1*, 2**, 1*1. Gas turbine engineering research and production center Salyut, 16, Budennogo av., Moscow, 105118, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: ogk4@salut.ru
**e-mail: yurav@mai.ru, yr@mai.ru
There is an application area for turbomachines where using of gas-lubricated bearings is economically resonable in regard to rather heavy rotors. It is referring to turbogenerators with 500..2000 kW capacity value equipped with high-freguency electrogenerators. Mathematical modelling results are presented in the paper for gas flows within lubrication layer of tilting-pad hydrostatic gas bearings. Experimental data are described to demonstrate bearing strength and rigidity for discussed bearings.Keywords:
gas-lubricated bearings; hydrostatic gas bearings; tilting-pad bearings
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