM) in the form of a super-element model is used. This makes it possible to reduce the number of diverse required parameters at sufficient accuracy.
Due to the lack of data from the physical experiment, we obtain the numerical deformation values, using the FEM. This is done by solving a direct problem, wh ere measure of inaccuracy typical for strain and load application gauging is introduced. A mathematical calculation has been made for a four-stiffener wingbox operating under the mechanical and temperature load. Figures of the first and second stiffeners show the change of values of the theoretically obtained deformations in case of iterations in the direction of the corresponding experimental values. Isochronic creep curves have been constructed. The application of the sensitivity function has made it possible to purposefully organize the iteration process in the search for elastic parameters and to construct creep curves for the structural elements. The results of the research can be useful for further development of methods of identifying and improving of thin-walled structures according to the testing data, in case of creeping process as well. | |
Filinov E. P., Avdeev S. V., Krasil'nikov S. A. Correlation-regressive model for small-sized aircraft gas turbine engines mass computation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 73-81. The article suggests several new correlation-regressive models for the aircraft small-sized gas-turbine engines mass computation at the stage of their conceptual design.
A database of the main data and thermodynamical parameters for mass computation of dual-flow turbojet engines was formed. The database includes 92 small-sized turbojets with the thrust less than 50 kN. Equations allowing compute the engine mass at the initial stage of design were derived by correlation-regressive method based on the accumulated statistics.
Model No. 1 uses the total air flow through the engine as an input parameter. The approximating function coefficients were determined based on 88 turbofan engines. The relative standard deviation value for this model was 25.5%.
Model No. 2 uses engine thrust as an input parameter. The approximating function coefficients were determined based on 92 turbofan engines. The the relative root-mean-square deviation value for this model was 18.6%.
The mass model No. 3 uses three input parameters: engine thrust, overall pressure ratio, by-pass ratio. This model involved 77 turbofan engines. The relative root-mean-square deviation value of this model was 13.4%.
The fourth model uses the total air flow, overall pressure ratio, gas temperature in front of the turbine, bypass ratio for calculating the mass.
Statistical coefficients for this model were determined based on 57 turbofan engines. The relative root-mean-square deviation value for this model was 10.1%.
The Kuzmichev mass model depends on five parameters of the gas turbine engine: Mдв = f (m,πкΣ,Gв,T*г, πв) . The total number of engines used in the statistics was 52. The relative root-mean-square deviation value of this model was 13.5%.
Based on the results obtained, we can draw the following conclusions: at the stage of the gas turbine engine conceptual design, the most preferrable models are model No. 4 and Kuzmichev's model. Models No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, are most preferable for preliminary estimation of the mass of the propulsion system while an aircraft design. | |
Fokin D. B., Selivanov O. D., Ezrokhi Y. A. The studies on optimal shape forming of a turbo-ramjet engine as a part of a high-speed aircraft power plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 82-96. Recently, the great attention is payed in many countries to the studies aimed at flight cruising speed increase of aircraft of various purposes. The projects aimed at considering the issues creating both passenger (Aerion AS2, QueSST, Sky-lon) and military (SR-72) high-speed aircraft are in full swing abroad.
The similar studies on building-up the flight speed of military planes are carried out in Russia too. Thereupon, the possibility of developing prospective Russian fighter-interceptor based on MiG-31 aircraft, which speed should substantially increased, presents undoubted interest. The same applies to an attack high-speed aircraft of the type of the Soviet T-4 scout bomber, or the US XB-70 “Valkyrie” strategic bomber with maximum flight speed, corresponding Mach number no less than M = 3.
The article presents the results of the study on the power plant optimal shape based on the turbo-ramjet engine with tandem configuration of the high-speed aircraft contours with cruising speed of Mcr = 4.
To solve the stated problem, the software complex consisting of mathematical models of the combined engine, including gas-turbine and direct-flow circuits, supersonic air intake and a full-range jet nozzle, as well as the technique for the aircraft performance characteristic computing. The developed program complex allowed evaluate the efficiency of such combined power plant application as a part of an aircraft with increased cruise speed.
The presented results demonstrated with high obviousness that the effort aimed at the power plant optimal shape formation is most expedient to perform in accordance to the procedure of optimization studies performing, which includes the task setting, the initial data preparation, parametric studies, post-optimization analysis and issuing recommendations.
Parametric optimization with seven parameters and three criteria with goal functions of subsonic and supersonic flight ranges at the optimal altitude, as well as required length of runway for the aborted-continued takeoff, was performed employing the above said approach. The optimization results revealed that the possibility of improving an high-speed aircraft performance relative to the conditionally preliminary basic variant.
Three aircraft options with the highest attractiveness level were selected out of the obtained twenty Pareto-optimal options by the “fuzzy sets” tool. Further final selection of the most expedient one out of these options always up to the development engineer and associated with taking a number of trade-off decisions.
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Orlov M. Y., Anisimov V. M., Kolomzarov O. V. Design refinement of combustion chamber of gas turbine engine with toroid recirculation zone. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 97-106. The design of a serial auxiliary power unit was employed as a prototype while developing a new engine. The schematic solution of inlet unit and centrifugal compressor was preserved in the new design, while the engine turbine underwent changes right from the start, since it became radial instead of axial. It required the changes of the combustion chamber design. After studying a number of possible schemes, a decision was made to choose the straight-flow combustion chamber of a ring-type of, which had substantial reserves for minimization on size with relative simplicity of its technological design. The specific feature of this particular combustion chamber is its diagonal positioning relative to the engine axis. A number of problems associated with the lack of experimental and calculation data arise while organizing a working process in the combustion chamber of this type.
The goal of the study is design refinement of the considered combustion chamber structure to optimize the workflow of the annular combustion chamber with the offset zone of a toroid type.
At the first stage, the design refinement of the flame tube structure was performed to organize a vortex structure in the primary zone by changing diameters and a number of clamping apertures and addition of a «springboard» of the internal rim of the flame tube. At the second stage the design refinement of the seat of flame in the primary combustion zone was performed. The atomizer was substituted by the spray injector, and vane swirlers were added to the duct between the deflector and the flame tube wall. The third stage was devoted to the necessary temperature field forming at the combustion chamber outlet. For this purpose the works shaping-up the necessary jets penetration depth, the number and location of shift apertures were performed.
The outcome of the activities consists in obtaining acceptable combustion chamber design of the engine being developed, in which the authors succeeded achieving the flame stabilization in the primary combustion zone, temperature field distribution inside the chamber, excluding its burn-through, and temperature filed irregularity reduction at the outlet. | |
Finogenov S. L., Kolomentsev A. I. Solar thermal rocket engine with beryllium-oxide phase-transition latent heat energy storage and hydrogen afterburning. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 107-115. The article considers solar thermal propulsion (STP) with thermal energy storage (TES) containing high-temperature phase-transition material – beryllium oxide possessing high latent heat of phase transition “fusion-crystallization”. High melting temperature allows obtain the engine specific impulse at a level of 9000 m/s.
Joint optimization of the basic relevant parameters, such as masses ratio of solar mirror concentrator and TES in combination with mirror accuracy parameter was performed. It was demonstrated that that the ratio of TES energy capacity to solar radiation receiver thermal power, or ratio TES energy capacity to solar concentrator area in conjunction with optimal selection of accuracy parameter of the mirror can be accepted as an optimizing parameter. Maximum mass of a spacecraft being placed into geostationary orbit with time limitation of inter-orbital transfer from 30 to 90 days was selected as optimization criterion. Optimization was performed out by Gauss-Seidel method.
The optimization results revealed that optimal ratio of TES energy capacity and light detector power was 22-24 MJ/kW, which corresponds to the optimal ratio TES energy capacity to the concentrator area of 6-7 MJ/m2 at rational mirror accuracy parameter of 0.25 degrees. The STP characteristics with TES are presented and analyzed. The article shows that for relatively small flight time of 3040 days optimal values of excess oxidant ratio corresponding to payload mass maximum. The higher value of excess oxidant ratio corresponds herewith to the lower value of the flight time.
Dependences of the TES energy capacity and the concentrator diameter from excess oxidant ratio for a wide interval of flight duration are presented. Expedient areas of heated hydrogen afterburning application for various inter orbital flight duration were determined. The article shows that afterburning is expedient for the time of putting to geostationary orbit of 30 to 45 days. The corresponding excess oxidant ratio changes herewith from 0.3 to 0.1. For the flight above 50 days, the monopropellant hydrogen STP is expedient. Compared to alternative inter-orbit transportation means, employing the combination of small and large thrust engines combination, the gain is about 450 kg under the one and the same inter-orbital transportation time of 60 days. | |
Remchukov S. S., Danilov M. A., Chistov K. A. Computer aided design and computing of a plate-type heat exchanger for small-size gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 116-123. The article presents computational complex allowing perform computer aided design and calculation of a compact heat exchanger for a small-size gas turbine engine.
The coomputational complex includes a number of blocks based on open commercial programs. The blocks are united by the common software algorithm, developed at Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM).
The input data is changed at each iteration to obtain the required parameters, namely, the regeneration degree and hydraulic resistance.
Computer aided design and calculation include the steps of the initial data entering into the parametric model, checking compliance with the restrictions, automatic model building, meshed models preparation, working medium flowing calculation and computational results output. The initial data is set with account for limitations, such as overall size restrictions and material outlet depth. The possibility of obtaining better thermohydraulic characteristics depending on the model geometry should be accounted for as well.
Automatic building of models is performed according to the set parameters.
At the next stage, the built models are loaded to the ICEM CFD program, and meshes building is performed.
The obtained grid models are used for calculation in Ansys CFX software. Full pressures and temperatures of air and gas at the inlet, as well as the flow rate of gas and air at the outlet are set as boundary conditions. The employed turbulence model is Shear Stress Transport model.
After calculation termination, the resulting file, containing all significant exchanger computational parameters, is formed in the form of a table.
In case of the obtained parameters discrepancy with the claimed requirements, the parameters correction is performed with subsequent repetition of the considered algorithm.
Automation of the design and computing algorithm allows employing it together with CAD complexes for multi-criteria optimization.
The developed computing complex allows obtaining the optimal heat exchanger configuration for a specific task within the specified limits. The calculating complex was being employed in CIAM for the heat exchanger envelope updating, which led to the regeneration degree increase from 62% to 76%, when total hydraulic losses decreased to 1,27% with requirements and restrictions compliance. The genetic algorithm was used as an optimization method. | |
Gulienko A. I., Schurovskiy Y. M. Experimental study of gte lubricating system oil-air mixture properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 124-133. Lubricating system of the gas turbine engine rotor supports in many ways determines its operation reliability. The experience in developing aircraft GTEs lubricating systems accumulated by many manufacturers is associated with predominant employing of empirical and experimental techniques, and is not practically covered in literature. As a rule, the lubrication systems characteristics are being determined while operating with pure oil, and their recalculation onto the two-phase mixture may lead to overpower of the driving pumps motors and, as consequence, to their weight increase.
The article presents the analysis of the properties of two-phase mixtures pumped through the unit of the aircraft GTE lubrication system based on experimental data. This data was obtained at CIAM with the test bench for semi-natural simulation of lubrication system with oil chamber imitation, and installation for fine-dispersed oil-air mixture forming, where the mixture is formed by the air entrainment effect.
Using the results of oil-air mixture flow visualization, the article shows that in the area of the GTE lubrication systems operating modes the mixture may be considered as one-component homogenous media, possessing the properties of elastic continuum with homogenous sound velocity.
While air entering the exhausting duct the two-component flow of oil-air mixture and air-oil bubbles, clogging the pipe cross section and move relative to the oil-air mixture at low speed is formed.
Characteristics of a discharge gear pump, pumping the oil-air mixture, are affected not only by air and oil properties, but also by the structure formed by the pump throughput capacity.
It has been shown that in GTE lubrication systems a mode of emptying the exhaust gear pump inlet branch may occur with the possible realization of the stratified flow structure, as well as a dynamic locking mode in which a pulsating flow is formed with density waves forming and a polyharmonic fluctuations excitation in the system. Based on the experimental data, the air-oil mixture flow modes map was compiled.
The paper presents the relationships by which give possibility to calculate the thermo-physical properties of the two-phase mixture pumped in the tracts of the GTE lubrication systems. This approach showed good agreement of calculations with experiments in the lubrication system static and transient operation modes. | |
Semenova A. S., Gogaev G. P. Evaluation of destructive rotation frequency of turbo-machine disks applying deformation criterion with LS-DYNA software. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 134-142. Turbine disk is the main part of the aircraft engine, since its failure may lead to either emergency or catastrophic situation. According to NTD the GTE load-bearing capacity is being evaluated by the destructive rotation frequency margin, applying the limit equilibrium theory, at destruction along meridian section fr om tangential stress, and at destruction along some cylindrical partially meridian section fr om tangential stress.
Factors affecting the disk load-bearing capacity are the meridian section shape, scheme of destruction (along meridian, cylindrical or mixed sections), the presence of stress concentrators, and the material properties. Allowance for these factors effect on the disk load-bearing capacity while applying the lim it equilibrium theory is not practical.
Destruction of most metals is the result of damages accumulation. Two main mechanism of damages such as voluminous damage (pores growth and merge) and shear damage (cracks growth and merge) are discerned. A model of damages accumulation based on shear damage, i.e. destruction criterion on maximum accumulated plastic deformation, can be employed for numerical determination of the destructive rotation frequency of the turbo-machine disks from nickel alloys.
The plastic flow theory can be employed to determine the disk lim it rotation frequency. A modified version of the classical flow theory with isotropic hardening makes allows implement an arbitrary stress-strain dependence given in the form of strain diagrams.
Several series of calculated overspeed test were performed. The effect of the following factors on the calculated destructive frequency was being studied:
– loading speed;
– the finite elements mesh size.
The computational studies results revealed that the finite element size and mesh computing time did not practically affect the convergence of computation and experiment.
The computational studies results revealed that the finite element size and mesh computing time did not practically affect the convergence of computation and experiment. However, the smaller the grid, the more accurately the cracks development on the disk can be traced.
The obtained computation results were validated based on the results of the overspeed test performed with the low-pressure turbine disk of AL41F-1C engine at the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM) stand. | |
Kolychev A. V., Kernozhitsky V. A., Levikhin A. A. Cooling system of gas turbine engine turbine blades made of heat-resisting alloys and conductive ceramics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 143-150. The article deals with thermionic cooling system (TCS) of turbine blades (TB) and other hot elements (HE) of aircraft gas turbine engines (GTD), which consists in coating them with a layer (thermionic- protecting layer (TPL)) from heat-proof and heat-resisting material, but with a low electronic work function (EWF). When the TBs and HEs heating, electrons start leaving their surface, taking with them 2-10 MW/m2 of thermal energy in exponential-like temperature dependence. It will allow increase significantly the GTE efficiency due to the temperature increase of the working gas prior to the turbine and extra thermionic transformation, as well as increase the GTE reliability and lifespan.
The thermionic cooling technique under development can be employed in aircraft building while creating power gas turbine installations-converters for the spacecraft of increased power capacity and prolonged active lifespan. It can be implemented also while developing commercial systems of putting a payload and tourists into orbit, including a spacecraft based on the reusable first stage of an aircraft type with GTE, or transport aircraft with thermionic GTE. Besides, the technology under development will be called-up for the fuel-and-power sector and shipbuilding while power plants developing, and in oil and gas sector for gas pumping units developing etc.
The TCS realization will allow increase the temperature of the working gas prior to the turbine without increasing the quantity of the air tapped off the compressor, or increase the resource of the most thermally stressed elements of the gas turbine parts, the efficiency increase, thermal stresses reduction in blades due to the thermionic sensitivity to the temperature. It will ensure continuous diagnostics of the turbine state and other high-temperature elements in real-time mode based on electrical engineering parameters, depending on the number of thermo-emission electrons perceived by the anode, and modernize gas turbine installations and GTEs produced in Russia with their resource enhancing due to the extra cooling and without their serious reconstruction. | |
Donskov A. V., Mishurova N. V., Solov'ev S. V. Automated system for space vehicle status monitoring. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 151-160. The article considers the issue of a space vehicles status monitoring automated systems developing.
The goal of the work consists in analysis and application of the tools for flight control systems of conventional spacecraft improving.
The technique of a manned spacecraft current state status monitoring with account for affecting factors (an aircraft orbital movement parameters, structural specifics of an aircraft and ground-based control loop), as well as a throughput of radio communication circuit for telemetric information transmitting, sensor equipment capabilities, onboard measuring instrumentation and computing means were studied.
The conclusion was drawn, that the tasks of controlling processes automation while spacecraft flight control are not exhaustive.
Depending on the designation of an individual spacecraft or spacecraft orbital group not only the tasks and their aggregate set can change, but specific and independent assignments may arise as well.
With account for the current flight control practice in manned astronautics the approach at large to a space vehicles' on-board equipment status monitoring automated systems developing was formed. Automation of problems solving on telemetric information displaying and analysing coupled with information support of a specialist of the group of analysis allows increase the quality level of the managing group functioning. It is achieved through detecting an abnormal situation, potentially translating into emergencies, as well as operational provision of flight control operators with information over a wide range of the problems being solved.
The significance of the spacecraft status monitoring automated systems developing is being proved by the fact that it allows minimize the human factor in the process of a spacecraft control, increase information accessibility and ease-off the burden of analysis group specialist while performing routine operations.
The considered approach to the spacecraft status monitoring automated systems developing can be applied to both the process of of existing manned space vehicles flight control process improvement, and prospective manned spacecraft under development. | |
Danilenko N. V., Kirenchev A. G. Work process of the earth environments vortex formation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 161-170. The present-day science state-of-the-art allowed ensuring qualitative transfer to many branches of not only scientific but to technologic and other types of human activities. New knowledge aroused at the junction of the well-known scientific and technological trends. Though in certain trends of modern science development some so-called “blind-spots” still exist. The theory of vortex formation is an example of such modern science state-of-the-art. Currently the specialists of this scientific trend cannot establish the physical entity of atmospheric gas dynamic specifics of the vortices under the aircraft air intakes, well as the gist of their work process. The closer analogue of such vortices are the atmospheric whirlwinds, which working processes are associated with the Earth daily rotation. However, the capabilities of modern science do not allow establish the work process of the above said problem gas dynamic phenomena. The scientists in the USA and many other countries declare openly that the do not understand tornado – a small-sized vortex of a cyclonic type. In such circumstances, the scientists are compelled to give definitions to whirlwinds, tornadoes and cyclones by the facts of their physical manifestations in the field of visual perception. Such definitions do not contain the boundary conditions, work process elements, and limit their experimental modeling possibilities. The scientists face a great problem of exploring the work process of the Earth environments vortex forming. One of the main tasks of the Earth environments vortex forming research and its product is establishing the vortex characteristics, their corollary and application areas.
The article discloses the work process of the Earth environments vortex formation. It gives the definition of vortex formation, and specifies the product of vortex formation, including vortex field, tornadoes and air intakes vortices. The work process of vortex formation was established. The article presents the Earth vortex filed characteristics and their corollary.
The Coriolis force role in the process of vortex formation of natural and man-made vortexes was revealed. The results of experimental modeling of vortex formation under the air intake with account for the Coriolis force action are presented. | |
Razoumny Y. N., Samusenko O. E., Nguyen N. Q. Optimal options analysis of two-tier satellite systems for near-earth space spherical layer continuous coverage. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 171-181. Nowadays, there is a wide nomenclature of practically new significant tasks of monitoring vast near-Earth space areas by space systems, associated with the space debris problems, spacecraft technical maintenance in orbit etc. All tasks of such kind in an abstract formulation can be interpreted in the form of mathematical problem on optimization of the satellite constellations orbital construction for continuous coverage of specified spherical layers of near-Earth space. However, still there is no theoretical apparatus for effectively solving this problem.
The article formulates for the first time the optimization problems of the two-tier satellite constellations orbital construction for near-Earth spherical layer continuous coverage by the criterion of the characteristic velocity minimum total costs on the system creation. Each tier of such a system is formed in circular orbits with the same altitude and inclination values for all satellites. The satellites of each tier are oriented herewith in such a way that observation cone, formed by the onboard equipment of the satellites in the upper tier are directed downward towards the Earth, while in the upper tier – towards the opposite side.
Decomposition of this problem and its reduction to the traditional problem of selection in the delta-systems class of one-tier orbital constellations and their optimization by the total characteristic velocity minimum was performed in this work. The authors suggest methodological approach to this problem solving; discuss the obtained numerical results and the suggestion on application of the obtained optimal options of the two-tier satellite systems for solving various practical tasks. The two-tier orbital structure in many cases has no advantage over the traditional, single-tiered option. However, under certain conditions the two-tier orbital construction appears after all more preferential. | |
Kovalev A. A., Tischenko L. A., Shakhovtsev M. M., Gorbatovskaya T. A., Vlasov E. Y. The study of silicon substrates pre-treatment technological parameters effect on their surfaces contact angle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 182-189. The presented article deals with the study of technological parameters (temperature and processing time in hexamethyldisilazane (or HMDS) vapours and dehidration) effect on contact angle of silicon substrates pre-processing, including oxidized ones, to evaluate their hydrophobicity. Contact angle measurements were being performed by method suggested by Bickerman. Those angles values were being obtained indirectly due to the known volume and diameter of a water drop. For non-oxidized silicon substrates technological parameters effect on contact angle consists in the following: the 1.5 degrees increase with 30 seconds increase in time of processig by HMDS vapours, 1.2 degrees increase with 120 seconds increase of dehydration time, 0.6 degrees decrease with 45 degrees increase of processing temperature. For oxidized silicon substrates technological parameters effect on contact angle consists in the following: the 2 degrees increase with 30 seconds increase of processing by HMDS vapours, 0,2 degrees increase with 120 seconds increase of dehydration time, 1 degree decrease with 45 degrees increase of processing temperature. Experimental data analysis was performed by Yates analysis, i.e. full fraction analysis. Based on the obtained results the inference was drawn that increasing time of substrates processing in HMDS takes the strongest effect on their contact angle change. Besides, on substrates temperature increase the contact angle decreases irrespectively to the oxide film presence or absence on their surface. The latter, probably, is associated with the fact that hexamethyldisilazane evaporates from the substrate surface, since their maximum heating temperature was close to the HMDS boiling temperature while this study. | |
Grachev N. N. Quality evaluation of aircraft electronic instrumentation assembling based on registration and analysis of mechanical joints electromagnetic emission. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 190-202. The scientific significance of the results outlined in the work consists in studying mechanisms of contact radio interference originating, occurring due to the magnetic field effect of radio transmitters, located onboard an aircraft, on current-conducting mechanical contacts of the structures with non-linear variable resistance, as well as electromagnetic interference generation. The scientific results obtained from the studies demonstrated mechanisms of forming the current, induced by EMF, passing through the aircraft structural elements, which leads to formation of a mechanism of secondary electromagnetic field radiation, interacting with the primary irradiating magnetic field of the radio transmitter. There is a possibility to control the structural elements assembly quality by registering and analyzing the spectral composition of the electromagnetic radiation of the mechanically connected structural elements. Performing complex diagnostics, based on measuring the spectral content of the whole product, and placing antennae around the product under study allows performing reliable estimations of the assembly quality of both separate mechanic components and the entire structure.
The studies performed in this work can be applied to the development and study of a contactless express-method for assessing the structures assembly and erection quality. This method is based on the registration and analysis of artificially generated contact interference under the impact of mechanical vibrations and a high-frequency harmonic electrical signal on the aircraft structures' elements, forming phase-amplitude-modulated oscillation circuits, which can be recorded by either spectrum analyzer or a FAM receiver, or AM oscillations. With this, the levels of their spectral components are measured at a change of mechanical impacts frequency in the range determined by the operating conditions. The measured level of the spectral components of the emitted amplitude-modulated oscillations is compared with the level of the spectral components of the signal emitted by the reference block with given mechanical parameters and normalized level of contact interference.
The main result of these studies allows fruitfully employ the contact interference formation, considered as undesirable phenomenon in the field of electromagnetic compatibility, for estimating the mechanical qualities of the structures (their assembly quality) of various aircraft equipment and units, including assembly and erection quality (especially associated with fixture elements tightening force). | |
Balkovoy N. N. Analysis of application specifics of a reaction wheel with intrinsic disturbing moments compensation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 203-211. Inertial electromechanical actuators in the form of reaction wheels (RW) found widespread occurrence as actuators of spacecraft attitude control system. The RWs task consists in forming a dynamic controlling moment proportionally to a control signal. This task is reduced to the RW acceleration control.
The article suggests the RW classification, describes advantages and disadvantages peculiar to each of the types. Amid all varieties of the units, reactions wheels with intrinsic disturbing moments' compensation (RWMC) are outlined as one of the most prospective types. The presented work is devoted to the study of these units application possibilities and comparing them with classical ones, where control is performed only by the electromagnetic moment.
To study dynamic and accuracy characteristics of a spacecraft equipped with the RWMC under study, its mathematical model was developed. Analysis of the RWMC dynamic moment development transient was performed. It revealed that transfer functions of compensating and basic (electromagnetic moment control) loops may be represented with high accuracy by the aperiodic link. The time constants of these links were also obtained while the RWMC experimental testing.
The model of the controlled rotational motion accounts for the RWMC static and dynamic imbalances values, as well as the number of RWMC nonlinearities, such as saturation, associated with attaining the limiting angular speed by the rotor and the dead zone while the rotor passes the zero angular speed (for a model without disturbances compensation) etc. Modeling of the spacecraft control system operation in stabilization mode in conditions of ideal measuring of angular position and angular speed was performed to study the effect of the unit specifics on the control system operation.
The spacecraft attitude control system with RWCM was compared to classical RW. In both cases, the control system loop was closed by the PID-regulator, since external disturbances, affecting the stabilization static error value, impact the spacecraft together with disturbing moments.
The simulation results showed that RWCMs has higher accuracy and dynamic characteristics compared to the classical RW. This type of units appears more preferable for developing precise spacecraft attitude control systems, since it allows reduce the “dead zone” of control, as well as oscillation in stabilization transient, especially in the area of near-zero angular rotation speeds of the RW rotor. | |
Tereshkin V. M. Determining resultant current harmonic composition of an electric motor symmetric four-phase winding. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 212-219. Modern power electronics and microprocessor technology state-of-the-art allows develop DC-AC converter with any number of phases in a wide power range.
Realization of a multiphase motor (m > 3) based on the magnetic system of a 3-phase motor is also practically a feasible task with certain modernization of the winding scheme.
As an illustration the article presents a schematic diagram of the four-phase winding, its vector representation, as well as four-phase converter control algorithm while vector pulse-width modulation realization.
The electric drive based on a multiphase motor may display certain advantages in compared to the traditional electric drive based on a three-phase motor and find application wherein the higher requirements are placed on vibrations. The cause of vibrations of electromagnetic origin may be the high-order harmonics of the resulting current, which creates an m.m.f. in the air gap.
Preliminary studies revealed that symmetrical 4-phase winding had the worst figures of the spectral composition of m.m.f., compared to the 5- and 7-phase windings. However, the traction electric drive of the “Granit” electric locomotive was just realized based on the 4-phase asynchronous motor. That is the electric drive based on multiphase motor is already an alternative to the electric drive based on the three-phase motor. It imposes the necessity for comprehensive comparative analysis of multiphase windings and control algorithms for converters to which multi-phase windings are being connected.
The article considers an approach based on classical vector method. With its application harmonic analysis of a resultant current of the symmetrical 4-phase winding. The analysis revealed the phase currents' 1, 5, and 9 harmonics formed the resulting currents of positive-sequence, and the phase currents' 3, 7 and 11 harmonics formed the resulting currents of the negative sequence. Accounting for the fact, that the 1, 3 and 5 harmonics are commensurable in magnitude, significant electromagnetic ripples are theoretically possible within the first harmonic period.
The approach based on the classical vector method considered in the paper can be used to analyze the harmonic composition of the resulting current of multiphase windings with any number of phases. This makes the approach universal for the comparative analysis of multiphase windings on the harmonic composition of the resulting current. | |
Antipov V. V., Nochovnaya N. A., Kochetkov A. S., Panin P. V., Dzunovich D. A. Effect of casting parameters on shaped castings quality of a new high-temperature TiAl based alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 220-228. The results of original research on cast structure and properties of a new high-temperature intermetallic gamma alloy Ti-45.5Al-2V-1Nb-1.5Zr(Cr)-Gd-B developed in VIAM [patent RU 2606368] have been discussed. A solidification temperature interval has been determined for the new alloy: solidus temperature 1471°C, liquidus temperature of 1528°C. The pouring gate system has been designed with the help of ProCast software taking into account centrifugal casting technique which provides both full mould filling with molten metal and absence of metallurgical defects in low pressure turbine blade castings. The research was focused on the effect of temperature and duration parameters of centrifugal casting on macro- and microstructures of shaped castings obtained in induction skull ALD Leicomelt 5 furnace. The X-ray spectral microanalysis has revealed that the samples matrix consists of alternating γ -TiAl and α2-Ti3Al lamellae; there are areas with lower aluminum content and higher content of vanadium and zirconium/chromium; also excess phases enriched with gadolinium and oxygen have been found (complex gadolinium oxides). Microstructure analysis after hot isostatic pressing has shown that plate-like morphology of structure doesn't change: alternating lamellae of γ and α2 phases are gathered into colonies within prior β(α) grains with small amounts of β phase along grain boundaries (the plates possess similar geometrical orientation within each lamellae colony). It has been shown that structure homogeneity of castings strongly depends on pre-heating temperature of casting moulds. As the experiment has revealed the optimal pre-heating temperature of casting moulds for the new alloy falls in the interval 750850°C. The research results have given the opportunity to develop casting and heat treatment processes which allowed to obtain defect-free shaped castings of turbine blades for aviation jet engines. | |
Lapaev A. V., Ryashin N. S., Fomin V. M., Shikalov V. S. Properties of aluminum coatings of cold gas-dynamic spraying at corrosion damage zones of 1163RDTV alloy products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 3, pp. 229-239. Cold gas-dynamic spraying is a method for coating process, creation of 3D objects and new materials from powder metals, alloys, composites and powder mixtures. The method was developed based on cognominal physical phenomenon, discovered at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics named after S.A. Khristianovich of Siberian branch of the Russian academy of sciences in the early 1980s. Nozzle assembly and a heater are fixed as a part of the cold gas-dynamic spraying test bench based on the industrial robot KR 16-2 in dust-noise proof chamber. While spraying the powder particles are accelerated by the gas flow to the velocities of 400-1200 m/s and form the coating without melting. In a number of works of domestic and foreign researchers the possibility of metallic objects recovery by this method is demonstrated, whereby the study of coatings and materials obtained by this method presents an undoubted scientific and practical interest.
The presented article studies the properties of aluminum coatings formed by the cold gas-dynamic spraying method at corrosion damage zones of the substrates from 1163RDTV structural alloy.
At the first stage of work corrosion damages in the form of surface corrosion of the plates from the 1163RDT alloy were simulated. Then they were recovered by the cold gas-dynamic spraying coatings from ASD-1 aluminum powder. The average measured size of the ASD-1 powder particles was 27 mcm.
Experimental dependencies of porosity and micro-hardness of these coatings and oxygen content in them from deceleration temperature while spraying were obtained. These dependencies allowed sel ect the better coating process mode for performance characteristics recovery of structural elements with corrosion damage.
During the experiments of the second stage the samples recovered by the cold gas-dynamic spraying coatings from the 1163RDTV alloy were tested on tensile strength while static loading. Experimental deformation and fatigue endurance curves were obtained. Due to the low porosity and micro-hardness of the cold gas-dynamic spraying coatings, applied at T0 = 200°C, the samples with corrosion zones recovered by these coatings were selected for static and fatigue stretching tests. The obtained experimental results analysis revealed that with the considered coating process mode the full static hardness characteristics recovery did not occur. Nonetheless, an A1 recovery by the cold gas-dynamic spraying coating from 1163RDTV alloy increases the sample static hardness characteristics in the elastic region of the deformation curve. The fatigue tests revealed the effect of the stress concentrator on fatigue strength, which should be accounted while cold gas-dynamic spraying application for recovering corroded structural elements.
At the final stage of the work, a coating fr om ASD-1 was formed on the TU-154 stringer fragment (an alloy of B95 series). It demonstrates the ability of applying these coatings on the fuselage frame elements. The results of the presented work demonstrate the high potential of the cold gas-dynamic spraying method in solving the problems of aircraft construction elements recovery and repair. | |
Malenkov A. A. Design solutions selection while developing a system of unmanned flying vehicles in conditions of multi-target uncertainty. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 7-15. The article is devoted to the design solutions selection while developing a system of unmanned aerial vehicles in conditions of uncertainty. The presented article such system is assumed as a party of cruise missiles (CM) targeted at hitting an enemy naval ship grouping.
Besides solving the problem of cruise missiles optimal distribution over the target assignments this work solves the problem of ensuring stability at large. Here, the stability means achieving the probability of hitting the targets, no less than the specified one, for all possible values of uncontrolled factors.
By stability in the article is meant the achievement of the probability of defeat of target tasks not lower than given for all possible values of uncontrollable factors. Thus, the problem is set as:
where d is the vector of design parameters, E(ω) is the distribution function, and P is the probability of failure.
The distribution function E(ω) is constructed with engagement of statistical synthesis operations. A regularity criterion was adopted as a criterion of stability:
where Κ¡ is the Lipschitz constant in the i-th row of the statistical sample of the N volume, Κ¡pos is the specified value of the Lipschitz constant.
To ensure stable design solution, the contracting mapping is necessary, i.e. the Lipschitz constant should be less than one. With this, the less the Lipschitz constant value, the higher the degree of the design solution stability.
At each step of the statistical sample, two variants of design parameters are set. They are necessary for stability condition calculatiщn. The model values of the Lipschitz constant are restored in the class of trigonometric polynomials:
The problem of CM system optimal ranging is being solved at the already obtained stable vector of the design solution (the set of design parameters) yust.
The presented work solved the problem of CM system of optimal ranging, which maintains six target problems. The initial thrust-to-weight ratio and the wing area are assumed as design parameters. The target’s required payload mass, coordinates, speed and course are assumed as uncontrolled parameters.
Three nominal sizes of CMs were considered in the framework of the set problem:
Depending on the uncontrolled factors values, two variants of the cruise missiles optimal ranging were solved, and two distribution functions Ε(ω) were constructed. It is shown that the probability of the system performing the target task appeared to be the same and equals to Ρ – 0,9.
Further, the problem of a design solution selection stable to uncontrolled factors was solved. The stability conditions gave the following design parameters:
Thus, a cruise missile with such parameters solves all the target problems with uncontrolled factors given in the work, i.e. the cruise missile system includes cruise missiles of the same type, and the probability of accomplishing the target problem by the system is 0.9. | |
Aslanov V. S., Yudintsev V. V. Docking with space debris employing the unfolding flexible beam-strap. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 16-24. For risk reduction of the uncontrolled growth of space debris number at the near Earth orbits, it is necessary to remove the most dangerous objects, such as the worked-out orbital stages of rocket carriers and non-operating spacecraft, which may be the sources of space debris. The most complicated stage of passive uncontrolled object's removal from an orbit is its capturing. Selection of capturing technique is determined by the type of space debris and its angular motion. For example, very often the orbital stages are being purposely spin-up around their transverse axis by jet nozzles to guarantee avoiding collision with the detached payload. It complicates capturing the object of such type by the space tug to remove them from the orbit. While employing manipulators or classical mechanisms of a beam-cone type for capturing, when the engine nozzle of a rocket carrier plays the role of the cone, significant overloads may occur in capturing units.
The presented article proposes employ for docking the expanded beam (strip) with aspect ratio. As in the classical docking technique, the nozzle of an orbital stage is being employed. The docking scheme being suggested allows reduce impact forces occurring while docking with rotating objects.
The docking assembly model was developed to study the effectiveness of the suggested scheme. The flexible beam was modeled by the system of solid bodies (beams) connected by cylindrical hinges. To imitate the bending stiffness a torsional spring was being installed in every hinge. The system model was developed using MSC.ADAMS CAE software. The system model was developed in MSC.ADAMS CAE software.
The process of docking with rotating orbital stage, using the three beams variants of large, medium and low stiffness, was analyzed through the developed model. While docking process, the reaction force value in the hinge, connecting the beam with the space tug hull, maximum tug angular velocity and the success of entire docking operation were controlled. The results of modeling confirmed the impact loads reduction while docking with reduction of the beam bending stiffness. The flexible beam will allow employ greater closing-in velocities with uncontrolled rotating objects of space debris to increase the successful docking probability. The beam elastic properties herewith allow reduce the effect of disturbance forces on the space tug while the beam contact with the docking surface of a docking port (nozzle). | |
Pashko A. D., Belichuk A. A. Development of anti guided missiles active protection system for aircraft and assessment of its application prospects. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 25-36. At present, designers of almost all foreign countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, China and South Africa) decide upon thermal imaging tracking coordinator, employing matrix photo-detecting unit while the type of homing head selection for hew types on missiles. Its modern element base is intrinsically the basis of the fifth generation infrared homing heads. The main advantages of guided missiles of “air-to-air” class equipped with homing head containing matrix photo-detecting unit consist in the presence of significant field of vision, ensuring target patter recognition and its identification, capability of automatic aiming employing and high jamming immunity. All this requires aircraft protection means modernization.
Modern aircraft are being equipped with on-board defense systems, designed to protect an aircraft of various classes and purposes from hitting by aircraft rockets, antiaircraft rocket systems through detecting hazard occurrence and counteracting the attacking means. Onboard defense system “President-S”, “Talisman”, electronic countermeasures equipment of Su-30MKI and aircraft protection system “MANTA” are most up-to-date systems.
The results of performed analysis of modern aviation guided missiles and means of protection from high-accuracy weapons allow conclude that the existing onboard defense systems do not ensure enough level of protection. Namely, they ensure only a passive protection by creating interference action on missiles homing heads, which is inefficient with account for digital signal processing and jamming protection of the guided missiles. Modern heat flares are effective only for protection from the missiles' with single-element photo-detecting unit. Due to target image detection capabilities of modern homing heads with matrix photo-detecting units, the heat flares application is inappropriate. From all the above said, a topical problem of upgrading the onboard defense systems by developing new ways of an aircraft protection from guided missiles follows.
Improving the aircraft protection is possible by active impact on guided missile by protective ammunition included into active protection system, leading to its hitting, self-destruction or mishit.
The goal of the study is enhancing the aircraft protection from guided missiles of “air-to-air” type.
Thus, the developed active protection system is capable of ensuring in automatic mode all aspect detection and tracking of a guided missile, its destruction at a safe distance from the aircraft, in close interaction with the other aircraft systems. | |
Vyatlev P. A., Sergeev D. V., Sysoev V. K. Holes formation mechanism while laser perforation of metallized thermal vacuum blanket films. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 37-42. Perforation of thermal vacuum blanket (TVB) films is performed to ensure vacuum and protection from electrostatic charges effect.
Method of film materials mechanical perforation is the most widely spread for TVB films perforation. With this kind of processing It is impossible to achieve high productivity and perforation accuracy.
Laser perforation of thin materials is one of the high-efficiency technologies for processing materials, and has a number of advantages, such as increasing productivity and perforation accuracy. This method allows quick adjustment of both the diameter, and perforation step.
Fiber repetitively-pulsed laser with the wave-length of 1,062 microns was selected as laser light source. Dot cutting along the hole outline was selected as a cutting scheme.
The process of fiber laser emission action on metalized polyamide films is accompanied by bushy flame in the operation area. The reduction of laser light power and processing speed herewith results in disappearance of bright light emission and significant increase of thermal influence area width up to 300 microns.
From our viewpoint, daisy chain of the following physical effects could serve as such mechanism:
– evaporation of aluminum coating;
– ionization of its vapors;
– impact of this plasma, combined with light power, on polymer, leading to the hole cutting.
One of the evidences of such hole formation mechanism is performed physical-chemical analysis of the obtained holes' edge. The holes edge was studied by electron microscope of JEOL JSM-5910LV series together with INCAENERGY analytic system. The major results of these measurements revealed the carbon content increase in the holes edge area, while oxygen and aluminum content reduced more than three times. Thus, it can be expected that physical process of holes formation with laser perforation of metallized TVB films takes place under combined action of light power and plasma of evaporated aluminum surface layer on polymer base of the film. | |
Kargaev M. V., Mironenko L. A. Static stability of a helicopter main rotor flexible blade at the parking affected by wind. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 43-51. The article is dedicated to the topical issue of helicopter design, namely static stability of an unmoored main rotor blade of a parked helicopter under the wind impact.
The article considers a general case when the wind velocity is directed at an angle to the helicopter longitudinal axis. Velocities and angles of attack of the blocked main rotor's sections are being determined. The authors used experimental data on straight and oblique wings blow-down, as well as circular blow-down of the NACA 23012 profile while determining aerodynamic loads in the blade section, blown by wind flow.
The aerodynamic load, acting in the blade section, is a function of the blade curve, and changes according to the blade's rotation azimuth. Thus, while considering the issue of the blade static stability, the problems on determining the most insecure direction and maximum allowed wind speed of the unmoored main rotor blade under specified position of parked helicopter is solved.
The article considers the blade bending in the plane of least rigidity. The blade torsional deformations are not accounted for while loads determining. It is considered, that the helicopter has main rotor of a common type with hinge mount blades.
Firstly, the solution for the homogenous blade with constant stiffness and aerodynamic characteristics was obtained. The design equation determining the value of wind flow critical velocity in various azimuthal positions was derived. It was established the main rotor blade's stability loss under the wind impact was possible only with oblique blow-down with negative sideslip angles, i.e. when the blade tip position was directed against the wind flow. The wind flow critical velocity minimum value and its corresponding direction were determined. The authors suggest employing the wind coefficient of the blade as a generalized parameter characterizing the blade tendency to the stability loss under wind impact.
Further, the solution for the blade with inhomogeneous parameters was obtained. The value of wind flow critical velocities was obtained by two methods, such as method of straightforward iteration, as well as a method, employing the wind coefficient of the blade.
The article presents the result of the wind flow critical speed computation, performed for MI-8 helicopter main rotor blades, blown-down from the front and back edges. | |
Khmelnitskii Y. A., Salina M. S., Kataev Y. A. Spacecraft solar batteries dynamic analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 52-60. At present, the extensive studies of outer space are carried out to obtain scientific, economic and military results.
The solar battery is an important element of a spacecraft since it ensures functioning of its equipment.
The solar battery should have high rigidity at maximum loading factor. The structure rigidity exerts a certain effect on oscillatory process and frequency characteristics while a spacecraft maneuvering. It determines also deformations of a solar battery while its transportation to a specified orbit.
Insufficient rigidity reduces the solar battery efficiency.
The dynamic analysis of solar battery envisages determination of natural oscillations shape and frequency, and a time of the oscillatory process termination.
From these positions, comparison of the two spacecraft “Spectr-R” and 14F150 is being considered.
The finite element models were developed for these occurring while the spacecraft turn along the longitudinal axis were determined.
The inherent characteristics of a solar battery structure were being determined by the finite element method employing “NASSTRAN” software.
To determine values of inherent dynamic characteristics of a solar battery panel a series of simulations of the product dynamics were performed with parameters variation of its mathematical model.
These parameters were determined by elastic and dissipative properties of the solar battery panel.
Comparison of stiffness coefficients values and inertial links damping for these types of spacecraft revealed that the solar panels impact on the dynamic characteristics of these spacecraft was practically the same.
The transient time was of 1000 seconds, which exceeded the admissible values. For the solar battery in the considered configuration, the first mode frequency should be of the order of 0.45 Hz with damping factor of the order of 0.1.
In the considered configuration of the panels, their rigidity characteristics should be 16 times, and dissipative characteristics −3 times greater. | |
Nedelko D. V., Safiullin A. F. Finite element method application for determining water landing parameters of airplanes and helicopters of various types. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 61-72. The problem of safety ensuring while an aircraft forced water landing is topical due to periodic incidents while the flights over the water. According to the European Aviation Safety Agency information, the helicopters that have passed the certification procedure topple when performing water landing. This fact indicates that the process of aircraft dynamic contact water surface is insufficiently studied, and the need to account for the aircraft spatial position parameters while water landing.
Confirmation of compliance with requirements of the airworthiness standards (AP, FAR, JAR) while emergency landing and subsequent sailing of the aircraft is based on the results of model tests, which determine the aircraft behavior, the structure loading, its possible destruction and conditions of the most favorable water landing. The hydrodynamic characteristics of models of aircraft fuselages of ground and water basing in the water landing mode, and helicopter equipment with the system of emergency splashdown are studied. A method allowing study such processes at the stage of preliminary design is the finite element method application. However, validity of the results obtained in this way should be verified based on experimental data to enable further practical application of the experience gained.
The article presents the verification results of finite element models of simple geometric bodies (inclined plate, cylinder). These are simplified models that duplicate the shapes of the amphibious aircraft float, the fuselage of the ground airplane and the helicopter ballonet. Verification was perormed employing the concept of Euler-Lagrangian interaction using the generalized “structure-to-fluid” communication simulation algorithm. For the inclined plate, the lifting force coefficients were determined for various deadrise angles and trim at its gliding on incomplete width. A graphic dependence comparing the experimental and computed values was plotted. The changing of overload at the center of gravity was demonstrated for the gliding cylinder, and comparison was performed with experimental data and approximate analytical theory. In all cases satisfactory convergence of the results was obtained.
A helicopter mathematical model with a system of emergency water landing was developed to compute the depth of the ballonet sinking, which determines the level of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads. The general case of driving a helicopter to the approaching slope of the wave was simulated with the presence of the initial slip at the moment of contact with the water surface. Based on the graphical dependence of the ballonet transoms movements, a technique for the computed immersion depths determining was formulated. The visualization of the helicopter position change while the water landing process is demonstrated. Based on the developed finite-element model, the other parameters of water landing of a helicopter with emergency splashdown system (overloading in the helicopter center of mass, loads on the fuselage bottom, etc.) can be determined.
The article shows, that a similar approach can be employed to simulate the process of various types of aircraft water landing, including amphibious and ground ones. | |
Baklanov A. V. Controlling fuel combustion process by burner design change in gas turbine engine combustion chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 73-85. Fuel burning in gas turbine engine combustion chamber entails toxic agents formation. Among them, nitrogen oxides and carbonic oxides, which prove deleterious effect upon a human and environment, present the special hazard. In this regard, the article solves the topical problem on upgrading the existing combustion chamber by changing the design of its burner.
At the first stage of the research, several types of burners, differing by nozzle extension geometry, were studied. The studies consisted in determining toxic agents' emissions concentration in the flame formed by the burner.
According to the results of the studies the inference was drawn that the most acceptable burner was the burner with convergent head piece, since it ensures minimum content of nitrogen and carbonic oxides in combustion products. The decision was made on continuing studies of both types of burners, namely, original with diffuser extension and the burner with convergent head-piece, which demonstrated minimum emission of toxic agents.
It was found that the residence time of the burner with converging nozzle extension in the reverse currents zone was 0.15 ms, and 0.025 ms for the burner with convergent head-piece, which is six times less. Testing results were colligated in the form of mathematical dependence of CO and NO from swirl parameter Sg, which characterizes the degree of the nozzle head-piece opening-out.
During the next stage, the studies on determining the throughput capacity of the burners, as well as the quality of air-fuel mixture preparation at their outlet were performed.
According to the results of the studies, it was revealed that due to the high velocity pressure there is no significant jet spreading behind the burner with convergent head-piece. The jet herewith has the high ejection capability and forms narrow flow core, in which intensive fuel and air mixing occurs. The burner with diffusion extension forms a wide concentration field and its low level, which is explained by volumetric recirculation zone.
The combustion chambers tests hereafter on determining thermal field and obtaining hydraulic characteristics were performed. The measurements showed that at the outlet of the burner with convergent head-piece in the vicinity of thermocouple No 4 the temperature increase was observed compared to the burner variant with diffusion extension. But both cameras ensure temperature field regulated by general requirements.
While next stage the tests of the engines with the combustion chambers under study were performed. The tests data confirmed the reliability of air-fuel mixture ignition during the engine starting. They confirm also correspondence of NK-16ST throttle characteristic to the chambers with both convergent head-piece and diffusion extension in the burner. The obtained data allowed conclude that employing the burner with convergent head-piece allowed reduce emission of nitrogen oxides by 20% and carbonic oxides by 75%. The main characteristics of the combustion chamber can be affected by changes in the design of the nozzle extension in the burner. | |
Mileshin V. I., Semenkin V. G. Computational study of reynolds number effect on the typical first stage of a high-pressure compressor. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 86-98. At present methods of blade machines characteristics are widely used by many scientists all over the world. However, the applied methods of problem setting while flow modeling suppose the boundary layer to be fully turbulent in all regions, and do not reflect transient effects actually in the flow in effect. For the flows with low Reynolds numbers the problem setting with no account for laminar-turbulent transition might lead to significant disagreement between experimental and computational results.
The article presents the results of the computational study of Reynolds number effect on the first stage of high pressure K-8B compressor with the low aspect ratio of the rotor wheel blades (RW) (0.729). The stage has the following key geometry and gas-dynamic parameters:
The values of corrected specific mass flow rate through the stage are related to the values at the design point. The compressor stage regulation allows vary the setting angles of the inlet control assembly (ICA) and distributor, though at the rotor rotation frequencies under consideration (100% and 95%) zero angles were set. The ICA row, RW row and distributor row contain 46, 35 and 76 blades respectively. The gaps at the periphery and hub of guiding devices were assumed as 0.4 mm and 0.6 mm correspondingly in the stage model. The rotor row gap was assumed as 0.5 mm. The value of the total temperature at the input boundary condition is 288.15 K. For Reynolds number decrease modeling the values of total pressure were assumed as Pin = P0, Pin = 0,72P0, Pin = 0,29P0, Pin = 0,21P0, where P0 = = 101325 Pa is the standard atmosphere. The values of static pressure at the periphery were fixed on the outlet boundary condition.
Simulation of 3D viscous flow in blade channel of the stage was performed with ANSYS CFX SOLVER MANAGER in the setting of 3D averaged Navier-Stokes equations (3D RANS). The computational mesh was created with integrated automatic mesh generator ANSYS TURBOGRID and contains 3643432 elements. The solution for the setting with fully turbulent flow was obtained by Menter SST turbulence model. The calculations accounting for laminar-turbulent transition were also performed. For this purpose the Menter SST turbulence model supplemented with γ − Reθ transition model by Langtry and Menter was applied. For solutionconcordance, “stage” or in other words “Mixing planes” option was used at the rotor-stator interfaces. According to the calculation results the stage characteristics degradation between maximum and minimum Reynolds numbers was as follows: adiabatic efficiency η*ad (4%), pressure ratio ( π* ) at the points of max η*ad (2.8%), corrected specific air flow rate (1.52%) at rotor rotation frequency n = 100%, and ∆ max η*ad = 5%, ∆π* = 4.3%, ∆Gcor= 2.3% for n = 95%. Thus, the shift of characteristics corresponding to lower Reynolds numbers occurs to the area of reduced flow of η*ad and π* . The transitional model addition affects these differences as follows: ∆ max η*ad= 3.9%, ∆π* =2.2%, ∆Gcor= 1.6% for n = 100% and ∆ max η*ad =3.7%, ∆π*=2%, ∆Gcor= 1.6% for n = 95%.
Comparing to the experimental results, obtained for n = 95%, application of transitional model of turbulence increases significantly the accuracy of the numerical study. Namely, deviations between experimental data and calculations with transitional model by values of max η*ad pressure ratio at the points max η*ad is less than 1%, while for standard SST model these deviations are of about 2% for maximum Re number, and 3.5% for minimum Re.
Comparing the fields relative to Mach numbers for two models (SST and SST γ − Reθ ), the basic difference in the flow while laminar-turbulent transition modeling consists in qualitatively true modeling of the processes occurring in the boundary layer. In this case, laminar boundary layer near the front edge of the blades, laminar separation and attachment really exist. Turbulization at the rotor wheel blades occurs at the shock wave location, after which the boundary layer already has turbulent structure for the most part with preservation of a very thin laminar layer. Besides, the changes in flow through the radial clearance in the rotor wheel are being present. For γ − Reθ “bubble” flow-over while Re number reduction slightly reduces its size. The separation near the back edge herewith becomes more intensive. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Khoreva E. A. Estimation of inlet airflow non-uniformity effect on turbofan thrust. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 99-108. The article considers methodical approaches to developing mathematical model using “parallel compressors” method, intended for estimation of inlet flow non-uniformity effect on aircraft engine basic parameters. On the example of a two-shaft turbo-jet engine calculation at two characteristic cruise modes the results of calculated estimation, where the base value of σst and averaged value of σav stayed invariable, were presented. Parametric calculations herewith were performed for each selected relative value of the reduced pressure area.
It was demonstrated that degree of full pressure inlet non-uniformity effect on the engine thrust at the two considered modes differs significantly. Thus, if at subsonic mode this estimation could be reduced to accounting only for the effect of reduction of the averaged value of the total pressure at the inlet, while at supersonic cruise mode such reduction use might lead to considerable errors. With invariable values of pressure recovery factor at the engine entry, corresponding to the flight speed for the typical air intake, external compression σst and averaged value σav, the flow non uniformity factor Δσnu affects mainly the thrust. The degree of this parameter effect herewith depends significantly on the difference of sst and sav.
The obtained results of calculated estimations of temperature field non-uniformity at the engine inlet effect revealed that the dependence of relative thrust reduction | |
Sinitsin A. P., Goza D. A., Rumyantsev . V. Thermal calculations of liquid low thruster on pollution-safe fuel. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 109-116. The article presents the results of development and application of the thermal model of a stationary liquid thruster on alternative mono-fuel. It allows calculate the thermal field, and determine internal and external conductive and radiation thermal fluxes, temperature variation gradients speeds in stationary and dynamic modes operating modes of the engine, and calculate heat emission in combustion chamber with subsequent recommendations on upgrading the engine thermal scheme and its reliability.
The purpose of the above said thermal calculation consisted in determining the thermal state parameters and characteristics of the low thrust rocket engine on alternative fuel. The thermal calculations using mathematical model developed and presented in this document solved the following problems: developing the engine thermal model, its verification by the thermal test results, calculation substantiation of the solutions,directed to temperature reduction of propellant delivery valve and capillary delivery tube.
The three-dimensional engine thermal model was built with SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2014, which employs the finite volume method ( a numerical method for integrating the systems of partial differential equations. In heat calculations, the boundary conditions were set identical to the conditions for thermal vacuum tests, which imitated the outer space in full-scale operating conditions.
The experimental data of the engine thermo-vacuum tests, obtained with the development design office Fakel test-bench, were used for the calculation thermal model verification. Verification of the thermalmodel consisted in heaters power selection from the condition of compliance of temperatures in the controlled points and measured ones.
Recommendations on thermal scheme optimization and constructional materials selection were developed according to the thermal calculation results.
Recommendations were also given on optimal structure selection of low-thrust liquid engine on alternative fuel for valve temperature reduction and power consumption reduction while thermocatalytic pack heating-up to +400 °C.
Several design options were considered, and recommendations were given on heat sink application and its impact on the thermal condition of the product, and the effect of the rack material on the thermal condition of the product. According to the results of thermal calculation of the engine structure in functioning mode recommendations are given on substitution of the engine structural elements (heater) and mounting blocks materials not answering the thermal criteria (working values the engine structural units temperature should not exceed qualification value of the temperature).
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Smirnov P. E., Khartov S. A., Kashulin A. P. Experimental study of radiofrequency cathode-neutralizer. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 117-124. High specific impulse and low mass-flow rate of ion thrusters (IT) make them increasingly popular choice as a spacecraft propulsion system. Recent missions demonstrate the efficiency of these thrusters in such missions as orbit correction and exploration of Solar system. Moreover, there are many developing ideas of creating spacecraft with IT for wider spectrum of missions. However, IT needs to have a longer operation time, due to the small thrust (about several mN).
As a rule, such thrusters failure occurs due to the destruction of Ion Optics electrodes or failure of electron source. IT needs electron sources as a main cathode (for plasma producing), and as a cathode-neutralizer (to neutralize potentials of ion beam). Hollow cathodes are most used devices for Ion propulsion applications, due to low gas consumption and high electron current density.
Application of lanthanum hexaboride or tungsten with BaO impregnating as an emitter material, leads to the necessity of strict sustenance of hollow cathodes operational parameters. Interaction of emitter material with a small quantity of poison gas leads to its surface contamination and, as a consequence, to decreasing of the recoverable current even down to zero. It leads to more requirements to the gas purity, and hollow cathode handling prior to its placement in space. Moreover, to ensure effective operation, the emitter should be heated up to 0.6-0.8 of its melting temperature by the external heater, which, in turn, causes the emitter material evaporation (life span reduction), power consumption increase and longer cathode start-up procedure.
The problems of high reliability of traditional electron sources for ion thrusters led the authors to the idea apply them as cathode with plasma high-frequency discharge. In such device, plasma is generated and sustained by radiofrequency induction discharge. The absence of “loaded” (high temperature, powerful flows of charged particles) electrodes eliminates all problems of the cathode long-term operation provision. As with hollow cathode, the bulk plasma volume acts as an electron emitter, which allows generate high electron currents. The article describes the scheme of the prototype of this device, and the results of its experimental development. Currents generated by the high-frequency cathode were achieving up to 1.7 A at the input power of 120 W. Effectiveness evaluation of the high-frequency cathode is presented. | |
Abdulov R. N., Asadov H. G. Optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles detection in conditions of signal-to-noise ratio variation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 125-131. The problem of illegal unmanned aerial vehicles of various types detection and identification consists in their low flight heights, small sizes and high maneuverability. The presented article analyses the interrelated optimal selection of detection probability figures in the UAV-Radar system, corresponding to the minimum value of the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the radar receiving part, i.e. the worst conditions of the UAV detection. The authors suggest a new setting of the problem, associated with several pulses detection at the radar input while the signal-to-noise ratio changing dynamically. The article considers the situation when the detection probability grows with time, and the integral of the sum of detection probability and false alarm probability is equal to a certain constant. In conditions of dynamically changing signal-to-noise ratio with account for the accepted condition of constancy of the integral of the sum while preserving the mutually inverse by nature character changing of detection probability and the alarm probability the problem of optimal interrelation above said probabilities values calculation the is being set. The optimization criterion was formulated in the form of the integral of the well-known expression, determining the interrelation between the signal-to-noise ratio minimum probabilities and false alarm. The gist of the formulated optimization problem consists in finding such probability dependence of false alarm from the detection probability in the series of operations of radar detection with growing detection probability, at which the minimum of the integrated value of minimum signal to noise ratios is reached, ensuring detection of point objects at each radaroperation. Based on the performed analysis the authors obtained the functional relationship of the false alarm probability from the detection probability for scenario, when a pinpoint target in the course of radar detection with growing detection probability is being detected at minimum achievable figure of integrated signal-to-noise ratio at the radar receiver input.
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Mamedov I. E. Photometric informational method for unmanned aerial vehicles localization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 132-138. One of major factors affecting the successful UAV performing reconnaissance tasks is the possibility of its coordinates exact localization. The UAV position estimation in such systems is usually performed employing such features as reference points, margins or other images informative elements. Application of such characteristic as reciprocal information for this purpose is also possible. The major shortage of these methods consist in complexity of this function computation in real time scale. The presented article suggests the method, generalizing the main features of localization techniques based on reciprocal information calculation. In contrast to the well-known solutions, localization with the suggested technique is performed based on both information characteristics and optical illuminance characteristics of the analyzed images of various formats. The resemblance of real scene herewith with geo-referenced image is computed by subtracting them from the information characteristics, and for accuracy and reliability of the obtained result, the localization is performed based on multi-format geo-referenced images of the object. The localization problem is solved with this method as a problem of minimization of difference of the total volumes of information, obtained from the real object and reference image in the mode of studying the multi-format frames while meeting some additional condition, specified on total illuminance of the studied and compared images. As applied to the considered problem of the UAV localization, the obtained solution ensures maximum difference of estimations of information volume in the ground scene under study and geo-referenced image. The author concluded that the optimal selection should be considered as such a desired functional dependence, which differs to the greatest extent from the calculated function characterizing the studied extreme localization mode. | |
Spirin A. I. Flight data analysis as an operational decisions making basis of the long-term operating orbital stations usage manual. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 139-151. Space mission control is an integral part of the control process. It allows obtain a fair presentation on the actual state and functioning of constituent parts of a spacecraft (SC), the degree of tasks implementation and its reaction to control actions.
As a rule, two tasks are solved while controlling. The first one consists in predicting the SC and crew abilities to perform the current flight tasks based on current data, and the second one of no less importance is to detect timely a failure onboard a SC and take measures to its elimination at short notice.
The analysis of the SC onboard systems state adds to the control, but this process is more complicated and it is aimed at revealing cause-and-effect relations of the control parameters both with each other and with external conditions. This analysis is performed for predicting the onboard systems state over the planned flight stages to reveal undesired tendencies in control parameters behavior, as well as for analyzing and revealing the causes of divergences and failures of the onboard system operation. The analysis of the onboard systems states is performed as a rule out of the bounds of a SC operative control loop.
