Small-size gas turbine engine with free turbine and heat recovery system heat exchanger within the 200 HP power class

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Osipov I. V.1*, Remchukov S. S.2**

1. Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya St., Moscow, 111116, Russia
2. Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The article presents a preliminary study of a small- size gas turbine engine (SGTE) of the 200 HP power class with a free turbine (FT) and a heat exchanger (HE) of the engine exhaust heat regeneration system. The presented engine is being developed primarily for unmanned aerial vehicles of various types and purposes (helicopters and airplanes).

The engine is available in two versions, namely, without a heat exchanger of the heat regeneration system, for the aircraft with short range and flight duration, and with a heat exchanger for the aircraft with long flight duration.

Characteristics calculations were performed for both the TSEr-200 engine with complex heat regeneration cycle and for the TSE-200 engine without heat regeneration [5].

Computational studies on sizes and type of the recuperative heat exchanger, rational for the given problem, were performed while the TSEr-200 engine development. A bundle of tubes was employed to determine basic dimensions of the heat exchanger matrix, on the assumption of the preliminary computation convenience (as the most worked out) [6].

The design arrangement of the heat exchanger and gas genera The structural layout of the heat exchanger and gas generator was developed based on the primary matrix computations.tor was developed based on the primary matrix computations. The heat exchanger includes 12 separate modules interconnected by the common manifold. Each matrix module is placed in individual casing.

Computational studies of various plate matrix types, as the most technologically worked-out at present and less expensive, were performed after the general layout developing. These computational studies were performed with the Ansys software package [11] using existing techniques for gas dynamic flows computing [12-15]. The computation results revealed significant hydraulic losses in the place of the flow turning inside the heat exchange matrix. Analysis of the results led to the necessity of studying the one- pass scheme of the coolant movement.

Computational studies of the heat exchanger option with the one-pass flow scheme revealed that total hydraulic losses for coolants did not exceed 3%. However, the layout of the heat exchanger with the engine was changed to organize the return of the air, preheated in the heat exchanger, to the combustion chamber. A distinctive feature of the proposed layout of the heat exchanger with SGTE is that the heat exchanger consists of 8 unified blocks, arranged in a circle among the three manifolds: the front one and two rear ones. All manifolds are cast and they are bearing elements of the engine.

For further work on the heat exchanger of the TSEr-200 engine, an option of the matrix with the “Frenkel packing” type plates of a single-pass scheme was adopted.

To confirm the feasibility of the heat exchanger project for the TSEr-200 engine, a matrix of the demonstration version of the heat exchanger with the “Frenkel packing” type heat exchange surface was developed. The module will be tested on the CIAM universal test bench as a part of the demo small gas turbine unit with the 4 kW capacity.


small-sized gas-turbine engine, plate heat exchanger


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