The Study of Nanostructured Innovative Coatings Tribotechnical Characteristics for Heat-Resistant Alloys Cutting Work

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science


Metel’ A. S.1*, Volosova M. A.1**, Migranov M. S.1***, Gusev A. S.1****, Repin D. S.1, Kharunov R. R.2

1. Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN", 1, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994, Russia
2. Ufa University of Science and Technology, 32, Zaki Walidi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia



Domestic machine-building production development as a whole and aircraft engine building in particular require under modern conditions designing and implementation of innovative brands of both machined and tools materials. It should be done with a view to the tactical-and-technical parameters enhancing of the manufactured products of the first category. Moreover, operational properties of the second one under conditions of variability of cutting modes, such as face turning, turning complex-profile surfaces with the variable cross section of the cut layer etc. as well as high-speed machining with the necessity for high quality indicators ensuring requirement of the machined surface should be enhanced. Application in aerospace and aviation production of workable materials with unique operational characteristics require ensuring high reliability and workability of the separate sections of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) parts and load-bearing structures of the aircraft. This is due to their operating in the wide range of temperature mode changes, at the intensive power impact on the structural elements of the assemblages and consequently leading to the significant variable stress-strain condition. Such critical parts as blades, disks, deflectors, fastening elements, noses and labyrinths of GTE and aircraft are being machined on modern high-speed metalworking equipment fitted out with expensive automatic or adaptive control systems. At the same time, it is well-known that the basis of the said critical parts effective in terms of subsequent operational characteristics, such as service life (durability), wear resistance, maintainability as well as safety, increased quality indicators of the machined surface of the finished product, etc., are being laid down at the machining operations. The weakest link in the technological chain associated with blade metal cutting herewith is the metal cutting tool, which significantly constrains both the productivity of the process and reduces quality indicators of the machined surface. It should be noted as well that the acute shortage of tungsten, being the basis of cutting tools, is the main reason for intensification of the work on the development of methods for extending the operation duration and reducing its consumption. On the assumption of the abovementioned, the article presents the results of tribotechnical studies of composite multilayer nanostructured wear-resistant coatings on hard-alloyed tool material during turning heat-resistant chromium-nickel alloys employed in the parts manufacturing of modern gas turbine engines and airframe elements. By the results of tribotechnical tests of innovative wear-resistant coatings on the tool material (“ nACo3 ”; “ nACo3+TiB2 ”; “ nACRo ”; “ nACRo+TiB2 ”; “( CrAlSi)N + DLC ”) as on high-temperature tribometers (coefficient of friction in reciprocating motion; adhesion component of friction coefficient (τ nn / prn ); shear strength of adhesion bonds (τ nn ); normal contact stresses ( prn ), and at full-scale experiments at turning of CHN50MVKTUR and CHN58MBUD-ID heat-resistant chromium-nickel alloys of the coatings under study in a wide range of change of elements of a mode of cutting allowed to establish that the greatest wear resistance (length of a cutting path, period of durability of the tool) ensures the (nACo3+TiB2) multilayer nanostructured coating. The comparative analysis showed the improvement of wear resistance by 100% in comparison with uncoated cutting or by 35% when working with the “(CrAlSi)N + DLC” coating for the “CHN50MVKTUR - VK10 OM” pair, respectively by 90% when cutting without coating and by 30% with the “(CrAlSi)N + DLC” coating for the “CHN58MBUD-ID - VK10 OM” pair.


innovative nanostructured wear-resistant coatings; carbide inserts for turning, heat-resistant chromium-nickel alloys, tribotechnical tests


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