Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **, ***Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
*e-mail: pla.kai@mail.ru
**e-mail: 13petrof@mail.ru
***e-mail: AAKhudova@kai.ru
The article presents a technique for the new class of folded structures synthesis. Characteristic attribute of these structures is facets inclination to one side at the final stage of transformation. Their facets are being piled at the final stage on either flat or cylindrical surface. The authors defined their relief shaping regularities. In general, they are based on basic canonic shapes transformation by giving asymmetric shape to their elementary modules.
The application area of the designs based on the asymmetric structures may be sound- and energy-absorbing sandwich-panels of the flying vehicles.
Due to the facets inclination to one side, the resonant effect of sound absorption can be supplemented by the sound energy dissipative losses at the presence of the acoustic permeability of the filler material.
The asymmetric filler property to fold up to the state of horizontal scaly pack without destruction will allow in the long view designing sandwich-panels with controlled energy-absorption parameters.
The article presents the results of the studies of the possibility to synthesize row-type folded structures of both azimuthal and reversing type. Relief surfaces with quadriradiate module and on type of the hexradiate module were considered herewith.
The authors demonstrate that conventional methods of “global” and “local” modification of row-type structures are fully applicable to the asymmetric ones as well. Cellular fillers with the cells inclination to the skin may be obtained with modification techniques based on asymmetric structures. A technique for obtaining asymmetric structures was tested in the polar system of coordinates. As a result, facet surfaces with radial arrangement of structural elements were synthesized as well. The suchlike structures may be applied as turbine impellers or filter elements.
A wide range of materials may be employed to produce asymmetric folded structures, including thermoset or thermoplastic composites, thin sheet materials and synthetic paper.
The article proposes a technological scheme for the asymmetric type fillers manufacturing from composites. It is based on the prepreg sheet synchronous folding process by the shape-generating transformable mandrel.
Characteristic feature of the thin sheet folding process is the material constant thickness retaining and the absence of its structure distortion, such as reinforcement angles in composites.
Samples of glass fiber folded structures with the Z–A–corrugation and steel folded structures with Z–A–G–corrugation are presented. Preliminary laser marking of the material ensures high accuracy of the relief part.
multi-layered panels filler, folded structures, folded structures synthesis, structures with asymmetric generic module, examples of folded architectural solutions, sound-absorbing sandwich panels, energy-absorbing folded structures, technology for folded fillers from composites manufacturingReferences
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