For long-term orbital stations' (LTOS) the analysis of the onboard system state is particularly urgent due to the necessity of ensuring long-term operation in conditions of known restrictions on their structure changing. The flight data generalization and their analysis allow reveal the causes of divergences of the onboard systems states, elaborate recommendations on their elimination of reducing their negative effect, as well as elaborate operational decisions on optimization of the onboard systems operation modes, rational resources consumption, ensuring thereby long-term and effective operation of the LTOS.
The article presents methodological approaches employed for the of onboard systems state analysis with account for collateral data. The operational decisions examples, implemented based on the International Space Station flight data analysis, are considered for the events such as:
– parry the negative impact of the jets of orientation engines of transportation vehicles on solar batteries panels (SP);
– reduce fuel consumption during the SP effectiveness evaluation;
– improving the heat transfer of radiators of the thermal mode provision system during the «solar orbits» periods. | |
Kyaw Z. L., Moung H. O. Development of wind velocity estimation method using the airspeed. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 152-159. The method suggested in this paper provides estimates for the three projections of wind velocity in earths normal coordinate system using satellite navigation systems (SNS) data, as well as on-board barometric airspeed measurements. The wind speed and its direction are assumed constant for a flight leg of 50-60 s duration. This means, that for the given time interval projections of the wind velocity values on the axis of the normal earth coordinate system are constant. Further, the object and observation models are presented, as well as the identification algorithm accuracy characteristics, obtained from the simulation data processing. The airspeed measuring error effect on the wind velocity estimation is also under discussion. The results, showing the accuracy of wind velocity estimation depending on the constant velocity measurement errors, are presented.
The analysis shows that horizontal projections of wind velocities are estimated with high accuracy (relative errors of 13%), but a certain time interval to obtain the proper degree of identifiability is necessary. After this, the accuracy of estimating the horizontal projections of wind velocities remains at a decent level, and does not depend heavily on the increase of the speed measurement error. The wind vertical projection estimation herewith leaves something to be desired. It makes 3040% even at zero flight speed error, and increases considerably with an increase of speed measuring error. Thus, we may conclude that the suggested method can ensure the good accuracy for estimating the wind velocities along the horizontal coordinate axes, and it is not applicable for estimating the vertical component of wind velocity. | |
Lebedeva N. V., Solov'ev S. V. Intelligent systems application while spacecraft flight operational control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 152-159. To perform automation of a spacecraft state control, it is necessary to define the scope of tasks, which are most dangerous from the viewpoint of their accuracy of estimate. Intelligent systems application whileoperational flight control does not assume the complete waiving from human in the control loop. It should complement his activities by in-depth and rapid evaluation of a vast amount of information, and help to elaborate the correct reaction to the current state of a spacecraft.
While operational efficiency computation, the nominal time t and its technological delay ∆t , spent for evaluation, is assumed as the main control criterion. This technological delay is associated with the time of data receiving from the spacecraft. The spacecraft normal operation evaluation is important as the main reference point for monitoring of its state changing.
While various operations execution the type of commands issued to the onboard systems to ensure the operation execution, capability of their issuing, as well as the ways of technical evaluation of the state of their execution are accounted for. For control automation, it is necessary also to account for the pre-planned possibilities of organized (nonrandom) effecting affecting its state. From the analysis viewpoint, the flight operation execution switches the spacecraft to a new state. Evaluation of the flight operation and the new state of the spacecraft is the purpose of the flight operation controlling.
The monitoring process includes also performing diagnostics of the spacecraft state. More than one point of its state herewith is determined for the current time (interval). Intelligent system application allows employ all previous diagnostic results and represents the dynamics of the development of the process of changing the technical characteristics of the spacecraft in the past, which can be used to the forecast systematic correcting and increasing its validity.
Operation of the intelligent system in real time mode will allow increase the response rate to anomalies occurrence and their development in time with accurate fixation of the drift of data deviation development. An essential advantage of such systems can be the immunity to accidental failures, such as information loss, as well as the determination of non-obvious changes, which might become a forerunner of failures. | |
Pigalova E. A., Abramova A. A., Kurnikov N. A. Plasma welding application prospects while airplanes of mig brand production as one of the methods to reduce welding deformations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 172-183. Welding is a complex technological process followed by occurrence of internal residual tensions and deformations of a welded structure.
While producing aircraft It is essential to reduce residual tensions and deformations, since:
– the structure's deformations affect an aircraft external aerodynamic contour reducing its aerodynamic characteristics;
– residual tensions sum up with tensions from external loads on the structure, leading to its destruction;
– residual tensions form volumetric stressed state in separate metal volumes, which complicate plastic deformation of a metal and contributes to its transition to brittle state, leading to local destruction of a structure.
This work is devoted to experimental research on automatic plasma welding application instead of argon-arc welding as one the methods for welding deformations reduction while aircraft structures fabrication.
Plasma welding is the welding performed by directed flow of plasma arc. The plasma arc is characterized by the high temperature (up to 30,000°C), and a wide range of its processing properties. It has much in common with argon-arc welding technology.
The main features that distinguish the plasma arc from the conventional one are:
Conclusion: the plasma arc is more concentrated, powerful and universal source of heating in compared to the conventional one.
The conducted pilot studies consist in comparing parameters of the samples welded by both automatic argon-arc and automatic plasma welding. Based on the performed work, the following conclusions were drawn:
Based on the above said studies at NAZ “Sokol” the decision was made to implement automatic plasma welding. A new installation for sheets butt-joint automatic argon-arc and plasma welding was developed.
The installation consists of:
The interface of control panel software is intuitive and provides the following functionality:
The effect of implementing the plasma welding instead argon-arc:
1) Higher labor productivity in view of the higher welding speed (by 3-5 times).
2) Time consumption reduction for products leveling after welding (by 50-70%) due to minimal residual deformations in the weld seam due to more concentrated heating source.
3) Time consumption reduction for welding modes testing (by 50-70%) due to the the stored base of welding programs. | |
Golovnin S. M. Risk of problem solution skills loss by civil aviation pilots in uncertainty conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 184-190. Modern air transportation system is characterized by the great dependence on human, all its elements safe functioning determine the very same “human factor” playing a big role in management and stability of the entire system. In the course of time and aviation industry development, the role of the human factor in aviation accidents is being varied considerably. If for old aircraft, which were difficultly controlled and unreliable the human factor share was 5–7%, in the middle of the middle of the last century it was about 50%, and at present of the human factor is about 80% with the uptrend.
To reduce the risk of an aviation event, the Concept of Crew Resources Managing (CRM), based on the provisions of the human factor, is being actively implemented in modern civil aviation. This is a system of measures aimed at enhancing flight safety and effectiveness by the right implementation of human, technical and information resources, as well improving interaction within the crew, and the crew with the personnel of the other CRM components. CRM is an of practical implementation of the human factor principles.
The human factor as the cause of aviation event implies the human inability to react (interfere with) timely to an evolving or created emergency situation to avoid or minimize of this event aftermath.
One of the most important characteristics of a person is the response time of his reaction. In general, the response time is the time that passes from the moment of the an irritant occurrence to the motional response ending. In civil aviation, the ability to respond to irritants (signals, air traffic controllers' commands, aircraft cabin situations) is instilled in the early stages of training in flight schools. However, the practical development of reactions to events undoubtedly plays an important role in the development of the reaction rate under real flight conditions.
For this purpose, training programs for cadets include tasks for training with a list of events, which are practiced on simulators and imply the occurrence of the cadet's correct response to avoid an emergency situation development.
However, while delivering classes with cadets who are commissioned for a new type of aircraft after flight school graduation, it was noted that in the case of a series of one-type trainings, cadets began foresee a situation that wouldl be set by the instructor and developed while training process.
Thus, the effect of “suddenness” vanishes, and after all, failures or other predicaments, which may occur in flight, cannot be predicted in real flight conditions.
This regularity and foreseeing the possible scenario of situation development is able to abate significantly the pilots skill to respond and solve the unexpected problems and reduce the need for analysis and correct decision-making regarding a particular situation. As a consequence, the pilot's main skill “to fly a few seconds ahead of the aircraft” will be blurred and will subsequently be left without development, which will affect the further safe aircraft operation.
The following experiment was conducted to simulate alike situation with the cadets on the simulator. Ten cadets underwent a total of twenty training sessions, of which in 10 training sessions they knew that a simulated collision with the bird (imitation of broken glass) would be planned, and in 10 other cases the task for training did not indicated the planned collision with a bird.
The results were being recorded as follows: the training number and the number of people who could not properly perform the procedures while collision with a bird (imitation of broken glass) were recorded.
Thanks to uncertainty conditions modeling in virtual space (training device, simulator), these skills can be developed on the ground, preparing the pilot for action in almost any situation, and it does not matter whether the situation is caused by a person, a vehicle, or environment. Skills of action in the face of uncertainty will help the pilots in any case to make right decision and eliminate the problem in time. | |
Ismagilov F. R., Zarembo I. V., Kalii V. A., Vavilov V. E., Miniyarov A. K. Specifics of permanent magnet synchronous motor development for fuel pump of perspective flying vehicles. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 191-202. Electric motors are one of the main actuating element ensuring aircraft systems functioning. Traditionally, they are employed in fuel pumps, oil pumping pumps, hydraulic stations, automation systems, as fans drive, and wing-flap systems. The variety of problems solved by electric motors on board the aircraft, makes them almost one of the main consumers of electric power.
Currently, several types of electric motors are employed in aircraft fuel pumps, such as DC motors with brush-collector unit, induction motors, inductor and reactive motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) with direct start, and brushless direct current motors (BLDCM). All the listed motors have problems related to energy efficiency and mass and size indicators.
Thus, the main promising motor version for employing in aviation fuel pumps at this stage is the PMSM. A number of scientific and practical works are devoted to the development of the PMSM for aerospace systems. In particular, the specifics of field simulation of the PMSM for aircraft air-conditioning systems and general approaches to PMSM development for aerospace applications are considered. The works are devoted to the study of the PMSM magnetic systems and solving the problems of creating a PMSM control system development. The design features herewith of PMSM for fuel pumps are not disclosed in the literature. Although this type of motors has a number of distinctive features, such as working conditions in the field of low negative temperatures, working capacity at low voltage, employing of graphite bearings, etc. All these specifics do not allow employ the results of the works to the full extent.
Thus, the purpose of this article consists in analyzing the design features of the PMSM for fuel pump by developing and examining the PMSM for fuel pump with concrete geometry with account for real operating conditions and evaluating the prospects for the development of the PMSM for fuel pump. | |
Nadaraia T. G., Selivanov A. I., Shestakov I. Y., Fadeev A. A., Vinogradov K. N. Hybrid energy storage device in power supply system for prospective spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 202-209. The article presents the improved version of spacecraft power supply system by rational selection of the hybrid power plant basic elements. Power supply system is the most important onboard system from the viewpoint of energy supply and reliability. Failure of this system entails failure of the whole spacecraft.
The main types of power plants, such as a combination of solar and chemical batteries, installations based on various physical phenomena, and electrodynamic tether systems, as well as nuclear ones are known.
Rational selection of the power-plant basic elements to solve specific problems allows improve technical, mass-and-size and cost characteristics of a spacecraft in total.
The improvement of the power supply system energy efficiency is achieved by special schematic architecture and joint application of chemical and kinetic energy storage devices. The hybrid energy storage device will allow maintain the required energy supply of the onboard equipment and compensate peak energy consumption onboard a spacecraft. This energy storage device includes ionistors. Ionistors serve to compensate fast transients while the installation start-up in orbit. Compensation of the occurring kinetic moment is realized by installing two energy storage devices operating in antiphase. Application of contactless, magnetic, high-temperature super-semiconductor suspension in the flywheel allows significantly reduce mechanical losses and increase the storage time of the stored kinetic energy.
The principle of the above said installation operation in both energy storing mode and energy return to the system to consumers' mode is described. The hybrid energy storage device operation in the process of energy return takes place with rotation speed changing, which leads to the necessity of solving the problem of obtaining the AC of stable frequency at the output. This problem is being solved directly by rotating converter or a specialized inverter. Smoothing the peak loads on the battery by ionistors and the lack of brush gear increase the lifespan of the hybrid energy storage device.
Indicative computations show that application of the hybrid energy storage device allow improve mass-and-size characteristics of the power supply system by 24%. The suggested approach will be employed in further activities associated with enhancing the energy-mass perfection of the spacecraft power supply system. | |
Galkin V. I., Galkin E. V., Paltievich A. R., Preobrazhenskii E. V., Borunova T. V. Analyzing technological schemes of production of “FRAME SEGMENT” type parts. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 210-220. The article considers methods for frame segment obtaining from the B95 alloy by isothermal forging. This method allows obtaining forgings with minimum allowance for machining and requires value of punching force. Isothermal forging can be a more productive alternative to the now employed cutting operation with NC machine tool. The above said alloy is a certified material for aircraft industry and has a high specific strength. One of the B95 specifics consists in rather narrow deformation temperature region. On the one hand, herewith the forging temperature should be selected as maximum to reduce the required force, and on the other hand, the deformation heating-up may lead to overburning, i.e. irreparable damage of the material, characterized by drastic mechanical properties deterioration. To solve this problem, the authors propose to reduce the deformation loading of the material, which can be ensured by controlling the stress-and-strain state and heating temperature of a workpiece while forging.
The stress-and-strain state of temperature fields analysis was performed with engineering software complex Deform, based on finite element method. Deform software found wide application for the analysis of metals pressure shaping. It allows reduce the design period of the process and cost price, as well as increase the quality of production.
In the presented work several options of isothermal forging of a frame forged piece made of B95 allow were studied with finite element method. While modeling, the initial temperature of the process was being varied, and forging tools of various geometry were employed, as well as the auxiliary operations number. Workpieces of various cross-sections, such as circular, square and rectangular ones were used. The initial workpiece position in the stamp was accounted for. For all cases under consideration, the deformation ratio exceeds the permissible value of 60%, and the process temperature was non-uniformly distributed over the forging cross-section. In a number of cases the conditions that could lead to metal burn-out were observed. It was found, that the most rational scheme is the scheme of isothermal forging, in which a rectilinear pressed rod was used as a billet. Its cross-section area was equal to the section area of the frame forging, and the length of the shelves was 3 mm shorter. This scheme application allows produce forging with equivalent strains of no more than 60%, and allowable deformation heating, which does not lead to the of B95 alloy burnout. | |
Antipov V. V., Dobryansky V. N., Korolenko V. A., Lurie S. A., Serebrennikova N. Y., Solyaev Y. O. Evaluation of layered aluminum-fiberglass plastic effective mechanical characteristics in conditions of uniaxial tensile. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 221-229. The article presents the results of laminated aluminum-fiberglass composite material, formed by thin layers of aluminum alloy and fiberglass, mechanical characteristics modeling. A modified analytical model of layered material accounting for the presence of metal elastic-plastic layers in the composite structure with bilinear defining relationships is being employed for calculations. For the case of uniaxial tensile, the layer-by-layer analysis of the composite strength is being performed with account for residual tensions formed while the material fabrication. The Tsai-Hill strength criterion was used for fiberglass layers. The moment of yielding commence in metal layers is being determined by Mises criterion. The calculation results determined effective strength characteristics, yield stress and strength limit of composites in conditions of uniaxial tensile. The good agreement of calculation results and experimental data within the 90% of accuracy limits was shown.
The effective Young's modulus of the material in the calculations was 51.5 GPa (49 GPa in the experiment). The apparent yield stress of the composite, associated with the appearance of plasticity in the layers of aluminum, was 230 MPa, which in fact coincides with the experiment. The composite ultimate strength in calculation was 540 MPa (585 MPa in the experiment). In fact, it follows fr om the calculations that the yield stress of metal-polymer composite is determined by aluminum layers yield stress, while the strength limit is determined by the strength lim it of fiberglass layers oriented in the direction of load action. The proposed model allows evaluate the effect of residual tensions on the material mechanical strength characteristics. The results of calculations established that the residual tensions might lead to the composite mechanical properties degradation. | |
Kalugina M. S., Remshev E. Y., Danilin G. A., Vorob'eva G. A., Telnov A. K. A method of light alloys reinforcing by aero-thermoacoustic treatment for aerospace industry. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 230-239. The article studies the possibility of developing technological basics of higher mechanical properties of aluminum casting alloys ensuring, and wrought aluminum alloy while employing aero-thermoacoustic treatment (ATAT).
The share of aluminum allows employed in aviation industry is high. Thus, both casting and wrought alloys find application in aerospace industry. Casting aluminum alloys are used for containers and tanks production. In machine building such casting aluminum alloys as silumin are widely spread.
Aluminum wrought alloys present great interest, due to their higher mechanical properties. They are used for aircraft hulls manufacturing. The above said alloys are employed for manufacturing prefabricated shells of aircraft hulls, representing rigid encasements of rather rigid sheet material, which should resist normal and tangent forces and carry all types of loads.
ATAT employing enables increasing the strength of silumins about 1.4 times, practically with preserving elasticity at the initial level or its slight reduction. Significant holding time reduction was observed as well.
The article studies ways of increasing strength characteristics of extra-high tensile wrought aluminum alloy without significant loss of plastic properties of the material.
The article studies ways of increasing strength characteristics of high-strength wrought aluminum alloy without significant loss of plastic properties of the material.
The ATAT effect on the structure and properties of aluminum casting alloys was revealed, which could be associated with the process of micro-plastic deformation and partial recrystallization while treatment, with diffusion processes acceleration, which ensures grinding of solid solution grains. The redistribution and reduction of macro and microstrains in the material significantly affects its properties. | |
Aslanov V. S., Yudintsev V. V. Parameters selection of space debris removal system with elastic elements by cable towing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 7-17. There are more than 1500 large artificial objects on the near-earth orbits, while only 7% of then are active spacecraft. The remaining objects are space debris. The greatest hazard is presented by the large space debris, such as non-functioning satellites, final stages of rocket carriers, staying on the orbit. Their destruction can lead to grave aftermath, since collision of such object with other the objects and fragments may lead to significant increase of the number of small debris, which, in its turn, can lead to impossibility of safe employing of some near-earth orbits. The space debris removal is one of topical problems, which humanity will have to solve in the nearest future.
A method of space debris removal, and transportation system parameters are determined in many ways by the properties of the garbage being removed. Objects capture and removal by tether systems is one of the prospective methods of large objects, such as non-functional satellites of rocket stages, removal from orbit. The removal of a non-functioning spacecraft with flexible elements herewith is a more complicated task, since the possibility of oscillations of elastic structural elements, such as solar batteries panels should be accounted for, which may lead to their destruction and greater clogging of near earth space.
The article considers cable transportation of a large-sized object of space debris with elastic elements, such as solar batteries. The goal of the work consists in studying the mutual effect of tether oscillations and oscillations of flexible elements while transportation active phase. The article presents the developed mathematical model of the system, consisting of space tug and towed space debris with flexible elements. It considers the simplest case when only a constant thrust force effects the tug. No other forces and moments (such as gravitational) are accounted for.
The transported space debris should not be destroyed while towing, and its attached elements (solar batteries) should not tear away. Otherwise, it may lead to greater clogging of space. To analyze the possibility of destruction and selection of such system parameters that will exclude the space debris structure destruction, mathematical model was developed. By dint of this model, the analytical expressions allowing select the tether rigidity depending on parameters of space debris and mass of the tug were obtained. The article demonstrates the existence of critical tether rigidity, that should be avoided while transportation system parameters forming. Direct numerical integrating of the initial equations of the motion substantiated all analytical and numerical results presented in the article. | |
Guryanov A. I., Kalinina K. L. Studying an atomizer for rain imitation while aircraft engines certification. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 18-27. The purpose of the study is creating an atomizer for aircraft engines testing while ingress of rain, as well as checking the sample for conformity to the standard requirements for testing facilities adopted for aircraft engines' certification.
The review of fluid spraying problems and methods, which formed the grounds for further selection of the liquid spraying scheme, was performed in this research work. The paper presents the description of the technique for the pursuance of the pilot studies of the atomizer with determination of the parameters such as flow coefficient; water distribution irregularity ratio; rooted angle of a drip stream and drops distribution over the diameter with computation of the average median diameter. It presents also the scheme of installation for complex study of a water drip stream characteristics.
Experimental studies of atomizer prototype models were performed according to the above said technique for the purpose of increase integral parameters of the efficiency, as well as compliance check of range of drops diameters from 0.5·10-3 to 7·10-3 m, and the value of average median diameter of 2.66·10-3.
The tests allowed revealing the relationship between the geometric characteristics of atomizers and drip flows being obtained. Development of the most suitable prototype of atomizer allowed obtain the drops within the certification range with average median diameter of 2,656·10-3 m.
The results of the work are as follows: the problems of rain imitation were analyzed, the technique for the atomizer testing was developed, and the atomizer design was offered and substantiated. Experimental studies of parameters of the above said atomizer were performed design, and its conformity to certification requirements was confirmed. | |
Shorr B. F., Buyukli T. V., Shorstov V. A., Bortnikov A. D., Sal'nikov A. V., Frolov V. N., Serebryakov N. N. Developing calculation method for forced vibrations of turbomachines of a blisk type blades. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. . The subject of the article “Developing calculation method for forced vibrations of turbomachines of a blisk-type blades” by Shorr B.F., Buyukli T.V., Shorstov V.A., Bortnikov A.D., Salnikov A.V., Frolov V.N. Serebryakov N.N. is the blades of a blisk-type rotor wheels.
The research topic is the effect of amplitude-dependent damping in the material of blades on amplitude of the steady-state resonant vibrations.
The goal of the work is definition of the non-stationary components of the aerodynamic forces and resonant stresses amplitudes in the blades at steady-state vibrations.
The article employs the following assumptions: only the steady-state vibrations amplitudes are being computed. Aeroelastic phenomena relating to blade deformation (both oscillations' excitation and damping) are neglected, i. e. gas exciting forces are defined according to the geometry of air-gas channel elements at a specified operating mode regardless of blade vibrations. Mechanical damping in blades material is amplitude-dependent; i. e. blade behaves as a physically heterogeneous body in the sense of energy dissipation, which heterogeneity depends on variable tensions distribution at each form of vibrations. Damping properties are verified by dynamic tests of samples at various excitation levels and frequencies.
The methodology of the work includes a sequential computational study, which consisting of initial normal modes analysis with definition of the operating mode with possible resonances. It also accounts for of the non-stationary components of the aerodynamic forces definition by solving the Navier-Stokes equation at the operating mode of interest, transferring these components to the nodes to the mechanical finite element model of the blade. Finally, the extraction of the harmonic components of the force, and solving the problem of steady-state vibrations of the blade with amplitude-dependent damping.
Calculations revealed that employing of the constant decrement of oscillations might lead to incorrect results. The difference between calculated amplitudes of the vibratory stresses in the considered example was 25%.
Conclusions were drawn on the method structure, as well as that the considered example of calculating the rotor wheel forced vibrations at resonance with the 13th harmonic of the flow circumferential irregularity shows the utility of accounting for the dependence of the energy dissipation factor in the material on the vibratory stresses amplitude.
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Il'inkov A. V., Gabdrakhmanov R. R., Takmovtsev V. V., Shchukin A. V. Effect of centrifugal mass forces on heat transfer when airflow of concave surface with transverse projections. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 39-48. The article presents the results of a pilot study of average heat transfer on a concave surface model with regard to the cooling systems of the leading edge of a gas turbine engines turbine blade with spanwise semi-cylindrical ribs in turbulent flow. Relative curvature parameter was being varied by variation of the momentum thickness. Heat transfer has been studied employing a gradient method based on Fourier-Newton law. A test section was a plane channel of 140 × 100 mm consisting of a straight section and a 90° bend. The concave surface of the channel and the object under consideration had a radius of curvature Rw = 500 mm.
The visualization results revealed that when an undisturbed fluid flowed past the first spanwise rib, the reattachment length behind this rib depended on the surface curvature parameter. The latter is the ratio of the momentum thickness to the surface curvature radius. The increase in this parameter fr om 1.38 · 10-3 up to 2.5 · 10-3 resulted in the average of 1.6 times reduction in the reattachment length.
This result derived fro m flow visualization has been satisfactorily confirmed by the distribution of local heat transfer coefficients between the ribs. The reattachment length characterized by the peak heat transfer reduced approximately by 1.4 times. No effect of centrifugal body forces on heat transfer in the flow around the second and third ribs has been observed.
It has been shown that in the case of combined effect of centrifugal body forces and spanwise ribs on heat transfer, these factors do not meet the additivity concept of individual effects due to their mutual coupling. In the considered case, the effect of streamwise curvature of the concave surface was observed only behind the first spanwise rib wh ere the momentum thickness was large. This effect was suppressed further downst ream byboundary layer breakup caused by spanwise ribs. The contribution of centrifugal forces to heat transfer enhancement at a given surface curvature radius can grow if the rib height is decreased while the streamwise rib pitch remains constant. | |
Marchukov E. Y., Polyakov K. S., Kulalaev V. V., Petrienko V. G. Computation of magnetic liquid flow in annular channel of magnetic-fluid seal of a shaft with high-speed wall. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 49-56. Purposes and objectives of the article consist in the following: formulating hydrodynamic boundary problem of computation of magnetic-fluid seal (MFS) parameters, which belong to the group of noncontact slot seals operating as a hydraulic lock. While developing MFS the annular packets of conducting magnetic brushes were used as magnetic field concentrators instead of teeth. A magnetic fluid resides between the bristles of these brushes in a narrow annular channel. Such a seal gives the minimum friction between the interfaced parts. Numerous calculation methods for the abovementioned hydrodynamic boundary problems developed historically almost independently from each other. General principles for creating numerical methods acceptable for all hydrodynamic boundary problems in general were slated. The aggregate of these concepts and methods allows eventually reduce the algorithm for solving complex hydrodynamics boundary problems to algorithms for solving simple problems of standard structure. An integral relations method employed in this work was developed based on conservation laws and eventually reduced to ordinary differential equation solving. At the domain boundary herewith the boundary conditions are specified both at the rigid wall and the boundaries through which the flow inflows and outflows. Additionally, adhesion conditions are specified. The presented article formulates the new boundary conditions of tracking-concatenation of viscous incompressible flow for internal flows in narrow annular channels. It gives mathematical formulation of the boundary problem for viscous incompressible magnetic flow with possible internal backflows, which detection experimentally is impossible. The boundary problem was set and algorithm for computation of viscous magnetic liquid flow field in the annulus with movable walls of the magnetic-fluid seal (MFS) by the structured method with the exact fulfillment of the boundary and initial conditions was presented.
The article shows that application of mathematical apparatus for solving the boundary problems by the structured method allows calculate in total parameters of the magnetic liquid flow: heat flows, coefficients of friction, heat transfer and distribution of these parameters through the radial clearance of annulus, revealing the areas of potential backflows.
The results of this work may be useful while developing and computing new type of magnetic-fluid seals (MFS) for high-speed shafts of structures and units for various industrial purposes. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M., Morzeeva T. A., Khoreva E. A. Accounting for the effect of the border layer at the inlet to the fans while integrating the distributed power plant and a flying vehicle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 57-66. The article presents the analysis of a distributed power plant concept for perspective long haul passenger aircraft, which is intended for ensuring more deep integration of a power plant and a flying vehicle, as well as enhancing its fuel efficiency.
While employing an aircraft engine of such kind, separate modules of a power plant may be installed both in the engine nacelle and inside an airplane fuselage, made according to a “flying wing” scheme.
A portion of a boundary layer, formed at the surface of an aircraft, gets into the inlet plane of fan modules, located at the top surface of the fuselage.
The variant of a submerged engine inside an aircraft assumes the presence of a rather long curvilinear intake channel, in which local separations and vortexes inevitably occur. It leads to additional losses of full pressure at the engine inlet.
The article considers separately the effect of two main factors on the engine thrust, namely, the drop of overall level of the total pressure at the engine inlet and its non-uniformity.
To evaluate the effect of the above said components, the results of preliminary work out of the distributed power plant parameters, obtained at CIAM, named for Baranov, in the activities progress on the engines' schemes of new types, were applied.
Calculations were performed employing the first level model of an aircraft gas turbine engine.
Parametrical studies performed using the developed technique allowed select an optimal degree of double-flowness on specific fuel consumption at course speed, and the degree of pressure increase in the fan. The fan modules' and main engine components dimensionality was redetermined with account for various losses levels at the inlet.
The effect of engine parameters changing on the its mass estimation value was performed with the developed modular technique, based on the idea of impeller machine mass proportionality to compression specific work and corrected specific air consumption. The modular technique coefficients characterizing the weight fraction of the turbojet modules were determined based on estimations obtained for detailed element-by-element mathematical model of mass, in the activities progress on the engines' schemes of new types, at CIAM, named for Baranov.
The obtained results of the parametrical studies make it clear that on deterioration of the factor of total pressure preservation at the inlet by 2%, minimum specific fuel consumption at a cruising mode would be achieved in the distributed power plant with double-flowness reduced by 3%, and the total pressure increase degree in the fan reduced by 0.6%. At the same time specific fuel consumption increases on 6-7 % of percent. The specific fuel consumption herewith is increases by 6-7%.
The power plant weight, without account for the weight of the remote fan modules transmission drive may increase by approximately 4-5 %.
Analysis of the effects associated with the presence of non-uniform total pressure field, resulting in its averaged level reduction at the fan inlet, revealed that the effect of non-uniformity presence itself might be of 15 to 30% of the total effect on the engine thrust. It should be accounted for selection of the distributed power plant shape of the configuration under consideration. | |
Pisarenko V. N. Testability management while an object operation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 67-75. Foreign-made aircraft (AC) ingress to domestic civil aviation airlines revealed a number of significant challenges, including the testability provision (abbreviated Tst). We will denote testability management hereafter by FTsbl symbol with Tstblt subscript. An ill-considered implementation of foreign-made components in aviation transportation system of Russia without comprehensive accounting for operation and maintenance factors leads to above-level downtime of cost intensive aerotechnics, and upset of calculated value of an aircraft testability. At present, revealing assessments and factors of testability management, gains special topicality and requires comprehensive analysis. Many scientists in Russia, including V.S. Shapkin, N. Gipich, .G. Evdokimov, A. Stepanov, V. Viktorova and abroad, including Douglas, T. Ross, studied testability as the means of equipment failure-free operation provision through its whole life cycle. However, the studies of testability provision while operation are insufficient. The testability management system is being reduced to compliance with the State Standard 27518-87 “Products diagnosis”, i. e. to totality of coordinating activities on management state, as a part of general enterprise management. These activities are not oriented with respect to testability while operation. They are fulfilled without adequate theoretical development on substantiating the required acceptable testability level of object under operation and control action. It does not achieve the desired goal since functional dependencies of testability management, controlled parameters and acceptable limits of testability parameters variation of controlled products are not substantiated theoretically.
The objective of this article consists in studying the possibility of testability management while operation and developing mathematical model of testability management of an object on the example of testability management of aerotechnics.
The article describes the testability as a function of the monitored object under operation. It presents description of testability computation models and algorithms. Based on the theory of optimal processes and Pontryagin's maximum principle the mathematical model of the function test was studied. A mathematical model of an operated object testability management on the example of aerotechnics. This model is based on measuring indices and parameters of operation, processing of the obtained data, analyzing and developing control action on the operated object.
A mathematical model of controlled object under operation testability on the example of aviation technology, based on the measurement of parameters and operating parameters, the processing of this data analysis and generation of control action on the object of exploitation. An approach to testability management of an object under operation was deduced. | |
Patrikeev S. A. Capabilities of onboard innovation measuring systems while ground and flight tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 76-83. The main modern aviation development trends are based on the fact that aircraft qualities are defined not only by carrier characteristics but also by onboard equipment complex capabilities.
High rates of airborne equipment development and creation intrinsic to recent years have come into contradiction with long service life of airframe and engine. Resolution of this conflict supposes abruption of an aircraft common life cycle as an aggregate of an aircraft and its equipment and shift to logically interrelated separate cycles of aircraft and onboard equipment complex development.
The problem discussed herein consists in optimum employment of cost and time resources in aircraft flight and engineering test practice.
Particularly, the flight and engineering tests are described, which essence consists in giving the answer to the question on how the flight task was realized with the accuracy not worse than the specified one.
Parametric expected uncertainty within the problem formulated has some specific distinctions from situations discussed within statistical decision theory.
First of all, the values of the parameters, which define the hypotheses under checking. These parameters, H0 and H1, are not defined (a priori) within the sets of their values Ω0 and Ω1, responsible for the system state (H0 – the system complies with the requirements, H1 – it does not), and are defined in the sense of the system state (“YES” – H0, “NO” – H1).
Secondly, inasmuch as on the assumption of employing information methods for optimization of surveillance planning stage at the interval of an aircraft's ground tests the situation, when the probability in the context of alpha and beta errors is required, is inadmissible. The decision making in this case will turn out to be unobtainable due to the lack of information in the sample of observations.
Substantiated information and cost approach, general formulation and the ways of resolving the problem of surveillance of ground measuring complex means while performing aircraft flight and engineering tests, ensures the effectiveness of flight tests with existing test pattern and requirement for minimum consumption of all kinds of resources.
Proved relationship and interpretation of the results open a possibility of obtaining analytical expression of informational measures necessary within the framework of the problem discussed and formulation of the task for ground measuring system equipment observation plan optimization.
While application of this method, the effectiveness of proposed models was about 9 –15 % of augmentation in terms of economic indicators, and instruments and general structures controllability by 15 – 20 %. Thus, general effectiveness of the proposed model equals to about 20%, which allows for attributing it to qualitatively new flight controllability structures.
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Dong Z. . Analysis of dynamics and motion control of low-orbital space tether system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 84-91. The paper analyzes the dynamics of a low-orbital space tether system (STS), consisting of a main and a small space vehicles, and a tether connecting them. Under consideration are the stages of deploying, free motion and stabilizing on a low and nearly circular orbit (170-180 km). The tether escapement is performed fr om the main spacecraft by the mechanism operating only on braking action, according to the feedback principle of measuring the tether length and escapement velocity. The tether length after deploying termination is several tens of kilometers.
The study of the STS motion on a low orbit becomes more complicated due to the necessity of considering the atmospheric drag acting on all system elements including the tether. It was demonstrated, that at the end of the STS deploying in a position close to vertical, unavoidable system oscillations relative to vertical occurred, caused by joint affecting of gravitational and aerodynamic forces (aerogradient effect).
The author suggests a nominal deploying program of the low-orbital STS at the position near to vertical. The proposed STS deploying program, compared to the known programs, accounts for the effect of the aerodynamic force acting on the end-bodies and the tether. The program law elaboration is realized by a simplified model with inextensible tether, and written in the orbital moving coordinate system. To verify the effectiveness of the suggested program the STS mathematical model with distributed parameters, wh ere the tether is represented as an aggregate of material points was elaborated and applied. Numerical simulation of the deploying process revealed that the suggested nominal program of the STS deployment allows decrease the amplitude of aerogradient oscillations of tether relative to the vertical by several times.
Simulation of the stages of free motion and stabilization was performed on the model with distributed parameters. When the orbital height of the system's center of mass decreases to a certain value, the low-orbital STS will switch to the stabilization motion in a given range of orbital height (170-180 km). Stabilization of the system orbital motion is realized by a correcting thruster, located on the main spacecraft. Employing the correctiing thruster ensures the flight stabilization of the low-orbital STS in the given range of orbital height. At the stage of STS motion stabilization, restrictions, imposed on the tethers angle deviations from the vertical are executed. | |
Repin A. I., Kashkina T. I. Specifics of application of minimax operations for aircraft lateral movement control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 92-98. The safety of aircraft landing on approaching the landing strip in difficult weather conditions is associated not only with the need to create light and strong devices, but also, mainly, the search for new principles (methods and tools) for building control systems, since the aircraft landing is the most laborious process and largely unsolved problem to date.
Safety upgrading is achieved by control automating while approaching the landing strip and aircraft landing. It is obvious that the use of standard methods for modeling, analyzing and managing of complex multi-level systems becomes less possible with complexity increasing. In this situation, fuzzy control methods are the most applicable to such complex technological processes as the control of aircraft landing.
Aircraft control systems based on the principles of fuzzy logic, allow increase the course stability of the aircraft. In such situations, energy consumption is reduced and the response time of the system is increased simultaneously. Besides, it is possible to make the system as a whole more stable to the effect of disturbing factors compared to the traditional aircraft automatic control systems.
Practice shows that the operator, in conditions of good meteorological visibility range, satisfactorily lands an aircraft without the help of a program control system and a trajectory control system.
In the case of poor meteorological visibility, with the lack of visual contact with the runway strip, radio technical, optoelectronic and inertial navigation systems are employed for aircraft landing. They are used in the control system as sensors of primary information for the automatic control system (ACS). Such systems are termed course-glissade systems. They determine the position of an aircraft on the course and on the glide path.
But, even with modern control systems provision equipped with computerized hardware and software systems, which functionality is largely determined by software, applied diagnostic models, information processing algorithms, etc., the final decision-making is delegated to the human, which is a consequence of the insufficient effectiveness of diagnostic models, reflecting real ACS and the environment.
Thus, the structure schemes of similar systems in the following stages should include the links with fuzzy transfer function WN(p) instead of links with functions Wo(p ) or Wa(p ) . To this effect, it is rational to implement the of the operator's behavior in such a situation as the basis for the fuzzy controller synthesis. In this situation, namely the methods of fuzzy control are the most applicable to such complex technological processes that will allow reduce by 10 times the duration of the longitudinal and horizontal movements' transients. The pilot in this case operates as a controller for the state of the control system.
Thus, the task consisted in developing models and algorithms for the design of control systems based on the methods of the theory of fuzzy-multiple apparatus.
A program in the C++ programming language was created to reproduce the min and max operations in on-board systems for automatic control of the aircraft lateral movement with applicaiton of fuzzy logic. | |
Kim N. V., Bodunkov N. E., Mikhailov N. A. Automated decision making by the onboard unmanned aerial vehicle system while road traffic monitoring. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 99-108. The article presents the developed method for efficiency increase of the operator, performing traffic surveillance by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the built-in computer vision system. Analyzing video information, received via the radio channel in real time mode by the human-controlled point, is associated with errors in decision-making. These errors are stipulated by the vast volume of information, which overburdens the operator, and, as a rule, by the so-called human factor. Productivity of such system can be increased significantly through addition of autonomous road situation estimation system. The UAVs equipped with surveillance systems, such as video cameras, receive images onboard (video sequences), and are able to extract from them the objects of interest: roads and transport means.
Estimation and analysis in this article are ensured by the road incidents consequences severity classification. The work employs the classification consisted of five classes. Each situation class is described by attributes' dictionary, which separates the attribute space into non-crossing areas, corresponding to the selected classes.
In addition, the article describes the developed hierarchical structure of “Description of the Scene Being Surveyed”. This structure relates to the so-called semantic descriptions, is rather universal, and ensures the possibility to describe various road traffic situations.
The article presents the technique for traffic situations classification over the images. It demonstrates the example of the situation classification based on the real image of the road accident. | |
Aglyamutdinova D. B., Sidyakin S. V. An object bounding box refinement algorithm while the tracking process initialization from the uav. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 109-121. The presented article deals with the problem of semi-automatic initialization of the selected object tracking by unmanned averial vehicles (UAVs) or drones. Here, we proposed an algorithm of the position and sizes refining of the boundary rectangle of the tracked object at the start time (on the first frame) based on saliency detection algorithm, which simulates the map of human attention. The advantage of the proposed approach is that it applies the principles used by the human visual system: the color contrast, the main attention is centered on the central objects. The first stage of the proposed approach consists in preliminary image processing (noise removal) by the Gaussian filter and converting the image into the CIE LAB color space. The next stage is segmenting the image into homogeneous areas (superpixels) by simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) algorithm. Undirected graph is employed as a container for information on segments storage. Based on information from the resulting graph, measures of identity, which assign superpixels to the background or an object, are computed. The resulting saliency measure is computed for each superpixel by optimizing the target cost function, which combines the measures of identity to the background, an the object and the smoothing component. The obtained saliency map of the image superpixels is binarized by the Otsu method. After that, the pixels belonging to the shadow can be determined. At the final stage, the operations of morphological filtering were applied to reduce fragmentation of objects and an algorithm for allocating coherent components, assigning the final dimensions and position of the object of interest for tracking initialization.
The algorithm was used to initialize a number of fast and effective methods of object tracking: DCF_CA, MOSSE_CA, SAMF, DCF, DSST, MOSSE, SRDCF.At the same time, the quality of the tracking was tested on the largest and most complex database of video clips, shot from an unmanned aerial vehicle – UAV 123.
The results of experimental testing allow conclude that the best tracking quality as a result of initialization by the proposed algorithm is achieved by tracking algorithms “SRDCF” and “MOSSE_CA”. In assessing the performance, you can notice that “MOSSE_CA” tracking algorithm is noticeably superior to the other algorithms. In this way, the most suitable algorithm for tracking objects by UAV, along with the proposed initialization algorithm, is “MOSSE_CA”, due to its least sensitivity to the of initial initialization accuracy and fastness among competitors.
The proposed algorithm does not require special hardware and can work in real-time. It is implemented in C ++. The average time required refining the object, occupying 40% of the image size of 256 × 256 pixels, equals 60 milliseconds on the Intel® CoreTM i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz. | |
Abdulin R. R., Zudilin A. S., Obolensky Y. G., Rozhnin N. B., Samsonovich S. L., Stitsenko A. N. Developing of an electromechanical actuator of the higher reliability with redundancy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 121-131. Popular in recent decades concepts of an “all-electric aircraft” and “more-electric aircraft” assume full or partial replacement of centralized hydraulic systems by centralized electrical systems, and hence application electromechanical and electro-hydrostatic actuators alongside with electrohydraulic steering actuators. In the aircraft of the abovementioned class of the nearest perspective, the electric actuators with hydrostatic transmission are more applicable for the main steering surfaces controll. It is associated with higher indicators of wear resistance and non-failure operation of hydraulic cylinders. Electromechanical actuators application for these purposes is constrained by their insufficient reliability.
The article proposes solutions aimed at increasing the reliability of electromechanical actuators by both element-by-element and structural redundancy. An obligatory element of an electromechanical actuator optimized for weight and size indicators is a mechanical gearbox, which can wedge while operation. Multichannel electromechanical actuators can be constructed by one of the considered schemes, free of gearbox wedging. According to these schemes, each actuator channel must contain a motor shaft locking clutch, employed in case of a channel failure, and while channels serial operation as well. Alternative option are the schemes, requiring employing of clutches splintering the faulty channel off the common load – the steering surface. Such clutches should have reliability indices higher, than those required for an actuator all-in-all. The authors propose to construct them based on low power electromechanical actuators with redundancy.
Based on the comparative analysis results of the schemes options for constructing an electromechanical steering actuator with redundancy, three basic schemes were defined for which the preliminary failure rates were calculated.
The results of calculations allow us to consider the basic schemes of a electromechanical actuator with redundancy as an alternative to electro-hydrostatic steering actuators for a primary flight control system. | |
Lupanchuk V. Y. Navigation cartographic methods development for monitoring robotic complexes positioning in surrounding space. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 132-142. The purpose of the study of this scientific article is accuracy improving of monitoring robotic complexes positioning in surrounding space while performing various types of motion.
The subject of the study are methods for joint navigational information processing obtained by on cartographic and instrumental data.
The article analyzes the approach and problems of high-precision positioning of unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based robotic complexes in the surrounding space.
The initial data of the study are based on formation of local areas of the Earth surface employing cartographic data and instrumental measurements. The article presents the main stages of the methodology for the map high-precision local areas formation by mathematical processing of redundant navigation parameters at the base points.
The methodological approach differs from the known ones by the presence of correlations between the map errors and allows the accuracy increase of navigation parameters determination over the entire area of the local section by 1 m, and by 3 to 5 m at base points.
The studies can find application in various fields:
— when solving problems of high-precision positioning of air and ground robotic complexes in the surrounding space;
— when solving the problems of ensuring and developing the Earth Deformation Control Service within the framework of the Federal System of Seismological Observations, particularly in the highlands of the country;
— rapid creation of a multi-information cartographic basis of various scales with account for correlation dependence of navigation and geophysical information. | |
Ismagilov F. R., Vavilov V. E., Bekuzin V. I., Aiguzina V. V. Structure selection of synchronous motor with permanent magnets and asynchronous start-up. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 143-156. Aerospace industry is in special want of high-efficiency electrical drives (motors), which allow reduce electric energy losses and rise productiveness of equipment. The number of electric drives onboard an aircraft varies from 50 to 220 pieces. With high tech development, the number of electric drives onboard an aircraft will only grow, and insignificant efficiency increase of all electric drives in the aggregate will lead to significant fuel savings. Three-phase induction motors with squirrel-cage rotor are in most common use in aerospace industry as fuel transfer drives. Asynchronous motors with maximum possible energy characteristics possess an efficiency below 80% and a power factor below 0.82. A possible alternative to asynchronous motors are BLCD motors, though their employing as pump drives becomes rather hindered due to cost intensive control system and large weight and size parameters. Another possible alternative to asynchronous motors may be a synchronous motor with permanent incorporated magnets and direct asynchronous start-up. The article is devoted to the analysis of structures of synchronous motors with incorporated permanent magnets and asynchronous start-up, for fuel-transfer pumps drives for the aerospace industry. The analysis was performed by computer simulation in the Ansoft Maxwell software package. The article proves the superiority of such motors over asynchronous motors. The structure of synchronous motor with incorporated permanent magnets and asynchronous start-up, which meet the requirements to fuel transfer drives for aerospace industry, was obtained based on computer simulation. The obtained results can be employed for the design of synchronous motors with permanent incorporated magnets and asynchronous start-up. | |
Reznikov S. B., Kiselev M. A., Moroshkin Y. V., Mukhin A. A., Kharchenko I. A. Electric power supply system with distributed differential high voltage dc-link and modular-scalable architecture for all-electric aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 157-166. The promising concept of all-electric aircraft free from pneumo- and hydro actua-tors for flight control and stabilizing rotation frequency of main starter-generators supposes significant rise of power supply capacity up to 1.5 MW and more. To ensure high reliability indices and quality of supplied electric energy, the parallel con-nection of supply channels of onboard electric power system should be provided, as well as reversible (bidirectional) interconnection with stand-by low-voltage batteries.
To realize the concept of all-electric aircraft, the article suggests application of the so-called differential higher voltage DC-link with frame grounded averaged-potential (“zero”) wire.
Apart from the well-known benefits of the high DC voltage distribution subsystems, suggested high voltage DC-link has specific benefits, which allow substantiate particular requirements to the power supply systems for domestic all-electric aircraft.
As an example, the article presents the power circuit of the electric power supply combined channel with high voltage DC-link and standby battery based uninterruptible source for combined electric power systems with modular-scalable architecture. It also describes this channels operation. The reviewed structure of a single-phase power supply channel with high voltage DC-link may be recommended as an interrelated group of unified modules of switched mode converters applicable for synthesis of combined power supply systems with modular-scalable architecture and enhanced power supply capacity, and for all-electric aircraft power supply systems in particular.
The article suggest also the combined power supply system with distributed higher voltage DC-link and modular-scalable architecture for all-electric aircraft. Schematic and algorithmic solutions for three types of multifunctional switched mode converters, encompassing all specter of necessary conversions in onboard systems are considered. These solutions allow realize power supply systems with modular-scalable architecture for all-electric aircraft with account for import substitution of power electronics product range. The article presents the example of a simplified combined power supply system with differential higher voltage DC-link of hypothetical all-electric aircraft with four cruise engines and four main starter-generators. | |
Abramovich B. N., Sychev Y. A., Kuznetsov P. A. Electromecanical complex with high-frequency induction drive for gas-turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 167-179. The main issue of this article is modeling and reviewing of the possibilities of high-speed induction motors to modernize conventional and newly developed technical solutions.
The performed analysis reveals that by the year 2050 electrical energy production and consumption will practically double relative to 2015. Electric drive is one of its key consumers, and induction motors as the main motors. In this regard, presently the issue of meeting the rapidly developing industry requirements for developing highly effective reliable models capable of operating under conditions of drastically changing load arises.
The prospective arrangement to be modernized with such electric drive is a gearbox of a gas turbine engine. Difficultly controlled and tightly coupled with gearing-system, the pumps can be substituted by their lightweight, small-sized analogs in the form of electric drives. The authors offer two possible structures of modernization of various degree of complexity.
The induction motor modeling is complicated by computing parameters of its equivalent scheme. The article presents the review of the key values hard to calculate, and simplifications description, which were assumed while those parameters computing. The induction squirrel-cage motor with two rotor windings was selected as the basic model.
Two models for studying characteristics of high-speed motors were developed with MATLAB-Simulink. The first model simulates the motor with frequency regulator, and the second one is finished electrically driven gearbox of gas turbine engine aggregates. The problems of harmonic components generation by frequency converters are considered as well.
High frequency motors simulation results were compared to series-produced analog. They demonstrate the superiority of the new models compared to conventional, such as less jitter of the velocity curve, reduced inrush current, faster transients and increased torque. Comparison of variable-frequency control technique advantages with series-produced analogs was performed in the final part. The wider capabilities of the enhanced frequency range are demonstrated. | |
Shevtsov D. A., Poletaev A. S. Multiphase pulse-width modulators for devices with a multichannel principle of electric power conversion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 180-189. The energy path separation of switched mode electric energy converters into several channels with power switches control in different phases is a promising method for increasing the energy efficiency, reliability, and manufacturability of these devices. Selection of pulse-width modulator control mode for power converting cells while synthesizing the structure of a switched mode power converter with stabilized output voltage is of fundamental importance. Current mode has a number of significant advantages over Voltage mode. They are as follows: – better regulation dynamics; – possibility of simpler overcurrent protection ensuring; – automatic uniform distribution of currents between power converting cells. The main disadvantage of current mode is the possibility of subharmonic oscillations occurrence in continuous current mode. To ensure subharmonic stability, slope-compensation, or the duty cycle limited within the range of 0–0.5 are applied. The article proposes three circuit solutions for multiphase basic frequency generator with a duty cycle equal to 0.5 and uniform time shift between phases for multiphase pulse-width modulators in Current mode. A generator with a number of phases of N, defined as N = 2k, where k is a natural number, can be built employing T-flip-flops. The N-phase generator circuit, requires N–1 triggers. The disadvantage of the scheme is the limited choice of the possible number of phases. Its advantages consist in realization simplicity and automatic restoration after a failure caused by external jamming. A generator with any integer number of phases N – k can be realized employing a shift register. N-phase generator circuit requires an N bits register. The circuit is also insensitive to failures. A generator with an even number of phases N – 2k can also be implemented employing a shift register. To obtain N phases according to this principle l – N/2 register bits are sufficient. The drawback of the last proposed scheme is inability of its automatic recover after a failure. | |
Egorova Y. B., Davydenko L. V., Chibisova E. V., Shmyrova A. V. The effect of chemical composition and heat treatment on mechanical properties of forgings from a pseudo-ß-titanium alloy. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 190-201. The article presents the results of statistical studies of mechanical properties of the deformed semi-finished products from Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al titanium alloy based on analysis of literature, experimental and commercial data, by the “Stadia 7” software package. The effect of reheat temperature for quenching Th, as well as ageing temperature Tag on mechanical properties was evaluated by method of regressive analysis of the published tе data. Equations for computing polymorphic transformation temperature beta-transus temperature βtr and the quantity of primary α-phase, formed while quenching process on the temperatures interval from 700 °C to βtr were obtained:
βtr = 890 + 22,3Al - 13,9V - 8,0Fe,
nα = (0,3 ± 0,02)·( βtr-Тh), %
1608 ingots and die forgings, manufactured by the industrial technology in 2007-2016 were also the subjects of research. All forgings were subjected to thermal treatment, consisted of quenching (763-798°C for three hours followed by water cooling) and ageing (500-515°C for 8 hours followed by air cooling).
The following factors were selected for statistical analysis: alloying elements’ and impurities’ content, beta-transus temperature, alloy structural equivalents in aluminum
Correlations between mechanical properties with deviations of the brand composition and heat treatment modes were established. At the first stage, pairwise correlations between the investigated factors were analyzed. The results of the analysis revealed that each element separately either does not affect, or affects weakly the level of mechanical properties of forgings, which is most likely stipulated by small intervals of their change. The joint action of the elements, which was evaluated by
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Voronin S. V., Chaplygin K. K. A technique for determining aluminum alloy grains crystallographic orientation in polarized light. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 202-208. The assumption on the possibility of employing interference pattern of aluminum alloys surface in polarized light for determining crystallographic orientation of separate grains was put forward. This assumption was tested on the example of aluminum alloy AD1. Optimum modes of electrolytic etching of AD1 alloy, under which the grains' boundaries were sharply defined, and necessary interference pattern of the grained structure was attained, were defined. Electrolytic etching was being performed in a 40% solution of hydrofluoric acid, boric acid and distilled water at 1.7-1.9 A, 100-110 V, and etching time duration of two minutes. It was established that the interference pattern of the sample surface changes with prolonged exposure in the open air. This was due to the oxide film's growth process. Employing literature data on elasticity modulus of aluminum mono crystals depending on crystallographic direction, the article defines the relationship between the grain elasticity modulus and its crystallographic orientation over three directions by the scanning probe microscopy method using NanoScan-3D device. Scanning of the studied section with a size of 128 х 128 µ m was carried out at a speed of 30 µ m/sec.During the scanning process, the signal from the indentation sensor was recorded and processed, resulting in a surface profile map (Zopt). Modulus of elasticity of separate grains was determined by the method of removing the curves of the indenter's supply to the surface of the sample for each grain in the section under study.
While comparing the interference pattern with the distribution of modulus values, it was found that the grains of blue color corresponded to minimum values of modulus of elasticity from 46 to 55 GPa. Maximum values of modulus of elasticity were in the range from 69 to 78 GPa, and corresponded to yellow grains. It was established also that pale orange grains correspond to modulus of elasticity from 55 to 64 GPa. As a result, the assumption was made that the blue grains have a crystallographic direction [100], since they have minimum modulus of elasticity in the array of obtained values. Yellow grains have a crystallographic orientation [111] and maximum modulus of elasticity from the values obtained. Pale orange grains occupied an intermediate position by value of modulus of elasticity, so it was assumed that their crystallographic direction corresponds to [110].
The developed technique is characterized by simplicity, low energy intensity, and less time consuming, in contrast to the methods traditionally used for this purpose. This technique can also be employed to determine the crystallographic orientation of individual grains of other aluminum alloys. | |
Grishin D. V. Development of effective forms of production process stuffing in aircraft building industry. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 209-219. The aviation industry is one of the most high-tech industries not only in the product design and development, but also in the production process posing high requirements on personnel qualifications. The system of qualifications assessment and certification in the aviation industry helps to solve the issue of staffing of the production process due to:
The systems of professional certification in Europe and the United States has been functioning since the 1980s. In 2007 a large-scale activities on creation of National system of qualification started in Russia under the auspices of the RSPP. Since 2014, this work was being performed on the ground of the National Council on Professional Qualification under the President of the Russian Federation. The Council for professional qualifications in the field of aviation was established in 2016, it included representatives of major employers and their associations, public authorities and educational institutions.
At the first meeting of the Council, it was decided to consider the possibilities of employing and adaptation of the project sectoral qualifications frameworks in mechanical engineering for aircraft industry. For this purpose there are all preconditions, since the enterprises need the skilled workers in the first place, and it was for them that the Sectorial Council on Machine Building develops qualification requirements.
Based on Federal law No. 238-FZ “On independent qualification assessment”, 108 organizations, getting the status of centers of assessment of qualifications were selected, in which more than five thousand people have already confirmed their skills.
Currently CTCS in the field of aviation has not been not established, however the need for its creating is urgent. Though MAI cannot act as the CSC organizer, it is likely expedient to enlist the services of the MAI teaching staff to its activities In particular, the administrative tasks of CTCS can be transferred to MAI, which has extensive experience of performing similar procedures: admission company, examinations, etc. The proposed system will help the industry economically, as well as strengthen the ties between the labor market and educational sphere. | |
Manvelidze A. B. Defining tнe demand for passenger airplanes in conditions of market saturation ву foreign-made aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 220-232. The problem of Russian air companies' transition from employing foreign-made passenger aircraft to domestic ones is under consideration. The article analyzes the status of passenger aircraft being under operation or being ordered for the future. It also defines the aircraft ownership i.e. financial leasing, or operational leasing or airline's property. Мost attention is payed to the study of an aircraft operational leasing, since regulation of aircraft park being in temporary service will allow release market niches for domestic built aircraft.
The article presents a methodical approach, allowing assess variants of freight capacities volume formation based on statistics monitoring to implement new airplanes of domestic manufacturing.
Analysis of the rules of statistical accounting applied by US airlines led to the idea of the above saic proposed methodology. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) of the USA publishes monthly the detailed airlines reports on distribution of aircraft types by airlines, reflecting distance factors, the number of planned and actually performed flights, passenger traffic, cargo and mail, available seat-miles, passenger-miles, ton-miles, flight hours and aviation fuel consumption. Based on the detailed data, brief reports on aircraft employing are being compiled and can be sent to aviation organizations, such as ICAO. The detailed presentation of information allows perform studies on modernization of aircraft fleet under operation adequately and without extra resources.
The air transport of Russian Federation publishes brief statistical forms on aircraft availability and usage (32 civil aviation and 33 civil aviation). To obtain detailed data on performed air service by airplanes of airlines the data on full schedules (SRS Analyser) and passenger transportation along the routes are being integrated.
The calculations simulating the workout resources of an aircraft in use are performed using the network modelled in such a way. In the longer run, the demand for airlifts rises, the aircraft in service drops out, and a niche of free seat-volumes for new aircraft implementation appears.
The source of information is the Transport Clearing House statistical database on aircraft fleet at disposal and employing this fleet by airlines and industry at large, transportation between pairs of cities, as well as international databases. The Flight Global database is used to analyze the state of passenger airplanes' park. It gives a comprehensive idea of air transporters' airplanes under operation and aircraft building industry perspectives. The airplane schedule and freight capacity were accepted according to SRS Analyser database. In calculation for perspective, the United Aircraft Corporation plans on aircraft building up to 2037 were accounted for. The market niche formation of new aircraft implementation is affected mainly by the demand on passenger aircraft seats as a whole and by segments; terms of passenger airplane disposal; signed contracts of airlines on the delivery of foreign-made aircraft; delivery plans of domestic manufactured aircraft. | |
Efimova N. S., Volenko A. K., Kanashova Y. G. High-tech production managing with account for requirements of economic security (on the example of aircraft building). Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 233-242. Presently it is necessary to develop highly effective assessment of high-tech enterprises economic security level as each aircraft building enterprise needs integrated self-concept of its production-commercial and financial-economic activities.
The main objective of assessment of the level of production activity economic security is assessment of risks on integrated system of indicators accounting for specific branch features at the enterprises of high-tech industries. The authors recommend employ the hi-tech enterprises' risks assessment based on a qualitative or interval method. Internal self-concept of state of production of aeronautical engineering development, and assessment of production development dynamics of the enterprise should be the main task of high-tech production monitoring.
The internal self-assessment of a production condition of creation of the aircraft equipment and assessment of dynamics of development of production of the enterprise have to be the main objective of monitoring of hi-tech enterprise. For this purpose, it is necessary to employ the technique, which would describe the main approaches and basic self-concept procedures for the risks of production departments of high-tech enterprises.
The article considered and developed managing system for high-tech production with account for economic security requirements, which will allow ensuring the raise of high-tech products competitiveness.It suggests assessment indicators for probability category of economic security factors coming-in, risks register, and risks map in high-tech branches of the industry.
Developing the system of economic security of production activity in aircraft building will allow forecast the aftermath of internal and external hazards on both production processes, and high-tech enterprises' activities at large. Implementation of the above said procedures at the aircraft building enterprises will allow ensure the necessary level of economic security, as well as optimize production processes at the enterprises of high-tech industry branches. | |
Kozlov A. E. Export potential of an aircraft building enterprise: development trends and predictive modeling (on the example of Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company). Aerospace MAI Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 243-255. Enterprises are constantly facing competition, both at domestic and foreign market. The competition promotes the development of export, but the risks associated with an unsatisfactory estimation of activity of an enterprise and improper planning may inflict damage to the company.
To consider the issue of products export one can employ the following method of export potential assessment to promote products and services at foreign markets:
Since the Holding Company “Helicopters of Russia” occupies the leading positions in military-industrial complex development, the article is devoted to the study of export potential of one of its enterprises, namely, Arseniev aircraft company “Progress”, which, plans to export military equipment in 2017.
To avoid the above said risks, the company was proposed to employ the model developed by the author for export potential predicting, based of complex evaluation of enterprises. The model is based on evaluation of the basic technical and economic, accounting and financial indicators, as well as indicators of the enterprise's management and its scientific and technical potential. It includes also statistics of qualitative and quantitative structure of personnel, gender and age structure, work experience of engineering personnel, managers, fellow laborers, workers, as well as information on the research work and capabilities of research projects performing.
Summarizing the results on the above listed factors, a model of the multiple regression describing the dependence of the export potential of human resources was built, which was subsequently automated with a software application.
