Experimental test rig for assessing icing and ice destruction effect on the model fan vibrations of a small-sized aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Modorskii V. Y.*, Kalyulin S. L.**, Sazhenkov N. A.***

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia

*e-mail: modorsky@pstu.ru
**e-mail: ksl@pstu.ru
***e-mail: sazhenkov_na@mail.ru


The article describes a special experimental test rig, representing a small-sized wind tunnel, which allows studying the processes of unmanned aerial vehicles fans icing of, as well as evaluating the effect of ice destruction on their vibrational state.

The experimental test rig allows the following:

– video recording of icing and ice destruction processes on a rotating fan at shooting speeds up to 960 frames per second (and more with the flashbulb employing);

– change the stiffness and weight of model fan blades by installing fans of various configurations on the rotor shaft;

– temperature control in the flow path within the range from – 30 up to 25°С with an accuracy of 0.5°С;

– relative humidity control in the flow path within the range from 20 to 100% with an accuracy of 2-5%;

– fan rotor speed control within the range up to 15,000 rpm;

– static pressure measuring in the flow path within the range of 30,000–110,000 Pa;

– the flow velocity measuring within the range of 0–100 m/s;

– vibration accelerations measuring on supports or body parts of the installation within the frequency range up to 12 kHz in various directions.

The authors proposed an experimental method for assessing the fans vibrational state in the process of icing. The data obtained with the proposed experimental technique demonstrate that the destruction of ice during the fan operation can lead to an increase in vibration velocities measured on the engine support by a factor of 5, from 0.6 mm/s to 3 mm/s. The standard level of vibration accelerations recorded herewith on the fan housing in the absence of ice on the blades is 0.01 mm/s. The effect of the change in the local characteristics of the fan blades surface impact on the ice adhesion was found, which, as a result, can be used to reduce the fan speed at which ice breakage is observed.

One of the further trends of possible experimental research is the study of the mechanical properties of the surfaces of fan blades effect on the properties of ice adhesion.


small-sized aero-cooling tunnel, experimental study of icing, aircraft fan vibrometering, aircraft anti-icing systems


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