The analysis of a transfer Earth Mars with a lunar gravity assist maneuver and use of a small thrust

Spacecraft and Rockets


Elnikov R. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This paper describes а main results of analysis of the interplanetary trajectories «Earth-Mars» which use a lunar gravity assist maneuver. The space transportation system, which consists of the launch vehicle «Soyuz 2-1b», the upper stage «Fregat» and a space vehicle with two electric propulsions «SPT-140D» is considered in the article. The comparison of flight schemes to Mars with and without the use of lunar gravity assist is presented. The winning final spacecraft mass from the effects of lunar gravity assist maneuver is assessed.


spacecraft, electric propulsion system, interplanetary trajectory, lunar gravity assist, optimization — informational site of MAI

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