Technical Condition Assessment Technique of the Main Rotor Sleeve by the X-Ray Computer Tomography

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering


Mitryaikin V. I.1*, Sachenkov O. A.2**, Zaitseva T. A.1***, Krotova E. V.1****, Zakirov R. K.3*****, Iksanov R. C.4******

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
2. Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya St., 420008, Russia
3. Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital named after prof. A.F. Agafonov, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
4. Kazan Higher Tank Command Order of Zhukov Red Banner School, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia



Polymer composite materials (PCM) are widely applied while creating samples of the modern aircraft engineering. Spiral X-ray computer tomography (SXCT) is one of the state-of-the-art methods of the composite materials non-destructive testing. With the SXCT, a physical quantity reconstructed in the sectional plane is the the X-ray attenuation coefficient, which depends on the material density and elements of the material composition.
The article considers the X-ray inspection technique of multilayer composite structures on the example of a helicopter hingeless main rotor (MR) sleeve made from multilayer polymer composite materials. The article presents experimental data obtained while the MR sleeves examination on the X-ray computed tomograph. The authors proposed a technique for the PCM mechanical characteristics identifying by the SXCT. Along with visual inspection of internal defects based on tomograms of structural sections, this technique allows performing a quantitative assessment of the material structure. While the object examination, its 3D-model is being created with the values of the relative X-ray attenuation coefficient in Hounsfield numbers (HU), which depend on the density and porosity of the material. The authors proposed to employ correlation dependencies to determine the material porosity based on the values of the X-ray attenuation coefficient, which allows identifying the mechanical characteristics of structures and assess the level of permissible loads. As the result, they proposed an algorithm for automated data processing of tomographic studies based on the results of measurements statistical processing of both reference and tested product.
In the case of the physical-and-mechanical characteristics degradation exceeding the tolerance the sleeve is being rejected. Comparison of the results of both reference and tested torsion bars measurement is most effective by the histograms, which demonstrate percentage of this or that HU values in the torsion bar section under study.
The SXCT data is being accepted as a digital prototype of the real product, which contains information not only about materials distribution along the product volume, but the data on local defects as well. This approach may reduce the number of studies, substituting them by the numerical modeling. The products quality herewith may be controlled by the interactive system sensitive only to the defects. There is no need to spend time in flawless sections assessing since the system directs the studies right to the suspicious areas.


multilayer composite structures, non-destructive testing, X-ray computed tomography, helicopter main rotor sleeve, digital prototype, internal defects


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