Spacecraft and Rockets
1*, 2**1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Moscow Aviation Institute (RIAME MAI), Moscow, Russia
*e-mail: mkonst@bk.ru
**e-mail: vgpetukhov@gmail.com
High-elliptical Molniya type orbits can be used for regional and global satellite communication systems aswell as for terrestrial monitoring systems. Such systems can be considered as an addition to geostationary satellite
systems and as an alternative to these systems in some cases. A serious shortcoming of such systems is strong degradation of orbital elements for the satellites and some obstacles to provide stability of the satellite system. An approach is suggested and an algorithm is developed
to ensure stability of the satellite system on high-elliptical orbits. It is shown that average characteristic
velocity consumption can be reduced to a yearly level of 55 m/s to provide stability for a satellite system
consists of typical spacecraft with stationary plasma thrusters of the SPT-70 type. This estimation does not
take into account design restrictions, for example on arrangement of engines. This value is very close to
demanded characteristic velocity consumption to maintain orbit for a geostationary spacecraft.
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