Computational studies on the air intake of the power plant mounted in the mainline aircraft wing root

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Novogorodtsev E. V.*, Kazhan V. G.**, Koltok N. G.***, Chanov M. N.****

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



The article deals with the computational study of flow-around and characteristics of the air intake of a power plant mounted in the mainline aircraft wing root. Mathematical model of the air intake in the mainline aircraft layout was designed. A modified option of the air intake was designed as the result of the performed studies, in which, unlike the basic option, the following arrangements were realized. They are placing the lining-spreader in the area of the junction of the wing and the fuselage; reprofiling of the air intake duct edges and outlines; accomplishing the “tooth”-shaped ledge in the lower air intake edge.

Air intake flow-around numerical simulation was performed based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with SST-turbulence model solution (RANS-SST approach) employing unstructured computational grids built in the flow areas outside and inside the air intake. Air intake duct throttling was performed using the active disk method.

As the result of the performed studies the air intake throttle characteristics were obtained, namely dependencies of the total pressure recovery coefficient v and the circumferential flow distortion parameter Δ¯δ on the specific reduced air flow through the engine q(λeng). The article adduces the M number fields in both vertical longitudinal and horizontal longitudinal sections of the air intake duct, as well as fields of the v coefficient in the cross-section of the duct corresponding to the engine compressor inlet.

Analysis of the results of the computational study of the wing-mounted air intake flow and performance showed that in the cruising flight mode the modified air intake option considerably outperforms the baseline air intake one. Thus, the modified wing-mounted air intake variant ensures higher ν coefficient value, and lower Δ¯δ0  parameter values compared to the baseline wing-mounted air intake option. It was established that in the cruising flight mode, the modified air intake option performance was similar to the performance of air intakes in the classical layout of the main aircraft with engine nacelles located under the wing. It was revealed that application of the “tooth-shaped” ledge on the air intake lower edge allowed improve significantly the air intake performance in the takeoff and landing flight modes in terms of the total pressure distortion at the engine inlet cross section due to the of the separated flow restructuring in the air intake. Unlike the baseline air intake option, the air intake option with a “tooth-shaped” ledge allowed ensuring the gas-dynamic stability of the power plant in the takeoff and landing flight modes.


mainline aircraft air intake flow-around numerical simulation, power plant mounted in aircraft wing root, total pressure recovery coefficient, throttle characteristic of air intake, total pressure circumferential distortion parameter at the engine inlet, turbofan engine


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