Flight reliability

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Pisarenko V. N.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

e-mail: viktornpisarenko@gmail.com


The paper presents and analyzes the conditions and of a characteristics of the flight on modern aircraft with a crew of two pilots. The analysis of the flight is made in terms of flight safety. Examples of real events in the air, which led to the disaster due to the fault of the pilots, are described. Today, Airbus of A320 family performs the main air transport service, so the aircraft A320 control system is considered as basic for this analysis. The aircraft with a crew of two pilots control model in the form of man-machine system is built by converting the control system A320. Using mathematical tools of linear algebra the automatic and manual control of the aircraft structuring was carried out. Manual control of the aircraft is performed using SIDE STICKs by the captain and a co-pilot. More precise requirements to aircraft automatic control negative feedback were developed. The problem of the plane commander, which steer consists in the necessity to fly the aircraft in case of aircraft systems failure or incorrect actions of a co-pilot, was described mathematically. The model of the aircraft automatic control feedback transfer coefficients matrix was built in LabVIEW. Numeric and analytical studies of aircraft piloting in the form of the process of flight control were carried out. The definition of flight reliability was represented as a function of aviation equipment failure-free operation and error-free performance of the crew. The equations for flight reliability calculation under automated control and during active control of both pilots are presented. The regularity of reliability reduction due to aircraft automatic flight control system failure or non-participation of a co-pilot in controlling an aircraft is determined. Reliability calculation equations for operation in such conditions are presented. Detailed recommendations for flight reliability ensuring during crew preparation to the flight and flight operation are given.


aircraft, flight safety, automatic control, matrix, manual actuation, failure probability, flight reliability


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