Numerical modeling of aircraft composite panels ice impact damages

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Le V. T.

Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20, prospect Karla Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia



Composite laminates are becoming increasingly popular in load-bearing structures, particularly in aviation. However, application of composites may have drawbacks, especially in the case of impacts, such as collisions with birds or hail, which can result in various types of damage. Hail collisions occur both on the ground and in the air, leading to various forms of damage that may remain invisible from the outside. The impact of hail collisions on composite structures has been insufficiently studied.

The presented article encompasses the following key aspects:

–      Modeling ice behavior under high deformation rates and fracture using the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method.

–    Developing a numerical model to analyze internal damage caused by ice impact on composite structures. The developed ice material model includes a relationship between stress and strain, as well as criteria, determining failure at high deformation rates. Various models are being mentioned, and special attention is being given to the elastic-plastic fracture model for the hail impact modeling. This study conducts additionally a comparative analysis between SPH method and the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method in modeling ice impacts. The SPH method is mesh-independent, enabling the accurate capture of material interfaces and mitigating the issues associated with mesh distortion caused by crack growth and material failure. The author suggest thereby the SPH method utilization as a grid-independent modeling alternative for ice deformation and fracture within LS-DYNA.

The specialized material model, “*MAT_PLASTICITY_COMPRESSION_ TENSION_EOS”, was utilized for ice simulation. This model incorporates strain rate sensitivity, specifically addressing band strain rate sensitivity through stress compression scaling coefficient data input into the “*EOS_TABULATED_COMPACTION” equation of state. The results of the SPH simulations were compared with the analytical and experimental data and showed good agreement. This comparison was being performed at different impact velocities, confirming the SPH method effectiveness for simulating ice deformation and fracture in LS-DYNA.

The study focuses on modeling the impact on composite multilayered structures, a subject of interest to numerous researchers and engineers. Finite Element Analysis is the most common approach for addressing such problems, including the analysis of the multilayered plates dynamic response to impacts, accounting for large deformations. The finite element method is being employed to simulate the structural properties of composites and assess structural damage. The assessment of laminated composite failure typically relies on examining stresses within each layer. Various theories based on the plate normal and shear strengths have been developed for the laminated composites failure analyzing. Hashin proposed the three-dimensional failure criteria for composites, considering failure modes such as fiber failure under tension and compression, as well as matrix failure under tension and compression.

The 8-node elements with one integration point and parasitic modes control were employed for the impact modeling. The “*MAT_COMPOSITE_FAILURE_SOLID _MODEL” material model was selected for these composites. Contact between the laminate layers was established using the LS-DYNA contact algorithm “*CONTACT_ AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_TIE-BREAK”, and the inter-laminar strength values were applied between all layers.

A laboratory ballistic setup was established at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences to assess defect formation during low-velocity interactions between the ice impact and composite material. Comparative analysis demonstrates clear correspondence between experimental and modeling results, as well as reliable confirmation of modeling the ice impact on composite materials with the LS-DYNA software. Thus, with accurate material data, it becomes feasible to model ice impact and determine the composite structures damages under various loading conditions.


hail simulation, SPH method, ice impact, composite plate, failure, LS-DYNA


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