Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
1*, 2**, 2***, 2****1. United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia
2. Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau, branch of the United Engine Corporation – Ufa Engine Industrial Association, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia
The auxiliary power unit (APU) of an aircraft is intended for starting the main engine, as well as providing energy to aircraft systems and units over a wide range of operating altitudes. The APU consists of two gas-air circuits. The first circuit provides power to the supporting compressor and electric generator, and the second circuit for supplies compressed air to start the main engine. The first circuit consists of an inlet device, a main centrifugal compressor, combustion chamber, compressor turbine, free turbine and an outlet pipe. The second circuit consists of an inlet device, supporting centrifugal compressor and an output volute [1-3]. The APU main operating mode is ensured by a constant rotation speed of the free turbine rotor (nst = 98%) and constant power take-off from the free turbine rotor (Ne_set = 20 kW) to the electric generator. While the APU prototypes testing, problems such as excessive rotation speed of the turbo-compressor rotor and increased gas temperature T*g at the turbine inlet relative to the design values, which did not meet the requirements of the technical specifications for the the APU design, were noted. To speed up the process of the APU parametric finishing and achieve requirements of the technical specifications, the purpose of the work to optimize the thermo-gas-dynamic parameters of the APU being developed and make proposals for the APU design changes was set. To achieve the set goal, the ThermoGTE modern software package for thermo-gas-dynamic computations was selected. This software package choice was made due to the presence of an intuitive program interface, the presence of a built-in designer of thermo-gas-dynamic circuits, developed functionality for setting up tasks in the thermo-gas-dynamic computation of throttle characteristics and manual identification of a mathematical model from the experiment, in contrast to other software products [4, 5]. Modern software tools application, such as ThermoGTE, for the engine thermo-gas-dynamic computations performing may reduce significantly the time for the engine development and parametric finishing, which in its turn helps reducing the financial expenditures for development, which is of utter importance for the global engine building. As the result of the ThermoGTE modern thermo-gas-dynamic computation software package application, the designed APU was capable of ensuring the technical specifications fulfillment. The problem of the APU parametric finishing being solved demonstrated the possibility of predicting both engine operating and parametric characteristics in the presence of the precisely formed mathematical model, which ensures eventually the possibility of its optimization and modernization. The article presents the example of the APU mathematical model effective identification by several correction factors for the assemblies’ characteristics. The applied approach to the mathematical model identification can be successfully adapted to solve more complex scientific and technical problems at both the design stage of gas turbine engines and their during mass production, which brings us closer to the product thermodynamic passport creating. The thermodynamic passport development will allow not only conducting virtual experiments, integrating the mathematical model into aviation simulators and automatic control systems on board the aircraft as well.
APU parametric finishing, GTE mathematical model identification, the APU thermo-gas-dynamic computation with the ThermoGTE, correction factor for the APU mathematical model units’ characteristics, APU thermo-gas-dynamic optimizationReferences
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