As the result, the program was:
– effective, since the payback period was 45 days at a low annual economic effect;
– universal, since applying this tool is possible for other enterprises (not only the aircraft industry);
– easy-to-use, since the users need only necessary information on the enterprise dynamics, and, according to the theory of mathematical modeling and regression analysis, the more data will be used, the higher the model adequacy and forecast accuracy will be. | |
Abashev V. M., Demidov A. S., Eremkin I. V., Kiktev S. I., Khomovskii Y. N. Temperature stresses in a cylindrical shell of carbon fibers and the contact problem of heat transfer. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 7-13. Cylindrical shells are the most common structural elements of rocket engines. When loading by the temperature gradient in radial direction radial temperature stresses occur in them. Such stresses in carbon-carbon shells can be rather dangerous notwithstanding that they are much smaller than the circumferential and axial ones. Moreover, they substantially depend on the thermal conductivity of the carbon fiber material and the shell structure. The article suggests the equation for the structural thermal conductivity (contact thermal exchange) evaluation of a cylindrical shell in radial direction. When calculating with the equation the carbon fibers' roughness was not accounted for due to the presence of pre-preg matrix, and the shell was divided conditionally through-the-thickness into several layers. The contact forces acting on the fibers were determined based on a primary evaluation of the temperature stresses. The results of the shells' made of carbon fibers calculations with a diameter of 0.02, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, and 1 mm are presented in the form of tables and graphical dependencies. It is shown, that the elasticity modulus of the first genus of carbon fibers' surface layers can be accounted for in the calculations. It was revealed, that in shells with internal warming-up the specific pressures at the areas of contact spots of the adjoining fibers could reach several tens of kilograms per square millimeter. There is a risk of the carbon fibers structure stratification in the shells with the external warming-up. Thus, we recommend conduct tensile or bending tests with small-sized samples, cut from the shell in radial direction. Tests of such samples should be carried out according to the methodological instructions. | |
Bezuevskii A. V., Ishmuratov F. Z. Quasi-static deformations effect on aeroelasticity characteristics of an aircraft with high aspect ratio wing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 14-25. One of the ways to increase the aerodynamic quality of modern and prospective aircraft consists in wing aspect ratio increasing. Such increasing leads to the occurrence of various new aspects of the structure loading, strength and aeroelasticity. One of these aspects is increasing of the wing flexibility, and as a consequence, possible in-flight structures deformations effect on aeroelasticity characteristics. The paper presents a review of publications on the deformation effect on various aeroelasticity characteristics. It suggests and substantiates a computational method for studying the effect of quasi-static deformations of the wing on static and dynamic aeroelasticity of an aircraft. This method is based on automated generation of a set of aircraft computational models using the Ritz polynomial method. The paper presents the examples of a wing in-flight deformations effect on characteristics of static elasticity, frequency and shape of elastic vibrations, and flutter characteristics. The results of the developed method application for aircraft of various configuration allowed establishing the main regularities of the effect of structure's deformation on aeroelasticity characteristics. The effect of in-flight deformations on the characteristics of static aeroelasticity and load is determined by: 1) effective wing span decrease; 2) aerodynamic forces direction changing; 3) increase of the effective dihedral angle. Characteristics of longitudinal motion can reduce by 5-6%, while characteristics of lateral motion can increase or decrease by 5-15%. The dynamic aeroelasticity characteristics change is determined mainly by the increase in the interaction of torsional oscillations of a wing with bending vibrations in the chord plane. For the unmanned aerial vehicles with a wing of extremely high aspect ratio, this effect can lead to a significant decrease in flutter speed (up to 30-50%). For modern airliners, the decrease in flutter speed due to the in-flight deformation does not exceed a few percent and lies within the accuracy of numerical methods. An important feature of the method is its integration into a multidisciplinary design complex ARGON, validated while solving aeroelasticity problems in many practical applications. | |
Marakhtanov M. K., Pil'nikov A. V. On solar electric propulsion system application possibility for low-orbit small spacecraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 26-39. A comprehensive material on operation of spacecraft with solar electric propulsion systems is accumulated by now. The latter are designed for spacecraft correction on both geostationary and circular low earth orbits.
At the same time, there is a tendency to developing of small spacecraft of various purposes, such as scientific, communication, Earth remote probing, navigation, hydro-meteorological etc. operating on low circular orbits with the height within the rage of 180–280 km. Such spacecraft are relatively cheap and possess the mass of 10 to 500 kg. However, such indicator as minimum orbit height, its relationship with the spacecraft weight and size, as well as parameters of its engine unit remain undetermined. System analysis and experimental data on spacecraft with solar electric propulsion systems, operating at the height of 140–280 km are practically inaccessible.
The paper considers the problem of small spacecraft transition fr om a higher circular orbit to a lower one. As far as the Earth atmosphere gradually transfers to vacuum, the aerodynamic drag force grows while a spacecraft descent. We suggest surmounting this force through the electric jet engine thrust power. It is obvious that while the spacecraft descent the aerodynamic drag grows, and such parameters as thrust power and electric jet engine power should be increased continuously. At large the problem becomes dynamical. Besides, the main cause of the orbit height limiting will be the drag force of the solar battery. Thus, the minimum orbit height hmin below which the spacecraft, equipped with the solar electric jet engine cannot exist, is limited by the spacecraft drag force due to the solar battery. At the lower altitude the battery's drag force will be greater than the electric rocket engine thrust force.
For the spacecraft motion analysis, we assumed that the solar battery takes the shape of an autonomous panel with rotation angle control to the sun radiation direction. The power flux density or the solar radiation at the Earth orbit is Q = 1400 W/m2 (solar constant). The efficiency of photoelectric transducers based on a three-stage gallium arsenide (GaAs) equals to ηSB= 0.22. The solar battery specific power is α = 308 W/m2. If the solar battery plane is oriented normally to the orbital movement velocity vector the drag factor equals to CSB = 2.15, and if it is oriented along this vector it equals CSB = 0.15.
If an ion thruster is used as an electric jet engine its specific impulse is assumed as ΙSP = 4500 s, and its efficiency equals to ηT= 0.7. In case of plasma engine of the SPT type ISP = 1700 s and ηT= 0.55 correspondingly.
The lower limits of the orbit altitude hmin = 200 for the solar electric jet system with the ion engine, and hmin = 180 km with plasma engine of the SPT type were established by the results of the performed analysis. The upper lim it of the altitudes descending from which requires continuous build-up of the electric jet system solar battery area to overcome the atmospheric aerodynamic drag is the altitude of hmax = 260 km.
The paper demonstrates that for a spacecraft continuous exploitation at the latitude of 180–260 km application of solar electric jet engine and atmospheric gas as a working agent is possible. Application of high- frequency ion engine of 4.4–5 kW is expedient for the propulsion installation such kind. With the specified power and solar battery weight, the weight of electric jet propulsion installation will be no less than 90–100 kg, and the total minimum weight of the spacecraft will be no less than 500–600 kg. | |
Kuz'michev V. S., Tkachenko A. Y., Filinov E. P. Effect of turbojet engine dimensionality on optimal working process parameters selection. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 40-45. With turbojet engine thrust reduction, its small size begins affecting the effectiveness on its elements. Lower airflow rate results in blades size decrease and relative radial clearance increase. It affects the efficiency of axial turbo-machines. Due to this, radial and centrifugal turbo-machines become more effective at small thrust values. The main goal of this study consists in determining the most effective structural scheme of a turbojet engine for the thrust range from 0.1 kN to 100 kN. The problem was solved by performing the engine multi-criteria optimization employing ASTRA CAD, developed in Samara National Research University. The total weight of a power plant and fuel, as well as specific fuel consumption were selected as performance criteria. The optimized variables are the gas temperature prior to the turbine, and total pressure ratio. According to the optimization results the following inferences were drawn. With optimization of the engines with the thrust, lower than 25 kN, corrections on their small-size should be accounted for. With the engine thrust decrease, the optimal parameters of the working process are decreasing either, and the regions of compromises are contracting. The axial compressor is optimal for the thrust of 7 kN and higher, and with thrust decrease up to 1.3 kN, compressor of axial-centrifugal type becomes more appropriate. The axial turbine is effective up to 0.7 kN thrust value, and radial turbine is effective for small engines with lower thrust. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Khoreva E. A., Kizeev I. S. Determining the thrust of an aircraft gas turbine engine with flows mixing under condition of non-uniformity of total pressure at the engine inlet. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 46-51. The article deals with the flight thrust determining method of a bypass engine with flows mixing in the presence of a non-uniform total pressure field at its inlet. The non-uniformity impact is taken into account for both air consumption due conventionally averaged total pressure at the inlet, and the specific thrust due to the overall pressure level reduction along the engine passage, and, respectively, the available differential pressure in the jet nozzle. Earlier, the authors developed and patented the engine thrust determining method allowing evaluate its thrust while in flight under condition of the uniform flow at its inlet according to the measured operating conditions and external environment parameters. The presented work extends this simplified engineering method to the real case of a non-uniform total pressure field at the engine inlet. Moreover, it employs corrected values of the total pressure along the engine passage to compute the thrust. Thus obtained, the value of the flight thrust can be used in both automated control system for its possible in-flight correction, such as partial or full flight thrust value restoration, and the complex engine diagnostics system to evaluate its deterioration rate and deterioration in performance of its separate parts and elements. Calculated evaluations performed according the developed method with account for typical input total pressure non-uniformity revealed that the expected thrust fall will be of 8.9%, with about 8% herewith due to the air consumption reduction, and the rest is due to specific thrust decrease. | |
Belyaev I. V., Valiev A. V., Moshkov P. A., Ostrikov N. N. Studying the PTERO-G0 unmanned flying vehicles acoustic characteristics in AK-2 unechoic chamber. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 52-62. Recently, more and more attention is paid to the problem of ensuring unmanned flying vehicles (UAV's) invisibility in various frequency ranges due to the wide application of the systems with small sized UAVs for solving special assignment tasks. To ensure the UAV's invisibility in the audible frequency range at the specified distance from the observer in conditions of known terrain of application, the qualitative data on the UAV acoustic characteristics is required. The experimental study of the small sized UAV's “Ptero-G0” acoustic characteristics was performed within the framework of the presented work. The UAV's power plant consisted of a single-cylinder gasoline internal combustion engine (ICE) and a small sized two-blade propeller with the fixed pitch. The acoustic tests were performed in TsAGI unechoic chamber AK-2. The following main results were obtained as a result of experimental researches.
Within the framework of the subject's of UAV acoustics development, the authors are planning to proceed this work in the following main trends.
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Kruglov K. I. Numerical calculation of temperature distribution in power sypply unit of a radio frequency ion thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 63-69. Thermal flows emitted by power sypply unit (PSU) components lead to their heating, which, in its turn, may lead to changes of their operating characteristics up to their failure. Thus, the temperatures of these components should be maintained within the ranges ensuring maintenance of their operating characteristics. For this purpose a preliminary simulation of thermal processes in the PSU housing was performed.
The article presents a model for temperature distribution calculation in separate components of a radio frequency ion thruster's structure. These calculations were performed using ANSYS bundled software.
Due to the negligible effect of thermal flows from the thruster unit on the thermal state of PSU, thermal simulations of the thruster unit and the PSU were performed separately. The aluminum thermostatically controlled mounting flange, located above the gas-discharge chamber presents the boundary.
All PSU's structural elements in the computer model are simulated as simple geometric forms, such as cylinders or parallelepipeds with appropriate geometrical dimensions.
The total heat emission in the PSU unit from all its constituting elements is taken equal to 66.4 W. This value corresponds to the operating mode of a low-power radio frequency ion thruster.
To intensify maximally the heat removal by radiation, the emissivity factor of 0.9 was attributed to all external surfaces of the PSU unit components.
To maximize radiant heat removal, the outer surfaces of elements of PSU were modeled with the emissivity of 0.9. To increase the conductive heat exchange, a partial PSU components' potting (gersil) was performed.
The calculation used the real thermal contact between adjacent surfaces with corresponding values of thermal junction resistance. A series of calculations was conducted for various the compound's thermal resistance values from 1.2 to 2.7 W/(m·K).
The figure below shows the dependence of the temperature of the most heated component of the structure under various thermal conductivity coefficients of the compound.
The requirements for the thermal conductivity of the compound for filling the PSU's PCBs were determined.
When using materials with thermal conductivity exceeding 1.7 W/(m·K), it is possible to ensure the permissible temperature of electronic components at a temperature of the mounting flange reaching 50°C.
The developed physico-mathematical model can be employed at the stage of the ion thruster preliminary designing. | |
Chubov P. N., Saevets P. A., Rumyantsev . V. Thermal calculation of the SPT-50 stationary plasma thruster. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 70-79. Development of the SPT-50 thermal model, thermal calculations and study of the model sensitivity to changes and to various combinations of internal and external heat exchange parameters was carried out with account for the requirements of the Thermica software applications package (SAP) based on employing of isothermal elements method. The thermal model under development consists of 130 elements. The radiation couplings for the SPT-50 anode unit's thermal model were computed employing Thermica V4 SAP. To obtain the information on the thruster thermal state during thermal vacuum tests (TVT) it was equipped with temperature detectors, installed on the thruster in places with enough access to the surfaces for contact welding, glue and other ways of mounting. The SPT's thermal balance thermal vacuum and thermal cycling tests were performed. The thermal model correction with the testing results was realized by thermal calculations employing the developed thermal model. The calculations did not account for convective heat exchange (imitation of vacuum). The ambient temperature was set the same as the during testing, and SPT's optical and heat emission properties were set according to the operating mode during TVT. The developed thruster thermal model, updated by testing results tests, allows analyze thermal processes inside the thruster in the places where installation of thermocouples is impossible. After the SPT-50 thermal model correction one can define the critical design elements, thermally affected by the thruster. Based on the thermal calculation results, the element of wire with critical temperature level has been defined, and this value approached maximum temperature value of 220°C. To decrease the wire temperature, we increase the wire core section area to enhance the heat sink from the wires critical element. The calculations revealed that the temperature of the SPT's critical elements does not exceed maximum admissible working temperature. It confirms correctness of the approaches to selection of thermal design and parameters of the thermal regulation system of the SPT-50 anode unit. The presented thermal model of the SPT-50 anode unit can be employed for developing other options of thermal and mounting interfaces for other discharge and magnetic thruster operating parameters. | |
Ermoshkin Y. M., Galaiko V. N., Kim V. P., Kochev Y. V., Merkur'ev D. V., Ostapushenko A. A., Popov G. A., Smirnov P. G., Shilov E. A., Yakimov E. N. Specifics of transients in the discharge circuit during the SPT-140D plasma engine starting. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 80-88. The article presents the results of transients' in discharge circuit studies during SPT-140D plasma thruster starting while its operation together with power processing unit (PPU). SPT-140D is an electric thruster developed by the Design Bureau “Fakel”. This thruster was running on Xenon with the discharge voltage of 300 V and power of 4.5 kW, ensuring reactive thrust 280-290 mN and 1750 s specific impulse of thrust. At present, this thruster is ready for flight application for spacecraft motion control. The PPU unit was developed and manufactured by the Scientific and Production Center “Polus”. Since the main discharge is one of the powerful PPU loads, the main attention was payed to the study of transients in the power supply circuit of the main discharge. The obtained data was used for the development of imitation model of the named transients and electric imitator of the thruster for off-line PPU optimization and testing without the thruster. In addition, the information on the specifics of the thruster operation was obtained. The most interesting among them are the following:
Thus, the employed methodology of the study is useful also for conducting physical research of the processes in the thruster.
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Shorr B. F., Melnikova G. V., Serebryakov N. N., Shadrin D. V., Bortnikov A. D. Calculation and experimental evaluation of damper efficiency for decreasing vibratory stresses in turbine rotor blades. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 89-99. The subjects for study are dampers of various masses installed under the platforms of turbine blades.
The research issue is prevention of turbine blades failures caused by higher level of variable stresses.
The goal of the work consists in experimental and computational definition of effectiveness of shock-absorbing insertions' masses (3.3 g, 4.7 g and 5.8 g) for variable stresses reduction in the full-size turbine wheel.
The methodology of the work includes two trends: computation and experimental. The computation trend is based on modeling the damper using MSC.Nastran contact elements and estimating the reduction of vibratory stresses, by integrating the equation of motion in the time-domain employing the standard non-linear integration procedure by the Newmark method. The effect of the insertion on vibration frequencies of the blade was also studied. The experimental trend is based on a comparative analysis of the amplitudes of vibratory stresses in the blades both with installed damper and without them. Tests are performed on the CIAM bench test (manufacturer is Test Devices company). The turbine wheel is assembled for testing in a special way: one sector of the wheel is damper free, and the rest three sectors were equipped with dampers of various masses. The blades were prepared with strain gages, and in each sector the blades with maximum response to external excitation from the air supplied to the test chamber were selected. Tests were carried out for an unheated wheel.
The calculations revealed that the most effective reduction of vibratory stresses in the blade occurs when the holddown pressure of the damper to the bottom surface of the blade platform are 200–800 N. Such forces for damper mass of 3.3 g were caused by centrifugal forces at rotational speeds of the wheel in the range 35–70 % of the maximum rotational speed; this range is 29–58% for the damper of 4.7 g, and for the damper of 5.8 g, it is 26–51%. The affect of dampers weighing 4.7 g and 5.8 g is ineffective, starting, respectively, from 90% and 82% of the maximum rotational speed. According to calculations, the damper with mass of 3.3 g allows reduce the vibratory stresses by 22% at a resonant mode at the 87% of maximal rotational speed.
The tests revealed that, in comparison with damper and without damper, the blade frequency with shock absorber of 3.3 g increased by also 16%, and the oscillations' amplitude decreased by 25%. This correlates satisfactorily with the computation data.
Conclusions were drawn that the calculated and experimental results in these studies showed, in general, a satisfactory agreement with respect to both the reduction of vibratory stresses and the change in the resonant frequency when a damper was installed. Some discrepancy between the calculated and experimental data on the effect on the vibratory stresses of “heavy” inserts of 4.7 g and 5.8 g may occur due to the assumptions in calculations, as well as to the errors in the experiment and processing of the test results. To evaluate the effect of the amplitudes of vibratory stresses in the blade without damper, stiffness and mass of the damper, as well as friction coefficients on the effectiveness of the damper to reduce the vibratory stresses in the blade, additional experimental and calculated studies are required. | |
Bogdanov V. I. Research on realization of pulsating working processes in jet engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 100-109. The article presents the results of the study in elaboration of scientific discovery No 314 “Phenomenon of the abnormal high growth of thrust in the ejector process with pulsating active stream” performed in MAI. The possibility of pulsating jet impulse increase through ejectorless addition of gas mass both from the external atmospheric environment and used up gas was shown experimentally. It increases the meaningfulness of the discovery. The physics of the process of the used up gas mass in pulsating stream is based the well-known phenomenon of wave interaction of cyclic masses with various velocities of front and tail parts.
Calculating and experimental studies substantiated the capability of creating a nozzle with the spherical resonator-thrust amplifier for air-breathing jet engine with stationary fuel combustion. The mechanism of gas masses adding in oscillating process is shown. The thrust amplification at certain gas-dynamic and geometrical relationships herewith can make 1.5 and more.
Carrying out of experimental studies on a vacuum bench (imitation of space conditions) has confirmed effective exhaust gas mass addition that opens new capabilities for increasing the thrust efficiency of space jet engines. According the test results, the constructive recommendations on the improvement of working process are given.
The results of computation and design working out of implementation of the obtained effects in the nozzle with the resonator of an optimum configuration for conventional air-breathing jet engine without its mass and dimensions characteristics derating present a great practical interest. Conditions and recommendations on calculation are given.
Possible perspective trends of further studies on implementation of the obtained effects of thrust increase at the expense of exhaust gas mass addition in liquid-propellant rocket engine and solid-propellant rocket engine with spin detonation fuel combustion, as well as in a gas turbine engine are determined. | |
Sha M. ., Agul'nik A. ., Yakovlev A. A. The effect of the computational mesh while mathematical modeling of the inflow of a subsonic flow onto the profile of a perspective blade with a deflectable trailing edge in a three-dimensional setup. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 110-121. In the last decade, much attention has been paid to the studies conducted in the interests of mathematical modeling methods developing in 3D setup. It requires a detailed study of various computational meshes constructing methods and their effect on the obtained results.
The problem of the aerodynamic characteristics computation of the of a perspective blade with deflectable trailing edge profile is important for both the development of wind turbine blades, compressor design for advanced gas turbine engines, and aircraft structures.
The effect of the computational mesh is studied while mathematical modeling of the inflow of a subsonic flow onto the profiles of a perspective blade with a deviating trailing edge. Verification, the convergence and correctness checkup of the solutions obtained, as well as verification on tasks having reliable and detailed enough solutions are necessary.
The objectives of this article are as follows: determining the accuracy of the numerical solution of the aerodynamic profile of the perspective blade with the deflected trailing edge, and testing the computational mesh with the potential to achieve industrial applicability. The feature in common is the use of wall-adjacent blocks adapted to geometry, applying herewith various approaches for their coupling with the external mesh. Analysis of the solvers application employing the Cartesian mesh reveals also the necessity of constructing mesh layers adapted to the surface of the body.
Analysis of existing designs allows us to draw the following conclusions. A simple deflectable trailing edge increases the lifting force by increasing the curvature of the profile. This increases the pressure on the lower surface of the profile, as well as increases its load-bearing properties.
A mathematical model of the aerodynamic processes occurring on the profile surface of a perspective blade from the back deflected edge while its on flowing by a subsonic flow is suggested.
An acceptable correlation of the results of the calculations made using structured and hybrid meshes circuits was obtained. Analysis of the results of numerical simulation employing various meshes revealed that application the meshes under consideration considered allows obtain close results. The structured meshes applied herewith consume less computation time. Hence, we will use the structured meshes as the best way to solve the problem.
Thus, the proposed mathematical model and the first method of developing the mesh can be applied to determine the numerical solution accuracy of the problem of flow past the aerodynamic profile of a perspective blade or wing with a deflectable trailing edge, as well as the mesh testing | |
Abdulov R. N., Asadov H. G. Spectrozonal method for detection and optimal control of low-altitude rockets through the exhaust plume of a solid jet engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 122-128. The problem of detection and control of rockets' launching and flying is topical from the viewpoint of functioning safety of various ground and aerial objects of both military and general assignment. At present, significant attention is paid to identification and tracking optimization of low-speed point objects' of various purposes. A method for spectrozonal detection and control of low-altitude rockets through the exhaust plume of a solid jet engine was developed and theoretically confirmed. The authors formulated new spectrozonal features for detection of launched low-altitude rockets, based on the well-known experimental results related to the study of spectral emission of rocket engines plume. To detect and control the low-altitude rockets a new spectrozonal feature, possessing experimental property useful for applying for on both axial and radial directions was formulated. The issues of identification optimization of low-speed low-altitude point objects under variable atmospheric conditions were also considered. The general mathematical problem of optimization of the entire cycle of optimization was formulated and solved. Its gist consists in achieving the maximum possible value of the averaged signal received from the object by the infrared identifier, through the accepted model of variation of atmosphere optical thickness. The article demonstrates that as applied to subsonic flying objects, such as cruise missiles, it is necessary to ensure direct proportion between atmosphere optical thickness and a certain time index. It should be considered herein that the minute scale of atmosphere optical density can be easily controlled, and it presents the result of rapid weather conditions changes due to natural or anthropogenic factors. A certain increase of the value of the functional, obtained by the performed optimization, can be interpreted as a possibility of a certain shift of the total time interval to the left. On this basis, the solution of the formulated optimization problem points to the possibility of realization of the much safe mode of an object detection and identification under revealed.
Some increase of accepted target functional caused by carried out optimization can be interpreted as possibility for some shift of whole time interval to left. Solution of formulated optimization task indicates the possibility of for safe regime for detection and identification of object upon revealed advantageous atmospheric conditions. | |
Kirsanov A. P. Kinematic properties of aircraft concealed motion trajectory in detection zone of the onboard doppler radar. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 129-136. Onboard radars operating in pulse Doppler mode possess characteristic feature in the detection zone. This feature lies in the fact that at each point of the detection zone the aircraft has the sector of directions. Moving along these directions it, cannot be detected by the onboard Doppler radar. This sector is named as the sector of an aircraft concealed motion directions. Due to these features there are concealed trajectories, moving along which the aircraft becomes undetectable by the onboard Doppler radar, such as an aircraft airborne early warning radar (AEWR). Most of these concealed trajectories are curvilinear with variable curvature. The article is devoted to the study of the aircraft concealed movement trajectories curvature in the onboard Doppler radar detection zone. The study of the aircraft concealed movement trajectory curvature in the AEWR detection zone was carried out to evaluate the possibilities of flying over such trajectories with account for and aircraft maneuvering characteristics. The results of the study led to obtaining the equation for calculation the curvature of any concealed trajectory in any of its points. The equation allowing determine the shape and size of a region in which the movement over the concealed trajectory is impossible due to the fact that normal overload exceeds maximum aircraft operating overload. It was established that for the valid parameters of an aircraft movement and AEWR aircraft this region is located within the circle with radius not exceeding 10 km with its center coinciding the location of the AEWR aircraft. The region, where aircraft high manoeuvrability is required, presents utterly small portion of the detection zone of AEWR aircraft. Thus, the aircraft concealed movement is possible over concealed trajectory practically in the entire detection zone. | |
Kornilov V. A., Sinyavskaya Y. A. Parametrical synthesis of actuating mechanisms with dc motors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 137-142. One of the main problems of automatic control theory can be formulated as optimal functional links' forming between information and energy. The basic principle while control systems design consists in designing such systems, which are able to transmit or convert information with specified timing and phasing-in characteristics under condition of power consumption minimization for the given control law realization. The main power consumption relates to actuating mechanisms while synchronous transmission fr om control system to the control object with concurrent increase of the energy level. The energy level limitations in actuating mechanism affect significantly such dynamic characteristics as stability, accuracy and noise reduction. The problem of parametrical synthesis of the rudder servo drive actuating mechanism for the UAV's aerodynamic control system is interpreted as a system design optimization problem. The quality criterion of parametrical optimization problem is maximum effective power delivered to the control object from the power source, necessary to fulfill the required, most tough from the power consumption view point, motion laws of the control object (aerodynamic rudder) under specified parameters of aerodynamic load. Graph-analytic solution of the problem is based on plotting the dependencies Nmax(F), wh ere Nmax is the maximum effective power value; F = Mmax/Wmax is the robustness value of the actuating mechanism mechanical characteristic; Mmax and Wmax are the maximum torque and maximum speed of the actuating mechanism. These dependencies allow define the optimal parameters of the actuating mechanism ensuring the fulfillment of all control object's required laws of motion, provided the minimized energy consumption for their realization. | |
Ismagilov F. R., Vavilov V. E. On eddy-currents losses determination in permanent magnets of high-speed electromechanical energy converters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 143-150. The industry demand for high-speed electric motors with rotation frequency of 48,000 rpm to 120,000 rpm and power of 5 to 250 kW increases from year to year. A number of technological problems exists herewith, which retards the high-speed electric motors market growth. These problems relate to the issues of their output voltage stabilization, which are solved by employing static converter, stator back magnetizing, or rectifier; ensuring bearing assembly reliability, which are solved by employing non-contact bearing assembly, as well as the problems of rotor heat evolution reduction. The latter are stipulated by the complexity of fast-rotating rotor's cooling. To solve this problem, the article studies losses caused by eddy currents in permanent magnets of high-speed electromechanical energy converters. The eddy currents losses in permanent magnets and rotor retaining shell are generated by spatial harmonics caused by electric motor structural specifics, stator serration, windings diagram and distribution ratio, as well as temporal harmonics, stipulated by the external circuit, such as inverter. Moreover,with the improper selection of the electric motor parameters eddy current losses may lead to the permanent magnets overheating and their demagnetizing under the effect of this overheating. It is generally assumed, that the losses stipulated by temporal harmonics are higher than the losses caused by the spatial harmonics. This statement is valid only for a number of structural schemes of high-speed electric motors. For example, the electric motors with toothed windings feature significant spatial harmonics. And losses caused by these harmonics are higher than the losses caused by temporal harmonics. It is found that with rotation speed increasing the losses in permanent magnets have maximum point, after which they start decreasing. This is explained by the fact that with rotor rotational speed increase, the magnetic field penetration depth into the permanent magnet body and bandage reduces. Thus, the losses reduce either. The article shows also that the magnetic system does not exert a significant effect on the eddy current losses, created by spatial harmonics, in permanent magnets. The eddy currents losses in permanent magnets herewith may alter significantly due to load angle variation. The article individually considers the losses caused by temporal and space harmonics. It also presents their numerical evaluation and describes of their minimization techniques. | |
Kovalev K. L., Tulinova E. E., Ivanov N. S. Comparative analysis of magnetomotive forces of the reverced structure synchronous motor with permanent magnets and excitation windings. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 151-158. The article considers synchronous motors of a reversed structure with electromagnetic excitation of both conventional and based on high temperature superconductor tapes (HTST). The presence of excitation winding allows perform deep regulation, while current carry capabilities of modern HTS tapes of second generation allow create magnetomotive force (MMF) of the excitation winding, exceeding permanent magnets.
Synchronous electromechanical transducers of reversed structure with electromagnetic excitation open prospective application domains in wind-power engineering, low and middle power hydropower, special and military applications.
Based on analytical solution of the problems of magnetic fields distribution in active zone of electric motor of a reversed structure with both electromagnetic and permanent magnet (PM) excitation, the authors obtained equations for electromotive force (EMF) and inductive resistance. The obtained equations allow determine the dependence of motor's output parameters on the pairs of poles number, geometry of active zone, and excitation MMF. Likewise, in case of HTS tapes' implementation in the excitation winding (EW), it is possible to define the dependence of the motor parameters on the properties of the tape in use. Based on analytical equations the comparison of the motor of a reversed structure excitation MMF with PM excitation was performed. Besides, the analytical equation allowing compare these two types of excitation was obtained. It is shown, that the power of a motor with electromagnetic excitation can be greater with lower number of poles and HTS tape current close to 100 A. The obtained analytical equations can be employed for optimization calculations while defining the main sizes of a motor active zone. The combination of the presented fundamental solutions of theoretical problems and modern simulation methods will allow develop new calculation procedures for both traditional motors and motors based on HTS materials. | |
Reznikov S. B., Kiselev M. A., Moroshkin Y. V., Mukhin A. A., Kharchenko I. A. Combined electric power complex modular and scalable architecture for all-electric aircraft electric power systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 159-169. The all-electric (more electric) aircraft (MEA, РОА, МОЕТ) concept is currently the main trend in the development of the perspective aircraft power system both in the Russian Federation and abroad. This concept assumes the replacement of aircraft pneumatic and hydraulic actuators by electric (or electro-hydraulic) ones, as well as transmission generators' constant speed drives elimination. The total rated capacity of MEA aircraft electric power supply system can reach up to 1,5 MW. To ensure the specified quality of the electric energy at the consumers inputs and mutual backup, its distributing channels should e connected in paralles. Thus, each channel should contain a higher voltage (270 V or 540 V) DC link in addition to the low voltage (27 V) central distribution unit with battery. These higher voltages are no used for feeding the distribution unit buses due to the complexity of arcless commutation provision. Thus, each MEA electric power supply channel is an independent combined AC-DC complex with four types of the central and peripheral distributing units: 115/200 V, 360... 800 Hz; 115/200 V, 400 Hz; ± 27 V and ± 270 (540) V. Electronic secondary power supplies interconnect these units with each other. The authors suggest the structure of combined electric power complex with secondary power supplies' modular and scalable architecture for all-electric aircraft power supply systems with increased power-to-weight ratio based on unified multipurpose switched mode converters. This structure ensures parallel operation of both supply channels to improve electric energy quality.It reckons multiple mutual redundancy of the circuits for essential consumers feeding, and allows unify multifunctional switched mode converters, constituting it. The considered above nonconventional MPC circuit solutions provide the required electric power quality in static and dynamic modes, high specific power (per unit mass and volume) and increased functional reliability. These solutions are protected by Russian Federation priority and provide high extent of import substitution in listed products of power electronics. | |
Kirillov V. Y., Marchenko M. V., Tomilin M. M. Spacecraft elements and units benchmark test on electrostatic discharges impact. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 170-175. The spacecraft onboard equipment electronic components and units, as well as cable networks benchmark testing on electrostatic discharges (ESD) resistant strength should be carried out conditions closer to the real spacecraft operation conditions, in which electrostatic discharges occur.
Benchmark tests are performed in the air medium, and electrostatic discharges are simulated an ESD-generator. Thus, drawing near real conditions of the outer space is possible only by insulating elements and units from grounding circuit and maximum offset from the conducting environment to reduce the capacitive coupling.
Establishing the standard requirements to the onboard equipment noise immunity to simulated electrostatic discharges impact allows ensuring the possibility of comparative analysis of the testing results of various space vehicles.
These standard requirements should specify the simulated ESDs types; the degree of the tests' robustness; characteristics of the working place for tests. The testing methods should account for the specifics of onboard elements and units, as well as cable network placing on the spacecraft structure.
The article presents the description and requirements for the spacecraft onboard elements and units, as well as cable network benchmark testing.
The authors suggest performing the benchmark tests in such a way that the elements and units under testing together with along with spacecraft shell element and measuring equipment would not have connections with grounding circuits and power network, and placed far from the conducting medium. | |
Didyk P. I., Zhukov A. A., Podgorodetskii S. G., Zabotin Y. M., Golikov E. A. Experimental evaluation of metallization quality of through holes in silicon wafers. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 176-183. Metallization of through holes in silicon wafers has been investigated by electron microscopy methods. Dependences of the thicknesses of metallization at various depths of through holes in wafers for single-sidedand double-sided sputtering of chromium and copper, with thickness of 1 µm to 5 µm, as well as with successive galvanic deposition of layers of chrome and copper and chrome and SnBi alloy (tin 98-99%, bismuth 1-2%) on the films of chromium and copper were obtained by vacuum magnetron sputtering method. Optimal modes of through holes metallization in silicon wafers process with closest characteristics of film deposition along o all structure elements, consisting in performing the process in two stages were determined. Initially, employing vacuum magnetro n sputtering method prepare metallization with minimum thickness, ensuring formation of continuous metal film. With two-sided metallization by vacuum magnetron sputtering of chrome and copper, the derived films have minimum thickness in the middle of the through holes. The continuous film is formed at chrome and copper thickness more than 1.7 µm on the surface of the through holes. To ensure the thicknesses it is necessary to perform two-sided sputtering of chrome and copper by vacuum magnetron sputtering methods with thickness less than 4 µm. Then, by galvanic precipitation method refilling to the desired thickness should be performed by galvanic precipitation method. Thickness changing at one-sided metallization sputtering, obtained in through holes by vacuum magnetron sputtering method presents linear decreasing character with increase of the holes' depth. The minimum thickness of metallization is determined, at which a continuous metal film is provided along the entire depth of the through holes in the wafers. With a thickness of less than 1 µm, the surface of the film in the through holes is not continuous, but an island one. When sprayed from the front side, a continuous film forms on the surface of the plate, but the metal structure it is not continuous on the chamfers and walls. | |
Solov'yanchik L. V., Shashkeev K. A., Soldatov M. A. Control method for electrically conducting properties of polymer compound. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 184-194. This article subject of research are electrically conducting polymer compounds based on epoxy binder with non-covalently modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Such compounds can be applied as binders to create hybrid functional polymer composites. Fluoro-organo-silicon block copolymer was used as CNTs' modifier, which is organically compatible with epoxy olygomers. It allows regulate the interaction of the modifier with polymer matrix and study the nano-composite's functional properties under various distribution of the carbon tubes. The goal of this research consists in developing a method to control electrical conductivity of polymer nano-composites by controlling the spatial distribution of CNTs in the bulk of the binder under development to create hybrid polymer composite materials with functional properties. In the course of this work execution the experimental research on the development of a method of preparation of electrically conducting binder based on epoxy resin and non-covalently modified CNTs. Measurements of electric conductivity of hardened composition were performed. Since the non-uniformity of the CNTs' distribution over the nano-composite surface does not allow determine the value of the surface resistance with adequate accuracy by contact methods of conductivity measuring, the non-contact method was used based on measuring the electromagnetic wave reflection coefficient within the range of 20-35 GHz. The authors measured also the viscosity of the binder and determined the spatial distribution of nano-particles in the bulk of composition by scanning electronic microscopy and determination of element composition. The effect of the modifier concentration on electrical conductivity and rheological properties of the binder was studied. It was established that the modifier concentration variation allows regulate electric conductivity of nano-composite and viscosity of modified binders under the constant concentration of CNTs. In the course of this work we obtained the values of electric conductivity of about 7.3 S/m with the viscosity of the developed binder comparable to the basic binder. The results of the study allow solve technological problem of decreasing the viscosity of epoxy binder modified by carbon nano-particles, to produce electrically conducting hybrid polymer composite materials under conductivity preserving. | |
Nochovnaya N. A., Nikitin Y. Y., Gudkov S. V., Savushkin A. N. VT20 titanium alloy properties estimation after removing of operational carbonaceous impurities by chemical means. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 195-202. The lack of information in domestic and foreign sources on the effect of carbonaceous impurities purification technology on titanium alloys' properties complicates for technologists selection of the most effective and safe methods of purification of a gas turbine engine compressor air-gas channel parts and units.
The purpose of this work consists in evaluating the property change of VT20 titanium alloy while removing carbonaceous impurities by chemical means.
The studies were performed with laboratory samples manufactured from a VT20 alloy sheet-billet. Caronaceous impurities, imitating operational ones, were applied on a number of samples according to the developed technology.
Eight foreign made and domestic chemical technologies (compositions) were studied as purification means.
The authors established that the most effective removal of the carbonaceous impurities from the surface of the heat-proof VT20 titanium alloy was ensured by domestic purifying solution No 1, a two-stage purification technology in alkaline and acid solutions (“loosening + etching”), and foreign made solution HDL 202. However, while purifying carbonaceous impurities with HDL 202 solution a general etching of the surface and its microstructure change might occur.
The surface roughness values of the VT20 titanium alloy do not change significantly after the removal of impurities. The relief and profiles of the purified surfaces have a shape similar to those of the original samples.
A slight increase in the microhardness of the purified samples (up to 5%) can occur due to gas saturation of thin surface layers, due to both formation of carbonaceous impurities and the processes of chemical surface purifying.
When purifying the surface from carbonaceous impurities, the activity of the surface decreases, regardless of the type of the solution used. The least decrease in activity is ensured by cleaning solution No 1.
There is no deterioration of moistening characteristics by the VPr16 solder of the surface purified from the carbonaceous impurities by purifying solution No 1 or two-stage “loosening + etching” technology and HDL 202 solution.
Purification of carbonaceous impurities by all studied solutions does not lead to VT20 alloy strength and plastic characteristics degradation, and to a change in the character of its destruction under conditions of static loading. | |
Grigor'eva Y. A., Omel'chenko I. N. Orders formation and realization process organization system in the context of their life cycle. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 203-212. The article presents specifics of orders formation depending on their basic characteristics.
The presented work discloses the fact that at present the system of orders formation and realization process is of paramount importance. This is important so that the orders themselves should be dealt with in the context of their life cycle. The orders can be split between each other according to such parameters as volume, liability distribution while their fulfilment, delivery periods and formation method. The process of the order commissioning or the order lifecycle can be conditionally split into certain stages. The life cycle stages would differ from each other for various types of the order commissioning. Therefore, one should have an idea of an order life cycle specifics for various types to minimize the error occurrence probability in strategy selection, and, as a result, minimize the probability of financial losses risk occurrence.
The article consists of three main parts, namely, introduction, the gist of the work and conclusions. It presents the description of various stages specifics, and determines the relationship of the enterprises activities marketing component and the logistic one. An algorithm for the order maintenance was developed, and efficiency evaluation technique is presented for one of the order types.
Finally, the authors describe the orders formation technique through the Internet media and its efficiency evaluation tool. The article presents the basic technologies for the delivery of the order, best suited to the market demands.
Eventually, it is worth noting that companies should master orders fulfilment and maintenance methods through Internet medium, since at present this is the prospective trend of development. Besides, these methods are fast and economically sound as well. | |
Terent'ev V. B., Terent'eva A. V. Ideal point method modernization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 213-220. When solving the problem of objects' multicriterion selection and seriation, modern mathematical modeling technologies can employ various methods, including simple aggregate weighing (SAW) and “ideal point” (TOPSIS) methods. When comparing alternative objects of research by their effectiveness, the necessity occurs to account for not only positive or negative indicators, but estimate the objects by the degree of proximity to a specified value, i. e. to the criterion. It should be noted, that the criterion value could lay in the middle of the range of the considered indicators. Besides, the object's effectiveness, as a rule, has non-linear dependency from the change of the indicator value. Inasmuch as the existing algorithms of SAW and TOPSIS methods do not allow perform such task, a certain modernization of the TOPSIS method is required. This method is top-of-the-line with respect to the ranking procedure.
In general, when the case in hand is the indicator's degree of proximity to the specified value, the attainability function is used. In multicriterion analysis, it is called the utility function. It allows realize transformation of the initial “decision matrix” system into normalized matrix, with account for the proximity to the specified values of the criteria. This operation is close in its meaning to linear (nonlinear) normalization. It is performed in the SAW method (determines the degree of the maximum or minimum attaining), and replaces the rationing using the TOPSIS method.
Earlier, the TOPSIS method could be applied, when a monotonic-increasing utility function existed for each criterion. In other cases, one had to apply the more simplified SAW method.
The presented TOPSIS method modernization gives, firstly, practically a comprehensive agreement of the computational results with the above said methods for positive indicators, and, secondly, a slight difference with the SAW method while using positive and negative indicators, when the unknown function of the relationship between efficiency and indicators is non-linear (linear and non-linear normalizing).
Thus, the proposed modernized version of TOPSIS method allows extend the scope of this method in the case of the specified criteria values (positive and negative), located within or outside the range of the indicators variation. | |
Korshunova E. D., Smirnov S. D. Methodical approach to industrial startup development management mechanism efficiency determination. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 221-225. Startups become the benchmarks of innovation growth, and the government is interested in their successful functioning. It is proved by the formation of support infrastructure around startups. An integrated approach is required to startups' support realization.
The article describes the life cycle model of a startup. Irrespective of the startup's type and line of activity, each of them passes typical stages in the course of its development. The startup lifecycle model is associated with the I. Adizez's model of the organization lifecycle.
In the beginning of their functioning, most startups face with the necessity of solving the similar problems and performing the similar functions, particularly with the necessity of the substantiated selection of the way of their development.
The management mechanism of industrial startup development allows obtain a justified choice of the way for its further development. The participants of an expert group obtained a conclusion on the most effective method by carrying out the procedure of a startup development evaluation. However, it is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the taken decision.
The expediency of applying the mechanism and the efficiency of the taken decision should be confirmed by calculations of economic efficiency. Thus, the methodological approach to the management mechanism of the industrial startup development becomes a crucial issue. All approaches consider the object of evaluation from certain sides, and are based on specific external and internal information.
The article describes the approach to efficiency determination of the industrial startup development mechanism management. A structure for calculating the total costs of a startup during the period of itscommercialization with the chosen development process was developed. A typical process for analyzing and calculating the total costs of a startup is presented. | |
Manvelidze A. B. Status analysis and forecast of operated aircraft writing-off. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 226-234. Monitoring of the current state of the aircraft fleet is an essential component of the management process of the aircraft fleet renewal by introduction of new types of aircraft with improved technical and economic characteristics.
The branch (Federal Air Transport Agency -Rosaviatsya) does not supervise (keeps record) on such deals as purchase and leasing of foreign made aircraft operated in Russian Federation. We mean the monitoring with respect to concrete transaction number, the date of leasing commencement and its expiration.
In this connection, the problem of such aircraft retirement from the Russian air transportation market is difficultly formalizable. This analysis was based on publicly available databases Flightglobal (http://, contract data and published reports on big deals of the companies.
For the purposes of the analysis the operated aircraft was separated into several groups according to ownership types and aircraft age. These groups are as follows: the aircraft owned by air carrier; aircraft obtained by financial leasing (from which the author separated out the subgroups of “young” aircraft, the aircraft with life span lower than 12 years, and the aircraft with life span more than 12 years); the aircraft in back leasing and operational leasing.
The owned aircraft retirement was determined according to the expected life span, or maximum permissible flying hours and endurance cycles from the commencement of operation.
The retirement of an aircraft being in financial leasing or leaseback can be forecasted only by life the span and total operating time.
Meanwhile the economic mechanism of the transition of the second-hand aircraft from the big companies to regional Russian companies is not developed.
The article presents some results covering the general situation in passenger aircraft fleet in the branch at large, and more detailed on Aeroflot Russian Airlines. | |
Luk'yanova A. A., Kononova E. S., Belyakova E. V., Smorodinova N. I. Possibilities of sustainable social-economic development of the northern territories. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 4, pp. 235-240. At present, the problems of sustainable development of socio-economic systems of various levels are in the sphere of close attention of Russian and foreign scientists.
The goal of the article consists in considering the possibilities of sustainable development of the northern territories, which have pronounced specific features. To clarify the concept of sustainable development of the northern territories, the article reveals limitations in the use of their resource potential, namely: high level of production costs, high vulnerability of the natural environment, preservation of the traditional way of life and the need to improve the quality of life of indigenous small peoples.
Based on the revealed limitations, the article formulates the principles on which the sustainable social and economic development of the northern territories should be based, the priority role of which is assigned to the implementation of the latest technologies to ensure high quality of life for the population and improve the ecological situation.
Remoteness of the Northern Territories from large settlements, its difficult climatic conditions, and the poor development of land infrastructure predetermine the high importance of air communication for the sustainable social and economic development of the North. Thus, the latest technologies used for the development of the Northern Territories can be concentrated in this area.
The article analyzes the experience of Canada and Alaska in the development of air communication. These areas were selected for analysis due to fact that natural and climatic conditions, labor endowment provision level, the distance from the economically developed regions allow establish certain similarity of these territories with the territories of the North of Russia.
Based on the performed analysis of international experience, the article suggests the following opportunities for using modern aviation and space technologies to ensure sustainable social and economic development of northern territories:
– Development of hub airports, as well as regional and local air transportation, supposing inclusion of regional and local airports into nodical structure of air transportation servicing;
– Implementation of unmanned aircraft for the delivery of goods;
– Implementation of high- capacity space communication vehicles to create a broadband satellite communication network;
– Remote sensing of the earth surface for natural resources development while meeting the requirement to preserve the unique ecosystem of the North.
The considered technologies are quite expensive and require significant investments in research and development. In this regard, the opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development of the northern territories are closely associated with the role of the state in socio-economic development.
The article concludes that the formation of an effective system of interaction of federal and regional authorities, business and indigenous people, the optimal combination of market mechanisms and public administration tools will ensure the implementation of opportunities for sustainable social and economic development of the northern territories and level the specifics of these territories that complicate this process. | |
Komov A. A. IL-76MD-90А aircraft competitiveness recovery. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 7-12. The paper compares competitiveness of Il-76MD-90А with the US C-17 military transport aircraft. The basic assessment criterion is the aircraft capability to perform landing on unprepared sites with restricted run length, which requires employing the engine thrust reverse. The problems under discussion relate to employing thrust reverser of PS-90A-76 engine, installed on the Il-76MD-90А aircraft. These problems do not only increase the cost of an aircraft operating cycle and affect the flight safety, but reduce its competitiveness as well. The paper presents computation and experimental data, revealing that the main cause of the emerging problems consists in poor external aerodynamics of the power plant during an aircraft ground run employing the thrust reverse. By external aerodynamics the authors mean the gas jet discharge type form the engine reverse units, which may interact with the engine itself and control airframe surfaces while its ground run. Such interaction can lead to: – gas dynamic instability in engine operation; – damages to the rotor blades of the engine caused by foreign objects thrown from the surface of the aerodrome; – Aircraft dynamic characteristics deterioration (wind drag, stability, controllability), and aircraft run-length increase. Unsatisfactory external aerodynamics of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft is the cause of its poor competitiveness compared to the US military transport aircraft S-17. Ways to the aircraft external aerodynamics improvement are considered below: – the engine reversal thrust value optimization; – reverse jets discharge optimization in accordance with the aircraft layout. Ways of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft external aerodynamics improvement were developed based on estimated and full-scale studies. The substantiation of the developed measures is based on the design features analysis of the S-17 engine reverser unit. From the above said the author concludes:
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Baklanov A. V. Stepwise gas turbine engine combustion chamber development in conditions of air velocity forcing at compressor outlet. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 13-22. Development of new up-to-date actuating gas turbine engines based on fourth generation aircraft engines requires certain time consuming. Thus, one of the ways to series-production engines' parameters improving consists in their upgrading and forcing. A fifth series-production NK-16-18ST engine was developed hereupon at SC KMPO. Its more productive high-pressure compressor allowed ensure higher flow velocity (about 170 m/s) at the combustion chamber inlet. Combustion organization and provision of optimal level of toxic agents' emission in engines of such kind is hindered due to high-pressure parameters of the airflow. Such situation led to the necessity for carrying out research and design effort consisting in altering structures of burner and flame tube with redistribution of air vents along its length. The approach, used in the above said structure lies in forming the «reach» mixture in combustion chamber primary zone with its subsequent sharp weakening to ensure “poor” content, which allows maintain low level of nitrogen oxides. Testing of this chamber together with the engine confirmed that the sel ected approach allows reduce nitrogen oxide content in combustion products. However, it requires a number of measures related to the structure changes to achieve the desired level of noxious substances emission. To increase penetration depth of a jet into combustion zone the chamber was upgraded by cylindrical hubs installation in the first row of vents. This measure allowed reduce concentration of oxide nitrogen emission in the engine's exhaust gases, but it was not enough to ensure the level, required by regulations. Having in mind, that residence time reduction of gas in high-temperature zone decreases oxide nitrogen formation, in the framework of the last version, measures were introduced to increase fuel mixture flow velocity fr om atomizers, mounted on the flame tube head. The atomizers have elongated nozzles and less diameter. Such configuration allowed ensure noxious substances emission in combustion products at the level complied with the State Standard requirements (GOST 28775-90). | |
Piunov V. Y., Nazarov V. P., Kolomentsev A. I. The upper stage oxygen-hydrogen rocket engine energy characteristics improvement by structural scheme optimization method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 23-33. The informationally and navigationally oriented spacecraft injection to the working orbit with high positioning accuracy, scientific and research spacecraft transition from support orbits to departure trajectories for deep space flight and other complex tasks of space exploration are carried out by rocket transportation systems. These systems include specialized withdrawal means, named “upper stages”. The following requirements, such as enhanced energy efficiency and reliability, long-term staying in starting readiness mode, protracted operating time and multiple starts are imposed on upper stages' cruise engines. The «liquid oxygen-liquid hydrogen» cryogenic pair burning engines possess maximum energy efficiency. The first home-produced oxygen-hydrogen LRE is 11D56 engine developed at Khimmash Design Bureau headed by A.M. Isaev. This engine can be considered as the basic one for ecologically clean upper stages for rocket carriers of “Angara”, “Soyus 2-16” and “Soyus 3” families presently under development. This engine's design allows modernization or modification (without significant time consumption) of its structurally stand-alone units, preserving characteristics, which define the engine workability and reliability at large. The KVD1 engine energy parameters and characteristics updating is realized by structural scheme optimization based on the structure technical analysis and effective options selection, related to the engine usage tasks. Based on the experience in the KVD1 engine chamber design and development two options for chamber with retractable nozzle headers design were considered. For these options, corresponding to the two engine modernization variants, optimization of nozzle divergence geometric degree was carried out. Calculation of working process parameters and the main chamber characteristics optimization was performed. The specific impulse's increase is analyzed by optimum relationship selection of fuel components consumption and selection of the maximum (optimal) pressure in the combustion chamber selection. The optimality criterion of fuel components consumption is payload weight maximum at geostationary orbit, at which, according to the specific impulse mass equivalent, the mass gain is equal to the fuel tanks of the engine unit the mass gain. the results of theoretical and calculating studies consists in defining principal design solutions of two variants of oxygen-hydrogen engines' chambers, under development based on KVD1 LRE. | |
Goza D. A. Development and investigation of laboratory model low-thrust thermal catalytic thruster on “green propellant”. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 34-42. “Green fuel” is an aqueous solution of a high-energy oxidizer (hydroxylammonium nitrate and others), and a fuel, presented by various substances, such as alcohols, glycerin, etc. It offers a number of advantages, namely, a higher density, low freezing temperature and high specific characteristics. Such mixtures relate to low-toxic substances, whereas hydrazine is a high-toxic substance. Thus, the “green fuel” mixture implementation as a monopropellant for an aircraft correction and orientation thermocathalytic thrusters is up-to-date issue. Hydroxylammonium nitrate was sel ected as a basis for the “green fuel”, to which a fuel and dissolvent (water) are added in calculated ratio. The energetic qualities of the fuel depend on its basis, though its output characteristics are strongly affected by the water content in the mixture. The laboratory model consists of a heater for the structure's starting warm-up of the, combustion chamber fr om refractory metal with a special protective coating, catalytic bed, consisted of a combination of metallic and granulated catalysts, an injector unit ensuring operating pressure differential, and a system of thermal screens. The laboratory model presents a disassembling model to monitor separate elements of the structure. Besides, such model allows quick replacement of the thruster elements, such as the catalyst bed. The laboratory model was tested in air under normal climatic conditions. The thruster was tested on firing functioning both in impulse and continuous operating modes. The tests of the thrusters were conducted in continuous modes at the inlet's dropping pressure. It is worth mentioning that with the inlet's pressure decrease, the pressure in the combustion chamber decreases proportionally, which demonstrates the stability of the thruster operation. The K100E laboratory model maximum run amounted to 1.5 kg of consumed fuel over 1500 start-ups. The main reason for the thruster's failure relates to the tests conduction in atmospheric conditions, namely to the oxidizing and destruction of separate parts of the laboratory model (heater, screens) under higher operating temperatures. | |
Maximov N. ., Solodovnikova D. A., Sharonov A. V. Mobile system for fixing and accounting for aircraft external damages while preflight checkup. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 43-50. The paper tackles the version of the mobile system for fixing and accounting for aircraft damages while preflight checkup. The benefits of the system are defined by the possibility to use mobile devices of a tablet type equipped with high-resolution cameras. These devices fix the detected damages, and convey the images of these damages into the server part of the system, which performs their processing and automatic logging to various exploitative documents, related to aircraft servicing. The basic tasks resolved by the developed and described in this paper bundled software of the mobile system are formulated as follows: The developed mobile system's software solves all above listed tasks, which allows accelerate not only the preflight checkup itself and filling out the related documents, but also the subsequent technical servicing (such as repair, gathering of statistical reporting systematization on the condition of the certain aircraft
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Chukhlebov R. V., Loshkarev A. N., Sidorenko A. S., Dmitriev V. G. Experimental research of an aircraft product's structure vibrations under flight loads action. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 51-59. One of the main factors affecting reliability of aircraft articles is vibration effect during the joint flight with carrier. To obtain estimates of reliability characteristics flight test of products are carried out. Modern equipment for ground vibration testing, reproducing the flight conditions, allows substantially reduce the amount of flight tests by replacing them with laboratory tests. The actual problem here is formation of laboratory tests regimes to ensure the equivalence of loading in laboratory conditions and in flight. Characteristics of vibration loads are obtained usually based on measuring data obtained during flight tests of the product or its prototype. At vibration tests, a relation is established between laboratory test modes and flight dynamic loads by the levels of vibration accelerations or stresses. The paper presents the technique and results of flight and laboratory vibration tests on definition of vibration stresses and accelerations characteristics of an aircraft product's structure in typical flight. Laboratory tests were conducted with random dynamic loading, corresponding to loading during flight structural tests. The purpose of laboratory tests is determination of characteristics of a structure's accelerations and stresses in the conditions of a spacecraft joint flight with the carrier. This requires reproduction of conditions exhibiting adequately enough the loading condition of a product according to the basic probabilistic characteristics during typical flight. The authors developed the technique and modes of aircraft product's vibration tests, complying with vibration loading of a product at every stage of the host aircraft flight. Using the obtained modes the tests were conducted, whereby the random dynamic loading, corresponding to the operation conditions of the product on an internal suspension bracket of the carrier, was realized. Comparison of vibration acceleration probabilistic characteristics at laboratory and flight tests demonstrated conformity of these tests' results according to root mean square values of vibration acceleration. The developed laboratory tests technique ensures correct reproduction of random vibration loading reproduction of and aircraft product structure during the flight on an internal suspension bracket of the carrier. The technique and results of the tests can be applied for estimation the structure vibration strength of an aircraft product of various applications during the joint flight of an aircraft product with the carrier. | |
Pashko A. D., Dontsov A. A. Guided missile trajectory and active protection element movement determination errors design procedure. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 60-71. At present, the onboard aircraft defense structures for protection from “air-to-air” missiles are equipped with the systems of jamming cartridges of various calibers ejection. The existing algorithm of airborne defense systems application consists in practically continuous ejection of a series of jamming cartridges when the aircraft enters the area of the enemy's air defense. However, the existing techniques of jamming cartridges implementation do not ensure the aircraft protection from the missiles equipped with matrix photodetectors. There is a contradiction between the potential onboard defense systems implementation efficacy, and military characteristics of existing onboard defense systems. In this paper, the authors propose a technique for guided missile coordinates determination errors to ensure its neutralization on the flight trajectory. A methodology for probability estimate of aircraft skipping the hit by a guided missile while realizing the active element ejection to the trajectory of the guide missile with its subsequent detonation was developed. The probability estimate of guided missile missing its target is based on probability calculation of the active element's detonation coordinates center will appear inside the dispersion ellipse with the main axes equal to mean square deviation of the active protection element detonation coordinates from the actual position of the missile. The equations for the active protection element detonation coordinates were obtained using measuring errors theory methods on the assumption of the aircraft and missile rectilinear and steady motion, after the initial miss elaboration, with an allowance for the aircraft and missile coordinates and flight speeds measuring error, as well as current missile's angle of attack determination errors. The paper shows that the missile's angle of attack determination errors depend on aircraft and missile current speeds determination errors, as well as missile bearing in vertical plane measured by optical radar station or specialized onboard radar station belonged to aircraft protection structure. | |
Popov A. S. Analysis of the capacity to use a repulsive two-mass space system with periodically formed coupling to perform interorbital flights. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 72-77. At present, methods for orbit parameters changing with cable system by periodical changing of its length for the case, when the cable is located in the plane orthogonal to the orbit plane, or when it lays in the orbit plane, are known. However, the orbit parameters changing is possible only in case of non-central gravity field. The presented paper offers the structure of interorbital transfer of the space system, consisting of two masses repulsed and retracted in the orbit plane by periodically formed coupling. The flight is considered in the central gravitational field. Originally, the system represents a single spacecraft, consisting of two parts of equal weight. Initially, the system s on a circular orbit. The mass repulsion occurs in the direction tangent to the trajectory. Hereafter, the masses being uncoupled move independently of one another over various trajectories. Performing a various number of turns around the attracting center, after a certain period of time they will turn up on the line coinciding with the radius vector. One of the masses herewith will pass the pericentre of its orbit, while the other – its apocentre. At this moment, the masses contraction occurs assisted by the formed coupling. Methods of coupling formation are not considered in this paper. The paper demonstrates that the eventually formed orbit differs from the original one. The authors obtained analytically the dependence of the system final velocity in the point of masses contraction after their contraction versus the speed of their repulsion ΔV.
The dependence of the masses contraction point radius vector versus the initial repulsion speed ΔV for the final orbit.
