On Light Transmitting to the Satellite Solar Panels for Its Battery Recharging

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Veisi S.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

e-mail: veisi.saajjad@gmail.com


This study addresses the innovative concept of utilizing light transmission to ‘reanimate’ the onboard power supply system of a passive satellite in a highly elliptical orbit of Mars. By employing a light transmission system aboard an active satellite, comprising a battery, a parabolic reflector, and an LED lamp, this research explores the feasibility of a passive satellite's solar panels remote recharging. The research delves into various configurations, analyzing the performance of LED lamps with input currents of 20 mA and 100 mA, and examines both symmetric and asymmetric reflector designs. Assuming the satellites have achieved the requisite proximity, with precise orientation and the reflector deployed, the focus is on evaluating the potential for a partial recharge of the passive satellite's battery — up to 10% of its full capacity. This evaluation considers both static conditions and scenarios involving passive satellite rotation, alongside a thorough analysis of the active satellite's battery discharge rates. The findings reveal a notable efficiency in the light transmission system equipped with a low-input current LED (20 mA) and an asymmetric reflector configuration. In scenarios devoid of satellite rotation, it is possible to attain a 10% battery recharge within 40 minutes, with the active satellite's battery experiencing a 33% discharge. Further analysis into the rotation of the passive satellite enabled a detailed examination of variations in solar panel illumination and incident ray angles, facilitating an accurate assessment of charging efficiency. Two strategic approaches for recharging are proposed. The first strategy initiates charging at the commencement of the passive satellite's rotation cycle, achieving a 10% recharge in 73 minutes. This method necessitates maintaining specific orientation and proximity for 264 minutes and results in a 61% discharge of the active satellite's battery. The second strategy, initiating charging at a precise moment within the rotation cycle, successfully achieves a 10% recharge in 77 minutes, with the active satellite's battery discharging by 64% and requiring the maintenance of orientation for either 389 or 187 minutes, contingent upon the timing of initiation. This research not only highlights the technical viability of remote satellite recharging via light transmission but also lays the groundwork for future advancements in satellite power management and sustainability in space operations.


spacecraft servicing, light energy transfer, battery recharging, parabolic reflector, solar batteries


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