Monitoring system development for non-catalogued space debris

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Usovik I. V.*, Morozov A. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The number of functioning spacecraft in orbits exceeds 7000, the number of manned flights is growing, and manned missions to the Moon are being planned as well. Space debris (SD) poses an increasing threat to the functioning spacecraft every year, greatest risks relate herewith to non-catalogued SD. The existing monitoring facilities are not enough for understanding the situation and verifying the SD models. To ensure the space flights safety, as well as comprehensive awareness of the near-Earth outer space (NES), it is necessary to. An integrated monitoring system development, which would ensure enough volume of information in both space and time to form actual SD models and understand the SD environment in the NES, is necessary to ensure the space flights safety, as well as comprehensive apprehension of the state of the near-Earth outer space (NES).

A review of literature has revealed that to date separate monitoring facilities for non-catalogued SD are being developed, though the task of the system development is not being solved herewith. Monitoring by the ground facilities allows estimating the SD flight altitude, inclination and size. Monitoring by remote-type space facilities allows assessing sizes and orbital parameters for the particle from the 5 cm size. Monitoring by contact-type space facilities allows estimating the stream of the SD particles and their size. As it can be seen from specifics of various types of the SD monitoring, application of all possible types will allow obtaining the most complete amount of data on the situation the in near-Earth space to verify the SD model.

The article presents the results of the small-sized SD forecasting, which demonstrate that the increase in number of non-catalogued SD exceeds growth of catalogued SD, and its change in local distribution in space herewith is less susceptible to changes due to inertia of the processes.

The model example shows that the solution of non-catalogued SD active removal problem is not feasible in near future. The estimated intensity of the NES cleaning from the SD is negligible. It does not ensure the NES protection from monotonous growth of objects, even from consequences of collisions.

The article presents proposals on developing comprehensive monitoring system for non-catalogued SD, consisting of ground-based monitoring facilities, remote and contact monitoring spacecraft, which provide together the maximum amount of information possible today.

Appropriate techniques development is necessary for determining ground-based facilities optimal placement, spacecraft orbits and their target equipment characteristics.


space flight safety, space debris, non-catalogued space debris monitoring, contact monitoring, remote monitoring, space activities reliability


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