Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The object of the research is a multi-rotor aircraft as a technical means for Venus exploring.
The subject of the study is the problem of circuit designs for a multirotor aircraft selection. The presented work is up-to-date, since now Venus exploration with automated spacecraft and various technical means as their part represents for the Russian scientists one of the priority and actively developed trends in the field of planetary explorations. The purpose of the work consists in formulating the problem of schematic designs selection for a multirotor aircraft as a new technical means of exploring Venus.
The authors propose including a new extra technical facility for the atmosphere and surface exploration of the planet in the prospective mission to Venus, namely a multi-rotor aircraft to expand the experiment scope, which supposes the schematic solutions development of this technical facility.
The problem statement is formulated in a verbal and mathematical description. This task is being divided into the two subtasks: 1) schematic solutions relating to the the multi-rotor aircraft location as a part of the supersystem and 2) schematic designs for the multirotor aircraft bringing into action in the atmosphere of Venus. System-forming features and possible performance criteria are presented for each case. are the Mass and dimensional criteria were selected as the most significant criteria for the multirotor aircraft effectiveness as part of a supersystem, since the multi-rotor aircraft location is being determined by the available mass reserve and geometric parameters of the placement zone in the supersystem. In terms of bringing into action, the key element is the separation system, which ensures a rigid attachment of the multi-rotor aircraft as part of the supersystem and its safe separation with the specified parameters.
Expressions for efficiency criteria and indicators of functional efficiency, as well as conditions for safe placement in the base unit of the multirotor aircraft and bringing it into action in the atmosphere of Venus, are written in the form of mathematical dependencies.
Correct setting of the problem will allow selecting the final options of the multirotor aircraft schematic solutions for its inclusion as a part of the prospective expedition to Venus.
multirotor aircraft for Venus exploration, multirotor aircraft schematic solutions, efficiency mass criterion, circuit-forming feature, trajectory operation on Venus, multirotor aircraft functional efficiency indicatorReferences
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