Application of acoustic methods for identification and characterization of full destruction harbingers of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers while strength experimental study

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2020-4-92-104


Ryzhova T. B.1*, Petronyuk Y. S.2**, Morokov E. S.2***, Gulevskii I. V.1****, Levin V. M.2*****, Shanygin A. N.1******

1. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
2. Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Kosygina str., Moscow, 119334, Russia



A feature of polymer fiber-reinforced composites (PFRC) destruction is multi-focal point damages formation of microstructure under external impacts, their growth and coalescence, resulting in macro-damages formation and sudden destruction of a product. One of the factors impeding creation of the multi-level prognostic models of the PFRC destruction consists in limitation in non-destructive means, allowing study mechanisms of their internal structure damaging from micro- to macro-level.

A combination of two non-destructive acoustic methods was employed to study the multilevel damage

of a thick laminated carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) with the [0°/ 90°]4S stacking under loading on uniaxial stretching and three-point bending. The acoustic emission (AE) method allows continuous monitoring of the internal structure integrity of the tested material and loading parameters recording while the damage initiation and growth. Multilevel visualization of the material internal structure, acoustic microscopy (AM), allows identification and characterization of its damages from micro- to macro-level.

The samples being tested were cut out of a panel of the 4.32 mm thickness, fabricated by the prepreg of a thick laminated carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) with the [0°/ 90°]4S stacking under loading on uniaxial stretching and three-point bending. The acoustic emission (AE) method allows continuous monitoring of the internal structure integrity of the tested material and loading parameters recording while the damage initiation and growth. Multilevel visualization of the material internal structure, acoustic microscopy (AM), allows identification and characterization of its damages from micro- to macro-level.

The samples being tested were cut out of a panel of the 4.32 mm thickness, fabricated by the prepreg the harbingers of the full destruction of the material, namely:

– zones with high (critical) density of transverse matrix cracks in [90°] layers,

– the adhesion weakening/damaging along the «fiber-matrix» interfaces in [0°] layers,

– local fibers fractures.


laminated carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, stretching, three-point bending, total failure harbingers, damages accumulation, acoustic methods


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