Spacecraft solar batteries dynamic analysis

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Khmelnitskii Y. A.*, Salina M. S.**, Kataev Y. A.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



At present, the extensive studies of outer space are carried out to obtain scientific, economic and military results.

The solar battery is an important element of a spacecraft since it ensures functioning of its equipment.

The solar battery should have high rigidity at maximum loading factor. The structure rigidity exerts a certain effect on oscillatory process and frequency characteristics while a spacecraft maneuvering. It determines also deformations of a solar battery while its transportation to a specified orbit.

Insufficient rigidity reduces the solar battery efficiency.

The dynamic analysis of solar battery envisages determination of natural oscillations shape and frequency, and a time of the oscillatory process termination.

From these positions, comparison of the two spacecraft “Spectr-R” and 14F150 is being considered.

The finite element models were developed for these occurring while the spacecraft turn along the longitudinal axis were determined.

The inherent characteristics of a solar battery structure were being determined by the finite element method employing “NASSTRAN” software.

To determine values of inherent dynamic characteristics of a solar battery panel a series of simulations of the product dynamics were performed with parameters variation of its mathematical model.

These parameters were determined by elastic and dissipative properties of the solar battery panel.

Comparison of stiffness coefficients values and inertial links damping for these types of spacecraft revealed that the solar panels impact on the dynamic characteristics of these spacecraft was practically the same.

The transient time was of 1000 seconds, which exceeded the admissible values. For the solar battery in the considered configuration, the first mode frequency should be of the order of 0.45 Hz with damping factor of the order of 0.1.

In the considered configuration of the panels, their rigidity characteristics should be 16 times, and dissipative characteristics −3 times greater.


solar battery, Spectr-R spacecraft, 14F150 spacecraft, finite element method, stiffness ratio, damring factor, angular velocity, vibration pitch


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