An approach to the aircraft propeller mathematical modeling

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Zinenkov Y. V.1*, Fedotov M. M.1**, Raznoschikov V. V.2***, Lukovnikov A. V.2****

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



There is an intensive development of unmanned and regional aviation in our country. This causes the need for additional study of airplane air propellers employed as the main propulsors of aircraft propulsion systems. When efficiency evaluating of such propulsion systems as part of an aircraft, it is necessary to have current values of thrust during the entire flight. As a rule, these values can be obtained by methods of mathematical modeling using computers. Presently, there is no mathematical model that ensures thrust computing of a propeller-driven propulsion system in a single software package for aircraft efficiency assessment. To eliminate this contradiction, the authors created a mathematical model of a four-bladed aircraft propeller and integrated it into the general algorithm of the “Calculation of thrust-economic and specific-mass characteristics of the propulsion system and aircraft motion parameters” program.

The developed mathematical model considers the air propeller as a device for converting the power on the shaft of the marshaling aircraft engine into the thrust of the aircraft propulsion system required for its movement. This model is based on experimental characteristics obtained from the results of the AV-68 propeller tests in a wind tunnel. Its purpose consists in computing current values of the propeller aerodynamic parameters at each time instant, necessary to compute the aircraft propulsion system thrust during the entire flight. Power and thrust factors, blade installation angle, speed coefficient and efficiency are being used the propeller aerodynamic parameters.

The ranges of flight conditions for which the thrust of the propeller propulsion system is being computed in the mathematical model are as follows: from 0 to 12 km in terms of flight altitude, and from 0 to 0.4 in terms of Mach number. The current thrust values of the propulsion system are automatically computed in the above-appointed

ranges with a single input of initial data and transferred to the mathematical model of the aircraft flight dynamics. To substantiate the necessary input data to the mathematical model, the main parameters and characteristics of serial air propellers used as a part of aircraft propulsion systems were analyzed. As the result, such parameters are flight altitude, flight speed, power at the engine output shaft, propeller diameter, engine shaft speed and transmission

ratio of the propeller gearbox.

Analysis of the qualitative flow of the current characteristics of the propeller computed in the course of this work demonstrates that it does not contradict the theoretical description. This proves that the developed mathematical model of the four-bladed airplane propeller produces an adequate result, which accuracy will be evaluated in the future by verification.

As the result, development of the above-said propeller mathematical model ensured enhancing of efficiency and fidelity of computational-theoretical studies on forming preliminary technical layout of power plants by the criteria of the airplane-type aerial vehicle.

Practical value of the presented work, which consists in the fact that its outcome may be employed in both scientific institutions and design bureaus dealing with prospective unmanned aerial vehicles and power plants for them, employed in ordering organizations and industry while substantiating the requirements for new models of aviation equipment, should be noted as well.


thrust factor, power factor, speed factor, blade pitch angle, relative advance of a propeller, propeller diameter, propeller experimental characteristics, AV-68, turbofan, Horner method


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