Here: Solution of this problem revealed a theoretical possibility of orbit parameters changing for the system of a proposed type. The analytical dependence of the speed value at the time of contraction versus the initial masses repulsion velocity is obtained. The equation determining the radius vector in the point of masses contraction of the formed final orbit created. | |
Vereshchagin Y. O. Deck-based aircraft aileron adaptive control technique. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 78-82. Active development and application of digital technologies enabled realization of advanced algorithms in aircraft control systems, which could not be implemented earlier due to the limited capabilities of analog computers, and the more, so in mechanical control systems. The attempts to ensure aircraft control characteristics invariance to varying flight conditions, aerodynamic configurations, centering and mass-inertia characteristics led to the necessity of employing two classes of characteristics onboard the aircraft, namely, with reference model and with the identifier. Such algorithms are developed and successfully applied in the control systems' longitudinal channel of Su-30Sm, Jak-130, Su-35 and Т-50 aircraft. It is important to notice that the adaptive algorithms in lateral control channel have not found practical application, though the problems requiring solution exist there either. Thus, the problem of lateral controllability deterioration caused by occurrence of the adverse moment in yaw during aileron deflection exists on all MiG-29 modifications. The aircraft heel moment caused by lateral static stability due to the sliding is directed opposite to the effective aileron roll control moment. Flight speed reduction and increasing angle of attack corresponding to it lead to reduction of available rate of roll, and in limit case to occurrence of roll back reaction to control stick deflection. The acuteness of the problem is partially reduced due to implementation of a unique structural solution, i. e. airspeed head wind eddies generators, which, however, does not eliminate the problem at large. The situation is aggravated in the case of external suspension brackets asymmetrical mounting, which becomes a standard situation in view of the increasing effectiveness of aircraft means of destruction. The aircraft herewith begins to react differently to the stick deflection to the suspension bracket side and to the side, opposite to it, by the rate of roll. It complicates substantially delivering air combat and ground targets attacking, accompanied by drastic banking maneuvers of positive sign to negative and vice versa. Aircraft landing approach control is rather complicated, especially in case of landing on a ship deck of limited size in conditions of oscillatory motion and atmospheric turbulence. | |
Gurevich O. S., Gol'berg F. D., Petukhov A. ., Zuev S. A. “Virtual engine” software usage for air bleed control in gte units' cooling systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 83-94. One of the trends of gas turbine engines perfecting consists in “intelligent” engine developing. Within its control system, a so-called “virtual engine” functions in real time mode, i. e. a full range thermo-gas-dynamic GTD model. Its implementation allows, in particular, realize engine control by its critical parameters inaccessible for measuring. The gas temperature in the hottest part of the engine duct, i. e. the temperature at the turbine inlet, is one of such parameters. The paper presents the result of the study of new turbine cooling control methods, differing fundamentally from conventional indirect open-loop control of air bleed valves according to rotation speed, employed in modern automatic control system. A block diagram and algorithmic provision of adaptive closed loop control of turbine cooling units operating directly according to gas temperature prior to the turbine and rate change of turbine blade temperature are considered. The result of such type of control estimation, carried out as applied to modern turbofan engine with high bypass ratio, revealed that its' implementation may allow: – Engine efficiency increasing by decreasing the bleeding air consumption; – Engine lifetime increasing by turbine inlet temperature decreasing by 100...200 К at steady-state modes, and the rate of turbine blade temperature decreasing by more than 20% at transient modes. An adaptive control of air bleeding for turbines cooling associated with gas temperature limitation by effecting on the fuel flow in the combustion chamber was considered. The paper demonstrates that its implementation is possible: – In flying conditions, when maximum engine thrust is required. It can be increased by 10% with the maximum allowable limitation of turbine blade temperature; – Under operation conditions when engine lifetime is critical. It allows blades temperature reduction by approximately 50 K while maintaining the thrust value and specific fuel consumption. | |
Bilyaletdinova L. R., Steblinkin A. I. Mathematical modeling of electromechanical steering gear with ball-screw actuator with account for nonlinearities of “dry friction” and “backlash” types. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 95-108. The paper addresses the multi-purpose mathematical model of the electro-mechanical actuator's (EMA) dynamics. It contains the general description of the EMA, which was the object for the modelling, the description of the mathematical model developed and mathematical modeling results. The actuator was developed in the frame of the Russian-European project called RESEARCH for the elevator deflection of a regional passenger airplane. The mathematical model was implemented within MATLAB/Simulink software. The actuator model consists of four submodels of its physical constituent parts such as controller, power electronics block, electric motor and mechanical gearbox (ball screw transducer). Programmatically switchable models with various level of detail of physical processes were realized for each part. The electrics were realized by the submodels of a single-phase DC motor and a simplified controller corresponding to it. It also contains three-phase induction motor with permanent magnets, regulated by a controller, realizing vector control in {p, q}-coordinates. Power electronics is modeled either by simplified dynamic elements, or on a physical level in detail (electronic components level). Special attention was payed to mechanical part of the actuator modeling, i. e. various submodels of non-linear mechanical effects of a “dry friction” and “backlash” were realized. Thus, we managed to ensure a balance between modeling accuracy and speed within the framework of a single model. Based on mathematical modeling results the paper demonstrates how the dry friction and backlash parameters, as well as software methods of their realization effect on the actuator's regulation quality and its characteristics. It shows that program splitting of the actuator states (idle, motion, initiation) based on velocity smallness without using the sign function approximation is optimal method of dry friction effect accounting. It ensures reproduction of the necessary actuator motion pattern with acceptable integration step (10-4 s). The paper demonstrates also that accounting for linear stiffness of the actuator's ball screw transducer has insignificant effect on the actuator's frequency response within the frequency range of control surface control. It is shown that the replacement of the three-phase motor with a single-phase one while reducing the EMA model leads to different regulation character even while using the similar regulator structure and comparable PID-regulator coefficients. The developed model can be used while the electromechanical flight control systems design for various engineering tasks, characterized by significantly varyng requirements imposed on the model in use. These tasks include: 1) development of the actuator and its control system, including actuator digital regulator synthesis; 2) actuator static and dynamic characteristics express-analysis; 3) obtaining reference actuator characteristics including small control signals; 4) analysis of transient responses and stability margins of the closed “aircraft – flight control system – actuator” control loop, including in-line simulation; 5) study and optimization of actuator thermal conditions while operating in the closed bay of the outer wing. | |
Nadaraia T. G., Shestakov I. Y., Fadeev A. A. Aircraft landing gear wheels actuator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 109-113. According to the item of the State Program “Development of the aviation industry for 2013–2025” creation of scientific and technological capacity ensuring global leadership in aviation technology and product promotion of domestic aviation industry on the domestic and foreign markets should ensure high competitiveness of domestic aircraft by introduction of innovative developments. Operation and maintenance analysis of the existing civil aircraft park revealed that while aircraft aerodrome maneuvering the hundreds of kilograms of kerosene are wasted, and drive trucks waste tens of kilograms of fuel. When kerosene burns in an aircraft engine, and fuel burns in combustion engine the atmosphere is contaminated by noxious substances. While aircraft maneuvering on the runway the noise level is 90 dB. Using combined actuator in landing gearwheels will allow decrease negative effect on the environment and eliminate completely the majority of shortcomings. The paper presents the schematic diagram of electromechanical landing gear wheel actuator in which brushless switched-reluctance motors are mounted inside cylindrical gearwheels. Due to low cost materials implementation, small size and weight, low energy consumption and high efficiency maintainability better design and operating characteristics of aircraft landing gear wheel actuator are ensured. While motor-reducer design, specifics of its operation in the landing gear wheel were accounted for. The results of motor-reducer computation, which demonstrated the wide specter of implementation of such kind of actuator for various types of aircraft components, such as landing gear wheels actuators, high-lift devices' elements are given. The presented motor-reducer possesses diversified structural concepts, which allows use it for various types of aircraft both civil and military oriented, as well as for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and spacecraft of various kinds. The prototype of motor-reducer, used for UAV's high-lift devices, displayed its apparent advantage compared to the other actuators, such as design compactability, manufacturability and cost effectiveness. Implementation of the above-described structure will allow fuel consumption saving by both an aircraft, and airfield servicing facilities. The structural concept of the motor-reducer in aircraft landing gear wheel does not have counterparts either in Russia or abroad. | |
Dyul'dina N. E., Nekhoroshev M. V., Pronichev N. D. Developing additive technology of tool electrode manufacturing for aircraft engines parts machining. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 114-120. The paper offers new technological solutions for gas turbine engines (GTE) manufacturing. These solutions are based on special processing methods using and additive technology implementation. To improve technological process of GTE parts manufacturing the authors suggest new technology of polymeric tool electrode (TE) fabrication with subsequent metal coating of its work surface using electrodeposition method. The most complex problem consists in ensuring accuracy of the profiled surface in the process of electrodeposition of a metal layer. The objective of the work is developing computer model of the process of electrodeposition of metal on a dielectric TE for electrochemical machining (ECM). This presented method consists in creating the information model, and studying the main process parameters of electrochemical deposition: electrolyte and electrode surface potentials, electrode reaction behavior, thickness and uniformity of the coating. While analytic model development parameters of electrode reaction, such as the exchange current density; electrochemical anodic and cathodic transfer coefficients; system electrode reaction equilibrium potential were determined. Besides, the above-mentioned method includes comparison of the formed profile with theoretical one. The developed information model demonstrates that the metal coating possesses a variable thickness. On the boundary of cathode with electrode junction a thickening, stipulated by electrochemical processes, was formed. Here, in this zone the thickness deviation of the formed profile from a theoretical one is 355 µm. This implies that a minor mechanical processing is needed. The developed technology allows carry out technological regimes and using the ECM obtain more detailed information on surface shaping. | |
Zhukov P. A., Marchenko M. V., Kirillov V. Y. Transition resistance effect on aircraft and spacecraft onboard cable network shielding efficiency. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 121-126. To ensure the specified shielding efficiency electromagnetic screen should be homogenous to the maximum. The uniformity of the shield depends on the resistance between the cable shield, the electrical connector and the onboard device case, i. e. transition resistances. High shielding efficiency can be ensured with small values of transition resistances. The transition resistance is not a constant and can variable significantly during the life cycle of a product. These variations are caused by the effect of various factors: shields and cases bonding and connecting techniques; temperature and environmental conditions; operating conditions. The results of the experiment that simulating a stay in a tropical climate revealed, that the magnitude of the transition resistance has increased up to 8 mOm, and in some cases it increased from 1 to 26 mOm, which significantly exceeds the standard value. While temperature fluctuations effect testing, cable connectors subjected to thermal shock by immersion in liquid nitrogen with subsequent heating to 290°C by the stream of hot air. The results of this experiment demonstrate, that the transition resistance of the heated connector increases from 1 to 6 mOm. In all these experiments, significant changes of transition resistances values in the direction to increase without returning to the initial values were observed. The reason for this consists in the thermal deformation of the parts' shape and contact failure due to the emergence of the oxidized layer. The results of the shielding effectiveness study show that the magnitude of the transition resistance affects significantly the levels of induced interference voltage at the load, connected to the onboard instrument simulator cable. Transient resistance value increasing reduces the onboard cables shielding efficiency. Thus, while electromagnetic shields designing, it is necessary to account for in shielding efficiency decrease on exposure to thermal and climatic factors during the life cycle of the product. | |
Vyshkov Y. D., Reznikov S. B. Supercapacitors applications for aircraft engine start systems. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 127-133. The aircraft engine start fr om standstill to rated idle in ground conditions can be carried out by electric starting gear fed by either onboard or ground-based power sources. The onboard power sources herewith are accumulators, while voltage can be boosted in ground conditions. Accumulators limit the power of electric start systems. Thus, for starting high-power aircraft engines non-electric systems are used. To increase the power of the ground based engine start systems a high-voltage power supplies can be used. The goal of the article consists in demonstrating the possibility of supercapacitors application to start aircraft engine by electric system. As far as a supercapacitor specific power is greater than that of an accumulator, they can be effectively used for increasing the power rating of aircraft engine start electric systems, wh ere accumulators were previously used. Since the energy accumulated in supercapacitor increases with voltage rise, the supercapacitors can be effectively used in higher voltage systems to increase their power. The goal of the presented work consists in studying and comparing characteristics and processes of the starting mode of electric motor, fed by power supply containing supercapacitor and without it, based on the results obtained by computer simulation with Electronic Workbench V5.12. The simulation results confirm the possibility of increasing the aircraft engine start electric system's power by supercapacitor implementation. It means that in many cases it will allow replace aircraft engine start air-compressing and gas turbine systems by electric systems, which possess many advantages and are of great importance for all-electric aircraft. | |
Sukhachev K. I., Dorofeev A. S. Development and study of magnetic induction systems for micrometeorites' and cosmic particles' acceleration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 134-142. This work is dedicated to development of experimental test-bench based on magnetic induction rail system. The test-bench allows the ground testing of spacecraft materials and equipment on resistance to micro particles of natural and artificial origin impacts. It will solve the problems related to the costly and inefficient space experiments, and will significantly increase the repeatability, controllability and frequency of impact experiments. In the long-run this accelerator will be an essential part for developing effective protection of the spacecraft from the meteorite hazard, non-existent at the moment. To solve the problem of low efficiency while converting electrical energy into kinetic energy, which is of great importance for acceleration of small bodies, weighing less than 0.1 g, the authors propose an experimental technique, allowing increasing the efficiency, and, thus, the impactor's maximum speed without increasing the stored energy in storage facilities. The unique feature of the proposed technique consists in increasing the accelerating force acting on the object from external magnetic systems. The authors propose to create a localized external magnetic field directly in the surrounding area of accelerated particles, and then move the magnetization area synchronously with the movement of the accelerated object over the path of the accelerator. This effect is achieved by using multiple-magnetic systems with independent switches and drives, and a single control system. To determine the switching time parameters and parameters of the railguns magnetic systems, the technique of the railgun computation, operating in combination with the multi-loop magnetizing system has been developed. To test the proposed approach a prototype accelerator was designed and developed. The series of experiments confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method was carried out. Experiments were carried out with particles of various masses, a variety of energy storage levels, as well as for several options for magnetizing systems. The upgraded magnetizing system was 23% more efficient than the classic one, with the same energy storage. The developed accelerator allowed obtain the speed of more than 2100 m/s with a total energy of 11.6 kJ stored in the capacitor bank was reached. The authors plan to apply the proposed methodology to the main circuit. According to the simulation results, the main circuit multi-step power supply will also contribute to the efficiency increase of rail accelerators. | |
Ismagilov F. R., Vavilov V. E., Tarasov N. G., Aiguzina V. V. Integrated high-temperature starter-generators with intermittent concentrated winding. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 143-154. The main objective of the research is the direct integration of the electric machine such as generator or starter-generator on the low-pressure and/or high-pressure shaft of an aircraft engine, and the gearbox elimination. This will allow reduce the aircraft engine's weight and size figures, as well as improve the aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft as a whole. This article presents the design and experimental research of the scalable prototype of high-temperature starter-generator with the inner rotor for more electric aircraft. The fundamental difference of the developed generator from the conventional machine consists in no oil ingress into the rotor or stator cavity. The starter-generator is immersed in an aircraft engine oil chamber, containing the oil necessary for bearings lubrication at the temperature of 120-160 °С. The stator and rotor are not lubricated with oil, which does not circulate. Cooling is achieved by losses' heat sink into the surrounding oil. A scalable high-temperature starter-generator prototype model was developed in Ansys Maxwell software package. It revealed a high accuracy and close convergence with the experimental results. Moreover, the system efficiency assessment and computation of losses in starter-generator's elements were performed. Based on the experimental results and computer simulation the starter-generator full-sized model was developed, and tests at the temperature of 120 °С were conducted. This generator appeared to be less loaded from the viewpoint of electromagnetic and thermal loads. It proves the efficiency of the proposed conception and its effectiveness for implementation in more electric aircraft. | |
Kolesnikov A. V., Kolesnik A. V., Zabolotskii A. P. Pneumo-thermal molding of sandwich wedge-like panels from titanium alloy VT20. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 155-161. The presented work deals with considering pneumo-thermal molding and diffusion welding (PTM/DW) technology for multilayer structures manufacturing from titanium alloys, including the ones of variable height. The paper represents the presentation of general theory of the above said technology, and analysis of the problems emerging while its realization. The author separated out the stages of PTM/DW technology of multilayer titanium panels. The main problem considered in the paper consists in the problem of non-removable defects formation, accompanying manufacturing of multilayer wedge-like panels. These defects are imaged on the appended plots and figures. The reason of these defects occurrence while multilayer panels molding lies in the different displacement of the lower shell in various areas of the pack of sheets. In the area of diffusion welding this displacement is constrained by ribs of the filler, while in the zones which are not welded with the filler, the upper shell is forming freely under gas pressure. Its deflections are forming herewith between the areas of welding with the filler. Solution of this problem consists in defining the managing program, necessary to form the ribs of the filler and the shell, whereby the shell deviation in the areas unreinforced by the ribs would not reach critical value. The recommended range of the shell and filler thicknesses ratio in dependence on the shell deflection in the areas unreinforced by the ribs, as well as equations for determining critical deflection factor and molding pressure were obtained by mathematical modeling. Application of the above said equations for the filler and shell thicknesses of multilayer wedge-like panels will allow avoiding defects occurrence, which was confirmed in practice. All fabricated panels comply with the calculated parameters. No defects were detected over the profile section dimensions. In view of the foregoing, one may state that the problem consisting in determining the regularities for selection of design and geometry parameters of multilayer structures, allowing ensure qualitative molding process without defects formation was solved successfully, and the solution has practical applicability. | |
Eremeev N. V., Eremeev V. V., Kondyukov S. L. Technological specifics of manufacturing of anodes based on aluminum-indium alloys system for chemical current sources. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 162-169. Presently, one of the meaningful problems in modern machine building consists in creating new electric power sources. It is of special importance for such human field of activities as aircraft and spacecraft building. Chemical current sources (CCS) based on aluminum anodes, where various solid, liquid or gas oxidizers used as cathodes, found an extensive application in spacecraft electric power systems. Very often, the modern methods of such sources design, however, turn out rather complicated and energy consuming. One of the most successful electrical systems based on CCS, applied in modern spacecraft, is an oxygen-aluminum system with liquid electrolyte, consuming oxygen from the environment. In most cases, anodes are made of aluminum alloying with such metals as Ga, Sn, In. Nevertheless, the high values of anode potential and current were obtained while the experiments with Al-In alloy anode. It was found, that aluminum doping with Indium ensures anode electrochemical activity with faraday efficiency no less than 90%. Thus, this work was focused on developing the scientifically substantiated technology of anode manufacturing based on Al-In alloy to ensure highly dispersed, isotropic structure to provide a uniform anode dissolution, decreasing pitting formation, and, as a consequence, increasing energy and performance characteristics. The main difficulty while Al-In alloys casting consists in organizing a uniform indium particles distribution (which is not soluble in a solid aluminum) over the solid base metal volume. The reason to it stems from too large difference between aluminum and indium melting points (659°C and 156°C respectively), as well as high density of the latter (6.5 g/cm3). Introduction of traditional modifiers into the alloy is unacceptable, since they (Ti, Zr, B) aggravate the electrochemical figures. The studies conducted in MAI (laboratory UNPL “TOMD”) allowed develop technological scheme for obtaining anodes' blanks. The scheme includes obtaining ring blanks using additive technology of centrifugal casting and pressing by using shear deformation during pipe billet extrusion. It will allow work out sufficiently the alloy structure, grind up the phase inclusions and, as a result, ensure the necessary properties' level. A distinctive advantage of the developed technology compared to the analogues is the possibility of regulating of a significant number of factors during the deformation process and, accordingly, to obtain the best possible material's characteristics in the final product. This technology is realized herewith using traditional equipment. | |
Galkin V. I., Paltievich A. R., Shelest A. E. Modeling and evaluation of defects occurrence reasons while isothermal punching of ribbed panels from aluminum alloys. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 170-178. Ribbed panels from aluminum alloys are widely used in aircraft industry as power structural elements, parts of the wing and fuel tanks, as well as in the form of the heat-exchange surfaces. Increased requirements on strength and reliability are rendered to such panels. The most rational technique for such kind of panel manufacturing, i. e. isothermal punching, may lead to clipping in the ribs and sink marks on the side, opposite to the ribbing. Modeling and experimental results of the studies reveal that defects stems from the combination of manufacturing process control parameters, such as temperature and deformation velocity, as well as geometrics, i. e. blank thickness. The main objective of the studies consists in developing design technique of the part blank design as a function of temperature and deformation velocity while isothermal punching. The put forward problem is solved by control polynom development, linking manufacturing process parameters – the blank temperature, velocity and geometrics with the defect magnitude, i. e. sink marks in the ribbed aluminum panel while its manufacturing by isothermal punching technique. The initial data for the required polynomial is the results of finite element mathematical modeling with varying initial parameters of the punching process and the magnitude of the forming sink mark or its absence. The obtained modeling results were processed according to the three-way analysis of variance planning procedure. The regression equation was obtained to compute the sink mark magnitude in the ribbed panel in dependence of the process temperature and velocity, as well as the initial blank thickness. The authors applied the analysis of variance, which allowed define the significant factors in the calculated polynomial, and, neglecting the rest, significantly simplify it. The sink mark magnitude obtained with the calculated polynomial correlated well with the results of mathematical modeling and experimental studies. The proposed method is universal and can be implemented for various cases of defect-free technological processes design, when evaluating the impact of the process's control parameters on and their contribution to the manufactured product's characteristic being studied is required. | |
Bespalov A. V., Petrov A. P., Sokolov A. V. Friction and surface phenomena when stamping hard-deformable alloys. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 179-194. This work considers the issues of friction (dry, boundary, liquid) effect on the hot die forging process. It reveals the main sources of frictional forces formation. High temperatures, pressure and permanent renewal of one of the friction deformable metal surfaces being in the plastic state characterize the external friction during the hot die forging. In the course of stamping, as the die fills, the surface area to body volume ratio is increasing. The destruction of oxide films thereupon on the surface of wrought workpieces and the outcome of the non-oxidized metal particles from them occurs. This event facilitates the development of the forces of intermolecular gripping of the wrought workpiece and the tool. The stainless steel, aluminum and titanium alloys are especially prone to sticking to the tool. Thus, their stamping is always carried out with lubrication. In most cases, the friction at contact surfaces while stamping occurs together with intervening and isolation mediums (oxide scale, oxides, lubricant etc.). Thus, the interaction of lubricants with surface-active substances while stamping becomes of particular importance. The types of lubricants, their composition and the additives effect on the difficult-to-form alloys of low-plasticity processing are considered. The mechanism of action of surface-active substances in conditions of stamping and formation of plasticized surface layer with ultra-fine-grained and nano-sized structure was analyzed. The article analyzed the results of leading Soviet and Russian scientists' studies in the field of nanostructured state forming in the surface layer of the material. Based of the conducted analysis, we can state that the nano-structuring of the workpieces' surface, including pressure shaping, while applying surface-active substances, leads not only to the obtained semi-finished products' mechanical properties substantial improvement, but also to a significant improvement of their technological properties during the subsequent hot deformation, such as stamping. Thus, the compelling for the production possibility of difficult-to-form materials' super-plasticity deformation under lower temperatures and higher speeds of not only volume nano-structured workpieces, but also the workpieces with nano- structured surface is created. | |
Babin S. V., Fursov A. A., Egorov E. N. The study of intermediate plasma-sprayed layer effect on fiberglass-metal junction strength. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 195-201. The study of laminate composite materials, compounds of dissimilar materials and hybrid composite materials for increasing their strength, fatigue strength and reliability is a topical problem for aircraft building. This work studies the technique for increasing strength of fiberglass with AB-T1 aluminum alloy compound and fatigue strength of hybrid composite material by intermediate layer creation. To reinforce composite compound intermediate rugged porous layer, obtained by plasma-sprayed method. The paper performed comparative analysis, sel ected materials and modes to such layer formation. Fatigue testing of hybrid composites samples was carried out. Temperature effect on shear strength of a composite compound was studied. The effect of fiberglass molding process (with glue or without it) on the components shear strength. As a result of the conducted studies we found that:
The results of the study can be used for new composite materials development and hardening adhesive compounds of dissimilar materials. For example, to develop hybrid composites titanium fiberglass aluminum alloy, and new SIAL variants for fiberglass aircraft propeller blades design, compressor and turbine blades for gas-turbine engines. | |
Tischenko L. A., Kovalev A. A., Markin A. V. Photoresist thickness selection peculiarities to ensure and improve the lithography process stability during semiconductor devices structures manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 202-211. Photolithography is one of the main technological processes for obtaining on a special base a certain topology of various electronic components. The most important thing herewith is minimization of all errors in the course of image transfer fr om a photomask to the photoresist layer, and at the developing stage. In this case the most accurate mage transfer is achieved. The paper is devoted to a topical problem, namely to the photoresist thickness selection specifics to ensure and improve lithography process stability during semiconductor components structures manufacturing. The paper describes the experimental study of the dependence of radiation energy (E0) dose, necessary to full structures' development in photoresist, from the photoresist thickness (h) on the example of SPR700-1.2 photoresist. The energy dose for the structures' full development in photoresist, determining the quantity of energy affecting the photoresist, required for full photoresist elimination from certain areas, determined by components' structures topologies is one of the basic technological parameters of photoresist. In the course of the study one area per each of 33 silicon wafers were detected, wh ere the photoresist was completely removed. Radiation energy, at which the exposure of these areas was carried out, is an energy dose, necessary for the full structures' development in photoresist. Thus, the plot of energy dose, necessary for full structure development, versus photoresist thickness was obtained In the course of mathematical calculation, approximation of experimental harmonic dependence was performed and equation of the given curve was obtained. Rational operating points (thickness) were determined using the plot obtained while experimental curve approximation. These points represent extremums, since with minimum deviation from the rated value, inherent to the considered operating point, the energy dose for full structure development in photoresist would vary insignificantly. Thus, nine operating points corresponding to a certain photoresist thickness were obtained as the result of the approximated curve analysis. The result of experimental study of radiation energy dose dependence from photoresist thickness described in this paper consists in obtaining of a number of recommended photoresist thicknesses, which observing can lead to the most accurate image transfer from photomask to photoresist layer, which, in its turn, will improve lithography process stability during semiconductor components structures manufacturing. | |
Pokrovskii A. M., Chermoshentseva A. S. Experimental study of nano-additives effect on properties of composite materials with interlayer defects. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 212-221. The subject of researh in the presented paper are interlayer deffects in composite materials (CM), prevention of the rate of their occurrence by strengthening the compoistes with nano-sized powder. It contributes to safety increase while aircraft operatioin and allows prevent emergency situations duting flights. The goal of the studies consists in developing methods for manufacturing techmology of samples made of epoxy resin reinforcement of laminated CMs with interlayer defects and nano-dispersed powder, by adding nano-particles to the binder, and obtain maximum degrees of CM filling with nano-sized powder. In the process of performing this work the experimental samples were produced, and the series of tests were conducted. It is noted that occurrence of interlayer defects contributes to lifespan reductiono of a product made of composite materials. The analysis was performed, thereby, on determining the character of a delamination type defects growth. The properties such as mechanical characteristics anisotropy and the possibility of hidden defects presence in the form of material discontinuity over the separation surface are intrinsic specific properties of composite materials. The paper presents the experimental results of the study how degree of filling of the ED-22 resin by nano-sized silicon dioxide powder (“Taroksil” T-20) of various concentration affects the mechanical properties of a heterogene material. A brief description of production process technology of samples, made of epoxy resin and nano-disperced powder, is presented. The above said studies are used for solving the problem of interlayer defects hardening in laminated composiste materials, which occurrence is a consequence of the aircraft parts production technology imperfection and effect of operational loads of aircraft, by adding the nanoparticles to the binder. The optimal degrees of CMs filling by nano-sized dioxide silicon powder in dependence of mass concentrarion were found. The testing results of the samples made of CM with embedded interlayer defects with adding nano-dispersed additives with various volume concentration from 0.1% to 0.5% to the binder are presented. These tests tresults' data would be offered for implementation by the enterprises of Holding JSC “Helicopters of Russia”. The work is prospective for further consideration and implementation in the future research activities. | |
Balyasov Y. A. Production management in conditions of multiproduct single-part and short-run production. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 222-227. The scope of the article is production monitoring system developing at the machine-building enterprise in conditions of single-part and short-run production, allowing data provision of production progress, contribution to managerial decisions effectiveness increase and production lead-time reduction. This goal implies organization of a production processes information system at the enterprise that accumulates initial order information, such as engineering and design documentation, route technological processes, operational labor standards. This data allows calculate a period of execution of works (with account for product structure) and draw an activity network as the basis for the day-to-day production planning. Actual production data is fixed in the strategic points relating to such production stages as resource supply, mechanical processing, finished items transfer to the picking store and to further assembly process. Analytical comparison of the initial and actual data serves as the basis for the management decision-making concerning de-bottlenecking and can be used in production scheduling. It is supposed to use two groups of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of production activity that characterize: – the conformity of production progress with planned, estimated and directive periods of execution of entire work as well as intermediate production stages; – production volume expressed in terms of production lots quantity or standard hours of work that makes it possible to estimate the current and coming labor content as well as production continuousness. The key feature of the procedure is that all the data necessary for the monitoring is formed automatically with execution of standard working functions of a person responsible for their execution, disposing of the difficulty to obtain additional manpower resources. This system serves as the basis for the production processes operative monitoring adapted to the single-part and short-run environment. It allows: – systematize and analyze the real-time data on the basis of measurement of the strategic points that specify the execution of order; – control the process on every level, from foreman to general manager; – estimate the planned machine utilization. This technology of production data organization is implemented at the DB “Armatura”-branch of FSUE “Khrunichev SRPSC”; the day-to-day production planning and monitoring algorithms are being tested. As a result of the partial implementation of the procedure there is a tendency to reducing of the throughput time. The suggested technology can be used at manufacturing enterprises with a high level of experimental development, such as engineering departments with a pilot plant. | |
Motyreva E. E., Tarasova E. V. Hedging of financial risks of developing enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 228-235. Nowadays developing enterprises undergo hardship to find sources for innovative projects financing. Investors do not want to invest in risky programs, while enterprises are no able to bear the financial risks themselves. A distinctive feature of the high-tech defense developments production financing is preferential financing at the expense of budgetary funds. However, that does not absolve enterprises from financial risks due to insufficient financing or failure of terms. In this case, the enterprise is better to involve extra-budgetary financing. It would help: to exclude cases of forced attraction of own funds; to increase profitability and avoid loss of development; to reduce the probability of disruption in terms and penalties; to release a part of the developer's funds for own technical re-equipment and development; to reduce the impact of design, technological, financial and economic risks. One of the distinguishing features of the development of high technology products is the presence of the objects of exclusive rights. These objects have a certain value, depending on the area of their application, utility, degree of elaboration and novelty. Additional funds for innovative projects implementation may be attracted by the sale of options for these objects to interested parties. For the purposes of the developing company, it is necessary to sell such a number of options and at such a price that it would be able to ensure a risk-free return (i = 25%). For the company acquiring the option, the price is defined as the present value of future benefits taking into account the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Including the price of sold options in the financial model of the project, you can achieve its payback. | |
Tikhonov G. V. Methodology for russia's small and medium-sized enterprises adaptation to crisis conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 236-240. In modern conditions of the Russian economy and restructuring of certain industries, the significance of enterprises’ management increases. It is stipulated by the disruption of a great number of economic ties, active import substitution of products manufactured by certain industries, as well as the necessity for significant breakthrough in the field of military industrial complex (MIC). Instability of external environment with high risks level is aggravated with account for the challenges facing the Russian industry in conditions of scale sanctions. In this connection, the role of small and medium-scale enterprises, which significance in the modern world is steadily growing in both developed and developing countries, is increasing. Methodology for assessing and monitoring industrial enterprises' adaptation level to the crisis conditions is analyzed in real conditions. Monitoring system of adaptation level of separate enterprises to crisis conditions is an important element of anti-crisis policy, since it should contribute to the selection of the strategically important business-partners selection, subcontractors on production activities, etc. The enterprises with high-level adaptation to the crisis conditions should be primarily included in industry plans while preparing and implementation of the products critical for the industry. The relevance of small and medium-size enterprises adaptation process is associated with the fact that their ordering parties are large enterprises. So operations of “business for business” (b2b) type are implemented. Thus, small and medium-sized industrial enterprises in most cases are not oriented on individual consumers, but on a big business, which establishes its own rules of conduct on the market. The area for the study is steady development mechanism of economy of industries, complexes and enterprises. The object of the work is the Russian small and medium-sized industrial enterprises overcoming the crisis phenomena in the economy. The subject of this work is methodical and practical approaches to the Russia's industrial enterprises adaptation to negative conditions in the economy, including the assessment of the adaptation level of the enterprises. The aim of this work consists in developing a methodology of Russia's small and medium-sized industrial enterprises adaptation to the conditions of crisis. The methodological basis of this work is a systematic approach to the small and medium-size enterprises adaptation assessment to crisis conditions. Practical significance is determined by a comprehensive quantitative approach to the assessment of industrial enterprises' adaptation level to the crisis phenomena in the economy. In theoretical terms, the overall conclusions on the adaptability of economic systems can be formulated:
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Belov G. O., Stadnik D. M. Gear-type pump design procedure development providing its dynamic loading reduction. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 7-14. Aerospace hydraulic systems generate pressure and flow-rate oscillations in the course of their operation, which in its turn leads to vibrations and noise level increase. Thus, the problems of the study can be formulated as follows:
The authors realized numeric model with allowance for the two-phase nature of the flow and the pump's design features using programming language Delphi. Computations allowed obtain the fuel consumption patterns at the input and output of the pump, as well as cavitation phenomenon in the locked volume. Based on computation results, a technique for balancing grooves in front foot bearing was developed. The effectiveness of such changes in construction was demonstrated experimentally at the Institute of Machine Acoustics. Using scada system LMS Mobile the authors fixated reduction of vibration, pressure oscillations and noise for NMSh-5-25-4 pump. Thus, all the planned tasks of the research were fulfilled. The results of this work were implemented at Wroclaw technical university (Wroclaw, Poland) and Institute of Machine Acoustics (Samara, Russia). | |
Komissarenko A. I., Kuznetsov V. M., Simakov S. Y., Muraschev A. A. Meteorological rocket “MERA”. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 15-23. Rockets MMP-06 and MMP-06M are nowadays are the most popular rockets in Russia, while the “Dart” system is the most popular rocket in the USA. The MMP-06M reentry vehicle maximum flight altitude is 60-80 kilometers. Since 1988 the rocket is employed for the wind velocity and temperature measurement in upper atmosphere. The rocket is equipped with the engine with a steel body as a thruster, which results in low thrusted efficiency for modern technology state-of-the-art (the empty engine with stabilizers to fuel weight ratio equals 0.56). The altitude of probing is relatively low, and equals 80 km, and probing at the flight upward trajectory is impossible. To avoid the above-mentioned drawbacks, the SC Instrumentation Design Bureau under contract with the Ministry of Environmental Monitoring and Research Developed “Mera” meteorological rocket with probing altitude greater than 100 km. To serve as a thruster the surface-to-air bi-caliber missile engine, using solid propellant (with density impulse of 240 kgFs/kg) was developed and finished-off, with fiberglass body and the empty engine with stabilizers to fuel weight ratio of 0.3. It allows significantly reduce initial weight of the rocket and its size. The meteorological rocket “Mera” was designed based on the above said surface-to-air bi-caliber missile engine, and MMP-06M “Dart” as reentry vehicle cruise component. To provide requirements fulfillment (achieving altitudes over 100 km) meteorological rocket “Mera” has two-stage structure with passive cruise component and equipped with a booster. Measuring and servicing equipment is allocated in the cruise component in the form of a container. The cruise component is equipped with parachute in a separate container. On the assumption of stiffness conditions and required temperature the body of the cruise component is protected by combined coating. To ensure radio signal of the equipment propagation the cruise component is equipped with radio-transparent insertion. To ensure aerodynamic stability the cruise component is equipped with asymmetrical consoles. The paper presents aerodynamic, weight, inertial and ballistic characteristics, impact zones and separated engine trajectories, as well as cruise component impact zones. | |
Dukhopel'nikov D. V., Vorob'ev E. V., Ivakhnenko S. G. Ion flux control in hall accelerators. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 24-30. Hall thrusters are widely used for satellite orbit correction and marching operations for altitude change. At the same time the accelerators designed according to similar schemes acquired wide spread occurrence in vacuum ion plasma technologies as ion-cleaning and nano-scale surface treatment systems. In a first approximation, in the design of such devices it is assumed that the magnetic field does not affect the ions movement in the accelerating channel. Actually, the ions deflected slightly in azimuthal direction under magnetic field impact, whereby the beam acquires the shape of one-sheet hyperboloid. With the thrusters, it might lead to the plume spread, derating and angular momentum occurrence. This leads to significant divergence of the ion beam in the technological accelerators operating on relatively lightweight argon. For surface cleaning before coating deposition such divergence of circular beam is acceptable, since maximum processing area is required. However, for dimensional ion beam processing narrow ion beams with Gauss ion current density distribution are required. At the same time, effect of the ion azimuthal deviation does not allow focusing the ion beam of the Hall accelerator only by coning the walls of the acceleration channel. In this paper, additional magnetic pole was installed for focusing ion beam into a spot with Gauss ion current density distribution along radius at the outlet of the cone acceleration channel of the ion source. This magnet pole produced the magnetic field which vector is opposed to magnetic field vector in the channel. Ion beam in the additional magnetic pole area turns in azimuthal direction, opposite to its turn in the acceleration chamber. As a result, the beam is coned and focused at a specified distance into a spot with maximum ion current density concentrated in the center. The paper formulates the criterion of optimum ion beam focusing in accelerator with anode layer. The ion current density distribution along the radius of the focused ion beam was measured with the accelerator experimental sample. It was shown that the installation of additional magnetic pole allows focusing the ion beam completely. The obtained results can be used in the design of ion sources for punctual ion-beam machining of the details for optical and electronic industry. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M., Morzeeva T. A., Kizeev I. S. Distributed power-plant concept with gas drive of external fan module analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 31-41. The paper analyzes the concept of distributed power plant (DPP) for prospective long haul passenger aircraft. This DPP is intended to provide deeper integration of a power plant and an aircraft, as well as increase its fuel efficiency. Possible variants of drive realization for external fan modules, as a constituent part of the distributed DPP, are presented. The necessity of considering the gas drive, realized by introducing an additional transient duct between the turbine of dual-flow turbojet engine and the turbine of the external fan. The paper presents the preliminary analysis of DPP with gas drive of an external fan module developing possibility in the simplest for realization version incorporating a single external module. The authors developed the technique for numerical study, carried out the evaluation of the specified DPP parameters under various values of total pressure losses in the transient duct to the external fan module and performed preliminary evaluation of the distributed power plant weight. Further development of the considered distributed power-plant concept the additional gas heating in the transient duct while the take-off mode is offered. Additional calculations of new type engines are carried out, and estimation of new distributed power-plant structure parameters improvement possibilities is made. In conclusion, comparison of the considered distributed power plant structures basic parameters at various degree of total pressure losses in the transient gas duct to the turbine of the external fan module is presented. The conclusion is drawn on the necessity to assign transient ducts and intermediate heating systems technologies to critical category. | |
Biruykov V. I., Kochetkov Y. M., Zenin E. S. Determination of thrust specific impulse losses occurring due to chemical non-equilibrium in aircraft power plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 42-49. As usual, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics deal with the problems, which suppose a system to be in equilibrium. Thus, the implemented mathematical tools could be rather conditional in cases of the systems with irreversible chemical reactions, as well as gas flows with thermodynamic non-equilibrium. Depending on how the system differs fr om equilibrium state, the great majority of practical solutions of combustion problems referenced in classical literature this condition is observed. In contrary cases, i. e. significant non-equilibrium in combustion in high-speed flows problems, and detonation in particular, the variation fr om stationary proliferation of chemical reaction fronts is unreasonably neglected. The traditional combustion in gas flows problem statement is unidimensional and based on consumption, momentum and energy conservation laws. Effects of viscosity force and thermal conduction are accounted for herewith. The basic difference of idealization consists in supposition of consistency and averaging of thermal capacitance value under constant pressure and volume. However, these values are dependent from chemical components composition and temperature in particular. Viscosity factor and other factors, characterizing transition are also functions of gas mixtures composition and temperature. As a consequence, gas constant and constitutive equation differ significantly from the idealized form. For complete analytical description of combustion gas dynamics, accounting for mutual diffusion of chemical components, regularities of components vanishing and occurring of new ones, as well as evaluation of total heat emission due to the completion of chemical reactions are required. Systematic numerical studies of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemically non-equilibrium gas flows in aircraft power station nozzles are already conducted for many years. Various authors obtained results for combustion products of a number of fuels employed in aviation and rocketry. However, calculations of such flows do not satisfy modern practical requirements in all respects. Their main disadvantage consists in orientation on strictly defined set of substances and chemical reactions. To other shortcomings are neglecting the small concentrations of the reacting components, which compels to coarsen recombination mechanism. The variety of propulsion installations designs predetermines the presence of various units with non-equilibrium combustion in the area of lean and reach mixtures, such as gas generators; liquid rocket engines combustion chambers with complex mixture-formation systems; a number of pressurization systems and gas passages with gas flows; combustion chambers and afterburners of air-jet engines. To a certain extent, determination of specific impulse losses in rocket solid engines due to chemical non-equilibrium with allowance for its effect on formation of Al2O3 and ALN condensed particles presents practical interest. The nowadays reality is the study of combustion detonation mode, wherein flows idealization is unjustified due to high conversion rates, and chemical reactions are principally non-equilibrium. The paper presents gas flows with non-equilibrium chemical reactions modeling in the form of conservation equations: uniformity of energy and impulses, wh ere impulses are presented as a product of gas mixtures density scalar and their velocity vector. As a result, in addition to the equation in Navier-Stokes form the authors obtained one more member, accounting for relaxation processes in thermodynamic system. Based on carried out analysis of the law of mass action the authors obtained interrelation between Gibbs thermodynamic potential with the equation member, accounting for non-equilibrium in gas flows with specified content in the form of normalized function. Based on it, the authors offer an engineering design procedure of a rocket engine specific thrust losses (aircraft power plant) caused by chemical non-equilibrium. The values of combustion products equilibrium and frozen compositions for the specified fuels are used for computation of adiabatic coefficients for lim it cases and normalized function. The paper presents graphs illustrating the computations for a wide spectrum of combustion products compositions. The examples of computation results of specific impulse for various cross sections of rocket engines nozzles. The engineering method for calculation of the thrust specific impulse losses occurring due to chemical non-equilibrium allows estimate adequately their contribution to the common share of losses. | |
Orlov M. Y., Anisimov V. M. Computational study of compressor operation mode effect on gas turbine engine combustion chamber processes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 50-56. Improvement of modern GTE and power plants directly related to improvement of the combustion chamber. However, combustion chamber is one of the most problematic parts in terms of the design and finishing-out. To solve these problems the authors developed the technique for performing common computations of the compressor and combustion chamber together. In the framework of this work this method was used studying the effect of flow unevenness, occurring behind the compressor blades, and on combustion chamber workflow. The method has been further developed in the way of implementation of common mesh model for the compressor, the combustor, and working out the boundary conditions setting principles. Geometrical model consists of four different geometrical volumes: guide vanes of the penultimate stage of high-pressure compressor, the impeller and guide vanes of the last stage and the flow path of combustion chamber. The sector of compressor and combustor was used instead of full-sized model to reduce calculation time. The sector angle kept constant for compressor and combustor. Three-dimensional modeling software package Ansys Fluent was used for simulation of common operation of compressor and combustion chamber, since the combustion processes simulation was tested and verified for this package. Mathematical model and boundary conditions were set after mesh generation. Mathematical model included different calculative models, which were necessary for the combustion simulation. Boundary conditions were specified by temperature and pressure of the flow at the inlet and of the fuel. The flow blows the guide vanes at a certain angle. Hence, the direction vectors were set in cylindrical coordinates. The simulation was carried out in non-stationary arrangement. Thus, the certain time step and number of time steps, which are necessary for convergence, were set. The simulations were carried out for three engine operation modes (nominal, 0.7 of nominal and 0.5 of nominal regimes) with and without compressor. The least effect of the compressor detected at the the engine nominal mode, and the the largest was detected at 0.5 of the nominal. The obtained results were compared with the results from simulation without compressor. Simulations revealed that that blade wakes extend up to the flame tube head. These wakes change the flame tongue, pressure field, temperature and velocity in the recirculation-mixing zone. It can affect combustion efficiency, ecological performance and temperature field at the combustor outlet. Thus, the simulations, which accounted for combustion chamber and compressor, more fully represent the characteristics of the working process of the combustion chamber and increase the efficiency of new products design. | |
Baklanov A. V. Low-emission combustion chamber of diffusion type employing micro flame burning process for converted aircraft gas turbine engine. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 57-68. Combustion of fossil fuel is accompanied by a number of toxic agents' formation. Nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide are the most ecologically destructive, for they hurtfully affect humans and the environment. For these reasons the paper solves the topical problem on creating a diffusion combustion chamber for a converted aircraft gas turbine. For the purpose of efficient aircraft engine combustion chamber conversion from fluid to gaseous fuel, the author proposes the combustion chamber design and complex approach, including of engineering and design studies and experimental studies. The experimental method includes three stages. At the first stage, the butners' outlet parameters are defined. For this purpose, a workbench for determining a burner throughput capacity and obtaining concentration pattern of the air-fuel mixture in swirling jet burner outlet. CO2 was used as a gas fed to the fuel ducts, instead of methane. Concentrations distribution over the sections after the burner presents the pattern, allowing trace the CO2 concentration level variation dynamics in whole area of measurements and in each point of the swirling jet. It allows evaluate the quality of air-fuel mixture preparation. The burner throughput capacity was evaluated at various pressure differences. Based on the performed work, selection of the burner geometry for implementation in the compustion chamber was performed. While implementation of the flame tube head with a large number of atomizers, fuel distribution uniformity ensuring is of especial importance. It provides stable combustion process and mixture homogeneity at the combustion zone inlet. To determine the flame tube head flowrate characteristics, an installation with compressed air delivered to fuel ducts was implemented. Evaluation of air throughput deviation from its average value was carried out. It allowed working out the flame tube head from fuel feed ducts dimensions' optimization viewpoint. The next stage consists in working with a full size combustion chamber. This stage includes two trends. The first one is the pressure loss determination in the combustion chamber, while the second one is determination of the non-uniformity of the outlet temperature field. Selection of combustor can degree of opening and air distribution along its length to provide optimal pressure losses and temperature field. At the final stage the combustion chamber as a part of the engine functioning test was carried out. The engine throttle performance characterization and measuring the exhaust emissions of the engine was performed. In accordance with the results of the studies, conclusions were made that the realized complex approach to toxic agents emission reduction allowed design the combustion chamber reducing nitrogen oxide emission by 40% and carbon oxides by 20% compared to a stock combustion chamber. | |
Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A. Functional control software/hardware complex master side model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 69-78. With implementation of existing methodological support of regular automated verification systems (AVS) the state and performance of a short-range missile of air-to-air class (AAM SRM) control system sensors are unobservable. Thus, while regular AVS typical control algorithms realization technical state of control system sensors, such as linear accelerometers (LA), or angular accelerometers (AA) can be estimated through indirect parameters, without their basic parameters determination (transfer factor, etc.). This could significantly reduce methodological fidelity of guidance system control. To solve the above said problem the authors offer implementation of functional control (FC) method. This method can be realized based on software/hardware complex (SHC). The paper suggests scientific basics of functional control. They are stipulated by implementation of harmonic balance of automated control theory. The FC structure, organized by duplication method, was used to realize AAM SRM guidance system FC control sensors.
