Electrical Engineering
Electromechanics and electric apparatus
1*, 2, 2**1. State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia
2. Ufa State Aviation Technical University, USATU, 12, K. Marx str., Ufa, 450008, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia
*e-mail: makiselev@2100.gosniias.ru
**e-mail: isayakhov92@mail.ru
While increasing the aircraft degree of electrification hydraulic drives fed by centralized fluid power systems substitution by off-line electric drives is assumed.
Translational motion power actuators with ball-and-screw gear are widely used nowadays in aircraft flaps, slats and adjustable stabilizers control systems, and operate reliably for a few minutes per flight.
In the absence of strict requirements to the dynamic characteristics of electric actuators, such as high-lift drives, simple electromechanical actuators with controllable electric motors and mechanical gear are already in use.
During the flight of an aircraft, controlled airfoils are exposed to varying loads under the influence of airflows. These loads cause significant mechanical stresses in the electromechanical actuator, leading to accelerated wear of mechanical actuator components. Another problem with the existing electric actuators is their excessive weight and size as well as difficulty to ensure compliance with the stringent operational safety requirements.
Thus, the goal of this research consists in eliminating these deficiencies and improving the energy and operating characteristics of electric actuators. It is necessary herewith to consider the operation of an electric drive either in active mode, when the energy is spent to set the running gear in motion, or in passive mode, when the running gear is fixed in a certain position and exposed to significant mechanical loads caused by aerodynamic forces.
Based on the presented aerodynamic forces calculations, we analyze the designs that solve the stated problems. These designs allow implementing both the passive and the active electric actuator modes.
We propose a design that makes electric actuators more reliable and durable while operating in the passive mode. This is achieved by removing the output arm from the deadlock position to allow a limited range of deflection and by damping vibrations and oscillations caused by aerodynamic forces within that range.
However, oscillations damping by electromechanical dampers is not always efficient, since it may result in weight and size figures increase under high mechanical loads. This problem could be solved by implementing the electric actuator structure with flexible coupling between the ball-and-screw gear and remaining actuator components in the form of modified elastic compensating clutch. This proposed flexible coupling demonstrates small weight and size figures compared to with electromechanical dampers under heavy loads. Thus, such structure can be realized also in spacecraft.
Judging from the above said, the considered electric actuator construction arrangement allows reduce its weight and size figures. The resource increase in electric actuator passive operation mode is achieved by eliminating rigid fixation of the output arm in dead spots and limited oscillations of the output arm in the operating range of a position sensor.
electric actuator construction arrangement, aerodynamic loads, passive operation modeReferences
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