ISSN: 0869-6101

Published since 1994. The valid Certificate of Registration of Mass Media ПИ No ФС77-65226 of April 1, 2016., issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor).
The journal is included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) database on the Web of Science platform
The fee for the publication of articles authored by postgraduate students is not charged
issues per year4 issues per year
Unilateral anonymous (“blind”)
The Journal is a specialized periodical peer-reviewed edition. The Journal is a specialized periodical peer-reviewed edition. The published articles deal with the processes occurring at the stages of development, production and operation of aircraft, their elements, systems and complexes. All publications are categorized by scientific fields: aviation and rocket-space technology; engineering; electrical engineering; structural and functional materials; technical and economic processes and indicators in the core industries.
Scientific, scientific and technical, analytical articles previously unpublished and corresponding to the standards of publication ethics issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are accepted for publication. All materials are checked for compliance with the journal's scope and requirements of the academic standards, structure and design, as well as the absence of plagiarism. Articles are published after the recommendation of the reviewer in case of positive decision of the editorial Board.
Each article is accompanied by annotation (in Russian) and abstract (in English), allocated on the open electronic resources and helping the reader make the decision on purchasing the full text of the article, or subscribing to it. Archives of the articles dating more than five years from the date of publication are in the free access in the electronic form. Archives of articles, since the moment of which publication more than five years have passed, are in free public access in electronic form.
The Journal is oriented at the readers, whose interests are related to the aerospace industry, including research institutes, project and design bureaus, manufacturing enterprises, operating organizations, profile educational institutions.
The journal is published four times a year in printed form, but additional special issues can be formed by the decision of the editorial board.
The Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation included the Journal into “The List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degree of a doctor and candidate of sciences should be published” over the following groups of specialties:
05.07.00 | Aircraft and Space-Rocket Engineering |
05.02.00 | Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science |
05.16.00 | Metallurgy and Materials Science |
Correspondence address
4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125993, Russia
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Aerospace MAI Journal
Materials in paper form should be sent by mail without a declaration of cost!
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