To minimize the control structure dimensionality at the inputs a single primary impact
HOW is the main preset part of SHC, generating a single primary stimulating effect To ensure harmonic oscillation “comfort mode” for the missile guidance system, selection and adjustment of HOSs design values is carried out. For this purpose, the developed SHC FC master side model is used. In addition, the developed model is used for characterization of secondary stimulating effects on HOW, LA and AA detection units and determination of the signals of their reactions. The process of HOW operation can be represented by a certain model in Laplace operator form. This model includes oscillating and measuring loops. The oscillating circuit dynamic model represents an oscillating link with time constant and damping factor, as well as nonlinearity of saturation type with known parameters, stipulated by HOW design specifics. Measuring loop includes axial power transmission (PT) and inertia-free angular sensor. PT is free of reduction elements, and its gain KPT = 1. The conducted experiments on a certain HOW embodiment confirmed the adequacy and performance capacity the developed models of SHC FC master side, as well as correctness of the HOW design values, allowing eliminate AAM SRM guidance system's signals limiting and their termination to stop. | |
Al'bokrinova A. S., Grumondz V. T. Gliding unmanned aerial vehicle flight dynamics at low speed and launch altitudes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 79-85. The authors conduct studies of gliding unmanned flying vehicle (UAV) flight dynamics at low speed and launch altitude. In the case under consideration the UAV flight dynamics significantly depend on initial flight speed and initial flight altitude which determine the total UAV energy and, as consequence, UAV's dynamic capacity while moving along the trajectory. The paper considers the following two problems:
We assume the UAV is equipped with a certain booster engine with fixed total impulse, which can be realized by various thrust variation functions in the course of UAV movement. Much attention was paid to the study of launching conditions and thrust behavior at the initial trajectory portion impact on the flight range under gross thrust impulse limitation, as well as studying of various possible technological deviations of thrust vector direction from UAV axis of roll impact on movement stability and UAV launching safety. The last problem was considered in the form of the following two problems:
We assume that the UAV is launched in undisturbed air conditions so that at the starting moment it is not subjected to the additional aerodynamic impact, while the carrier is moving at constant altitude with constant speed. The authors developed a mathematical model of UAV spatial motion all over the flight. The control system accounts for pitch angle and angular velocity deviations. Solid fuel accelerator with fixed thrust impulse value, variable thrust value and operating time is considered as a boost engine. A time of engine ignition was computed. Movement parameters at the initial trajectory segment, booster thrust variation functions impact on the flight range and booster thrust misalignment impact on the UAV movement parameters and stabilization were evaluated. Extreme (guaranteed) values of solid fuel booster thrust misalignment caused by technological errors while booster manufacturing and mounting on the UAV ensuring the UAV flight safety at two stages – controlled flight without thrust and controlled flight with operating booster were obtained. | |
Zaichik L. E., Desyatnik P. A., Zhelonkin V. I., Zhelonkin M. V., Tkachenko O. I., Yashin Y. P. Mobility effect of flight simulator cabin on aircraft in-flight refueling problem modeling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 86-94. One of the serious problems of flight simulation with flight simulators consists in reproduction of accelerations experienced by a pilot while in flight, which play an important role in piloting. The paper considers this problem in the context of aircraft in-flight refueling. The goal of the study is quality estimation of cabin movability over various degrees of freedom effect on piloting, pilots nature of action and his judgement on simulated accelerations degree of adequacy to real flying conditions. Experiments were conducted with TsAGI PSPK-102 flight simulator containing cabin with six degree- of-freedom mobility, collimated visualization system, instrument display, side-stick control with electrical loading system, and thrust control levers. The authors developed the in-flight refueling task simulation technique using flight simulator with movable cabin. The problem of cabin mobility system control algorithms optimization was fulfilled for the considered task. The pilot's task consisted in performing closing-in with the refueling tanker and carry out the refueling cone in the course of the flight. Experiments were conducted with participation of an Honored military pilot, who had wide practical experience of refueling tasks in real flight conditions. Experimental data on the accelerations effect on unbiased indicators of the cone tracking accuracy, pilots actions characteristics and aircraft movement parameters were obtained. The study demonstrates that reproduction of accelerations affecting a pilot significantly increases the adequacy of in-flight refueling problem simulation to a real flight. According to the pilot's, opinion axial accelerations exert the strongest effect on refueling task. Nevertheless, reproduction of vertical and lateral accelerations in the course of flight simulation plays an important role as well. The obtained objective data and the pilot's opinion accord well with overloads and angular accelerations over various degrees of freedom significance analysis performed based on earlier developed theoretical approach to the accelerations impact on piloting. | |
Tischenko L. A., Kovalev A. A., Chizhikov S. V. Basic process operations parameters impact of silicon electronic lens manufacturing and its storage conditions effect on electron beam shape studying. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 95-103. Lithographic processing is one of the key operations of technological processes while semiconductor devices' and integrated circuits manufacturing. Its parameters effect strongly the precision of the devices structure creation, and, as a consequence, its output characteristics. Multi beam lithography is implemented in particular. Its technological equipment uses silicon electronic lenses for electron beam control, which electronic and optical parameters affect the accuracy of the manufactured product structure and, as consequence, their output characteristics. The paper tackles the topical problem of ensuring the specified electro-optical parameters of electrostatic lens (including geometric sectional shape of electron beam) during its production, storage, and transportation, as well as repeatability of these parameters from batch to batch. The research object of this project is electro-static lens representing silicon plate with a plenty of holes of circular shape. The lens under study is used in technological equipment for multi-beam e-lithography for a powerful beam splitting into a multitude of beams. The electro-static lens parameters degradation causes in length of time identification, and their elimination technique development are the main tasks of this studies. In the course of the study, a number of operations and factors that could affect the electro-optical lens parameters was revealed. According to the results of expert evaluation of electronic lens manufacturing technological process, these factors are oxidation and chemical cleaning operations. The results of various technological operations and factors effect on electro-optical lens parameters variation were presented. While this research a series of experiments was conducted, which considered variation of electro-optical lens parameters in length of time. The obtained results of the studies allowed revealing possible reasons of electro-static lens parameters degradation in length of time, and developing technological recommendations to prevent this degradation. The plan of future studies is presented. | |
Tamarkin M. A., Verchenko A. V., Kishko A. A. Heavy-plate materials waterjet cutting effectiveness improvement. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 104-114. A voluminous assortment of parts, characterized by higher requirements to accuracy and reliability, is used while aircraft manufacturing. They are fabricated fr om various materials, such as steel, aluminum, plastics and composites. Special attention is payed to developing new methods of the parts manufacturing and improvement of conventional technologies. The majority of the parts is produced by pattern cutting of various materials of 0.5 to 200 mm thickness, followed by their machining or without it. It is interlinked with the development of CNC metalworking Machinery Park, where forged pieces or form workpieces are used in increasing frequency. The main question consists in productivity and quality of cutting blanks. There is a great variety of pattern cutting methods, distinguished by productivity and principles, with peculiar advantages and disadvantages. The authors consider the hydro-abrasive cutting, which is the newest and prospective metal cutting methods. Hydro-abrasive cutting is the most up-to-date and efficient method for obtaining either blanks or parts from plate aviation materials. The cutting process is carried out by the thin water jet with abrasive grains mixture, emitted at high (supersonic) speed under high pressure up to 6000 bar. Garnet sand with 7.5-8 hardness is used as an abrasive material. The process represents erosion destruction under impact of working jet, wh ere the abrasive cuts the chips microlayers, while water takes them away from the cutting zone. The main advantages of hydro-abrasive cutting are high productivity ensured for high cutting speed (steel up to 300 mm), the absence of residual strains at the cut edge, the possibility of cutting practically any metal and non-metal as well as the ability of cutting figured profile and irregular shape parts. Nowadays the process of hydro-abrasive cutting is poorly studied. Theoretical dependencies accounting for all technological parameters effects for the cut ruggedness and corrugation determination, and dependencies reflecting the value of cutting jet lagging. The quality of hydro-abrasive cutting depends on the feed rate, the thickness and type of cutting material. It was found, that feed increase reduces the quality of cutting, increases ruggedness, and the area of smooth cutting reduces, while the corrugation and obliquity of the cut increases. Deffects caused by jet lag cutting, such as formation of a burr on the sharp outer corners, forming holes in the inner corners, overcut and undercut at the beginning of the cut are also found. The goal of this study was to explore the effect hydro-abrasive cutting modes, namely the feed effect on the cut roughness. After a row of experiments the samples made of three different materials with 30 mm thickness, namely, steel 30HGSA, aluminum D16, multi-layer polymer composite such as titanium-fiberglass were obtained. When cutting the feed was changed stepwise from 5 mm/min to 120 mm/min for a sample of steel, to 200 mm/min for samples of D16, and to 160 mm/min for a sample of the composite. The ruggedness of these samples was measured at the specific areas of the cutting section. Analysis of ruggedness dynamics allowed suggest a mathematical model of cutting surface ruggedness profile forming. The ruggedness is formed by free abrasives, which remove repeatedly the micro-chip layers. The mathematical model is proved by experimental data, as indicated by a graph of the cutting ruggedness dependence from the cutting head feed. The experimental data and theoretical curves allow predict the cut quality of the hydro-abrasive cutting. Based on this data, the possibility arises to select the most optimal hydro-abrasive cutting mode cutting, or a certain type of defects elimination. The cutting rate optimization is possible by slowing down the feed in areas of defects formation, or ruggedness unevenness. | |
Belov O. A., Berdnikova N. A., Babkin A. V., Kozlov M. V., Belov D. A. Composite shape-generating tool set for spacecraft antennae reflector manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 115-122. Irregular shape items manufacturing from polymeric composite materials (PCM) requires the tool set, which geometry duplicates geometry of the item. The material is spread on the shape-generating tool set, and then its polymerization is carried out at the predetermined pressure and temperature that can achieve up to 200°C. In this respect, the most complicated problem while forming precision items from PCM consists in temperature deformation occurrence while polymerization process. For years, metal hybrid tool sets have prevailed in high-precision composite parts manufacturing. A hybrid tool set has invar (nickel alloy with CLTE close to zero) shaping plate and a support structure made of some other metal with sufficient thermal conductivity. The tool set of such kind involves shape-generating plate attachment to the support structure means, which ensure the possibility of their free thermal extension. The drawback of metal tool sets consists in their high cost, low material utilisation ratio and long manufacturing cycle. The next step in tool sets for high-precision items made of PCM evolution was creation of composite shape-generating tool sets. Fiberglass and carbon reinforced plastics are implemented for such tool set manufacturing. Its surface can be coated with ceramic or gel coat layer of precise thickness, providing minimum roughness, maintainability, and increasing the items takeoffs. Composite tool sets does not have disadvantages of their metal counterparts, though several design problems are still stay unsolved. This paper proposes a carbon composite tool set design for satellite antenna reflector producing. The main requirements to this tool set are precision and stability of the shaping surface. Design solutions are validated by thermal and static mechanical analyses based on finite elements method. In addition, the paper presents the results of autoclave operation simulation, which allows analysing the tool set optimal positioning inside the autoclave to provide uniform heating. | |
Shmidt I. A., Bormalev S. V., Mekhonoshin K. A. The concept of managing configuration and organization of technological preparation for assembly production of aircraft engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 123-131. Aircraft engines manufacturers face the following challenge: on the one hand to ensuring the product configuration management, and, on the other hand, the necessity of effectively employing financial, material and human resources throughout the entire aircraft engine life cycle. This problem can be fixed due to information support of aircraft aviation engines' life cycle based on software solutions such as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The aircraft engine building branch intensively employs PLM solutions developed by Siemens PLM Software at the stage of design documentation development. aircraft engines design is carried out with allowance for the methodology of 3D electronic model design (EMD) of a product with NX system under control of PLM-system TEAMCENTER. PLM solutions are not used at the stage of the technological preparation for assembly production. The technological preparation process is oriented on implementation of paper design and technological documentation. The existing process does not link the stages of design and technological documentation development. At the stage of technological preparation of production process, the electronic structure of the product is practically never used. The technological preparation and configuration management systems depend largely on the human factor. The production planning system is not working effectively due to the absence of connection with technological regulations and assembly production process. The product assembly efficiency can be improved by creating a unified information environment for developing design and technological documentation. The TEAMCENTER PLM system implementation for technological preparation of aircraft engine assembly production will allow develop a unified information environment for developing the design and technological documentation. It will enable also the product's configuration management problem fixing and reducing time and costs associated with aircraft engines. A key feature of the new business process is the TEAMCENTER system implementation at all stages of production technological process preparation, and the products configuration and assembly are carried out according to electronic technological structure and technological process using 3D visualization and step-by-step account of assembly process. Technological structure of the product will allow fixing the problem of production configuration management throughout assembling process. The technological structure data should be transferred to EPR system of production planning. The equipment and assembly must be carried out via the MBOM and technological process using the three-dimensional visualization and operational accounting of assembly production process. The operational account will allow monitoring the production progress and providing feedback to the production planning system. The step-by-step account will ensure documenting of the product configuration requirements carrying out and forming actual product configuration. Introduction of the TEAMCENTER PLM system while preparing the assembly production will allow solving the configuration management problem. Formation of actual configuration will provide a solution to the product configuration control problem, such as documentation, identification, and traceability of the requirements compliance status to products at all product assembly stages. Implementation of the 3D product models facilitates understanding of new products design, allows exclude drawing working documentation to automate the technical documentation development process and, as a result, reduce the time of assembly and manufacturing costs. Developing a unified information environment for design and technological documentation preparation via the PLM TEAMCENTER system will provide the market launch of new products with the specified characteristics in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. | |
Gabrelyan A. S., Ivanov N. S., Kondrashov D. A., Korenchuk K. Y. Superconducting electric motor with stator ring winding. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 132-140. One of the promising trend of modern transportation systems development is transition to electric propulsion. This is topical for aircraft industry too. However, to solve this problem it is necessary to design electric motors with high power density over 20 kW/kg. To achieve such figures of the specific power is possible only using cryogenic cooling, and modern superconducting materials. Design of the electric motors with superconducting inductor and armature windings, will allow obtain maximum benefits in terms of weight and size. This relates to the possibility of increasing the magnetic induction value in the motor air gap, as well as with the stator linear load increase. Design a fully superconducting electric motors is complicated by the absence of any universal computation methods, as well as a number of design features and the critical parameters of high temperature superconducting tapes nonlinearity. All this requires the development of new computation methods for such kind electric motors. The paper presents a fully superconducting electric motor with a ring armature winding and the method of determining the its specific power and the results of finite element modeling in three-dimensional formulation. The obtained analytical expression for the main magnetic flux allows derive an equation for the power density of HTS machines with annular armature winding. It is shown, that this power may exceed the value of 20 kW/kg. | |
Kiselev M. A., Ismagilov F. R., Sayakhov I. F. Electric actuators for aircraft aerofoils control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 141-148. While increasing the aircraft degree of electrification hydraulic drives fed by centralized fluid power systems substitution by off-line electric drives is assumed. Translational motion power actuators with ball-and-screw gear are widely used nowadays in aircraft flaps, slats and adjustable stabilizers control systems, and operate reliably for a few minutes per flight. In the absence of strict requirements to the dynamic characteristics of electric actuators, such as high-lift drives, simple electromechanical actuators with controllable electric motors and mechanical gear are already in use. During the flight of an aircraft, controlled airfoils are exposed to varying loads under the influence of airflows. These loads cause significant mechanical stresses in the electromechanical actuator, leading to accelerated wear of mechanical actuator components. Another problem with the existing electric actuators is their excessive weight and size as well as difficulty to ensure compliance with the stringent operational safety requirements. Thus, the goal of this research consists in eliminating these deficiencies and improving the energy and operating characteristics of electric actuators. It is necessary herewith to consider the operation of an electric drive either in active mode, when the energy is spent to set the running gear in motion, or in passive mode, when the running gear is fixed in a certain position and exposed to significant mechanical loads caused by aerodynamic forces. Based on the presented aerodynamic forces calculations, we analyze the designs that solve the stated problems. These designs allow implementing both the passive and the active electric actuator modes. We propose a design that makes electric actuators more reliable and durable while operating in the passive mode. This is achieved by removing the output arm from the deadlock position to allow a limited range of deflection and by damping vibrations and oscillations caused by aerodynamic forces within that range. However, oscillations damping by electromechanical dampers is not always efficient, since it may result in weight and size figures increase under high mechanical loads. This problem could be solved by implementing the electric actuator structure with flexible coupling between the ball-and-screw gear and remaining actuator components in the form of modified elastic compensating clutch. This proposed flexible coupling demonstrates small weight and size figures compared to with electromechanical dampers under heavy loads. Thus, such structure can be realized also in spacecraft. Judging from the above said, the considered electric actuator construction arrangement allows reduce its weight and size figures. The resource increase in electric actuator passive operation mode is achieved by eliminating rigid fixation of the output arm in dead spots and limited oscillations of the output arm in the operating range of a position sensor. | |
Lisov A. A., Chernova T. A., Gorbunov M. S. Simulation approach to the study and modelling of electrical converters degradation processes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 149-156. Under real operation conditions of electrical industry products, the degradation variance of their features should be allowed for. The subject of research is various kinds of electrical converters which even slight degradation results in serious technogenic disasters. The paper considers and suggests basic principles for such type of problems solution, and establishes a number of degradation variances regularities. Characteristic parameters variances analysis allows separate out four most characteristic types of functions for the named regularities description: entire irrational functions or polynomials, fractional rational functions, and functions for processes with description. Evaluation of degradation variances simulation results supposes tabulation of the measured values and selection of such an approximating function which would ensure it the least mean square deviation fr om the tabular dependence. The OLS method ensures the best results for solving the problems of such type. Analysis the considered functions, describing the degradation process, allows state the following: all functions have the initial value, known for the unit in use fr om the its datasheet. Thus, in the course of degradation variance studies it is expedient to examine only the function degradation variations, instead of the whole function. Initial value of the deviations function equals to zero, and its plot passes through the origin of coordinates. While determining the number of parameters of approximation functions, their number would be one less for deviations function. Thus, the order of normal OLS system reduces. The residual resource prediction was performed based on solving non-linear equation, wh ere degradation deviation function takes the normative allowable values. While solving the equation, the function arguments lim it value should be defined as an instant of failure. The evaluation of the residual resource was performed based on the instant of failure. | |
Kuznetsov P. A., Stepanov O. A. Reactive power compensation automated systems application to prevent blackouts. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 157-163. The main task of the article consists in electric power grids basic emergency modes, leading to rolling blackouts, analysis, and high-speed reactive power smooth regulator (RPR) design for the existing domestic reactive power compensation systems (RPCS). Failures analysis at industrial enterprises and substations revealed that one of the main reasons resulting in avalanche failures and blackouts is reactive power circulation, representing an integral part of complex electromechanical mechanisms functioning. However, the excessive amount of reactive power and circulation leads to complications and serves as the cause of failures. Various reactive power-compensating systems, such as either static (capacitor installations), or dynamic (synchronous compensators), are widely used in the industry. However, preference is given to the static ones due to low price and durability. Their implementation for the most part pursues only economic benefits, namely energy cost reduction. Nevertheless, with certain updating these installations can be implemented successfully for failures, resulting in blackouts, prevention. On the example of compensating installation, developed by the authors, they suggest to replace one of the critical elements for the purpose of regulating properties improvement. This element is Reactive Power Regulator of foreign manufacture. It has a number of disadvantages, which presence may result in cascade fault. The proposed new regulator is a thyristor reactive power regulator consisting of a transformer, network mode sensor, regulator, control block, thyristor switches and a filter. This paper presents the schematic diagram and computation algorithms for voltage level sensor parameters, network mode sensor parameters and filter parameters. The computation of the unit reliability is presented either. | |
Vavilov V. E., Bekuzin V. I., Aiguzina V. V. High-speed slotless generator, integrated into auxiliary power unit: design and experimental research of the scalable prototype. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 164-175. The paper presents the design and experimental research of the high-speed slotless generator scalable prototype with strip-wound stator core, integrated into auxiliary power unit. The experimental research and computer simulation of the scaled-size prototype in no-load and on-load modes were conducted. They revealed that this generator demonstrates minimum rotor losses and voltage ripples, as well as high specific energy characteristics. The high-speed slotless generator scalable prototype computer model was developed with Ansoft Maxwell software. Experimental data deviation from computer simulation results does not exceed 5%. From the results of scalable prototype computer simulation a full scale computer model of high-speed slotless generator was developed. The main parameters of the high-speed slotless generator were defined and compared with the parameters of the slot-type high-speed generator. The comparison revealed that the slotless variant demonstrated lower losses (by 600 W) with minimal weight and size parameters (not more than 0.2 kg/kW), high efficiency, minimal negative high harmonics effect, absence of the slot ripples, and the simple production technology. Thus, the obtained data shows that the high-speed slotless generator with he strip-wound stator core made of amorphous alloy can be implemented as the generator integrated into the auxiliary gearless power unit. It proves also the possibility of its application in aircraft industry. | |
Le D. T., Averin S. V. Simplified spice vector pulse width modulation algorithm for asynchronous motor speed control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 176-184. The paper presents algorithms for voltage generation at induction motor (IM) windings in vector pulse width modulation (PWM) mode while IM rotation frequency regulating. These algorithms ensure smaller amount of computation, allowing eliminate through currents in the inverter power stage. Vector PWM (VPWM) employs 8 states of inverter switches for IM control. The paper considers the possibility of extra intermediate vector states of the switches, which would not cause through currents occurrence in the inverter and allow include them into IM speed control algorithm. For through current elimination in transition periods between zero vectors and basic and non-zero basic vectors the authors suggest implementation of intermediate switches conditions of the switches, which will be operated on as vectors. Let us consider treat these vector as variables. The authors analyzed the usage of a group of vectors V01, V02, V03, V04, V05, V06 or V10, V20, V30, V40, V50, V60. It allows obtain two most promising algorithm. To control IM output voltage and frequency parameters employing PWM mode, the assemblage of the transitions between acceptable ones, when at least one syllable of a control word would be inverted, will be referred to as vector subset of permitted dangerous bilateral transitions. The simultaneous switching of both switches of a totem pole corresponds to the dangerous transition. In the suggested algorithms, the transitions are in parallel with Karnaugh map sides, which means that they do not cause through currents. Vector PWM voltage and frequency parameters will be considered only in the time interval corresponding to the half of the sector. Simulation was carried out varying time interval of vector V0 existence for regulating generated voltage value under invariable TV4/TV6 ratio (for s the first sector). The effect of n parameter on the quality of IM drive in VPWM mode. The simulation was performed with MATLAB Simulink. Simulation results are presented. | |
Kalugina M. S., Remshev E. Y., Danilin G. A., Vorob'eva G. A., Pekhov V. A. Combined thermoacoustic method for titanium alloy structure modifying. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 185-196. The paper studies the possibilities of using acoustic emission and gas-dynamic processing (thermo-acoustic processing) methods for initial check of a material (titanium alloy) instead of a traditional method, i.e. optimal heat treatment mode selection. Implementation of thermos-acoustic processing as an extra treatment of TC6, BT16 and BT23 alloys, demonstrating low mechanical properties in the initial state, ensures grains refining and improvement of property package up to the required level. Physical features of titanium alloys and specifics of obtaining semi-products on their basis require that a manufacturer should know and allow for these semi-products initial state (mechanical properties, microstructure, etc.) while process design. Thus, the manufacturer should possess the technique allowing promptly estimate and correct mechanical-and-physical properties of the basic material, and in certain cases of a complete spring either. For the experiment, the authors sel ected the alloys fr om various foundries (mechanical properties, microstructure, etc.). The presented study area of application is titanium alloys implementation for springs, employed in airspace and other special equipment manufacturing, where the quality of basic material predetermines largely the quality of a final product. The carried out studies in the area of the basic material quality in spring production allows draw inference on the possibility of a certain initial check modernization, as unattainable part of a component manufacturing process. It is established, that acoustic emission method allows qualitatively estimate the microstructure without labor consuming estimation methods and take a decision on treatment schedule of manufacturing process. ATAP implementation as an extra processing of TC6 alloy, demonstrating low mechanical properties in its basic state, ensures grains refining and improvement of property package up to the required level. | |
Kyaw A. L., Artemev A. V., Rabinsky L. N., Afanas'ev A. V., Semenov N. A., Solyaev Y. O. Monolayer properties identification in carbon composite with nano-modified matrix. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 197-208. The results of monolayer elastic and thermos-elastic characteristics identification in carbon composite samples, produced by employing of epoxy matrix containing 0.2 wt.% of fullerene soot are presented. The composite samples with reinforcing schemes [02/904/02], [+452/-454/+452], [04], [904] were fabricated by vacuum shaping. The fullerene soot was preliminary added to a binder and disperse using mechanical and ultrasonic mixing. The composite monolayer properties were obtained based on the analysis of the results of mechanical tests of the samples with various reinforcing schemes and inverse problem solution. The multilayer properties valuations were obtained, using micro-mechanical, analytical and numerical modeling and solving corresponding averaging problems. Mori-Tanaka averaging method was used for analytical computations for cylindrical embedding problem. Numerical calculations were performed using finite elements method at representative fragments, containing unidirectional fibers. The computations used initial matrix properties values obtained from the experiments, and matrix containing the fullerene soot. The paper demonstrates that the results of numerical and analytical computations performed to evaluate the unidirectional layer properties are sufficiently close to each other. It follows from these computations that in case of impurities agglomeration, addition of nano-filler should lead in the first place to transverse elastic modulus increase and monolayer shear modulus due to matrix tightening. Pitch module should vary insignificantly since it is defined by filler properties. With the filler addition, the monolayer Poisson ratio practically should not change. These results do not correspond with the experiment, except shear modulus increase. Unlike the predicted monolayer transverse elastic modulus increase, the experiments revealed its decrease. It follows from the experiments that monolayer Poisson ration significantly decreases, which was not predicted by computations. The obtained results demonstrated the matrix embrittlement while implementing the selected nano-modification technique and the necessity of either filler volume fraction decreasing, or changing the technique of its dispersing in the binder. The authors plan to use identified values of composites' monolayers elastic and thermos-elastic characteristics hereafter to describe the residue stressed-deformed state of carbon composite construction elements to reveal the possibilities of reducing residual stresses and shrinkages in the structures with asymmetric reinforcing schemes, using matrixes containing carbon nanoparticles. | |
Bychkov A. N., Fetisov G. P., Kydralieva K. A., Sokolov E. A., Dzhardimalieva G. I. Nanocomposite materials based on metallic nanoparticles and thermoplastic polymer matrices: production and properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 209-222. A line of composite materials based on low-density linear polyethylene (LDPE) thermoplastic matrices, polypropylene (PP) and metallic nanoparticles was produced by mixing in polymer melt. The results of dynamic mechanical analysis of PP based composites with metallic nanoparticles, namely the product of Co (II) acrylamide nitrate complex and 2% FeCoAAm co-crystallizatant thermolysis, within the temperature range from −50 °C to +150 °C revealed, that low concentration of nano-filler (1 wt.%) does not lead to noticeable changes in dynamic elastic modulus, nano-composite mechanical losses and loss tangent. Thermooxidative degradation results indicated the increase of thermostability for above said PP-based composites compared to the initial PP at 4 and 8 wt.% of nanoparticles. The authors obtained nanocomposite materials based on polyolefin matrix and pre-synthesized by chemical co-deposition magnetite nanoparticles such as LDPE-Fe3O4 and PP-Fe3O4. According to X-ray diffraction analysis, the major component in the system was magnetite nanoparticles with an average size of 15 nm. These results correspond to scanning electron microscopy data. The paper demonstrates that with the increase of nanoparticles content in polymer, and with magnetite high content in particular, the elastic modulus increases, and the tensile strength value decreases. Thermal behavior analysis in the PP-Fe3O4 (at 4 wt.%) system indicates that nanocomposite thermo-oxidative degradation reduced compared to the initial polypropylene, and the temperature of maximum degradation start-up increases from 300°C to 385°C. Composite materials based on LDPE and Al65Cu22Fe13 with alloy (0.1 to 10 wt.%) were produced. The paper demonstrates that the presence of quasi-crystalline alloy as a filler leads to composites strength properties improvement. Unlike LDPE-Fe3O4 systems, a tensile strength of LDPE-Al65Cu22Fe13 increases with low filler concentrations. Protective action of the nanocomposite systems under test in relation to beta-radiation was studied using dose metering method. It was demonstrated that with filler content increase in LDPE-Al65Cu22Fe13 and LDPE-Fe3O4 composites beta-radiation flux attenuation occurs. A high correlation between the portion of passing beta-radiation and relative dielectric constant of composite materials based on thermoplastic polymer matrix with metal-filler was observed. | |
Prosvirina N. V. Development and implementation of efficient production management principles based on lean production concept at the aircraft engine-building enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 223-232. The paper tackles the topical issues of staffing training and forms of factory organization at the aircraft building enterprises based on lean production concept. While production development in Russia and its share increase in the global market, the issue of product company optimal management comes up. The lean production program leads to creation of learning organization with stable, continuously progressing processes, aimed at searching for non-productive losses and their minimization. The lean production becomes the topmost factor of efficiency increasing, competitive stability of an enterprise and reliable technique for all kinds of all kinds of expenditures. In an aggravated competitive struggle at domestic and world markets, the key factor of Russian engine-building companies' success is associated with their flexible response to rapidly changing market demands. This requires development and implementation of a number of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of production and enabling enterprises to enter the global market as providers of competitive aircraft engines. The main problem at domestic engine-building enterprises consists in production systems modernization. Many companies take the mass production concept as a basis of their production system, which does not meet modern industrial requirements to goods and services production, and does not take the expected effect. Thus, it is necessary to carry out the production system modernization, taking more efficient and productive system as its basis, engaging all management and stuff of the company in this process. Effective organization of production at aircraft engine-building enterprises is a significant and special component of the competitiveness analysis due to its magnitude to production encompassing and time scale parameters of their implementation. Thus, the organization of competitive aircraft equipment manufacture should allow for all kinds of losses and expenditures, and implement efficient production system, including the great majority of methods, techniques and tools. | |
Churilina I. V. Cost management at the space-rocket industry enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 233-240. The paper tackles the issue of the cost management methodological approaches enhancement. The main purpose of the paper consists in developing the cost management financial mechanism based on EVA concept for the space-rocket industry enterprises as an instrument of increasing the enterprise financial stability and competitiveness. System approach to financial management theoretical basics summarizing and analysis composes a methodological base of the research. While conducting the research the author employs the methods of financial analysis and forecasting, economic-mathematical modeling and expert assessment. The author identified space-rocket industry enterprises' specifics and explored cost management methods existent in economic science. The economic value added concept is a method on which basis the financial mechanism of cost management is developed. As a result, the indicators of the EVA concept were modified. The adaptation of the basic indicators of the EVA method to the cost structure of the space-rocket industry enterprises and the technique of calculating EVA are specific to the organization of production and the budget process. They allow identify the basic elements of economic value added cost, i. e. purchase of materials (EVAм), staff salaries (EVAт), equipment handling (EVAа) and other expenses (EVAп), characterizing the efficiency of rocket space technique production process. Moreover, the optimal cost financing structure was identified. The results of the research were proved on the example of the space-rocket industry enterprises. Finally, we conclude that the most expensive source of funds are borrowed funds, which effective use will consist in material and other costs financing at their expense, but costs of labor and depreciation deductions is preferable to be financed from the own funds. | |
Gyazova M. M. Cargo ramp aircraft implementation forecasting based on simulation modeling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 2, pp. 241-248. The paper is devoted to the issues of cargo air transportation market development in Russia, and exploration of ramp cargo airplane An124-100 operation in the market. At present, this plane carries out the major part of transportation of heavy oversize cargo. The plane demonstrates a unique combination of capabilities, as it is one and only air transport for oversize cargo alternative overseas transportation. The plain allows also increase safety and reduce damage probability of cargo, compared to overseas transportation. It is capable of delivering cargo to far-out regions, where there are no auto-road and railways, horizontal loading and unloading capacity through nose and tail ramps, as well as lowering the aircraft floor and unloading without specialized external cargo-handling equipment. To forecast economic indices of the plane of a specified type simulation model run by Vensim program. The conclusion is drawn that with growth of heavy oversize cargo air transportation demand, the necessity for organizing in Russia the serial production of aircraft equal to An-124-100 increases. Analysis of cargo transportation world market modern tendencies revealed apparent significant potential of the sector of economy in question and its direct interrelation with such factors as the degree of technological development of the country, the State participation in the trading processes and general level of economic development. The branch of group air transportations should be considered as one of aircraft industry strategic orientations totally and enjoy the State support. | |
Bokhoeva L. A., Kurokhtin V. Y., Perevalov A. V., Rogov V. E., Pokrovskii A. M., Chermoshentseva A. S. Helicopter structural elements and components fatigue resistance tests. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 7-16. The paper considered fatigue resistance testing of helicopter structural elements on the example of helicopter rotor blades samples testing. Endurance testing of aircraft equipment components and structural elements consists in laboratory reproduction of external disturbances corresponding to the standard operating conditions, cyclic loading and functioning. However, these tests do not include studies related to the gradual damages accumulation leading to cracks initiation and propagation and finally to structural damage. In this regard, studying the process of cracks growth while full-scale tests of the samples presents special interest. The paper presents the brief description of blades full-scale tests process with concurrent video shooting. The samples are subjected to static loading, with subsequent additional bending load moment of variable sign. Video records of cracks growth were processed, and data on the crack subcritical growth time was obtained. This information is presented by the diagram, illustrating the crack growth time dependence of the crack growth rate. The paper analyzes measuring and test equipment used while testing for recording values of tensions occurring in the studied samples, due to bending load of variable sign applied to them. Fatigue resistance characteristics were determined, and fatigue graph was plotted. Arithmetic mean and root-mean-square deviation of endurance limit stress are obtained also. | |
Marakhtanov M. K., Veldanov V. A., Dukhopel'nikov D. V., Karneichik A. S., Krutov I. S., Makarov A. A. Modeling a spacecraft fracture mechanism occurring as a result of its metal components inertial explosion at collision. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 17-25. The accidents of two Earth satellites collision when impact velocity of the spacecraft abeam reached 10.5 km/s. This velocity is several times than that required for a crystal lattice inertial explosion of the metal, constituting the spacecraft body. Inertial explosion parameters of metal components, which can occur at the contact point of the collided spacecraft, are studied. The paper demonstrates experimental and computed data on the collision velocity, causing such an explosion, as well as motion speed and explosion vaporous products temperature, reaching 22 000 K. It shows that the time necessary for metal transition from the solid state to luminous atomic-vaporous mixture reaction excitation does not exceed 2 µs, if this transition was caused by mechanical shock. Mass ratio of the exploded metal was determined. All experiments were conducted using lead samples.
Metal preserves its solid state until the metallic binding energy The experiment procedure was as follows. The lead ram tester of a cylindrical form weighted 0.027 kg, had the diameter of 14.5 mm and length of 15.2 mm. Its velocity was v = 1128 + 14 m/s. The lead target was of a parallelepiped shape of 67 × 82 × 15.5 mm and weighted 0.91 kg. The target mass remained after the lead ram tester stroke was 0.68 kg. The rest lead target mass (as well as the ram tester) evaporated. During the experiment, the velocity of moving elements was determined by images movement on video frames, recorded by Phantom V 16 model 10 video camera. The exposure time per one frame was 1 / 156000 s-1, and the shooting speed was 25 000 frames per second. The shock waves pattern in inertial explosion vaporous products of the two lead structures was obtained. The Mach number measured in the open air equals 2.36. | |
Ezrokhi Y. A., Kalenskii S. M., Kizeev I. S. Double-flow turboprop with afterburner weight indices estimation at the initial stage of its design. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 26-37. The paper considers perspective approaches to double-flow turboprop with afterburner weight estimation technique forming at the initial stage of its design, having potential of implementation with acceptable accuracy for new generation of engines. The authors carried out analysis of the existing weight estimation techniques with different degree of their elementwise particularization, and under various methods of main regularities selection, linking engine gas-dynamic and weight parameters. “Modular” and integral engine weight estimation techniques were considered, and weights of 16 engines were computed using these techniques. Based on carried out analysis, the sel ected variant of integral approach was updated with allowance for gathered statistical data on new generation of turboprop mass and gas-dynamic parameters. A correction factor, characterizing the generation to which a certain engine is related according to its weight efficiency, was determined. Recommendations on weight estimation of an engine design based on the existing gas generator were developed. These recommendations imply implementation of correlation dependencies of the engine's separate modules weights fr om its operation parameters within the framework of the developed technique. To determine the weight of turboprop with afterburner, developed on the basis of scaled or modified gas generator, a combined technique matching up either integral or “modular” approaches was formed. Finally, the recommendations on implementation of the formed techniques with allowance for their future development by invoking additional data, including the data on newly developed engines, are provided. | |
Moshkov P. A., Samokhin V. F. Noise and acoustic signature reduction methods for unmanned aerial vehicles with engine-propeller power plant. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 38-48. In recent years, the problem of acoustic signature has become particularly actual and a topical due to the extensive use of combat aircraft systems with unmanned structures, solving decisive reconnaissance and strike tasks, for which low figures of acoustic signature ensuring is of prime importance. The paper considers basic techniques for engine-propeller power plant noise reduction of aircraft type UAVs, including single air propellers of various structures and configuration, as well as piston engines. Based on semi-empirical model the authors proposed equations allowing evaluate the effect of the diameter and number of blades on tonal components of the propeller noise in the condition of constant thrust, aerodynamic and geometric similarity of blade profiles, as well as the Mach number of the tip speed. Acoustic testing of Yak-18T light aircraft with two- and three-blade propellers, F30 and MAI-223M, performed at the Moscow Aviation Institute airfield, generally confirmed these equations qualitatively. The propeller diameter decrease of a small-sized UAV with piston engine was considered as one of the options for noise and signature reduction. It was found, that the diameter decrease by 3.3% resulted in approximately 300 meters reduction of the distance to the ground checkpoint, which a small-sized UAV can approach without the possibility of being detected. The features of acoustic pusher propellers and proposed methods for noise reduction are described. Based on the flight test the aircraft noise reduction afield technique by axial clearance increasing between the pusher propeller and the wing located in front of it was proposed. The paper demonstrates that with the considered clearance increase by an amount greater than the wing chord, the negative effect of the propeller mounting in pushing arrangement is practically eliminated. UAVs designers can implement the engine-propeller power plant noise reduction methods, presented in the paper. Finally, the authors outlined the ways of further studies aimed at solving the problem of developing low-noise power plants for small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles. | |
Vorob'eva S. S. Liquid low-thrust rocket engine boundary layer numerical study. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 49-56. The subject of the work consists in numerical study of the boundary layer on the wall of the combustion chamber and nozzle of a liquid rocket thruster. Using numerical integration method of the system of differential equations describing the boundary layer, the boundary layer parameters were computed as a function of the engine operating conditions and the pressure in the combustion chamber. To close the system of boundary layer equations, the values of turbulent moment and heat transfer coefficients are calculated by determining mixing length by the equation suggested by Prandtl with Van Driyst correction. A numerical method for the boundary layer computation was realized as a software with the working interface in Excel. The program operates with relative dimensionless parameters. Low-thrust LRE, burning such fuel components as nitrogen tetroxide and asymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine with the thrust of 200 N, parameters served as initial data for computation. The working flow parameters were taken according to the results of thermal and gas dynamics computation with average mixture ratio “on the wall” over the length of combustion chamber. The paper presents computation results of the boundary layer parameters for the MAI-200-1 object engine: the displacement thickness, relative velocity profile, friction coefficient, nozzle flow rate. The change of boundary layer thickness and flow rate coefficient for the object engine, and engines with working pressure of 2 and 3 MPa were calculated. The paper made clear that an increase in the combustion chamber pressure increases the relative thickness of the boundary layer, while nozzle flow rate falls. | |
Kolodyazhnyi D. Y., Nagornyi V. S. Electric field effect on kerosene-air mixture combustion products temperature distribution. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 57-62. The paper presents the results the experimental study of appropriately organized electric field effect, using electric unit for aviation kerosene impact (EUAKI), applied to kerosene flow at the nozzle inlet, on the kerosene-air mixture burnout temperature. TC-1 kerosene was used as hydrocarbon fuel. The air was fed to combustion chamber at the temperature of 150°C. Fire tests were carried out on the Samara State Aerospace University workbench. Experiments on gas temperature at the outlet of combustion chamber gas collector characterization were performed by direct gas temperature measurement with single-point chromel-alumel thermocouple (operating temperature range from 0 to 1,100°C) shifted in the plane of the flow cross-section at the distance of 20 mm from the gas collector cutoff of combustion chamber combustor can. The electric field parameters, such as voltage type at the EUAKI electrodes, its amplitude and frequency, and EUAKI design parameters effect on gas temperature distribution at the combustion chamber outlet while kerosene-air mixture burning. Atomizer modules herein, consisting of SPA “Salut” fuel atomizer itself and various EUAKI design with electric fields organization from different electric power supplies were varied. It was demonstrated that implementation of EUAKI directly connected to the fuel atomizer inlet as a part of atomizer module by rubber hoses with corresponding permittivity increases the average and maximum gas temperature at the gas collector outlet up to 4.09% and 4.88% correspondingly, reduces gas temperature field non-uniformity at the combustion chamber outlet by 10.34% relative to the base. | |
Finogenov S. L., Kolomentsev A. I. On solar thermal rocket engine structure and parameters selection. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 63-74. The paper considers the solar thermal rocket engine (STRE) with isothermal (one-stage) and two-stage system concentrator-absorber system (CAS). It demonstrates their characteristics in the flight version, revealing rational parameters of the CASs under consideration, and inexpediency of attaining maximum possible hydrogen heating temperatures and maximal specific impulse with higher mirror booster accuracy in both structures. For considered STRE schemes, implementation of heated hydrogen afterburning reveals the possibility of solar concentrator size reduction together with upper stage fuel compartment size reduction. Selection of expedient parameters of CASs under consideration may shift towards less accurate mirrors with less absorber heating temperatures followed by minor deterioration of upper stage ballistic characteristics. To enhance STRE energy characteristics the authors suggest CAS with two-stage solar emission absorber, which heating level corresponds to the irradiance level in focal light spot. The highest hydrogen heating temperature occurs in the central part of the absorber. The specific impulse herein significantly exceeds the like when employing isothermal absorber. Two-stage absorber efficiency computation regression model, based on energy balance of heating stages, allowing obtain rational temperatures relationship corresponding to maximum absorber efficiency, as well as optimal temperatures distribution along heating stages was developed. The obtained regression dependencies can be used for computation of real STRE, operating as a apart of space upper stage, flight characteristics. The paper demonstrates STRE flight characteristics with considered CASs, defines their specific flight It was demonstrated that in case of two-stage CAS mass efficiency exceeds the like for modern liquid means of interorbital transportation more than 2.3 times. On oxidizer excess coefficient selection in case of hydrogen afterburning it is necessary take into account that for STRE with two-stage absorber each percent of concentrator diameter decrease corresponds to about one percent of payload weight reduction. This factor should be considered while practical design of various STRE structures. | |
Siluyanova M. V., Chelebyan O. G. Shadow particles anemometry method implementation for aerosol characteristics behind the flame tube heads of low-emission gas turbine engines. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 75-82. The process of the liquid fuel atomization and vaporization is of fundamental importance for the GTE combustion chambers effective operation. Normally liquid fuels are insufficiently volatile, and therefore must be dispersed in large numbers of small droplets with an increased evaporation surface area required for the ignition process and combustion of the fuel-air mixture. The paper presents the results of a new unique shadow particles anemometry method for studying parameters of the flame spraying nozzle unit of low emission combustion chamber (LECC) of the pneumatic type. A detailed description of the PSV measurement method and calculation algorithm when processing the data is presented. The special feature of this method consists in its relation to a method of direct measurement of various aerosols characteristics and provides highly accurate measurements of parameters compared to other methods. PSV method uniqueness consists in the fact that in addition to the spray basic parameters, it allows also define the shape of the particles, by freezing the shadows of droplets images in the measuring volume of camera matrix and high-speed pulsed backlighting. Tests were conducted on a CIAM laser diagnostics workbench in the open space behind the nozzle unit with fuel (kerosene TC-1) pneumo-spraying. During the tests distribution of fuel particles over size and shape at the distance of 30 mm from the nozzle section in the cross-section of spray pattern was obtained. Implementation of a new Shadow particles anemometry method (PSV) allowed verify experimental data, obtained earlier by the phase-Doppler anemometry, and the method itself has demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness, as measured in terms of dense aerosols. | |
Desyatnik P. A. Optimization of highly automated aircraft handling characteristics in directonal control channel. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 83-95. Topicality of stability and controllability characteristics selecting methods development, when employing rudder control, is caused by a number of incidents stipulated by the directional control channel drawbacks. An aircraft controllability in directional channel is completely defined by its dynamic characteristics, sensitivity and control efficiency characteristics, as well as by the characteristics defining yaw/roll motion interaction. The paper considers earlier developed aircraft controllability criteria in directional control channel and analyzes them from the viewpoint of applicability to modern passenger plane with advanced automation. One of the issues tackled in the paper consists in ensuring aircraft reasonable dynamic characteristics. All existing regulatory documents usually place demands on dynamic characteristics from the viewpoint of ensuring enough response speed in aircraft control channel. However, earlier studies revealed that unreasonably high response speed could become the reason of aircraft so-called «sharp response» on pilots effort. Thus, the requirements to should have upper bound. The paper presents the technique of criterion parameter determination, allowing determine an aircraft inclination to sharp response occurrence and the ways to its elimination by relevant selection of control system characteristics. For modern aircraft with V-shaped wing and engines mounted on pylons, parameter, defining aircraft directional and lateral motions interaction, may attain rather high values. Automation introduction allows decrease this value, so that its equivalent value, i. e. the value with account for automation operation achieves an optimal value. The paper presents control system parameters selection technique ensuring optimal yaw/roll motion interaction. The authors envisage two criteria to determine optimal control sensitivity. One criterion allows estimate sensitivity optimality in time domain, and the other in frequency domain. Both criteria give the same accuracy of the obtained results. The paper presents detailed technique for optimality evaluation of rudder control sensitivity in relation to aircraft dynamic characteristics and control stick loading characteristics. The developed criteria give physical vindication of directional control channel characteristics optimality. They can be applied not only for preliminary selection of characteristics in directional control channel and ways of their realization on modern highly automated aircraft, but also for evaluation of mounted on the in-service aircraft. | |
Gelvig M. Y. Aircraft pilots actual external field of vision charting technique. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 96-102. An adequate external field of vision fr om the pilot's station is one of the topmost conditions of safe and comfortable aircraft control including a helicopter.
Explicit numerical values of vertical and horizontal vision angles from the main sighting point “C” are specified by regulatory documents, in particular by Aviation regulations (FAR-29). For clarity, the normative field of vision (FoV) is usually represented in the form of a chart Currently used methods of view assessment, including a measuring method (natural and virtual with 3D model), are rather labor consuming, as they require human processing of measured data. Besides, with the initial data change, such as main sighting point “C” position, all the measurements must be repeated. The author has developed an interactive technique of structural FoV plotting by means of Siemens NX8.5 – the basic 3D CAD system of the company. However, structural FoV does not take account for pilot's head mobility and human vision binocularity. It results in overestimated, sometimes impracticable, requirements for geometry of cockpit openings.
As a continuation of the above said research, the development of plotting technique for so-called actual FoV, complied with Standard 1 00444-81 and with due account of the above mentioned factors, has been carried out.
This problem was also solved by graphical method with Siemens NX8.5 CAD in a similar way as structural FoV chart plotting. As a result, actual FoV chart in rectangular coordinates has been obtained. All plotting, like structural FoV, are fully associative. With input data change, the geometry is reshaped automatically. The author also managed to solve the problem of normative actual field-of-vision boundaries on a crew compartment surface, based on reverse combination of projections and convolutions of normative FoV boundaries in rectangular coordinate system. This allows optimize the location and form of cockpit openings at early design stages. | |
Tatarenko D. S., Korsakov A. A. Aircraft aiming system ballistic support algorithm based on complete ballistic model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 103-112. The paper deals with accuracy increase of uncontrollable aviation ground target killers implementation. It was found that the existing aiming systems use approximating dependencies in onboard ballistic algorithm, which does not allow provide high accuracy in all combat conditions due to introduction multitudes of assumptions. As is well known, the kernel of a ballistic movement complete mathematical model consists in the system of twelve differential equations, which solution requires the set of means, ensuring its numerical functioning. These include equations describing ambient environment parameters, the system of inertial, traction and aerodynamic characteristics of ballistic objects, as well as data on initial and terminal conditions of thrown bodies' movement. Until recently, the low speed of computing facilities hampered with obtaining solution of uncontrolled air-launched weapons movement differential equations in the course of aiming. However, todays level of onboard digital technology allows overcome this shortcoming. Therefore, in these conditions we have the possibility to realize the onboard ballistic algorithm based on numerical solution of differential equations directly onboard an aircraft in the course of aiming. The authors analyzed the ballistic problems solution accuracy during modern aiming systems terrestrial fire, implementing approximating dependencies in onboard ballistic algorithm, and revealed their main shortcoming, namely, impossibility of ensuring high accuracy of application in all conditions of combat operation, as well as with various operating lives. New technique and ballistic support algorithm for aviation uncontrolled destruction facilities were developed based on complete ballistic movement model solution. It allowed enhance the range of tactical employment due to firing initial conditions definition, atmospheric parameters, and aviation destruction facilities movement trajectories parameters definition; nutation angle prediction; flight trajectory parameters introduction into aiming system, and angular correction computation for aviation artillery-type weapon and uncontrolled aviation missiles, with allowance for the predicted nutation angle. | |
Zaichik L. E., Grinev K. N., Yashin Y. P., Sorokin S. A. Control stick force characteristics effect on pilot model parameters. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 113-122. Notwithstanding the great number of publications concerning pilot models, none of them considers the issue of stick force optimal characteristics selection. It can be explained by the fact that pilot describing function in visual signal tracking is insensitive to loading characteristics variation and does not allow reveal any regularities and their effect on pilot model parameters. This paper is aimed at studying the effects of stick force characteristics on pilot model and its components, such as limb-manipulator and neuromuscular systems, as well as finding objective proof of loading characteristics, selected by pilots, optimality. The paper presents recently obtained experimental data on the effect of control stick force characteristics, such as gradient of stick-force damping on pilot model parameters. The effect is analyzed based on pilot model frequency response identified in the problem of compensatory pitch motion tracking. For limb-stick and neuromuscular systems characteristics identification, input strain signal is introduced in addition to visual input signal. Frequency response characteristic computation of various pilot model components was made according to specially developed program, based on fast Fourier transform. Analysis revealed that the force gradient variation affects neuromuscular frequency response, demonstrating thereby a pilot's adaptation to the stick force variations. Due to this, the limb-stick cutoff frequency of the open-loop system remains constant for the force gradients assessed by the pilot as optimal. The force damping does not have any significant effect on limb-stick system frequency response. The obtained results are of regular character and contribute to theoretical and practical aspects of pilot models implementation for aircraft sensitivity evaluation. | |
Pashko A. D., Dontsov A. A. Model of active protection element impact on guided missile in calculated space point. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 123-131. The paper describes the process of spatial movement of the aircraft relative to the earth coordinate system by a system of differential equations, taking into account the dynamics and kinematics of translational and rotational motion. The aerodynamic impact of the environment on the aircraft is determined by its configuration, position of the associated coordinate system relative to the velocity of the aircraft center of mass and vector of its angular velocity. To ensure an aircraft steady state flight mode the model solved the problem of balancing, consisting in the engine thrust values, angle of attack and the deviation of the aircraft control organs selection with subsequent solution of the system of differential equations. The output variables of the model are the parameters characterizing the actual position of the aircraft in space. The calculated missile trajectory, represented in the form of differential equations and algebraic dependencies, describes the missile guidance to the aircraft. The result is the relative distance value of the aircraft defined by the elevation angles and azimuth. The rocket direction of motion measurement is made according to the method of proportional guidance. The control system sets the missile maneuver with an overload, directly proportional to the angular velocity of the rocket-target line of sight. Thus, any time it tends to ensure the direction of the missile movement to the set-forward point. Based on the canonical equation of motion of the center of mass of the active protection element the terms of its ejection, to deliver it to the point of space where the guided missile is situated was calculated. By simulating the flow over the active element by turbulent incident flow, using finite volume method in Ansys CFX the authors defined the ballistic coefficient of the active protection element. It allowed us to calculate the resistance function value and produce the data on trajectory and projection parameters of active protection element to the control unit. As a result, this model allows calculating, under different tactical actions of the aircraft crew, the target miss, the orientation angles and missile speed of convergence with the aircraft. When processing simulation results one can obtain the characteristics of the missile encounter with an aircraft, as well as active element ejection parameters for its encounter with the rocket in calculated space point. | |
Ryapukhin A. V. Innovative technological projects in the domain of aircraft and aerospace engineering quality management. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 132-137. The paper deals with project quality management in aerospace industry. It analyses acting domestic and foreign Standards on project management, and offers problems grouping for promotion in the field of innovative technological projects aimed at aerospace products development quality management. The paper suggest to eliminate technological gap between Russia and European and American industrial enterprises, developing samples of advanced technology in the sphere of aviation and astronautics through implementation of practices accumulated in international Standards on separate projects management, as well as programs and portfolios managing. Innovation projects management quality increasing for National design departments should base on quality provision and management integrated system development and putting it into practice based on both ISO Standards and proper Projects and Programs management Standards. The existing classification of design performance and other indices needs to be improved. The author envisages concepts of technology, technological innovation project and technologies transfer. Depending on complexity, technology can be included into economic turn-round. Transfer key criterion means technology working efficiency in terms of technological complexity. The State puts forward the problem of research carrying out on improving the system of innovative projects in the area of technological processes provision and management. Its solution options are significant of applied research planning procedure renewal, and Hi-Tech innovation projects realization technological provision program substantiation at the life cycle early stages, and innovative constructive-technological solutions marketability preliminary estimation, as well as process design planning optimization based on Hi-Tech projects with allowance for economical production. The results of the study can be implemented for new Hi-Tech innovation projects management quality methodology development. The paper practical has practical importance for acting quality management system at the aerospace industry enterprises improvement. It can be implemented also in the process of specialists training in the innovation projects management sphere. | |
Reznikov S. B., Kharchenko I. A., Marchenko M. V., Zhegov N. A. Transformer multifunction switched mode converters for onboard airspace power sources. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 138-145. The paper envisages circuit solutions for transformer multifunction switched mode converters meant for uninterruptible power sources as constituent parts of onboard aerospace electric power facilities and electric power supply systems. All solutions are protected by the Russian Federation priority. The paper is of interest for a wide range of specialists working in the field of aerospace onboard power electronic equipment design. To power actuating brushless motors (aircraft onboard equipment in particular) the voltage higher than that provided by batteries, solar of supercapacitor (ionistor) elements is required due to the necessity of varying magnetic field space forming (either circular or linear) by currents flowing through flexible wires. Ensuring relatively higher voltage level only through series (stacked) low-voltage units, or series connection of the above said batteries with significant supply currents is hampered technologically, and leads to mass and size, reliability and cost parameters reduction. For example, in case of “stacked” units leads burning-out (or break) they should be shunted by diodes with low-voltage conducting junctions. In case of breakdown at the leads of a parallel link, it should be provided with disconnecting fuses. Thus, to increase the voltage level of a primary relatively low-voltage source switched mode converters (SMC or DC/DC converters) based on field-effect transistor switches (MOSFET) with low Rds(on) should be used. They should herewith be reversible to provide feeding batteries intensive charging. As a rule, such converters are included in so-called secondary power sources, or stand-by uninterruptible power sources (UPS) fed by batteries [1].
Aerospace uninterruptible power sources included in onboard electric power facilities and electric power supply systems, acquire primary energy from chemical or solar batteries, either form newly developed super capacitor (ionistor) batteries with relatively low voltage (28 V). As a rule, the UPS output voltages herewith are higher DC voltages (such as 135 V, 270 V, or 540 V), or higher AC three-phase (or single phase) voltage (stabilized or regulated) of constant or regulated frequency (e. g., within the limits of 115/200 V, 360-800 Hz, or 0-115 V, 0-400 Hz). Besides, UPS should provide fast feeding battery charging (accumulator or supercapacitor). In this regard, at least specific requirements are placed on the above mentioned UPSs. | |
Kosolapov D. V., Kurbatkina E. I., Shavnev A. A. Mechanical alloying process specifics and factors affecting the processed material properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 146-159. This article describes one of the powder metallurgy methods, namely mechanical alloying (MA), used for composite materials production. MA is a solid-phase process of deformation impact on the powder material. MA changes the structure and properties of the processed materials. The authors analyzed the effect of technological modes on the process of mechanical alloying. They described, in particular, the main types of ball mills, employed for МА process carrying out. The authors examined the effect of the impurities on fractional, chemical and phase composition of composite granules, which can both accelerate supersaturated solid solutions and amorphous phases building-up process, and prevent diffusion to form amorphous oxides and phases with work material. The authors demonstrated in the paper that the shape of the shape of the container and grinding bodies could also affect the MA process and its results, as well as MA effectiveness and fractional composition in particular. Shape, size and material of the grinding bodies selection depends on several factors. Generally speaking, the grinding bodies should correspond to two basic requirements, namely, they should possess developed superficial area to provide contact with the processed material, and have enough weight to possess enough energy for processed particles grinding. The grinding media can be not only in the form of a globe, but also cylindrical et. On the Al-50% Ta system example the authors envisaged the effect of globes weight to the weight of a material ratio on the MA process. The authors demonstrated also that the MA rate is one of the most important parameters affecting the process of the processed material grains mixing and grinding, chemical reactions process and phase transformations occurring in solid phase. It is well known, that the greater the mill rotation speed, the greater the kinetic energy transferred to the bodies and particles, and, hence, the intensity of the process increased. However, excessively high rates might cause a number of complications, such as grinding bodies high degree abrading and overheating either of a drum mill, of processed material. The authors also studied the issue of temperature effect on phase and structural transformations during technological process. They noted, that high temperature contributes to phase transitions and chemical interaction, while lower temperature works towards nanocrystalline state and metastable phases forming, as well as allows process plastic materials effectively. Thus, the materials presented in the paper help not only to select the initial charge materials processing mode, but also predict the obtained results. | |
Umarova O. Z., Pozhoga V. A., Buranshina R. R. Structure formation and mechanical properties of heat-resistant alloy based on titanium aluminide under heat treatment. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 160-169.
Titanium intermetallic Ti2AlNb (orthorhombic phase) based allows are promising materials for gas-turbine engine elements manufacturing operating at the temperatures of 650 — 700°С instead of heat-resistant steel due to their high specific properties, and also intermetallic super- Orthorhombic alloys phase composition and structure strongly affect the final mechanical and technological properties of semi-finished products, which can be controlled by certain of thermo-mechanical and thermal treatment modes. Thus, the purpose of this study consisted in studying the effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of heat-resistant alloy based on Ti2AlNb titanium intermetallic. In this work, the effect of various heat-treatment modes on the structure, hardness and mechanical properties of the VTI-4 alloy based on Ti2AlNb titanium aluminide was studied. The samples were subjected to heat treatment, X-ray diffraction and metallographic analyses. Besides, the hardness of samples was measured by Rockwell method, and mechanical tensile tests were carried out at room temperature. Based on conducted studies, data on the temperature ranges of phase regions in the alloy was obtained, and a scheme for the two-stage heat treatment was designed. It was stated, that the structure and hardness of the alloy are greatly affected by the cooling rate between the first (high-temperature) and the second (low-temperature) treatment stages. Increasing of the cooling rate from 0.01 K/sec to 10 K/sec resulted in fine-dispersed orthorhombic phase formation; the alloy hardness increased by 5 HRC units, and the strength grew by 100 MPa while maintaining a satisfactory level of 4 — 6% for the plastic properties. The cooling rate after the low-temperature stage had no effect on the alloy structure and hardness. It was shown also, that temperature reduction of isothermal holding in the low-temperature stage by 50°C resulted in the tensile strength increase by 80 MPa, and plasticity decrease by 3%. Designed VTI-4 alloy heat treatment modes on the example of rod semi-finished product allowed form in the alloy structure with different size of structural components. The obtained results allow also predict changes in the strength and plastic properties of other types of VTI-4 alloy semi-finished products according to the need for further forming operations. | |
Klimov V. G. Implementing laser pulse buildup for gte turbine rotor blades reconditioning process design development. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 170-179. The gas turbine engine advancement goes hand in hand with the development of its basic component, namely, gas turbine as the key source of efficiency enhancement of the engine in aggregate. With each turn of gas turbine development, materials and technologies used for its manufacturing became more and more complicated and, as a consequence, expensive. Russia is one of global manufacturers of gas turbine engines. The cost of engines for aviation and power industry applications is considerably high. Thus, on this background its reduction remains the main criterion of manufacturer's competiveness on the market. Besides, we should bear in mind that the gas turbine engines maintenance costs in the course of the engine life might exceed its original cost. Without effective maintenance technologies, manufacturing would incur permanent losses. One of the basic specifics of gas turbine engines consists in their significantly high production costs of a number of their parts and subassemblies with relatively short lifetime, requiring permanent replacement. Rotor blades present precisely these parts. They can be damaged by a great number of factors from changes in the structure to loss of geometry. The latter is the most frequent factor even in the case of insignificant geometry loss. From the maintenance technologies viewpoint turbine blades restoration is the most cost-effective, compared to the other parts of the engine. But the complexity of this task remains the major obstacle to its realization. This article discusses the possibility of using high-temperature solder powders as wear-resistant layers applied by laser pulse buildup, as an alternative to classic wear-resistant composites with tungsten carbide admixture. These materials are undergoing testing for further pen height recovery on the example of the turbine blade of the turboprop starter for NK-12MP aircraft engine, and attaching wear-resistant to its end edge. Based on the conducted studies with Tescan VEGA3 LM electron microscope and Hardness DuraScan-10 micro-hardness meter, together with local abrasive wear tests and various powder materials, such as VPr11-40N, VPr24, VPr27 Rock-Dur 6740, analysis while pulse laser powder buildup, the authors confirmed the applicability of several solder powders as wear-resistant layers for turbine blades contact surfaces recovery. Further, comparative studies of the basic material, soldered and built-up structures of VPr11-40N (having the best figures) solder were conducted to detect hardening wear-resistant phases. The cooling rate dependencies of shaping and VPr11-40N solder strengthening phase size were revealed. | |
Zaharova L. F., Novikov S. V., Kudryavtsev M. S. Realization of system approach to the problem of large-scale scientific and technical competitive projects participants integration. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 180-191. Ensuring competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the conditions of strengthening of the global competition defines the innovation development of national economy as the priority direction. This direction realization assumes dynamic and intensive development of the industry basis on development and implementation of radical, cardinal, breakthrough innovations, and primarily technology and product. This, in in its turn, imposes increasing requirements to research and manufacturing base of the Russian industry. Development and upgrading efficiency, productivity of research and manufacturing base of industry represents difficult, complex, coordinated process of its participants' interaction. They involve all the basic, vital and concerned parties, and are aimed at innovative cycle reduction, primarily, at the stages of innovation development and innovation activity growth, and finally, holding leading global positions over key, priority trends of technological development. Realization of this process in the framework of the Russian Federation of a scientific and technology complex development assumes continuous improvement of its organizational and economic mechanism. One of the main methods providing development of a scientific and technology structure of Russia consists in scientific and technical projects realization within the framework of the State order, requiring forming and carrying out competitive selections of such projects. The solution of the above-stated problem proposed in this paper consists in forming specialized organizational and executive structure of a project realization within the system integration of participants-contractors working on the project. This model of forming organizational and executive structure of the project is developed based on the criteria accounting for extra income on the project, possible from implementation of collateral and intermediate product output, while developing research and technology reserve and, thus, under otherwise equal conditions, supplements the project economy and reduces the risks in case of possible losses. | |
Zakharova I. V. Regional aviation claster evolution factors analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 192-200. The airlines employ flexible approach to strategic planning and conducting regular environmental monitoring of an unstable economy. The purpose of this paper was to adapt the SWOT-analysis to assess regional aviation clusters development. This cluster incorporates enterprises, interconnected by the aircraft lifecycle: aviation enterprises, infrastructure enterprises, operating airlines, scientific and educational organizations. The method of the SWOT-analysis is applied for a specific enterprise and for the aviation cluster as a whole. The author analyzed the factors of the external and internal environment of the Ulyanovsk region aviation cluster. In the studying process the priority of strategic decisions and the most significant capabilities of this socio-economic system, presented the basic economy indicators of this cluster was identified. The study proved that using the SWOT-analysis requires quantification and ranking of external and internal environment factors of the regional aviation cluster. Quantitative correlation of the factors reveals negative phenomena in the external environment of the aviation cluster. The paper offers the expert evaluation of factors according to four criteria such as, factors rating calculations, the relationship of the identified external and internal environment factors of the aviation cluster. The greatest threats for the Ulyanovsk region aviation cluster are as follows: the gross regional product decline, the risk of the growth rates of loans to airlines, severer tax environment for business, dependence of the airlines development from State support. Risks that occur quickly and unexpectedly, devastating to the economic system. If adverse factors are inevitable, but not instantaneous (for example, the outflow of the region qualified personnel, reduction of the population), the production is adapting to them. The research has practical value due to quantitative justification of the priority risks enabling the company to direct the limited resources more precisely. | |
Aminova G. A., Tikhonov G. V. Innovative-investment activities organization and management in small business. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 201-206. The important role in development stability and efficiency enhancement of national economy belongs to small and medium business (SMB), as an echelon of economic dynamics. This is confirmed by the experience of economically developed countries, where the share of small businesses constitutes 56% of GDP. It should be noted that the of SMEs successful development in these countries became possible due to active government support (tax, legal, organizational, personnel, etc.). Unfortunately, in Russia small business is developing slowly, and one of the important reasons consists in the the lack of systematic State support. Today, in the conditions of economic crisis caused by the endless sanctions, special attention should be given to small businesses in the manufacturing industries, especially in machine-building industry. All the more so, in these industries, small business accounts for only 15-16% of all active small businesses. It is important to note, that development in these sectors should be based on close cooperation with large corporations. In this situation, small business can take the risk of the releasing new prototypes of high-tech industrial products. They can also take over the production of components for large enterprises, thereby reducing costs. Organization of small businesses in these sectors requires a fundamentally new approach. At the stage of economy modernization the SMBs need a more sophisticated system of Government support, which should include: development of programs for the development of SMBs cooperative relationships with large manufacturing structures, creating conditions for access to the scientific and technological achievements; assistance in professional staff training and retraining. Thus, for radical strengthening of small and medium business role in manufacturing industry it is necessary to develop a fundamentally new strategy of state support, that will contribute to the development of the organization and management of innovative-investment activities in small business. | |
Volgina K. M., Mineeva K. I., Nemchinov O. A. The ways to improve the transport and logistics activities of aerospace cluster enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 207-217. Cluster policy has become the dominant trend in the development of many regions. The modern model of aviation industry enterprises consolidation assumes parceling of enterprises on several levels, such as suppliers of raw materials; suppliers of parts and components; suppliers of components and assemblies; sub-integrator; final integrator. Aerospace Cluster of Samara region is one of the high-tech sectors of regional economy. Bearing manufacturing industry seems to be interesting and prospective, since they present the represent components of every rotating mechanism, implemented in every branch of production (including aircraft and helicopter). In addition, products of the plants of the branch under consideration is required either in the region, in the country or other countries. Currently, due to the marked production growth, produced products nomenclature increase and expansion of sales network enhanced the role of logistics significantly. Competent organization of logistics operations allows obtain quite considerable cost savings, which is an important tool for industrial enterprises production and commercial management activities. Sales revenue from products sales factor analysis over three indicators, namely, product unit annual average cost; annual production output, which, in its turn, depends on the staff on the payroll and annual average yield by a single worker. The results of the analysis allowed make a conclusion on the necessity of transportation process optimization, since transportation costs constitute significant share of product cost and final product price. In view of wide geography of sales, the decision was made on the necessity for establishing a distribution warehouse. In the course of calculations, the optimal warehouse location based on cities remoteness from a production point and their annual claims, was determined, and transport selection for production delivery was made. The structure of intracity production distribution on the example of Samara was offered, and the travelling salesman problem was solved, using the two-parameters accrual method, namely time and distance. The study bears the applied nature, and the work has practical value when minimizing transportation costs and embodiment of transport and logistic activities, which will lead to effectiveness enhancement of the industrial enterprise. The study is an applied nature, and the work is of practical value while minimizing the costs of the transport and logistics activities, which will totally increase the efficiency of the entire industrial enterprise as a whole. | |
Galkina E. E., Daynov M. I., Metechko L. B. Occupational safety and health care system economic efficiency at aircraft manufacturing enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2017, vol. 24, no 1, pp. 218-225. A serious problem of modernity is a problem of flight safety promotion. This problem needs to be addressed not only during operation but also during the design and manufacturing of aircraft. With this objection in mind, it is necessary to ensure implementation of Aviation Activities Safety Management System at the enterprises of aviation industry complying with the State Standard (GOST R 55848-2013), System of Safety management (GOST R 55585-2013), Quality Management System (GOST R ISO 9001:2015), Environmental Management System (GOST R ISO 14001:2007) and Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System (GOST R 54934-2012/OHSAS 18001-2007). Currently, many aviation enterprises are putting into practice the system of Quality Management, but Environmental Management System and Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System are not so actively introduced in industrial enterprise management practice, notwithstanding that Russias annual underproduction due to industrial diseases and injuries goes as far as one trillion rubles. Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System will allow reduce these huge losses. With implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System aviation enterprises acquire real economic effects by improving working conditions, reducing the lost work time as a result of injury and disease, reducing costs of benefits andcompensation for work in harmful working conditions, improve labor productivity and production growth. The equations for economic effect and efficiency of Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System calculation demonstrate that the enterprise acquires not only social, but also real economic effect and social and economic efficiency. The proposed equations are recommended for implementations not only for computing the economic impact and effectiveness derived from the introduction of Occupational Safety and Health Care Management System, but also for management decisions related to the implementation at the enterprises of aviation industry. | |
Tyutyunnikov N. P., Shklyarchuk F. N. Determination of aerodynamic characteristics of an elastic wing with end winglets turning in its plane. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 7-16. Possibility of control by aerodynamic characteristics of a large aspect ratio elastic wing with the end winglets turning in the wing plane is investigated. Controlled twisting of the elastic wing in flight subjected to aerodynamic load which depends on the wing twisting can be carried out by turning of small end winglets in the wing plane with the help of a small power drive. The coupled aeroelasticity problem is solved using mathematical model based on the discrete vortex method for calculation of aerodynamic loads on deformable wing and the wing as a thin-walled weackly-conical beam subjected to bending, transverse shear and torsion. The numerical solution of the aeroelasticity problem is obtained for the large aspect ratio wing with the winglets turning symmetrically forward or backwards in the wing plane. Due to turning of the winglets there appear the end aerodynamic moments which cause elastic twisting of the wing and change the distribution of the aerodynamic load along the wing. For the example of a rectangular wing with the winglets it is shown that the turning of the winglets it is shown that the turning of the winglets in the wing plane creates the end torques and significant angles of twisting of the large aspect ratio wing and as a consequence significant change of the aerodynamic loads and the wing aerodynamic characteristics.
