Mathematical modelling of liquid rocket engine flow regulator in frequency and time domains

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2021-1-96-106


Aung K. M.*, Kolomentsev A. I.**, Martirosov D. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article presents mathematical model of the liquid propellant rocket engine (LPRE) flow regulator and the study of its static characteristics, such as fuel component consumption dependence on the pressure difference, and dynamic characteristics, such as regulator amplitude-frequency response. The study was performed by the developed mathematical model, which unlike the well-known domestic and foreign counterparts ensures the most complete description of the fuel consumption regulation processes. It demonstrates that dynamic characteristics in technical systems are being determined by the areas of its movable part (slide-valve) and differential orifices.

The liquid flow regulator is one of the main units of any LPRE. These regulators are designate for maintaining the fuel components consumption keeping with the specified accuracy, or its varying according to the certain law under conditions of internal and external disturbing factors varying.

They are being employed in the modern multimode engines such as RD-253, RD-120, RD-170, RD-180, SSME, RL-10 as actuating elements.

The flow regulators employed in the LPRE are being separated into the two groups: direct- and indirect-acting regulators. The direct-acting regulators found wide application in modern LPRE. The direct-acting regulators are being applied as a rule at a flow rate m*g ≤0.2 kg/s, though they can be employed at greater flow rates, if high performance ensuring is necessary.

A feature of all flow regulators is their ability to control the flow rate and maintain the flow rate only at relatively slow changes of control and disturbing impacts in time.

The article presents a system of equations, describing working processes at the fuel components regulator normal functioning. Mathematical model of the improved direct-acting thrust regulator design for the LPRE with oxidizing gaz afterburning, allowing substantially increase effectiveness of automated for engine control and diagnostics systems. As the result of modelling, the dependencies of flow rate through the regulator on the angular position of the actuator and pressure difference at the regulator were obtained.

Recommendations on flow rate regulations modernization for the engines of the RD-170 family were given based on the obtained results. The results can be used while flow regulators designing and their state diagnostics while testing.


liquid rocket engine, mathematical model of the regulator, static and dynamic characteristics, regulator tuning and load characteristics, regulator amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics


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