Economics and management
*, *, **, ***Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia
Proposed and implemented in practice the scientific- methodical approach to work to develop a Comprehensive plan of research in the part of the state aviation in the framework of the National development plan of science and technology in the aviation industry until 2025 and the subsequent perspective (further the National plan) allowed joint decision representatives of enterprises and organizations of the aviation industry, theResearch Organizations of theRussian Defense Ministry:
- to clarify and adjust bids to perform research;
- linked to the development of research claimed the final products of the government programs, primarily to assess their main indicators to conclude that the consistency of these studies and decide whether further consideration;
- expedite and facilitate the decision-making experts on the priority of particular studies and their inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan of research, given the established limits funding for the National Plan.
National plan, the state program, aircraft industry, a comprehensive plan of researchReferences
- Gosudarstvennaja programma «Razvitie aviacionnoj promyshlennosti na 2013-2025gody» (The Government program «Development ofthe aviation industry on2013- 2025years») approved bythe order ofthe Government ofRussia from 24.12.2012, №2509-r.
- Saati T., Kerns K. Analiticheskoe planirovanie. Organizatsiya sistem (Analytical planning. Organization ofsystems), Moscow, Radio isvyaz, 1991, 224p.
- Krotov Р.R., Dvornykov I.V., Shmelev S.A. Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 2013, vol.20, no.4, pp. 227-234. — informational site of MAI Copyright © 1994-2024 by MAI |