A tool-blank state monitoring while cutting process using kalman filter

Machine-building Engineering and Machine Science

Mechanical Engineering Technology


Kovalev A. A.*, Zinova V. V.**

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: kovalevarta@gmail.com
**e-mail: zinova.vasilissa@mail.ru


The article discusses the issue of the cutting process monitoring possibility using the acoustic emission method by processing the input signal using the Kalman filter. A filter was selected to solve the problem. The inference was drawn on the possibility of monitoring the gradual wear-out and chipping of the cutting edge by Kalman filter.

The article consists of three main parts: introduction, the main part, and conclusions.

The introduction considers the problems occurring while automating the technological process of blank parts machining. With this, a part of events is deterministic, while the other part is random. Thus, to ensure the required quality level in the process of automation the cutting zone continuous monitoring is required. It will allow making changes directly while blank parts machining technological processes executing.

The main part of the article presents operation principles of the monitoring systems, based on the

system harmonic oscillations analysis. Various filtering algorithms were considered in particular.

The Kalman filter was chosen as the object of study as one of the most common algorithms in the theory of automatic control. The goals were set and the tasks were formulated. Criteria are being set, which the desired filter should meet for continuous for the cutting area monitoring. The main approaches to solving filtering problems are being considered and compared with the Kalman filter. The inference is being drawn that this filter is the most suitable for solving the set problem. Measurements are being performed, the results, processed by the three Kalman filters versions are being analysed, and one of them, best meeting all the necessary requirements is being selected.

The conclusions formulated the possibilities for Kalman filter application for continuous monitoring of the tool blank state in the cutting process and gave recommendations to the future work, and filter coefficient selecting in particular.


Kalman linear filter, acoustic emission, alpha-beta filter, continuous monitoring, cutting process


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