The results of calculation show that in a case of a wing which is sufficiently pliant in twisting in the wing plane at the angle δ can be effective for control of the wing aerodynamic characteristics | |
Romanova T. N., Paschenko O. B., Gavrilova N. Y., Shchetinin G. A. Maneuverable aircraft horizontal empennage configurations multidisciplinary optimization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 17-25. The presented work is dedicated to horizontal empennage multidisciplinary optimization method development. Horizontal empennage is a complex technical system, described by the equations belonged to various scientific disciplines. That is why the developed method is called multidisciplinary. The horizontal empennage efficiency can be evaluated by the values of generated pitch moment and its gradient, guaranteeing the aircraft balancing and specified flight maneuver execution. The object region analysis was carried out and various parameters combinations for optimization within the framework of the given problem were determined. We determine optimization line and specify weighting factor for each parameter. Each of the parameters can be set either as a range-parameter, fixed-value, or a set of discrete values. Besides, the simultaneous several parameter setting by a set of tuples, containing discrete parameters values, is possible. The goal function is obtained (where the number of addends is determined by the number of optimized parameters). The goal function structure allows operate with all optimized parameters combinations, regardless of the way of their specifying. Various approaches to the horizontal empennage optimization (methods employing the Pareto principle, and the Hurwitz criterion) were studied. The analysis of the obtained results revealed the insufficient efficiency of the implemented methods. To improve the obtained results, a new multidisciplinary optimization method was developed and suggested. This method employs several evaluation functions to obtain optimal solution. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated using various data sets and input data combinations. The effect of various weighting factors values on the obtained result was studied. The result of the suggested method implementation is horizontal empennage geometrics. The suggested method was realized in the form of a Runtime library and integrated into CAD system Siemens NX 7.5 “Modeling” environment. | |
Kochetkov Y. M., Borovik I. N., Podymova O. A., Mavrov V. A., Ishaev R. O. Vortex effects in Ranque-Hilsh vortex pipes. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 26-35. The paper presents the results of computational, experimental and analytical studies of gas-dynamic processes in Ranque-Hilsch vortex tubes. The presented review considers the relevance and need for employing vortex effect for aerospace engineering. It reveals the necessity for vortex tubes with varying geometrical dimensions design for the purpose of operation range enhancement. The authors developed vortex pipe 3D model in SolidWorks system. They realized a viscous gas in vortex tube computation engineering method, and demonstrated its implementation results in gas-dynamics computing FlowSimulation pack. To solve this problem Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes system (RANS) of equations was used in this work. All computations were performed with orthogonal computing net using finite volume method. Two-parameter model of κ — ε type allowing sufficient flow core resolution was used as turbulence model. Several basic vortex effects, such as injection, heat stratification and vortex inversion, were obtained by computation. All calculation were performed for various structural versions. A series of experiments was conducted with custom-made experimental setup. Processing of the obtained results lead to obtaining hot and cold flows productivity optimums, injection ratio, temperature stratification, as well as adiabatic and temperature efficiency. The experimental results fully confirmed the vortex effects of obtained by engineering computational method. The authors suggest new differential equations for parameters computation in these tubes. The obtained equations establish relation with flow rotation and whirling, as well as explain the enthalpy effect. Computational and experimental as well as analytical studies should continue with regard to optimal structural concept. | |
Moshkov P. A., Samokhin V. F. Propeller-driven light aircraft power plant noise Integral model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 36-44. The extensive development of small and unmanned aircraft together with existed requirements to permissible levels of noise generated by aircraft, make the noise prediction problem afield topical for prospective aircraft with engine-propeller power plant. The main source of noise afield created by aircraft of such kind is a power plant, consisting of single propellers of various design and configuration, and piston engines. This work integrates and develops the authors’ previously developed methods of computing separate propeller noise and the piston engine noise for solving the problem of forecasting the characteristics of light aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles power plants’ total acoustic field. The authors suggest a semi empirical model for noise levels, generated by aircraft piston engines in the far field, evaluation with allowance for main noise sources. The acoustic field is considered as a superposition of fields, formed by propeller and piston engine noise radiation. For propeller audio frequency levels estimated evaluation implementation of semi empirical method developed earlier by the authors is recommended. To determine propeller’s vortex noise levels, presumably dominant in the broadband noise of tractor propellers, we propose to use one of analytical models of the trailing edge noise. To calculate the acoustic performance of the piston engine we suggest to use an empirical noise model. The paper demonstrates close agreement between computed and experimental data on power plants with tractor propellers. Experimental data on power plants noise was obtained during light aircraft of An-2, Yak-18T, MAI-223M and F30 acoustic trials under static conditions at the Moscow Aviation Institute airbase. The acoustic field herewith was supposed axisymmetric relative to the propeller axis, while test microphones were located at the ground level. It allowed exclude the interference of sound impact on measured noise levels. The future trends of the study concerning improvement of the above mentioned method and extension the area of its application were formulated. | |
Vorob'eva S. S. Low-thrust rocket engine with internal boundary cooling combustion chamber thermal state analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 45-54. The paper considers the issue of low-thrust liquid engine powered by nitrogen tetroxide and dimethyl hydrazine components non-symmetrical dimethyl hydrazine thermal state theoretical study with account for boundary cooling. The goal of the paper consists in analyzing the results of combustion chamber wall thermal state computation at various operating modes, such as steady-state continuous mode with stationary and non-stationary thermal field, as well as steady-state pulse mode. Liquid rocket engine MAI-200-1 developed in the laboratory of MAI “Liquid rocket thrusters” and undergone fire tes sel ected as a subject of research. For thermal state computation, the authors used mathematical model based on the proposition of combustion chamber wall incoming and outgoing heat flows equality. To solve non-stationary heat problem the differential Fourier-Kirchhoff heat equation in cylindrical coordinates in the case of stationary environment and the absence of internal heat sources is used. Pulse mode of the engine operation is modeled by a quasi-steady approach when non-stationary modes during engine starting and voiding are replaced by the set of stationary modes with intermediate parameters. Oxidizer and fuel were considered as boundary cooling components to protect the combustion chamber walls fr om hot combustion products impact. Computation results prove selection of fuel as boundary cooling component with relative boundary mass-flow rate not less than 20%. Under these engine operating conditions it will allow sustaining the wall temperature within the limits of maximum permissible temperature for ХН60ВТ material. The combustion chamber wall thermal state for pulse operating mode with various on-time and off-time values, such as on-time of 1 s, off-time of 1 s and on-time of 0.05 s, off-time of 0.05 s were analyzed. Presented computation results may be interesting for specialists working in the field of liquid-propellant thrusters, as well as for specialists occupied with spacecraft propulsion systems design. | |
Kamenskii S. S. LPRE control algorithm based on computational-experimental mathematical model using check and proof test results. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 55-60. The purpose of this work consisted in determining the type and functional content of the dependencies, constituting the two-component LPRE control algorithm and obtaining formal description of these dependencies for further use of this algorithm while implementing the engine as a part of a launcher during the flight. It is shown that the task of maintaining the specified for flight conditions engine thrust level values R and mixture components ratio Km are clearly described by specifying functions of regulator assembly drives position in relation to the six parameters: R, Km and four conditions at the engine inlet (temperature and fuel components pressure). This conclusion was drawn by analyzing the structure and functional dependencies of LPRE mathematical model. It was successfully proved by determining such dependencies using adequate fire tests results of a given single-chamber LPRE approximation. To determine control algorithm for LPRE, undergone hot testing, the author suggested implementation of computational-experimental model (CEM), formed according to the results of this engine hot testing. The properties of such model allow carrying out reliable forecast computations of the engine operating procedures parameters in a wide range of the six parameters under consideration, namely operating modes and ambient conditions. The final form of control algorithm represents a polynomial, approximating computation results based on CEM, carried out over six-dimensional array of computed points, defined within the required engine operation range. The adequacy of the proposed approach to the control algorithm formulation in the wide range of all six parameters is validated by comparing the values obtained by approximation with experimental data of a given single-chamber LPRE. | |
Kraev V. M. Present condition of unsteady turbulent flows study. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 61-67. Heat and hydrodynamic processes are becoming determinant while creating new types of engines for space, aviation and nuclear power systems [1 – 9]. Unsteady hydrodynamic and heat transfer processes study is an extremely important problem of engine building. Only the combination of fundamental and engineering studies provides most effective way to design precise unsteady process model for practical computation. Experimental studies carried out in Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) hold a prominent place in this field [10 – 17]. The turbulent flow structure studies carried out in MAI reveal non-stationary conditions fundamental effect on turbulent flow structure. Axial and radial velocity and temperature pulsations, average parameters and their correlations were measured as a part of the study. Generalized experimental data reveals significant impact of flow acceleration and deceleration on turbulent structure. Three specific zones in turbulent flow were identified: near wall area y/R = = 0...0.02 (y — distance from the wall, R — radius of the channel); maximal turbulent parameters modification area y/R = 0.02...0.4 and flow core. Significant difference of turbulent viscosity between steady and unsteady approaches up to three times was identified. Comparison of quasi-steady and unsteady approach to heat transfer and hydraulic resistance coefficients revealed the two-times difference. Undoubtedly, such huge difference is unacceptable for space, aviation and nuclear energetics. This result agrees well with experimental data obtained by other authors [18, 19]. Based on non-stationary conditions significant impact on turbulent structure a computation model was developed. With flow acceleration, hydraulic resistance coefficient exceeds relative quasi-steady value by 2 times and more. During flow deceleration, it is 35% less. Experimental study results present reliable base for further theoretical studies to be carried out in MAI [17]. The existing high-Reynolds turbulent models are not able, in principal, to consider non-stationary effect. From turbulence models analyzed in [18], only Menters SST model, which is low-Reynolds model, gives the results close to the experimental. Generalized equations for non-stationary friction and heat transfer coefficients at flow acceleration and deceleration in a tube for engineering design were obtained. The advantage of such models consists in the possibility of their employing for any monotonous flow variation curve, as well as satisfactory convergence with experimental data on hydrodynamic non-stationary gas flow in through channels [20]. Among the works of theoretical character, the studies of Professor Igor Derevich should be noted in the first place. In reference [21] the author considers the gas flow with monotonous consumption decrease/increase, and reveals the causes of computation and experimental data mismatch. For practice, we recommend to analyze the effect of non-stationary processes on a certain jet engine control system. In case, when the processes are principally non-stationary and the required accuracy must be high, a non-stationary model and/or other approaches, considering non-stationaries, should be used. | |
Kolodyazhnyi D. Y., Nagornyi V. S., Smirnovskii A. A. On effect of electrical charge on fuel drops surface tension at the atomizer outlet. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 68-78. High-speed transport design, aircraft engines ecology and higher energy efficiency guarantee by improving fuel atomization and air-kerosene mixture quality in aircraft engines intensive research is carried out. To improve fuel atomization and air-kerosene mixture burning we suggest the use properly shaped electric fields in atomizer fuel supplying contours. For the first time the authors studied the effect of variable frequency AC electric field on combustion products chemical composition, when employing kerosene TS-1. Experimental results on the effect of variable frequency AC electric field on air-kerosene mixture combustion products burning rate were presented for the first time. Post-combustion flow speed measuring at the simulative combustion chamber outlet were carried out at Samara State Aero-space University (SSAU). Air-fuel mixture combustion products burning speed experimental determination technique was developed at SSAU. It forms the basis of the research on the effect of AC electric field on air-kerosene combustion mixture products speeds. Employing the speed measuring data, computations of superficial velocity and mass flow ratio were carried out using well-known equations for gas-dynamic functions. The result of experimentation consists in creating Microsoft Access database file with further possible export to Excel. Experimental studies were carried out at SSAU on a single-burner bay of a simulative combustion chamber with operational OJSC “Klimov” duplex nozzle for liquid fuel. We employed a swirler with blades angle φ = 72°10′; gas collector with cone outlet diameter of 133 mm; square spacer plate with square cross-section shaped with square side of 180 mm and a baseline case of offset area holes, when mixer apertures were open. Kerosene TS-1 was used as fuel. Low-pressure compressed air was fed under pressure ≤ 0.75 MPa, and solid tracing particles were used for laser measurements of Ch-4 type. When the AC electric field was applied to kerosene along each diameter, prior to feeding to atomizer, speed values move intermittently up and down. With this, air-kerosene mixture combustion products maximum relative speed reduction was 2.45%, while maximum relative speed of air-kerosene mixture combustion products with applied to kerosene flow AC electric field at the outlet of combustion chamber was 1.425. | |
Ivanov A. V. Study of genetic algorithm implementation efficiency while turboprop engine modeling. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 79-85. Propellers design and development for modern coaxial propfans and their automated control systems are impossible without in-line simulation test benches, which allow reduce testing fee, imitate failure situations, work through control laws and algorithms and determine automated control systems stability margins. Turboprop engine mathematical model plays key role while testing propellers and automatic control systems with in-line simulation test benches. The tests validity depends on accuracy of non-stationary processes reproduction by mathematical model. Due to turboprop dynamic characteristics errors when employing linear methods of modeling, at present, non-linear element-by-element models became widely used. In the course of SV-27 coaxial propfan and RSV-27 hydro- mechanical regulator testing bench, JSC SPE “Aerosila” employs D-27 turboprop non-linear element-by-element model. Implementation of gas turbine engines non-linear models results in significant processing power waste due to the multiple recalculation of the thermodynamic mathematical model while compressors and turbines joint operation point search. To optimize the computational process while using a non-linear turboprop engine mathematical model the authors suggest to use of a genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithm was developed with LabView software, employed with in-line simulation test bench and associated with the engine mathematical model. Genetic algorithm of various configurations and probability values of mutations and number of species in population with in-line simulation test implementation efficiency was studied. The results of the study allowed determine the optimal genetic algorithm configuration and parameters of its optimal operation. In its optimal configuration with a small number of species in population and increased calculating error, this genetic algorithm appeared to be effectiveness comparable to method of successive approximations by bisection. However, the genetic algorithm execution instability, leading to computational resources wasting for some calculated points, makes its implementation in turboprop engine mathematical model, used with in-line simulation test bench for air propellers tests and their automated control systems, impractical. | |
Siluyanova M. V., Chelebyan O. G. Pneumatic method for uniform air-fuel mixture preparation in GTE combustor. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 86-94. The main objective of the research, aimed at developing combustors for civil aviation, consists in ensuring competitive level of engines emission characteristics. The presented work is dedicated to the development of technology for uniform air-fuel mixture preparation in the flame tube head with respect to aircraft combustion chamber. Gas turbine engine aggregate characteristic guarantee, such as reliable start-up, wide range of stable operation, fuel combustion efficiency and low noxious emission depend in particular on combustor reliable operation. The researches in this field for the most part are agreed herein that achieving high-level of the above said characteristics in the combustor is stipulated, not after all the others, by liquid fuel crushing process quality and its preliminary mixing with air in the flame tube head. It is known that combustion of previously prepared homogeneous air-fuel mixture in model heat generators allows obtain low outlet noxious emission. However, real GTE combustor has no place or the time for such preparation. It stands to reason, that it is necessary the employ the available space and the residence time maximally to direct the air-fuel mixture characteristics drift towards a homogeneous composition. This work presents the results of the designed flame tube head with liquid fuel pneumatic atomizer for low-emission combustor. The paper describes the air-fuel uniform mixture preparation technique in the flame tube head with fine-dispersed spray in swirl flow conditions. Autonomous tests of the developed the flame tube head have been conducted. In the course of these tests the main characteristics of the air-fuel spray formed after burner by a non-contact laser diagnostics method in open space conditions were studied. According to the results of cold tests, the average Zauter diameter of the fuel droplets in the idle mode is about 23 microns. The wide and intense backflow zone is formed near the device axis. To test the developed device and method of air -fuel mixture preparation, fire tests in the model three-burner compartment under high-pressure environment were carried out. The ignition and blowout points under earth conditions have been obtained as the result of tests conducted. The efficiency of lean air-fuel mixture combustion technology has been confirmed. | |
Afanas'ev V. A., Tushavina O. V. Methods and means for thermal-protective materials development verification under climatic effects conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 95-102. Revealing climatic conditions effect in the course of pre-launch procedure of reusable space system is a necessary condition of thermal protection structural components ground development. The climatic tests experiment must simulate positive and negative temperature effects, as well as humidity and precipitation effects. The climatic tests algorithm is designed as a unified processing chain of test set up when a number of simultaneous or consecutive experiments are conducted at the experimental testing bench. The algorithm includes thermal-stability, low-temperature stability, moisture and weather resistance tests. The presented paper describes methods of reusable thermal-protective materials structure testing under the above- mentioned conditions as well as techniques for thermal protection structural elements testing for day-night and seasonal cycling. Recommendations on carrying out the accelerated tests for climatic firmness are given. The approximate scheme of the main climatic factors affecting heat- protective material change in the experiment within the full-year cycle is presented. It is noted, that experimental means for carrying out tests in the conditions of climatic influences must present a constituent part of the experimental means intended for the tests in the conditions of multiple-factor impact on of thermal protection materials. The schematic diagram and photos of the test bench and its components used for heat-shielding reusable materials tests is provided. The suggested methods and experimental facilities for conducting thermal-protective materials climatic tests on multivariable screen tests of tile-type thermal- protective structural elements can be used for consistent assessment of their working efficiency during ground tests. Ground tests of spacecraft units and plants can be conducted by simulating only the major external factors whereas secondary factors impact can be taken into account by introducing corresponding coefficients. | |
Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A. Airborne short-range air-to-air missile guidance system software/hardware complex technical layout and methodological support. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 103-110. Based on the present-day maintenance conditions of modern missiles the paper reveals essential factors, which determine their reliability and readiness support at the required level. This, in its turn, allows establish that up to 70% of failures during instrumental control relate to guidance system, and more than half of them falls at the missile control system. The above mentioned problem manifested itself most acutely with short-range air-to-air airborne missiles. This implies the effective solution of missile control problem by employing guidance system functional control method and its realization based on hardware/software complex. The paper suggests an original solution for short-range air-to-air airborne missile guidance-system loop technical condition, enhancing its functional control methodological efficiency, confirmed by methodological and hardware support synthesis. Functional control scientific and methodological basics are determined by theory of similarity modeling and automatic control theory harmonic balance methods. The functional control effectiveness achieved with this method is determined by basic concepts inherent to the complete mathematical model structure, using the original inciting signal, generated by standard harmonic oscillations installation. These basic concepts include generation of such initial impact, which allow enhance missile guidance system controlled signals observability in system normal operation mode in space of parameters control. The direct guidance system direct control time is one of the important parameters, related to its activation. This time is comparable to missile operation while intended application. It ensures the short-range air-to-air airborne missile specified life substantial saving. Effectiveness of the methodological approach used by authors is supported by developing the guidance system software and hardware functional control complex that prevents introduction of changes to the guidance system hardware and sensors regular system. Thus, the possibility of practical implementation of the methodology, suggested by the authors, into field aerospace forces of the Russian Federation is guaranteed. | |
Sokolov N. L. Analytical calculations of a spacecraft motion path in atmosphere. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 111-121. Employing analytical methods for computing spacecraft movement trajectories seems effective while solving a number of problems of practical importance. Analysis of the existing methods reveals that they are based mainly on mathematical models of spacecraft flight along a fore-and-aft plane, as well as some simplified spacecraft motion in space equations. It limits the possibility of their use while solving a number of space exploration problems of practical importance. The paper describes an analytical method for spacecraft atmosphere movement parameters computation. The scientific novelty of the developed method consists in transformation of a number functions in the form of recurrent piecewise-constant dependencies at the finite intervals of spacecraft flight trajectories. After transformation of initial system of differential equations, we obtained the final computation dependencies for velocity and flight altitude, trajectory and course angles, longitudinal and cross range via the atmospheric density. Selection of such an argument, namely atmospheric density results from the fact that spacecraft flight situations can be identified based on calculations of this parameter with further recommendations for control decision-making. Based on the obtained equations we can compute not only the coordinates of spacecraft atmosphere movement, but evaluate the main characteristics, effecting design and technological decision making while a spacecraft design. Particularly, the fast evaluation of maximum overloads values, affecting a spacecraft in aerodynamic deceleration phases is provided. Analytic dependencies can be used while solving a number of variational problems in the conditions of preliminary definition of spacecraft control structure. The tabular matter and graphical data are presented. Computation errors of spacecraft motion trajectory parameters are analyzed. It is shown that these computation errors do not exceed 2-3% with the total qualitative matching of obtained data and of differential equations numerical integration results. Employing of the developed analytical method allows obtain the highly precise computation results of spacecraft motion parameters in the atmosphere. The developed formulas provide high speed of calculations for a wide range of initial data, boundary conditions, and can form the base for spacecraft onboard control algorithms development. | |
Tatarenko D. S., Efanov V. V., Lobanov K. N. Uncontrolled object motion parameters algorithm based on radar data reprocessing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 122-130. This work relevance is stipulated by the necessity of airborne uncontrolled objet implementation accuracy to fulfill such tasks as forest fire extinguishing, large cargoes airlift delivery, etc. At present, conventional aiming systems do not provide uncontrolled object implementation effectiveness in full measure, since the onboard ballistic algorithm employs approximating equations and demonstrates low accuracy. The authors suggest employ uncontrolled object motion complete ballistic model to improve onboard ballistic algorithm accuracy. The initial conditions can be obtained by determining uncontrolled object motion parameters based on radar signal reprocessing. These parameters determination can be realized with the algorithm, which description and structure are presented in this paper. The paper presents computation results of the signal reflected from an uncontrolled object. These signals reveal that at the distances of up to 200 m secondary modulation harmonics of the first and second order are quite observable in the reflected signal spectrum, under condition of long-continued coherent integration of the signal. The main advantage of this algorithm consists in the procedure of obtaining the unmanaged missile accurate initial conditions, based on the interpretation of the Dopplers effect together with complex application of known mathematical methods of signal processing. The reflected signal from uncontrolled object processing allows obtaining uncontrolled object launching (drop) angle, relative to the center of mass position, velocity and motion trajectory. | |
Moiseev K. A., Panov Y. N., Moiseev K. K. Study of overloads occurring while special long loads transportation, carried out by two-link tractors. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 132-136. The paper presents a method for determination of overloads in the cross-section of long restricted articles, which can be employed at the initial stages of launching vehicles (LV) springing systems based on two-link tractor, while moving through rugged topography terrain, peculiar to Arctic zone of Russian Federation. To evaluate overloads in in the cross-section of long restricted article the authors developed mathematical models of “two-link tractor — long restricted article” interdependent system, composed on the assumption of hitch mechanism infinite stiffness, when the LV presents infinite stiffness body, which practically eliminates the possibility of resonant speed modes occurrence while acceleration and moving with maximum speed. The system of differential equations describing dynamic behavior of two-link tractor is divided into three less complicated systems of differential equations, which are solved by the original analytical method, namely combination method. This method is highly effective for dynamic systems study, if a differential equation does not exceed the sixth order. It presents an integral combination of symbolical and parameters variation methods. The symbolical method allows construct the resulting equation for the initial system of differential equations, and find dissipation and eigen frequency factors for the system under consideration. Parameters variation method, based on the solution obtained by symbolical method allows determine specific solution of the initial system of differential equations in the form convenient for the analysis. The obtained results may be of interest to organizations involved in the design of viscoelastic suspensions not only for caterpillar tractors, but also for road and air transport, and exploring emerging overload of cargoes in extreme conditions. According to the obtained results the conclusions on the expediency of operation of the hitch mechanism providing absolute rigidity of the coupling links of the tractor when moving on ground with periodic roughness in extreme operation conditions. | |
Kirillov V. Y., Tomilin M. M. Crosstalk calculation in electric circuits of aircraft steering gear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 137-144. Two types of electric drives — electro-mechanical or electro-hydrostatic — are supposed to be implemented for оnboard systems of “more electric aircraft” with a great number of various kinds of electrical equipment [1] for controlling various functional elements [2]. The increasing number of implemented electrical equipment, electro-mechanical steering gear in particular, which phase currents cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the form of electric and magnetic fields with high-level intensities. The main source of radiated EMI caused by electric drives systems are power circuits bundles. Electro-mechanic steering gear power circuits' bundles consist of a pair of twisted or axial conductors with currents' of tens of amps [5, 6]. Correspondingly, they generate radiated EMI, which may cause signal distortion in aircraft onboard system communication lines and, hence, deteriorate its functionality. The presented study is dedicated to of radiated EMI levels in the form of magnetic field harmonic components computation. These EMI are generated by phase currents in aircraft electro-mechanical actuator motor powering circuits, and crosstalk in the form of voltages in open conductors of double-wire communication lines. The presented spacing charts allow deduce that voltages and currents, which amplitudes are commensurable or even greater than valid signals values, occur in aircraft onboard cable system communication lines in the form of harmonic electric and/or magnetic field. The charts allow determining the safe distances between power circuits and open communication lines, wherein the levels of induced conducted interferences are significantly lower than information and control signals peak values in aircraft onboard system communication lines. It allows provide electromagnetic compatibility of high-power and low-power circuits. The presented paper is a part of the research work on computation and simulation of electromagnetic interferences, caused by transients in aircraft steering gear system. | |
Le D. T., Averin S. V. Generation of vector PWM ensuring through currents elimination in three-phase bridge inverter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 155-163. The рaрer suggests a control algorithm for voltage generation at induction motor windings by vector PWM. It reveals sрecifics of conventional vector PWM algorithm. Its is noted, that while through currents elimination with delay circuits a certain state occurs which allows identifying it as additional vector generation. The authors suggest a control algorithm with extra vectors generation as a through currents elimination technique. The рaрer comрares the suggested technique with conventional, and demonstrates that the develoрed algorithm using extra vectors allowed eliminate through currents of a first genus, decrease amрlitudes of high-order harmonics, and ensure рhase and рhase-to-рhase voltages рarameters similar to the conventional technique. Simulation of the suggested technique was carried out, and its results revealed that рhase current sine waveform could be ensured not only by increasing the number of generated vectors in one sector, but also by introducing extra vectors. Conventional and suggested techniques reveal that рhase and рhase-to-рhase voltages characteristics as well as рhase current are similar, but the number of high- order harmonics is less than with conventional one. The breadboard tests revealed that the develoрed algorithm did not lead to shaft whiррing. Inverter inрut current herewith is less relative to the conventional vector PWM technique. With on state of intermediate vectors significantly less than on state of base vectors the рossibility to attain рositive features рeculiar to the conventional technique, but eliminate a number of its drawbacks. The suggested technique, in рarticular, allows eliminate through currents, and gives more рossibilities of vector PWM imрlementation. Extra vectors on state duration control, rather than increasing the number of generated voltage vectors, allows ensure рhase current shaрe more close to sinusoidal. | |
Voronin S. V., Loboda P. S., Ledyaev M. E. Optimal porous structure determination to improve aluminum alloy mechanical properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 164-173. Creating a competitive technology requires implementation of new materials with high specific mechanical properties. Conventionally, such materials are produced by introducing alloying elements, which form strengthening phases within the base metal structure. This approach usually results in the mass gain, because the hardening phase density is often higher than that of the base material. The mass of material can be reduced by introducing it into the volume of structural defects, such as pores. Due to high damping properties, low thermal conductivity, high sound-insulating ability and good moisture resistance, the porous materials are widely used in industry [1-7]. With existing porous aluminum, manufacturing technologies its strength properties decline takes place. However, with porous structure ordering the strength properties of finished products improve [8-10]. Thus, the goal of the presented work consists in improving specific mechanical properties, yield strength in particular, of the material by introducing orderly arranged pores. This study employed deformation processes finite element modeling with engineering analysis pack MSC.Marc to determine an optimal porous structure [11-12]. The study of porosity and a type of porous structure effect on mechanical properties was carried out with the following types of porous structures: square, field-interleaved, square with a pore in its center, triangle and hexagonal. With porosity of 0.4 to 0.5% porous samples FEM yield strength matching with compact material FEM samples yield strength is observed. With further porosity decrease growth of yield strength is observed for all types of porous structures. Maximum yield strength increase of 1 to 2% was achieved with porosity of 0.1%. The blanks for all the samples were cut from the aluminum alloy A5 sheet using laser cutting complex. All the obtained blanks were decollateв into three parts. The first part was left intact as a compact material sample. In the second part of the blanks, the ordered porous structure was obtained by laser burning. In the remaining samples, the porous structure was obtained with CNC milling and engraving machines with the drill diameter of 300 µm. The finite modelling and real uniaxial tensile tests results matching is observed. | |
Agafonov R. Y., Vilkov F. E., Kasitsyn A. N., Predko P. Y., Marchenkov A. Y. Aluminum based alloys with rare-earth metals additives application for rocket-and-space engineering. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 174-180. Nowadays “AMg6”, “D16” and “AMn” aluminum alloys are traditionally used for space technology. Application of new advanced aluminum-based materials with of rare-earths additives instead of traditionally used alloys would enhance the electronic components protection from the space ionizing radiation due to alloying with high radiation absorbing elements. Whereas chemical composition manufacturing technique optimization will improve, alloys' mechanical properties compared to conventionally used, which will allow decrease weight and size parameters of the design. Tests carried out by Russia's space industry leading organizations revealed significant preeminence of new alloys compared to conventionally used with regard to protection against outer space ionizing radiation properties, and corresponding to them ability to chemical electroplating. Aluminum based alloys specific mass with rare-earth additives is 2.9 g/cm3 on the average. This paper is focused on the study of the three different alloying systems: 1 – Al-Dy-La-Cr-Zr, 2 – Al- Ce-Cr-Zr, 3 – Al-Mg-Sc-Zr-La-Ce; with rare-earths content not exceeding 11%, 7% and 9% by weight respectively. Each of the studied alloys, regarded as a material for spacecraft electronic equipment casing has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Increasing the rare-earth metals content in the alloy we can attain both better protective characteristics against space ionizing radiation, and aluminum based alloys with rare-earth additives welding properties improvement. Tough their density herewith will increase. Thus, it is necessary to pay special attention to improve mechanical properties of the basic metal and welding joints to prevent weight and size parameters of the design. Mechanical properties improvement with density reduction may, in some degree, be achieved by rare-earth aluminide phases' dispergating and increasing their density distribution in the alloy groundmass. | |
Betsofen S. Y., Osintsev O. E., Knyazev M. I., Dolgova M. I., Kabanova Y. A. Quantitative phase analysis of Al-Cu-Li-Mg system alloys. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 181-188.
The authors have developed a method for computing a number of intermetallic phases (T1 and δ′- phase) of Al-Cu-Li-Mg system alloys based on measuring α-solid solution lattice periods; Vegard’s law, linking up solid solution lattice period value with alloying ingredients content in it, as well as chemical and phase content equations. Lithium content in solid solution serves herewith as variable parameter. Quaternary Al-Cu-Li-Mg system alloys quantitative phase analysis method is based on the assumption that all magnesium resides in the solid solution. This fact is considered by introducing the relevant term into equation for calculating the solid solution lattice period. This is the only difference fr om the previously developed similar method for ternary alloys Al-Cu-Li. The paper shows that the developed method can be effectively used for quantitative interpretation of thermal and thermomechanical processing impact on alloys’ phase content study results, as well as while Al-Cu-Li-Mg system alloys content optimization. This method allowed us to compute the relation between periods of solid solution lattice and the amount of intermetallic phases for 29 Russian and foreign industrial alloys of various generations. The paper reveals the existence of linear dependence of relative quantity of intermetallic phases in alloys
According to this classification, all the alloys are divided into five groups. The first group includes Al-Mg-Li alloys, for which the phases ratio | |
Soldatenko I. V. On titanium alloys semiproducts quality control. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 189-194. The goal of the paper consists in titanium alloys semiproducts macrostructure quality evaluation technique improvement.
Active standard ten-point scale of macrostructures was developed based on It is well know macrostructure we can see only those structure elements, which size exceeds 100 –150 micron (i. e. the ones exceeding the eye resolution capability).
Macro- and microstructure evaluation of a large number of serial semiproducts and laboratory samples revealed that not only
Direct dependence of a macrostructure character from its microstructure was revealed. The paper shows that macro grain size and its tonality (degree of brilliance) depend directly on parameters of the microstructure, forming while deformation and heat treatment processes at temperatures of By deformation, the macro grain tonality or its degree of brilliance changes together with the macro grain shape. Interrelation between degree of brilliance of a macrostructure under study and with its microstructure was established. The author suggests classify a macrostructure according to its tonality (degree of brilliance) by four types:
To improve titanium alloys evaluation objectivity and unambiguity the author suggest introduce quantitative estimation based on three parameters, namely grain size, and the degree of its non-equiaxiality and tonality. The next step to titanium alloys production quality improvement consists in working out requirements to macrostructure based on quantitative estimation of its parameters. | |
Davydov A. D., Dianova E. V., Khmelevoi V. V. Fundamental and exploratory research priorities selection method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 195-203. The paper suggests methodological approach to fundamental and research priorities portfolio forming. Such an approach is based on expert selection procedure. The authors formulated thematically oriented verbal and numerical scales for qualitative selection criteria groups. This criteria grouping is organized according to thematically similar features, significant while new perspective aircraft systems design. Due to the complexity of solved selection tasks it is reasonable to implement quality criteria system, described by 3-5 criteria groups with 3 to 7 criteria in each group. It allows convenient, transparent and comprehensive presentation of information to the expert in necessary and sufficient scale. Group-1 represents usefulness and importance; Group-2 represents resource intensiveness and resourcing, and Group-3 represents stability and manageability. With allowance for expertize complexity and supposed relative inconformity of experts opinions when evaluating significance of particular researches trends, we suggest selection procedure based on the Ansoff's theory of weak signals. Here, with allowable level of experts' nonconforming opinions, the individual opinions of competent experts with high estimate of particular FERs are taken into account. Here, core index (CI) and concordance index (DI) serve for the generalized selection measure. In this case we suggest FERs grouping in the following way. FER-1 are the trends with experts' high estimation by CI with high DI value. FER-2 are the trends with relatively high estimation by CI with relatively low DI values. FER-3 are the trends which CI is better than this for FER-2, with DI lower relative to FER-1 and comparable to this for FER-1. FER-4 represents such FER trends, which received consensus on lower importance, either special opinion was expressed by experts with relatively low authority. The authors suggested to form the portfolio not only by the trends with high CI and DI values, but consider FAR-2 trends (with priorities higher than this of FAR-3) as well. This approach allows us to identify and select among the priority research areas with potentially high efficiency, albeit with relatively high level of risk. The proposed approach also makes it possible to make informed decisions in a limited time based on authoritative (respectable) peer review. The method is oriented for use in decision support system. | |
Galkin V. I., Kuzina S. M. Building a model for optimal quantity determination of manufacturing facilities. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 204-210. The paper presents a technique for a number of work places optimization at the enterprise with variable product release program. The developed technique is based on simulation and experimental design. The paper considers the operation of the enterprise manufacturing several kinds of products by assembling either purchased components or produced at this enterprise. The simulation model developed in the course of this study allows build and optimize manufacturing resources under various variants of enterprise's target figures. The model was built with AnyLogic program, which allows specify time intervals at every stage of manufacturing either major product, or associated items. There is a possibility to model the situation with various number of assembling departments. Based on the built model the authors carried out the optimization experiment, which allows compute an optimal number of equipment for the specified work-order quantity for all types of products. The paper suggests goal functions with productivity optimization. Using this instrument the results for each experiment were obtained by varying values of run-out production plan. It is found on what production volumes minimum quantity of equipment is optimal, and at what moment the number of working places should be increased. It is also determined that maximum possible quantity of equipment under specified production volume boundaries is not necessary. The obtained results were processed according to the experimental design technique. The equation for corrected production effect computation as function of a number of assembling departments and products production volume. The proposed method is universal and can be applied for various types of production. The developed technique can be used as one of the instruments while developing the system of managerial decision making. | |
Efimova N. S., Zamkovoi A. A., Titkov A. M. Aircraft manufacturing enterprise innovative activities development with allowance for economic security requirements. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 211-217. At present, creation and implementation of a system of indicators for monitoring R&D processes is necessary, since the degree of highly efficient estimation of economic security of an enterprise, and formation of economic mechanism implementing the complex of necessary measures on prediction and preventing a danger, corresponding to the scale and threat environment to aircraft industry in the aggregate. The main objective of the innovative activities economic security level consists in timely analysis and monitoring of a complex indicators system, inclusive aircraft industry specifics. Development and implementation of economic mechanism for innovative activities economic security provision in aircraft industry will allow reveal: insufficient certainty of a forecast at various R&D fulfillment at stages; excessively enlarged and averaged character of labor intensity rate and expenditures, new objects' operational service norms, reliability and durability; insufficient comparability of new objects with selected prototype objects, or the lack of scientifically substantiated techniques for this comparability economic evaluation while effectiveness indicators computation; the lack of exact information on all spheres of R&D results supposed implementation and their scope of their implementation; the difficulty of extracting the share of economic effect related to this particular technical solution, the specified object, used as a constituent part of a more complex technical system. | |
Chaika N. K., Gavrilova I. S. Corporate governance system development estimation method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 218-224. A corporate governance system developing method is offered within the framework of this paper. This newly developed method aims at estimating the corporate development level of a space-rocket industry enterprise, as one of the crisis-proof enterprise governance tools. American and German corporate governance models are distinguished as the most popular models. Russian corporate governance practices are equally distant ideologically from both. To analyze the corporate governance system at the rocket-space industry enterprise the authors developed their own estimation method, consisting in accounting for a number of specifics of integrated structures and individual enterprises functioning. Basic methodological approaches to optimal assessment method of corporate governance system development at the enterprises and integrated structures of rocket-space industry are considered. The developed method account for specifics of the companies and allows carry out their comparative assessment in conditions of differences in structure, scope and lines of activity. This method represents a multilevel assessment system by two blocks — the level of corporate governance implementation and the level of the corporate governance system formalization. In accordance with the results of the study, the authors obtained the optimized branch method of estimation of the level of corporate governance system development in the interests of crisis-proof management. | |
Omel'yanovich M. Y. Deepening financial inequality: causes and consequences. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 225-235. This paper is dedicated to the study of economic relations associated with socio-economic inequalities and its component — financial inequality, which is reflected at the global, state and regional levels, as well as the levels of enterprises, organizations, institutions and individuals. In modern conditions financial inequality worsened dramatically with the development of the world economy, deepening of global economic relations; development of financial relations; strategic amalgamations between corporations, alliances, unions; deepening of contradictions between rivaling states; globalization; labor mobility, goods and services; formation of a unified information system. The goal of the paper consists in emphasizing the importance of financial inequality as an economic phenomenon, analyzing its dynamics, developing recommendations on its mitigation and implementation of State regulation by using aggregate financial instruments, such as budget, taxes, public debt, etc. While carrying out the studies and tis paper formation the author employed scientific methods of analysis and synthesis of theoretical views and concepts, economic and statistical methods to assess the impact of various factors on the financial inequality, as well as scientific heritage on this issue. The study was conducted based on the principle of historicism. Economic theory principles, scientific concepts and theoretical evidence of national and foreign scientists served as this work methodological basis. The results of the work consist in generalization scientific ideas and viewpoints of national and foreign scientists and economists, and determining socio-economic inequalities as inequality of wealth associated with the degree of realization of human rights, democracy, free market and effective State laws. Theoretical research, opinions and viewpoints contained in learned writings on the issue of financial inequality will supplement the content of academoic disciplines related to “Finance and Credit”, taught to students of higher professional education. The results of the study, based on analysis of financial statistics on income, inflation, taxes, debts, are rather efficient at the macro-level while forming the state policy. The results obtained in the course of the study are aimed at State regulation of financial inequity mitigation through implementation of fiscal measures to the social protection of the population. The state support during economic crises and the need for economic regeneration will affect significantly the financial inequality mitigation. The paper suggests creative destruction of informal relations dominance, transparency of state accountability, formation of a balance between State regulatory effects on financial inequality and self-regulation on the part of businesses and individuals. | |
Kuznetsov P. A., Stepanov O. A. Combined system for electric power consumers protection against emergency states. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 4, pp. 145-154. The main issue of this article consists in analyzing the main electric network emergency states and to designing a protective system model, which is able to minimize or fully avoid their aftermath. The results of failures analysis at various power plants and installations allowed separate out the basic types of emergency operating modes. They include sudden voltage dropouts, voltage waveform fluctuations (flickering), rolling blackouts and presence of significant reactive power abundance in a power grid. The rolling blackout presents the greatest danger due to its aftermath. The analysis of emergency modes occurrence revealed that most commonly they arise due to insignificant event, leading to avalanche-type emergency growth. This fact is reflected in the presented algorithm. Moreover, most commonly, these emergencies can be eliminated with the timely reaction of the personnel. However, as the practice indicates, these specified nonsignificant factors were ignored by maintenance staff. Two-level of consumers' complex protection model for emergency elimination and its aftermath mitigation is suggested. Both parts are autonomous and can be set separately, or in conjunction. The first part of the system is responsible for the reactive power compensation in the power grid. It differs from the existing prototypes by smaller size, cost and asymmetric structure for reactive power compensation in wide range. The paper presents voltage and power balance graphs at the object before and after compensation. The presented data proves that implementation of such installations allows reduce rolling blackout occurrence probability. The second part of the system represents from rolling blackout protection controller, which, in case of any power grid section overload, or voltage dropout, analyses the states of consumers and turns off those of lower priority. This helps avoiding entire system cascaded failure occurrence. The presented system both as a whole and in separate parts presents interest for industrial electric energy consumers from the viewpoint of spoilage minimization occurring due to power grid failures. | |
Romanova T. N., Paschenko O. B., Gavrilova N. Y., Shchetinin G. A. Dynamic object multidisciplinary parameters optimization engineering method. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 7-14. This work aims at developing a dynamic object multidisciplinary optimization, namely maneuverable aircraft horizontal empennage. Horizontal empennage is a complex technical system with a great number of parameters described by the equations belonging to various scientific disciplines. Thus, the developed method represents a multidisciplinary optimization method. The efficiency of the horizontal empennage can be evaluated by the value of the moment produced by the horizontal empennage and the pitch moment gradient magnitude, which can ensure the aircraft balancing and performing a specified maneuver. Parameters necessary for optimization in the framework of the specified problem were determined and their ranking was performed by weight factor determination for each parameter. Then the goal function for horizontal empennage parameters optimization was created. Various approaches to supersonic aircraft horizontal empennage parameters optimization, such as method using Pareto principle, or method using Hurwitz criterion, were studied and realized. Analysis of operation of the above mentioned optimization methods in the context of the specified problem revealed their insufficient efficiency. With the aim of improving the obtained results a new optimization method was developed and suggested. This method employs the valuation of several valuation functions to obtain optimal solution. The effectiveness of the developed method is demonstrated using various input data sets, and the effect of various weight factors parameters on obtained result was studied. Its operation results in horizontal empennage optimal geometric parameters, formed automatically with CAD system Siemens NX 7.5 “Modeling”. | |
Kruchinin M. M., Artamonov B. L. Analysis of hinge moments occurring on helicopter main rotor blades . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 15-20. The paper considers computational results of moments relative to main rotor axial hinge caused by action of inertial and aerodynamic forces occurring on the blades. The computational method is based on the generalized disk vortex theory of rotor in an oblique flow in its most simple version, when the air load over rotor disk is assumed constant in computing inductive speed vector components. Flapping movement coefficients of hinge-suspended in thrust plane rotor blades are defined by analytical relations with an accuracy to the first harmonic of Fourier series. This assumption reduces the problem of hinge moments calculation with specified rotor control law to the method of successive iteration on thrust force ratio. As an example, the authors considered the rotor blades operation of helicopters Mi-34 and Mi-28. They studied the change of hinge moment value depending on the blade azimuthal position, and evaluated each components contribution to it. The wobble plate rod strain dependence on flight speed, blade angles and control action was analyzed. It was established that with wobble plate ring deviation in forward longitudinal direction law of azimuthal strain variation demonstrates harmonic character with pronounced maximum near the retreating blade. With wobble plate ring deviation in transverse direction the similar dependence is of the same character, but its amplitude is negligible compared to longitudinal control. Calculations were executed for helicopter main rotors with various structures of a hub and blades. The results were compared with experiments and calculations of the other authors. It is shown that mathematical model of absolutely rigid blade combined with disk rotor vortex model allows evaluate control system loading level at various helicopter flight modes with adequate accuracy. The ways of model improvement allowing define the obtained results more exactly are outlined. | |
Bibikov S. Y., Katkova E. A. Methodology of air intake channel integration into aircraft layout using Unigraphics as the geometric modelling environment. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 21-28. The article depicts methodology and gives recommendations on complex geometry air intake modelling process on the example of uncontrolled air intake. These recommendations have been elaborated considering many requirements and suggest the procedure, which could be used during air intake channels integration into aircraft layout. Main requirements to the geometry (equivalent angle of subsonic diffuser) and relative length (Lch/Dent, Lch — channel length, Dent — diameter of engine entrance), as well as parameters of air intake entrance channel are imposed after all boundary conditions, such as air intake input square (F0), air intake throat square (Fth) and optimal graphics of air intake duct squares are set. The suggested method for deceleration system integration allows the transfer to intake duct surface constructing with minimum iterations. The practical part of this work includes recommendations to construct optimal complex duct surfaces using “Unigraphics” with allowance for their maximum optimization. We suggest to use “dynamic changes” method while designing air intake, i. e. changing associative construction with construction parameters changing (shape-generating parameters). Based on created geometry we plot the graph of air intake duct squares according to the squares obtained duct cross sections. It allows demonstrate the dissimilarity of actual duct geometric parameters from the presumed (optimal). The above-described procedure allows select air intake and air duct location of supersonic jet with allowance for a large variety of layout limitations and gas dynamic requirements. It allows integrate air intake ducts of complex space form into aircraft layout under development with minimal time consumption. The suggested procedure of “dynamic” air intake duct geometry changing allows control changes of its geometric characteristics (graph of air intake duct squares function) and select thereby the duct parameters with subsequent optimization. | |
Anisimov V. M., Orlov M. Y., Zubrilin I. A. Computational evaluation of annular combustion chamber flame tube walls stress-and-strain state. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 29-39. The important goal of GTE combustion chambers and installations design and workout consists in provision of the specified durability and reliability. In response to this problem, the temperature of the combustion chamber major elements should stay within the operating temperature range of their structural materials, and their deformation should not exceed the specified values. Combustion chamber flame tube walls are some of the most heat-loaded elements. Thus, the problem associated with the study of their stress-and-strain state is particularly up-to-date. It is worsen by the existing tendencies aimed at increasing compression ratio of the compressor and gas temperature at the turbine input. Temperature distribution over compressor flame tube surface determining in the course of complete product bench testing presents a complex task. The effective method of rectifying the above said problem during gas turbine units consists in numerical modeling methods implementation, which requires developing procedures of their implementation. Such procedure was developed while GTD combustion chamber for terrestrial surface application design. For its realization we used geometrically conjugate 3-D model of the combustion chamber, including both air-gas channel necessary for gas dynamic processes modeling, and flame tube walls with multilayer thermal-protective coating for heat transfer computation. Combustion chamber operating procedure mathematical model was developed earlier and passed validation process. Simulation was carried out in ANSYS. Temperature distribution on the flame tube wall was obtained by computation. Based on the analysis of the obtained results we managed to reduce maximum flame tube wall temperature to the required value at the expense of apertures areas redistribution between cooling system strips. Stresses and deformations occurring due to flame tube walls heating were determined as well. It was revealed that maximum stress occur at cooling apertures locations. The value of calculated strength factor equals 2.7. The developed procedure for combustion chamber flame tube walls thermal-and-stress states determination can be implemented for various combustion chamber desings, materials and multi-layer walls. This procedure allows predicting the most dangerous temperature zones on the flame tube walls and burn-out in this zones prior to bench testing. | |
Zvonarev S. L., Klyagin S. V., Potapov A. Y. Study of dual-shaft gas turbine engine inter-rotor bearing vibrations at slow rotor rotation . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 40-46. The purpose of this work consists in clarification and generalization of two-shaft gas turbine engine rolling bearings vibration diagnostics method. The paper gives the review of the well-known problems associated with gas turbine engine rolling bearings vibration diagnostics, and considers methods employed while carrying out diagnostics. We sel ected the procedure using hand rolling of one of the engines' rotors for our studies. The paper considers possible problems occurring during diagnostics. For the studies we assume the same frequency range that is used while hand rolling. The vibration signal measured prior to the complete stop of the engine is generated under identical conditions. Such conditions are characterized by very low forces, causing forced oscillations. Thus, we can neglect these oscillations. The signal for the study carrying out was obtained fr om the engine with damaged bearing. The degree of the damage development was rather high. The rotor decrease in speed, and short time interval do not allow employ conventional rolling bearings spectral vibration diagnostics methods. Analysis of the signal temporal realization reveals the absence of considerable shock load. Spectral analysis reveals the presence of only one significant harmonic in coincidence with the engines natural frequency. this natural frequency is characterized by the high value of deformation latent energy accumulated in in the bearing. The absence of the shock load points out that natural oscillations excitation does not occur. The inference is drawn on the presence of self-sustained oscillations in rotor rundown mode, developed at natural frequency. As long as the oscillating processes in the engine are almost finished, the natural oscillations cannot obtain energy for the amplitude rise. In view of natural oscillations amplitude smallness their impact on bearing degradation is insignificant. Self-sustained oscillations process phase diagrams are plotted. Strap brake is a literary analogue of the being obtained self-sustained oscillation system. Despite the vibration signal non-stationarity, spectral analysis allows obtain reliable diagnostic results. The conclusion has been drawn about the possibility of applying the considered phenomenon for vibration diagnostics of roller bearing dual-shaft gas turbine engines. | |
Lanskii A. M., Lukachev S. V., Kolomzarov O. V. Small gas turbine engines combustion chambers geometriс resizing and integral parameters changing trends. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 47-57. The article considers the development of small gas turbine engine combustion chamber draft design. Though it occupies relatively short period of time, it is an extremely important element in reference to the engine lifecycle period. The draft design results allow obtain all necessary information about both the combustion chamber as a whole and its constituent parts. The small-sized gas turbine engine combustion chamber draft design allows determine its shape and the features of its embodiment. Geometry selection and integrated parameters evaluation with account for turbocharger components composite action is important due to incomplete information on these matters. The paper presents the results of the statistical data processing of geometric parameters and integral characteristics of the GTE combustion chambers. Complex correlation functions were obtained by methods of mathematical statistics. Correlation functions describe the structure and geometry: primary zone operating parameters and combustion chamber integral characteristics such as: flame tube volume (VFT), relative length of flame tube(LFT/VFT), nozzles relative pitch, combustion efficiency, residence time, forcing coefficient (KV), thermal factor (QVP) and relative areas of internal and external channels. Changing of the abovementioned values depends on consumable complex (GCC). Table below presents results of the statistical data processing. Most coefficient of determination values lay within the range of 0.06 to 0.7. Not all of the dependencies have high coefficients of determination. However, this does not exclude the possibility of their use in the preliminary assessment of the gas turbine engine combustion chambers structural and integral parameters. | |
Finogenov S. L., Kolomentsev A. I. Parameters selection of solar thermal rocket engine under flight time limitation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 58-68. Solar thermal propulsion (STP) is considered as means of inter-orbital transportation from low Earth orbit into geostationary orbit. The payload insertion time for conventional STP usually equals approximately 60 days. STP contains high-temperature concentrator-absorber system (CAS) as a power source, with possibility of using multi-staged absorber of non-isothermal type with higher optical-power efficiency. Ballistic efficiency of the upper stage with STP grows with the increase of extent of CAS not-isothermal properties and can exceed 1.5-2 times the efficiency of liquid propellant rocket engines (LRE). Ballistic efficiency of upper stage with the STP is determined by relevant parameters of the CAS, to which we can assign concentrator accuracy parameter and hydrogen heating temperature in CAS, as well as permissive conditions of CAS's sun orientation. Selection of CAS expedient parameters can be realized, in some cases, different from those optimal with allowance for technological limitations under permissible reduction of ballistic efficiency of solar upper stage compared to LRE implementation case. Considering that transportation system, employing combination of high and low thrust engines with adequate insertion time of 60-120 days may compete with STP as inter-orbital transportation system, it is expedient to estimate the ballistic efficiency of solar upper stage at lower flight time. The problem simulation demonstrates the capability of reducing the payload injection time to 20...40 days at high ballistic efficiency of solar upper stage (in case of extreme non-isothermal multi-staged CAS, the payload mass is twice higher compared to LRE). STP optimal relevant parameters herewith change towards CAS simplification. The CAS Sun tracking conditions also become simpler. STP optimal parameter values for various time intervals of inter-orbital transfer are presented. The possibility of providing high ballistic efficiency at the flight time of 20-40 days with STP implementation with non-isothermal multi-staged CAS, compared to the transportation system employing combination of engines of large and low thrust, is shown. | |
Churkin V. M. On evaluating load aerodynamic effect on free oscillations of parachute system with pivotally suspended load . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 69-76. The paper considers parachute system with pivotally suspended load movement in vertical plane. When deriving the equation of motion the parachute system is presented as a mechanical system consisting of two solid bodies connected by ideal linkage joint (deadeye), i. e. parachute and load. Parachute system free oscillations analysis is carried out with the equations of the simplified disturbed motion model, where translational movement with constant speed and constant parachute canopy and load incidence angles. As partial movement mathematical model the equations of first approximation system are accepted, and the sought non-linear model is obtained by substituting in these equations normal components of parachute canopy and load aerodynamic forces coefficients linear dependencies from their incident angles by non-linear dependencies. The dependency of parachute canopy aerodynamic force normal component from its incidence angle herewith takes the form characteristic for the case when canopy fabric has low permeability. After harmonic linearization of these non-linear dependencies the thus obtained system of non-linear equations for simplified non-linear model falls into two systems corresponding to constant and variable components of the sought solution. Equations linking amplitudes and center displacements of the sought oscillations are derived from the equations containing constant components, while equations linking amplitudes with oscillation frequencies and inequalities, determining stability conditions of the sought oscillations are derived from the equations containing variable components. Implementation of the suggested procedure of parachute system with pivotally suspended load with allowance for aerodynamic load is illustrated by numerical example. The boundaries of canopy incidence angle initial values that provide damping oscillations mode of the considered parachute system near the specified unperturbed motion are determined with or without considering the load aerodynamics. To evaluate the results of theoretical calculations the paper presents the results of numeric integration of the initial equations of the parachute system movement. | |
Tatarenko D. S., Shutov P. V., Efanov V. V., Rogovenko O. N. Uncontrolled objects ballistic characteristic calculation technique . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 77-83. The paper considers the current state-of-the-art of uncontrolled axisymmetric object throwing together ballistic support, and analysis of the existing techniques for their trajectory calculation when launched from an aerial vehicle (AV). The main parameter specifying uncontrolled object motion relative to the center of mass is nutation angle δ , which initial value can achieve the threshold values (abou δ0= 30°) and depends on combinations of its projection, such as angle of throwing λ0, separation velocity, environment disturbance, launcher vibration etc. To improve accuracy of the problem solution aboard an AV, we suggested to use full ballistic motion model during its separation from the carrier, and the initial conditions to solve it could be obtained according to the ballistic characteristic determination technique of uncontrolled objects being offered. This technique can be implemented under condition of availability of testing system, which make-up and structure are presented in the paper. Main advantage of the testing system is implementation of proximity sensors comprising a set of sectors realized in the form of perpendicular arranged rows of photo-detectors and radiating elements. The paper presents for uncontrolled object motion trajectory with initial nutation angle computation results, which show that when throwing 30-millimeter uncontrolled axisymmetric objects rotating about its axis with initial nutation angle values not-to-exceed 10° to a range of 1500-2000 m, the range spread up to 170 m and lateral deviation spread up to 20 m are observed. In range environment, the proposed technique for ballistic characteristic determination of uncontrolled objects enables to obtain dependences of initial uncontrolled object nutation angles versus different conditions of their launch. The resulting experimental dependences can be utilized to obtain accurate initial conditions required when integrating differential equations of full ballistic motion model for uncontrolled objects. | |
Kostyukov V. M., Trinh V. T., Nguyen N. M. Realization of passenger plane auto-land desired trajectory shaping algorithm based on anthropocentric principle . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 84-95. The paper discusses the issues of pilot's dynamics detection and its accounting in the process of glide-path capture accuracy appraisal, as well as accounting pilots dynamics effect on aircraft precision of movement while glide path movement and flaring-out. We suggest solving these issues based on complex mathematical modeling. The pilot’s behavior based on representing the pilot as an optimal non-linear regulator, and experimental data search of generalized criterion of pilot’s control activities were considered in details. The obtained formal criterion with derived weight factors enables realization in ACS the algorithm identical to pilot’s control activities while aircraft piloting in the form of a direct problem of getting from an arbitrary point in airdrome area on approach glide path. Three types of stages of landing and corresponding pilot’s models, such as glide path capture, movement on the glide path, and flaring-out before runway touchdown. Modeling and algorithmic analysis of various aircraft thrust control laws allowed selecting the most expedient altitude of flaring-out starting on the assumption of flaring-out altitude valuation permissible error maximizing principle. The obtained permissible areas of initial flaring-out altitudes provide maximum pilot’s comfort in case of forced manual landing mode transition. The aforesaid solutions enable desired trajectories shaping and algorithms realizing automatic landing according to anthropocentric principle, providing, if necessary, fast transition to manual control mode in case of automatic control rejection, adapting to the current situation. Anthropocentric approach allows the pilot to operate under minimum psychological tension, since while automatic control he observes the movement, which he would realize himself in case of the necessity of manual mode transition. | |
Nikolaev A. V., Pashko A. D. Active protecting elements cast ballistic support while small-sized high-speed objects operation . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 96-101. The article analyses the state-of-the-art of aviation guided missiles development. Today guided missiles guidance systems thermal imaging coordinators have widespread application. Reading units with digital image processing and fiber optics gain maximum acceptance. The problem of guided missile neutralizing at a safe distance from the defended aircraft was solved. An approach allowing increase the safety of a defended aircraft through ballistic support of active protecting elements casting was considered. This method employs the automatic ejection unit allowing ejection of active protecting elements in the required direction. Furthermore, the on-board information systems, computer, mother ship measurement sensors and ejecting unit are integrated into unified complex. A model of active protecting element movement for on-board ballistic algorithms synthesis was created. It allows develop mathematical tools defending complex dataware while active protecting elements implementation, scientific and methodological tools for their effectiveness evaluation. Rational implementation of active protecting elements as a part of aircraft system was substantiated. The developed algorithm allows realize the conditions of active protecting element implementation in real technical applications, operating within the aviation system. While determining the parameters of guided missile movement relative to an aircraft, the trajectory of the rocket movement was predicted according to the guidance mode employed by the missile. For this purpose the guidance system obtains the information on coordinates and other aircraft and missile movement patterns at every time instant. It sets the character of their interrelation, determines the degree of this interrelation disruption. Based on this information it forms the parameters and control signals, providing the required movement of a rocket to an aircraft. Using navigation and weapon-aiming system computing capabilities, together with on-board defensive systems the time of a missile closing-in with and aircraft was computed. Ballistic model of active protecting element casting ensuring its encounter with a guided missile was developed. The result of the algorithm operation provides neutralizing of a rocket in the air, thus preserving an aircraft performance ability. | |
Maximov N. ., Skleimin Y. B., Sharonov A. V. Bundled software for unmanned aerial system flight trackdevelopment while its re-deployment to operating zone . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 102-111. The paper presents the bundled software meant four wheeled off-road vehicle convoy itinerary selection, while unmanned aerial system (UAS) re-deployment from the deployment site to operating zone. The main feature of this bundled software consists in the possibility of its use not only for road travel, but also in the possibility for travel the part of the route on a country road and off-road. The performed analysis revealed that it is expedient to select easily realized algorithm as the theoretical basis, such as Dejkstra algoritmh, as well as Floyd-Warshall algorithm and Bellman-Ford algorithm. UML models of the system under development were constructed. The paper presents the test example of forming characteristicsof transport means constituting the convoy. It allowed determine for each road layout sector its negotiability by the convoy and the convoy travel time along the sector, using the built-in calculator. The authors used simplified computation algorithm to calculate route sectors negotiability parameters and the speed (time) of their passing those sectors. Then the negotiability of a certain sector was determined. Finally, a graph of roads negotiability was plotted. The shortest distance between the UAS locationoriginand redeployment destination point is searched on the plotted graph. The developed automated information system allows: — Reduce transport means movement constituting a convoy moving off-road route planning labor intensity due to automation of the majority of operator's functions; — Increase the quality and accuracy of calculations, needed for road layout graphanalysis; — Reduce the personnel, necessary for execution of work on UAS convoy movement planning, costs; — Obtain up-to-dateaccountingon variousUAS movement route measures of efficiency in real time mode to take managerial solutions. | |
Nikolaev E. I., Pantyukhin K. N. Helicopter dynamic stability in the ground spin-up mode with allowance for blades flexibility . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 112-120. The study of helicopter dynamic stability is associated in most cases with such a phenomenon as ground resonance, which presents helicopter self-oscillations with increasing amplitude. The origin of this swaying consists in interaction of blades oscillations relative to the hinges, vertical in particular, with helicopter body on chassis oscillations. Since helicopter presents a complex mechanism, assumptions and simplifications allowing saving computing resources and with sufficient accuracy easily correlated with the experiment were introduced while mathematical models building. At present, a researcher possesses considerable computing resources. Thus, one can afford building much more complicated models, allowing solving the problem of «ground» resonance computation in more detail. The paper presents helicopter mathematical model, which body has six degrees of freedom, and flexible blades with three degrees of freedom in the attachment point to the hub. Helicopter alighting gear (chassis) is presented in the model by flexibility matrix. Helicopter equations of motion were obtained using second order Lagrange equation, and blades flexural oscillations equations were obtained with widely known Galerkins method. Flexible blade mathematical model considers only the first three forms of hinges flexure-flexure-torsion oscillations. Following the above-described mathematical model the complex of programs was developed using Maple and MATLAB. Within the range from zero to main rotor operating speed computation of helicopter dynamic instability zones on the ground was made. Comparison of the results obtained by R. Coleman method and mathematical model with rigid blades for ANSAT helicopter revealed sufficient convergence. Mathematical models with rigid and flexible blades developed by the authors allow determine additional instability zones. The model with flexible blades allows revealing a number of additional instability zones, which may have great significance. | |
Vereshchikov D. V., Kuznetsov A. D. Justification of military transport aircraft control automation in conditions of heavy cargo airlift delivery . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 121-128. Heavy cargo parachuting off an aircraft is the fastest wat to deliver it to the uttermost remote and hard-to-reach areas. However, the pilot faces difficulties steering an aircraft while discharging a heavy cargo, due to the aircraft center of mass considerable changes. This problem aggravates now for several reasons. Firstly, the weight increase of heavy cargo, armored vehicles in particular. Secondly, the increase of speed range and dumping heights. The possibility of an “air start”, i. e. a spacecraft airplane launching at high altitudes, as well as rescue vessels air drop is considered. A free drop from deck levels of 5 ± 2 m is rather difficult due to the earth immediate proximity. The possible solution to the piloting complexity problem consists in automation of this process. It is necessary to justify scientifically and methodologically the need and possibility of an aircraft control automation while heavy cargo extraction. Thus, the object of the study is the process of aircraft control while a heavy cargo extraction, and the subject of the study is its automation. The research task are as follows:
The need for flight control automation was proved based on the study of the MTA flight parameters violation of operating limitations while heavy cargo extraction and consideration of the factors affecting this process. The results of the analysis of the existing ways of the abovementioned problem solution and possible ways of flight control automation allowed develop adaptive control algorithms for aircraft control while heavy cargo extraction. It must be emphasized, that the detailed analysis of the abovementioned problem and rational ways of its solving under modern conditions were made for the first time and, furthermore, it seems expedient to carry out further studies on developing the automation technique based on adaptive algorithms with current identification. | |
Gelvig M. Y. Aircraft pilot outside world view charting technique . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 129-135. Sufficient outside world view fr om pilot’s flight station is one of the essential conditions of the safe and comfortable aircraft piloting, including a helicopter.
