Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-73-83
1*, 1**, 2***1. Dolgoprudny Research and Product Enteprise, DNPP, Sobina Av, 1, Dolgoprudny, 141700, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: mail@dnnp.biz
**e-mail: gryzzin@mail.ru
***e-mail: s.parafes@mail.ru
When designing modern highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), one of the most urgent tasks is studying aeroelastic stability of the rudder-drive system, since the stability loss in the above-appointed system can lead to the general instability of the UAV stabilization system, which is unallowable. To ensure stability of the “aeroelastic UAV–stabilization system” circuit, the requirements on bandwidth and gain level, as well as necessary phase lag in the strictly defined frequency band are being imposed on the rudder drive. All this, in its turn, complicates the problem of ensuring stability of both the UAV stabilization system and the rudder-drive system.
The article presents the results of studying the aeroelastic stability of the rudder-drive system of the highly maneuverable UAV studying. They are based on the frequency characteristics and processed signals comparison at the output of the isolated drive with constant load, and at the output of the drive loaded with the rudder that oscillates within the frequency range of the structure elastic vibrations. The electric drive with digital microcontroller regulator, being employed at present as a part of stabilization system of the highly maneuverable UAV was considered as a drive. A hinge moment gradient, characterizing the drive loading by the rudder performing flexural-and-torsional vibrations in the supersonic aerodynamic flow, was obtained. Nonlinear mathematical model of the rudder drive with digital microcontroller regulator was used as a research tool.
The main results of the study are the transfer function coefficients of the dynamic hinge moment, and obtained frequency responses of the “rudder-drive” system for the UAV flight mode under consideration. The results of the “rudder-drive” system studying allow concluding that that the considered drive, being loaded by the rudder, vibrating within the range of the structure elastic vibrations, can be used as a part of the UAV stabilizing system.
The considered in the article technique for the transfer function of the dynamic hinge moment forming is invariant relative to the drive type and aerodynamic flow kind (sub- or supersonic). In this regard, the results of the studies obtained by its application can be employed while solving the variety of the problems on the stability ensuring of the stabilization systems of various UAV classes with regard for aeroelasticity.
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), stabilization system, rudder, electric drive, dynamic hinge moment, aeroelastic stability, rudder-drive system, nonlinear modelReferences
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