Innovative activities organization specifics on the example of the aviation company


Troshin A. N.*, Semina L. V.**, Nikolenko T. Y.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Under conditions of innovative economy development scientific-and-technological advance, information technologies, wide spread occurrence and implementation of innovations become the main factors of social and economic development. Innovative orientation is an integral characteristic of modern economy. Factors affecting innovative activities are miscellaneous, but cooperation of enterprises with different companies, research organization, corporations and development institutions should be noted. Highly professional team and a new product are of great importance.

Innovative activities of an enterprise should be considered in two ways: on the one hand, it is the result, presented in the form of new products or technologies; on the other hand, it means introduction of products, principles and approaches replacing the preceding ones at the enterprise. It leads to lower production costs, considerably improves consumer properties and quality of the product, and allows meet the growing needs of buyers in the market.

The effectiveness of aviation industry enterprises activities does not consist in savings on the scope and the search for inexpensive resources, but in timely responding to the changes in the external environment. Only the enterprises that are able to adapt their internal environment to external changes without detriment to their activities can hold their competitive position in the domestic and world markets.

The article discusses the issue of maintaining competitiveness through adaptation measures to changes in external environment. The efficiency of the processes during such changes at the enterprise depends on presence of its potentialities, which are determined by production, financial, investment, marketing, personnel, information, resource and scientific and technical potentials.

We define the specific features of innovative activities implementation for enterprises of aviation industry. This article presents the example of organization of conditions for for linear friction welding innovative technologies implementation at the enterprise PJSC “Ufa engine industrial Association”. The paper considers the system of innovative development of an enterprise, as well as possible improvements and the impact of external and internal factors in the process of implementing innovative technologies.

The main conclusions consist in the following: under conditions of the external environment dynamism, developing enterprises must constantly perform internal restructuring to adapt to it, to remain competitive during the strategic period. With that, the project review at various options, and considering all risks is necessary.


innovative activities, adaptive measures, external and internal environment, aviation enterprise innovative technology


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