Liquid rocket engines functional diagnostics system in real-time mode

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Levochkin P. S.1, Martirosov D. S.2*, Kamenskii S. S.1**, Kozlov A. A.2***, Borovik I. N.2****, Belyaeva N. V.2*****, Rumyantsev D. S.3******

1. NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
3. V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, 65, Profsoyuznaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russia



The hardware-software complex of the functional diagnostics system of the liquid jet engines operation during fire tests was developed. The system analyzes data in the real time mode. It deals with troubleshooting of units, structural elements or loops of a liquid rocket engine and determines the time instant of their occurrence.

Theoretical studies of the processes occurring in a rocket engine have been conducted since the 1930s. Differential equations reflect the dependencies between the engine parameters. The developed system employs the linearized equations of dynamics allowing accelerate computing and obtain numerical results in the real-time mode.

Each engine and each of its units are described by mathematical equations, on which basis the parameters values are calculated.

At each stationary mode, the averaged values of the operating engine measured parameters computed employing a mathematical model are compared.

If a calculated value deviates from the actual one, then there is a considerable probability of a defect presence in a unit, or in the entire engine. Functional diagnostics is based on this principle.

Modern measuring systems and high-speed computing systems are employed to diagnose engines in real-time mode.

The system consists of a hardware-software complex, an information system and a database, a telemetry signal emulator and an operator’s automated workplace.

The LRE functional diagnostics system solves the following tasks:

1. Increases the safety of the LRE fire tests conducting;

2. Determines the the engine functioning correctness in all stationary modes specified by the test profile;

3. Detects and localizes the malfunctions disrupting the proper functioning;

4. Identifies the engine “weak points”, such as elements or loops prone to structural or manufacturing failures.

5. Confirms the engine reliability before prior to its employing as a part of the launch vehicle.

The results of the emergency protection system and functional diagnostics system operation were compared. The proposed system has always found a failure before the emergency protection system did.


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