Aerodynamic Aspects of the Transport Category Aircraft Airframe Structure Repairing

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Berezko M. E.1, 2*, Sagaidak M. V.1, 2**, Shevyakov V. I.1***

1. Yakovlev Corporation Regional Aircraft Branch, 26, Leninskaya Sloboda str., Moscow, 115280, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In the course of the transport aircraft operation, defects of the aircraft outer surface, affecting its characteristics, may appear. Dents, steps, gaps, etc. may be assigned to such defects. The degree of these defects impact defines the need for the aircraft repair. The article provides examples of justifying restrictions during repair in terms of its effect on harmful resistance. There may be cases of damage to the outer surface when it is necessary to perform a more complex aerodynamic analysis of the repair impact on the aircraft characteristics. One of such cases is considered in detail in the work, namely justification of the possibility of the aircraft wing slat sections repairing in cases of the presence/absence of an anti-icing system on them. In case of the wing slat frontal part damaging, for example, by a collision with a bird, the repair may be accomplished by the overlay installing on the slat section outer surface. The overlay may reduce the thermal anti-acing system operation effectiveness in the repair zone, which may be accompanied by the possibility of the barrier ice forming on the slat/wing upper section, which drastically affects the aircraft dynamics. On the assumption that the barrier ice is being formed, parametric assessment of its impact on the aircraft resistance and its load bearing properties was performed. Numerical modeling of the flow-around was performed with the ANSYS FLUENT software. A system of Navier–Stokes equations averaged by Reynolds and closed by the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model was being solved. Examples of possible restrictions on the size and placement of the overlay, in dependence on the degree their impact on the aircraft aerodynamics are presented.


transport category aircraft, outer surface defects, drag, airframe structure repair, barrier ice


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