Organizing mechanism of risk controlling of the productive processes at aircraft engine-building enterprises


Danilochkina N. G.*, Ryapukhin A. V.**, Cherner N. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article presents the executive summary of risk controlling of the continuity of productive processes and mechanism as applied to the enterprises of the aircraft engine industry. Creation of world-class corporations in the key segments of aviation industry requires, among other things, design of aircraft engines that meet international standards and allows a successful entrance to the global market of domestic corporate formations in the aircraft industry, as major players for long-term perspective. The necessary condition for stable functioning and development of aircraft engine-building enterprises is their ability to detect and prevent in time negative consequences that can jeopardize the very existence of the enterprise. In aircraft engine-building industry, as in many other branches of Russias military industrial complex, the necessity for radical restructuring of the enterprise management system is urgent, and under conditions of uncertainty in particular. We need to introduce new tools of enterprise management by which the continuity of production is provided. One of the tools responsible for ensuring the stability and survival of an enterprise is the continuity of the production processes risk controlling.

Analysis of the research in the field of management, productive processes continuity at the enterprises of machine-building industry both in Russia and abroad has allowed development of conceptual basics of the productive processes continuity risk controlling for enterprises of the aircraft engine-building. The article presents the structured analysis of the existing standards for continuity of production activities allowing develop the principles of the productive processes continuity risk controlling.

We classified and substantiateв the data acquired in the course of the study. It allowed developing scientific methodological issues of developing productive processes continuity risk controlling system for aircraft engine- building enterprises. Based on productive methodology of activity continuity control we developed and tested the mechanism of production continuity risk control at JSC Kuznetsov.

Risk controlling is not yet widely used at Russian machine-building enterprises. The scientific research in this field is also staying at the state of growth. Moreover, it does not exhibit systematic approach to the development of productive activities continuity risk controlling. Thus, it is advisable to bring about risk controlling to manufacturing control, using foreign and domestic experience of advanced corporations.


aircraft engine-building, plane making corporations, productive activity, productive processes, рискproductive activity continuity, risk control, organizing mechanism


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