Corrosion resistance assessment of a typical hydraulic circuit fragment for the thermal mode ensuring system synthesized by selective laser fusion

Metallurgy and Material Science


Poruchikova Y. V.1, Yakupova N. S.1, Basov A. A.1*, Plotnikov A. D.1**, Mal'tsev I. E.2

1. S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia
2. N.A. Pilugin research and production center of automation and instrumentation, 1, Vvedenskogo str., Moscow, 117342, Russia



Application of additive production methods can significantly facilitate the manufacture of heat transfer devices that include developed structures of complex shape. At the moment, unlike the problems of shaping and mechanical strength as well as porosity reduction of resulting products obtained by the additive technology, not enough attention is being paid to the issue of chemical and/or electrochemical interaction between the resulting product and coolant of heat management system.

The article presents the results of accelerated tests for corrosion resistance of hydraulic circuits fragments, produced by selective laser sintering (SLS technology), and location of weld between such fragments and pipelines, produced from rolled AMg6 alloy. The pipeline fragment is produced from the most suitable for spacecraft thermal control systems elements domestic RS333aluminum powder (AlMgSi10 alloy). The corrosion resistance was checked for the coolants mostly widespread in Russian Space program such as TRIOL, based on water, and PMS-1,5r, based on polymethylsiloxane fluid, and also for perspective coolant for modules with high thermal loads – high purity ammonia.

The tests were conducted by the method of complete samples immersion the in the coolant and their subsequent long-term (30–37 days) exposure at the room temperature. The intermediary extraction and examination of the samples were performed during exposition process in the “TRIOL” and PMS-1,5p coolants. Further, the samples visual examining with microscope was being performed.

No traces of corrosion were detected on the samples tested in the “TRIOL” and PMS-1.5r coolants. After exposure to ammonia, black spots were traced on the surface of the samples, which color and shape were atypical for corrosion products of aluminum alloys.

The authors issued recommendations on the aluminum SLS-products application in contact with the said coolants.

The article presents detailed methodological description of the experimental studies being conducted, and adduces photos of places of discovery of the imitator-samples appearance changes.


selective laser fusion (SLF), corrosion resistance of aluminum SLF-material, spacecraft coolant, heat exchanger, porosity, desiccator, sample-simulator


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