On practicality of deflectable thrust vector application for civil aircraft

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles


Bragazin V. F.*, Gusarova N. A.**, Dement’ev A. A.***, Skvortsov E. B.****, Chernavskikh Y. N.*****

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia

*e-mail: bvf15@yandex.ru
**e-mail: ninagusarova17@mail.ru
***e-mail: Alexander.A.Dementyev@yandex.ru
****e-mail: skvortsov-tsagi@yandex.ru
*****e-mail: urij_ch@mail.ru


The study focuses on the engine deflectable thrust vector (DTV) application on the civil aircraft to improve its controllability, as well as take-off and cruising-flight characteristics.

Thrust vector deflection is achieved through the movable nozzles. Three options of the engines location in the aircraft layout, namely, on the pylons under the wing, as well as on the pylons of the fuselage nose and tail parts were considered. Esteems of the DVT application as an additional element to the aerodynamic control elements were obtained.

The DVT application as an additional balancing element of pitch and/or yow control leads to the possible reduction of the horizontal tail (HT) and/or vertical tail (VT). Thus, for the aircraft layout with the engines under the wing, the HT area reduction may be of 11%, and VT area reduction of 8%. For the aircraft layout with the engines in the fuselage tail part, the VT area reduction may be of 13–20%. The DVT application along with the aircraft aerodynamic control elements allows increase the effectiveness of the lateral, pitch and yow control, as well as reduce the aircraft response time to the steady-state overload.

The aircraft cruising aerodynamic quality changing depending on the engines position on the aircraft and thrust vector deflection was considered. The largest increase in maximum quality was realized with the engines location in the front part of the fuselage and upward thrust vector deflection. It was revealed, that aerodynamic quality increases about 2% within the angles range of 0° to ±10°. According to the preliminary estimates, the aggregate impact of several factors may ensure the fuel consumption reduction in the cruising flight by approximately 3–4%.

While studying the takeoff trajectory, it was found that the largest trajectory slope angle at the safe takeoff speed was possible with the DVT engines application in the taili part of the fuselage.

According to the preliminary data, the DVT application bears a potential to improve a civil aircraft operational characteristics. The DVT significant useful effects are the possibility of aircraft control dynamics improvement and flight safety enhancement at the takeoff/landing and climbing modes.


deflectable thrust vector, advantageous effects, control system, aircraft characteristics


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