Optimal porous structure determination to improve aluminum alloy mechanical properties

Metallurgy and Material Science

Metal science and thermal processing of metals and alloys


Voronin S. V.1*, Loboda P. S.2**, Ledyaev M. E.1**

1. Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
2. Samara State Technical University, SSTU, 244, Molodogvardeyskaya str., Samara, 443100, Russia

*e-mail: voronin@ssau.ru
**e-mail: stimulator90@mail.ru


Creating a competitive technology requires implementation of new materials with high specific mechanical properties. Conventionally, such materials are produced by introducing alloying elements, which form strengthening phases within the base metal structure. This approach usually results in the mass gain, because the hardening phase density is often higher than that of the base material. The mass of material can be reduced by introducing it into the volume of structural defects, such as pores. Due to high damping properties, low thermal conductivity, high sound-insulating ability and good moisture resistance, the porous materials are widely used in industry [1-7]. With existing porous aluminum, manufacturing technologies its strength properties decline takes place. However, with porous structure ordering the strength properties of finished products improve [8-10].

Thus, the goal of the presented work consists in improving specific mechanical properties, yield strength in particular, of the material by introducing orderly arranged pores.

This study employed deformation processes finite element modeling with engineering analysis pack MSC.Marc to determine an optimal porous structure [11-12].

The study of porosity and a type of porous structure effect on mechanical properties was carried out with the following types of porous structures: square, field-interleaved, square with a pore in its center, triangle and hexagonal.

With porosity of 0.4 to 0.5% porous samples FEM yield strength matching with compact material FEM samples yield strength is observed. With further porosity decrease growth of yield strength is observed for all types of porous structures. Maximum yield strength increase of 1 to 2% was achieved with porosity of 0.1%.

The blanks for all the samples were cut from the aluminum alloy A5 sheet using laser cutting complex. All the obtained blanks were decollateв into three parts. The first part was left intact as a compact material sample. In the second part of the blanks, the ordered porous structure was obtained by laser burning. In the remaining samples, the porous structure was obtained with CNC milling and engraving machines with the drill diameter of 300 µm.

The finite modelling and real uniaxial tensile tests results matching is observed.


pore, porous structure, finite element technique, modeling, specific mechanical properties, tensile testing, yield strength


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