Improving the Technology of Electromagnetic Compression of Branch Tube with Blinds of the Air Exchange System of Aircraft by Numerical Simulation

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Ahmed Soliman M. E.*, Kurlaev N. V.**, Shaidurov S. V.***

Novosibirsk State Technical University, 20, prospect Karla Marksa, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia



Electromagnetic tube compression is a high-speed process of generating electromagnetic pulses. This process can be used to connect a metal tube with another tube or rod, and the traditional forming method can be partially replaced. The purpose of this research is the development and application of a branch tube electromagnetic forming technology, and the main problems are control of the branch tube forming process, precise forming and accurate measurement of large diameter tube. In this paper, we used an analytical method based on the mutual force between the coil and the tube. This compression process is applied to conductive materials considered as tube corresponding to the inductance of the coil connected to the RLC circuit and the inductance of the tube. In this work, the theoretical relationship between electromagnetic force and process parameters was determined, and the influence of discharge voltage and technological parameters of blinds was analyzed. In order to select the ideal gap between the die and the workpiece in the pulsed magnetic field pressure crimping operation for the production of a tube with blinds, several calculations were performed with different gaps of 1~3 mm. It was found that the ideal gap should be ≤ 1 mm, that is, the first reason for the uneven distribution of the electromagnetic force in the circumferential direction is the gap between the die and the aluminum tube. It can be noted that the larger the gap, the worse the blinds are folded into the shape of the die, since more voltage is required, and the smaller the gap, the better the blinds are folded into the shape of the die. This depends on the number of elements of the shell body that needs to be built on the tubular workpiece, the fewer blinds were built on the tubular workpiece, the more evenly the deformation was distributed on the blinds and the tube. It can also be noted that the shape of the spiral coil, the number of its turns and the distance between the turns are the main reason that affects the distribution of the electromagnetic force and the uniformity of the deformation along the aluminum tube.


electromagnetic tube compressing, electromotive force, boundary conditions for compressing the electromagnetic tube, von Mises equivalent stress, branch tube with shutters, aircraft tubular parts


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