Thrust control valve effect assessment on the liquid propellant rocket engine operation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Burtsev I. V.

NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, 1, Burdenko str., Khimki, 141400, Russia



The subject of the study is a liquid propellant rocket engine (LRE) with the generator gas afterburning. The purpose of the study consists in determining the flow regulator characteristics effect on the LRE stability.

The article presents the description of the flow regulator operation, consisting of a throttle and stabilizing parts.

The author defined the main specifics while the flow regulator functioning, and noted that with the change in the pressure drop on the regulator a delay in the movement of the stabilizer spool is possible due to the friction forces between the movable elements of the stabilizing part of the regulator.

The external view of the loading curve in the presence of a delay in the movement of the flow regulator stabilizer spool is described, and the main parameters characterizing the loading curve specifics are highlighted

Computations of the LRE parameters changes in the cases of various flow regulator loading curves were conducted. Evaluation of the flow rate through the regulator change transient impact on the generator gas temperature and turbo-pump unit shaft rotation speed of the LRE being considered fluctuations was performed.

The author proposed the description of the self-oscillations origination mechanism in the LRE paths at the abrupt change of the pressure drop on the flow regulator in the case of the various types of loading curve of the flow regulator.

The article demonstrates the loading curves specifics effect on the of self-oscillations parameters.

Assumptions were made on the self-oscillations frequency effect depending on the engine operating mode, since the residence time of the components in the gas generator changes.

A sequence of changes in the parameters of the components in the paths of the liquid propellant supply units at an abrupt change in the pressure drop on the regulator has been compiled.


iquid propellant rocket engine operation stability along the line of flow control valve (TCV), components self-oscillation in the paths of the LRE feed units, TCV operation with the stabilizer operation delay, TCV loading characteristic with substantial nonlinearities, friction in the TCV elements


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