Planets exploration with reusable takeoff and landing complexes

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-48-58


Saprykin O. A.

Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academу of Sciences (GEOHI RSA), 19, Kosygin str., Moscow, 119991, Russia



The article performs a comparative analysis of the known methods of the of the solar system planets exploring by automatic interplanetary stations (AMS). These are exploration by the flyby trajectories, from near-planet orbit, and planets exploration by the probes (stationary or mobile) with direct landing on the planet surface. The following conditions ensuring global planet exploration were selected as comparison criteria. They are contact studies (soil analysis, etc.); the possibility for visiting several regions of the planet; maximum routs length for detailed exploration of the planet; applicability while pioneer flights realization, and the possibility of reusable application of the one-type spacecraft for various space objects studying.

In the process of analysis, conclusion is being drawn that none of the applied methods solves scientific problems concurrently and comprehensively (on a global scale of the studied planet) and in detail (at the level of contact probes). It was proposed herewith to consider the fourth – practically unexplored method of research – by employing orbital refueling tankers (ORT) and reusable takeoff and landing complexes (RTLC). The article demonstrates the possibility of high-tech scenarios realization of scientific missions, combining both scales (such as exploration of several remote regions of the planet, or even several satellite planets near the giant planets) within the framework of a single mission, as well as contact studies (soil sampling, drilling, etc.). On the example of the flight to the giant planet system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) the author demonstrates the possibility of realizing scenario with multiple landing on the giant planet satellite, as well as with flight continuation to the next satellite of this planet, and its exploring with the same scenario. The RTLC fueling from the fueling tanker side (the ORT, besides the tanker function, performs the function of the scientific mission navigation and communication provision device), ensures the possibility of multiple contact and route studies on the planet (satellite) surface, which is yet impossible with conventional exploration techniques. The RTLC fueling from the fueling tanker side (the ORT, besides the tanker function, performs the function of the scientific mission navigation and communication provision device), ensures the possibility of multiple contact and route studies on the planet (satellite) surface, which is yet impossible with traditional exploration techniques.


reusable takeoff and landing complex, orbital refueling tanker, automatic interplanetary station, spacecraft, exploration method, local flight, jump, scientific tools set, route, interplanetary complex


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