Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-3-146-154
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
The presented article deals with the new specific parameters elaboration necessary for more qualitative analysis of a jet engine operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The purpose of the article consists in elaborating specific parameters, which would be able to account for the degree of carbonization and failure of the jet engine nozzles with the time of operation.
Theoretical work on the sources of information reviewing and analysis of various existing specific criteria was performed. Earlier, experimental studies with hydrocarbon fuel were also conducted, which proved one more time that thermal precipitation formation in the fuel supplying ducts was one of the main factors of the jet engine operation effectiveness reduction and its thrust characteristics.
The results of this research consist in – developing and subsequent pending of the novel inventions with the methods of prevention and control of thermal precipitation formation:
– creating the plot of the thrust decay of the jet engine depending on the degree of nozzles carbonization;
– obtaining new specific parameters of the jet engines qualitative analysis in dependence of nozzles operability.
The scope of the research findings application includes diagnostics of both military and civil aviation jet engines; broadening the technique for complex and qualitative analysis of jet engines with the best engine scheme selection; scientific research for the purpose of creating effective monitoring system for the nozzles failure both on the ground and in the air and space.
At present, the problem of thermal deposits occurring on the walls of the fuel-feeding ducts, nozzles and sprayers is still staying unsolved. There is no complete theory of the thermal precipitations formation. The same relates to the complete theory of the thrust reduction of the jet engine due to the thermal deposits and failure of nozzles, filters and sprayers. It is worth mentioning that the existing parameters, characterizing the quality and perfection of jet engines, such as specific thrust, specific mass etc. do not account for the degree of nozzles carbonization with their possible failure. Application of new specific parameters, such as parameters presented in the article, is necessary for the purpose of more qualitative analysis of the jet engines characteristics.
The article outlines the ways of further theoretical and experimental studies.
jet engine, specific parameter, thrust, fuel, nozzleReferences
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