Parts Machining Efficiency Upgrading of the Gas Turbine Engines Load-Bearing Part

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Migranov M. S.*, Gusev A. S.**, Garifullin K. A., Oplesnin S. S., Repin D. S., Tyurina Y. A.

Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia



The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental research on the technology developing and high-entropy cathodes-targets obtaining by the spark plasma sintering with subsequent magnetron application of innovative nanostructured multilayer wear-resistant coatings on cutting tools, followed by tribotechnical tests. The experimental part of the work included high-temperature tribotechnical tests performing on the two different types of tribometer. The first one was “Nanovea” TRB multifunctional tribometer to assess the adhesion of the coating with the substrate of the tool material and the impact of coating technology on the tribotechnical characteristics. The second one was a specially developed high-temperature adhesion unit (adhesiomer) for carrying out studies of wear resistance of carbide inserts with high-entropy coatings while longitudinal turning of the EI-654 and EI-698 chromium-nickel alloys. High-entropy coatings were obtained on the modernized “HNV-6,6 I1” unit with magnetic-arc filtration system. The results of the experiments, conducted with the above said installations, revealed an extreme character of the friction coefficient dependence on the friction path length with minimum for the “EI 654–VK10 OM” pair at the temperature of 700°C and for the “EI 698 VD–VK10 OM” pair at the temperature of 750°C. This is ensured by the aluminum-based high-entropy coating, particularly with percentage composition of Al - 20%; Ti - 20%; Zr - 15% and V - 15%; Cr - 15%; Nb15.
The results of wear resistance tests for all “tool–part” pairs under study demonstrated of high-entropy coatings effectiveness of application with better indicators compared to the advanced nACo3 coating widely applied in production, since the high-entropy coating Al-20%; Ti-20%; Zr-15%; V-15%; Cr-15%; Nb15 ensures improvement of durability period at turning EI-654 by 34% and EI-698 VD by 16% respectively. In total, the wear resistance upgrade of carbide inserts when turning heat-resistant alloys of the V group of machinability is achieved by ensuring better adhesion between the coating and the tool substrate. It is achieved as well by the adhesion component reducing of the friction coefficient between the tool with wear-resistant coating and the material being machined, and by reducing and ensuring favorable temperature and force conditions while cutting.


GTE parts, aircraft structural elements, high-entropy wear-resistant coatings; carbide blades for turning, heat-resistant alloys, tribotechnical testings, cutting tools wear resistance, cutting force temperature and components


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