Methodical approach to aggregating computing of spacecraft manufacturing labor intensity

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Galkin N. A.*, Kondratenko A. N.**, Gaponenko O. V.***, Chiryukin E. V.****, Sviridova E. S.*****

NPO “Technomash”, 40, 3rd proezd Mar’inoi Roshchi, Moscow, 127018, Russia

****e-mail: Chiryukin@tm.fsa
*****e-mail: e.sviridova@tm.fsa


For the purpose of the aerospace industry (AI) enterprises readiness to the implementation of State and commercial programs, it is necessary to perform an assessment of the production capabilities loading with regard to the labor costs for development efforts (DE) and spacecraft (SC) production.

The set task was being solved by the product capabilities conformity evaluation of the aerospace equipment (AE) head manufacturer with the federal target and government programs determining the required nomenclature and number of products, as well as the due dates of their production.

The spacecraft production is of a unit character with irregular repetition in the course of the years of production, where the products after the flight development tests (FDT) of the SC No 1 may have changes in the composition of the onboard equipment and design. The SC of manned programs production is individual and depends on the crew list and mission objectives.

Nowadays, based on the experience of the previous works and the prospective trends of development, engineers worked upon a number of unified space platforms (USP), which can significantly reduce the labor intensity of the SC manufacture. Development of the unified space platforms significantly reduces the volume and design cycles. In connection to the tried- and-true structural elements application the share of testing per one product set, which allows reduce the number of manufactured experimental installations.

The algorithm of SC manufacturing labor cost determining describes the sequence of labors costs computing of classification groups, containing tactical and technical characteristics of the products. The initial data on the actual and planned labor intensity of the SC production at the manufacturing enterprises were the products, both being manufactured and under development.

The first article of the stock-produced item manufactured for the flight development tests (FDT), at both single and several SC launch is assumed as a calculated labor intensity. The labor intensity calculation does not account for labor costs for the product manufacturing for performing inspection­sampling and periodical test.

The algorithm for the aggregating assessment of the SC production labor intensity is based on the layout solutions classification (constructive-technological schemes) of various types of SC. This algorithm has successfully proved itself within the framework of the “The SC Investments” research effort (RE) implementation, significantly increasing the accuracy of the loading prediction per product.

Calculation by the proposed algorithm is determined by a sufficient degree of technical solutions study at the stages of technical, draft and working projects, when analogous products, novelty factors or structural complexity of a new product can be determined.

Based on the obtained calculations, it is possible to evaluate and analyze the loading of the production capabilities of the main enterprise, specializing in the SC manufacturing. This will ensure the authenticity, completeness and estimation efficiency of the similar enterprises potential production.

Further development of this aggregating calculation algorithm of the DE and SV production labor intensity within the framework of assessing the feasibility measures of strategic plans for the technological development of the AI, the authors see in its automation. Besides, a coefficient characterizing technical level and industrial organization at the main manufacturing enterprises of the AE should be added to the algorithm. The proposed algorithm for the labor costs of SC production calculating was used by the center of integrated planning specialists of NPO “Technomash” in assessing the feasibility of the Russian Federal Space Program policy and the tasks of the Defense Procurement and Acquisition in 2017–2018, which confirmed its practical significance.

Calculated evaluation of labor costs for the SV production are recommended for employing as a basis for conducting technical and economic analysis, comparing alternative projects and developing perspective plans and programs. This labor input intensity algorithm will increase the accuracy of the enterprise predicted loading, resulting in the balance of the production program.


labor intensity, realizability, aerospace manufacturing, classifier manufacturing capabilities


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