Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
1, 1, 2, 2*, 21. Tula State University, TulGU, 92, Lenin av., Tula, 300012, Russia
2. Instrument Design Bureau named after academician A.G. Shipunov, 59, Shcheglovskaya Zaseka str., Tula, 300001, Russia
The work is devoted to the caliber air-intake device development for an aircraft with a rocket-ramjet engine moving in the dense layers of the atmosphere.
Analysis of the trends in the near-range aircraft with active start development demonstrates that one of the main directions of their improvement is the flight range increase The mass-size characteristics of the aircraft herewith remain at the same level, which does not allow employ the extensional development trends. Under these conditions, an important place is ranked by the trend related to the rational onboard energy utilization, within which framework the already classical solution are employed. However, the potential of these solutions is currently close to its limit.
In this regard, special attention is paid to propulsion systems (PS), which energy capabilities can be improved through the atmospheric air employing, and to a rocket-ramjet engine (RRE) in particular.
One of the key elements that largely determines the rocket-ramjet engine efficiency in total is the air-intake device (AID).
The proposed work novelty lies in the fact that the guided artillery shell (GAS) with its specific layout and functional features is considered as the object of study, and the search for a reasonable compromise between the requirements for the propulsion system and the shell as a whole is performed.
The problem of the AID rational configuration is being solved complexly based on the combination of numerical modelling methods and wind tunnel tests.
The initial variant of the twelve-nozzles caliber AID was developed for the pilot studies.
The works aimed at obtaining the throttle characteristics were performed.
One of the key features of the AID initial version was low efficiency of the boundary layer drainage system, which negatively affected its characteristics. In this regard, the initial model was modified to the second and later to the third option, characterized by an increased area of drain channels.
A positive result, manifested in an increase in the coefficient of the total pressure restoration by 14-20%, and the coefficient of air consumption by 11-27% for the third option, allowed form priorities for the subsequent AID configuration with a modified boundary layer discharge system and boxlike nozzles.
This solution allowed maintaining the aft location of the caliber non-regulated AID and the power plant with moderate total pressure losses and more stable air intake operation.
The performed studies allowed soundly obtain the most rational option of the caliber four-nozzle nonregulated AID for aft located RRE, integrated into the GAS structure. According to the preliminary estimates, this solution ensures provides a flight range increase by 25% compared to the GAS, equipped with the solid engine and bottom gas generator.
air-intake device, rocket-ramjet engineReferences
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