Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-2-77-87
*, **Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia
*e-mail: yaezrokhi@ciam.ru
**e-mail: 30105@ciam.ru
Mathematical modeling of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) is one of the most important instruments, which is being employed at all stages of its life cycle. Foremost, it is being applied at the stages of engine design and its engineering follow-up
The efficiency of the engine mathematical model (EMM) application depends on the accuracy and adequacy of the working process description in an air-gas channel of the engine and its components. The accuracy of the basic engine components defining is an essential factor that determines the accuracy of the gas-turbine engine mathematical model. The engine gas turbine is one of such basic GTE components.
The firsts-level mathematical model of the engine the gas turbine represents a single-stage (one nozzle assembly and one impeller). The turbine performances are being represented as the dependence of the normalized gas consumption in the first nozzle assembly throat and efficiency on the turbine pressure ratio and reduced circular velocity value on the impeller average radius.
As is known, the efficiency reflects the difference between the real and ideal processes (without thermal losses, i.e. adiabatic expansion) in the engine turbine. In other words, it is the ratio of the power generated by the turbine to the turbine adiabatic power.
The article presents various options of the turbine efficiency determining, which differ each other by the accounting for the cooling air energy.
Analysis of the engine parameters impact on the difference between the efficiency value determined by the parameters in the nozzle throat and the efficiency value determined by the parameters in the gap between the nozzle and the impeller blades was performed. The article demonstrates that incorrect accounting for the efficiency while the aircraft GTE model computing may lead to significant errors in determining its parameters and performances.
aircraft gas turbine engine, parameters and performances, gas turbine efficiency, turbine cooling, nozzle block, impellerReferences
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