Horizontal and vertical look-up angles from the basic directional point C explicit numerical values are specified by regulatory documents, and by FAR-29 Aviation regulations in particular. The viewing field (VF) is usually represented for clarity in the form of chart Conventional view assessment methods, including measuring ones (in-situ and virtual with 3D-model), are considerably labor consuming, as they require a lot of measured results manual processing. Besides, with the input data alteration (such as basic directional point C position) all measurements must be repeated. The previous effort of this problem solution automation by means of 3D CAD Solid Works system resulted in successful graphic solution of VF plotting in polar coordinates. However, geometry conversion to rectangular coordinate system with the CAD system failed. To that end, an algorithm employing specially designed software was implemented. It led to the desired result. Nevertheless, the complexity of such solution makes this technique implementation quite a problem. The objective of the effort presented in the paper was the outside world view VF plotting graphic technique with only basic 3D CAD system available in the Company. The most challenging task while this technique developing was geometry convertion from polar to rectangular coordinates. This problem was solved in CAD NX 8.5 by successive projections on auxiliary vertical and horizontal cylinders with subsequent unfolding of these projections on plane. As a result, we have obtained a field of vision plot in rectangular coordinates. All constructions are fully associative. With input data alteration, the geometry reshapes automatically. We managed to solve the problem of normative field of vision boundaries on the crew cabins’ surface determination, based on reverse projection combinations VF normative field of vision boundaries convolutions in rectangular coordinate system. | |
Kovalevich M. V., Goncharov A. V., Gukov R. Y. Titanium alloys cylindrical components unevenness during pneumo-thermal forming. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 136-142. The main goal of the paper is determination the dependency of maximum thinning of the material from geometrical parameters during pneumo-thermal forming (superplastic forming — SPF) of various standard forms. This paper describes the data, obtained by studying the cylindrical shape components formation. To solve this problem, mathematical simulation of cylinders of various configurations of alloy VT20 was made with PAM STAMP 2G software package. The simulation was performed for the groups of cylinders with radius of R = 50 mm and thickness of S = 1 mm, and with radius of R =80 mm and thickness of S = 2 mm. The results of the simulation are presented by S’R’ diagram for various H’ values. The lines were constructed using linear approximation, and coefficients “a” and “b” were obtained for approximate lines. Also graphs a(H’) and b(H’) were constructed. Substituting the obtained values of coefficients a(H’) and b(H’) in the of the line equation, approximate expression was obtained for estimating minimum wall thickness for AMg6M alloy cylinders with R = 50 mm, R = 80 mm and cylinders with R = 80 mm from. As it is seen from the dependencies, these coefficients are approximately equal, which allows us to extend this dependency to other group of cylinders. The dependencies were tested with AMg6M alloy. Component thickness was measured by ICH-10 indicator. The experimental and simulation results revealed good convergence. After the cylinder simulation results analysis, recommending cylinder forming selection graph, depending on the required thinning [S/S0] Ч 100% was developed. This graph presents the recommendation for designers and technologists. Its main purpose is to simplify the design of components with optimal mass characteristics. The knowledge to what relative parameters area a component belongs would sate the design time. Thus, the following ratios for cylindrical components are considered optimal: 1. For zones with thinning greater than 78%, better apply molding or drawing. 2. For zones with thinning of 45-78% (0,1 < H’ < 0,75 и 0,05 < R’< 0,7) the best optimal solution SPF technology implementation. 3. For zones with thinning of 25-45% the better solution is to use pre-stretch for set of material from flange zone with following pneumatic forming. For zones with thinning of 16-25% (for components with H’ > 0,8 and R’ < 0,5) SPF technology implementation is not advisable. | |
Reznikov S. B., Syroezhkin E. V., Kharchenko I. A. Combined power-supply systems based on reversible rotary and static converters for Fully-Electrified-Aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 143-154. The realization of so-called “Fully-Electrified-Aircraft” concept (i. e. without any on-board air-powered and fluid drives) assumes a significant power increase of on-board main electric generator (up to 500 kW per a single power installation with two build-in high-speed generators). Up to date, cascaded-synchronous generators with brushless electromagnetic rotor excitation from synchronous cross-field exciter through uncontrolled rotating rectifier-exciter were traditionally used as the main electric generators (including starter-generators) with capacity range from 30 kW to 250 kW. Their essential drawbacks are as follows: – low reliability and significant rotor excitation system time lag; – structural complexity of salient-pole rotor design; – relatively small starting torque in starter (asynchronous) mode;
The cascade generator without constant rotary speed driving gear replacement by magneto-electric generator (with rotary permanent magnets) leads to the following complications:
– The necessity of implementing fast powerful emergency releaser on the drive shaft to provide armature-coil short circuit protection; – Significant structure oversize due to winding coil isolation strengthening with relatively high rotation speed to armature EMF ratio (more than 2-2.5);– The necessity to install a full-size (with respect to power) armature circuit static voltage regulator. Due to power pulse electronics as well as static power converters digital control systems development the electrical motor starter-generators without constant rotary speed driving gear alternative appeared, namely, asynchronous starter-generator with self-excitation in generating mode within small sliding range over armature circuit via high-performance transistor controlled sine- wave voltage inverter. With that, the excitation power in armature circuit (with insignificant sliding value up to 5-7%) is relatively small.The following positive moments should be taken into account for such alternative justification:
The last of the above-listed factors has significant limitations. That is why combined AC-DC power supply systems without constant-rotary-speed-driving gear assume usually parallel operation only for the channels with DC (rectified) voltage (270 V or 540 V) irrespective of the types of main generators. With such local sub-systems integration into common centralized power-supply system (270...540 V) with high specified total power (up to 1 kW) provides high quality electric power both in static and dynamic (transitional) modes. It seems a reasonable try to realize a trade-off (at least at the present time) combined system for AC-DC higher voltage power-supply system with separate main channels of higher power generating and distribution subsystems of three types fixed in the Russian State Standard “P 54073-2010”: 1) three-phase unstable (“floating) frequency AC voltage: 115/200V or 230/400V, 360-800Hz; 2) higher DC voltage: ± 270V or ± 540V; 3) three-phase stable frequency AC voltage: 115/200V or 230/400V, 400 Hz. As to separate classic backup low-voltage ( ± 27 V) DC power-supply sub-system with rechargeable battery regulated by Russian State Standard for low-voltage power consumers as well as backup electric-motor and/or convertor-invertor transducers — its presence, surely, is provided with any power-supply system version. While designing up-to-date high-performance on-board electronic and electrical system distinguished by their weight-dimension, reliability, value and operation- economical parameters the preference should be given to a unified modular power-scalable architecture. At that, the best effectiveness is obtained under corresponding circuit design selection for equipment modules with reversible (bidirectional) conversion, such as, buck/boost reversible switched mode converters (direct or transformer versions – 270/27 V); reversible rectifying-inverter converters with power factor correction (115/200 V – 0 ± 270V), reversible frequency converter (360...800 Hz/400Hz) and the others as well as multifunctional pulse converters. These preferences provide rather flexible adaptivity in various units, devices, assemblages and sub-systems upgrading. AC-DC combined power-supply system structures based on reversible electric-machine (starter-generator and engine-compensatory) and static (rectifying- inverter, inverter-rectifying and various-frequency) converters examined in this article successfully meet basic criterion that is submitted to a promising Fully- Electrified-Aircraft electrical equipment. The suggested circuit design for the main power-supply channels and converters seems to be suitable for A/M scalable systems of versatile modular architecture with high mass-energy, reliability and operation-economical effectiveness. It should be noted that such a circuit design is protected by Russian Federation priority. | |
Le D. T., Averin S. V. Switching algorithms optimization for vector pulse-width modulation inverters . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 155-164. Implementation of vector pulse width modulation (VPWM) for of aircraft electric motor drives systems converters becomes one of topical trends. VPWM nowadays found application in many branches of industry and manufacturing to provide the quality of various electric motor drive systems control. Depending on motor connection to the inverter method several options of developing the power stage of the inverter are possible. The paper presents the structures most frequently used in practice. VPWM realization with three-phase bridge is most expedient. To control voltages across motor windings with microprocessor unit it is necessary to connect control action with switching sequence of power switches by analytic expression. It is necessary herewith to bear in mind that power semiconductor devices switching does not happen instantaneously. To obtain optimal analytic expression we used the technique based on Karnaugh-Veitch maps. The paper presents Karnaugh maps and command word (CW) generation for a three-phase bridge corresponding to the specified switching algorithm. It shows Karnaugh map permitted transitions. To obtain necessary command word allowing through currents elimination we suggest implementation of additional vectors. The states of power switches corresponding to these vectors are also presented. The paper presets such vector generating sequences, where the through currents do not occur, as well as the states preventing motor discontinuous currents. Analysis of suggested algorithms was carried out using MATLAB. Computer model of VPWM is presented. Breadboard testing fully confirmed the efficiency of suggested algorithms. The obtained analytical expressions for switching algorithms command word generation allowed eliminate through currents, reduce speed fluctuation amplitudes and induction motor torque ripples, as well as motor drive response speed. | |
Schetinin V. E. Multi-cell inverters with even and odd power cells comparative analysis . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 165-174. The development of aviation technology gradually leads to increase of the on-board electrics and electronics number, including consumers of the first category, which are indispensable for the safe completion of the flight. In case of providing power from batteries, the issue of high-grade power delivery for vital consumers arises. As a candidate solution to the problem of inverter output power increasing we suggest to use multi-cell inverter comprising of several unit inverters, allowing distribute the total load. Besides, microcontroller implementation can result in better shape of the output voltage, increase of efficiency and weight and size characteristics reduction. The paper considers the technique of inverter output voltage generating according to an algorithm allowing approximate sinewave signal and provide equal loading of each unit inverter. Such an approximation allows increase the output voltage quality, reduce the size of each output filter, while the uniform load will allow unify the unit inverter and enhance the system flexibility in case of one of the components failure. For an odd number of inverter cells the amplitude of the approximated signal is identical to the reference sinewave and circumscribes the sinewave over its highest point. To provide a uniform load of all inverter cells, the author suggests divide each time interval of approximating voltage level into equal subintervals according to the number of inverter cells. With this, each voltage level is formed as a serial and parallel addition of the inverter cells voltages. This method of the inverter cells power switches commutation allows create scalable switched mode structures of multi cell inverters. Theoretically, the maximum number of inverter cells depends on the inverter cell power switch minimum switching time. The paper compares the simulation results obtained for inverters with even and odd number of power cells. The variant with odd number of cells dempstrated the best characteristics despite the lower number of unit cells. | |
Shlyaptseva A. D., Petrov I. A., Ryakhovskii A. P., Moiseev V. S. Modifying additives complex effect on AK12 alloy structure and mechanical properties. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 175-181. The paper presents the study of the effect on AK12 alloy structure and mechanical properties while subjecting its melt to complex modifying treatment with carbon-bearing Freon12 gas and salt compounds. Based on earlier obtained results, we sel ected K2TiF6, BaCO3 salt compounds and carbon (graphite) as modifying compounds. KA12 alloy processing with the sel ected compounds was performed both without and with its melt blowing-down by the above mentioned gas. Mechanical tests results and microstructure analysis revealed that the Freon-12 blowing-down makes modifying impact on AK12 alloy. The highest mechanical properties, and refining of ?-solid solution dendrites and refining of silicon particles in an eutectic is observed at simultaneous treatment of an AK12 alloy by the modifying salts (BaCO3 + K2TiF6 + C) together with Freon. The strength of the alloy equals to176 MPa, and relative elongation equals to 9,40%. Besides, the Freon blowing-down increases the modifying effect for the majority of considered flux compounds. The alloy AK12 treatment with Freon and salts (BaCO3 + K2TiF6) is most perspective, compared to the alloy modified only by salts (BaCO3 + K2TiF6). The strength increased fr om 162 to 188 MPa, and elongation - from 7,70 to 9,01%. Based on thermograms obtained while the melt treatment, surface morphology data and elementary composition of AK12 alloy treated with test compounds, we made a conclusion on the presence of carbon-bearing disperse particles similar in composition to aluminum and titanium carbides in threated with salt compounds (BaCO3 + K2TiF6) and Freon alloy. Those formed carbides can be additional crystallization centers in the melt due to dimensional and structural resemblance with aluminum crystal lattice. Analysis of the results of the carried on research revealed the perspective of carbon-bearing materials, and Freon 12 in particular, implementation as aluminum-silicon alloy modifiers. | |
Didyk P. I., Golikov E. A., Zhukov A. A. Film structure of aluminum-silicon alloy obtained by physical magnetron sputtering . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 182-185. Film structure of aluminum-silicon alloy (99% Al and 1% Si) obtained by physical magnetron sputtering was studied by electron microscopy and profilometry. The values of average aluminum-silicon alloy films with varying sputtering power, sputtering time and metal coating thickness were studied and obtained. With equal aluminum-silicon alloy films thickness, the sputtering time decrease results in alloy grains average size and quantity reduction. With power increase and sputtering time approximately twofold decrease the average grain size and number of grains per square millimeter decrease proportionally. The obtained grains size depends weakly on sputtering power and stays within the range of 290-330 nm with ± 7% precision. The average film grains size of aluminum-silicon alloy increases non-linearly approximately 25 times (from 20 nm to 500 nm) with film thickness of aluminum-silicon alloy increase from 0.2 mcm to 1.2 mcm due to sputtering time increase, which probably can be explained by substrate temperature rising due to of aluminum-silicon alloy condensation. The substrate temperature rise results in grain size increase. The grain size and their quantity are practically independent from sputtering power, but they depend on time of continuous residing in plasma burning zone and plates cooling efficiency. In vacuum, the plates surface has no time for cooling in the process of deposition, which leads to excessive ions mobility of sputtered material, grains formation and growth. The more time the plates reside in plasma burning zone, the higher the intensity of grains growth. | |
Skripko L. E., Yurkina E. S. Russian and International aerospace industry enterprises quality management systems specifics . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 186-191. Aerospace industry suppliers quality management systems (QMS) certification procedures differ substantially from each other at national and international levels. Depending on what objectives the organization requesting the audit pursue, it should decide on the type of the standard, against which to implement the QMS. It may be QMS the general standard ISO 9001, the industry standard AS 9100 or the military standard GOST RV 0015-002). It should decide also on passing conformity with QMS standards requirements certification, engaging either national or international certification body. The goal of this paper consists in considering the certification specifics at national and international levels and reveal their main advantages and disadvantages by comparative analysis, as well as work out recommendations on upgrading the certification effectiveness level at the national level. The results of analysis revealed that the certification procedures for compliance with the AS 9100 international standard are the most strictly regulated and controlled by the accreditation bodies, regulatory bodies and aerospace industry suppliers themselves. Such a level of control of certification procedures is possible due to a number of distinctive features of audits conducting for compliance with AS 9100industry standard. Firstly, while certification conducting in the aerospace industry the ICOP (Industry Controlled Other Party) scheme functions. ICOP is a conception, which assigns еthe right to control the suppliers to the representatives of the aerospace industry, certification bodies and accreditation bodies. Secondly, the results of audits, as well as information about all the participants of certification procedures (accreditation bodies, certification bodies, auditors and certified suppliers) is displayed in the on-line database OASIS (Online Aerospace Supplier Information System), which ensures the transparency of certification procedures. In addition, the aerospace industry is characterized by the high degree of involvement of all concerned parties in formulating the requirements for conducting audits. The listed specifics of aerospace industry supplies certification at the international level guarantee a high level of confidence in the issued international AS 9100 certificates. Accordingly, for the goals of company's development at the international level and for obtaining more customers, it makes sense for the aerospace industry suppliers to undergo certification for compliance with AS 9100 at the international certification bodies. Those conclusions could be used by Russians aerospace suppliers while selecting the certification body. The second application area of the paper results is the Russian certification and accreditation system. As for Russian certification bodies, to improve the efficiency of their operations, as well as increase the level of confidence in the issued national certificates, an important step consists in study and use of the experience of the international system of QMS certification in the aerospace industry, as well as the Russian accreditation body (Rosaccreditation) joining the joining the International accreditation forum and the ICOP scheme. | |
Novikov S. V. Business strategy goals and problems realization indices system development. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 192-199. The article is devoted to Russian corporations' competitive recovery realization in modern economic conditions. The authors study the issues of national hi-tech enterprises competitiveness by, among other things, these enterprises strategic plan indicators improvement. Complex analysis of modern administrative methods allowing optimize the production program of the enterprises based on improvement of the researches organizational technological level (OTL), design and production was carried out. The article defines organizational and methodological principles of optimal organization and production management system, and presents the developed model of optimal production and planning system model based on organizing and methodological principles and methods aimed at successful realization of goals and tasks of the enterprise. The authors formulated one of such methods, namely, a method of indicators optimization in conjunction with developing production OTL as follows: the conventionsl production OTL is determined by progressive norms and regulations, and optimal OTL is suggested for a specified program. The obtained optimal OTL indicators form the basis of developing and realization of production OTL modernization from the existing level to optimal. The authors present the method of strategic plan indicators optimization using adaptive economic and mathematical models with more details. They stressed economic efficiency of the introduced innovations while determining the enterprises' optimum production program including the suggested special standard coefficients, which adapt an abstract EMM to specific conditions of corporation development. It provides facilities for system and integrated approach while developing enterprise management strategy. | |
Protsenko E. V. Aviation mechanical engineering scientific production enterprise innovative projects risks assessment method . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 200-207. The authors have developed a scientific and production enterprise innovative projects risks assessment method. Difficulties of identifying risks of various types and a problem of their assessment are associated with the fact that Scientific Production Enterprises realize simultaneously a set of projects being at different stages of life cycle. In this regard, the authors offer the use the “risk portfolio”, which means the overall risk of innovative projects portfolio, which size does not exceed the appetite risk level accepted by the company. By “risk portfolio” assessment, the authors mean the process of identification and quantitative assessment of innovation projects portfolio realized simultaneously by the enterprise. The quantitative assessment procedure of risks stipulating the risk portfolio level is based on determining the value composing it by questionnaire survey of experts. The electronic questionnaire in MS Excel allowing obtain an integrated assessment of a risk event after entering certain data introduced by experts has been developed to assess the risks of innovative projects realized by the scientific and production enterprise. Thus, after risks levels assessment of the innovative projects realized simultaneously by the enterprise the possibility to determine the size of the risk portfolio becomes possible. Modeling of innovative projects realized by Scientific Production Enterprise risk portfolio state can be realized by creating a cognitive map. The method offered by the authors will allow control the size risk portfolio within the risk appetite level accepted by the enterprise. | |
Chaika N. K. Industrial park organization and economic forming mechanism based on production enterprise . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 3, pp. 208-217. The paper presents the analysis of the existing approaches to industrial parks forming. The analysis revealed that much attention is payed attention to this problem. The issues concerning industrial parks terminology and classification, their establishing criteria, structural elements, business legal structure and sources of financing are also tackled. However, mechanisms of an industrial park establishing and functioning are not considered. The industrial parks based on industrial enterprises forming assessment system, unity on terminology and industrial parks classification as well as a single mechanism of their forming, functioning and regulation on a statutable level are also missed. It should be noted that, in some cases, industrial parks present an effective tool for solving economic and social problems, as well as contributing to the development of Russias innovative potential. Theoretical and methodological basics of industrial parks based industrial enterprises forming are developed. The paper substantiates the possibility and actuality of industrial parks creation based on industrial enterprises. On the one hand, the need to solve socio-economic problems of regions, on the other hand, the presence of starting conditions for the industrial parks creation (production areas, equipment, financial capital). The paper suggests criteria allowing identify industrial enterprises as the territories with potential for industrial parks establishing potential. The purpose of industrial parks creation based on industrial enterprises consists in improving the competitiveness of products through the introduction of science-intensive technologies; diversification of production; development of knowledge-based industries; development of innovative entrepreneurship and infrastructure. The paper suggests the industrial park organizational and functional structure, including research and development block (research establishment, laboratories, and experimental design bureau), production unit (enterprise, manufacturing a product), infrastructure block (firms, engaged in financial, marketing, legal and other services). Industrial park fiscal system is suggested. The paper reveals the most important criteria for industrial park functioning:
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Panasyuchenko P. S., Artamonov B. L. Selection of tilting steering gear parameters and estimation of its implementation effectiveness for a single rotor rotary-wing structure. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 7-13. Modern advanced helicopter should have not only vertical take off and landing and hover capabilities but also high cruise speed and long range. Compound helicopter can reach high speed with the same engine power by optimal use of the main rotor, additional fixed wing and propulsion system. Producing lift wing reduces main rotor thrust required and prevents the retreating blade stall. Propulsion system thrust provides the fuselage optimum angle of attack when it does not produce negative lift and has minimum drag. One of the most effective ways to produce thrust at high speeds is tilting the tail rotor. In this case all the power from the main turboshaft engines will be used at hover and also at high speeds, shared between main and tail rotors. As an example the authors take single rotor helicopter with two VK-2500 turboshaft engines, additional 15 m2 wing, propulsion prop with 3.2 m diameter and 11900 kg take off weight. To reach maximum cruise speed (385 km/h) 2500 hp should go to the tail propeller which is 70% of all power produced. However, different blade washout is required at cruise speed flight (the longest flight mode) and hover for best performance of such a propeller. For this purpose at Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant flight simulator the most effective washout was determined. Because of additional wing and tail rotor tilting system compound helicopter is 400 kg heavier then a conversional one. But even with lower service ceiling (greater weight, negative wing lift at hover and more anti-torque rotor power required) it has 15% higher cruise speed and range which can be shown both at high and low flight altitudes with up to 13000 kg takeoff weight. | |
Akimov E. N., Balyk V. M. Outer set polynomial modeling in constructing an optimal type aircraft system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 14-23. The article considers a method of statistical synthesis of a distribution function of targets between various types of aircraft. It presents statistical samples, describing an optimal type aircraft system in large, as well as samples describing the function of target distribution.
The process of building of design and functional bindings that model aircraft systems at large starts from forming a statistical sample, which input data represents the characteristics of a goal set, while elementary functions of targets distribution by aircraft types are taken as intermediate characteristics. We accept the values of criterion of optimality as output data. This work assumes as criterion of optimality the cost of aircraft system. Intermediate characteristics have special meaningfulness when modeling aircraft systems.
According to the principle of mathematical model self-organization, at successive complexity increase of a model (in the course of the transition from a linear model to a square one and further to higher degree models) all external criteria pass through their minimum. It gives the possibility to obtain a model of optimal complexity, unique for each criterion. In self-organizing theory of complex systems models all basic algorithms for building models of optimal complexity are based on grouped account of arguments. Combinatorial algorithms appear effective for problem order no more than the specified sample size. For problems of higher complexity, such as designing systems for an optimal type aircraft, the multi-row algorithms become more effective. The perspective of multi-row algorithms should be noted, since, in principle, they are the prototypes of genetic algorithms, which allow solving simulation problems of with dimension of several thousand variables. However, whichever the algorithm is, it does not allow going beyond the framework of the specified class of basic functions. These algorithms increase only the complexity of the model within a specified basis.
With statistical synthesis employed in the paper the modeling algorithms are built in the way that provides the possibility in principle to obtain the models involving various basic functions.
This corresponds to the basic statistical synthesis concept, according to which the output data of the initial statistical sample is modified in a certain manner in the process of building of a mathematical model. This adjustment is carried out according to the conditions and requirements that the formed model should meet. Thus, at each stage of the mathematical model building we form the statistical sample inherent to it, and the inherent optimal system of basic functions corresponds to each sample.
The article presents the analytical models of the targets distribution function, which represent an approximation of statistics reported in terms of trigonometric polynomials.
The article considers the operation of statistical sampling reduction, which reduces the initial n — dimensional sample to n one-dimensional samples, and operation of inversion allowing obtaining the inverse sampling required for the formation of inverse functions. Based on these operations, build one-dimensional functional relationships between characteristic functions and outer target set characteristics presented in the form of trigonometric polynomials. The paper presents a simple, but at the same time effective way to meet the statistical functional limitations. This method is based on statistical sampling regularizing. It consists in replacing or eliminating fragments of statistical sampling, which do not agree with the specified limitations. | |
Trifonova T. I., Shelyukhin Y. F., Shukhovtsov D. V. A model of non-stationary aerodynamic longitudinal characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 24-41. Aircraft dynamics modeling at high angles of attack requires adequate reproduction of all forces and moments acting on the aircraft under these conditions. Until recently, accounting for the ambiguity (non — stationarity) of lifting force and pitch moment coefficients cy and mz dependencies causes difficulties due to the lack of simple enough mathematical models of this phenomenon. The problem is aggravated by the need to calculate the aircraft dynamics in real time, which is mandatory for the bench research and crew training simulators.
The paper considers the problem of developing mathematical model of such kind based on the data obtained by the results of the tests of the of twin-engine passenger plane of the traditional scheme model with the of OVP-102B installation, which reproduces the aircraft model angle of attack harmonic oscillations at different setting angles and frequencies.
Based on the analysis of dynamic dependencies cy(α,ά) and mz(α,ά) obtained as test results we proposed a rather simple model for the coefficients cy and mz calculation as a function of the current angle of attack α(t).
The model is based on the static dependencies of lifting force and pitch moment coefficients cy and mz conversion by the first order differential equation (aperiodic link) with time constant T depending on the angle of attack and its rate of change.
The paper presents the technique of the input parameters and time constant forming based on known cy(α) , mz(α) and α(t) dependencies.
The comparison of non-stationary characteristics computed by the model with the results of wind tunnel and flight tests confirmed the suitability of the developed model for computation and experimental research of aircraft dynamics at high angles of attack. | |
Masherov P. E. A cylindrical langmuir probe primary probe holder size effect on the results of local plasma diagnostics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 42-49. The purpose of this work was to study the primary probe holder of a cylindrical Langmuir probe relative size effect on the results of local plasma diagnostics. The primary probe holder radius, that should be far less than the electrons free path average length was the main subject of consideration in the presented paper, because it is the primary probe holder that is able to decrease the concentration of electrons and change other parameters of radiated plasma in the spots of its probing. It significantly affects the quality of local plasma diagnostics. Three types of cylindrical probes made of tungsten thread of 0.15 mm in diameter were used. All three probes were provided with probe holders of the same diameter of 1.6 mm. The idea of the work consisted in obtaining measurements from the probes of various lengths under equal impact of the primary probe holder, which increased surface, allocated near the probed area contributes to recombination of charged plasma particles on its surface, and, thus reduces the level of ionization equilibrium in the radiated plasma. The cylindrical probe of a certain length averages the parameters of plasma in its scope. The invariable local distortion of plasma parameters near the probe holder affects differently the measured results for probes of various lengths. The work employs such probe lengths range that allows point out their bound, outside which the disturbances of the considered type become less than the total error of probe measurements. The paper describes the experiment with HF induction (HFI) discharge in Xenon and probe measurements carried out using probe station Plasma Sensors VGPS-12. A number of technical features of VGPS-12 allows increase the accuracy of plasma diagnostics results, narrowing down, for example, electron density measuring error field to the value of about 10%. These features include: implementation of Dryuvesteyn method that does not require prior guesses on the shape of the electron energy distribution function in contrast to the other probe techniques; suppression of the most part of errors by protecting reference electrode with developed surface; probe surface cleaning by ion bombardment and HF current heating. The work is concluded by the analysis of the obtained results, allowing formulate recommendations on selection of the main sizes cylindrical Langmuir probes to ensure the acceptable plasma diagnostics accuracy. | |
Moshkov P. A., Samokhin V. F. Experimental determination of piston engine share in the light propeller aircraft power plant total noise. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 50-61. The article presents the results of experimental determination of the of the piston engine share in the total power plants noise of the light propeller aircrafts An-2 and Yak-18T, MAI-223M and MAI-890U, performed under static conditions at the local aerodrome. The article provides a brief overview of the mechanisms of noise generation by the aircraft piston engines. The power plant emission band consists of harmonic and broadband components. Its sources are piston engines and propellers. Based on measurements at several points of the acoustic far-field narrowband spectra we separated harmonic components emitted by the propeller from those emitted by the engine. Separation of the high-frequency component of the engine broadband noise against the background of the propeller whirligig noise appeared to beimpossible. The possible source of the dominant radiation is the turbulent wake behind the rotating blades. The important share of piston engine harmonic emission of the total emission power of engine-propeller power plant is experimentally revealed, and under lower engine operating modes An-2 and Yak-18T (at Mach circumferential propeller velocities less than 0.7) in particular. The paper presents the factors affecting the piston engine share in the total propeller power plant noise. It also studied the effect of nosing engine on acoustic power level of the engine fundamental tone. It was found that the nosing of the engine could be considered as one of the waysof the afield noise reduction of ultralight aircraft MAI-890U. We obtained acoustic emission patternsof piston engines typical for light aircraft. Aircraft ASh-62IR and ROTAX-912ULSengines emissioncharacteristic maximums correspond to the azimuth angles of 0° in the forward hemisphere and of 135-150° in the rear hemisphere. M-14P engine emissionis relatively even over the space in the direction angles of 60-120°. Typical minimum levels of engine noise observed on the axis of the crankshaft, i.e. in the direction of 0° in the forward hemisphere and 180° in the rear hemisphere. One can use these emission patterns in the future for the noise prediction models of aircraft piston engines. | |
Kozlov A. A., Avrashkov V. N., Borovik I. N., Chudina Y. S., Kozlov O. A. Two-stage reusable space transportation system implementing liquid rocket engine and scramjet demonstrator. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 62-70. The paper tackles the issue of effective space system design. The experience of developed countries proves that such transportation system may include hypersonic loop. The Faoulty of Flying Vehicles Engines in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) has developed the conception of the reusable space transportation system (STS) based on liquid rocket engine (LRE) and scramjet. The idea of using available stock of propulsion systems development forms the basis of the concept. Space Transportation System consists of two stages: the booster (first) stage and the orbital (second) stage. We plan to include RD-161P engine into the booster stage of the propulsion system. This engine is in progress at «Scientific-production association „Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko“». Orbiter has a dual-loop propulsion installation consisting of a scramjet and a low-thrust thrust (500 N) rocket engine. These engines are developed at the Faoulty of Flying Vehicles Engines in Moscow Aviation Institute. To select the fuel type for the use in space transportation system, we compared several fuel compositions that meet the environmental requirements, high efficiency and assimilation. As a result, we chose the fuel: high-concentrated hydrogen peroxide and kerosene. The successful flight of a returnable STS requires taking into account the effect of flight conditions on the flying vehicle control. We propose to create a demonstrator and simulate all phases of flight STS with the aircraft of significantly smaller size. The following demonstrator flight scheme is assumed: after orbital stage separation, the first stage continues moving along its ballistic trajectory. Parachute is ejected, and then at the height of 3km helicopter grabs the first stage. The helicopter delivers dry assembly to the launch pad for reuse. We conducted ballistic calculations and preliminary design studies. As a result, we obtained weight characteristics and the model of a demonstrator. Payload weight is about 4% of the take-off weight of a demonstrator. With an increase of take-off weight of an aircraft up to actual STS weight levels (100-200 tons), the aircraft placing into LEO payload efficiency reaches 10% of the take-off weight. Using well-known and calculated demonstrator performance we developed demonstrator flight control system: ground control post hardware and on-board equipment. Phases and modes of flight demonstrator are similar to space station Buran project. It facilitates the implementation of the existing stock and flight control algorithms. The developed concept of a two-stage reusable space transportation system is designed with two types of propulsion — LRE and scramjet, operating with high-concentrated hydrogen peroxide and kerosene. We suggest to use the demonstrator to make more precise the impact of flight conditions on the efficiency of STS. Calculations кreveal that the efficiency of the aircraft payload placing into LEO reaches 10% of the take-off weight. | |
Kalabuhov D. S. The study of ultralow power turbine with diagonal impeller work process features. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 71-79. The subject of the research is ultralow power turbine with axial nozzle set and diagonal impeller. The purpose of this work consists in improving the ultralow power turbine efficiency. The paper describes the features of the work process in ultralow power turbines with diagonal impeller based on the equations of momentum and energy. It also studies the effect of the impeller degree of bias and the ways of its meridian profiling on energy characteristics of nozzle set, the impeller and the turbine in whole, using numerical methods for viscous flow 3D modeling with ANSYS CFX. The results of the analysis are based on theoretical concepts of work process within the diagonal turbine impeller.
The author derived equations of flow radial balance and flow energy within the impeller of diagonal type. It was found that implementation of diagonal impeller rather than axial provides an effective solution. It allows increase of power efficiency of the turbine. The turbine efficiency at rating conditions with loading implementation of diagonal impeller rather than axial parameter YT
= 0,23, the rate of pressure reduction
Small size turbines with shaft power Nt = = 0.01...10 kW and working fluid flow
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Soe T. . The necessity of developing aircraft maintenance and repair centers at myanmar airports. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 80-91. The goal of this work consists in substantiation of creating the central maintenance and repair (M&R) system at Myanmar airports, and development the criterion of its breakeven. The author carried out retrospective analysis of aerodrome network and air transport in Myanmar. The conclusion is drawn about the necessity of creating technical maintenance and repair system, one of the main elements of integrated logistics support. The criterion, which must be followed while forming of such kind of system, was developed, and this criterion is system operation breakeven. This means that the M&R system total operating revenue over a calculation period has to be greater than M&R system total expenditure over the same period. Since the volume of proceeds is determined by the market of such type of services, minimization of M&R system costs should be the basis of this problem solution. This solution requires determine the compromise between aircraft designers (consideration of M&R system personality for each aircraft) and interests of air companies, reaching after reducing aircraft M&R costs upon observance of flight safety requirements. Creation of such network requires scientific substantiation given in this paper. The obtained results can be used while taking investment decisions related to the development of Myanmar economy. The deficiency of aircraft M&R may entail drastic consequences, such as poor condition of aircrafts and, consequently, increase in aviation accidents. It will lead not only to deterioration of air companies position domestically, but also will seriously affect the budget, for tourism is the most important revenue item of the country. The paper considers the problem of aircraft maintenance and repair at Myanmar airports. The paper reveals the deficiency of such system in Myanmar. For such system formation, we need to elaborate requirements to M&R system and Myanmar airports with allowance for airlines interests, form general criterion and constraint system. On their basis we should develop the maintenance and repair system for Myanmar airports. | |
Dunaev D. V. Analysis of expert evaluation methods use for planning ground development test of rocket technology products. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 92-99. This article presens the analysis of the of expert evaluation methods (EEM) implementation for planning ground development test (GDT) of rocket technology products. To do this, all necessary conditions for experts’ qualitative evaluation were considered and recommended EEM were sel ected. Multilevel EEM implementation is marked herewith, where the upper layer determines the order of experts’ polling — discussion (brainstorming, synectics, commission of experts and court), or questionnaire (Delphi method). While selection of low-level EEM is determined by the specific practical problem. To simplify GDT optimal planning all products are sorted according to qualification status (corresponds to qualification method). Then selection of types, test categories to develop the required operation characteristics and their sequence for each assembly unit is carried out (corresponds to scenario methods or PATTERN, forecast graph). The problem of selection and assortment of the necessary types, categories of tests is just the most complex one during GDT plan elaboration. It is suggested to solve this problem by the selection of the appropriate product-analog (corresponds to Churchman-Akof method) with allowance for its performances, as well as a product (assembly unit) requiring optimization. This will reduce the duration and cost of GDT planning phase. Further development of the assembly unit optimization plan for those operation characteristics that differ fr om the characteristics of the prototype, types and test categories are determined by any of the recommended EEM (mostly by scenario methods and brainstorming). Thus, as a result of the multi-level application of EEM, it is possible to elaborate an experimental development optimal plan in terms of minimization of material and time resources. | |
Zhigastova O. K., Pochukayev V. N. Automated flight planning software complex for unmanned spacecraft database. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 100-109. The article considers the database (DB) designed for software complex of automated flight planning for unmanned spacecrafts (SC) [1]. This DB is meant for storing data for flight planning complex, as well as exchanging data with other complexes of the Mission Control Center (MCC) and the external organizations involved in the spacecraft control process. The method under consideration for developing a database involves the use of a relational database architecture. A relational database presents all data in rows and columns of the table. Areas of tables allocation are called table space. Apart fr om these tables they also contain indexes, notations, constraints, rules, default settings, triggers, stored procedures, user-defined functions and data types. The above listed elements are the objects of the database that are used for its building. The unmanned spacecraft automated flight planning database is structurally divided into four table spaces. The first contains information about the space-time state of the spacecraft. The second contains data necessary to solve the problems of automated planning and its automated checking procedure. The third is the archive of data exchange between software complex of automated flight planning and MCC complexes. The fourth stores output data, transport files and receipt tickets generated in the course of the exchange with the MCC complexes and external organizations involved in spacecraft control process. All DB tables are arranged in accordance with hierarchical structure. We use two types of tables: table header and their subordinates. The header table contains general information and characteristics of the object, such as the composition of spacecraft groups or ground stations that provide control, while subordinate ones contain specific data structure of the spacecraft equipment, lists of commands, the types of tools used during the sessions. The database has been designed to integrate the individual elements of unmanned spacecraft automated flight planning into a unified complex. It presents the link between the complex software modules and provides their interaction with each other and with MCC complexes. The outcome of the work led to the development of unmanned spacecraft automated flight planning software complex Database. The proposed structure of the database allowed arrange data, set forth its hierarchy, provide storage and access to data and support data integrity. The cre ate d database allowed simplify the separate software modules interrelation procedure of the automated flight planning complex and MCC complexes, providing multistream data access as well as simplifying the search for necessary information. The developed Database was implemented at MCC as a part of an automated spacecraft flight planning software complex. It saw used in the course of flight control of a spacecraft of scientific and socio-economic purpose. The automated flight planning for unmanned spacecraft software complex Database can be used for automatic spacecraft of scientific and socio-economic purpose control.
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Brusov V. S., Nefedov L. V., Lishchinskii M. A. Unmanned solar energy powered air vehicle climbing along quasi-cyclic trajectory optimization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 110-117. The capabilities of modern photovoltaic transducers form the performances of the solar energy powered UAV. Solar energy ensures the flight at low speeds. High-altitude flight allows avoid the impact of clouds and provides a large view scope. High-altitude flight is carried out within the high kinematic viscosity environment that significantly reduces thereby the Reynolds number. An important feature of the aircraft consuming solar energy to maintain its flight consists in specific range of flight heights and speeds, characterized by low Reynolds number. These flight conditions are associated with non-linear dependence of aerodynamic characteristics from the incidence angle, which complicates the use of traditional methods to optimize the flight path. The flying vehicles of such kind require the technique allowing optimize the flight path with allowance for these features. The proposed climbing trajectory optimization method partitions the optimization process into two stages. The first stage consists in flight parameters region characterization, guaranteed to exceed the specified value, while the second stage is the stage of trajectory providing minimum power consumption search. The search for the trajectory allowing minimum power consumption is carried out by the direct numerical method, without characteristics linearization. Such an approach allows optimize climbing trajectory of the aircraft having non-linear aerodynamic characteristics, peculiar to the flight at low Reynolds numbers. We obtained climbing trajectories with allowance for Reynolds number and without it. The results show that energy consumption while climbing with allowance for non-linear aerodynamic characteristics are about 4% higher than the results obtained without the regard of those non-linarites. This may cause the energy shortage for flight support and lead to multi-day mission failure. Optimization of high- altitude solar energy powered UAV flight path requires regard of Reynolds number effect of aerodynamic characteristics. The flight paths computation of the UFVs of such kind is worthwhile to carry out by numerical methods, stable to aircraft aerodynamic characteristics non-linarites. | |
Arutyunov A. G., Krivichenko Y. O., Medvedev A. S., Orlov V. S. On-board equipment complex architecture for prospective transport aircraft. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 118-124. The article presents the structure of the on-board radio-electronic equipment that meets modern international requirements of CNS/ATM conception and is based on integrated modular avionics (IMA) principles. Implementation of IMA conception allows provide high reliability, enhanced functionality and compliance with modern requirements to on-board radio-electronic equipment. Architecture of the on-board equipment includes computer complex, description of information for flight deck information management field and software applications. The computational part of the complex project includes the contents and datasheet of computing blocks, as well as the contents and designation of mezzanine modules, which perform special functions and determine functionality of the crates. The flight deck information management field arrangement corresponds to modern allocation schemes of information consoles and allows provide their effectiveness and ergonomics. This field consists of five 15’’ multifunction displays, two head-up displays and two Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) data tablets for the pilot and co-pilot. The article presents the description of and information frames distribution over multifunction displays. The article outlines the on-board equipment functions executed by software applications while IMA conception realization. Functional software realizes all modern communication, navigation and surveillance functions. The software applications are executed by the computation complex crates. The article suggests the applications distribution over the crates according to their functionality. The proposed project of on-board equipment complex differs from the existing ones in large state integration of IMA systems, realizing functions of automated control systems, flight-control-navigation and radio-communication equipment. The project of on-board equipment complex for prospective transport airplane presents scalable multifunction fault-tolerant complex corresponding to the requirements for transport category aircraft, and meeting the prospective ICAO requirements to air traffic navigation and control. | |
Rybaulin A. G., Sidorenko A. S. Tensity and endurance of a structure with discrete weld bonding under stationary random vibrations. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 125-137. Discrete weld bonding are zones of increased stress concentration, formed due to heating non-uniformity during welding process and significant difference in mechanical characteristics of a metal in weld junctions from those of a parent material. Under repeated loading action the occurrence of fatigue fractures evolved between weld materials at the contour of a weld point is most probable. The fatigue endurance of the structures with weld bonding is determined, for the most part, by the stressed state dynamic characteristics at local zones of weld points. To obtain the proper durability estimation of such kind of structures one should define stressed state dynamic characteristics with allowance for its essential spatial non-uniformity and local changes in material properties. The paper presents the technique and results of a structure with spot-welded joints subjected to random vibration probabilistic characteristics computation using finite elements simulation. Simulation of the dynamic stress state was executed for the structure under random kinematic loading conditions with the specified power spectral density function of acceleration. To substantiate the correctness of the simulation of spot-welded joints the authors studied by computation the samples of spot-welded joints, tested for static strength under tensile and shearing, and plotted vibrating stress spectral characteristics for various points of the structure. Zones and levels of maximum stresses were determined. Features of dynamic stress state in welded joints were revealed. Estimations of specific damageability and mean longevity of welded joints under various theories of accumulation of fatigue damages were obtained. The attribute of the study consists in detailed modelling of dynamic stress state at welded joint considering significant changes of the properties of the parent material over spot weld cross section. The properties of the material at spot weld local zones are determined based on micro-hardness yield stress empirical dependences. The developed technique and numerical simulation results can be applied to assess the vibration strength of thin-walled structures with discrete welded connections. | |
Okunev V. S. Improving accuracy of non-rigid component parts surfaces positional relationship while manufacturing. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 138-148. The article touches upon the methods allowing increase the precision of non-rigid cylindrical parts processing. When producing non-rigid component parts, the work pieces processed surfaces deformations subjected to the forces are scaled to machining tolerance values, which leads to the occurrence of processing errors related to it. The article tackles the issues of finding deformations of non-rigid work pieces walls during mechanical processing, depending on cutting operating conditions, to optimize the manufacturing process and enhance accuracy. We suggest calculate the work pieces surfaces deformation under the impact of the cutting force by using the finite-element method and the elasticity theory provisions. As a check on the possibility of using the finite-element method to calculate deformations while processing non-rigid cylindrical work pieces, it is necessary to have an analytical checking solution. We examined such solution based in the general thin-walled shells design theory. The paper consists of three main sections. The first section presents a detailed calculation of deformation due to cutting force impact while non-rigid cylindrical work pieces processing according to the general thin-walled shells design theory by the example of a thin-walled cylinder. The necessary reference data to determine cutting operating conditions are included. The second section deals with the calculations based on the finite-element method. It gives appropriate recommendations to improve thin-walled parts computational accuracy and demonstrates the graphic solution results obtained with Abaqus and Ansys programs. This section considers the selection of finite elements for thin-walled machine parts calculation as well. The calculation results are compared with the results obtained by the exact analytical solution. This section considers the possibilities of calculations based on contact method of cutting force estimation and other cutting parameters with Abaqus and Ansys program module. A conclusion on poor computation accuracy and impossibility of its implementation for the problem under consideration solving was made. The paper gives recommendation, allowing correction of technological process parameters at the stage of process design, with due regard for non-rigid work pieces processing errors due to their surfaces deformation caused by cutting force. It considers the possibilities of the presented computations automation based on the finite elements method for various kinds of geometry and design features of component parts. | |
Kaz'min A. I. Phasor technique for measuring physical parameters and defect detection of radar absorbent and composite materials. Measuring and computing system for its implementation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 149-159. Experimental studies of properties of radio absorbent materials and coatings to solve the problem of aviation complexes radar visibility reduction hold a unique position. Foreign and domestic proves that without development of laboratory and testing site base achieving sound results on this issue is impossible. One of the main problems of experimental research within the framework of the problem of the radar signature reduction is the study of physical parameters of radio absorbent materials. The purpose of the research is to develop a new measuring technique of radio absorbent and composite materials complex permittivity. The method consists in measuring signals in orthogonal channels of a receiving device (special horn antenna) as the ratio of voltage and phase difference. For a specified voltage ratio and phase difference, we introduce such notion as “phasor”. Phasor modulus and its phase angle characterize real and imaginary parts of a material complex permittivity. This technique demonstrates improved accuracy due to account for the imaginary part of permittivity. A special horn antenna allows increasing the penetrating power of electromagnetic waves and reduce the “effective” radius of the field interaction zone with the material. The antenna consists of a dual H-waveguide, two orthogonally arranged two receiving and two transmitting dipoles. The paper presents measuring and computing system implementing the abovementioned method. The system consists of measuring system, mathematical support and software. The results of experimental research of different dielectric materials, including samples of radio absorbent and composite materials are presented. Experimental studies confirm the high accuracy and sensitivity of the developed technique. The “phasor” technique can be effectively used for studying physical parameters of existing and prospective models of radio-absorbent and composite materials for aviation complexes. | |
Zhidik Y. S., Troyan P. E., Voronyuk E. E. The study of electrochromic materials for viewports with dynamic shadowing implementation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 160-166. The purpose of this work is to study and compare the characteristics of electrochromic devices based on inorganic materials, such as WO3 и Fe4(Fe(CN)6)3 for using in passenger cabin viewports with dynamic shadowing. The study of various electrochromic devices structural variants based on these materials revealed that the structure configuration based on Fe4(Fe(CN)6)3 allowed obtain the most effective result. Moreover, device characteristics such as the transition time to colored state and the transmittance in the bleached state deteriorate with increasing thickness of the electrochromic layer due to deceleration Fe3+ ions reduction to Fe2+ ions. The optimal variant of electrochromic device was the device with the electrochromic coating thickness of 400 nm, which transmittance in the visible range varies from 68 to 21% when the potential difference of 1.5 V was applied for 3 seconds. With the electrolyte concentration increase, the coloring / bleaching time was found to be increased due to reduced velocity of the ions, caused by the increase of the Coulomb interaction between the ions of the electrolyte. The best coloring / bleaching time was obtained by using 1 M KCl solution. Ease of operation, low power consumption, and high-speed dimming should be noted when such devices are implemented for passenger cabin portholes dynamic shadowing. The major shortcoming of inorganic electrochromic devices today is the limited number of coloring / bleaching cycles. Due to this, the inorganic electrochromic devices are almost completely ousted from the market by electrochromic devices based on liquid crystals and polymers (Pdlc). A disadvantage of the devices based on liquid crystals (Pdlc) is that they have only two states: fully transparent and fully shadowed, which eliminates the continuous adjustment of the device. Thus, electrochromic devices based on inorganic materials have a great potential for development and competition in the market of electrochromic devices, one of which is passenger cabin portholes with dynamic shadowing. | |
Prokof'ev M. V., Zhuravlev S. Y. The study of nano-dispersed graphite particles size and shape effect on electrical conductance and thermal resistance of carbonaceous coating. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 167-174. This work is devoted to the study of activated graphite structural characteristics and coatings on mineral fibers. It considers metallized coatings obtained by fabric vacuum spraying-up as an alternative to carbon coatings, and examines their properties, advantages and disadvantages. By the time variation of the preliminary grinding, temperature and oxidation time the optimal conditions of chemical activation of graphite powders and particles with high particle diameter to thickness ratio were determined. Physical characteristics and thermal resistance of coatings on basalt and glass fibers were determined using various techniques of colloid graphite particles aqueous and alcohol dispersions current-conducting material coatings. Basalt fibers over glass ones substantial advantages, such as adhesion reduction due to acid nature of graphite activation, were revealed herewith. By X-ray structure analysis and laser diffraction technique, we determined the original graphite pastes characteristics and found that graphite particles sizes and anisotropy parameters had decisive impact on the possibility of thermal shockproof radar absorbent materials formation. The X-ray structure analysis data allows make the main conclusion confirming the well-known fact that in the process of graphite powder high temperature activation the structural compression of a material and partial burnout of amorphous component occurs. According to coatings microstructure study by scanning electronic microscopy we can conclude that the films are formed by carbon particles agglomeration (flaking plates). The paper considers various types of chemically activated graphite, which have vital structural and morphological differences. They can be formalized by the relationship of a flat particle diameter to its thickness. The possibility of obtaining thermal shockproof coating by impaction of particles with high anisotropy, i. e. planar size to thickness ratio was revealed. The volumetric radar absorbent carbon materials of a composite fiber texture studied in the paper, which are either thermal shockproof or stable to high power electromagnetic emission, can be implemented for protection and electromagnetic compatibility provision of airspace electronic equipment. Radar absorbent carbon materials are stable under conditions of vacuum and radioactive impacts. | |
Kirillov V. Y., Klykov A. V., Tomilin M. M. Aircraft steering gear system current amplifier transients simulation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 175-184. During the last three decades, the design effort is being concentrated on realization of more all-electric aircraft concept. We can assign to this class the planes incorporating, either power hydraulic or pneumatic actuators for energy-intensive installations control, or electric motor drives controlling various functional objects, such as steering rudders. Nowadays the research effort is focused on two types of drives design — electromechanical and electric hydrostatic drives. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated herewith by electric drive motors in the form of electromagnetic fields may affect the operation of aircraft on-board equipment which, in some cases, causes failures. Furthermore, electric drive modules represent receptors of external radiated and conducted interference, which may distort control signals, formed by microcontroller and, hence, conducted EMI in motor windings in the form of phase currents transients. Thus, it is necessary to know the levels of motor phase currents, occurring during various transients, to provide normal operation of the dive and evaluate electromagnetic environment within the aircraft interior. The goal of the paper consists in the analysis of the phase currents transients occurring in the steering drive system (SDS) motor, based on the results obtained by computer simulation in OrCad 9.2. The paper presents waveforms of phase currents in motor windings, obtained with OrCAD simulation. The phase currents levels in actuating motor windings may be about 1.5 times greater than their rated values while operating mode variation. The above said currents and the EMI they induced in the form of electromagnetic fields affect the electromagnetic environment within the interior volume and are of serious hazard to electronic equipment of either SDS, or to aircraft on-board equipment. The presented paper is a part of research on calculation and simulation of electromagnetic interference caused by the transients in current amplifier of an aircraft SDS motor. | |
Bibikov S. ., Maltsev A. A., Koshelev B. V., Zudov K. A., Kudrov M. A. Promising energy accumulators - supercapacitors: operation principle and implementation for aerospace engineering. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 185-194. The purpose of the paper is to disclose the potentialities for improvements of supercapacitors, or so called ionistors, characteristics — one of the most promising types of energy storage devices along with expansion of their implementation area in aerospace engineering. Based on the analysis of the theoretical and experimental research results published by the developers in this area, as well as original studies, the authors present several ways of improvement of supercapacitor characteristics, first of all, their charge capacity and accumulated energy. It is proposed in particular to optimize the structure and the material of the electrode. For electrodes based on nanodispersed layered graphite structures the authors show the necessity and possibility of the availability of nanoporous electrode surface for electrolyte ions consideration. Another approach for increasing capacitance is a rational choice of an electrolyte. Different variants of aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes, as well as solid electrolyte are analyzed in the paper. Advantages and drawbacks of various types of electrolytes are shown. To increase the energy accumulated by ionistors as well as extend the voltage range it is proposed to use non-aqueous electrolytes and create «nonsymmetrical» ionistors with redox process involved. Experimental testing of identical supercapacitor cells with different electrolyte solutions and their mixtures showed that the mixture of acetonitrile and ethylene-carbonate provided the best set of supercapacitor parameters (specific capacitance, self-discharge resistance and series resistance). The authors carried out additional testing of supercapacitor cells of various constructions with standard domestic electrodes and electrolytes to evaluate the rate of degradation process. Supercapacitors with multilayer axial structure demonstrated the highest parameter stability. Comparative analysis of superacapacitors characteristics produced by Russian and foreign manufacturers was carried out. Possible areas of supercapacitor implementation in aerospace engineering were studied with allowance for the peculiarities of their characteristics (high specific power and relatively small discharge time). Supercapacitors can be effectively used for various short-term power applications, drives, etc. in combination with other power sources. We suppose that developing power sources for unmanned aerial vehicles can be the most efficient area of implementation of superconductors. | |
Tihonov A. I., Silant'eva E. A. Key aspects of defense industry complex enterprises innovative development. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 195-199. The purpose of this work is to define the role of organizational and resource support for innovative development of defense industry complex (DIC) enterprises, and rocket engine industry in particular. To achieve the purpose the authors analyzed the DIC contribution to innovative development of the country, identified the main areas of DIC current and strategic development, and revealed the key aspects of leading enterprises innovation development. Currently the Russian Federation faces dual challenge, namely, launching innovative development mechanisms and raise a level of national security in military, economic, technological and other spheres. A solution of the above-mentioned problem is possible through intensification of development of defense industry complex, which concentrated considerable innovative potential. Implementation of this potential can activate innovative processes in the economy in large. In our opinion the main trends of DIC current and strategic development, are as follows: — firstly, to determine the most efficient trends of innovative development of high-tech industrial production and further search for the reserves and factors stimulating DIC innovative development and national economy as a whole; — secondly, to improve resource support, i. e. the system of coordination of legal, organizational, technical, financial and economic, scientific, technological and human resources at all levels of governmental and business activities. Resource support should be based on its consideration as a system, i. e. a group of elements (financial, labor, material, manufacturing resources etc.) organized in such a way that they are able to interact in block to achieve certain goals. The paper also analyzed the activity and the main documents regulating innovation activities at one of the leading rocket engine industry enterprises — NPO “Energomash named by Academician V.P. Glushko”. The analysis revealed that within the framework of unit power rocket liquid propellant jet engines for primary and second stages world market sector “Energomash” products has no business rivals. In this respect, the main goal of the innovative enterprise development means improving the competitiveness and economic efficiency of “Energomash” activities, guaranteeing the status of the enterprise, as one of the sectorial leader in the world market. This goal can be achieved by proper resource supporting of Innovative Development Program. “Energomash” personnel potential development is defined as a key factor of innovative development of the enterprise. The authors herewith analyzed the current personnel structure and revealed the tendencies of personnel support of the enterprise. | |
Troshin A. N., Semina L. V., Nikolenko T. Y. Innovative activities organization specifics on the example of the aviation company. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 200-207. Under conditions of innovative economy development scientific-and-technological advance, information technologies, wide spread occurrence and implementation of innovations become the main factors of social and economic development. Innovative orientation is an integral characteristic of modern economy. Factors affecting innovative activities are miscellaneous, but cooperation of enterprises with different companies, research organization, corporations and development institutions should be noted. Highly professional team and a new product are of great importance. Innovative activities of an enterprise should be considered in two ways: on the one hand, it is the result, presented in the form of new products or technologies; on the other hand, it means introduction of products, principles and approaches replacing the preceding ones at the enterprise. It leads to lower production costs, considerably improves consumer properties and quality of the product, and allows meet the growing needs of buyers in the market. The effectiveness of aviation industry enterprises activities does not consist in savings on the scope and the search for inexpensive resources, but in timely responding to the changes in the external environment. Only the enterprises that are able to adapt their internal environment to external changes without detriment to their activities can hold their competitive position in the domestic and world markets. The article discusses the issue of maintaining competitiveness through adaptation measures to changes in external environment. The efficiency of the processes during such changes at the enterprise depends on presence of its potentialities, which are determined by production, financial, investment, marketing, personnel, information, resource and scientific and technical potentials. We define the specific features of innovative activities implementation for enterprises of aviation industry. This article presents the example of organization of conditions for for linear friction welding innovative technologies implementation at the enterprise PJSC “Ufa engine industrial Association”. The paper considers the system of innovative development of an enterprise, as well as possible improvements and the impact of external and internal factors in the process of implementing innovative technologies. The main conclusions consist in the following: under conditions of the external environment dynamism, developing enterprises must constantly perform internal restructuring to adapt to it, to remain competitive during the strategic period. With that, the project review at various options, and considering all risks is necessary. | |
Leonov A. G., Dovgodush S. I., Petrovskii V. S. On a system approach to space equipment design and implementation organization in projects of international cooperation. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 208-216. Realization of the system approach to cooperation of a parent enterprise of space equipment developers to the rational solution of multidimensional applied problems of the organization and carrying out international cooperation in space activities from positions of development, production and operation of space equipment is considered. The attention is drawn to the feature of the international space cooperation associated with the need of creation of conditions for its carrying out in all spheres of the state activity. Not only scientific, technical and economic, but also political, defense and social spheres are involved. For support of rational decisions adoption in such a complicated and multilevel process of options formation, their productivity forecasting and selection of rational decisions, one needs to invoke scientific methods of the system analysis. At the same time, the problem of non-systematized use of numerous system methods that negatively affect the adequacy of decisions by the target is revealed. Based on experience of the parent scientific and production enterprise engaged if creation of complex system developments and its participation in MTC, we suggest the model of display of the studied subject in spheres of the state activity. The model encompasses the following: legal basics of the international cooperation, questions of a partner in the international cooperation selection, creation of criteria of efficiency of cooperation taking into account efficiency and safety, the organizational and administrative principles of the development realization at the level of parent enterprise of the project joint participants cooperation. The model of competitive price formation with allowance for target efficiency and advantages of production of cooperation compared to analogs relating to the tasks and other interests of the importer state is offered. The presented material is based on the experience of concrete realization of the stated system approach of JSC NGO of Mechanical Engineering Military Industrial Complex, parent enterprise of cooperation, in the course of organization and handling of work in the field of military and technical cooperation at creation of rocketry, as well as the international cooperation in space area at creation of systems with radar supervision KA. | |
Novikov S. V. Structural transformations problems of modern corporations and enterprises. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 217-227. The authors of the paper under consideration study the issues of domestic high-tech enterprises competitive stability ensuring, and through consideration of their structural reorganization in particular. Complex analysis of problems of large corporations, such as bulging executive personnel, decision making procedure foot-dragging, decline in efficiency of associations and their response to the market requests was carried out. As a result, the response to the market requests decline limits the growth potential. Under economic conditions of Russia, it leads to market sectors loss. Besides, under conditions of Russian developing market and a large quantity of imported products in the market, the enterprises of bulky structure would appear uncompetitive in the absence of qualitative restructuring. The paper enlights the problems of Russian corporations and enterprises of micro-level management at the present stage of economic development, particularly, modern organizational structures of management (OSM) correspondence to the requirements of the new stage of economic development and states their improvement guidelines. It examines OSM relationships and existing market; analyzes the organizational and economic mechanism of corporate relationships with subsidiary enterprises, affiliates and organization departments, and offers recommendations for its improvement. The paper suggests an engineering model for improving the goals and policies on various levels of management in conjunction with their target trend. The authors solved low-level problems concerning ensuring management of higher levels goals and policy by implementing the concept of «matrix-diagonal management structure». They suggest use it when developing OSM for scientific production associations (corporations), where production departments are vertical elements, while horizontal elements are executive personnel of systems production and scientific and technological support. A number of functions herewith, where the functions of subdivisionы and executives intermingle, are performed by diagonal elements. Thus, the paper considers vital issues of an enterprise operation organization, their problems, wiсh hinder rate of economic growth at present, and keep on sticking for the most part to command-and-control methods of management, rather than economic. It leads to technical and economic slowdown. This paper has scientific and practical value for radio industry enterprises aircraft engineering trend. | |
Kaloshina M. N., Chemerisova A. V. The concept of estimation of labor potential effect on sustainable development of the aerospace industry enterprise. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 2, pp. 228-235. The paper presents the concept of estimation of labor potential effect on sustainable development of aerospace industry enterprise that includes three basic phases: Phase 1: Airspace industry enterprise labor potential structure analysis. Phase 2: Analysis and selection of aerospace industry enterprise activities that depend on specifics of aerospace enterprises and labor potential characteristics. Phase 3: Evaluation of the enterprise cost with allowance for labor potential effect on its sustainable development. Phase 1 starts with selection of sustainable development indicators of the enterprise, analysis of the enterprise specifics, methods and approaches to estimating the enterprise’s labor potential and factors affecting it. At the first phase the optimum system of criteria for the particular enterprise according to the selected groups, as well as integrated estimated figures are formed. At the second phase of the concept we reveal and select such performance indicators of the enterprise, which depend directly in a greater degree on labor potential and in a lesser degree on indirect and background factors. The authors selected two indicators: “product cost” and “enterprise cost”. At the third phase the total cost of an enterprise is estimated within the framework of three approaches (extravagant, comparative and profitable) with allowance for sustainable development basic factor — labor potential. As a result of structural transformations in the industry by the example of Scientific-Production Association “Saturn”, structural changes policy was formed for each of selected trends based on changes of labor potential quantitative and qualitative indicators: staff personnel, fixed-capital assets, raw material stock and taxes. | |
Zakharov I. V., Trubnikov A. A., Reshetnikov D. A. Program-methodic system for the impact of guided aircraft missile of «air-to-air» class technical state on its guidance accuracy . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 9-18. Reference [1] presents scientific and methodological basics for technical condition (TC) assessment of a guided aircraft air-to-air missile (GAAAM) guidance-system (GS). For this purpose new concepts of functional hardware capabilities and military potential of the missile were introduced, including the aggregate quality indicators, determinant of which is the missile terminal miss. This article describes the tool and methodology to study and quantify the influence of GAAAM TC on the accuracy of its guidance, which can be used to implement the methodology described in Reference [1]. As a research tool the program-methodical system (PMS) was developed. Fundamentally, this system realizes complex mathematical models simulating targeting an aerial target (TAT). With that, on the assumption of the volume and the depth of problems at hand, synthesis of the PMS and methodology for the impact assessment of the GAAAM TC on the accuracy of its targeting, involves the solution of a given problem in restricted sense and in a wide one. The synthesis of this problem in a restricted sense is regarded as the accessible development tools (analytical tools) to study the required process or a specific object in a small area of varied parameters. In this form a similar PMS and the methodology were developed in [2]. Further it was tested in the thesis and several research papers. In a wide sense, synthesis of the estimation method involves solving of a set of interrelated problems within the framework of the multifactor experiment (MFE) with the large dimensionality of initial data for objects research and processes investigated. It includes a wide range of initial simulation conditions and the simultaneous action of several different factors affecting the results of the MFE. New modules were introduced in the developed PMS, including a module for the initial conditions setting for mathematical simulation of the guidance process based on approximate analytical dependencies. In addition, the additional cross-feedback connections were introduced and also a set of competing models were considered. The outcome of the experiment caused by a number of other factors independent from each. Among them, we can highlight the following factors: types of used guided aircraft missiles (GAM); current technical condition of a used one, the type of a target and its flight performance (FP); the type and nature of enemy air target counter-effort to attacking missile; the GAM carrier type and its performance; the nature of air vehicle combat and the engagement nature with the target; the specific initial conditions of the GAM start-up onto the target. In this regard, in PMS we applied five classes of modules to generate the initial MFE data, implemented by databases technologies: modules, determining technical condition of subsystems of GAMs; the modules that define the type of the target; the modules that define the GAM carrier type; the modules that form the initial conditions of combat use, the modules forming the end of the MFE simulation. The PMS is based on a complex of mathematical models for GAM aiming at a target process, including a model of a target movement, the model of a GAM as an object of control (OC), as well as a set of models of the GAM guidance system as OC. The specified models form a guidance loop, closed through the equations of the relative motion of the missile and a target (RMMT). Complex mathematical models of the GAM aiming process at the targets is realized in the programming environment Borland C++. Based on simulation results obtained with PMS for fixed conditions of combat use of GAM we obtained GAM and target motion trajectories; time depending functions of the change of the phase coordinates of the process of missiles homing at the target; 3D-functions of the quality indicator dependence from the two varied control parameter. | |
Gusev V. G. Optimization of the wing unloading of a medium-range passenger aircraft . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 19-25. The features of a wing design of the modern medium-range passenger aircraft are considered. The main design deficiency of the classical single-fuselage scheme of the aircraft influencing the mass of a wing is the centrally located fuselage. The significant bending moment evolving thus in the wing root section is defining in weight calculations of its design. The configuration version of the twin-fuselage passenger airplane with a passenger capacity, identical with the single-fuselage airplane prototype, is offered. One of features of such configuration of the aircraft is presence of two instead of one fuselages with the pressurized cabins isolated from each other allowing single-level placement of passengers in salon at four chairs in the same row in each fuselage. This circumstance in addition to a flight safety and creation of more comfortable conditions for passengers allows to considerably increase unloading of a wing and reduce the bending moment in root section and the mass of its design. The power plant with three engines located on the wing of the plane creates additional benefits in comparison with the two-engine power plant at a possible engine failure. The four-leg fuselage undercarriage with two nose and two main legs also promotes increase of flights safety level in case of landing with a non-extended landing gear. The method of approximate calculation of a wing mass construction on the area of the bending moments diagram is offered. It is accepted, that the distributed mass loading of the wing design is function of the cross section area of wing bulkhead frame and normal stress is equal to the allowable stress. On the basis of the developed method the comparative estimate of a wing mass for the airplane-prototype and the twin-fuselage airplane scheme is made. Results of calculations confirmed efficiency of the wing unloading by fuselages removed from each other. The wing mass of the twin-fuselage plane appeared much less than a wing mass of the classical single-fuselage plane. | |
Nebelov E. V., Pototskii M. V., Rodionov A. V., Gorskii A. N. Mechanism of damage propagation to the propeller blades of composite materials with exposed damaging elements . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 26-31. The article discusses the importance of the problem of reducing the life cycle of the propeller (propfans) because of foreign objects and elements of the weapons hits during combat operations connected with protected propeller blades (propfans) from exposure to particulate matter. Classification of combat damaged items of military equipment caused by the impact of a weapon of the enemy and related factors is considered. The paper describes the mechanism of formation and further damages evolution of propeller blades (propfan) made of composite material with the defeat of the elements of weapons. The results of multiple damage simulated with the help of software CAE ANSYS / LS-DYNA are shown. These results clearly show that there is a change of the physical and mechanical properties of the material associated with the formation of bulk or surface hardening, which leads to the appearance of residual stresses, which is confirmed by experimental data. Also, there are the results of multiple injuries received in experimental studies of impact resistance with blade AV-112 propeller propulsion system of military-transport aircraft IL-112, which shows that the striking element is overcoming obstacles in the form of layers of fiberglass, increases the deformation zone that appears in a large area of the opposing barrier damage as size holes, and on the thickness of the material bundle and exfoliation area tape on the exit side. The article shows the dependence of the area of separation against thickness of the bundle composite propeller blade resulting from an experiment and an example of the phase diagram characterizing the behavior fragments of the projectile in the form of a cube when struck by the blade in the composite spar at various angles of approach. The result is determined by the collision of impact velocity and the angle of the meeting. In the article the authors point out the adequacy of the emergence and development of damage to the propeller blades (propfans) made from composite material with the defeat of the elements of weapons, confirmed by the results of calculations and experimental studies conducted in VUNTS Force VVA named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin in the department Design of Aircraft Engines. | |
Kamenskii S. S., Martirosov D. S., Kolomentsev A. I. Similarity theory methods application for lpre steady-flow working procedures analysis. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 32-37. This work aims at searching similarity of RD170 engines family steady-flow operating procedures. We shall use generalizing functions describing interrelations of operating procedures parameters and valid for RD171M, RD180 and RD1971 for the formal description of the found similarity. This work offers the reduction procedure of tests data to dimensionless form and defines the type and characteristics of the desired generalizing functions, i.e. dimensionless parameters dependencies on thrust level, which are common for all engines under consideration. According to similarity theory, the propinquity of the equations describing behavior of dimensionless characteristics of the compared objects points to physical similarity of the processes described by these equations. Thus, obtaining the generalizing dependences reflects physical similarity of steady-flow operating procedures in structurally successive engines of RD170 family. Based on the generalizing functions derived from the analysis of the results of fire tests by similarity theory methods, we developed an algorithm of parameters determination of multimode LPREs of RD170 family, allowing calculate their values in wide range of thrust variations according to known rated values of slow parameters (SP). The obtained results show that generalizing functions can find application for SP calculation in an infant state of LPRE of RD170 family design, when mathematical model is not correct enough, and the first experimental materials can form the basis for adequately predictive estimate. The paper shows the possibility of using the results of presented work as references of normal functioning for solving the problems of function tests. The presented results of proposed method for firing test real time analysis within the space of which a throttle failure occured, confirmed the presence of such kind of failure. | |
Kalinin D. V., Kalinin Y. V. Two-stage transmission scheme design for perspective helicopter. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 38-46. Conventional commercial and military helicopters have flight speed limit of about 300-350 km/h. High-speed rotary wing aircrafts of the next generation require the increase of horizontal speed up to 450-500 km/h. Aerodynamic limitations, hindering flight speed increase of perspective high-speed helicopters, can be eliminated by reduction of the main rotor rotation frequency, while a helicopter builds up its high speed. This can be provided by implementation of regulated transmission with variable transmission ratio. The existing helicopter transmissions have constant transmission ratio. Thus, the development of regulated transmissions of anew type requires carrying out of exploratory study. The paper presents the results of the design of a new type of helicopter transmission with variable transmission ratio for perspective high-speed helicopters. It allows vary rotation frequency of the main rotor irrespective of engine and anti-torque, or pusher rotors rpm. The paper considers also the possibility of implementation and basic advantages and disadvantages of alternative types of regulated transmissions, such as, mechanical transmissions with stepped and stepless transmission ratio variation, as well as electromechanical versions of high-speed helicopters transmissions. It is shown that from the determining criterion point of view, i. e. minimum weigh and maximum efficiency of the transmission, the most effective and rational drive for a high-speed helicopter is a mechanical dual-mode transmission with stepped transmission ratio variation. The paper presents the description of a developed perspective stepless transmission scheme for a helicopter. The evaluation of dynamic forces acting during transmission transient modes with transmission ratio variation was carried out. Optimal scheme of the dual-mode mechanical transmission for perspective helicopters was developed. The important advantage of the developed scheme is the condition of safe operation, which consists in the fact that the coupling failure will not cause the braking of the force loop and loss of power at the main rotors. These design features provide high reliability of transmission operation and high functional characteristics with minimum mass increase in original structure of the helicopter main-rotor gearbox. This transmission mechanism is optimal solution for main rotors rotation frequency variation of perspective high-speed helicopters. | |
Zubko A. I. Perspective vibroacoustics diagnostic complex for aircraft gas-turbine engines bearing assemblies. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 47-55. The article tackles the questions concerning peculiarities of vibroacoustic diagnostics of bearing assemblies for gas-turbine engine rotors technical condition. Possible reasons of bearing assemblies damaging and corresponding failure symptoms of individual defects, as well as procedures of their application are analysed. The following options are possible in partucular:
The last item is preferable due to minimum financial and working hour costs. For implementation of such methods manual turning of the rotor and a specialist fixing data or carrying out rotor CS are required. In the course of diagnostics of operating gas-turbine engine aimed at researching possibilities of the technical microphone installed on the engine case a number of the methods connected with a high-frequency component of a signal spectrum of effective sound pressure was revealed. The studies consisted in searching of periodic and nearly periodic vibration processes resulting from bearing assemblies defect mounted on the engine and bearings tests bench. High frequency periodic processes occur very often either separately from nearly periodic, or together with them. They appear at identical excitation of a vibration signal with each turn. These are frequency modulation of vibration signals from damaged bearing parts, as a rule, with rotor frequency. Physical model of the process can be easily represented on the example of slider bearing operation. In the presence of negative factors, affecting the bearing clearance reduction, and occurring due to bearing capacity decrease or oil-film wedge punching, a mutual interference of wrinkles always presenting on sliding contacting surfaces takes place. It causes the excitation of oscillations of separate parts with frequencies equal to the product of number of interactions per one shaft rotation and rotor rotation frequency and natural frequencies of interacting parts. The vibroacoustic diagnostics complex «FIANITE 3000» was developed to realize the data obtained during the studies. It consists of a technical microphone (piezoelectric) with the restricted directional diagram, the DP-03 device, installed in inspection ports to inspect entrance edge of high-pressure turbine blades as well as electronic analysis and indication module FIANITE 3000. After DP-03 installation into inspection port and activation of electronic analysis and indication module the measuring process will go on automatically. The developed system of vibroacoustic diagnostics is autonomous and protected from the main interference generated by subassembly of gas-turbine engine. The total evaluation of the system revealed its very effective noise immunity and serviceability for single and periodic checkouts. | |
Kolodyazhnyi D. Y., Nagornyi V. S. Experimental study of the electric field impact on the combustion products of a kerosene-air mixture speed. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 56-67. The intensive studies are carried out on developing high-speed transportation vehicles, providing high level of environmental security, as well as higher energy efficiency of aircraft engines by means of fuel spraying and kerosene-air mixture combustion enhancement in aircraft engines. To improve the fuel spraying and fuel-air mixture combustion quality we suggest to use properly formed electrical fields in nozzle fuel supply contours. We considered for the first time the AC electric field of varying frequency impact on chemical composition of combustion products at the combustion-chamber outlet when using aviation kerosene TC-1 as a fuel. Moreover, we presented for the first time the experimental results of the of the AC electric field of varying frequency impact on the velocity of combustion products of air-fuel mixture. Combustion products velocity measurement at the outlet of combustion chamber test model was carried out using the test bench at SGAU (Samara state Aviation Institute). Electric field impact on the of combustion products of air-fuel mixture (kerosene) experimental research technique The experimental velocity measurement of combustion products of an air-fuel mixture technique was developed at Samara State Aviation Institute and taken as a basis of the research on AC electric field impact on combustion products of kerosene-air mixtures velocities. Employing measurement data, we calculated the gas superficial velocity and mass flow using well-known equations for gas-dynamic functions. The result of the experiment allowed forming the file in Microsoft Access Data Base format with the possibility of export to Microsoft Excel. The results of velocity profiles laser-optic measurements using 3D-LDA LAD-056C equipment. The experimental studies were carried out at Samara State Aviation Institute with single-burner segment of the combustion chamber test model with serial double-contour nozzle of JSC “Klimov” for liquid fuel. The swirler with blades angle set at φ = 72°10’, transition liner with outer cone diameter of 133 mm, square shape adapter with 180 mm side and basic variant of the mixer zone holes with all holes open were used . TS-1 kerosene was used as a fuel. Low-pressure compressed air was fed at ≤ 0.75 MPa. Solid tracer particles of CH-4 type for laser measurements were used. When the AC electric field was applied along each diameter to the kerosene flow before its injection into the fuel nozzle the velocity changed to higher and lower values intermittently. Maximum relative decrease of kerosene-air mixture combustion products velocity at the outlet of combustion chamber herein was 2.45%, while maximum relative increase of kerosene-air mixture combustion products velocity at the outlet of combustion chamber in case of applying AC electric field to kerosene flow was 1.42%. | |
Ezhov A. D. Numerical solution of a problem of rough surfaces interaction in power plants. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 68-79. The design of modern power plants contains a significant number of coupling structural components of various shapes and geometries, made of materials differing in mechanical and heat-transfer properties. Most important task while creating a reliable power plant consists in correct calculation of thermal contact resistance occurring due to non-ideal contact of mating parts, and, as consequence, retraction and extension of heat flow lines to contact spots, as well as higher temperature gradient within the contact zone. All these factors reduce heat-conducting ability of the contact and cause different thermal expansion of the adjoining parts, leading to relative shifts, deflection and warpage of the parts. The surface roughness is considered to be one of the key factors in solving thermal contact problems. Analysis of the literature on modeling and forecasting of contact thermal resistance shows that in practically all the works contain some analytical simplifications and assumptions concerning surface microrelief. In particular, irregularities were modeled as a variety of geometric shapes. The behavior of one pair of interacting irregularities was extrapolated to describe the behavior of a pair of interacting surfaces coated with irregularities. But if one takes into consideration the time when the suggestions of the CCC definition (60-70) were put forward, then we can say that the simulation of three-dimensional models was not carried out due to insufficient computer resources. Despite this, there have been many achievements in the field of metrology and methods of numerical analysis.The optical measurement of surface features at the micro and macro level and the surface condition data storing in a digital form became possible. The numerical and finite-element modeling of contact problems with complex geometry, boundary conditions and material properties setting appeared. Generally, to evaluate the temperature difference losses, the contact thermal resistance is introduced by different empirical formulas. But their diversity, incompletely given conditions of obtaining experimental data on which basis these relationships were obtained cast doubts on the correctness of the selection of a particular equation. While the differences in the absolute values of contact thermal resistance for the same conditions make it difficult to use them. On the assumption of the formed problem, analysis of contact pairs of different materials was performed, and comparison was made with the known calculation dependencies. Analysis of the known calculation dependencies to determine the CCC showed that the results obtained by rather accurate modeling of the ongoing process and analytical solutions differ, but they also have a number of matches. Nevertheless, the presented algorithm for calculating the CCC provides rather accurate values of temperature fields for almost all pairs of materials with minimal costs of the experiment. The use of this approach in engineering analysis allows reducing significantly the time of further testing and refinement of the product. | |
Gorelov Y. G., Strokach E. A. Conformities analysis of heat transfer coefficient calculation from the gas at high-pressure turbines entry nozzle blade edges . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 80-85. At the preliminary design stage of gas-turbine engines and high-temperature gas-turbine power plants one should use criterion dependencies to evaluate heat transfer coefficients from the gas at entry nozzle blade edges. Analysis of various criterion dependencies revealed that for the majority of correlations under consideration the degree of gas flow turbulence behind the combustion chamber was about (1 - 5)%, though for modern gas-turbine engine and high-temperature gas- turbine power plants Tu = (15-20)%. Information that behind the gathering main preceding the first stage nozzle set the degree of turbulence ε= 3 … 4% is not confirmed by the data obtained by Thole K. A. et al, Gandavarapu P., Ames F.E., Ames F. E., Nix A. C. at al, and in the area of maximum temperature field circumferential non-uniformity behind the combustion chamber. Thus, the paper by Thole K. A. et al shows that according to experimental results, verified by experiments and calculations with aircraft combustion cameras is gives 19%. To compare various design procedures and identify the margins of their implementation the presented paper carries out comparison of criterion dependencies for the averaged and maximum local heat exchange at the entry blade edge with the results of 3D conjugated numerical calculation using ANSYS CFX and 2D calculations of turboprop engine nozzle blade with entry blade increased diameter.
