Analysis of the possibility of creating different purpose aviation engines of the based engine core

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

DOI: 10.34759/vst-2023-1-156-166


Gusmanova A. A.*, Ezrokhi Y. A.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



Traditional method based on definition of the most rational engine and its units project parameters proceeding from intended purpose and features of operation is usually used when the new aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) creation in practice. Besides, another method, supposing max-imum possible use of some engine units and elements from its predecessor already manufactured and checked up in operation, is widely used.

The rest of engine units of the new engine are designed anew, most of-ten at higher technical and/or technological level. In this case, it is possible to expect occurrence of the new engine (usually of the same generation) in a shorter time and at a lower cost.

In practice, preserved engine units are usually considered the high-pressure compressor (HPC), as the most labor-intensive in designing and operational development GTE unit, or engine core, consisting of the HPC, the combustion chamber and the high-pressure turbine (HPT).

For the successful realization of this method when creating a new en-gine (or families of engines) of the required thrust or power rate, it is necessary, that initial «engine-donor» has a core with the necessary parameters, first of all, core size parameter and compressor pressure ratio.

Because such a condition is not always executable, the problem of creation new engine core, capable of meeting the thrust and power requirements of a number of engines for various purpose constructed on the basis of this unified core, is set.

The results of parametrical research of three the most widespread schemes engines variants, having same base engine core, are presented in the article.

As an example, options for replacing some foreign engines, applied on domestic aircrafts, with new alternative engines, constructed on the basis of this unified core, are shown.


unified core, core size parameter, turbofan engine, turboshaft engine, trust and specific fuel parameters, engine mathematical model


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