1*, 2**1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Company «Red Star», 1а, Elektrolitny proezd, Moscow, 115230, Russia
*e-mail: demidov@mai.ru
**e-mail: re.entry@g23.relcom.ru
A technique is presented to estimate damage level and stresses for structural materials. The technique is based on the conception suggested by Yu.N. Rabotnov to describe a fracture with creep process for cantilever stainless steel samples basing on changes in natural frequency and amplitude of oscillations. The oscillation amplitudes together with overload factor values can be used to evaluate beam stresses. The technique usage is demonstrated by means of some numeral examples.Keywords:
damage, stress, oscillations, natural frequency, amplitude, cantilever samples
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