A transport level integration for applications using open source technology

Computer Science and Control


Mashkov K. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: kmashkov@gmail.com


Many medium-size and large corporations use a variety of computer applications for managing data, including supply chain management applications (for managing inventory and shipping), customer relationship management applications (for managing current and potential customers), business intelligence applications (for managing internal operations), and other types of applications (for managing data such as human resources data, internal communications, etc). Unfortunately, such applications typically cannot communicate with one another in order to share data or business rules; for this reason, such applications are sometimes referred to as islands of automation or information silos. This lack of communication leads to inefficiency, in the form of the same data having to be stored in multiple locations, or straightforward processes that are unable to be automated. This article reviews two integration platform namely Mule ESB and Jboss ESB. A bank credit reception is considered as an example. Architecture of systems and appropriate integration decision is presented.


enterprise application integration; enterprise service bus; message; router; transformer; channel; connector

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