The results of various techniques comparison revealed that H. Consigny and B. E. Richards averaged heat exchange criterion dependence Thus their location should be determined for each particular blade at the stage of 3D conjugated numerical calculations. The data, hereafter, on maximum local heat exchange coefficients on the entry edge external surface are verified experimentally. | |
Klimov V. G. Comparison of turbine blade wing of heat-resisting alloy geometry restoring techniques. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 86-97. Compressors and turbines of aviation gas turbine engines are the main components that determine the engine performances. Turbine blades are the most costly elements while their production. Rejection of an unfit turbine blade usually happens due to insignificant defects and consequently, their restoring is economically sound. This article considers the process of geometry restoring (height) of aviation turboprop engine NK-12MP turbine starters (TS) blade wing. A comparative analysis of four types of restoration has been carried out: argon-arc surfacing with filler wire ХН60ВТ; soldering with solder powder VPr24 in ceramic forms; laser surfacing with filler wire ХН60ВТ; laser surfacing in powder bath with VPr24 solder. The furnace soldering in ceramic forms technique consists in placing the blade in a specially prepared form repeating the ceramic blade profile with the necessary allowance for further machining, with further powder solder filling. Then the soldering process in a vacuum furnace begins. The technique of laser welding in a powder bath consists in surfacing of the blade wing placed in a bath filled with facing powder. The blade was placed in the powder fill so that its wing and the surface of the powder fill were at the same level. The laser beam worked on the tangent of the blade wing and the powder. Based on blade restoration techniques comparative analysis I concluded that the most effective technique in this case is pulse laser surfacing. Surfacing in powder bath herewith provides higher performance compared to laser surfacing with filler wire. Laser surfacing main differences from the classical techniques of turbine blades geometry restoring are revealed. The paper presents comparative analysis of the restored layers structure by electronic microscopy with elemental analysis of transverse sections of the samples. The degree of the effect of each technique on the blade basic material was revealed. It is found that the furnace soldering and laser surfacing techniques exert least effect on the strengthening phase γ’ of the cast alloy GC-6K. The elemental analysis revealed the presence of, presumably, the grid of complex intermetallic compounds, as well as tungsten and chromium carbides in the solder structure. Microhardness (Hv) of the recovered layers and various phases of powdered solder VPr24 was determined, and the CTLEM (coefficient of thermal linear expansion of material) involved in the restoration process was measured. | |
Sokolov N. L., Orlov D. A. Design-ballistic studies of the problem of a spacecraft descent in Mars atmosphere . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 98-106. Spacecraft optimal control arrangement in exceptionally low-density Mars atmosphere, with allowance, in the first place, for the necessity to provide in the atmosphere the entry corridor of a required size,as well as effective deceleration of a spacecraft. Solution of the problem under discussion depends, in many ways, upon the proper selection of rational values of design and ballistic parameters of vehicles in descent mode and control methods in atmosphere. The present work studies design-ballistic problems of a spacecraft descent in Mars atmosphere. It evaluates the characteristic trajectory parameters under various flight conditions of a spacecraft and analyses alternative control methods of a spacecraft. The obtained materials would contribute in many ways to substantiation of layout and rational technologies of spacecraft control during its letdown on Mars surface. The article estimates physically realizable an entry corridor for a spacecraft with various aerodynamic quality values unchangeable in the course of the flight. It shows that with aerodynamic quality values decrease, the upper and lower boundaries of the entry corridor increase. The upper boundary of the atmosphere entry corridor of a spacecraft herewith is determined by overload maximum allowed value: the more the overload, the less the corridor upper boundary. One of the ways of the spacecraft atmosphere entry corridor expansion is an effective quality management. It allows almost double the entry corridor width compared to implementation of spacecraft of a ballistic type moving with constant aerodynamic quality values. An effective technique of final velocity extinguishing in atmosphere during the final leg of the flight of a spacecraft is introduction of soft landing system, which comes into action at the height of 5-9 km. The advantage factor of the final velocity decreasing is reduced front surface loading reduction. Thus, reduction of the value from 350 kg/m2 to 200 kg/m2 leads to decrease of the values to 60-80%. In this conjunction, it seems necessary to carry out the studies of the dual circuit control of roll position and incidence angle of a spacecraft, which may provide significant reduction of the final velocity. | |
Zhurin S. V. Parachute-jet soft landing system with elastic linkage. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 107-114. The article is devoted to theoretical study of the soft parachute-jet landing process. It proposes to use a long elastic linkage to suspend a load to the parachute. Figura illustrates the operation of the parachute-jet landing system with elastic linkage. The engine thrust in the case of a hard suspension is 2.2 times greater than in the case of an elastic suspension.
The results of dimensions analysis for this problem reveal dimensionless groups, describing the process. A simplified mathematical model is built to describe the process of soft parachute-jet landing with an elastic linkage. As a result, of systematic numeric studies a rather simple interrelation between the dimensionless groups was found out. These obtained dependencies can be used for preliminary design. Implementation of the elastic linkage allows significant reduction (several times) of soft-landing engines thrust. In its turn, it enables reduction of the following negative factors of soft-landing engines operation: This enables you to reduce the following negative factors operation of the engines of soft landing:
Application of the elastic linkage makes it possible to meet more fully the requirement on standardization of the existing parachute-jet soft landing systems with the possibility of continuous (not discrete) adjustment of system parameters to the given mass of an airdropped object. | |
Pisarenko V. N. Flight reliability . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 115-122. The paper presents and analyzes the conditions and of a characteristics of the flight on modern aircraft with a crew of two pilots. The analysis of the flight is made in terms of flight safety. Examples of real events in the air, which led to the disaster due to the fault of the pilots, are described. Today, Airbus of A320 family performs the main air transport service, so the aircraft A320 control system is considered as basic for this analysis. The aircraft with a crew of two pilots control model in the form of man-machine system is built by converting the control system A320. Using mathematical tools of linear algebra the automatic and manual control of the aircraft structuring was carried out. Manual control of the aircraft is performed using SIDE STICKs by the captain and a co-pilot. More precise requirements to aircraft automatic control negative feedback were developed. The problem of the plane commander, which steer consists in the necessity to fly the aircraft in case of aircraft systems failure or incorrect actions of a co-pilot, was described mathematically. The model of the aircraft automatic control feedback transfer coefficients matrix was built in LabVIEW. Numeric and analytical studies of aircraft piloting in the form of the process of flight control were carried out. The definition of flight reliability was represented as a function of aviation equipment failure-free operation and error-free performance of the crew. The equations for flight reliability calculation under automated control and during active control of both pilots are presented. The regularity of reliability reduction due to aircraft automatic flight control system failure or non-participation of a co-pilot in controlling an aircraft is determined. Reliability calculation equations for operation in such conditions are presented. Detailed recommendations for flight reliability ensuring during crew preparation to the flight and flight operation are given. | |
Kostyukov V. M., Trinh V. T., Nguyen N. M. Airliner automatic landing optimal trajectory shaping based on anthropocentric principle . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 123-135. This paper considers and algorithm of optimal landing trajectory shaping. Realization of this trajectory in automatic mode will maximally simplify the problem of transition to aircraft manual control. Aircraft landing is considered to be the most laborious phase of the flight. The basis of the algorithm development consists in selection of automatically controlled trajectory as close as possible to the trajectories implemented by the pilot in the course of a manual landing, which will provide maximum convenience for the pilot in case of automatic landing failure. Thus, enhanced flight safety is provided. The principle of the methodology consists in creation of formal specification of pilots actions during manual landing in the form of several optimization problems based on pilots actions in the course of manual landing. Thus, we consider the pilot as an optimal regulator, which performance criteria are sel ected according to the analysis of experimental data obtained earlier. As far as we consider manual control mode, the algorithm of control actions development should be made consistent both with emerged situation characteristics and with current characteristics of the pilot as well as the aircraft. The paper analyses and formalizes flaring-out stage of the flight, which will provide landing safety. For this purpose, we realize on board the aircraft the flaring-out modeling algorithm with various options of throttle control and flaring-out altitude. Optimization herewith consists in selection of throttle control law and flaring- out altitude, wherein maximum regulator (a pilot, or ACS) error is tolerable. Control performance of a pilot is considered in the course of studying of quasi-linear model which parameters are determined by recurrent identification in the process of flight realization. We formalize glide-path capture in the form of the problem of optimal aircraft control, which criterion parameters are obtained fr om the experimental data analysis of successful variants of manual landing approaches. | |
Zhigastova O. K., Pochukayev V. N. Flight plan development language allowing automatic flight planning for automated spacecraft . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 136-146. The article considers the flight plan development language, used in software complex for automated spacecraft (SC) flight planning [1] to describe instruction structures [4] and prepare the initial flight plan data. Design/methodology/approach The language of the flight plan development is based on methods of structural, modular and object-oriented programming. [3] Like other high-level languages, the language of the flight plan development consists of characters, tokens (basic structure), expressions, operators and classes. The problem of developing a new language stems from the need to develop a tool allowing describe commands used to plan the flight control and actions performed according to them. The flight plan development language uses six types of data such as integer, character, logic, calendar date, time and n-tuple to store control commands parameters vector. All calculations made are control commands execution time operations. This language defines variables for command time values storage. Each variable consists of type and name. The type determines the properties of a variable, and the name points for which command it is necessary to make calculation. Calculation of values is performed using the operations, which determine what time operations should be performed. In addition to time operations, this language defines execution of conditional operations. Conditional operations are used to set the conditions for issuing control commands implemented during n a spacecraft communication with ground control station. To provide repetitive calculations the language uses the cycle statement. To describe more complex language constructions, used to compile a flight plan, «classes» were included. These Classes are used to describe the command structures. They represent a model carrying out an action executed by either SC, or a Ground Automated Control Complex. The elements that constitute such a structure can be both control commands and command structures themselves except the given one. The language of the flight plan development was created for a formalized description of the command structures and the initial data used to compile a flight plan in an automated way. It allows describe the flight plan elements and structures more clearly, hiding the details of their realization. Its helps to provide the input data preparation for an automated spacecraft flight planning software complex. Findings This work results in creation of the flight plan development language for an unmanned spacecraft automated flight planning software complex. It aid in the description of structures and preparation of the input data used for compiling the flight plan in an automated way. The developed language made it possible to formalize the description of the flight plan command structures, the initial data structure and simplify the way to describe them, while reducing the number of operators used in the description. The created flight plan development language was implemented at the Mission Control Center (MCC) software as part of a complex of automatic spacecraft mission planning and has been used to prepare the initial data for the flight control of space crafts of scientific and socio-economic purpose. Research limitations/implications The flight plan development language can be applied during preparation of the flight plan initial data to control an automatic spacecraft of scientific and socio-economic purpose. Originality/value
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Iordan Y. V. Oxygen content analysis on an atmospheric phase over descending trajectory of rockets' jettisonable parts. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 147-150. The paper considers the problem of space application rockets' launching technological environmental impact reduction, particularly in the field of reducing the area allocated for the regions of rockets jettisoned parts impact areas. Nose fairing (NF) shatters are selected as a subject of research. The goal of the study is further development of impact areas reduction based on NF burning in dense atmosphere. The paper sets out alternative techniques of NF shatters impact areas reduction, including representation of the suggested technique based on introducing thermite-igniting compound (TIC) to NF structure. As thermite-igniting mixtures, one can implement salts or metal oxides (KClO3, KClO4, CuO, etc.) mixed with one or several powder metals, such as magnesium powder, aluminum powder, titanium powder or their alloys. A binding substance, such as colloxylin is possible as well. The amount of mixture required to start the igniting process will depend on weight content of oxygen in the airflow, since combustion stability reaction just depends on its amount, and, hence, the required amount of heat emission as well. The paper presents oxygen weight evaluation on the descent trajectory by the example of NF for the rocket carrier “Soyuz-2.1.v”. As a result, the time interval within which the combustion process should be realized. Evaluation of the developed technique adequacy was carried out. The obtained results are the initial data for further development of NF burning in dense atmosphere. | |
Nikolichev I. A. Application of dual numbers for solving the problems of interorbital flight optimization. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 151-162. Subject The subject of this article is to analyze two aspects of application of the dual numbers for solving optimization problems of the multi revolution interorbital flight of the spacecraft with electric propulsion system. Purpose The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the possibility of using dual numbers in solving complicated optimization problems of the interorbital flight. Methodology The paper analyzed two aspects of application of the dual numbers to calculate the required derivatives during the solving optimization problems of the interorbital flight of the spacecraft with electric propulsion system. The use of dual numbers allows to determine the values of the derivatives with relative accuracy equals to the precision of function computation. The first aspect corresponds to the use of dual numbers with a single dual part together with the continuation method for calculating the elements of the sensitivity matrix of the system of nonlinear equations corresponding to the boundary value problem of the Pontryagin maximum principle. The second aspect is the use of dual numbers with vector dual part to calculate the right-hand sides of the system of differential equations, which describes the optimal process. By virtue of the canonical formalism of the maximum principle it is necessary to calculate the optimal Hamiltonian in the dual representation. This approach is used for solving the optimization problem of the interorbital flight when the model of the spacecraft motion takes into account various disturbances. Results The results of two types optimization problems of the interorbital flight of the spacecraft with electric propulsion system between the initial elliptical orbit and geostationary orbit are presented in this paper. The first type of problem corresponds to the motion model of the spacecraft in the central gravitational field under the influence of the reactive acceleration. For the second type the model takes into account the effect of the Moon and Sun attraction, and disturbance caused by the Earths gravitational field noncentrality. The functional that corresponds to the minimum mass of required fuel quantity is considered for both problems. Solution of the first type was obtained by using the continuation method and approximation of elements of the sensitivity matrix using dual numbers with a single dual part. For the problem of the second type, dual numbers with vector dual part is often used when we determining the right- hand sides of differential equations of optimal motion of the spacecraft. The nonlinear boundary value problem in this case was solved by a hybrid Powell algorithm. Practical implications Overall, the methodological approach of the using dual numbers for automatic differentiation outlined in this paper can be used for solving any optimization problems, where model of the object motion is described in a complicated manner. Conclusions This paper shows, that the using of the device of the dual numbers for computing required derivatives can efficiently solve complicated optimization problems of the interorbital flight of the spacecraft with electric propulsion system.
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Vasil'ev M. A., Stepanov V. S. Wave gear with roller bodies kinematic error computer simulation . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 163-169. One of possible approaches to determine kinematic error is functioning modelling in MSC. Adams, which allows investigate static and dynamic characteristics of machinery and mechanisms. The following errors affect the kinematic error of harmonic gear drive with rolling bodies:
The article presents the results of wave gear with rolling bodies mathematical modeling in MSC.Adams at nominal deviation of sizes of certain parts of the gear. The kinematic error of the gear at a constant rotation frequency was determined, and its harmonic content was analyzed. Dependencies of kinematic error components on the values of the gear links sizes deviations, such as wave former disk diameter and rolling bodies diameter, is revealed. In accordance with the results of the studies, we can make the following conclusions:
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Nosov A. S. Justification techniques for the structure, configuration and parameters of a drivegear with roller drive of increased accuracy and operational reliability selection . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 170-176. At present, the requirements placed on power actuators include increase of load capacity, positioning accuracy, reliability, durability, efficiency, impact resistance, and a number of other parameters. The required speeds and accelerations of the output element of the drives are increasing as well. Drives should be easily mounted on the object, replaceable and adjustable. Their servicing should be simple, and their control should be reliable and easily programmable. For most products, especially of the space industry, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the drives and maintenance facilities. The environmental requirements placed on the drives are constantly toughening. The analysis of the requirements placed on the drives for special aggregates reveals that they should provide: · Fast response and playback accuracy of a desired motion law; · High precision of moving; · Synchronous operation of two or more drives; · Greater amount (range) of the output element speed control; · Higher soft ride of large mass products at low (micro) speeds; · Minimal and stable energy losses values. In addition to the abovementioned, a power actuator should have a simple technological design, low weight and size, and high operating reliability. Recently, the demand for the planetary roller-type actuators (PRTA) as the actuating mechanism (AM), especially for the military and aviation equipment, increased significantly in our country. A number of companies are trying to master serial production of PRTA, which requires to address the issues of PRTA analysis validation and design, production technology of the actuator parts and their assembly, as well as high-precision metrological control of PRTA parts critical dimensions, using the appropriate equipment. PRTA has a number of advantages: · High load capacity; · The possibility to provide light feed at high load; · High reliability; · Low sensitivity to temperature variations; · Ease of mantling and dismantling of the transmission; · Ability to work with high rotation speeds; · High efficiency; · Low metal consumption. Based on the conducted studies of mathematical models and well-known techniques [3, 4], a technique for a prospective PRTA AM structure and parameters justification was developed. To solve such problems, the experts of FSUE «CENKI» — «DB «Motor», MADI and N. E. Bauman MSTU proposed to use the planetary roller-type transmission as the actuating mechanism. Theoretical and experimental studies under the scientific supervision of Professor A.N. Sova and candidate of technical sciences A.V. Sizanov are conducted on the manufactured friction planetary roller-type transmission 48×12, and the control system on a specialized workbench for transmission running test is prepared. Research is conducted at the branch office of FSUE «Center for exploitation of space ground-based infrastructure», — «Design Bureau «Motor» using the CNC milling machine Hardinge Bridgeport GX1000. A measuring device is sel ected based on the desired accuracy of transmission. Digital measuring head Mahr Extramess 2000 with permissible error G = 0.6 μ m was used in the study. Conclusion Thus, implementation of scientific and methodological approach and the conducted research allow us:
· Take into account the longevity reserves of contact fatigue damage, in-service wear, and quality of the lubricating layer; · Determine the optimal value of the actuator mass to ensure a pre-set speed without overshoot; · Reduce deviation of the experimental results fr om theoretical results; · Develop scientific and methodological support of the results of the machine-aided design of the actuator with high dynamic performance, reliability and durability implemented with CAD/CAM/CAE system.
At present, planetary roller-type transmission is the most promising device that converts rotational motion into linear. | |
Chigrinets E. G. Titanium-reinforced glass fiber plastic main rotor blade beam drilling process optimization . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 177-188. High-tension polymeric composite materials (HTPCM) are widely used in aviation industry due to their high strength-density ratio and modulus of rigidity; good shock-absorbing capacity; corrosion resistance and low thermal-expansion coefficient. HTPCM tooling, however, is associated with a number of difficulties. Its low thermal conductivity affects the heat balance: the main part of heat, about 90%, is concentrated in the cutting area and at the drill tool, whereas up to 70% of heat leaves the cutting area with chip scrap while tooling metals. This high temperature causes partial melting of polymeric matrix, tempering of tools and processed surface. Composites anisotropy of properties leads to differences in chip formation along and perpendicular to the reinforcing fibers and their high hardness causes increased wear of the drilling tool. Delaminations, caused by axial force and torque of the cutting process, are formed in the places of drilling tool entering and exit. The purpose of this work is to study the impact of the structural and geometric parameters of drilling tools on the quality of the processed holes, productivity, dynamics and thermal physics of the high strength polymeric composite material machining — titanium foil reinforced glass fiber plastics. Extra loaded polymeric composite constructions implement titanium foil reinforcing packs, allocated between the layers of reinforcing glass- or carbon ribbon.To provide required accuracy in size of apertures macro- and micro-geometry, elimination of tempering and delaminations of the material one has to use sharp-ground tools and carry out processing in stages. This work studied drilling process of fiber-glass laminate at various schemes of high-speed steel drill tools sharpening. The work presents the results of processing rates optimization for the studied tools geometries; dependence of unevenness tallness parameters; the character and value of delamination in the places of drilling tool entering and exit, depending on the tools type and processing rates, as well as qualitative image of chip formation. Using the developed computerized real-time measuring system for power characteristics of drilling process, we found blunting criterion and efficient life of the cutting tools under study. The pyrometric registration data on average temperature in cutting area allowed perform finite elements modeling of thermal processes occurring while multilayer plastic, reveal the sources and directions of the thermal flows, and, finally, develop recommendations for technology improvements of apertures processing in glass fiber beams of main and steering rotors. | |
Budkina E. M., Kuznetsov E. B. Modeling of technological process for aircraft structural components manufacturing based on the best parametrization and boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 189-196. Among mathematical models describing various processes associated with manufacturing engineering, aerospace technology and aviation, there are models representing a system of ordinary differential equations and a system of nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations, i.e. a system of differential-algebraic equations (DAE). Such problems often arise in applied mathematics and mechanics. Some hydrodynamic processes described by the DAE systems contain a small parameter (viscosity). Problems of this type describe the phenomenon of creep. The process of creep of the material in the first approximation can be modeled by DAE systems discussed in this paper. The basic methods of solving boundary value problems for such systems are methods of collocation and shooting methods. With shooting method, a boundary value problem is reduced to some initial value problem. However, this method is applicable only in the case when the original problem is correct. We suggest to apply the best parameterization for regularization of this problem. The paper considers the system of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations. It is shown that the best parameterization of the boundary value problem for a singularly perturbed differential-algebraic equations significantly improves the computational algorithm of the shooting method. The numerical solution of the problem was obtained using the method of solution continuation with respect to parameter and the best parameterization. The boundary value problem is reduced to an initial value problem for differential-algebraic equations. We selected shooting method as a numerical solution. By using these methods of solution all solutions of the boundary value problem were obtained regardless of the choice of initial values. According to the results, following conclusions were made:
Numerical studies of this work show that the parameterization of the boundary value problem for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations, proposed in this paper significantly improves the computational algorithm of the shooting method and allows to find all solutions of the boundary value problem. Thus, in this paper we propose a numerical method, which allows solve the applied problems related to technology of machine building, rocket and space technology, aviation. | |
Zhuravlev S. V., Zechikhin B. S., Kuz'michev R. V. Analytical calculation of magnetic field in active zone of synchronous machines with permanent magnets. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 197-209. Synchronous machines with rare earth permanent magnets are widely used in aviation and rocket technology as motors for the electric actuators and generators of electrical power systems. These machines are promising for use as the main aircraft generators with a high level of electrification in the DC power supply system of increased voltage 270 V. They are characterized by a large variety of designs, most important of which are versions with radial or tangential magnetized permanent magnet and nonmagnetic or bimetallic holder. Constantly increasing demands to the mass-energy performance of aviation synchronous machines with rare earth permanent magnets, to improve the quality of their designs, the development time and cost reduction are met by continuous improvement of design methods and design techniques based on the calculation and analysis of electromagnetic fields in their active zones. Rational combination for electromagnetic fields in active zones analysis is traditional methods based on the models with lumped parameters together with circuit theory and computer technologies of numerical finite elements analysis based on the models with distributed parameters and field theory. Traditional methods and created on their basis by way of setting relatively simple and easily observed mathematical interrelations between input geometry and windings parameters with output energy parameters new design methodologies allow quickly and solve the problem of initial active zone geometry of an electric machine and parameters of its windings selection with an accuracy sufficient for engineering analysis. We used numerical methods for electromagnetic fields verified analysis and optimization, where parameters obtained with traditional methods are set as the starting point. Traditional methods of synchronous machines design and machines with rare earth permanent magnets in particular are based on a number of assumptions and system of calculation coefficients linking the parameters of a real distributed active zone model with lumped parameters of electrical and magnetic circuits. For example, excitation field of synchronous machines is commonly characterized by a system of calculation coefficients κf, κф, αδ и κΒ, determined based on the analysis of excitation winding two-dimensional magnetostatic field or permanent magnets in the smooth working gap brought form the armature side with non-saturated armature and inductor magnetic cores.Saturation consideration is carried out, as a rule, by separate introduction of various correction factors. An effective method for determining the calculation coefficients of synchronous machines is the method of harmonic analysis of magnetic fields in active zones of electromechanical converters. The article presents new analytical solutions obtained for the magnetic field in the active zone of synchronous machines with rare earth permanent magnets by harmonic analysis. The problem of calculating the magnetic field generated by the permanent magnets of sector form with a constant direction and magnitude of magnetization, located between he two cylindrical ferromagnetic areas with infinite permeability was solved in polar coordinates system. The resulting solution allows determine the excitation magnetic fields and calculate coefficients of synchronous machines with permanent magnets of sector type, as well as prismatic and circular forms with their allocation on the rotor and fastening them with nonmagnetic holder, as well as reversed structure. Also, the problem of the magnetic fields calculation of excitation and armature reaction of synchronous machine with permanent magnets and a bimetallic holder with alternating magnetic and nonmagnetic areas was solved. The solutions presented in the article were checked by comparing the calculation results with the results of numerical finite element analysis. The results mismatch herewith does not exceed 1%. | |
Dyakin N. V., Dyakin S. V., Volsky S. I. Power converter within the multi-agent system of a spacecraft power supply system. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 210-217. The spacecraft power supply system as well as ground-based power supply system provides transmission and redistribution of electric energy from power sources to consumers. One of the major requirements claimed to power supply systems is to keep electric energy at specified level in the course of one or more primary energy sources failure. Currently, two types of supplying electric power to consumers exist: centralized and decentralized. The structure of the centralized power supply system has the Central Switch Gear (SSG) that collects electric energy from all primary and secondary power sources. The main advantage of such systems is the stable feeding of consumers due to required power extraction from all electric power sources. On the other hand, the centralized electric power system has relatively low power grid mass and size figures, as well as comparatively low reliability due to the presence of single distribution gear. The prospective trend, with the presence of a number of primary and secondary power sources in particular, is implementation of decentralized electrical power supply system, having several small SSGs, which potentially increases reliability and scalability. The article introduced the concept of an agent and multi-agent power supply system that provide the operation, storage of information in the database, as well as exchange of information with other agents that allows implementation of the decentralized power supply system. Consumers, sources and energy storage units are the main elements of the system. We suggest designing a separate agent for each element, which will provide — functionality, information storage in database, as well as information exchange with other agents to provide their effective operation. We identified the following agents: a load agent (LA), an environment agent (ENVA), a photoelectric converter agent (PHCA), a fuel cell agent (FCA), a battery agent (BA), a simulation agent (SA) and a database agent (DBA). The article also presents a power circuit of a static electric energy converter based on modern RB-IGBT transistors and method for synchronizing the output AC voltage with other power sources. It allows improve conversion efficiency of the energy generated by solar cells (this is one of the agents of the decentralized systems), reduces the mass and size parameters of the converter. | |
Tihonov A. I., Kalachanov V. D., Prosvirina N. V. Aircraft engine-building enterprises competitive stability enhancement in modern economic conditions. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 218-226. The article is devoted to the issues of competitive stability of Russian aircraft engine-building enterprises amid rapidly changing market demand. It stresses the necessity to develop a whole number of measures and the aggregate of product and process innovations aimed at quality improvement of output products; expansion of productive activity diversification level; carrying out the restructuring of companies of aircraft engine-building sector; entering world market as suppliers of 2nd-3rd level components; implementation of non-traditional finance-and-economy tools and schemes to provide an enterprises entering the world market as a supplier of competitive aircraft engines. The pressing problem for national aircraft industry is formation of globally competitive world-class engine- building sector. It is planned to increase budgetary allocations volume for aircraft engine-building at the expense of Federal budget from 1 billion 448 million rubles in 2015 to 3 billion 431 million rubles in 2025. With such a significant financing increase of the sector, the compulsive issue of competitiveness of the enterprises is challenged. This concept means time-phased competitiveness of the aircraft engine-building enterprises. We need to preserve gained competitive advantage as longer as possible, as well as raise a level of intra industrial cooperation. This will require the increase of economic responsibility of all parties for the results of their common labor and achievement of common goals. It will also require intensification of all manufacturing processes and enhancement of individual role of all structural divisions of an enterprise. The aircraft equipment life cycle is a significant and special component for the competitiveness analysis due to its scope of production and time parameters of implementation. Thus, organization of aircraft equipment competitive production should take these specifics concerning life cycle with allowance for upgrading possibilities, capital and restoring repair with allowance for assigned resource for components, assemblies and aircraft in whole into account. Mandatory elements also are maintenance and technical support as well as service maintenance of products when in use. Development and advancement of new products of the enterprise of the aircraft engine-building sector should be carried out with emphasis on international cooperation, allowing develop global chains of deliveries of their own and create strategic alliances with other aircraft building market participants, including efforts within the frameworks of core innovation territorial clusters' activities. Global servicing network that will help the companies of this sector to transfer to the full life cycle of the engines management is going to be created. | |
Dmitriev O. N. Typology of conceptual schemes notation of multi-criterion management decisions optimization problems in aerospace sector . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 227-232. The aerospace sector features a highly considerable specifics and types spectrum of management problems. Among these problems the presence of management decisions optimization problems is mandatory. Correspondingly, management goals in aviation and space-rocket sectors are diversified, heterogeneous in dimension, conflict and knowingly irreducible to a single utility measure. Thus, in all cases the multicriteriality occurs. A certain conceptual idea of a group of optimization criteria notations (interpretations) diversification has the right to existence. In various fields of mathematical modeling identification and algorithm presentation significant progress can be observed, which may lead to creation of tools allowing newly interpret management situations and find new solutions for management optimization problem, based on conceptually new mathematical methods, namely numerically or even of closed form. The requirements on presentation include: — Correspondence to the basic fundamentals of scientific cognition; — Universality with relation to number and conceptual definition of optimization criterions, as well as procedures applied for their evaluation; — Keeping the sequence of optimization criteria positioning; — Keeping the dimensionality of original optimization criterions; — Keeping mutual priority of original optimization criterions; — Ensuring representation additivity (componentwise addition feasibility); — Using such structures of scientific theories within which frameworks the inception of solving optimization problems methods is possible; — Vector optimization criterion applicability for correct scalarization procedure. The group of management decisions optimization criterions in aerospace sector can be represented (interpreted) by implementation of the following conceptual schemes:
— Conceptual scheme based on the theory of sets. In this case, the original group of optimization criteria
— Conceptual scheme based on linear algebra. In this case, the group of optimization criteria
— Conceptual scheme based on the classical algebra. In this case, the group of optimization criteria
— Conceptual scheme based on the theory of functions of complex variables. In this case, the group of optimization criteria
It is obvious, that all abovementioned interpretations provide for the tend to the extremum, which is also a component (maximum or minimum). | |
Opryshko Y. V. Long haul passenger aircraft competitiveness evaluation model. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 233-244. Home producers of civil aerotechnics are not able to enter foreign market and almost ousted from the home market due to severe competition with foreign companies. One of the reasons for the present situation stems from the lack of methodology of civil aerotechnics competitiveness evaluation, which allows objectively determine level of competitiveness and the ways of its increasing. Research objective — developing of aircraft competitiveness evaluation model, which allows for all basic factors of cost and non-cost character. Employed methods — analysis methods, deduction and forecasting. According to our research, the existing approaches are not always effective. The proposed model searches for competitors, evaluates their advantages and disadvantages, makes a comparison of level of costs and takes into consideration passengers’ judgements. Thus, we evaluate the aircraft competitiveness at the market. The article motivates the necessity of comparing only the aircrafts with equal levels of both customer service and airworthiness certificates. The paper proves the necessity of airliners operating costs with minimum cost of flight per one passenger criterion, since only with this criterion gives the possibility to consider all operating costs, ICAO restrictions, differences between aircrafts passenger capacity and course speed. One cannot use the current price level for calculation of aircraft life span operating costs. We recommend use predictive values for POL price indices; cockpit and cabin crews labor costs, currency courses, airport charges rates etc. Thus, we obtain minimum dynamic flight cost criterion. With reference to passengers’ preferences, the author means their requirements of flight comfort, personal area, air conditioning quality, low noise level and high cabin pressure. Aircraft building companies can evaluate the competitiveness of their product using the described technique. The proposed model should be useful for airline executives, while selecting an airliner. | |
Shevtsova A. S. Development of external economic relations between Brazil and Russia (on the example of the aerospace and energy industries). Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 245-251. Since 1994 diplomatic and economic relations between Russia and Brazil differ in the positive dynamics of political contacts on all levels. October 2013 marks 185 years since the establishment of the Russian-Brazilian diplomatic relations. In a few last years and especially after introduction of sanctions directed to level deceleration of Russian economic integration into international arena, the relation between Russia and Brazil develops with the high rates. Most changes take place in the field of external economic collaboration, especially in the field of science (in particular, space programs), energy and finances. In opinion of Goldman Sachs, to the 2050 the summary economies of BRICS countries will exceed the total size of economies of the richest countries of the World (The Group of Seven). The set dialogue determines external economic partnership between Brazil and Russia. A primary goal is to diversify bilateral trade with the aim to lead its volume up to 10-11 milliard dollars in 2020. At the present time, Brazil continues the development of operational satellites SCD-1 and SCD-2, which were first launched in 1993 and in 1998 year respectively. An important area of cooperation is a joint modernization of the Brazilian VLS-1 rocket (so-called program “Southern Cross”), which is the Brazilian entry ticket to the club of space-rocket countries. However, nowadays in Brazil only the use of space developments in the field of telecommunication brings the financial return. Another area of cooperation between Brazil and Russia is the nuclear power industry. Today, Brazil has the need for energy. In the framework of the VII meeting of the Russian-Brazilian high-level commission on September 6, 2015 a Memorandum of Understanding between the State Corporation “Rosatom” and Nuclebras Equipamentos Pesados SA (NUCLEP), the leading company of the nuclear industry in Brazil, providing services in the field of heavy engineering, has been signed. New opportunities for enhanced cooperation between Russia and Brazil are opened through the Business Council of BRICS and there are already examples of successful cooperation projects in the energy sector, in particular, the localization of production of power equipment in Brazil. The growing interest in renewable energy sources associated with the steady growth of energy consumption, as well as increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The main task of Russia is search of ways to increase the commerce and, as consequence, expansions of investment cooperation. The level of investments has noticeably grown for the last some years, possible risks here became significantly less, but also the time of reception of the first profit has significantly increased. It is connected with the enough limited home market of consumption in Brazil, where most part of the population lives below a level of poverty and only buys products of the first indispensability. Thus, manufacture orientation to the export trade is more preferentially. Conclusions Cooperation between Brazil and Russia develops fast paces. The important directions of cooperation between two countries are such high technology branches, as space branch and atomic engineering. During cooperation Brazil aspires to take the experience, saved up in Russia, for progress of own technologies. Also, the interoperability between two states in area of a science and formation, tourism and other branches actively develops. The Fundamental importance for both countries has regional cooperation. | |
Komarova A. M., Novikov S. V. Aircraft engine repair work flows optimization based on innovative labor potential updating in conditions of rate setting. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 252-258. This article is devoted to the realization of aircraft engines competitive recovery in the framework of the State program of development of aviation industry in Russia until 2025. It is proved that aviation engine-building belongs to the number of high-tech and knowledge-based industries, which development affects a number of vital areas of life and, in whole, the stability of the national economy. One of the important trends of economic efficiency and Russian aircraft engines competitiveness increase is to ensure their reliability on the level of foreign competitors. The urgency of the system of aftersales service development and repair time reduction through maintenance workflow optimization using progressive norms and standards. The problem of optimal division of labor should be addressed comprehensively, taking into account economic, organizational-technical and psychophysiological factors, which are closely related. Thus, the article describes the method of division of labor optimization in the organization of aircraft engines maintenance of using models of integer linear programming and network planning. The paper presents the results of the implementation of a method of optimizing the division of labor occupied with assembly operations for aircraft engine maintenance. Hence, the use of these innovations will allow provide uniform loading at the workplaces, reduce the number of workers and the complexity of final assembly. | |
Zvyagintseva I. I., Khmelevoi V. V., Zueva T. I. Using a method based on fuzzy logical derivation for airlines internal risk management. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2016, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 259-268. Active realization of State programs of industrial and economic development of Russia in modern conditions of managing increases the need for ensuring more mobility of its population. In conditions of Russia, avionics can provide the most effective transportation of passengers with minimum time losses, and implementation of light helicopters in particular. For steady development of business in the sphere of rendering helicopter services in the territory of the Moscow region, it is necessary to provide the high safety level of air transportation. Safety characterizes the degree of security from impact of risks, internal in the first place. Safety is a basic significant meaning for risk management and ensuring the greatest possible degree of security of social systems from economic and anthropogenic impacts. The development of helicopter transport depends on a solution of the problem of development and implementation of modern techniques and technologies of risk management. In economically developed countries, the assessment of airline activities efficiency puts on the first place the security of its activities, rather than the profit made. The risk is considered herein as a market grade, which identifies to a great extent both the position, and competitiveness of the rendered service and its producer. The subject for the study is a risk management system while operation of commercial helicopters. As a result, the concept of risk management based on safety notion is suggested. The airline internal risk assessment tool is developed and tested, and the measures aimed at risk management system formation are elaborated on. | |
Samsonovich S. L., Makarin M. A., Larin A. P. Design of an aircraft side-stick controller based on electromechanical power mini drives. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 7-20. Design of a side-stick control (SSC) of the aircraft is an important task, which is focused on improving the efficiency and convenience of pilot operation. In addition, application of SSC allows reduce the total weight of the control system. The paper carries out the analysis of present-day SSCs, describes the effect of added mass inherent to any SSC. It also shows the disadvantages associated with control priority characteristic to passive SSCs, and shows that active SSCs have a number of advantages over passive ones due to permanent synchronous operation. The paper presents the results of morphological analysis and synthesis of SSC development. It is shown that construction of SSC gimbal joint using two electromechanical drives placed over skew axes allows reducing weight and size figures, and implementation of double-reduction harmonic gear with rolling elements makes it possible to design hybrid control channels. It is found that application of double-reduction harmonic gear with rolling elements for power mini drives with output stage operating as differential mechanism allowing summing up motor and mechanical guide motions is expedient. The paper reveals that introduction of additional mechanical guide for manual control increases the level of pilots information awareness as well as flight safety level in emergencies. The paper contains the results of design, mathematical modeling and the appearance of the prototype. The model is based on dynamics of a drive system, taking into account dynamics of permanent magnet synchronous motors, robustness of the design and reducing gear, moments of inertia, and nonlinearities, such as reducing gear backlash and dry friction. The authors developed a number of algorithms of SSC operation in different modes and described the method of setting the control priority. It is shown that the presence of force sensors improves the functionality of the device. The paper outlines the structure and operation of the aircraft control system when SSC is in use, and shows that transfer to manual control in case of power-off is possible. The presented results demonstrate that using of hybrid control channels increases the flight safety level. | |
Tyutyunnikov N. P., Shklyarchuk F. N. On effectiveness of turn winglets using in the capacity of wing mechanization elements . Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 21-31. Aerodynamic characteristics of large elongation straight elastic wing with turn winglets are analyzed. The discrete vortex method is used for determination of the aerodynamic load distribution. Mathematical model of the wing structure is developed using the bay method as a finite element method with enlarged elements of a thin-walled beam subjected to bending, transverse shear and torsion. These methods are used to solve coupled aeroelasticity problem. Aerodynamic load distribution for elastic wing and its divergence velocity are determined. Dependence of the aerodynamic characteristics from the winglet turning about longitudinal axis for some of its locations are analyzed. Aerodynamic symmetric and antisymmetric load distribution taking into account the turning of the winglets is considered in this paper. The winglets can duplicate and even execute the functions of the wing regular mechanization elements as ailerons. The use of winglets can be particularly efficient for small aircraft with large elongation elastic wings. For determining the aerodynamic load the wing is divided on small finite panels with one joined vortex and two end free vortexes of constant unknown circulations. Flow non-separation conditions are satisfied in one point of the panel. Using bay-method the wing is divided to bays by cross sections. The bay stiffness matrixes are determined using the theory of thin-walled beams. Displacements, angles of rotations, and twisting in the joints of the bays are considered as generalized coordinates. The total stiffness matrix is constructed by standard procedure of finite element assembling. As an example aerodynamic load distribution and divergence velocity are calculated for straight wing with turn winglets. The proposed technique makes it possible to estimate the efficiency of the turn winglet control by aerodynamic and aeroelastic characteristics of wings. Calculations executed for typical structure of straight wing with large elongation show that using of that winglets may be efficient tool for wing aerodynamic characteristics control. The winglets can act as ailerons to control the antisymmetric motion of aircraft. Using of the turn winglets evidently is most reasonable for light aircraft with rather compliant wings of large elongation. | |
Pravidlo M. N., Prokudin S. V. Assessment of economic effect at mathematical modeling of aerodynamic characteristics. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 32-37. The paper presents the method for economic effect estimation when using new computer hardware (compact super computer) to calculate aerodynamic performance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It vividly illustrates that computer-aided experiments (calculations) reduce drastically the amount of testing carried out in wind tunnel. By expert estimation of foreign specialists (USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Israel), depending on flight mode and UAV configurations for which the aerodynamic performance is determined, the wind tunnel tests cost reduction is five times less and even more. In this case, the reduction of tube testing herewith does not lead to loss of volume of information, necessary for high-quality design. The paper presents the method for calculation of manufacturing process economic component to estimate the aggregate of required expenses and economic effect analysis of a research work on computation cluster design for numerical study of aerodynamic performance. As practice revealed, this method can be successfully applied for economic appraisal of the abovementioned research work conducted in 2013-2015. As the results of the selected method for economic effect calculation revealed, the expenditures connected with acquisition of a new compact super computer as well as carrying out mathematical modeling are rather significant. But they become justified compared to the number of blowing-downs in a wind tunnel and related explicit costs. For example, with six testing blow-downs in wind tunnel the expenses are equivalent to the cost of new equipment. Moreover, when the number of estimated six blow-downs is exceeded, the results of comparison show that compact super computer zone of effectiveness comes. | |
Panasyuchenko P. S. Selection of critical parameters of a single rotor scheme rotary-ring with swiveling steering gear. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 38-45. Requirements placed on modern perspective helicopters envisage not only vertical take-off, landing and hovering, but long-range cruise speed as well. Having the same engine installation, a rotary-wing can achieve high flight speeds due to optimal use of the main rotor, additional fixed wing and propulsion plant. Creating the lifting force, the wing unloads the main rotor, preventing the retreating blade stalling. Propulsion plant sets optimum fuselage attack angle when it does not create negative lifting force and has minimum drag. Implementation of jet engines to create helicopter propulsion force is not effective since they are not used during hovering. Thus, in case of using turboprops as cruise engines not the entire power of main engines is realized at high flight speeds. This drawback can be rectified by using one or more extra propellers, driven by common transmission. In case of single rotor helicopter propellers can be used for reactive torque compensation at low flight speeds. At high speeds reactive torque is compensated by vertical tail. The alternate method of propulsive force creation at high speeds consists in implementation of tilting the tail ""rotor. In this case, all the power of main turboshaft engines will be used at hover, as well as at high speeds, distributing between main and tail rotors. The main problem of rotary-wing design is selection of the wing and propulsion prop parameters. This problem was solved by parametric analysis using Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant flight simulator. Engine power and main rotor parameters were fixed, and wing area and propulsion prop thrust varied. For a single rotor helicopter with two VK-2500M turboshaft engines and take off weight of 11500 kg, additional 15 m2 wing should be used to reach maximum cruise speed 385 km/h. The main rotor autorotation is not an optimal way to achieve the highest aircraft performance characteristics. The main propeller should compensate fuselage drag. It needs 2500 h. p. for this purpose. The main rotor, with this, produces 70% of required lifting force for a horizontal flight and consumes 1500 h. p. | |
Zolotov A. A., Nurullaev E. D. Efficiency upgrading techniques for assembly products of space-rocket equipment. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 46-52. The article considers design techniques for reliability and safety upgrade of space-rocket systems (SRS) operation. The authors have suggested the reliability demonstration technique of the systems when measuring operational integrity parameters, as well as solved the problem of SRS reliability demonstration control under amount of testing limitations. Information content of tests has been enhanced. The paper defines the areas of effective and bearable values of the parameters under study. Failure probability was evaluated for each parameter through coefficients of variation of effective and bearable parameters values and safety margin. Interval estimation was calculated to provide guaranteed result. Average margin value was evaluated using operational integrity values sampling. For the accepted level of confidence, lower and upper boundaries of reliability were calculated. The sampling can be arranged using testing results carried out in the course of experimental development. Thus, amounts of redundancy introduction provides SRS reliability requirements for the limited amount of testing. It is very important in relation to time limit. We suggested systems reliability demonstration technique during extra heavy testing, and solved the problem of SRS operational integrity control during contingency rating. Availability of redundancy of system parameters characterizing its operational integrity is suggested. Loading factor was determined on account of product operation in both effective and bearable modes. After extra heavy testing the lower boundary of reliability for the accepted level of confidence was determined using tables. Thus, the introduction of amounts of redundancy provides the SRS heavy testing reliability requirements. It is of prime importance concerning one-shot products. The paper suggests an SRS failure occurrence evaluation technique, and solves the problem of a bad product acceptance probability. The technique of SRS validity control parameters optimization is offered. The problem of optimum tests number determining with allowance for tests expenses and inspection error damage is solved. The algorithms using the offered techniques, which are illustrated with modeled examples, are presented. The received results can be useful for the design offices workers, research institutes, scientific and production enterprises during developing, as well as operation and maintenance of highly reliable SRS. | |
Kim V. P., Grdlichko D. P., Merkur'ev D. V., Smirnov P. G., Shilov E. A. Study of stationary plasma thruster performance in operating modes with high discharge voltages. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 53-66. The paper presents the results of the study of SPT-100PM and SPT-140PM stationary plasma thrusters models characteristics. These models operated with different schemes of discharge feeding and high discharge voltages. The abovementioned models are the SPT laboratory models with external accelerating channel diameters of 100 mm and 140 mm, respectively, modified for magnetic shunt allocation inside the discharge chamber. They had reduced width of the accelerating channel and magnetic system optimized for operation with high discharge voltages. Tests of these models had shown that due to the abovementioned modifications we managed to reduce the negative impact on thruster performance of mass flow reduction while discharge voltage is increased, to provide moderate level of discharge power, as well as accelerating channel broadening due to discharge chamber walls erosion during continuous operation. It is also shown that:
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Kolodyazhnyi D. Y., Nagornyi V. S. Experimental studies of electric field impact on chemical composition of kerosene-air mixture products combustion. Aerospace MAI Journal, 2015, vol. 22, no 4, pp. 67-74. The efficiency enhancement of aircraft engines through quality improvement of fuel spraying and fuel-air mixture combustion is the question of the day. The results of experimental studies of properly induced electric field, using electrical facility affecting aviation kerosene (EFAK) at the fuel nozzle input, as well as chemical composition of kerosene-air mixture combustion gases were obtained. Based on the carried out analysis it is possible to draw the following inferences:
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