Technological process design for selective laser fusion of a heat-resistant alloy for the burner device manufacturing

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-131-141


Smelov V. G.1*, Kokareva V. V.1**, Chupin P. V.2***, Dmitriev D. N.2****

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
2. “Kuznetsov”, 29, Zavodskoye shosse, Samara, 443009, Russia



On the assumption of permanently growing product complexity, stipu-lated by the requirement toughening to the functional characteristics, additive technologies play the key role in industrialization of the new production methods of aviation engineering. However, the ex-isting barriers caused by limitations of the additive production technologies and powders properties, ca-pabilities of hardware and software are hindering active reengineering of the products to additive production technologies.

Technological process developing for parts manufacturing by the selective la-ser fusion (SLF) method is a multifactorial and multivariate task. Decision-making on the SLF technology implementing for manufacturing hot part of the industrial gas turbine engine installations is based on the following criteria definition. They are productivity; level of detail, i.e. the possibil-ity of minute fragments manufacturing; plotting accuracy; work-out labor intensity; geometric parameters stability and reproducibility; reliability and endurance of the additive production; main assemblages lifespan prior to replacement or refurbishment.

However, achieving the above said criteria is being ensured by technological processes optimizing based on parametric and structural methods.

The purpose of this work consists in developing algorithms for creating a «smart» structure (configuration) of the «Burner device» assembly unit when the SLF technology design for the VG159 heat-resistant alloy metal powder. This algorithm for the aircraft engi-neering products design will allow obtaining «on the first try» a workpiece according to the required quality parameters of the SLF technological process. The article presents the recommended sequence of work in the design of gas turbine engines assembly unit, being manufactured according to the SLF technological process.

The SLF process being developed for the of the «Burner device» assembly unit manufacturing is based on a complex «product-material-process-properties» digital twin, which allows ensuring a «free» geometry with the assembly unit accuracy provision, in contrast to the conventional methods of designing based on the me-chanical properties optimization. The algorithm specificity consists in accounting for the values of residual stresses, the magnitude and direction of deformations in the designed workpiece ob-tained by the SLF technology by modeling the SLF process and predicting the level of residual stresses. The simulation result is corrected 3D model of the workpiece with the geometry, which, after manufacturing according to the SLF, heat treatment, separation from the structuring platform and removal of supports, will ensure minimum deviation of the shape, size and location of surfaces from the specified values, i.e. the «smart» design of the assembly unit.


gas turbine engine, thermal pressure chamber, attached inlet pipeline, interceptor, flow non-uniformity, circumferential irregularity, pulsation intensity


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