Numerical Modeling of Inter-Rotor Bearing Rotation with Real Operating Conditions Simulation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Semenova A. S.*, Kuz’min M. V.**, Kirsanov A. R.***

Lyulka Experimental Design Bureau, branch of the United Engine Corporation – Ufa Engine Industrial Association, 13, Kasatkina str., Moscow, 129301, Russia



The article being presented considers the method for the estimated determining of the actual skew angles of the inter-rotor bearing rings and contact crumple stresses while numerical modeling of the AL-31F engine system with both satellite and birotating rotation of rotors. Computational model for determining the skew value of the bearing rings is as close as possible to the real structure specifics and its operating conditions. It is noted that the dynamic setting of the problem , realized in the numerical approach, allows obtaining more accurate stresses results and, hence, the inter-rotor bearing endurance.
As of today, the inter-rotor roller bearings, which are owing to their structure intervened between the two shafts of the rotors, rotating with different speeds, are rather widely applied in the structures of the state-of-the-art two-stage engines.
One of the main causes for the inter-rotor bearing failure during operation is the initiation of significant contact stresses and the wear of rolling surfaces accompanying it. The task of the bearings durability determining is solved today mainly by analytical methods based on the results of numerous experimental studies, and on which basis of a number of standards are introduced, both Russian and foreign. Moreover, it should be noted that when contact stresses evaluating these standards do not account for a large number of factors acting while the bearing assembly operation, which often leads to the overestimation of durability. The ring skews, compliance of the thin-walled shafts and housings surrounding the bearing structure, mounting tensions and clearances during installation of bearings in the rotor support, compliance of bearing rings, etc. are among these factors. That is, the problem of contact stresses computing and, accordingly, durability is multifactorial itself. Solution of this problem on contact stresses with account for all existing factors can be obtained in the finite-element setting by numerical methods.
These factors evaluation was accomplished with the LS-Dyna software complex. The rotors were brought to rotation by the explicit method up to 100%.
Two rotors and all transmission bearings completely, including the inter-rotor bearing were modeled. The rotors were spun explicitly to 100%.


inter-rotor bearing, contact crumple stresses, rotor system


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