Burner design impact on the flame tube walls temperature state

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2022-3-136-142


Baklanov A. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia

e-mail: andreybaklanov@bk.ru


The presented article recounts the results of the studies on the flame tube walls temperature determining of the gas turbine engine (GTE) running on the gaseous fuel.

The flame tube walls cooling is one of the essential components of the processes organizing in the GTE combustion chamber. The combustion chamber operation reliability and the engine lifetime in the aggregate are fully dependent on the effective cooling of the flame tube walls. One of the most widespread cooling systems is convective-film one, consisting in the air film forming, which does not allow the heated gas interact with metal and removes the heat from the opposite side of the wall due to the convection.

The article presents the description of the test bench equipment. It considers thee options of burners that differ by the nozzle attachment design, the geometry of the swirler and atomizer herewith remains unchanged. The results of fire tests studies of three burners with various nozzle attachments are presented. Comparison of the flame structure of the two burners was made.

The article presents the combustion chamber design of converted aircraft gas turbine engine, meant for the supercharger drive of the gas-pumping unit. Dissection of the combustion chamber walls in its various cross-sections was performed, and combustion chamber testing as a part of gas turbine engine was conducted.

Temperature of the walls at the modes being considered does not exceed 800°C, which is indicative of the ample flame tube cooling.

Based on the results of the work being conducted, the inferences were drawn on the most acceptable option of the burner for implementation with the engine.


combustion chamber, diffusion combustion, burner, combustion chamber wall temperature


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