The effect of chemical composition and heat treatment on mechanical properties of forgings from a pseudo-ß-titanium alloy

Metallurgy and Material Science

Metal science and thermal processing of metals and alloys


Egorova Y. B.1*, Davydenko L. V.2**, Chibisova E. V.3***, Shmyrova A. V.4****

1. ,
2. Moscow Polytechnic University, 38, Bolshaya Semenovskaya str., Moscow, 107023, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
4. Scientific-production enterprise Aerosila, 6, Zhdanov str., Stupino, Moscow region, 142800, Russia



The article presents the results of statistical studies of mechanical properties of the deformed semi-finished products from Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al titanium alloy based on analysis of literature, experimental and commercial data, by the “Stadia 7” software package. The effect of reheat temperature for quenching Th, as well as ageing temperature Tag on mechanical properties was evaluated by method of regressive analysis of the published tе data. Equations for computing polymorphic transformation temperature beta-transus temperature βtr and the quantity of primary α-phase, formed while quenching process on the temperatures interval from 700 °C to βtr were obtained:

βtr = 890 + 22,3Al - 13,9V - 8,0Fe,

nα = (0,3 ± 0,02)·( βtr-Тh), %


1608 ingots and die forgings, manufactured by the industrial technology in 2007-2016 were also the subjects of research. All forgings were subjected to thermal treatment, consisted of quenching (763-798°C for three hours followed by water cooling) and ageing (500-515°C for 8 hours followed by air cooling).

The following factors were selected for statistical analysis: alloying elements’ and impurities’ content, beta-transus temperature, alloy structural equivalents in aluminum    and molybdenum, hardening temperature Th and the aging temperature Tag, the mechanical properties (offset yield strength σ0,2, tensile strength σв, elongation δ , reduction of area ψ , fracture toughness K1C). Primary statistical processing and correlation-regression analysis were performed.

Correlations between mechanical properties with deviations of the brand composition and heat treatment modes were established. At the first stage, pairwise correlations between the investigated factors were analyzed. The results of the analysis revealed that each element separately either does not affect, or affects weakly the level of mechanical properties of forgings, which is most likely stipulated by small intervals of their change. The joint action of the elements, which was evaluated by and , appeared to be more significant, the coefficient of multiple correlation was R=0.3-0.5, the fraction of the of the properties variation was γ ≈10-25%. Coefficients of multiple property correlation with quenching temperature and aging temperature were equal to R = 0,3-0,6 depending on the year of production. The joint effect on theproperties of all four factors (, h, Тag) is evaluated by the coefficients R = 0,35-0,67, γ ≈ 12-45 %. The rest of the variation is stipulated by factors that could not be determined based on the data studied. The generalized regression dependence of the tensile strength of Ti-10-2-3 forgings on the chemical composition and heat treatment modes is:


chemical composition, mechanical properties, heat treatment of Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (Ti-10-2-3) alloy


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