Joint measurement of gas-dynamic parameters of two-phase highly concentrated flows by laser-optical and probe methods

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Lepeshinskii I. A.*, Tsipenko A. V.**, Reshetnikov V. A.***, Kucherov N. A.****, Sya S. *****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers the problems of joint application of the laser-optical technique for measuring parameters of the two-phase highly concentrated gas-drop flow. Each technique does not allow measuring all necessary parameters. The probe method allows adequate measuring of the local values of the phase flow rates and determine concentration, while measuring phase velocities and drops dispersivity requires suggestion of various hypotheses, requiring experimental verification.

Laser methods allow measure the drops velocities and their sizes in the two-phase flow. However, earlier they could not be applied for studying the flows with large concentration of dispersed phase, as well as determining the gas phase parameters in the two-phase flow. The laser engineering evolution resulted in developing lasers with high spatial and temporal definition, allowing their operation in the area of high concentration of the condensed phase. Combining these two techniques for the two-phase flow study allows go ahead in the area of measuring the parameters, which were either impossible to be measured, or determined with significant error. Particularly, to measure the gas phase velocity and improve measurement accuracy.

Laser-optical methods and Probe methods have long been employed to measure two-phase flow parameters. They are the ones of the few, by which local phase flow rate can be measured. However, their application arouses a number of problems. This is isokinetic problem while sampling and the impact elasticity coefficient selection. Certain design improvements and the probe technique application in compilation with PIV-method allows solving these problems and determining all parameters of the two- phase flow at high concentrations.

The probe represents a cylindrical channel employed in two modes: sampling and measuring the stagnation pressure of a two-phase flow. The problem of isokinetic sampling and selecting the elastic coefficients values of the impact of drops, determining the kinetic energy transfer in the two-phase flow during its braking (the stagnation pressure measurement), were analyzed. To ensure isokineticity, a structural solution was proposed for the probe, which ensures significant error reduction. Application of laser with high temporal and spatial resolution for measuring (PIV-system) allowed determine the drops velocity in a highly concentrated two-phase flow, and, based on the joint measurement with a probe, the coefficient of impact elasticity. The proposed techniques allowed measuring for the first time all the necessary parameters of the two-phase flow. Particularly, we managed to measure the gas phase velocities, and to perform a qualitative comparison with the flow rate of the gas phase at the two-phase flow outlet from the nozzles of the engine combustion chamber mixer.


two-phase gas-drop flow, probe methods, velocities, phase flow, droplet size, laser- optical methods, impact elasticity coefficient, study of the two-phase nozzle of the of epy air-breathing engine combustion chamber


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