The concept of estimation of labor potential effect on sustainable development of the aerospace industry enterprise


Kaloshina M. N.*, Chemerisova A. V.*

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper presents the concept of estimation of labor potential effect on sustainable development of aerospace industry enterprise that includes three basic phases:

Phase 1: Airspace industry enterprise labor potential structure analysis.

Phase 2: Analysis and selection of aerospace industry enterprise activities that depend on specifics of aerospace enterprises and labor potential characteristics.

Phase 3: Evaluation of the enterprise cost with allowance for labor potential effect on its sustainable development.

Phase 1 starts with selection of sustainable development indicators of the enterprise, analysis of the enterprise specifics, methods and approaches to estimating the enterprise’s labor potential and factors affecting it.

At the first phase the optimum system of criteria for the particular enterprise according to the selected groups, as well as integrated estimated figures are formed.

At the second phase of the concept we reveal and select such performance indicators of the enterprise, which depend directly in a greater degree on labor potential and in a lesser degree on indirect and background factors. The authors selected two indicators: “product cost” and “enterprise cost”.

At the third phase the total cost of an enterprise is estimated within the framework of three approaches (extravagant, comparative and profitable) with allowance for sustainable development basic factor — labor potential.

As a result of structural transformations in the industry by the example of Scientific-Production Association “Saturn”, structural changes policy was formed for each of selected trends based on changes of labor potential quantitative and qualitative indicators: staff personnel, fixed-capital assets, raw material stock and taxes.


labor potential, sustainable development, reorganization, aerospace industry


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